Syllabus - Microwave Engineering

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SUBJECT: Microwave Engineering

1. Lecturers’ information:
Full name Title Address Phone/Email Note
Faculty of
Electronics and
Telecommunication Subject
1 Tran Cao Quyen Dr s coordinato
[email protected]
VNU University of r
Engineering and
2. Subject information:
- Subject name: Microwave Engineering
- Subject code: ELT3060
- Number of credits: 3
- Credit hour distribution (lectures/practicals/self-studies): 45/0/0
- Prerequisites: ELT3045/ELT2030
- Other requirements (if needed):
- Coordinated by (Department/Faculty): Department of wireless communications,
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications.
3. Subject objectives:
Provide student the following knowledge and skills:

- Knowledge of transmission theory, Smith chart, using Smith chart to design

RF/microwave circuits by means of L-network matching, stub matching, and a
quarter-wavelength matching.

- Knowledge of microwave networks, analysis of microwave networks using admittance

matrix, ABCD matrix, and S-matrix.

- Design microwave components such as directional coupler, power divider, HF

amplifiers, microwave oscillators and filters.

- Skills about calculating methods, simulation, design, and measurement procedure of

RF/microwave circuits and components.
4. Expected learning outcomes:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. Knowledge
- Using Smith chart to design RF/microwave
circuits by means of L-network matching, stub x
matching, and a quarter-wavelength matching.
- Being strong in microwave network and
transmission line analysis to design and simulate
the RF/microwave systems such as: directional x
coupler, power divider, microwave amplifiers,
microwave oscillators and filters.
2. Skills
- Being capable of using computer-aided design
software like AWR, ADS, Ansoft, CST, etc.
- Ability of test equipment: vector network
analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer for assessment.
Level 1: Ability to know (concepts)
Level 2: Ability to understand (methods in detail)
Level 3: Ability to apply (e.g., to solve problems using given methods)
Level 4: Ability to analyze/synthesize (e.g., compare different methods)
5. Subject description: (about 150 words)
The course Microwave Engineering will enable students to deep understand about
transmission line theory, microwave network analysis, Smith chart, impedance-matching
methods for particular RF/microwave circuits. In the course, students are expected to be
strong in analysis, design, and simulation of RF/microwave engineering circuits such as:
microwave coupler, power divider, microwave amplifiers, oscillators and filters. In addition,
the course will introduce the about the software tools for simulation of HF circuits and
components such as AWR, ADS, Ansoft, CST, etc.
6. Subject contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Microwave Engineering
1.1 History of Microwave Engineering
1.2 Microwave system
1.3 The application of Microwave Engineering
Chapter 2. Transmission line theory
2.1 Concept of Transmission line
2.2 Modeling of Transmission Line
2.3 Transmission line equations
2.4 Intrinsic Impedance, Load Impedance, phase velocity, propagation constant, reflection
coefficient, transmission coefficient, VSWR, RL, etc
Chapter 3: RF network
3.1 Single port, multi-port network
3.2 Z-matrix, T-network, Π-network, lossless network
3.3 S-matrix, ABCD transmission matrix
3.4 Directional Coupler, 3-dB coupler, Wilkinson divider

Chapter 4. Impedance Matching

4.1 Matching with lumped elements (L-network)
4.2 L-network impedance matching
4.3 Lumped-element matching
4.4 Single-stub matching
4.5 Quarter-wavelength matching
4.6 Matching over a frequency band
4.7 Variation of reactance and susceptance with frequency
Chapter 5: Microwave amplifier
5.1 Stability
5.2 Stability Circles
5.3 Input stability circles
5.4 Design procedure of stability circles
5.5 Noise figure
5.6 Low noise amplifier
5.7 S-parameters and signal flow graph
Chapter 6: RF/Microwave Oscillators
6.1 Introduction to RF/Microwave Oscillators
6.2 Phase noise in RF/Microwave Oscillators
Chapter 7: RF Filters
7.1 Filter classification
7.2 BPF design equation
7.3 Filter design procedure
7. Teaching materials:
7.1. Textbook(s):

- Bach Gia Duong, Truong Vu Bang Giang, “Kỹ thuật siêu cao tần”, NXB ĐHQGHN

- D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

7.2. Reference books/materials:

- R.E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2007

- Thomas H. Lee, Planar Microwave Engineering, 2004

8. Teaching schedule
8.1. Overall schedule (for 15 weeks)
8.2. Detailed schedule

Week Theoretical/Practical Self-study

1 Chapter 1
2 Chapter 2.1-2.2
3 Chapter 2.3-2.4
4 Chapter 3.1-3.2
5 Chapter 3.2-3.4
6 Chapter 4.1-4.3
7 Chapter 4.3-4.7
8 Midterm Exam

9 Chapter 5.1-5.3
10 Chapter 5.4-5.7
11 Chapter 6.1
12 Chapter 6.2
13 Chapter 7.1
14 Chapter 7.2-7.3
15 Revision
9. Course policy and other requirements
-Students, who have not completed the midterm exam, are not allowed to take the final exam.
-Student, have to submit their mini-projects at 8th week.
-Student, who have not submit the mini-project, are not allowed to take the final exam.
10. Assessments
10.1. Assessment types

Form Methods Objectives Percentage

Writing exam Assessment of the overall
Final exam 60%
outcome of student.
Mini-projects The improvement of student
Mid-term exam 40%
Total 100%
10.2. Quality criteria & Grading policy
- Quality criteria: The result of mid-term exam
By doing mini-projects students can show their abilities of applying their knowledge
and skills in Microwave Engineering course to solve a practical problem.
- Quality criteria: The result of final-term exam
The student must cover all the knowledge (both of theory and engineeing) and skills of
in Microwave Engieering course.
10.3. Assessment schedule
S cheduled by university

Approval Dean of Faculty Head of Department

Dr. Tran Cao Quyen A. Prof. Trinh Anh Vu

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