Fundamental Principles of Green Building and Sustainable Site Design
Fundamental Principles of Green Building and Sustainable Site Design
Fundamental Principles of Green Building and Sustainable Site Design
Abstract— A green building is one whose construction and lifetime of operation assure the healthiest possible environment
while representing the most efficient and least disruptive use of land, water, energy and resources. The optimum design
solution is one that effectively emulates all of the natural systems and conditions of the pre-developed site – after development
is complete. The ideal “green” project preserves and restores habitat that is vital for sustaining life and becomes a net producer
and exporter of resources, materials, energy and water rather than being a net consumer. While many green materials and
technologies do cost more, it has been demonstrated that many green strategies and technologies actually cost the same and
some even cost less than traditional “not-so-green” technologies. Building a green building is not just a matter of assembling a
collection of the latest green technologies or materials. Rather, it is a process in which every element of the design is first
optimized and then the impact and interrelationship of various different elements and systems within the building and site are
re-evaluated, integrated, and optimized as part of a whole building solution.
International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Special Issue-1, Nov.-2016
a champion who will see that objective through to the Sustainable Site Design
end. Key Principles:
Minimize urban sprawl and needless destruction of
Adopting a group of green team valuable land, habitat and green space, which results
Hiring a design team with prior green design from inefficient low-density development. Encourage
experience is highly desirable, but not essential higher density urban development, urban
provided that the design team is augmented with re-development and urban renewal, and Brownfield
architects or engineering consultants who do have development as a means to preserve valuable green
experience in green building and site design principles space.
and technologies. The collective knowledge, Preserve key environmental assets through careful
experience, and dedication of the design team will examination of each site. Engage in a design and
determine the overall success of the green project. All construction process that minimizes site disturbance
members of the green team should participate in the and which values, preserves and actually restores or
project goal setting session. Once the goal setting regenerates valuable habitat, green space and
process has been completed it may become obvious associated eco-systems that are vital to sustaining life.
that meeting certain goals may require expertise that
lies outside the current design team [2]. Specialized Key Strategies and Technologies:
consultants may need to be engaged for specific • Make more efficient use of space in existing
elements of the design and construction process or to occupied buildings, renovate and re-use existing
oversee all elements of the green design program. vacant buildings, sites, and associated infrastructure
These specialists will be able to bring new ideas and and consider re-development of brownfield sites.
solutions to the table for consideration and should be • When new development is unavoidable, steer clear
included in the project as early as possible. of sites that play a key role in the local or regional
ecosystem. Identify and protect valuable greenfield
Suitable design process and wetland sites from development.
Building a green building is not just a matter of • Evaluate each site in terms of the location and
assembling a collection of the latest green orientation of buildings and improvements in order to
technologies or materials. Rather, it is a process in optimize the use of passive solar energy, natural day
which every element of the design is first optimized lighting, and natural breezes and ventilation.
and then the impact and interrelationship of various • Make best use of existing mass transit systems and
different elements and systems within the building and make buildings and sites pedestrian and bike friendly,
site are re-evaluated, integrated, and optimized as part including provisions for safe storage of bicycles
of a whole building solution. For example, • Help reduce the urban heat island effect by
interrelationships between the building site, site reducing the building and site development footprint,
features, the path of the sun, and the location and maximizing the use of pervious surfaces, and using
orientation of the building and elements such as light colored roofs, paving, and walkways. Provide
windows and external shading devices have a natural shading of buildings and paved areas with trees
significant impact on the quality and effectiveness of and other landscape features.
natural day lighting. These elements also affect direct • Reduce impervious areas by carefully evaluating
solar loads and overall energy performance for the life parking and roadway design. Pursue variances or
of the building. Without considering these issues early waivers where local ordinances may unintentionally
in the design process, the design is not fully optimized result in the over-design of roadways or parking.
and the result is likely to be a very inefficient building. • Optimize the use of on-site storm water treatment
This same emphasis on integrated and optimized and ground water recharge. Minimize the boundaries
design is inherent in nearly every aspect of the of the construction area, avoid needless compaction of
building from site planning and use of on-site storm existing topsoil, and provide effective sedimentation
water management strategies to envelope design and and silt control during all phases of site development
detailing and provisions for natural ventilation of the and construction.
building. This integrated design process mandates that • Use landscape design to preserve and restore the
all of the design professionals work cooperatively region’s natural habitat and heritage while
towards common goals from day one. emphasizing the use of indigenous, hardy, drought
resistant trees, shrubs, plants and turf.
Basic Elements of a Green Building Project • Help reduce night-time light pollution by avoiding
The following pages summarize key principles, over-illumination of the site and use low cut-off
strategies and technologies which are associated with exterior lighting fixtures which direct light downward,
the five major elements of green building design not upward and outward.
which are: Sustainable Site Design; Water
Conservation and Quality; Energy and Environment; Water Quality and Conservation
Indoor Environmental Quality; and Conservation of Key Principles:
Materials and Resources. Preserve the existing natural water cycle and design
International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Special Issue-1, Nov.-2016
site and building improvements such that they closely Minimize adverse impacts on the environment (air,
emulate the site’s natural “pre-development” water, land, natural resources) through optimized
hydrological systems. Emphasis should be placed on building siting, optimized building design, material
retention of storm water and on-site infiltration and selection, and aggressive use of energy conservation
ground water recharge using methods that closely measures. Resulting building performance should
emulate natural systems. Minimize the unnecessary exceed minimum International Energy Code (IEC)
and inefficient use of potable water on the site while compliance level by 30 to 40% or more. Maximize the
maximizing the recycling and reuse of water, use of renewable energy and other low impact energy
including harvested rainwater, storm water, and gray sources.
Key Strategies and Technologies:
Key Strategies and Technologies: • Optimize passive solar orientation, building
• Recognize that the least costly, least time massing and use of external shading devices such that
consuming and most environmentally preferable the design of the building minimizes undesirable solar
design for site and storm water management is often gains during the summer months while maximizing
the one in which the design of buildings and site desirable solar gains during winter months.
improvements respect the existing natural flows and • Optimize building orientation, massing, shape,
features of the land, instead of designing the building design, and interior colors and finishes in order to
and site improvements with total disregard for the site, maximize the use of controlled natural day lighting
which results in needless, extensive, disruptive, costly which significantly reduces artificial lighting energy
and time consuming excavation and earthmoving [3]. use thereby reducing the buildings internal cooling
• Conduct a thorough site assessment and load and energy use. Consider the use of light shelf
strategically locate buildings and site improvements so technology.
as to preserve key natural hydrological features. • Use high performance low-e glazing, which can
Special effort should be made to preserve areas of the result in significant year round energy savings.
site that serve as natural storm water retention and Consider insulated double glazing, triple glazing or
ground water infiltration and recharge systems. double pane glazing with a suspended low-e film.
• Minimize the building’s footprint, site Window frames, sashes and curtain wall systems
improvements and construction area, and minimize should also be designed for optimum energy
excavation, soil disturbance and compaction of performance including the use of multiple thermal
existing topsoil as this soil in its natural uncompacted breaks to help reduce energy use.
state serves a vital role in absorbing and storing up to • Optimize the value of exterior insulation and the
80% of natural rainfall until it can be absorbed by overall thermal performance of the exterior envelope
vegetation or enter the site’s natural sub-surface assembly. Consider advanced/high performance
ground water system. envelope building systems such as structural insulated
• Design and locate buildings and site panel systems (SIPS) and insulated concrete form
improvements to optimize use of low-impact storm systems (ICF’s) that can be applied to light
water technologies such as bio-retention, rain gardens, commercial and institutional buildings.
open grassy swales, pervious bituminous paving, • Use energy efficient T-8 and T-5 bulbs, high
pervious concrete paving and walkways, constructed efficiency electronic ballasts, and lighting controls.
wetlands, living/vegetated roofs, and other Incorporate sensors and controls and design circuits so
technologies that support on-site retention and ground that lighting along perimeter zones and offices can be
water recharge or evapo-transpiration. Storm water switched off independently from other interior lights
that leaves the site should be filtered and processed when day lighting is sufficient in perimeter areas.
naturally or mechanically to remove trash and debris, • Use state-of-the art, high efficiency, heating,
oil, grit and suspended solids. ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and
• Establish a water budget for the building and plumbing equipment, chillers, boilers, and water
implement a design that minimizes the use of potable heaters, etc. Use variable speed drives on fan and
water by using low-flow plumbing fixtures and toilets pump motors. Use heat recovery ventilators and
and waterless urinals. Harvest, process and recycle geothermal heat pump technology for up to 40%
rainwater, site storm water, and building gray water energy savings.
and identify appropriate uses within the building and • Avoid the use of HCFC and Halon based
site. refrigeration, cooling and fire suppression systems.
• Conserve water and preserve site and ground water Identify and use sources of waste energy.
quality by using only indigenous, drought resistant and • Consider on-site small-scale wind, solar, and/or fuel
hardy trees, shrubs, plants and turf that require no cell based energy generation and co-generation.
irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Purchase environmentally preferable “green” power
from certified renewable and sustainable sources.
Energy and Environment
Key Principles: Indoor Environmental Quality
International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Special Issue-1, Nov.-2016
International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-2, Issue-11, Special Issue-1, Nov.-2016