Prac - Res.1 Quarter 2 Module 5

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Senior High School


Module 5- week 5
Finding Answers Through
Data Collection
Compiler/Contextualizer: DR. ROSALIE L. OHAYAS
SHS - MT 1, Pit-os National High School

Finding Answers Through Data Collection

Content Standard : The learner demonstrates understanding on

observation and interview procedures and skills.
Performance Standard : The learner is able to gather relevant information
with intellectual honesty.
Learning Outcomes : Upon the completion of this module, the learners
are expected to use observation and interview method as
a tool in gathering data for a qualitative research.
Competencies : Collect data through observation and interview
Topic : Data Collection Method

What I Know

Multiple Choice: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How do you call the method of gathering data in a qualitative research which
do not need interaction with your respondents instead, the use of the senses
is required?
A. Observation C. Survey Method
B. Interview D. Focus Group Discussion

2. Which method of gathering data in qualitative research that requires a two-

way communication?
A. Survey Method C. Observation method
B. Interview Method D. Focus group Discussion Method

3. What will the researchers do when he/she do the observation?

A. Record what is he/she doing
B. Discuss the observation with his/her peers
C. Transcribe what he/she hears and see during the process
D. Simply describe something as it appears during the observation.

4. What aspect of senses are not present during the observation?
A. Sight B. touch C. feel D. smell

5. What do you call the interpersonal role where one person ask a question and
the other answers?
A. FGD B. Survey C. Interview D. Observation

6. What do you call the template used as a guide in an observation?

A. Interview protocol guide C. Informed Consent Guide
B. Observation protocol guide D. Interview Guide Questionnaire

7. When doing an interview, the interviewer must be guided with a template for
a smooth process flow. What do you call this template?
A. Interview protocol guide C. Informed Consent Guide
B. Observation protocol guide D. Interview Guide Questionnaire

8. What step in the process of observing where you can best understand your
central phenomenon or topic being studied?
A. Determine your role C. Select the research site
B. Focus the Observation D. Develop observational protocol

9. What process observing steps that uses observational protocol for recording
observation notes.
A. Determine your role C. Select the research site
B. Focus the Observation D. Develop observational protocol

10. Which of the following is not part of the steps in conducting a qualitative
A. Invite a participant C. Choose the type of interview
B. Determining your role D. Develop an interview protocol

11. How will you arrange the following steps in conducting an interview?
I. Invite a participant
II. Choose the type of interview
III. Decide whether interviews are appropriate
IV. Develop an interview protocol

12. What will the researcher do after conducting an interview or during the
closing instruction?
A. Acknowledge the interviewee by saying thank you
B. Discuss to the interviewee your opinion about his/her answer
C. Give the interviewee a copy of his/her interview at the end on the activity
D. None of the above

13. Which of the following should a researcher remember before conducting the

A. Prepare himself/herself on the interview.
B. Prepare the essential questions before the interview.
C. Ask the interviewee personal questions to establish friendship.
D. All of the above

14. What is the proper order of the steps in the process of observing?
I. select the research site IV. Determine your role
II. develop observational protocol V. record field notes
III. focus the observation VI. Slowly withdraw

15. What are the common methods used in gathering data for a qualitative
A. Survey and Observation C. FGD and Interview
B. FGD and Observation D. Interview and Observation

The Observation Method

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, I will be able to …
• Check my prior knowledge of observation and how this method
is used to gather information; and
• use the observation method as an effective tool in data
gathering for a qualitative research.

What’s In

On a piece of paper construct and observation protocol like the one shown
below. Familiarize it

Duration of the Activity: ________________________
Descriptive Notes Reflective Notes
General (Objective of your
Start of Observation:

What’s New

What is It
Using the baseline information gathered, focus on rectifying any
misconceptions regarding observation as a purposeful data-gathering tool. One way
to do this is to outline the characteristics and the steps of an effective observation
protocol through facilitated discussion.

Steps in the Process of Observing (Creswell, 2007)

1. Select the research site.
This refers to the site where you can best understand your central
phenomenon or topic being studied. Gaining access through letter of consent
is a prerequisite first step that a researcher must do.

2. Develop observational protocol.

The observational protocol is a method used for recording observation notes.
(It includes both ―”descriptive” or those about what happened and
―”reflective” or learning based on what have been observed.

3. Focus the Observation.

Before writing any notes, think of what catches your attention. There will be
a lot in the site, but focus your observation only on what will help you
understand your research question.

4. Determine your role.

What will you be as a researcher? Will you be a participant observer or non-
participant observer?

5. Record field notes.

Using the Observation Protocol, record what you observe using your five
senses. The observation should be arranged chronologically or in order.

6. Slowly withdraw.
After observation, slowly withdraw by thanking the participants for their

Sample Observation Protocol (Creswell, 2007)

Duration of the Activity: 60 minutes

Descriptive Notes Reflective Notes
General: What are the experiences of younger brother in dealing modular
Start of observation: 8:00 AM
- My brother started reading his - I wonder if my brother doesn’t
module 10 minutes after I started like to read it.
my observation.
-There are 10 pages in the module and - I wonder if he doesn’t
my brother started to lay down on the understand what he is reading
couch and start to become sleepy. or he sleep late at night.

What’s More

Observation Simulation: Conduct an observation of your neighbors

in dealing the COVID-19 virus. You need not to go out of your home
instead you can watch them over window. Write your answer on a
piece of paper following the Observation Protocol above. (What’s New)

What I Have Learned

In this lesson I learned how to use the observation method as an effective tool
in data gathering for a qualitative research. It provides me better understanding
during the actual implementation of observation as a means of data gathering. Based
on my research topic and the skill that I have learned during the simulation stage, I
am expected to apply these skills, strategies, and concepts learned in an actual

The Interview Method

I Need to Know

In this lesson, I will be able to …

• check prior knowledge about interview and how it is
• use the interview method an effective data-gathering tool for
qualitative research.

What’s In

• Which angroup
interview guide(study
of people questionnaire based
population) areon your
you observation
interested in?
about your brother’s behavior in dealing with his modules.

What’s New

What is It
Using the baseline information gathered, focus on rectifying any
misconceptions regarding interview as a purposeful data gathering tool. One way to
do this is to outline the characteristics and the steps of an effective interview protocol.

Steps in Conducting a Qualitative Interview (Creswell, 2007)

1. Decide whether interviews are appropriate.
To begin with, participants should agree to the interview method;
otherwise, this method is not necessary and will not yield any relevant

information. Assess if the information is sensitive and observation will be
enough to gather the needed information.

2. Choose the type of interview

Will you use structured or unstructured interview? What type will you
use on focus group discussion or one-on-one interview?

3. Invite Participants
A letter of permission should be sent to the participants and they must
reply indicating their consent before conducting the interview session.

4. Develop an Interview Protocol

This is a list of questions or guide questions which you will be asking to
the interviewees. The questions are based on your research questions and
should be able to produce information needed to answer your research

5. Arrange the audio equipment.

Make sure to be ready with your audio equipment. You may use your
cellphone or any other audio recoding device. It should be stated in your
letter of permission that you will be recording the entire conversation and
you are the only one who will have access to it.

6. Arrange for a quiet setting for the interview.

A comfortable and quiet place chosen by the participants is preferable.

7. Conduct the interview.

Check audio equipment before the interview. First, introduce yourself and
the research being conducted to the participant interviewee. Stay on topic
and to the time mentioned in the letter of permission.

8. Follow-up after an interview.

Thank the interviewee after the session and honor their requests such as
copy of the abstract. In cases that a follow-up is needed in order to clarify
some points raised during the interview session, the interviewees must be

Parts of an Interview Protocol (Creswell, 2007)

1. Basic Information about the Interview. It includes the time and date of
The interview, where the interview takes place, and who the participants to
be interviewed are.

2. Introduction. This provides instructions to the interviewer which will

serve as his/her guide in conducting the session. It is a prerequisite that
the interviewer introduce himself/herself including the objectives of the

3. Opening Question. This is about getting to know participants so they will

feel at ease. Questions related to their work or activities are good opening
questions. Very personal questions must be avoided.

4. Content Questions. These are sub-questions based on the central

phenomenon being studied.

5. Closing Instructions. Thank the interviewee for his/her time.


Background Information on Interviewee


Good morning, Mr. Juan De La Cruz. My name is Ms. Irah
Murphy, and I am presently conducting a research about students‘
experiences in Modular Class. The objective of this study is to gather
empirical data and understand their experiences.

Opening Question
Tell me something about yourself, Mr. Juan De La Cruz.
- Provide spaces for taking notes in case audio will have problem
What grade are you now?
- Provide spaces for taking notes in case audio will have problem

Content Questions
Tell me about your Modular class.
Why do you say so? (Follow-up)
What do you mean by difficult? (probe questions)
Can you provide concrete examples?

Closing Instructions
Thank you very much (Acknowledge him/her for the time spent).
I would like you to know that I am the only one who will have access to
this audio material and after the research, the content will be erased. If
you wish to have a copy of the abstract of this research, I would be very
willing to send you one. Do you have any question?

What’s More

Interview Protocol

Make an interview protocol guide such as the one given as example.

You will be using this product in the next activity. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.

What I Have Learned

In this lesson, I learned how to use the interview method as an effective data
gathering tool for a qualitative research. It deepens my understanding during the
actual implementation and experience of the interview. Based on my research topic
and the skill that I have learned during the simulation stage, I am expected to apply
these skills, strategies, and concepts learned in an actual interview.

What I Can Do

Interview Simulation: Conduct an interview to any of the family

members older than you are about how the pandemic COVID-19
virus affects his/her way of life. Use the prepared Interview Protocol
Guide in What’s More for this activity.


Multiple Choice: Analyze each item very carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it on a piece paper.

1. When interview method of gathering data requires a two-way

communication, what method requires the uses senses?
A. Focus Group Discussion C. Observation method
B. Interview method D. Survey method

2. Which of the following that the researcher must do when doing an


A. Record what is he/she doing
B. Discuss the observation with his/her peers
C. Transcribe what he/she hears and see during the process
D. Simply describe something as it appears during the observation.

3. When doing an observation requires the use of senses, what method requires
A. Observation C. Survey Method
B. Interview D. Focus Group Discussion

4. When doing an observation, the following senses are needed except?

A. Sight B. touch C. feel D. smell

5. How do you call the template used as a guide when conducting an interview?
A. Interview protocol guide C. Informed Consent Guide
B. Observation protocol guide D. Interview Guide Questionnaire

6. How will you arrange the following steps in conducting an interview?

I. Invite a participant
II. Choose the type of interview
III. Decide whether interviews are appropriate
IV. Develop an interview protocol

7. When conducting an observation, the researcher must be guided with a

template for a smooth process flow. What do this template called?
A. Interview protocol guide C. Informed Consent Guide
B. Observation protocol guide D. Interview Guide Questionnaire

8. Which step in the process of observing where you think of what catches your
attention before writing any notes.
A. Determine your role C. Select the research site
B. Focus the Observation D. Develop observational protocol

9. Which step in the process of observing where observation should be

arranged chronologically.
A. Determine your role C. Select the research site
B. Focus the Observation D. Record field notes

10. How will you arrange the steps before conducting an interview?
I. Invite a participant
II. Decide whether interviews are appropriate
III. Develop an interview protocol
IV. Choose the type of interview
V. Arrange the audio equipment
VI. Arrange quiet setting for the interview
A. II, IV, I, III, V, and VI C. I, II, III, IV, V. and VI

B. I, II, IV, V, III and VI D. II, IV, III, I, VI and V

11. What will the researcher do during the conduct of an interview?

A. Acknowledge the interviewee by saying thank you
B. Discuss to the interviewee your opinion about his/her answer
C. Introduce herself and the research being conducted to the interviewee
D. None of the above

12. Which are the common methods used in gathering data for a qualitative
A. Survey and Observation C. FGD and Interview
B. FGD and Observation D. Interview and Observation

13. When inviting a participant for an interview, a letter permission should be

sent to the participants, and they must reply indicating their?
A. contact number C. email address
B. consent D. preferred schedule

14. What is the proper order of the steps in the process of observing?
I. select the research site IV. Determine your role
II. develop observational protocol V. record field notes
III. focus the observation VI. Slowly withdraw
A. III, II, I, IV, VI and V C. I, III, II, V, IV and VI
B. I, II, III, IV, V and VI D. I, II, IV, III, V and VI

15. When preparing the interview protocol, what must be indicated in the
closing instruction?
A. Date and time of the interview C. opening greetings
B. Objectives of the interview D. thank the interviewee for his time

Additional Activities

Data Gathering through Observation and Interview

When the students are ready to conduct observation and interview,
ask them to conduct these processes based on their chosen
research topic.

Answer Key

What’s In
- Observation protocol template
What’s More
- Answers may vary


What’s In
- Answers may vary
What’s More
- Answers may vary
What I Can Do
- Answers may vary
Additional Activity
- Answers may vary

Creswell, John W. Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007

Crewell, John W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods

Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003.

Crewell, John W. Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five
Approaches. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.

Turner, Daniel W., III. "Qualitative Interview Design: A Practical Guide For Novice
Investigators". The Qualitative Report 15, no. 3 (2010): 754-760.

von Diether, Barbara. Writing Chapter 3: The Methodology. Ebook. 2016.


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