Lesson 19 Consonant CC
Lesson 19 Consonant CC
Lesson 19 Consonant CC
Phonemic Awareness
Materials: Phonemic awareness worksheet
• Say the word cab and emphasize the /k/ sound: /k/ /ab/. Ask students to listen for the
/k/ sound at the beginning of the word as you repeat it. Then have them say the word.
• Tell students you are going to say some words. Some of the words begin with /k/ and
other words do not. Tell them they should say /k/ whenever they hear the /k/ sound at
the beginning of a word. Say the following words one at a time, allowing time for student
response: bun, can, fun, case, cuddle, good, cold, cactus, doll.
• Slowly read the rhyme below, emphasizing the /k/ sound in the words, and have students
clap each time they hear the /k/ sound at the beginning of a word.
The cool crazy cat ate crunchy candy from a hat
while the calm camel ate crispy cabbage in his cage.
Now what do you think of that?
Repeat the above activity until you are confident that students can identify the initial
/k/ sound in the words in the verse.
• Mix up the picture cards and place them in a pocket chart or along the chalkboard ledge
as you name each one. Ask individual students to help you sort the pictures according to
those that start with the /k/ sound and those that don’t.
• Give students the phonemic awareness worksheet for extra practice.
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LESSON 19 Letter Cc /k/ continued
Blend the Sounds
Materials: Decodable teacher word cards
• Place the decodable teacher word cards can, caps, cat, cod, cob, and cot in a pocket
chart or along the chalkboard ledge. Ask students what the six words have in common.
If students don’t respond, point out they all begin with the /k/ sound. Ask them to tell
you the letter that stands for the /k/ sound.
• Demonstrate sounding out the first word by saying each sound as you run your finger
under the word: /k/ /aaa/ /nnn/. Hold the sounds, except for the stop sound /k/, for one
second. Then say the word quickly: can.
• Have students sound out the word with you, holding the sounds for one second.
• Repeat the process with the remaining words, one at a time. Hold all sounds except for
stop sounds.
• Place the word caps in the pocket chart. First demonstrate sounding out cap, while
covering the s at the end. Then uncover the s, and sound out caps, reminding students
that the s at the end of this word makes the /s/ sound and that the s means there is more
than one cap.
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LESSON 19 Letter Cc /k/ continued
Spell Decodable Words
Materials: Letter cards, workmats
• Give students the letter cards and a copy of the workmat. Have them line up the letters
c, o, and d under the boxes on their workmat. Say the word cod slowly. As you say the
sounds, demonstrate how to push up each sound into a box on the workmat. Repeat
and have students do theirs along with you. Tell students that cod is a kind of fish.
• As you model, have students line up the letters c, a, and t under the boxes on their
workmat. Say the word cat. Then have them push up the letters one at a time as they say
the sounds. Have them read the word they have made.
• Ask students what letters they need to spell the word caps. Ask students what sound they
hear at the end of the word. Ask how the /s/ at the end of the word changes the meaning
of the word. Repeat the process with the words can and cob.
• If time allows, use other letters from the letter card page and have students spell words
they have learned in previous lessons.
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LESSON 19 Letter Cc /k/ continued
Read the Decodable Book
Materials: Decodable book The Fat Cat
• Show students the cover of the book. Have them read the title with you as you run your
finger under each word. Ask students what they see in the picture and what they think
the story might be about.
• Turn to page 3 and ask students where the characters are. Point to the word table on
the page and read the word. Have students repeat the word. Ask what sound table starts
• Show students the illustrations in the book and ask them what they think is happening
in the story.
• Give students their books. Read the first page together as you model how to sound out
decodable words and read high-frequency words quickly. If you feel students are able to
read the book on their own, have them continue reading the book independently. If you
feel students need more support, continue to read the book with them.
• After reading the book, ask volunteers to read their favorite sentences in the book. Have
them tell you the name of the cat and some of the things he likes.
More Practice
Materials: Phonics worksheet
• Have students complete the phonics worksheet.
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SOUND/SYMBOL CARD Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
C c
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PICTURE CARDS Set 1 Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
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PICTURE CARDS Set 2 Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
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LETTER CARDS Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
c n a o
p m d s
t e h f
g i b
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WORD CARDS Decodable Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
cod cot
cob can
cat caps
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WORD CARDS Decodable Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
down are
do from
has he
his was
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WORD CARDS High-frequency words 2 Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
put she
the they
her said
like see
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WORKSHEET Phonemic awareness Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
Name:_________________________ Date:____________
Teacher Instructions: Have students color the pictures that begin with the /k/ sound green.
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WORKSHEET Phonics Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
Name:_________________________ Date:____________
can cap
cat cot
Teacher Instructions: Have students read each word with the /k/ sound. Then have them
write words they know in each box that rhyme with each word.
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PRACTICE SHEET Phonics Lesson 19: Cc /k/
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