Report2 Wan Rong
Report2 Wan Rong
Report2 Wan Rong
This study aimed to examine the methods used by students to identify misinterpretations
of force and motion. I found a literature in Taylor that was researched using quantitative
methods. This paper uses a two-part written questionnaire to analyze students'
misunderstanding level of force and motion, and the test results show that there are serious
differences in students' understanding of various forces and scientific concepts. Research
methods can employ mixed methods, and the integration of qualitative and quantitative data
provides students with a nuanced exploration of misconceptions about force and motion and
gives teachers a greater understanding of the complexities involved.
Using qualitative research to solve students' misconceptions about force and motion in
high school physics requires a targeted and in-depth exploration of students' beliefs and
thinking processes. One approach is to conduct individual or group interviews with a diverse
sample of students, allowing them to express their understanding freely in their own words.
These interviews can be designed with open-ended questions to reveal the deeper reasons
behind their misperceptions. In addition, collecting written responses through open-ended
questionnaires or reflective assignments can also help to further understand students' thinking
patterns. Taqwa et al. (2022) mentioned that qualitative data were obtained from students'
reasons for answering questions, analyzed by the Miles and Huberman method. Fadllan &
Prawira, (2019) referred that the data of the qualitative research were collected by three-tier
diagnostic tests, using triangulation technique, using reference material and member checking
to validate the data. Insights gained from qualitative research can inform the development of
targeted interventions and teaching strategies to effectively address specific misconceptions.
For a comprehensive study of high school physics students' misconceptions about force
and motion, a mixed methods combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods
can be employed. According to Kaniawati et al. (2019), using mixed methods as a research
method, both quantitative and qualitative data can be collected to minimize the weaknesses of
other methods. (Gurel, Eryilmaz & McDermott 2015) stated that Interviews, open-ended tests,
multiple-choice tests, and multilayered tests were the most commonly used to ols for
diagnosing scientific misconceptions. The quantitative portion may involve conducting a
concept inventory or survey of a large sample of high school physics students. These
standardized tools can help quantify the prevalence of misperceptions among participants,
providing valuable statistics. At the same time, qualitative aspects can be achieved through
interviews or written responses from a small group of students. By combining the results of
the study, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature, prevalence, and
reasons behind force- and motion-related misconceptions among high school physics students.
This integrated approach ensures more robust and nuanced analysis, providing valuable
insights into curriculum design, instructional strategies, and targeted interventions to improve
students' conceptual understanding of physics.
Currently, a variety of research methods have been used to study high school physics
students' misconceptions about force and motion. A common approach is to use specially
designed concept checklists or surveys to assess students' understanding of force and motion
concepts. With these quantitative tools, researchers can identify widespread misconceptions
across a large sample of students. (Fadaei & Mora, (2015) mentioned that FCI is a very
accurate and reliable tool for identifying and categorizing force and movement
misconceptions, and both pre-test and post-test analyzes provided information on different
aspects of curriculum effectiveness. (Azman, Alia & Mohtarᵃ, (2013) also referred that FCI
was reliable for diagnosing the degree of force and movement misconceptions of students.
(TOPALSAN & Bayram (2019) stated that they designed a two-tired "Concept Test on the
Topic of Force and Motion" which consists of 17 items to diagnose students' force and
motion misinterpretations. In addition, the researchers used qualitative methods such as
interviews and written responses to gain insight into the students' thought processes and the
reasons behind their misinterpretations. These qualitative methods allowed the researchers to
explore the underlying beliefs and mental models that led to the students' misinterpretations.
In addition, some studies used mixed methods, combining qualitative and quantitative data to
better understand A comprehensive understanding of the nature and prevalence of
misconceptions. Anggoro, Widodo, Suhandi & Treagust (2019) stated that using a qualitative
approach for identifying misconceptions experienced by students in the fundamental science
concepts of force and motion and alternative strategies for reconstructing students' concepts,
a quantitative approach was employed to outline the effectiveness of using cognitive conflict
strategies to reconstruct concepts in the form of conceptual changes and learning progression
that occur in remedial instruction of force and motion. By utilizing a variety of research
methods, scholars can gain valuable insights into high school physics students'
misconceptions about force and motion Facilitate the development of targeted interventions
to improve their conceptual understanding and learning outcomes.
In this report, the purpose is to find articles related to students' misconceptions about
force and motion in Taylor's educational action research section, analyze their research
methods, and serve as a reference for the design proposal in Report 3.
What are the main misconceptions of force and motion in physics for students?
Component Search
Component1 students' common misconceptions
Component2 physics
Component3 force and motion
Component4: must not chemistry or biology
Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the Boolean strings
Inclusion Exclusion
Physics Subject must not target biology
students‘s misconception teacher’s teaching
force and motion energy
Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the review
4.3.1 Coding
TABLE 7 The coding subcategories that were developed under the main categories
The topic of public misconceptions about physics can be studied using both quantitative
and qualitative research methods. This literature uses a quantitative method, and the author
uses a two-part written questionnaire to analyze the students' cognition level of the force and
motion chapter. One part is to test students' analysis of the forces acting on objects, and the
other part is to test students' intuitive views and understanding of various forces. The test
results show that students have many misunderstandings about force and motion. Choosing a
quantitative approach in research, using corresponding diagnostic tests, is a very effective
way of identifying students' levels of misunderstanding.
Gurel, D. E. R. Y. A., Eryilmaz, A., & McDermott, L. (2015). A review and comparison of
Anggoro, S., Widodo, A., Suhandi, A., & Treagust, D. F. (2019). Using a Discrepant Event to
Fadaei, A. S., & Mora, C. (2015). An investigation about misconceptions in force and motion
Azman, N. F., Alia, M., & Mohtarᵃ, L. E. (2013). The Level of Misconceptions on Force and
TOPALSAN, A. K., & Bayram, H. (2019). Identifying Prospective Primary School Teachers’
Taqwa, M. R. A., Sulman, F., & Faizah, R. (2022, July). College Students’ Conceptual
Kaniawati, I., Fratiwi, N. J., Danawan, A., Suyana, I., Samsudin, A., & Suhendi, E. (2019).
mechanics using three-tier diagnostic test and clinical interview. In Journal of Physics: