Headwaters of The Patuxent River
Headwaters of The Patuxent River
Headwaters of The Patuxent River
GOAL: Maintain the quality and integrity of the outstanding natural systems within the
Damascus plan area, enhance water quality in the Patuxent River Watershed, and mitigate
impacts of future development.
Damascus is located at the source of four major watersheds. This location exerts a strong influence on
planning for the protection of environmental resources. It includes a major part of the drinking water
reservoir headwaters in the Patuxent River watershed. The existing forest and wetland resources in
the Master Plan area are of generally high quality. While many of these resources have been protected
through low-density land uses or acquisition of parkland, there are significant environmental resources
that lack adequate protection from potential development - particularly in the Little Bennett and
Patuxent River watersheds.
This chapter summarizes the conditions of environmental resources in Damascus and makes general
recommendations regarding their protection and restoration. It fulfills the requirement of The Maryland
Planning Act of 1992 that all local plans protect environmentally sensitive areas. More detailed
information on the existing conditions and environmental policy current as of 2003 is available in a
separate publication, Damascus and Vicinity Environmental Resources Inventory (July 2003).
Recommendations regarding specific properties are contained in the Land Use or Implementation
Forests, fields and wetlands are the major components of green infrastructure. This green infrastructure
provides wildlife habitat for nesting, feeding and migration. Animals need free movement to and from
feeding and nesting areas, as well as routes for flight from threats. Plant species also require a variety
of habitats and areas for seeds to seek new ground as conditions change. Isolated populations can be
easily damaged or eliminated. As future development occurs, it is important to protect not only the
distinct areas, but also important connections between these areas.
Maryland has delineated areas showing the ―green infrastructure‖ of open space in Montgomery
County as part of a statewide effort. These areas include ―hubs‖ or large clusters of environmental
resources as well as existing and potential ―links‖ or corridors that provide connectivity between these
hubs. Staff has used this map along with more detailed, updated local information as part of the
Damascus Master Plan. In Damascus, the majority of these areas are already within existing or
planned public ownership or within private open space. The remaining green corridor connections are
considered greenways and are eligible for state funding for protection and public access, where
appropriate. Areas proposed for parkland protection are shown within the Parks section of the
Community Facilities Chapter.
Encourage development patterns and techniques that minimize forest fragmentation and
preserve interior forest habitat areas.
Provide forest planting that will connect or enlarge existing forest stands, where possible.
Promote the use of forest banking as an incentive to property owners to preserve existing forest
and plant new forest.
The recommendations for forest resources in this section as well as in the Land Use section will
generally result in forty-five (45) percent forest in the plan area with half of that protected in public
ownership or by private conservation easements.
Maintain and protect existing hydrology by avoiding activities that will alter groundwater flow,
springs and seeps, wetlands and streams thus sustaining the natural conditions to meet the State
water quality standards.
Reduce the amount of nutrients and sediments from entering the headwaters through the
construction of stormwater management and sediment and erosion control measures outside the
stream buffer areas. Stormwater management measures that emphasize disconnected runoff and
infiltration are especially recommended.
Support efforts to implement best management practices to reduce nutrient loads and protect
sensitive areas as part of agricultural uses and activities.
Incorporate site design features in new development to preserve the size and functions of existing
priority wetlands, and avoid fragmentation of these resources.
Stream quality is very good throughout the Damascus plan area. County and statewide efforts to
improve water quality in tributaries have influenced the general approach to water resource protection
in the plan area. These efforts include the 1983 Chesapeake Bay Agreement and subsequent
agreements, the policies of the Patuxent River Commission, the 1992 State Planning Act, and the 1997
Smart Growth Act that gives financial incentives to local governments to promote concentrated growth
and avoid sprawl.
Montgomery County has undertaken a number of measures to protect water quality including the 1998
Countywide Stream Protection Strategy (CSPS), and its recent update (2003), further discussed in the
―Environmental Resources Inventory for Damascus and Vicinity‖ report.
This plan also supports the Maryland Water Quality Management Act strategies for restoration and
agricultural watershed management. Practices recommended in this plan include support for County
efforts in stream restoration and retrofit projects; measures to increase forested buffers and wetland
habitat and function; application of existing stormwater, sediment control, wetlands and forest
conservation regulations; and targeting of priorities for Best Management Practice cost-sharing, and
forested buffer establishment.
Encourage the expanded use of Agricultural ―Best Management Practices‖ through County and
State programs, the reduction of nutrient loads, and the protection and forestation of stream
Endorse the efforts of the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and the
Department of Permitting Services to restore streambanks and to control storm water from
existing development.
Support efforts to identify and implement stream restoration projects to improve water quality and
aquatic habitat in streams exhibiting deteriorating conditions.
Magruder Branch - The one exception to the generally high water quality in Upper Great Seneca
Creek is the upper reaches of Magruder Branch that flows into Great Seneca Creek at the
southern edge of the plan area. The development pattern in this valley has resulted in poor
stream conditions in this headwater stream. This subwatershed is located between Woodfield
and Ridge Roads south of MD 108. Impacts from the surrounding industrial and commercial
facilities as well as a moderately-high density residential areas have caused the CSPS to
designate this a Watershed Restoration Area. There are five ―rip-rapped‖ outfalls, all showing
signs of degradation and erosion. Magruder Branch runoff carries heavy loads of silt, gravel and
trash from the industrial facilities along with sediment from eroding bank swales. Silt and
sediment is deposited at the base of the slopes where it blankets the forest floor smothering the
young trees and native plants.
The forest in this stream valley is young although there are a few older trees with an average age
of 70-90 years. Many trees within the valley have buttressed roots either from former wetlands
that have been filled or as an adaptation to siltation. A high water table, springs and seeps, and
runoff from adjacent developments supply the wetlands with water. The wetlands within the
Magruder Stream Valley have the lowest functional value of all wetlands assessed in the
Damascus Master Plan area. Functional values are used to estimate the potential for wetlands to
perform five different wetland functions that benefit society and the natural ecosystem.
The new Damascus Lane south of Main Street (discussed in the Transportation Chapter), should
include a storm drain system collecting runoff from the Town Center. This will allow runoff from
the road as well as north of the road to be directed to a new stormwater management facility.
Upper Patuxent River Watershed - The Upper Patuxent River Watershed and the northernmost
headwaters of this river make up about 35 percent of the Damascus planning area. It includes a
portion of the eastern Town Center area as well as land in the Neighborhood Transition Area and
more rural areas north and east of the Town Center. Much of the area near the mainstem and
border with Howard County is in public ownership for the purpose of water quality protection. The
Patuxent River drains to the drinking water reservoirs that are part of the Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission’s drinking water system.
“Town Spring” Tributary - This headwater tributary to the Patuxent River with its associated
wetlands is located in and adjacent to the Town Center, east of Woodfield Road Extended (A-12).
As one of the sources of the County's drinking water, the goal for this watershed is low-density
development to allow maximum protection of water quality. The Town Spring Tributary
subwatershed has been adversely affected by development in the Town Center including the
Damascus Centre shopping center, the Damascus Library and Senior Center, Phase I of
Woodfield Road Extended, the new Post Office, and surrounding residential development.
Although most of the subwatershed is open land with many natural areas, the development at
headwaters, although typical for the business core of a town, has raised the overall impervious
level of the subwatershed to near 10 percent, although impervious rates of 30-50 percent would
not be unusual in urban settings. The projected buildout under the zoning in the 1982 Master
Plan would have resulted in an impervious level of approximately 14.5 percent.
The land use and zoning proposed for the Town Center in this Plan will reduce impervious levels
slightly and cluster it in this central area, allowing for more efficient treatment and downstream
improvement as the stream flows through less dense areas. This is partially because current
development standards for landscaping and stormwater management will control imperviousness
on properties in this watershed as they develop.
This Plan also proposes to reduce development potential in portions of this watershed beyond the
Town Center, as discussed in the Land Use Chapter. These changes will:
Reduce the development potential of over 100 acres in this subwatershed, from two-acre
density to five-acre density.
Allow small lot cluster development, which creates less impervious surface, on the Burdette
With these changes, the overall impervious level for the Town Spring Tributary subwatershed is
projected to be approximately 13.5 percent. This includes development and redevelopment within
the Town Center, as well as the completion of Woodfield Road Extended and residential buildout
throughout the subwatershed. In addition, other Patuxent subwatersheds in the Master Plan
area, including those immediately downstream of this one, are projected to stay under 10 percent,
further offsetting the Town Center imperviousness. Additional recommendations to further protect
this stream system include:
Include low-impact development elements in the redevelopment of the Damascus Centre
site such as parking lot infiltration islands, green roof, and upgraded stormwater
Scott Branch Tributary - The Maryland Department of the Environment has issued a proposed
water quality regulation that would designate Scott Branch, a tributary to the Patuxent River within
the Town Spring watershed as a stream of high water quality that should not be allowed to
undergo significant decline (Tier II list). Designated stream segments should be protected to
maintain or improve water quality. This could be accomplished through reforestation and the
creation and expansion of stream buffers. As a Tier II listed stream, the following policies are
recommended for this subwatershed:
Maintain low density/agricultural zoning
Preserve all existing forest if residential development takes place
Reforest areas identified in the Forest Technical Appendix
Encourage forest mitigation banking and other forest incentive programs
Bennett Creek Watershed - This watershed is largely agricultural and forest, with very low-
density development. It has been designated by the CSPS as an Agricultural Management Area.
Recommendations include best management practices for agriculture and the restoration of
currently unforested stream buffers. This watershed has received special attention in this Master
Plan because of the large high quality contiguous forested area in the headwaters.
Recommendations for this forest are also discussed in the Legacy Open Space Section.
Little Bennett Creek Watershed - This is a sensitive Use III watershed with very high water
quality. CSPS designates it as a Watershed Preservation Area to be protected with park
dedication and acquisition.
This watershed has long been recognized as an important area. The Functional Master Plan for
the Preservation of Agriculture and Rural Open Space identified this watershed at a State Area of
Critical Concern and designated it as a conservation area. Approximately 51 percent of the
watershed is either existing or proposed parkland, including most of the mainstem of Little
Bennett Creek. With the exception of the edges of Damascus and Hyattstown, the entirety of the
watershed is zoned RDT.
The Damascus Master Plan has also responded to the sensitivity of this watershed. This is
important since the headwaters of Little Bennett Creek, with their abundant areas of seeps and
springs are located in Damascus. The long-standing and far reaching policy of protecting the
Little Bennett Creek watershed should be continued in the Damascus Master Plan.
The current area of acquisition should be extended to the sensitive areas of the Kingstead Farm
as well as further upstream. The following policies are recommended:
Restore stream buffers through the development process
Maximize forest retention in and adjacent to environmental buffer areas through acquisition
and conservation easements as part of the development process
Acquire sensitive areas adjacent to current parkland and park acquisition areas
Extend the Little Bennett Stream Valley conservation park to include its headwater spring
Expand existing headwater wetland to its pre-farmed size and condition utilizing existing
soils and hydrology
Limit development to open areas
Protect all natural resources through park dedication or conservation easements.
Air quality is a regional issue and the limited development proposed in this Master Plan should reinforce
the ability of the town to be more self sufficient, and less likely to create more commuter traffic than the
previous Damascus Master Plan.
Noise is not a significant issue in this rural community. Adherence with County noise regulations and
sensitive site planning in redeveloped portions of the Town Center should avoid most noise problems.
Further discussion of air quality and noise can be found in the ―Environmental Resources Inventory for
Damascus and Vicinity‖ report.