Bui Tuan Kiet HE160341
Bui Tuan Kiet HE160341
Bui Tuan Kiet HE160341
Reward employees a certain amount of money for each unit they produce
Reward with a percentage of employee sales or reward with company shares
Share information about how rewards are earned and distributed, and allow employees to
participate in reward distribution decisions
Personalize reward systems so that different employees can be offered different incentives
Rewards help increase motivation and encourage employees to try to accomplish work goals
and goals set by the organization. Riddles help increase productivity at work
Companies and organizations can reward employees on the basis of the relative value they
create. That reward shows employees that their efforts and achievements are recognized and
Inadequate rewards and recognition can lead to higher turnover rates as talented employees
seek opportunities elsewhere that provide greater encouragement and appreciation for their
Without proper recognition and rewards for their efforts, employees can feel undervalued and
demotivated. This can lead to reduced engagement, productivity and job satisfaction as
employees may question the importance of their contributions to the organization.
A lack of rewards can contribute to a negative work environment, characterized by low
morale and lack of engagement. This can have a ripple effect on team spirit, collaboration,
and overall organizational culture.
Excessive rewards can foster an employee's sense of entitlement, causing them to expect
rewards despite minimal effort or performance. This can undermine intrinsic motivation and
create a culture of complacency.
If rewards are distributed unfairly or inconsistently, it can cause discontent and dissatisfaction
among employees. Perceptions of favoritism or favoritism in the allocation of rewards can
erode trust and morale within the organization.
Reward systems that are too generous can put a strain on an organization's resources and
budget, potentially leading to financial instability or ineffectiveness if not managed carefully.