Literatura USA - Examen
Literatura USA - Examen
Literatura USA - Examen
4.1 The Origins of Young/Adult Literature and the Origins of the Adolescence
Key word: Coming of age – process of becoming (Huckleberry,Solar Storms, Machimanito
Young- adult voice – resisting transition – Huckleberry Finn.
Main characteristic adolescence: rebelliousness.
Features Huckleberry Finn (1884): Set Missouri 1840s
-Use of a very fresh language in Mark Twain’s stories (main references of this period), he used
vernacular language, which makes Huckleberry Finn very fresh and engaging. It was a huge
influence for narrative fiction because of this stylistic innovation . A language very
transgressive and innovative which also makes the book being censured for such bad
-A very charming and innocent way of writing.
-Ideologically charged.
“The Catcher in the Rye” (1951)
-Huge differences in class. - the protagonist of The catcher in the Rye”
-Identity crises (anxiety, who am I, etc.).
Historical context: After WWII. 1950s
Based on cultural, linguistic, and religious differences. It is also a construction.
“White ethnicities” underwent discrimination by americans. For instance Irish, Jewish, Italian-
american.Immigrants have to work in order to survive. In the second generation of
immigrants some authors emerged in literature, the third generation is full of them.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
Criticism of social injustice. The abolition of slavery and the civil war. Her novel became a
best-seller. It is the most famous book about plantation life but it is not realistic because she
based all her information on slaves' narratives. She never lived in the South and she has never
been on a plantation.
Abraham Lincoln met her and considered this book the greatest speech for the Republic, even
greater than the speeches made for it. Her aim was to persuade the reader emotionally to stop
slavery and racism.
Beecher set a series of character types that have become clichés that were not necessarily
good for social change. For instance, with Uncle Tom that is content with his life and does not
have sufficient agency to change his situation as if they need a white man to help them (the
white savior), the role of the mulata who was not accepted by the Whites nor the Blacks, so
she always had a very tragic end; along with the role of the mammy.
Realistic features
❖ Detailed description of characters, psychology, personality , physical aspects.
❖ Natural setting and elements.
❖ Domestic environment.
❖ Linguistic
❖ Dialect (class related) attached with the ideology.
❖ Truthfulness
❖ Psychological analysis (realistic writers)
M. Bahition - Heteroglossia - not only speak in different ways, they represent different
conditions. Society has a big spectrum of community.
Regionalistic features
❖ Cultural landscapes
❖ Focus on the present
❖ Regional speeches
❖ SOCIAL ISSUES, reform society for minor communities. Huckleberry Finn.
❖ Female issues exploration (oppression)
❖ Sentimentality - the main strategy to change the reader's mind.
❖ Nostalgia and Idealization of non-industrialize spaces.
Social Issues
Patriarchal dominance
Domestic issues - alcoholism, infant death
Hemingway considered Huckleberry Finn as the point of all modern American literature.
The greatest discussion is if this work should be removed from American education or not.
The character of Jim at the end turned into a cliché and it is an uneven representation.
He is a proactive and a smart character, he was able to escape.
Jim is pointing out the issue about the bible people being racist.
Huck learnt to respect Jim at some point in the novel.
Popular folklore tradition gives dignity to the Black community in literature.
Whatever it is not religion was considered superstition.
Huck Finn’s crisis of consciousness
The dialect is set up there.
“The Catcher in the Eye”
After the end of WWII, in the 50s. It is more like an evolution of modernism.
Ethnic authors began to emerge during postmodernism.
Many authors came from the front, they saw dehumanisation.
Late 60s and 70s started Postmodernism.
Historical context: post WWII - Cold War anxiety
Enlightenment thinkers - emancipatory changes, the beginning of the democratic ideas.
New revolutionary movements to improve society and dignify people’s lives. American and
French writers developing postmodern ideas as a theoretical discourse. A wide range of
postmodernism ideas came from French theorists.
66 - 67 Movement against the Vietnam war.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949)
American feared communism and disloyalty.
Second Red Scare (1950-1957)
HUAC - House Un-American Activities Committee - 1950s
WITCHES HUNT: McCarthy’s hearings end in 1954.
-Marvel’s films are a reference for explaining the USA's history. Russia is always the bad
The Prosperous 50s
Fear and paranoia but America at its most prosper ever. America is the richest country in the
❖ 1947 - 1971 - incomes more than doubled
❖ Productivity increased (cars, oil, electronics…)
❖ Labour Market - more office jobs and services.
❖ corporations merged into big conglomerates - late capitalism
❖ Spread of Franchises
❖ Consumerism and Advertisements
THE 1950s: Expansion of the Middle Class
Incomes rose - material wealth - consumerism
Suburban Culture
❖ Baby Boom
❖ Teenage Life
❖ University Students
❖ Conformism
❖ The American Way of Life
Mid 1950s - Social Changes: Second Wave Feminism & Civil Rights Movement
Represents these social transformations through new themes and styles. Popular and high
literary genres started connecting. Intertextuality. The postmodern condition is created by the
french Jean-François Lyotard (1979)
Main Features
The spectacle is not a collection of images but a social relationship between people that is
mediated by images. A new world where images and subjects start. The images create means
and desires. The more we recognize our own needs on the images proposed by the dominant
system, the less we understand our own existence and our own desires.
New genres
❖ Irony: Ironic narrative as a way to criticise society.
❖ Parody
❖ Pastiche
❖ Hedonism: recycling aesthetics, matching in something new to develop a
commentary (some exaggerated).
Postmodernism: Identity, Small narratives and fragmentation. Why and how?
Emerging subjective perspective, silence by others that now have visibility. - New voices.
Identity: desire of participation in the public sphere, to matter. Gender, race, class…
Disbelieve in grand narratives (Los grandes relatos que explican el mundo), mostly religious
narratives (Catcher in the Rye, Holden did not like the word Grand).
Science is God. However in postmodernism they claim the use of science as a weapon to kill
people (atomic bomb).
Subjective truth - their own view of the world.
Fragmentation: rupture with the theology explanation and process. Emphasise subjectivity of
new voices, small narratives giving their own explanation of things. No more pedagogical-
theological process.
Postmodern humour: dark. Mediated by a certain level of disillusion, anxiety…
Coming of age - American narratives.
Bildungsroman - British Literature (Charles Dickens).
➢ Coming of age novel - features
➢ Teenage rebellion (without an “obvious” cause)
➢ Anti-hero quest/journey - non-conformity
Individual vs. society
➢ Nervous breakdown - trauma and mental health
Holden Caulfield
❖ Innocence, Adolescence, Identity.
❖ Sexuality, Social Pressure
❖ Mental Health, Trauma, Depression, Alienation
❖ Lies and Deceit, Knowledge and Education
❖ Language and Communication.
Central Park and nature-bound American anti/heroes - Site of possibility, freedom and
He connects Central Park with his childhood.
American Museum of Natural History - nothing changed.
Main issues
➔ Knowledge and Education. He is challenging the education system. However, he loves
reading books. Structure education versus a more intuitive approach to learn.
➔ Lies and deceit
➔ Love and Death
➔ Identity and Sexuality (the pervert scene, indirectly alluded to, because it is too painful
to mention it - Angel and Finn)
➔ Mental health
➔ Playing the “game of life”
➔ Understanding the END: is there transformation and healing in Caulfield?
➔ Check style: present/past tenses, repetitions, colloquial expressions… Do we find
At first he seems the typical angry young man, later he seems to have mental health issues.
Mental Health Issues
- Symptoms: Bipolarity, depression, death wish, dissociation
- Evidence
End Chapter 14 suicide thought (jumping throw the window)
Holden is afraid to ask for help from his parents, he is not brave enough to knock at their door.
Self-alienate at the end, feeling lonely.
Aggressive language, drinking, not sleeping or eating, smoking all the time.
Peter pan syndrome, he doesn't want to grow up. He is also afraid of death because of the death
he has been forced to see (Allie). He doesn't want to face the reality of a changing world.
Feedback videos colgados - participación
Main features: Science fiction and utopian writing.
Speculative genre: imagine future possibilities.
Examples: Frankestein, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, The Time Machine, The Island of
Dr. Moreau.
Altering human nature development, flying, immortality, time travelling, interstellar
Main theme: Postmodern anxiety
Simulations and hyperreality
Representation of AI in literature and film.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of IA as represented in the arts?
➔ 18th Century: Phillis Wheatley - First african american poet, an african slave
who learnt to read and write. White people liked her work. The african american
were so dehumanised that the white people did not believe she could write that.
She was an African slave who learnt how to read and how to write, so she started
to write poems.
➔ 19th Century: Slave Narratives. Black people were intelligent human beings,
this was demonstrated through their literature. They fought oppression, they did
not have a voice.
➔ Late 19th century: Clotel or the President’s
Daughter by William Wells Brown
W.E.B Du Bois, The Souls of black Folk (1903): one of the most important books in
African American history. This book introduced the double consciousness to
American literature.
Double consciousness - one feels his two-ness, an American, a Negro; two souls, two
thoughts… Black Americans deserve to be both, to be black and to be american. We
need to reconcile ideas.
Womanism - Alice Walker’s concept (Concept exam)
- Woman centre, black intellectual woman connect gender issues with race.
Beauty: sth that you do, not sth that you are. Very different experiences between black
Symbol : planting seeds (baby), helping pecola’s baby be born. The magical seeds.
Critical examination - understand the story from a macro level.
The novel is organised following the seasons. - como Solar storms.
Doble structure.
Claudia’ voices - desordenados, cuts, not well written like a diary. Claudias subjective
perpestive. Claudia is the voice of the resistance. Historia de superación. SS
Omniscient Narrator
Dick and jane - cartillas de lectura (familia perfecta) para niños. La autora nor pone un
extracto de la familia perfecta y luego empieza a distorsionarlo. No es el mundo en el
que black people vive.
Published 1970, the setting of the story is 1940-1, the beginning of WWII for the United
States, it is also ideologically grounded in the 1960s then “Black is Beautiful” entered
into the popular, if more, militant, discourse. The context of segregation and racism is
so terrible that there is no possible way to escape from it. Since the origins of the US
nation Black people have undergone the process of dehumanisation.
A novel about failure and death (anti-american), the american nightmare, how the
African american suffered, where black cannot be saved. All characters are related to
their circumstances. This is a naturalistic novel, where there is no success, it’s the anti-
american, for all characters are doomed to failure.
Whiteness kills and destroys. Make us understand the perversity of white americans.
Responds to this white ideology.
Toni Morrison: This was the age of “Black is beautiful” let us not forget why that
became a necessary statement. Pecola - the most helpless creature of the World, black
girl and naive. Pecola is the ultimate U.S. victim.
How did this happen?
The Bluest eye works here like the omnipresent, omnipotent one-eyed presence which
is watching us all time. The protagonist of the book is obsessed with having blue eyes,
for she feels everything will change if she has them. The eye, simultaneously, stands
for the standards of beauty and happiness that the protagonist feels she misses and
condemns her.
Morrison offers a new view of Black marginalisation. Morrison is concerned with Black
sexism and explores it within the black world, for there’s no need to go into the white
world to show how this African American girl is wrecked.
This is a world that is seedless, no flower comes up from the seeds planted. The seeds
do not carry life but death. The process of life is reversed.
Marigolds -
Earth - U.S. - unyielding.
Pecola - the living proof of the black American dehumanisation.
Modern’s pecola
Michael Jackson - the modern Pecola. He was self-hating.
Oprah was raped by her uncle.
Morrison goes to the very origins of American primers, the books used to teach children
to read and write in the prologue.
They are connected to religion. The first Protestant primers linked the teachings of the
Bible with the mechanism of literacy.
Dick and Jane series: Primers - the epitome of the American White perfect family.
School is key in the process of indoctrination and of turning the child into a citizen.
1965 - Now We Read 1st ethnic primer. Black and white kids.
The narrative she’s going to present follows the patterns of a slave narrative. In slave
narratives there are white people or voices legitimising the narrative. Pecola’s text is
framed by the white text or discourse of American primers, in a way limiting narrative.
She’s establishing symbolic violence, the burden of whiteness by using this all-white
world. The idealisation of the American family, taken to be exemplary, with the dick
and Jane primer.
The symbolic whiteness presented in the family and the house will lead these african
American characters to destruction and there’s no escape other than social death.
“The Doll Test” . 1940s effects of segregation. Making black people choose between
a white doll and a black doll, choosing the white one.
The indoctrination and prejudices led to self-hatred. Children are drinking these
prejudices from the moment they’re born.
Black girls are indoctrinated into a type of motherhood that resembles the mammy
stereotype. This chapter gives clues about how Pecola comes to the point of self-hatred,
because of all the images that surround her, thinking that she’s ugly. Unlike, Claudia,
she doesn’t have support from her family nor environtment.
Shirley Temple - prototype of U.S, white american girls (marisol). Bojangles is the
Black companion to Shirley. This goes back to Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
P36 “There were no memories” , no history behind, there’s nothing there. Morrison is
dissecting American primers while dissecting the demise of the Black characters.
“Emasculations” p 42
Cholly’s emasculated figure. In U.S. history African American men have been
emasculated, deprived of masculinity not only sexually by through violence too.
Morrison is going to criticise the exclusion, invisibility, marginalisation of Black people
in American Primers.
Gerarldine, as Mrs Breedlove, represents the perversity of a type of African American
motherhood that puts whiteness before their offspring. Gerarldine hates her black world
and her African American community. She desires to become white and to acquire
white standards of beauty and living.
She tries to uproot herself, to relinquish her Blackness and to indoctrinate her son into
white standard.
P127 “She became what is known…Here she found beauty, order, cleanliness, and
Una señora que solo ha hablado de vox, de la lengua valenciana y de obras que no van
para la asignatura. Nada interesante pero ha dicho que la semana que viene vuelve Ana.
Migration and Latinx Literatures
Sandra Cisneros
Transnationalism, Globalization.
Migration is related to mobility and identity (split identity). The homeland you remember is
no longer the same, your reality is distorting.
Postmemory - the generation after - 2nd generation Marianne Hirst. Kids dealing with the
trauma of the previous generation. Intergenerational trauma. They rememory through
photographs and story, and the silences or gaps.
2nd and 3 generation pre construction of the community through imagination.
Language as a way of stick to the homeland - Mamacita
Esperanza - she doesn’t speak Spanish much, she has learnt the language from her family, she
cannot use it properly. Relationship with Spanish?, she uses it to engage with her family more.
(when sm died)
your mama’s frijoles as an insult. Take the Spanish language as a weapon to attack the
immigrant ones. Chanclas
Strangers that you treat as if were neighbours
Matchimanito - Nanapush to the priest
Pecola - Frieda offer a home, the sister take Pecola as their sister.
Inhospitality - The scarlet letter.
The Catcher in the Rye - Holden trying go home and Phoebe let him in, he going to the teacher
Solar Storms - Grandma adopts Angel again, Adam’s rib
Ethics of Care
Care ethics: refers to a approaches to moral life and community that are grounded in virtues,
practices nd knowledges associated with appropriate caring and regulating self.
Female solidarity and Independence
Mental force of Esperanza that her mum gives her that Pecola doesn’t have.
A house of my own - chapter, search of independence. Not a man house, a house of my own
Satire and Irony
Social Critcism
Issues to consider:
- Characters
- Narrative structure
- Space
- The American Dream
- Identity, the self, gender family.
- Language and communication.
- The Spectacle
- Labour rights. Capitalism
- Style