Medical Engineer OS Level 6
Medical Engineer OS Level 6
Medical Engineer OS Level 6
P.O. BOX 15745-00100
First published 2019
Copyright TVET CDACC
Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030 and
meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector had to be aligned
to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and this resulted to the formulation of the Policy Framework
for Reforming Education and Training. A key feature of this policy is the radical change in the
design and delivery of the TVET training. This policy document requires that training in TVET
be competency based, curriculum development be industry led, certification be based on
demonstration of competence and mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in TVET
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to ensure the
curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that these Occupational
Standards were developed for developing a competency-based curriculum for Medical
Engineering level 6. These Occupational Standards will also be the bases for assessment of an
individual for competence certification.
It is my conviction that these Occupational Standards will play a great role towards development
of competent human resource for the Medical Engineering sector’s growth and sustainable
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 on reforming
Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the need to reform curriculum development,
assessment and certification. This called for a shift to CBET to address the mismatch between
skills acquired through training and skills needed by industry as well as increase the global
competitiveness of Kenyan labor force.
The TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC), in
conjunction with Medical engineering Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC) have
developed these Occupational Standards for medical engineering technologist. These standards
will be the bases for development of competency-based curriculum for Medical Engineering
level 6.
The occupational standards are designed and organized with clear performance criteria for each
element of a unit of competency. These standards also outline the required knowledge and skills
as well as evidence guide.
I am grateful to the Council Members, Council Secretariat, Medical engineering SSAC, expert
workers and all those who participated in the development of these Occupational Standards.
I thank TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC)
for providing guidance on the development of these Standards. My gratitude goes to Medical
Engineering Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC) members for their contribution to the
development of these Standards.
My gratitude and appreciation go to all the individuals and organizations who participated in the
development of these Standards.
CR : Core Competency
OS : Occupational Standards
Industry or sector
Occupational Standards
Occupational area
Type of competency
Competency number
Competency level
Version control
This qualification consists of the following basic, common and core competencies:
This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients
and colleagues; developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and
strategies. It also covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group
discussion and representing the organization in various forums.
Variable Range
Communication strategies Language switch
include but not limited to: Comprehension check
Asking confirmation
Clarification request
Effective group interaction Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within
includes but not limited to: an interaction in a nonjudgmental way
Using active listening
Making decision about appropriate words, behavior
Putting together response which is culturally
Expressing an individual perspective
Expressing own philosophy, ideology and
background and exploring impact with relevance to
Situations include but not Establishing rapport
limited to: Eliciting facts and information
Facilitating resolution of issues
Developing action plans
Diffusing potentially difficult situations
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Communication process
Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Flexibility in communication
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Key elements of communications strategy
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
aspects of 1.1 Developed communication strategies to meet the
Competency organization requirements and applied in the workplace
1.2 Established and maintained communication pathways for
effective communication in the workplace
1.3 Used communication strategies involving exchanges of
complex oral information
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
This unit covers the competencies required to effectively use digital devices such as
smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. It entails identifying and using digital
devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of
communication, work performance and management at the work place.
These describe the These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
function Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Appropriate computer A collection of instructions or computer tools that enable
software may include but the user to interact with a computer, its hardware, or
not limited to: perform tasks.
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Software concept
Functions of computer software and hardware
Data security and privacy
Computer security threats and control measures
Technology underlying cyber-attacks and networks
Cyber terrorism
Computer crimes
Detection and protection of computer crimes
Laws governing protection of ICT
Word processing;
Functions and concepts of word processing.
Documents and tables creation and manipulations
Mail merging
Word processing utilities
Spread sheets;
Meaning, formulae, function and charts, uses and layout
Data formulation, manipulation and application to cells
Database design, data manipulation, sorting, indexing,
storage retrieval and security
Desktop publishing;
Designing and developing desktop publishing tools
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Aspects of 1.1 Identified and controlled security threats
Competency 1.2 Detected and protected computer crimes
1.3 Applied word processing in office tasks
1.4 Designed, prepared work sheet and applied data to the cells
in accordance to workplace procedures
1.5 Opened electronic mail for office communication as per
workplace procedure
1.6 Installed internet and World Wide Web for office tasks in
accordance with office procedures
1.7 Integrated emerging issues in computer ICT applications
1.8 Applied laws governing protection of ICT
2. Resource 2.1 Tablets
Implications 2.2 Laptops and
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
5.4 Prestige
6.3 Intermediate
7.2 Partnership
7.3 Limited companies
7.4 Cooperatives
8.4 Developing IT tools for entrepreneurs
10.4 Skills
12.5 Adequacy
12.6 Consistency
12.7 Informality
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Assessing a range of alternative products and strategies
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and
current market trends
Identifying changing consumer preferences and demographics
Thinking “outside the box”
Ensuring quality consistency
Reducing lead time to product/service delivery
Using formal problem-solving procedures, e. g., root-cause analysis, six sigmas
Applying motivational principles, e. g., positive stroking, behavior modification
Assessing range of alternatives rather than choosing the easiest option
Achieving ownership and credibility for the enterprise vision
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and
current market trends
Developing solutions and practical strategies which are “outside the box”
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Entrepreneurial competencies
Decision making
Business communication
Change management
Coping with competition
Risk taking
Net working
Time management
Factors affecting entrepreneurship development
Principles of Entrepreneurship
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Distinguished entrepreneurs and business persons
1.2 Identified ways of becoming an entrepreneur
1.3 Explored factors affecting entrepreneurship
development appropriately
1.4 Analysed importance of self-employment accurately
1.5 Identified requirements for entry into self-employment
1.6 Identified sources of business ideas correctly
1.7 Generated Business ideas and opportunities correctly
1.8 Analysed business life cycle accurately
1.9 Identified legal aspects of business correctly
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It involves
conducting self-management, demonstrating interpersonal communication, critical safe
work habits, leading a workplace team, planning and organizing work, maintaining
professional growth and development, demonstrating workplace learning, problem
solving skills and managing ethical performance.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required
outcomes which make level of performance for each of the elements.
up workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Conduct self- 1.1 Personal vision, mission and goals are formulated
management based on potential and in relation to organization
1.2 Emotions are managed as per workplace
1.3 Individual performance is evaluated and monitored
according to the agreed targets.
1.4 Assertiveness is developed and maintained based on
the requirements of the job.
1.5 Accountability and responsibility for own actions are
1.6 Self-esteem and a positive self-image are developed
and maintained.
1.7 Time management, attendance and punctuality are
observed as per the organization policy.
1.8 Goals are managed as per the organization’s objective
1.9 Self-strengths and weaknesses are identified as per
personal objectives
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Work values and ethics
Company policies
Company operations, procedures and standards
Occupational Health and safety procedures
Fundamental rights at work
Personal hygiene practices
Workplace communication
Concept of time
Time management
Decision making
Types of resources
Work planning
Resources and allocating resources
Organizing work
Monitoring and evaluation
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit specifies the competencies required to follow procedures for environmental
hazard control, follow procedures for environmental pollution control, comply with
workplace sustainable resource use, evaluate current practices in relation to resource
usage, develop and adhere to environmental protection principles/strategies/guidelines,
analyze resource use, develop resource conservation plans and implement selected
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
PPE May include but are not 1.1 Mask
limited to 1.2 Gloves
1.3 Goggles
1.4 Safety hat
1.5 Overall
1.6 Hearing protector
Environmental pollution 2.1 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
control measures may ingestion of airborne particles
include but are not limited to: 2.2 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
ingestion of gases and fumes
2.4 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
ingestion of liquid wastes
Wastes may include but are 3.1 Unnecessary waste
not limited to: 3.2 Necessary waste
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Following storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
Following disposal methods of hazardous wastes
Using PPE
Practicing OSHS
Complying environmental pollution control
Observing solid waste management
Complying methods of minimizing noise Pollution
Complying methods of minimizing wastage
Employing waste management procedures
Economizing resource consumption
Listing of resources used
Measuring current usage of resources
Identifying and reporting workplace environmental hazards
Conveying all environmental issues
Following environmental regulations
Identifying environmental regulations
Assessing procedures for assessing compliance
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
Usage of PPE Environmental regulations
Types of pollution
Environmental pollution control measures
Different solid wastes
Solid waste management
Different noise pollution
Methods of minimizing noise pollution
Methods of minimizing wstage
Waste management procedures
Economizing of resource consumption
Principle of 3Rs
Types of resources
This unit specifies the competencies required to lead the implementation of workplace’s
safety and health program, procedures and policies/guidelines.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Hazards may include 1.1. Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
but are not limited to: noise,
vibration, extreme temperature, radiation
1.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
1.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes,
gasses, vapors
1.4 Ergonomics
Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure,
varying metabolic cycles
Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
1.6 Safety hazards (unsafe workplace condition) –
confined space, excavations, falling objects, gas
leaks, electrical, poor storage of materials and
waste, spillage, waste and debris
1.7 Unsafe workers’ act (Smoking in off-limited areas,
Substance and alcohol abuse at work)
2. Indicators may 2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
include but are not 2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
limited to: complaints/ symptoms
2.3 Common complaints of workers related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Skills on preliminary identification of workplace hazards/risks
Knowledge management
Critical thinking skills
Observation skills
Coordinating skills
Communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Troubleshooting skills
Presentation skills
Training skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
General OSH Principles
Occupational hazards/risks recognition
OSH organizations providing services on OSH evaluation and/or work
environment measurements (WEM)
National OSH regulations; company OSH policies and protocols
Systematic gathering of OSH issues and concerns
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required by an Electrical Technician to apply a wide
range of Engineering mathematics in their work. This includes applying algebraic
functions, Complex numbers, coordinate geometry, carrying out binomial expansion,
calculus, ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms, power series, Statistics,
Fourier series, Vector theory, Matrix and Numerical methods in solving problems
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
May include but not limited to:
2.3.1 Hyperbolic functions 1.1 Sinh x
1.2 Cosh x
1.3 Cosec x
1.4 Coth x
1.5 Tanh x
1.6 Sech x
2. Figures 2.1. Triangles
2.2. Squares
2.3. Rectangles
2.4. Circles
2.5. Spheres
2.6. Cylinders
2.7. Cubes
2.8. Polygons
2.9. Cuboids
2.10. Pyramids
3. Quantities 3.1 Weight,
3.2 Mass
3.3 Area
3.4 Volume
3.5 Length
3.6 Width
3.7 Depth
3.8 Perimeter
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)
Calculating area and volume
Types and purpose of measuring instruments
Units of measurement and abbreviations
Rounding techniques
Types of fractions
Types of tables and graphs
Presentation of data in tables and graphs
Vector operations
Matrix operations
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
(Bold and italicised terms are elaborated in the Range)
1. Apply workshop safety 1.1 Proper use of PPE is adhered to as per standard
operating procedure
1.2 Workshop rules are followed as per standard
operating procedure
1.3 Proper use of safety equipment are followed as per
the manufacturers recommendations
2. Perform basic first aid 2.1 Lifesaving procedures are carried out as per the
procedures state of the victim
2.2 Wounds, fractures and bleeding are managed as per
their causes
2.3 Burns and scalds are managed as per their causes
2.4 Ligaments and joint injuries are managed as per
3. Use workshop tools, 3.1 Workshop tools, Instruments and equipment are
Instruments and Identified
equipment 3.2 Tools, Instruments and equipment are used as per
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Workshop tools 1.1 Pliers
1.2 Hacksaws
1.3 Hammer
1.4 Spirit levels
1.5 Phase Tester
1.6 Side cutters
2. Manual 2.2Operational
2.3 Installation
2.4 Commissioning
2.1 Technical specification /data sheet
3.1 Light intensity
3. Parameters
3.2 Sound
3.3 Speed
3.4 Efficiency
3.5 Temperature
3.6 Electrical quantities e.g. Voltage, current and
resistance levels
3.7 Expected output
The individual needs to demonstrate the following foundation skills:
Communications (verbal and written); Decision making;
Proficient in ICT; First aid;
Time management; Report writing;
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
This unit describes the competencies required by a technician in order to apply a wide
range of Electrical principles skills in their work; use the concept of basic Electrical
quantities, use the concepts of D.C and A.C circuits in electrical installation, use of basic
electrical machine, use of power factor in electrical installation, use of earthing in
Electrical installations, use of earthing in Electrical installations and apply lightning
protection measures
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
May include but not limited to:
1. SI unit 1.1 Power – Watts (W)
1.2 Current – Amperes (A)
1.3 Resistance – Ohms(Ω)
1.4 Voltage – Volts (V)
2. Quantities 2.1 Charge
2.2 Force
2.3 Work
2.4 Power
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical drawings. It
involves competencies to select, use and maintain drawing equipment and materials. It
also involves producing plain geometry drawings, solid geometry drawings, pictorial and
orthographic drawings and application of Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Drawing equipment Drawing boards, T and set squares, drawing sets,
computers with CAD packages
2. Drawing materials Drawing papers, pencils, erasers, masking tapes, paper
3. Environmental EMCA 1999
4. Personal Protective Dust coats, closed leather shoes
5. Geometric forms Circles, triangles, rectangles, parallelogram, polygons,
pyramids, conic sections, prisms, loci
6. Standard conventions Anatomy of engineering drawing (title block,
coordinate grid system, revision block, notes and
Drawing scale (paper size and drawing symbols)
International drawing standards
7. Electrical drawings Block, schematic, circuit, line and wiring diagrams
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Critical thinking
Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
Unit description
This unit describes the competencies required by a technician to apply mechanical
science principles in their work. It includes determining forces in a system, demonstrating
knowledge of moments, understanding friction principles, understanding motions in
engineering, describing work, energy and power, performing machine calculations,
demonstrating gas principles, applying heat knowledge, applying density knowledge and
applying pressure principles.
These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace required level of performance for each of the
function. elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
1. Determine forces in a system 1.1 Forces are defined and described
1.2 Forces theorems are described
1.3 Resultant of coplanar forces are determined.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
Forces theorems may Parallelogram
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required by a technician in order to apply
thermodynamics principles in their work. It includes understanding fundamentals of
thermodynamics, performing steady flow processes, performing non steady flow
processes, understanding perfect gases, generating steam, performing thermodynamics
reversibility and entropy, understanding idea gas cycle, demonstrating fuel and
combustion, perform heat transfer, understanding heat exchangers, understanding air
compressors, understanding gas turbines and understanding of impulse steam turbines
Variable Range
May include but not limited to:
1. Utilities 1.1 Boilers
1.2 Condensers
1.3 Compressors
1.4 Nozzles
1.5 Throttling processes
2. Perfect gas laws 2.1 Boyle’s law
2.2 Charle’s law
2.3 Joule’s law
3. Principles 3.1 Newton’s laws of motion
3.2 Law of conservation of linear momentum
3.3 Law of conservation of energy
3.4 Archimedes’ principle
4. Types of air compressors 4.1 Reciprocating
4.2 Blowers
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate understanding of Electronics.
Competencies includes; Apply semiconductor theory, Applying semiconductor diodes,
demonstrating understanding of transistors, Applying special semiconductor devices,
Performing rectification, applying amplifiers, microprocessors, demonstrating
understanding of oscillators, applying wave shaping and pulse generation circuit and
application of Opto-electronics..
(Bold and italicised terms are elaborated in the Range)
1. Identify electronic 1.1 Electronic components are identified
components 1.2 Electronic component rating values are determined
as per the standards
2. Demonstrate 2.1 Types of materials are established in line with
understanding of semiconductor theory
semiconductor theory 2.2 Semiconductor materials are identified as per their
electrical conductivity properties
3. Demonstrate 3.1 Types of diodes are identified as per their
understanding of functionality
semiconductor diodes 3.2 Diodes characteristics are determined as per their
3.3 Forward and reverse bias characteristics are
established as per the properties of the
semiconductor material
4. Demonstrate understanding 4.1 Transistors are identified as per their characteristics
of transistors 4.2 NPN and PNP are determined as per their operation
4.3 P and N channels are identified as per their
The individual needs to demonstrate the following foundation skills:
Amplifier construction Decision making;
Communications (verbal and written); First aid;
Proficient in ICT; Electronics biasing
Time management;
Problem solving;
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply hospital engineering principles. It
involves competencies to demonstrate understanding of biomedical measurements, carry
out biomedical measurements and controls, install and operate electrical machines and
perform system installation and distribution.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Demonstrate 1.1 Categories of biomedical measurements are identified
understanding 1.2 Human body vital signs are measured
of biomedical 1.3 Sources of errors are identified and classified.
measurements 1.4 Measurement errors are considered as per the type of measurement
2. Carry out 2.1 Elements of measurement systems are identified and functions
biomedical described
measurements 2.2 Block diagrams are drawn to represent the measurement system
and controls 2.3 Transducer types are identified and applied in measurement systems
2.4 Pressure measurement instruments are identified and applied in
measurement systems
2.5 Level measurement methods are identified
2.6 Flow meters types are identified and applied in flow measurement
2.7 Temperature measurement is performed based on the method
2.8 Basic control components are identified
2.9 Fault in control circuits are diagnosed based on the type control
2.10 Open and closed loop power control are performed as per SOPs
2.11 Sequence control circuits are designed using conventional
2.12 Programmable Logic controllers (PLC’s) programs are written
and applied in sequence control programs.
3. Install and 3.1 Electrical machines are identified as per SOPs
operate electrical 3.2 Electrical machines are installed and commissioned as per
machines manufacturer’s specifications
3.3 Rewinding of motors and transformers is carried out as per
manufacturer’s specifications
3.4 Industrial drives are assembled and disassembled as per
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Categories include but Direct
not limited to : Indirect
2. vital signs include but Cardio-vascular
not limited to Blood pressure
Blood flow
Heart sound
3. Transducer include but Resistive
not limited to Capacitive
Piezo electric
Opto electric
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain hospital plant
systems. It involves competencies to observe hospital hygiene, sterilization equipment,
water systems, steam systems, medical gases and vacuum systems, kitchen equipment,
laundry equipment and hospital sanitation
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Observe 1.1 Micro-organisms are classified as per their level of risks
hospital 1.2 Disinfection is carried out while observing safety standards
hygiene 1.3 Sterilization is carried out while observing safety standards
2. Maintain 2.1 Sterilization equipment are identified and inspected as per workplace
sterilization procedures
equipment 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed based on the type of sterilization
2.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
2.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
3. Maintain water 3.1 Types of water pumps are identified as per operational principle
systems 3.2 Water storage systems are installed as per SOPs
3.3 Water heating systems are installed as per SOPs
3.4 Water distribution systems are maintained as per SOPs
4. Maintain steam 4.1 Steam system parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
systems procedures
4.2 Fault diagnosis is performed based on the type of steam system
4.3 Steam system operations are carried out as per SOPs
4.4 Steam system is descaled as per SOPs
4.5 Flame tube is checked for functionality and repaired as per service
4.6 Steam controls are checked for functionality and repaired as per
service manual
4.7 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
4.8 Safety and functional tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
5. Maintain medical 5.1 Medical gases are identified
gases and 5.2 Safety colour coding is performed as per the SOPs
vacuum systems 5.3 Medical gas distribution systems are checked for functionality and
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Disinfection include but not limited Chemical
to : Heat
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Use of tools and equipment
Communication skills
Troubleshooting skills
Mechanical skills
ICT skills
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Report writing
Record keeping
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply human anatomy and physiology
principles. It involves competencies to, demonstrate knowledge of anatomical terms and
body locations, cells, tissues and organs, skeletal and muscular system, blood and
circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, nervous system,
endocrine system, reproductive system, special sense and Perform basic patient care and
medical ethics.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Demonstrate 1.1 Medical terminologies are defined with reference to the human body
knowledge of 1.2 Human body compartments are identified as per SOPs
anatomical 1.3 Medical equipment are identified in relation to human body systems
terms and body
2. Demonstrate 2.1 The eukaryotic cell is sketched and labelled
knowledge of 2.2 Cells are classified based on their tissues
cells, tissues 2.3 Anatomy and physiology of tissues are listed
and organs
3. Demonstrate 3.1 Bones and their positions are named and illustrated
understanding 3.2 Main joints are identified
of skeletal and 3.3 Main muscles are identified
muscular 3.4 Common disease and disorders of the skeletal and muscular systems
system are identified
3.5 Diagnostic and therapeutic measures and equipment are identified as
per bone and muscle type
4. Demonstrate 4.1 Blood constituents are listed
knowledge of 4.2 Human heart is sketched and labelled
blood and 4.3 Blood vessels are identified and located on the human body
circulatory 4.4 Heart rhythm is illustrated by an electrocardiograph (ECG)
system 4.5 Common disease and disorders of the blood and circulatory systems
are identified
4.6 Diagnostic and therapeutic measures and equipment are identified as
per circulatory system.
5. Demonstrate 5.1 The respiratory system is sketched and labelled
knowledge of 5.2 Common disease and disorders of the respiratory systems are
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Medical terminologies
Human body systems
Functions of the human body organs
Hospital hygiene
Vital body organs
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain diagnostic and lab
equipment. This requires the ability to maintain diagnostic set, sphygmomanometer,
water purification equipment, pH meter, microscope, photometer, bacteriological
incubator, centrifuge, analytical balance, blood cell counters, biochemistry analyzers,
biosafety cabinet and endoscopy equipment.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Maintain 1.1 Parts of the diagnostic set are identified and inspected as per work
diagnostic set place procedures
1.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the user manual
1.3 Bulb is checked and replaced as per service manual
1.4 Drained out battery is replaced
1.5 Identified faults are repaired as per the service manual.
2. Maintain 2.1 Components of sphygmomanometer are identified and inspected as
sphygmomano per work place procedures
meter 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the user manual
2.3 Rubber tubing is checked for leakages and repaired/replaced as per
service manual
2.4 Faulty valves are checked and replace/repaired as per service manual
2.5 Mercury level is checked and maintained
2.6 Worn out cuff is repaired/replaced as per service manual
2.7 Calibration is carried out based on the type of sphygmomanometer
and manufacturer’s specifications
3. Maintain water 3.1 Water purification equipment are identified and inspected as per
purification workplace procedures
equipment 3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed based on the type of water purification
3.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
3.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
4. Maintain pH 4.1 pH meter parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
meter procedures
4.2 Fault diagnosis is performed based on the service manual
4.3 Electrodes are checked for functionality and faulty ones replaced as
per service manuals
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. type of aneroid
sphygmomanometer mercury
include but not limited electronic
to :
2. Valves include but not Inlet
limited to Outlet
Pressure release
3. Water purification Distiller
equipment include but Deionizer
not limited to Reverse osmosis(RO)
Filtration equipment
4. Lenses include but not Eye piece
limited to: Objective
5. Microscope include but Light
not limited to : Electronic
6. Photometer include but Calorimeter
not limited to : Spectrophotometer
Flame photometer
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
Standards of calibration
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required by operate and maintain operation theatre
equipment. It involves competencies to maintain operating theatre table, operating theatre
lamp, electro-surgical diathermy equipment, respiratory equipment, anaesthesia
equipment fluid pumps and patient monitoring tools.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Maintain 1.1 Operating theatre table parts are identified and inspected as per
operating workplace procedures
theatre table 1.2 Fault diagnosis is performed on the mechanical system as per service
1.3 Fault diagnosis is performed on the hydraulic system as per service
1.4 Fault diagnosis is performed on the electrical and electronic system
as per service manual
1.5 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
1.6 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
1.7 Safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
2. Maintain 2.1 Operating theatre lamp parts are identified and inspected as per
operating workplace procedures
theatre lamp 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed on the electrical system as per service
2.3 Operation theatre lamp features are inspected and adjusted as per
manufacturer’s specifications
2.4 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
3. Maintain 3.1 Electrosurgical diathermy equipment parts are identified and
electro-surgical inspected as per workplace procedures
diathermy 3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
equipment 3.3 Electrodes are checked for functionality and faulty ones replaced as
per service manuals
3.4 Patient plate is checked as per service manuals
3.5 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
3.6 Safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
4. Maintain 4.1 Respiratory equipment parts are identified and inspected as per
respiratory workplace procedures
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Operating theatre table Electro-hydraulic
include but not limited to Electro-mechanical
: Mechanical
2. mechanical system Table top
include but not limited Table base
to Accessories
Holding devices (brakes)
3. Hydraulic system Pumps
include but not limited Valves
to Piping
Hydraulic oil
4. Electrical system Switches
include but not limited Relays
to: Change over system
5. features include but not Positioning
limited to : Filters
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain medical imaging
equipment. It involves competencies to, maintain X-ray equipment, radiography
equipment, computer Tomography equipment (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging
equipment (MRI), Ultrasound equipment radiotherapy equipment, EEG and ECG, visible
and near infrared imaging equipment and thermal imaging equipment
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Maintain X-ray 1.1 X ray machine parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
equipment procedures
1.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
1.3 X-ray tube parts are checked as per service manual
1.4 Identified faults are repaired as per service manual
1.5 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manual
1.6 Safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
2. Maintain 2.1 Radiography equipment parts are identified and inspected as per
radiography workplace procedures
equipment 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
2.3 Film processor is checked as per service manual
2.4 Identified faults are repaired as per service manual
2.5 Safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
3. Maintain 3.1 CT scan parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
computer procedures
Tomography 3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
equipment 3.3 X-ray tube parts are checked as per service manual
(CT) 3.4 Identified faults are repaired as per service manual
3.5 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manual
4. Maintain 4.1 MRI parts are identified and inspected as per workplace procedures
Magnetic 4.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
Resonance 4.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manual
Imaging 4.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manual
5. Maintain 5.1 Ultrasound equipment parts are identified and inspected as per
Ultrasound workplace procedures
Variable Range
1. X-ray tube parts Cathode
include but not Focusing cup
limited to : Filament
Vacuum glass envelope
Oil tank
High tension and control cables
2. Radiotherapy Cobalt 60
equipment include but LINAC
not limited to
3. Nuclear medicine Gamma camera
equipment include but PET scan
not limited to
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain ICU equipment. It
involves competencies to maintain cardiac pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, ventilators,
anaesthesia machines and patient monitoring systems.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Maintain 1.1 Cardiac pacemaker parts are identified and inspected as per
cardiac workplace procedures
pacemakers 1.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
1.3 Electrodes are checked for functionality and faulty ones replaced as
per service manuals
1.4 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
2. Maintain 2.1 Cardiac defibrillators parts are identified and inspected as per
cardiac workplace procedures
defibrillators 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
2.3 Electrodes are checked for functionality and faulty ones replaced as
per service manuals
2.4 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
3. Maintain 3.1 Ventilator parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
ventilators procedures
3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
3.3 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
4. Maintain 4.1 Anaesthesia equipment parts are identified and inspected as per
anesthesia workplace procedures
machines 4.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
4.3 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
4.4 Safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
5. Maintain 5.1 Patient monitoring systems are identified and inspected as per
patient workplace procedures
monitoring 5.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
systems 5.3 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
Variable Range
1. Ventilators include but Mechanical controlled ventilators
not limited to : Electronic steered ventilators
2. Anaesthesia equipment Vaporizer
parts include but not Anaesthetic unit
limited to: o Gas flow
o Valves
o Flow meters
Patient circuit
3. Patient monitoring Electro-cardiogram (ECG)
systems include but not Vital signs monitor
limited to Pulmonary analyzer
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain ophthalmic and
audiology equipment. It involves competencies to maintain audiometers,
ophthalmoscope, slit-lamp, Retinoscope, eye ultrasound scanner (A&B) and LASER
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Slit lamp components Viewing arm
include but not Eye pieces
limited to : Magnifying elements
Illuminating arm
Light source
Patient positioning frame
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain renal equipment. It
involves competencies to demonstrate knowledge of renal anatomy and physiology,
maintain dialysis machine water treatment plant, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
(CRRT), sphygmomanometer and weighing scales
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Demonstrate 1.1 Renal anatomy and physiology are identified
knowledge of 1.2 Fluid compartments in human body are identified
renal anatomy 1.3 Common kidney failures are identified as per International
and physiology Classification of Diseases (ICD10)
2. Maintain 2.1 Dialysis machine components are identified and inspected as per
dialysis workplace procedures
machine 2.2 Equipment used in dialysis process are identified
2.3 Daily routine maintenance is performed as per manufacturer’s
specification and service manuals
2.4 Fault diagnosis is performed based on the service manual
2.5 Software is updated as per manufacturer’s specifications
2.6 Electrical circuit is checked and repaired as per service manuals
2.7 Faulty parts are replaced as per the service manuals
2.8 Calibration is carried out as per manufacturer’s instructions
2.9 Safety and functionality tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
2.10 Dialysis machine is disinfected after every use as per service
3. Maintain water 3.1 Mechanical components are identified and inspected as per
treatment plant workplace procedures
3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed based on the service manual
3.3 Water microbiological content is monitored continuously to ensure
they are not present.
3.4 Electrolytes are monitored continuously
3.5 Water pump is checked for functionality and repaired/replaced as per
service manual.
3.6 Faulty parts are replaced as per the service manuals
3.7 Functional tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Dialysis machine Dialyzer
components include but Control systems
not limited to Blood monitor
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to operate and maintain dental equipment.
It involves competencies to maintain dental chair, dental unit, dental X-ray and dental
laboratory equipment.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Maintain 1.1 Dental chair parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
dental chair procedures
1.2 Dental chair movement is checked and adjusted as per the service
1.3 Fault diagnosis is performed on the hydraulic system as per service
1.4 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
1.5 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
1.6 Safety and functional tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
2. Maintain dental 2.1 Dental unit parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
unit procedures
2.2 Dental unit supplies are inspected as per the service manuals
2.3 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
2.4 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
2.5 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
2.6 Safety tests and functional tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
3. Maintain dental 3.1 Dental laboratory equipment are identified and inspected as per
laboratory workplace procedures
equipment 3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
3.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
3.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
4. Maintain dental 4.1 Dental X-ray machine parts are identified and inspected as per
X-ray machine workplace procedures
4.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manual
4.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
4.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
Variable Range
1. Dental chair include Mechanical
but not limited to : Electro-mechanical
2. Hydraulic system Hydraulic pump
include but not limited Hydraulic valves
to Pump motor
Oil reservoir
Solenoid valves
Limit switches
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required by to operate and maintain maternity
equipment. It involves competencies to demonstrate knowledge of reproductive system,
maintain maternity diagnostic equipment, infant therapeutic equipment and delivery bed
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Demonstrate 1.1 Parts and functions of the reproductive system are identified
knowledge of 1.2 Birth defects are identified as per International Classification Of
reproductive Diseases (ICD10)
system 1.3 Maternity Hygiene is observed as per SOPs
2. Maintain 2.1 Maternity diagnostic equipment parts are identified and inspected as
maternity per workplace procedures
diagnostic 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the type of equipment and service
equipment manual
2.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
2.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
2.5 Functional tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
2.6 Calibration is carried out as per manufacturer’s instructions
3. Maintain infant 3.1 Infant therapeutic equipment parts are identified and inspected as
therapeutic per workplace procedures
equipment 3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the type of equipment and service
3.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
3.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
3.5 Functional and safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
3.6 Calibration is carried out as per manufacturer’s instructions
4. Maintain 4.1 Delivery bed parts are identified and inspected as per workplace
delivery bed procedures
4.2 Delivery bed movement is checked and adjusted as per the service
4.3 Fault diagnosis is performed on the hydraulic system as per service
4.4 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
4.5 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Maternity diagnostic Thermograph
equipment include but Ultrasound
not limited to : Faetoscope
Apnea monitor
2. Infant therapeutic Infant incubator
equipment include but Baby weighing scale
not limited to Suction pump
Infant resuscitaire
Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP)
Phototherapy equipment
Baby warmer
Foetal monitor
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required by operate and maintain refrigeration and
air conditioning equipment. It involves competencies to maintain commercial
refrigeration unit, hermetic and semi-hermetic units, perform refrigeration pipe work and
central air conditioning system
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Maintain 1.1 Compression refrigeration model components are identified and
commercial inspected as per SOPs
refrigeration 1.2 Electrical circuits are checked for functionality as per the service
unit manual
1.3 Electrical and safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
1.4 Evacuation and charging is performed as per service manual
1.5 Operational parameters are recorded as per workplace procedures
2. Maintain 2.1 Hermetic units are inspected and repaired as per service manuals
hermetic and 2.2 Semi-hermetic units are inspected and repaired as per service
semi-hermetic manuals
units 2.3 Electrical controls are checked as per service manuals
2.4 Compressors mounting is carried out as per manufacturer’s
2.5 Refrigerant leakages are checked and rectified as per service manuals
2.6 Compressors are overhauled as per manufacturer’s specifications
3. Perform 3.1 Pipework layout is sketched as per SOPs
refrigeration pipe 3.2 Pipework is measured based on the layout
work 3.3 Pipework processes are executed as per SOPs
4. Maintain 4.1 Air conditioning system is inspected as per SOPs
central air 4.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per service manuals
conditioning 4.3 Identified faults are repaired/replaced as per service manuals
system 4.4 Functional tests are performed as per manufacturer’s specifications
Variable Range
15. Compression Evaporator
refrigeration model Condenser
components include but Compressor
not limited to Refrigeration control
16. Electrical circuits Power circuit
include but not limited Control circuit
17. Operational Low pressure
parameters include but High pressure
not limited to: Evaporator temperature
Condenser temperature
Current consumption
18. Hermetic units include Starter unit
but not limited to : Overload protector
Solenoid starter
Capacitor start/run
Split phase
19. Pipework processes Cutting
include but not limited Debarring
to : Bending
20. Air conditioning Heater
system include but not Humidifier
limited to : Electrical circuit
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required by operate and maintain physiotherapy
equipment. It involves competencies to maintain ultrasonic therapy machine, short wave
diathermy machine, microwave diathermy machine, traction therapy machine, laser
therapy machine, infrared therapy lamp machine, massage therapy machine, muscle
stimulator machine, cellulite therapy machine, hydro-collator unit and treadmill machine.
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Operate and 1.1 Ultrasonic therapy machine parts are identified and inspected as per
maintain workplace procedures
ultrasonic 1.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the type of equipment and service
therapy machine
1.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
1.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
1.5 Functional and safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
1.6 Calibration is carried out as per manufacturer’s instructions
2. Operate and 2.1 Short wave diathermy machine parts are identified and inspected as
maintain short per workplace procedures
wave diathermy 2.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the type of equipment and service
2.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
2.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
2.5 Functional and safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
2.6 Calibration is carried out as per manufacturer’s instructions
3. Operate and 3.1 Microwave diathermy machine parts are identified and inspected as
maintain per workplace procedures
microwave 3.2 Fault diagnosis is performed as per the type of equipment and service
3.3 Identified faults are repaired as per service manuals
machine 3.4 Worn out parts are replaced as per the service manuals
3.5 Functional and safety tests are performed as per manufacturer’s
3.6 Calibration is carried out as per manufacturer’s instructions
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Ultrasonic therapy Transducer
machine parts include Oscillator
but not limited to: Timer
2. Short wave diathermy Electrodes
machine parts include RF output rods
but not limited to Timer
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Safety precautions
Fault diagnosis
Electrical principles
Hospital hygiene
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to manage hospital organization and
maintenance. It involves competencies to demonstrate leadership and management skills,
apply concept of hospital maintenance in hospital, manage Maintenance department of a
hospital, classify maintenance and performance indices, implement Planned Preventive
Maintenance (PPM) in hospitals and administer HMU (Hospital Maintenance Unit)
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required level of
key outcomes which
performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Demonstrate 1.1 Organization activities are planned as per workplace procedures
leadership and 1.2 Duties are allocated as per workplace procedures
management 1.3 Conflicts are resolved as per workplace procedures
skills 1.4 Organization policies are listed and applied as per workplace
2. Apply concept 2.1 Objectives of hospital maintenance are identified and communicated
of hospital as per workplace procedures
maintenance in 2.2 Failure is identified and analyzed as per SOPs.
hospital 2.3 Productivity of the hospital is improved as per organizational
3. Manage 3.1 Duties of maintenance personnel are allocated as per their
Maintenance specializations
department of 3.2 Staff are trained as per the training needs assessment
a hospital 3.3 Maintenance schedules are developed as the equipment
manufacturer’s specifications
3.4 Departmental costs are managed as per the budget allocations
3.5 Materials and standard spares are procured as per workplace
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Maintenance and Routine maintenance
performance indices Scheduled maintenance
include but not limited Repair maintenance
to Organized maintenance
Emergency maintenance
Breakdown maintenance
Planned shutdown maintenance
2. Tools include but not Job cards
limited to Counter requisition
Issue voucher
Request slip
Section checklist
Equipment checklist
Equipment history sheet
Schedule planner
Service schedule
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Basic mathematics
Occupational safety and health
Organizational policies and objectives
Quality assurance and management
Public relations
Conflict resolution
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.