Assignment - 3 NLP Abhiraj Singh

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Assignment 3

NLP and Web Scrapping

Name – Abhiraj Singh Uid – 22BCS12473

1. What is collaborative filtering? Implement in python code and also

explain the library.

Solution –

Collaborative filtering is a technique used in recommendation systems to make predictions

about the interests of a user by collecting preferences from many users (collaborating). It
works based on the assumption that if a user A has similar preferences to a user B on certain
items, then A is likely to have similar preferences to B on other items as well.

There are two main types of collaborative filtering:

1. User-based collaborative filtering: This approach recommends items by finding

similar users to the target user and recommending items that those similar users have
liked or interacted with.
2. Item-based collaborative filtering: This approach recommends items by finding
similar items to those that the target user has liked or interacted with in the past.

Code Implementation –
2. Explain Content Based filtering? Implement in python code.

Solution –

Content-based filtering is a recommendation system technique that recommends items to

users based on the attributes or features of the items themselves. It works by analyzing the
features of items that a user has liked, interacted with, or rated highly in the past, and then
recommending similar items with similar features.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of content-based filtering:

1. Feature Extraction: Extract relevant features or attributes from the items in the
dataset. These features can include metadata such as genre, actors, director, keywords,
etc., for movies; author, title, text content, etc., for articles or books; or any other
relevant attributes for different types of items.
2. Profile Creation: Create a user profile based on the features of items that the user has
liked, interacted with, or rated highly in the past. This profile represents the user's
preferences for different features or attributes.
3. Similarity Calculation: Calculate the similarity between the user profile and each
item in the dataset based on their features. Various similarity measures can be used,
such as cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, or Pearson correlation coefficient.
4. Recommendation Generation: Rank the items in the dataset based on their similarity
to the user profile and recommend the top-ranked items to the user.

Code Implementation –

3. Make recommendation system for Market Analysis application in

Solution –

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