Theories of AI

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Theories of Artificial Intelligence—Meta-Theoretical considerations

Chapter · September 2012

DOI: 10.2991/978-94-91216-62-6_16


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1 author:

Pei Wang
Temple University


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January 24, 2012 15:28 Atlantis Press Review Volume - 9.75in x 6.5in Wang

Chapter 1

Theories of Artificial Intelligence

— Meta-theoretical considerations

Pei Wang
Temple University, Philadelphia, USA∼pwang/

This chapter addresses several central meta-theoretical issues of AI and AGI. After ana-
lyzing the nature of the field, three criteria for desired theories are proposed: correctness,
concreteness, and compactness. The criteria are clarified in the AI context, and using them,
the current situation in the field is evaluated.

1.1. The problem of AI theory

Though it is a common practice for a field of science or engineering to be guided and

identified by the corresponding theories, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be
an exception. After more than half of a century since its formation, AI still has no widely
accepted theory, and in the related discussions the following opinions are often heard:

• “The best model of intelligence is the human brain itself (and all theories are
merely poor approximations ...)”
• “There is no need for any new theory, since AI can be built according to X (de-
pending on who said it, the X can be mathematical logic, probability theory, the-
ory of computation, ...)”
• “A theory of AI has to be established piece by piece, and we are starting from Y
(depending on who said it, the Y can be search, reasoning, learning, perception,
actions, ...)”
• “There cannot be any good theory of intelligence (since intelligence is so compli-
cated, though our work is obviously central to it ...) ”
• “Theoretical debating is a waste of time (and we should focus on practical appli-
cations. For example, an intelligent system should be able to ...)”
• “A good theory only comes at the end of the research (so don’t worry about it now,
and it will come as long as we continue the current research on ...)”

There is a historical reason for this situation. Though the idea of “thinking machine”
can be traced further back in history, the field of AI was started from the realization that
computers, though initially designed to do numerical calculations, can be made to carry
out other mental activities, such as theorem proving and game playing, which are hard

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intellectual problems that are usually considered as demanding “intelligence” [McCarthy

et al. (1955); Feigenbaum and Feldman (1963)]. This “problem-oriented” attitude toward
AI focuses on the problem-solving capability of a computer system, while does not care
much for the underlying theory. Consequently, the early works in AI often showed the
“Look, ma, no hands” syndrome — “A paper reports that a computer has been programmed
to do what no computer program has previously done, and that constitutes the report. How
science has been advanced by this work or other people are aided in their work may be
unapparent.” [McCarthy (1984)]. For such a work, “the question, Where’s the AI? is a
tough one to answer” [Schank (1991)].
To many AI researchers, the lack of a common theory is not an issue at all. As said
by Minsky (1985), “Our minds contains processes that enable us to solve problems we
consider difficult. ‘Intelligence’ is our name for whichever of those processes we don’t yet
understand.” According to this opinion, a “theory of AI” is impossible by definition, since
we cannot have a theory for “those processes we don’t yet understand” — as soon as we
have a good theory for such a process, it is no longer considered as AI anymore [Minsky
(1985); Schank (1991)].
To get out of this annoying situation, in mainstream AI “intelligence” is treated as
the collaboration of a group of loosely coupled functions, each of them can be separately
specified in computational and algorithmic terms, implemented in computers, and use to
solve certain practical problems [Marr (1982); Russell and Norvig (2010)]. In an influential
AI textbook by Russell and Norvig (2010), it is written that in the late 1980s “AI adopts
the scientific method”, since “It is now more common to build on existing theories than
to propose brand new ones ...”. However, it is not mentioned that none of those “existing
theories” were proposed with intelligence as the subject matter, nor has shown the potential
of solving the problem of intelligence as a whole.
Though in this way the field has produced valuable results in the past decades, it still
suffers from internal fragmentation [Brachman (2006)] and “paradigmatic mess” [Chan-
drasekaran (1990)], largely due to the lack of a common theoretical foundation. There
have been many debates on the nature or objective of the field, or on what type of the-
ory it should or can have [Wilks (1990); Bundy and Ohlsson (1990); Simon (1990); Kirsh
Though the pursuit of unified theories of AI is widely considered as futile in the field,
there is still a small number of AI researchers who believe that such a theory is possible,
and worthwhile to be investigated. The best known work in this direction is the “Unified
Theories of Cognition” by Newell (1990), in which he argued for the necessity for AI and
cognitive science to have unified theories, and proposed his theory, which attempts to cover
both AI and human intelligence. Similar attempts include the works of Albus (1991) and
Pollock (2006).
In recent years, the term “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) is adopted by a group of
AI researchers to emphasize the general-purpose and holistic nature of the “intelligence”
they are after [Goertzel and Pennachin (2007); Wang and Goertzel (2007)]. Since AGI
treats intelligence as a whole, there are more efforts to establish unified theories [Bach
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Theories of Artificial Intelligence 3

(2009); Baum (2004); Bringsjord (2008); Cassimatis (2006); Franklin (2007); Goertzel
(2009); Hutter (2005); Schmidhuber (2007); Wang (2006)], though none of them is ma-
ture or convincing enough to obtain wide acceptance in the field at the current moment
[Bringsjord and Sundar G (2009)].
Even though the AGI community is more “AI-theory-oriented” than mainstream AI,
not every AGI project is based on some theory about intelligence. As in mainstream AI, a
project is often guided by one, or more than one, of the following considerations:

Practical problem-solving demands: Since intelligence is displayed in the problem-

solving capability of a system, many projects target problems that currently can be
solved by humans only. Such a system is usually designed and analyzed according
to the theory of computation [Marr (1982); Hayes and Ford (1995)].
Knowledge about human intelligence: Since the human mind has the best-known form
of intelligence, many projects aim at duplicating certain aspects of the human
mind or brain. Such a system is usually designed and analyzed according to the
theories in psychology or neuroscience [Newell (1990); Rumelhart and McClel-
land (1986)].
Available normative models: Since intelligence intuitively means “to do the right thing”,
many projects are designed and analyzed as models of rationality or optimiza-
tion, according to mathematical theories like classical logic and probability theory,
though usually with extensions and/or revisions [McCarthy (1988); Pearl (1988)].

Even the AGI projects that are based on certain theories on AI are moving in very different
directions, mainly because of the difference in their theoretical foundations, as well as the
influence of the above considerations. This collection provide a representative example of
the diversity in the theoretical study of AGI.
Consequently, currently in the field of AI/AGI there are very different opinions on re-
search goal [Legg and Hutter (2007); Wang (2008)], roadmap [McCarthy (2007); Goertzel
et al. (2009)], evaluation criteria [Alvarado et al. (2002); Laird et al. (2009)], etc. Though
each researcher can and should make decisions on the above issues for his/her own project,
for the field as a whole this paradigmatic mess makes comparison and cooperation difficult,
if not impossible.
In this chapter, I will not promote my own theory of AI (which is described in my
previous publications [Wang (1995, 2006, 2010)]), nor to evaluate the other theories one
by one, but to address the major meta-level issues about AI theories, such as

• What is the nature of an AI theory?

• How to evaluate an AI theory?
• Why do we lack a good theory?

This chapter attempts to clarify the related issues, so as to pave the way to a solid
theoretical foundation for AGI, which is also the original and ultimate form of AI. For
this reason, in the following “AI” is mainly used to mean “AGI”, rather than the current
mainstream practice.
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1.2. Nature and content of AI theories

In a field of science or engineering, a “theory” usually refers to a system of concepts and

statements on the subject matter of the field. Generally speaking, there are two types of

Descriptive theory: Such a theory starts with certain observations in the field. The theory
provides a generalization and explanation of the observations, as well as predic-
tions for future events, so as to guide people’s behaviors. The theories in natural
science are the best examples of this type.
Normative theory: Such a theory starts with certain assumptions, then derives conclu-
sions from them. When the assumptions are accepted as applicable in a field, all
the conclusions should also be accepted as true. Mathematics and engineering
theories are the best examples of this type.a

Though it is possible for these two types of theory to interweave (in the sense that parts
of a theory may belong to the other type), for a theory as a whole its type is still usually
clear. For example, modern physics uses a lot of mathematics in it, but it does not change
the overall descriptive nature of the theories in physics. On the contrary, computer science
is mainly based on normative theories on how to build and use computer systems, even
though empirical methods are widely used to test the systems.b
What makes a “Theory of AI” special on this aspect is that it needs to be both descriptive
and normative, in a certain sense.
AI studies the similarity and the difference between “The Computer and the Brain”,
as suggested by the title of von Neumann (1958). This research is directly driven by the
observation that though the computer systems can take over human’s mental labor in many
situations (and often do a better job), there are nevertheless still many features of the human
mental activities that have not been reproduced by computers. An AI theory should provide
a bridge over this gap between “the Brain” and “the Computer”, so as to guide the designing
and building of computer systems that are similar to the human mind in its “mental power”.
“Intelligence” is simply the word whose intuitive meaning is the closest to the capability or
property to be duplicated from the brain to the computer, though some people may prefer
to use other words like “cognition”, “mind”, or “thinking”. The choice of word here does
not change the nature of this problem too much.
Given this objective, an AI theory must identify the (known or potential) similarities
between two entities, “the Brain” and “the Computer”, which are very different on many
aspects. Furthermore, human intelligence is an existing phenomenon, while computer in-
telligence is something to be built, for which an accurate description does not exist at this
a In fields like economics and law, a “normative” theory or model specifies what people should do, often for ethical

reasons. It is not what the word means here. Instead, in this chapter a “normative” theory specifies what people
should do for rational reasons. This usage is common in the study of human reasoning and decision making, for
example see Gabbay and Woods (2003).
b On this topic, I disagree with Newell and Simon’s opinion on “Computer science as empirical inquiry” [Newell

and Simon (1976)].

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Theories of Artificial Intelligence 5

moment. Consequently, an AI theory should be descriptive with respect to human intel-

ligence (not in all details, but in basic principles, functions and mechanisms), and at the
same time, be normative to computer intelligence. That is, on one hand, the theory should
summarize and explain how the human mind works, at a proper level and scope of descrip-
tion; on the other hand, it should guide the design and development of computer systems,
so as to make them “just like the human mind”, at the same level and scope of description.
A theory for this field is surely centered at the concept of “intelligence”. Accurately
speaking, there are three concepts involved here:

Human Intelligence (HI), the intelligence as displayed by human beings;

Computer Intelligence (CI), the intelligence as to be displayed by computer systems;
General Intelligence (GI), the general and common description of both HI and CI.

For the current discussion, HI can also be referred to as “natural intelligence”, CI as “arti-
ficial intelligence”, and GI simply as “intelligence”, which also covers other concepts like
“animal intelligence”, “collective intelligence”, “alien intelligence”, etc., as special cases
[Wang (2010)].
Roughly speaking, the content of the theory must cover certain mechanisms in the hu-
man mind (as the HI), then generalize and abstract them (to be the GI), and finally specify
them in a computational form (to become the CI). No matter what names are used, the dis-
tinction and relationship among the three concepts are necessary for an AI theory, because
the theory needs to identify the common properties between human beings and computer
systems, while still to acknowledge their differences in other aspects.c
Now it is easy to see that in an AI theory, the part about HI is mostly descriptive, that
about CI is mostly normative, and that about GI is both.
The human mind is a phenomenon that has been studied by many branches of science
from different perspectives and with different focuses. There have been many theories
about it in psychology, neuroscience, biology, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, soci-
ology, etc. When talking about HI, what AI researchers usually do is to selectively acquire
concepts and conclusions from the other fields, and to reorganize them in a systematic way.
As a result, we get a theory that summarizes certain observed phenomenon of the human
mind. Such a theory is fundamentally synthetic and empirical, in that its conclusions are
summaries of common knowledge on how the human mind works, so it is verified by com-
paring its conclusions to actual human (mental) activities. Here the procedure is basically
the same as in natural science. The only special thing is the selectivity coming from the
(different) understandings of the concept “intelligence”: different researchers may include
different phenomena within the scope of HI, which has no “natural” boundary.

c Some people may argue that AI researchers are only responsible for the CI part of the picture, because the HI
part should be provided by psychologists, and the GI part should be covered by a “theory of general intelligence”,
contributed by philosophers, logicians, mathematicians, and other researchers working on general and abstract
systems. Though there is some truth in this argument, at the current time there is no established theory of GI
that we AI researchers can accept as guidance, so we have to work on the whole picture, even though part of it is
beyond our career training.
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On the contrary, a theory about CI has to be normative, since this phenomenon does
not exist naturally, and the main function of the theory is to tell the practitioners how to
produce it. As a normative theory, its basic assumptions come from two major sources:
knowledge of intelligence that describes what should be done, and knowledge of computer
that describes what can be done. Combined together, this knowledge can guide the whole
design and development process, by specifying the design objective, selecting some the-
oretical and technical tools, drawing a blueprint of the system’s architecture, planning a
development roadmap, evaluating the progress, and verifying the results. Here the proce-
dure is basically the same as in engineering. The only special thing is the selectivity coming
from the (different) understandings of the concept “intelligence”: different researchers may
define the concept differently, which will change everything in the following development.
As the common generalization of HI and CI, a theory of GI is both descriptive and
normative. On one hand, the theory should explain how human intelligence works as a
special case, and on the other hand, it should describe how intelligence works in general,
so as to guide how an intelligent computer system should be designed. Therefore, this
theory should be presented in a “medium-neutral” language that does not assume the special
details of either the human brain or the computer hardware. At the same time, since it is
less restricted by the “low-level” constraints, this part of the theory gives the researchers the
largest freedom, compared to the HI and the CI part. Consequently, this is also where the
existing theories differ most from each other — the differences among the theories are not
much on how the brain, mind, or computer works, but on where the brain and the machine
should be similar to each other [Wang (2008)].
In the textbook by Russell and Norvig (2010), different approaches toward AI are cat-
egorized according to whether they are designed to be thinking or acting “humanly” or
“rationally”. It seems that the former is mainly guided by descriptive theories, while the
latter by normative theories. Though such a difference indeed exists, it is more subtle than
what these two words suggest. Since the basic assumptions and principles of all models of
rationality come from abstraction and idealization of the human thinking process, “ratio-
nally” thinking/acting is actually a special type of “humanly” thinking/acting. For example,
though the “Universal AI” model AIXI by Hutter (2005) is presented in a highly abstract
and mathematical form, its understanding of “intelligence” is still inspired and justified ac-
cording to certain opinions about the notion in psychology [Legg and Hutter (2007)]. On
the other extreme, though Hawkins’ HTM model of intelligence is based on certain neu-
roscientific findings, it is not an attempt to model the human brain in all aspects and in all
details, but to selectively emulate certain mechanisms that are believed to be “the crux of
intelligence” [Hawkins and Blakeslee (2004)]. Therefore, the difference between AIXI and
HTM, as well as among the other AGI models, is not on whether to learn from the human
brain/mind (the answer is always “yes”, since it is the best-known form of intelligence), or
whether to idealize and simplify the knowledge obtained from the human brain/mind (the
answer is also always “yes”, since a computer cannot become identical to the brain in all
aspects), but on where to focus and how much to abstract and generalize.
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Theories of Artificial Intelligence 7

From the same knowledge about the human mind, there are many meaningful ways to
establish a notion of HI, by focusing on different aspects of the phenomena; from the same
notion of HI, there are many meaningful ways to establish a notion of GI, by describing in-
telligence on different levels, with different granularities and scopes; from the same notion
of GI, there are many meaningful ways to establish a notion of CI, by assuming different
hardware/software platforms and working environments. The systems developed accord-
ing to different notions will surely have different properties and practical applications, and
are “similar to the human mind” in different senses. Unless one commits to a particular
definition of intelligence, there is no absolute standard to decide which of these ways is
“the correct way” to establish a theory of AI.
The current collection to which this chapter belongs provides a concrete example for
this situation: though the chapter authors all use the notion of “intelligence”, and are ex-
plaining related phenomena, the theories they proposed are very different. It is not neces-
sarily the case that at most one of the theory is “correct” or really captures intelligence “as
it is”, while all the others are “wrong”, since each of them represents a certain perspective;
nor can the issue be resolved by pooling the perspectives altogether, because they are often
incommensurable, due to the usage of different concepts. This diversity is a major source
of difficulty in theoretical discussions of AI.

1.3. Desired properties of a theory

Though there are reasons for different AI theories to be proposed, it does not mean that all
of them are equally good. The following three desired properties of a scientific theory are
proposed and discussed in my own theory of intelligence [Wang (2010)] (Section 6.2):

• Correctness: A theory should be supported by available evidence.

• Concreteness: A theory should be instructive in problem solving.
• Compactness: A theory should be simple.

Though these properties are proposed for scientific theories in general, in this chapter they
will be discussed in the context of AI. Especially, let us see what they mean for an AI theory
that is both descriptive (for human minds) and normative (for computer systems).


Since the best-known form of intelligence is human intelligence, an AI theory is correct if it

is supported by the available knowledge about the human mind. In this aspect, AI is not that
different from any natural science, in that the correctness of a theory is verified empirically,
rather than proved according to some priori postulates. Since the study of the human mind
has been going on in many disciplines for a long time, AI researchers often do not need
to carry out their own research on human subjects, but to inherit the conclusions from the
related disciplines, including (though not limited to) psychology, linguistics, philosophy,
neuroscience, and anthropology.
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This task is not as simple as it sounds, since an AI theory cannot simply copy the
concepts and statements from the related disciplines — to form the HI part of the theory,
selection is needed; to form the GI part of the theory, generalization is needed.
“Intelligence” is not related to every aspect of a human being, and AI is not an attempt to
clone a human. Even though the concept of intelligence has many different understandings,
it is mainly about the mental properties of human beings, rather than their physical or bio-
logical properties (though those properties have impacts in the content of human thought).
Furthermore, even only for lexical considerations, the notion of “Intelligence” should be
more general than the notion of “Human Intelligence”, so as to cover the non-human forms
of intelligence. Therefore, an AI theory needs to decide the boundary of its empirical ev-
idence, by indicating which processes and mechanisms in the human mind/brain/body is
directly relevant to AI, and which of them are not. In other words, an AI theory must
specify the scope and extent to which a computer is (or will be) similar to a human.
The following two extreme positions on this issue are obviously improper — if HI is
specified in such a “tight” way that is bounded to all aspects of a human being, non-human
intelligence would be impossible by definition; if HI is specified in such a “loose” way that
the current computer systems are already intelligent by definition, AI will be trivialized and
deserves no attention.
This task uniquely belongs to AI theories, because even though there are many studies
on the human mind in the past in the related disciplines, little effort is made to separate
the conclusions about “intelligence” (or “cognition”, “mind”) in general from those about
“human intelligence” (or “human cognition”, “human mind”) in specific.
For example, though there is a huge literature on the psychological study of human
intelligence, which is obviously related to AI, an AI theory cannot use the conclusions in-
discriminately. This is because the notion of “intelligence” is used in psychology as an
attribute where the difference among human beings is studied, while in AI it is an attribute
where the difference between humans and computers is much more important. Many com-
mon properties among human beings are taken for granted in psychology, so they are rarely
addressed in psychological theories. On the contrary, these properties are exactly what AI
tries to reproduce, so they cannot be omitted in AI theories. For this reason, it is not helpful
to directly use human IQ tests to evaluate the intelligence of a computer system. Similarly,
the correctness of an AI theory cannot be judged in the same way as a theory in a related
empirical discipline, such as psychology.
On the other hand, the human–computer difference cannot be used as an excuse for an
AI theory to contain conclusions that are clearly inconsistent with the existing knowledge
of the human mind. In the current context, even a theorem proved in a formal theory
is not necessarily “correct” as a conclusion about intelligence, unless the axioms of the
theory can be justified as acceptable in AI. If a normal human being is not “intelligent”
according to an AI theory, then the theory is not really about intelligence as we know it,
but about something else. This is especially the case for the GI part of the theory — even
though generalization and simplification are necessary and inevitable, overgeneralization
and oversimplification can cause serious distortion in a theory, to the extent that it is no
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Theories of Artificial Intelligence 9

longer relevant to the original problem.

For an AI theory to be correct, it does not need to explain every phenomenon of the
human mind, but only those that are considered as essential for HI by the theory. Though
each theory may select different phenomena, there are some obvious features that should
be satisfied by every theory of intelligence. Suggested features are exemplified by the
requirement of being general [Bringsjord and Sundar G (2009)], or being adaptive and can
work with insufficient knowledge and resources [Wang (2010)].
At the current time, the correctness of an AI theory is usually a matter of degree. The
existence of certain counterevidence rarely falsifies a theory completely (as suggested by
Popper (1959)), though it does decrease its correctness, and therefore its competitiveness
when compared with other theories. We will return to this topic later.

The practical value of a scientific theory shows in the guidance it provides to human activ-
ities. In the current context, this requirement focuses on the relation between an AI theory
(especially the CI part) and the computer systems developed according to it.
Since the objective of AI is to build “thinking machines”, the content of an AI theory
need to be concrete enough to be applicable into system design and development, even
though it does not have to specify all the technical details.
This requirement means that a pure descriptive theory about how human intelligence
works will not qualify as a good AI theory. In the theoretical discussions of AI and Cog-
nitive Science, there are some theories that sound quite correct. However, they are very
general, and use fuzzy and ambiguous concepts, so seem to be able to explain everything.
What is missing in these theories, however, is the ability of making concrete, accurate, and
constructive suggestions on how to build AI systems.
Similarly, it is a serious problem if a theory of AI proposes a design of AI systems,
but some key steps in it cannot be implemented — for example, the AIXI model is un-
computable [Hutter (2005)]. Such a result cannot be treated as an unfortunate reality about
intelligence, because the involved notion of “intelligence” is a construct in the theory, rather
than a naturally existing phenomenon objectively described by the theory. The human mind
has provided an existing proof for the possibility of intelligence, so there is no reason to
generalize it into a notion that cannot be realized in a physical system.
In summary, a good AI theory should include a description of intelligence using the
terminology provided by the existing computer science and technology. That is, the theory
not only needs to tell people what should be done, but also how to do it.
“To guide the building of AI systems” does not necessarily mean these systems come
with practical problem-solving capability. It again depends on the working definition of
intelligence. According some opinion, “intelligence” means to be able to solve human-
solvable problems [Nilsson (2005)], so an AI theory should cover the solutions to various
practical problems. However, there are also theories that do not take “intelligence” as
problem-solving capability, but learning capability [Wang (2006)]. According to such a
theory, when an AI system is just built, it may have little problem-solving ability, like a
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human baby. What it has is the potential to acquire problem-solving ability via its inter-
action with the environment. The requirement of concreteness allows both of the previous
understandings of intelligence — no matter how this concept is interpreted, it needs to be
realized in computer systems.
To insist that the CI part of an AI theory must be presented using concrete (even com-
putational) concepts does not mean that the theory of AI can be replaced by the existing
theories of computer science. Not all computer systems are intelligent, and AI is a special
type of computer systems that is designed according to a special theory. It is just like that a
theory of architecture cannot be replaced by a theory of physics, even though every building
is constructed from physical components with physical relations among them. The claim
that AI needs no theory beyond computer science [Hayes and Ford (1995)] cannot explain
the obvious difference between the human mind and the conventional computers.

While the previous two properties (correctness and concreteness) are about the external
relation between an AI theory and outside systems (human and computer, respectively),
compactness is a property of the internal structure of the theory. Here the word “compact-
ness” is used to mean the conceptual simplicity of a theory’s content, not merely on its
“size” measured literally.
Since scientific theories are used to guide human behaviors, simple theories are pre-
ferred, because they are easier to use and to maintain (to verify, to revise, to extend, etc.).
This opinion is well known in various forms, such as “Occam’s Razor” or “Mach’s Econ-
omy of Thought”, and is accepted as a cornerstone in several AGI theories [Baum (2004);
Hutter (2005); Schmidhuber (2007)].
To establish a compact theory in a complicated domain, two common techniques are
axiomatization and formalization.
Axiomatization works by compressing the core of the theory into a small number of
fundamental concepts and statements, to be taken as the basic notions and axioms of the
theory. The other notions are defined recursively from the basic ones, and the other state-
ments are proved from the axioms as theorems. Consequently, in principle the theory can
be reduced to its axioms. Besides efficiency in usage, axiomatization also simplifies the
verification of the theory’s consistency and applicability.
Formalization works by representing the notions in a theory by symbols in an artificially
formed language, rather than by words in a naturally formed language. Consequently,
the notions have relatively clear and unambiguous meaning. The same theory can also
be applied to different situations, by giving its symbols different interpretations. Even
though it looks unintuitive to outsiders, a formal theory is actually easier to use for various
Axiomatization and formalization are typically used in mathematics, as well as in logic,
computer science, and other normative theories. The same idea can also be applied to
empirical science to various degrees, though because the very nature of those theories, they
cannot be fully axiomatized (because they must open to new evidence) or fully formalized
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(because their key concepts already have concrete meaning associated, and cannot be taken
as symbols waiting to be interpreted).
Since a theory of AI has empirical content, it cannot be fully axiomatized or formalized,
neither. Even so, it is still highly desired for it to move in that direction as far as possible,
by condensing its empirical content into a small set of assumptions and postulations, then
deriving the other part of the theory from it using justifiable inference rules. To a large
extent, it is what a “Serious Computational Science” demands, with the requirements of
being “cohesive” and “theorem-guided” [Bringsjord and Sundar G (2009)].

1.4. Relations among the properties

To summarize the previous discussions, a good AI theory should provide a correct de-
scription about how intelligence works (using evidence from human intelligence), give
concrete instructions on how to produce intelligence in computer systems (using feasible
techniques), and have a compact internal structure (using partial axiomatization and for-
These three requirements are independent, in the sense that in general there is no (pos-
itive or negative) correlation among them. All the three C’s are desired in a theory, for
different reasons, and one cannot be reduced into, or replaced by, the others.
For example, a simpler theory is not necessarily more correct or less correct, when com-
pared with other theories. On this topic, one usual misconception is about Occam’s Razor,
which is often phrased as “Simpler theories are preferred, because they are more likely
to be correct”. This is not proper, since the original form of this idea was just something
like “Simpler theories are preferred”, and it is not hard to find examples where simpler
theories are actually less correct. A common source of this misconception is the assump-
tion that the only desired feature of a scientific theory is its correctness (or “truth”) — in
that case, if simpler theories are preferred, the preference must come from its correctness.
However, generally speaking, compactness (or simplicity) is a feature that is preferred for
its own sake, rather than as an indicator of correctness. It is like when we compare sev-
eral products, we prefer cheaper ones when everything else is about the same, though it
does not mean that we prefer cheaper products because they usually have higher quality.
Here “price” and “quality” are two separate factors influencing our overall preference, and
additional information is needed to specify their relationship.d
In certain special situations, it is possible for the requirements to be taken as correlated.
One such treatment is Solomonoff’s “universal prior”, which assumes that without do-
main knowledge, the simpler hypotheses have higher probability to be correct [Solomonoff
(1964)]. Though Solomonoff’s model of induction has its theoretical and practical values,
the soundness of its application to a specific domain depends on whether the assumptions
d Some people may argue that a simpler theory is more correct because it is less likely to be wrong, but if a theory
becomes simpler by saying less, such a simplification will make the theory covers less territory, so it will also have
less supporting evidence. To simply remove some conclusions from a theory does not make it more correct, unless
“correctness” is defined according to Popper’s falsification theory about science [Popper (1959)], so the existence
of supporting evidence does not contribute to the correctness of a theory. Such a definition is not accepted here.
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of the model, including the above one, can be satisfied (exactly or approximately) in the
domain. For the related AGI models (such as AIXI [Hutter (2005)]), such justifications
should be provided, rather than taken for granted. After all, we often meet simple expla-
nations of complex phenomena that turn out to be wrong, and Occam’s Razor cannot be
used as an argument for the correctness of a theory (though it can be an argument for why
a theory is preferred). For the same reason, a formal theory is not necessarily more correct
than an informal one, though the former is indeed preferred when the other features of the
two theories are similar.
These three C’s are arguably complete, because altogether they fully cover the subject
matter: the descriptive ingredients of the theory need to be correct, the normative ingredi-
ents need to be concrete, and the whole theory needs to be compact. Of course, each of the
three can be further specified with more details, while all of them must be possessed by a
theory that is about intelligence, rather than only about one part or one aspect of it.
All three C’s can only be relatively satisfied. As a result, though probably there will
not be a perfect theory of AI, there are surely better theories and not-so-good ones. When
a theory is superior to another one in all three dimensions, it is “generally better”. If it
is superior in one aspect, but inferior in another, then whether it is better for the current
purpose depends on how big the differences are, as well as on the focus of the comparison.
Intuitively speaking, we can think the overall “score” on the competitiveness of an AI
theory as a multiplication of the three “scores” it obtains on the three C’s, though we do not
have numerical measurements for the scores yet. In this way, an acceptable theory must be
acceptable in all the three dimensions. Even if a theory is excellent in two aspects, it still
can be useless for AI if it is terrible in the third.

1.5. Issues on the properties

In the current theoretical explorations in AGI, a common problem is to focus on some

desired property of a theory, while ignoring the others.
Issues on correctness typically happen in formal or computational models of intelli-
gence. Sometimes people think as long as they make it clear that a model is based on
“idealized assumptions”, they can assume whatever they want (usually the assumptions re-
quired by their available theoretical or technical tools). For example, Schmidhuber thought
that for AI systems, the assumption of Markovian environments is too strong, so “We will
concentrate on a much weaker and therefore much more general assumption, namely, that
the environment’s responses are sampled from a computable probability distribution. If
even this weak assumption were not true then we could not even formally specify the envi-
ronment, leave alone writing reasonable scientific papers about it.” [Schmidhuber (2007)] It
is true that every formal and computational model is based on some idealized assumptions,
which are usually never fully satisfied in realistic situations. However, this should not be
taken as an excuse to base the model on highly unrealistic assumptions or assumptions that
can only be satisfied in special situations. Since the conclusions of the model are largely
determined by its assumptions, an improper assumption may completely change the nature
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of the problem, and consequently the model will not be about “intelligence” (as we know
it) at all, but about something else. One cannot force people to accept a new definition of
“intelligence” simply because there is a formal or computational model for it — it reminds
us the famous remark of Abraham Maslow: “If you only have a hammer, you tend to see
every problem as a nail”. We do want AI to become a serious science, but to change the
problem into a more “manageable” one is not the way to get there.
On the other hand, to overemphasize correctness at the cost of the other requirements
also leads to problems. The “Model Fit Imperative” analyzed by Cassimatis (Chapter 2 of
this book) is a typical example. A theory of AI is not responsible for explaining or repro-
ducing all the details of human intelligence. The most biologically (or psychologically)
accurate model of the human brain (or mind) is not necessarily the best model for AI.
Issues on concreteness typically happen in theories that have rich philosophical content.
Though philosophical discussions are inevitable in AI theories, to only present a theory at
that level of description is often useless, and such a discussion quickly degenerates into
word games, which is why among AI researchers “this is a philosophical problem” is often
a way to say “It doesn’t matter” or “You can say whatever you want about it”. Similarly,
if some theory contains descriptions that nobody knows how to implement or even to ap-
proximate, such a theory will not be very useful for AI. Just to solve the AI problem “in
principle” is not enough, unless those principles clearly lead to technical decisions in design
and development, even if not in all details.
Issues on compactness widely exist in AGI projects that are mainly guided by psycho-
logical/biological inspirations or problem-solving capabilities. Such a project is usually
based on a theory that basically treats intelligence as a collection of “cognitive functions”
that are organized into a “cognitive architecture” (see Chapter 7 and 8 of this book).
One problem about this approach is that the functions recognized in the human mind
are not necessarily carried out by separate processes or mechanisms. In a psychological
theory, sometimes it is reasonable to concentrate on one aspect of intelligence, but such
a practice is not always acceptable in an engineering plan to realize intelligence, since to
reproduce a single mechanism of intelligence may be impossible, given its dependency on
the other mechanisms. For example, “reasoning” and “learning” may be two aspects of the
same process [Michalski (1993); Wang (2006)]; “perceiving” may be better considered as a
way of “acting” [Noë (2004)]; “analogy” may be inseparable from “high-level perception”
[Chalmers et al. (1992)].
Though from an engineering point of view, a modular architecture may be used in an AI
system, the identification and specification of the modules must follow an AI theory — the
functions and modules should be the “theorems” of a theory that are derived from a small
number of “axioms” or “principles”, so as to guarantee the coherence and integrity of the
system as a whole. Without such an internal structure, a theory of AI looks like a grab bag
of ideas — even when each idea in it looks correct and concrete, there is still no guarantee
that the ideas are indeed consistent, nor guidance on how to decide if on a design issue dif-
ferent ideas point to different directions. Such an architecture often looks arbitrary, without
convincing reason for the partition of the overall function into the modules. Consequently,
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the engineering practice will probably be full of trial-and-error, which should not happen
if the theory is well-organized.

1.6. Conclusion

A major obstacle of progress in AI research is “theoretical nihilism” — facing the well-

known difficulty in establishing a theory of AI, the research community as a whole has not
made enough effort in this task, but instead either follows some other theories developed
for certain related, though very different, problems, or carries out the research based on
intuitions or practical considerations, with the hope that the theoretical problems can be
eventually solved or avoided using technical tricks.
Though AI is indeed a very hard problem, and it is unlikely to get a perfect (or even sat-
isfactory) theory very soon, to give up on the effort or to depend on an improper substitute
is not a good alternative. Even though the research can go ahead without the guidance of a
theory, it may run in a wrong direction, or into dead alleys. Even an imperfect theory is still
better than no theory at all, and a theory developed in another domain does not necessarily
keep its authority in AI, no matter how successful it is in its original domain.
Given the special situation in the field, an AI theory must be descriptive with respect
to the human mind, and be normative with respect to computer systems. To achieve this
objective, it should construct a notion of general intelligence, which does not depend in
the details of either the biological brain or the electrical computer. The desired properties
of such a theory can be summarized by the Three C’s: Correctness, Concreteness, and
Compactness, and the overall quality of the theory depends on all the three aspects. Among
the existing theoretical works, many issues are caused by focusing only on one (or two) of
the properties, while largely ignoring the other(s).
To a large extent, the above issues come from the science–engineering duality of AI.
A theory of AI is similar to a theory of natural science in certain aspects, while that of
engineering in other aspects. We cannot work in this field like typical natural scientists,
because “intelligent computers” are not existing phenomena for us to study, but something
to be created; on the other hand, we cannot work like typical engineers, because we are
not sure what we want to build, but have to find that out by studying the human mind. The
theoretical challenge is to find a minimum description of the human mind at a certain level,
then, with it as specification, to build computer systems in which people will find most of
the features of “intelligence”, in the everyday sense of the word.
Though the task is hard, there is no convincing argument for its impossibility. What the
field needs is to spend more energy in theoretical exploration, while keeping a clear idea
about what kind of theory we are looking for, which is what this chapter attempts to clarify.


Thanks to Joscha Bach for the helpful comments.

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