Votre Plainte
Votre Plainte
Votre Plainte
The 2nd District - 2DCA - California Courts
Building 300 S. Spring Street 2nd Floor,
North Tower Los Angeles, CA 90013
Dear Prosecutor,
I, the undersigned, Notary Stephane DESCHAMPS (Address: 5162 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038,
USA, Los Angeles, CA),
acting as a representative of the Likong family, wishes to file a formal complaint against Mr. Kanki de Rosen
Alain Bertrand, residing at the following address: 1745 Camino Palmero St Apt 437, Los Angeles, CA 90046
(Read on the copy of his driver's license). This complaint is filed with the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Los
Angeles, CA, USA.
The Likong family accuses Mr. Kanki de Rosen Alain Bertrand of falsification and fraudulent use of notarial and
identity documents in order to embezzle assets intended for the Likong family in Congo (Africa).
We are confident that your office will conduct a fair and impartial investigation into this matter. We remain at
your disposal for any additional information or collaboration you deem necessary.
Notary's Office