Gazette Vol. 264 15-12-2023 Special Issue (Probates)
Gazette Vol. 264 15-12-2023 Special Issue (Probates)
Gazette Vol. 264 15-12-2023 Special Issue (Probates)
By Stephen Maina Gichane, of P.O. Box 26128–00100, Nairobi in CAUSE NO. E717 OF 2022
Kenya, the deceased’s son, through Messrs. Gitonga, Kinyanjui & Co.,
By James Githinji Wakianda, of P.O. Box 38407–00100, Nairobi
advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
in Kenya, the deceased’s son, through Messrs. Muguro Irungu, KMK
the estate of Samuel Gichane Wandurwa, late of Murang’a, who died
of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
at Meridian Equator Hospital in Kenya, on 25th April, 2015.
of Mary Wairimu Githinji, late of Kiwanja, Nairobi, who died Al
CAUSE NO. E1501 OF 2020 Amin Hospital in Kenya, on 16th July, 2021.
By (1) Genorosa Balance Neema and (2) Mary Wambui Muriuki, CAUSE NO. E728 OF 2022
both of P.O. Box 46318, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and
By Peris Wanjiku Murimi, of P.O. Box 30124–00100, Nairobi in
mother, respectively, through Messrs. Thuita Kiiru & Associates,
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. Irungu Mwangi,
advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
Nganga T. T. & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of
the estate of David Kinyua Muriuki, late of Kirinyaga, who died at
Gurunanak Hospital in Kenya, on 22nd June, 2017. administration intestate to the estate of Onesmus Mutinda Katunge,
late of Nairobi, who died at Njetha-ini, Kasarani, on 27th September,
CAUSE NO. E900 OF 2021 2014.
By Mary Doris Goima Michieka (Hon.), of P.O. Box 375–00502, CAUSE NO. E1149 OF 2022
Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. KKOA,
advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to By Margaret Wangu Kimani, of P.O. Box 50–00300, Nairobi in
the estate of David Ombogo Michieka, late of Nairobi, who died at Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. Onyango Oyieko &
Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 26th October, 2019. Co., Associates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of George Kimani Mwaura, late of Nairobi, who
CAUSE NO. E52 OF 2022 died at Kenyatta Hospital in Kenya, on 15th March, 2016.
By Edward Daniel Bomani, of P.O. Box 1142, Kirumba, within the CAUSE NO. E2820 OF 2022
Republic of Tanzania, the lawfully appointed administrator through
By Regina Wairimu Kiarii, of P.O. Box 419, Kalimoni in Kenya,
Messrs. Auma & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for resealing of a grant of
the deceased’s daughter, through Messrs. Ng’ani & Oluoch, advocates
letters of administration intestate issued by Mwanzo Ilemela
of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
Magistrates Court at Mwanza, Tanzania, on 8th November, 2021, to
of Waithira Kiarii, late of Thika, who died at Kiaora, on 22nd January,
the estate of Daniel Bomani, late of Kirumba Ilemela, who died there
on 20th September, 2009.
5756 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
By (1) Evaline Atieno Kidiga, of P.O. Box 58078–00200, Nairobi By (1) Khadija Iman and (2) Arafa Njeri Nzangi, both of P.O. Box
in Kenya, and (2) Jacob Ian Owalla, of P.O. Box 54021–00200, 56652–00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and daughter,
Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and son, respectively, through respectively, through Messrs. B. M. Musyoki & Co., advocates of
Messrs. Mungu and Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
administration intestate to the estate of Philip Ngala Owalla, late of Benedict Nzango Nzangi, late of Mandongoi, Yatta, who died at
Nairobi, who died at Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 14th March, 2022. Machakos Level 5 Hospital in Kenya, on 21st July, 2023.
By Anne Christine Akinyi Olubendi, of P.O. Box 59441–00200, By Marcelina Ina Maria Mccleland, the deceased’s widow, through
Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. Aming’a, Messrs. Kimathi Wanjohi Muli, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of
Opiyo, Masese & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Leonard
administration intestate to the estate of Patrice Olubendi, late of Kisa Anthony Warder, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi Hospital in
Central, who died at Mater Hospital in Kenya, on 19th July, 2018. Kenya, on 21st June, 2022.
By (1) Beena Maheshchandra Mulji, of 11, Silver Oaks Blvd, By Hansel Mathew Pinto, of C–119, 1st Floor, Royal Palms
Woodbridge, on L4H, 1V7 and (2) Panna Mukesh Thanky, both of Apartments, H.A.L post, Lal Bahadur Shastri Nagar, Vibhutipura,
P.O. Box 59–00623, Nairobi in Kenya, executors and trustees named Bengaluru-560 017, the lawfully appointed administrator through
in the deceased’s last will, through Messrs. H. A. Damji, Esq. advocate Messrs. P. J. Kakad & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for resealing of a
of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration with written will of grant of probate issued by the High Court of Karnataka at Bengaluru,
Dolar Jiwandas Bhatia alias Dolar Jiwandas, late of Kibokoni, Old on 24th February, 2022 to the estate of Mathew Marian Pinto, late of
Town, who died there on 21st November, 2019. Nairobi, who died at Aga Khan Hospital in Kenya, on 18th March,
CAUSE NO. E405 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E1223 OF 2023
By (1) Alice Wanene Ngigi and (2) Samuel Ngumbu Ngigi, both
of P.O. Box 77199–00611, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow By Rose Muthoni Mwangi, of P.O. Box 3, Ol Kalou in Kenya, the
and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
to the estate of Lawrence Ngigi Muiruri, late of Gaichanjiru, who died the estate of Gilbert Wamiti Mwangi alias Gilbert W. Mwangi alias
at Guru Nanak Hospital in Kenya, on 30th May, 2022. Gilbert Wamiti, late of Rugutu, who died at Kenyatta University
Teaching Research and Referral Hospital in Kenya, on 7th March,
CAUSE NO. E548 OF 2023 2023.
By (1) Mary Achola Junga and (2) John Alex Otieno, both of P.O. CAUSE NO. E1230 OF 2023
Box 60951, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s mother and brother,
By (1) Mercy Wanjira Ruriga and (2) Mary Waithira Ruriga, both
respectively, through Messrs. Lumumba & Lumumba, advocates of
of P.O. Box 39–10209, Gitugi in Kenya, the deceased’s
Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
granddaughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
Brian Mundia Junga, late of Usenge who died on 18th September,
estate of Mwangi Macharia, late of Gitugi, who died there on 19th
June, 2012.
CAUSE NO. E842 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E1231 OF 2023
By Theresia Alois Mlay, the lawfully appointed administrator for
By (1) Mercy Wanjira Ruriga and (2) Mary Waithira Ruriga, both
resealing of a grant of letters of administration intestate issued by the
of P.O. Box 30124–00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s
High Court of the United Republic of Tanzania in Moshi, Tanzania, on daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
27th January, 2011, to the estate of Aloysius Maurice Mlay, late of of Wilson Ruriga Mwangi, late of Gitugi, who died there on 17th
Moshi Urban, who died at KCMC Hospital, Moshi, Kilimanjaro, on January, 2019.
27th May, 1994.
CAUSE NO. E1248 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E891 OF 2023
By (1) Kiragu Kimani and (2) Deborah Wanjiru Bubi, both of P.O.
By Margaret Nditi Kamau, of P.O. Box 5176, Nairobi in Kenya, Box 14908–00400, Nairobi in Kenya, the executor and executrix
the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. Kiamba & Siboe, advocates of named in the deceased’s last will, through Messrs. Kogweno & Bubi,
Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written will to the estate
Patterson Kamau Mutugi, late of Kileleshwa, who died at Nairobi of Kenneth Alison Fraser, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi
Hospital in Kenya, on 28th May, 2021. Hospital in Kenya, on 13th July, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E964 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E1298 OF 2023
By Richard Sanya, of 5250 Valley, Forge Drive, #504, Alexandria, By Minoo Noor Vellani alias Minoo Vellani, of 5, Marron Place,
Virginia, 22304, United, the lawfully appointed administrator for Beecroft, NSW, 2119, Australia, the lawfully appointed administrator
sealing of letters of administration intestate issued by the Register of for sealing of a grant issued by the Supreme Court of New South
Wills for Frederick County, State of Maryland (USA), on 20th March, Wales, Sydney, Australia, on 10th June, 2022 to the estate of Noor Ali
2023, to the estate of Margaret Maraga Yonge, late of 5779, Purple Vellani alias Noor Vellani, late of 17, Hilliard Drive, Castle Hill,
Leaf Court, Frederick, Maryland, who died at Scene 1, 70, EB, At NSW, 2154, who died at Warrina Village, Castie Hill, on 22nd
Mile Marker, 64, on 9th September, 2022 December, 2021.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5757
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court By Keziah Teresiah Wanjiku Wagema, the deceased’s daughter,
in: through Messrs. Ricar, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Veronicah Muthoni Wagema,
CAUSE NO. 284 OF 2020 late of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on
6th March, 2022.
By Ziporah Wangeci Njoroge, of P.O. Box 76817–00620, Nairobi
in Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. Gitonga Mureithi & CAUSE NO. E1192 OF 2023
Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Charles Njoroge Kimani, late of Nairobi, who By (1) Redempta Atieno Were and (2) Renee Achieng Were, both
died at Kasarani, on 27th April, 2017. of P.O. Box 1492–00621, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s daughters,
through Messrs. Marienga and Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of
CAUSE NO. E2337 OF 2021 letters of administration intestate to the estate of David Nyodende
Were, late of Malanga, who died at Jobefa Med Centre, on 10th June,
By Rose Khamala Bwonditi, of P.O. Box 15787–00509, Nairobi in
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. Mitiambo & Co.,
advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to CAUSE NO. E1217 OF 2023
the estate of Nok Nyangiry Bwonditi alias Nyangiry Okambaga
Bwonditi, late of Botori, who died at Mediforte Hospital Limited, on By (1) Mary Chambati Muungu and (2) Matthew Muungu
16th October, 2021. Ngungu, both of P.O. Box 2937–00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the
deceased’s widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Kitheka &
CAUSE NO. E77 OF 2022 Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Renard Ngungu Muungu, late of South C, who
By (1) Virginiah Wanjiru Mbote, (2) Derrick Kamau Wainaina and
died at Nairobi South Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd December, 2022.
(3) Vincent Kamau Wainaina, all of P.O. Box 1465–00902, Nairobi in
Kenya, the deceased’s widow and sons, respectively, through Messrs. CAUSE NO. E1234 OF 2023
Maira & Ndegwa, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Davey Wainaina Kamau, late By Hellen Taffrine Akinyi Omiti, of P.O. Box 42166–00100,
of Nairobi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 27th Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. G & G,
November, 2020. advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Richard Machora Onchwari, late of South C, who died at
CAUSE NO. E1273 OF 2022 Nairobi Hospital in Kenya, on 9th July, 2018.
By (1) Esther Moke Nyaencha and (2) Brian Otwori Nyaencha, CAUSE NO. E1245 OF 2023
both of P.O. Box 79630–00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s
widow and son, respectively, through Messrs. Nyaencha Waichari & By Catherine Mumbi Muriuki, of P.O. Box 573–00618, Nairobi in
Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the Kenya, the executrix named in the deceased’s last will, through
estate of David Ogega Nyaencha, late of Nyamaiya, Nyamira, who Messrs. M. S., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of probate of written
died along Naivasha–Nakuru, on 2nd September, 1998. will of Samson Maina Kamau, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi
Hospital in Kenya, on 19th September, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E206 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E1246 OF 2023
By (1) Susan Njeri Njuguna, (2) Florence Ndungu Nyakiiru and
(3) Hazel Kahuria, all of P.O. Box 68232–00200, Nairobi in Kenya, By Dominic Nditangu Kago, of P.O. Box 140, Ruiru in Kenya, the
the deceased’s daughters, through Messrs. Mola, Kimosop & Njeru, deceased’s son, through Messrs. Mengich & Co., advocates of
advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
the estate of Jane Wambui Kabue, late of Nairobi, who died at Geoffrey Kago, late of Kiambu, who died at City Centre, Nairobi, on
Metropolitan Hospital in Kenya, on 29th June, 2006. 14th May, 1979.
5758 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
R. N. AKEE, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
Deputy Registrar, Mombasa. in:
CAUSE NO. E25 OF 2023 By (1) Moses Muiruri Ngugi and (2) Geoffrey Muigai Ngugi, of
P.O. Box 200, Ol Kalau in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant of
By Tom Odhiambo Omolo, of P.O. Box 657, Kisumu in Kenya, the
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Margaret Wambui
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Joseph Omolo Angienda alias Omolo Angienda, late of Ngugi, who died at Murindati, on 8th March, 2017.
Kiambu, who died at Kogony, on 22nd March, 1994.
CAUSE NO. E168 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By Samuel Griffith Kyalo Mutuku, of P.O. Box 15044–20100,
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Nakuru in Kenya, the deceased’s widower, for a grant of letters of
administration testate to the estate of Karen Mutuku, who died at
Texas Cancer Centre, on 13th May, 2023.
Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.
CAUSE NO. E169 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17199 By (1) Joyce Njoki Kibathi and (2) Poline Gathoni Kibathi, both of
P.O. Box 1915–20100, Nakuru in Kenya, the deceased’s daughters, for
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Hellen
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Wambui Kibathi, who died at Mwariki “B”, on 4th July, 2023.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
in: the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. 20 OF 2018 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Esther Wanjiru Waweru and (2) Joseph Mbugua Waweru, Dated the 26th October, 2023.
both of P.O. Box 5, Subukia in Kenya, the deceased’s daughter and
son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration testate to the M. KYALO,
estate of Jufanalis Waweru Kanyuku, who died at Nakuru Nursing Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.
Home, on 29th March, 2015.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5759
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E40 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E131 OF 2023
By (1) Josphat Kimunya Karago, (2) James Gitau Karago, (3) Rose
By Robert Cheruiyot Chepkwony, of P.O. Box 1125, Nakuru in Wangechi Karago and (4) Jane Wangari Karago, all of P.O. Box 276–
Kenya, the deceased’s child, for a grant of letters of administration 00219, Karuri in Kenya, the deceased’s children, respectively, for a
intestate to the estate of Wilson Kipkoech Chepkwony alias Wilson grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mary
Chepkwony alias Wilson K. Chepkwony alias W. K. Chepkwony alias Wanjiku Karago, who died at St. Peter’s & Ann Med Centre, on 18th
Chepkwony Wilson Kipkoech, late of Sumeek, who died at Nakuru October, 2021.
Nursing Home, on 9th July, 2021. CAUSE NO. E46 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to By (1) Jane Nyanjugu Kinyanjui and (2) James Kimani Kinyanjui,
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) both of P.O. Box 1525–00217, Limuru in Kenya, the deceased’s
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Robert Kinyanjui Kimani, who died at Nairobi
Dated the 19th July, 2023. Hospital in Kenya, on 2nd February, 2019.
Deputy Registrar, Nakuru. CAUSE NO. E52 OF 2023
By (1) Tumaini Nkaswai Njenga and (2) Felister Njeri Njenga, the
deceased’s widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17202 administration intestate to the estate of Peter Njenga Hinga, who died
at P.C.E.A., Hospital in Kenya, on 29th August, 2009.
CAUSE NO. E55 OF 2023
By (1) John Njau Wanjiru and (2) Rose Muthoni Njoroge, the
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court deceased’s son and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of
in: administration intestate to the estate of Salome Wanjiru Njoroge, who
died at St. Matia M. M Hospital in Kenya, on 16th November, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E1 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E70 OF 2023
By Alice Siang’ani Dipondo, of P.O. Box 210, Butula in Kenya, By (1) Susan Mweru Ngugi and (2) Simon Kibue Ngugi, the
the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate deceased’s widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of
to the estate of George Dipondo, who died at Marach East Location, administration intestate to the estate of John Ngugi Kibui, who died at
on 23rd February, 2019. M. P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on 17th December, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E2 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E71 OF 2023
By Moses Emongole, of P.O. Box 1, Amagoro in Kenya, the By Balbir Singh Bains, of P.O. Box 150–01000, Thika in Kenya,
deceased’s beneficiary, for a grant of letters of administration intestate the executor named in the deceased’s will, for a grant of probate to the
to the estate of Richard Ochana, who died at Waltham Forest, Whipps estate of Charanjit Singh Bains, who died at Royal Marsden Hospital,
Down Road Sutton, on 6th March, 2023.
Cross University Hospital, Leytonestone, on 1st January, 2011.
CAUSE NO. E72 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By (1) Godfrey Ng’ang’a Kamoni and (2) Peter Thiangau Kamoni,
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Festus Kamoni Nganga, who died at Uthiru, on 21st
Dated the 8th November, 2023. December, 2015.
CAUSE NO. E74 OF 2023
Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).
By Irene Ngendo Githinji, of P.O. Box 38480–00100, Nairobi in
Kenya, the deceased’s child, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Grace Wanjiru Mungai, who died at P.C.E.A.,
Kikuyu Hospital in Kenya, on 21st December, 2018.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Mariam Magdalena Kinyuru, of P.O. Box 16–00900, Kiambu
in Kenya, the deceased’s executrix, for a grant of probate to the estate
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
of Kinyuru Nganga Maguca alias Kinyuru Nganga, who died at
in: Gikambura, on 21st March, 2003.
CAUSE NO. E37 OF 2022 CAUSE NO. E81 OF 2023
By Virginia Wangui Kahiga, of P.O. Box 586–01000, Thika in By (1) Robert Gachahi Mugo, (2) Elizabeth Joy Nyakairu Mugo
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of and (3) Elizabeth Cynthia Wairimu Mugo, all of P.O. Box 47746–
Simon Mwangi Mburu, who died at Thika Nursing Home, on 10th 00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s son and daughters,
May, 2015. respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Reuben Vincent Mugo, who died at Gitothua, on 9th August,
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to 2022.
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E85 OF 2023
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Ruth Ngina Njuguna and (2) Sospeter Waweru Gitonga,
Dated the 10th August, 2023. both of P.O. Box 7565–00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s
S. MOTARI, widow and son, respectively, for a grant of probate to the estate of
Deputy Registrar, Kiambu. Peter Schrader, who died at Kilimani, Nairobi, on 1st May, 2023.
5760 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
By (1) Imelda Mbithe Ngungui, (2) Jerusha Nzembi Ngungui, (3) CAUSE NO. E64 OF 2023
Peter Kiio Ngungui and (4) Mercy Mutheu Ngungui Kabu, all of P.O. By (1) Richard Isaih Kanai and (2) Henry ole Kanai, the
Box 2460–90100, Machakos in Kenya, for a grant of letters of deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
administration intestate to the estate of Ngungui Kala Kiio alias estate of Isaya Lolmiaron Kanai, who died at Ntarara, on 9th
Ngungui Kiio Kala alias Ngungui Kiio, who died at Karen Hospital in November, 1986.
Kenya, on 3rd February, 2017.
CAUSE NO. E65 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E19 OF 2023
By Konyina Sekut Nana, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
By Ruth Katuni Kamuti, of P.O. Box 38111–00400, Nairobi in letters of administration intestate to the estate of Sekuti ole Nanai
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Medoti, who died at Nairobi West Hospital in Kenya, on 2nd May,
Kamuti Nthiwa Nziuwa, who died at Shimo la Tewa, on 18th January, 2015.
CAUSE NO. E84 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E21 OF 2023
By (1) Patrick Meliari Kalai, (2) Edward Waweru ole Kalai and (3)
By Richard K. Munywoki, of P.O. Box 136–00519, Mlolongo in James Mukuria, the deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of administration intestate to the estate of Kelai Mmaiyo, who died at
Jonathan Musangi Munyasya, who died on 4th June, 2020. RFH Specialist Hospital in Kenya, on 21st July, 2019.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 1st November, 2023. Dated the 26th October, 2023.
Deputy Registrar, Makueni. Deputy Registrar, Kajiado.
By (1) Philip Kirwa Keter, of P.O. Box 54–30100, Eldoret in By Margaret Kaburi, of P.O. Box 3834–30100, Eldoret in Kenya,
Kenya and (2) David Kirwa Kemboi, of P.O. Box 699–30100, Eldoret the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
in Kenya, through Messrs. Terer & Co., advocates, for a grant of to the estate of Joseph Ombati Moindi, who died at Eldoret Hospital in
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jepkemei Taprandich Kenya, on 23rd December, 2022.
Matui, who died at Sosiani Village. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 14th November, 2023.
Deputy Registrar, Kitale. Deputy Registrar, Eldoret.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E28 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Jonah Tega Busienei, of P.O. Box 854–30300, Kapsabet in
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
Dated the 14th June, 2023. intestate to the estate of Maritim arap Too, who died on 15th July,
E. W. KARANI, 1983.
Deputy Registrar, Kericho. CAUSE NO. E29 OF 2023
By Romana Jepchirchir Maritim, of P.O. Box 85–30300, Kapsabet
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17218 in Kenya, the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Sirngewa Maritim, who died on
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
in: By John Kimisik Biwot, of P.O. Box 484, Kapsabet in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
CAUSE NO. E10 OF 2021 estate of Kibiwot A. Maiyo alias Kibiwot arap Maiyo, who died on
By Grace Ngasura, for a grant of letters of administration intestate 16th December, 2009.
to the estate of Tamilgo w/o Kiragu, who died at Chepkosilen, CAUSE NO. E32 OF 2023
Simotwet, on 4th February, 1986.
CAUSE NO. E19 OF 2023 By (1) Alex Buigut, (2) Mary Cherono and (3) Felix Kiprop
Maiyo, all of P.O. Box 30–30300, Kapsabet in Kenya, the deceased’s
By (1) David Kiprono Korir and (2) Joel Korir, both of P.O. Box children, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
331, Sotik in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to of Samuel Kibuigut Nyigei alias Kibuigut arap Nyigei, who died on
the estate of Richard Kipkorir Langat, who died at Kipsonoi, on 25th 11th September, 1992.
June, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E33 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E38 OF 2023
By (1) Erick Kipkoech Togom and (2) Robert Kipkurui Togom, By George Kimng’eny Meto, of P.O. Box 106, Nandi Hills in
both of P.O. Box 647, Kericho in Kenya, for a grant of letters of Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
administration intestate to the estate of Elijah Cheruiyot Togom, who intestate to the estate of Kimeto arap Sinyei, who died on 22nd March,
died at Siloam Hospital in Kenya, on 19th October, 2019. 1984.
By Sammy Kiprop A. Too, of P.O. Box 894–30300, Kapsabet in PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Kiptoo Maritim, who died on 27th September, TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E18 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. 12 OF 2023
By (1) Geoffrey Keter, and (2) Dorothy Chepkoech Kosgei, both By Simeon Kipkorir Chebet, of P.O. Box 92, Chepkorio in Kenya,
of P.O. Box 3438–30100, Eldoret in Kenya, the deceased’s children, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the estate of James arap Chebet, who died at District Hospital, Eldoret
Chepsiror Kipchirchir, who died on 27th November, 2011. in Kenya, on 1st April, 1993.
5764 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 30th October, 2023. Dated the 4th August, 2023.
V. KARANJA, Deputy Registrar, Nyamira.
Deputy Registrar, Iten.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
in: in:
CAUSE NO. E10 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E9 OF 2023
By (1) Cosmas Komen Chemjor and (2) Michael Kipkoech By Mary Chemunung Julius, of P.O. Box 257, Kapenguria in
Chemjor, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
of Chemjor Chepkuto, who died on 16th November, 2020. Julius Karipo Mukekamar, who died at Chepareria, on 26th July, 2023.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Deputy Registrar, Kabarnet. Dated the 18th October, 2023.
Deputy Registrar, Kapenguria.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MALINDI
CAUSE NO. E10 OF 2023
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By (1) Daniel Kiyaka Mobunde and (2) Zablon Kiyaka Mobunde,
both of P.O. Box 1749–40200, Kisii in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Mobunde Kiyaka, who died on CAUSE NO. 7 OF 2023
16th June, 2011.
CAUSE NO. E12 OF 2023 By (1) Pasqualetto Margherita, (2) De Marchi Guiseppe and (3) De
March Cinzia, all care of Mirano (Ve), Balgona (Bo), Italy, the
By (1) Kepha Mainye Ongiri and (2) Jameson Ongiri, both of P.O. deceased’s heirs, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
Box 70, Nyansiongo in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant of
estate of De Marchi Ugo, who died at Mirano (Ve) Balgona, Italy, on
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Geoffrey Matoke
Atari, who died on 21st July, 2023. 14th March, 2021.
CAUSE NO. E13 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By (1) Stephen O. Mamboleo Ongwae and (2) Johnson Machora the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
Ongwae, both of P.O. Box 2–40500, Nyamira in Kenya, the days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Richard Ongwae Moenga, who died on 26th April, 2006. Dated the 3rd October, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E17 OF 2023 Deputy Registrar, Malindi.
By (1) Hellen Gesare Ayoti, (2) Joyce Kemunto Makori and (3)
Rose Morangi Makori, all of P.O. Box 49, Nyansiongo in Kenya, the
deceased’s daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
to the estate of Makori Onunga Okeo, who died at on 16th July, 2020.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT GARISSA
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
B. OKONG’O, TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
Deputy Registrar, Nyamira. in:
CAUSE NO. E3 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17224 By (1) Anab Yunis Ali Mursal and (2) Ibrahim Yunis Ali, both of
IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYAMIRA P.O. Box 802–00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and
son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION estate of Yunis Ali Mursal, who died on 8th December, 2020.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E14 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) George Itira Ogoti and (2) Asinah Moraa Mokurumi, both Dated the 10th November, 2023.
of P.O. Box 44569–00100, Nairobi in Kenya, for a grant of letters of S. OTUKE,
administration intestate to the estate of Moses Mokurumi Ogoti, who Deputy Registrar, Garissa.
died on 22nd February, 2013.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5765
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17228 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NAIROBI days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court District Registrar, Nakuru.
CAUSE NO. E258 OF 2023
By Eliphaz Wabwire Juma, of P.O. Box 4749–00100, Nairobi in
Kenya, the deceased’s brother, through Messrs. Fiona Owouri, IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NAKURU
advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Ruth Keke, late of Bujumba, who died at B.C.R.H, on
15th April, 2023. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E303 OF 2023
By Peter Kimani Njambi, of P.O. Box 711–00900, Kiambu in CAUSE NO. E464 OF 2023
Kenya, the deceased’s son, through Messrs. Simon Kiragu & Co., By Caren Atieno Nalo, of P.O. Box 1, Gilgil in Kenya, the
advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Mary Njambi Karagu, late of Nairobi, who died at the estate of George Nalo Olela, who died at Kijabe Mission Hospital
Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, on 22nd April, 2022. in Kenya, on 6th April, 2013.
CAUSE NO. E307 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By (1) Thomas Kinabolengo Kisingula, (2) Anthony Mmasatsi the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
Kisingula and (3) Allan Kivai Kisingula, all of P.O. Box 85611– days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
00200, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s widower and sons,
respectively, through Messrs. Khayesi Njambi & Khayesi, advocates
District Registrar, Nakuru.
of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
of Jenifer Minaya Kisingula, late of Namunyiri, who died there on
13th July, 2021.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KISUMU
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
District Registrar, Nairobi. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E576 OF 2023
By Paul Katunga Ogelo, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NAKURU administration intestate to the estate of Dalmas Ogelo Katunga, who
died at East Reru, on 4th October, 2003.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
in: days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E581 OF 2023 Dated the 15th November, 2023.
By Simon Njoroge Chege, of P.O. Box 500, Njoro in Kenya, the
District Registrar, Kisumu.
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Chege Mwaura, who died at Lusiru, on 8th November,
CAUSE NO. E587 OF 2023
By Erustus Kemondo Mutahi, of P.O. Box 2015–20100, Nakuru in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
intestate to the estate of Francis Kibugu Mutahi, who died at
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
Mukurweini Hospital in Kenya, on 20th January, 2012.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
CAUSE NO. E424 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By Benjamin Otieno Awuoth, of P.O. Box 1921, Kisumu in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Rhoda Auma Awuoth alias Rodah Auma
District Registrar, Nakuru. Awuoth, who died at Kasule, Kisumu East, on 1st January, 1999.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17230 the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 27th November, 2023.
District Registrar, Kisumu.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By Margaret Wanjiku Njuguna alias Margaret Wanjiko Kerithu, IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KISUMU
both of P.O. Box 860–00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s
daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
of Esther Njeri Kiriitu alias Njeri Kiritu, who died at Langalanga, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
Nakuru, on 5th January, 2009. in:
5766 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E8 OF 2023 in:
By John Obuya Oselu, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters CAUSE NO. E532 OF 2023
of administration intestate to the estate of Oselu Ogundo Kendo alias
Oselu Ogundo, who died at Buoye Sub-location, on 19th July, 2007. By Bonfas Obuon Ogutu, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mikael Ogutu Ogola
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) alias Michael Ogutu Ogola, who died at Kadhiambo Area, on 1st May,
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. 2006.
By Gloria Olivia Makokha, of P.O. Box 216, Busia in Kenya, the By Gideon Otieno Ouma, of P.O. Box 103, Bumala in Kenya, the
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to deceased’s grandson, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Bonface Makokha Juma, who died at Mayenje Sub- the estate of Josephine Adhiambo Madeba alias Josephine Adhiambo,
location, on 30th April, 2022. who died at Bumala “A”, on 4th July, 2015.
By Sapientia Nyaoro Mkok, of P.O. Box 23871–00100, Nairobi in By Ibrahim Jomo Nyangweso, of P.O. Box 23, Busia in Kenya, for
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Matoromayo
Kenya, the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration
Nyangweso, who died at Wakhungu Sub-location, on 12th October,
intestate to the estate of Sara Kwena Mkok, who died at Nairobi
Hospital in Kenya, on 18th May, 2014.
CAUSE NO. E680 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E544 OF 2023
By Janifa Dhiambo Ochiengi, for a grant of letters of
By Fredrick Orubia Wandera, of P.O. Box 179, Nambale in Kenya, administration intestate to the estate of Daudi Ochieng Obambo, who
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to died on 12th March, 2008.
the estate of David Wandera Obubia, who died at Kisoko Sub-
location, on 28th August, 2015. CAUSE NO. E683 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E545 OF 2023 By Sapiencia Nabwire Buluma, of P.O. Box 14, Busia in Kenya, the
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
By Jane Makokha Rabu, of P.O. Box 14, Busia in Kenya, the estate of Alfred Aggrey Okoko, who died at Bumala “A”, on 18th June,
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to 2005.
the estate of Michael Ruba Mathayo, who died at District Hospital,
Busia in Kenya, on 14th April, 2013. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E632 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Jenipher Adhiambo Onyango, of P.O. Box 441, Nambale in A. KASSIM,
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration District Registrar, Busia (K).
intestate to the estate of Baltazar Malala Mutoka, who died at Nambale
Sub-location, on 15th February, 2023.
By Juliana Achola Odeba, of P.O. Box 201, Port Victoria in Kenya, IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITALE
the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
the estate of Basil Odwory Sifugwe alias Basilly Odwori, who died at
Budalangi Sub-location, on 24th May, 2007. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E670 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E150 OF 2023
By James Juma Rapudo, of P.O. Box 92, Butula in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the By Florence Wambui Nyarigi, of P.O. Box 2653–30200, Kitale in
estate of Rapudo Ombara alias Raputo Ombara, who died at Elukongo Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Sub-location, on 13th June, 2004. Joseph Nyarigi Njiriri, who died at Mediheal Hospital in Kenya, on
28th May, 2020.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
District Registrar, Busia (K). S. K. MUTAI,
District Registrar, Kitale.
By (1) Prisciler Nabwire Wafula and (2) Rose Anyango Agoro, CAUSE NO. E704 OF 2023
both of P.O. Box 76, Bumala in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and
By Gelsia Khabaya Amutabi, of P.O. Box 98, Khayega in
mother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
the estate of Geoffrey Masiga Agoro, who died at Pandanguo, Lamu,
Leo Busieka Musina alias Busieka Leho, who died at Shitoli Sub-
on 18th June, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E672 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E781 OF 2023
By Josphat Osobolo Onyango, of P.O. Box 303, Funyula in Kenya, By Potab Mukono Lubembe, of P.O. Box 60, Khwisero in
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
estate of Stephen Onyango Osobolo, who died at Bujumba Sub-location, intestate to the estate of Kelemendi Olubembe Chibo alias Lubembe
on 11th June, 1992. Chibo, who died at Mwikhalikha, on 7th July, 1984.
5768 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17243 By (1) Enock Luhombo Shambu and (2) Mary Wanjiru Kinyungu,
both of P.O. Box 43–50100, Kakamega in Kenya, for a grant of letters
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KAKAMEGA of administration intestate to the estate of Amina Dama Noor alias
Amina Dama, who died at Lady Tharau Hospital in Kenya, on 17th
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court CAUSE NO. E823 OF 2023
By Mary Wanjiru Kinyungu, of P.O. Box 43–50100, Kakamega in
CAUSE NO. E701 OF 2023 Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Tom Mzee Luhombo, who died at Kakamega
By Kenny Mulekano Siche, of P.O. Box 1753, Kakamega in County General Hospital in Kenya, on 7th August, 2023.
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Silvester Muhekano Omukoto alias Sylvester CAUSE NO. E827 OF 2023
Omukoto, who died at Shibuli, on 12th June, 2005.
By Francis Bulinda Kamela, of P.O. Box 10, Lubao in Kenya,
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) the estate of Tomas Akamera, who died on 6th June, 1987.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E828 OF 2023
By (1) Nelson Liboyi Atwoli and (2) Nathan Ateka Atwoli, for a
District Registrar, Kakamega. grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph
Atwoli Ateka alias Atwoli Ateka, who died on 28th June, 2001.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17244 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KAKAMEGA days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Henry Benn Nabwayo and (2) Josephert Anekha Omeno, IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KAKAMEGA
both of P.O. Box 263–50100, Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased’s PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Sifrosa Manyasi John alias Sifrosa Manyasi Agutu, who died at New TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
Nyanza Provincial General Hospital, on 25th January, 2012. in:
By (1) Ofia Khalumba Musa, (2) Shadrack Manyasa Khataba By Vitalis Arunga Andiba, of P.O. Box 2136, Kakamega in
and (3) Samson Wande Khataba, all of P.O. Box 2828–50100, Kenya, the deceased’s grandson, for a grant of letters of administration
Kakamega in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and sons, respectively, for intestate to the estate of Akhwibisa Muhiakali, who died at Lukose, on
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Musa 7th April, 1980.
Akhataba alias Musa Chiriswa Khataba, who died at Shirakalu, on The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
11th October, 2007. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E797 OF 2023
By Moses Akani Ingati, of P.O. Box 1510, Kakamega in Kenya, District Registrar, Kakamega.
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Joel Akani Mulabu alias Akani Oyoywa Amulabu, who
died at Amulabu, on 1st September, 1990.
CAUSE NO. E802 OF 2023
By Batuli Makuna Ismail, of P.O. Box 43, Kakamega in Kenya,
the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
intestate to the estate of Asha Ayaya, who died at Moi Teaching and TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
Referral Hospital in Kenya, on 30th April, 2021. in:
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E319 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By (1) Samwel Wabule Opae and (2) Paulo Wanyonyi Watiri,
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Anna
J. R. NDURURI, Nelima Opae alias Annanelimo Obae and (2) Joseph Wafula Obae
District Registrar, Kakamega. alias Wafula Obae, who died at Kabuyefwe, on 8th July, 2012 and
Chepkube on 14th August, 2017, respectively.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5769
By Martin Wangila Hariso, for a grant of letters of CAUSE NO. E673 OF 2023
administration intestate to the estate of Harrison Chuma Sichangi, who
By (1) Grace Wakonyo Muchai and (2) Esther Nyokabi Muigai,
died at District Hospita, Kitale in Kenya, on 6th February, 2016.
both of P.O. Box 28371–00100, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s
CAUSE NO. E349 OF 2023 widow and daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Frank Bob Muigai Gitu, who
By Presisco Juma Pamba, for a grant of letters of administration died at Ngecha, on 10th September, 2023.
intestate to the estate of Pamba Situma Nambale, who died at District
Hospital, Bungoma in Kenya, on 4th July, 2013. CAUSE NO. E674 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E357 OF 2023 By (1) Janifer Wanja Kioi and (2) Margeret Wanjiru Kioi, both
By Protus Situma Mangali, for a grant of letters of administration of P.O. Box 51–00614, Wangige in Kenya, the deceased’s widows, for
intestate to the estate of Zakayo Wamutu Omoto Zebi alias Omoto Zebi, a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Edward
who died at Makhonge, on 1st January, 1988. Kioi Kago, who died at A.I.C. Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, on 10th May,
CAUSE NO. E359 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E675 OF 2023
By Peter Sammy Tiriongo, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Jafred Kiminyi Tiriongo, who died at Kamtiong By James Mutura Wanjiku, of P.O. Box 250, Karuri in Kenya, the
Sub-location, on 18th November, 2006. deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Nancy Wanjiku Mbugua, who died at Kiambu, on 9th
CAUSE NO. E360 OF 2023 January, 2011.
By (1) Caroline Nasambu Musosi and (2) Patrick Barasa Wafula,
CAUSE NO. E683 OF 2023
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph
Wafula Munyole, who died at Webuye County Hospital in Kenya, on By Margaret Nyaguthii Karanja, of P.O. Box 250–00219, Karuri in
27th November, 2021. Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to intestate to the estate of David Mburu Kigathi, who died at Kawaida,
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) on 14th July, 2023.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E684 OF 2023
District Registrar, Bungoma. By Stephen Mwangi Wachira, of P.O. Box 51–00902, Kikuyu in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Cecilia Wanjiru Mwangi, who died at Nachu,
on 17th August, 2018.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court N. NGANGA,
in: District Registrar, Kiambu.
CAUSE NO. 277 OF 2023
By Charles Nyukuri Juma, for a grant of letters of administration GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17250
intestate to the estate of Patrick Juma Wanyonyi, who died at Kenyatta
National Hospital in Kenya, on 27th July, 2017. IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GATUNDU
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
Dated the 11th September, 2023.
E. M. AYUKA, CAUSE NO. E420 OF 2023
District Registrar, Bungoma.
By Mbogo Kogi, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Wangui Kogi, who died at
Wamwangi, on 14th February, 1994.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By (1) Cecilia Wambui Mari and (2) Peter Kogi Mari, the
deceased’s widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court administration intestate to the estate of Mari Kogi Mari alias Mari
in: Kogi, who died at Wamwangi Sub-location, on 15th August, 2021.
CAUSE NO. E631 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E424 OF 2023
By Jane Mumbi, of P.O. Box 250–00219, Karuri in Kenya, the By (1) Joseph Gathirwa Karuga and (2) Martin Kogi Gichui, the
deceased’s sister, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the deceased’s grandsons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
estate of Michael Kariuki Kamau, who died at Gachie, on 4th to the estate of Gathirwa Kogi, who died at Wamwangi Sub-location,
November, 2022.
on 1st June, 1982.
CAUSE NO. E659 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E425 OF 2023
By (1) Evarline Mwajuma Muthama and (2) Rose Kadogo James,
both of P.O. Box 406, Kathanji in Kenya, for a grant of letters of By Patrick Ndungu Kogi, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters
administration intestate to the estate of Leonida Nabwire Nguku, who of administration intestate to the estate of Kamithi Kogi, who died at
died at Kiaria, on 16th June, 2023. Gatundu Hospital in Kenya, on 18th August, 1988.
5770 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
By John Kimani Warima, of P.O. Box 60, Kanjuku in Kenya, the CAUSE NO. E31 OF 2023
deceased’s brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to By Hellen Wanjiru Nyaga, of P.O. Box 73062–00200, Nairobi in
the estate of Martin Nyanjui Warima, who died at Kanyoni, on 24th Kenya, through Messrs. Kangethe & Mola, advocates, for a grant of
July, 2023. letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Frosty
CAUSE NO. E433 OF 2023 Muchiru Githuka, who died at Jacaranda, on 31st October, 2013.
CAUSE NO. E78 OF 2023
By (1) Grace Muthoni Mbaluku and (2) Julius Kamau Njeri, both
of P.O. Box 749, Thika in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and son, By Mary Kanyi Wanjau, of P.O. Box 1210, Muguga in Kenya, for
respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kiarie
estate of Stephen Maina Watiri, who died at Mutithi, on 9th October, Mwaura, who died at Gatuanyaga Sub-location, on 17th December,
2021. 2022.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E88 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By (1) Ruth Nyanchoka Mose and (2) Kefa Omosa Mose, both of
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
P.O. Box 138, Limuru in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration
D. N. MUSYOKA, intestate to the estate of Shem Gekonde Nyanchwaya, who died at
District Registrar, Gatundu. Nairobi West Hospital in Kenya, on 12th October, 2020.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5771
By Domitria Wanjiru Kamau, of P.O. Box 53–00232, Ruiru in By (1) Jeniffer Wangari Gachago and (2) Victor Wanjohi
Gachago, both of P.O. Box 3149–01000, Thika in Kenya, through
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Messrs. Musa Boaz & Thomas, advocates, for a grant of letters of
Gabriel Kamau Kiambuthi, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in
administration intestate to the estate of Eliud Gachago Mumbichi, who
Kenya, on 10th June, 2012. died at Kwa Heri Gatuanyaga, on 2nd June, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E106 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E156 OF 2023
By Virginia Wanjiru Njehia, of P.O. Box 52532–00100, Nairobi in By Rosemary Vaati Matu, of P.O. Box 72153–00519, Nairobi in
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kenya, through Messrs. Mutisya & Co., advocates, for a grant of
Joseph Maina Ndegwa, who died along Thika–Gatanga Road, on 24th letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nimrod Ngala
August, 2019. Ngarama, who died at Karen Hospital in Kenya, on 2nd March, 2023.
By Agnes Muthoni Kiano, of P.O. Box 75739–00100, Nairobi in By Peter Gitau Kuria, of P.O. Box 187–01000, Thika in Kenya, for
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nyagendo
Kenya, through Messrs. Mang’erere, Bosire & Associates, advocates
Kuria alias Nyang’endo Kuria, who died at Ituru Sub-location, on 12th
of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate October, 2020.
of Lawrence Murimi Murithii, who died at Nairobi West Hospital in
Kenya, on 16th June, 2022. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E113 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Monicah Wambui Machiri, of P.O. Box 543, Karatina in A. MITULLAH,
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of District Registrar, Thika.
Peter Machiri Gichaba, who died along Kays–Kenyatta Road, on 28th
May, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E115 OF 2023
By (1) Stella Kwamboka Nyakundi and (2) Hilda Wairimu
Nyakundi, both of P.O. Box 7660–00100, Nairobi in Kenya, for a PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Beatrice TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
Kanuthu, who died on 20th August, 2022. in:
CAUSE NO. 116 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. 100 OF 2023
By Lucy Nyambura Nyutu, for a grant of letters of administration By (1) George Njoroge Ruriga and (2) Isaac Mugo Jidraph, both of
intestate to the estate of Salome Wangari Wamunyu, who died at St. P.O. Box 113–00217, Limuru in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
Happy Valley, on 4th April, 2021. administration intestate to the estate of Rahab Muthoni Ruriga, who
died at Gathangari, on 20th July, 2021.
CAUSE NO. E136 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By (1) Susan Muthoni Mburu and (2) Eddy Waweru Kamande, the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
both of P.O. Box 3131, Thika in Kenya, through Messrs. Philip Mburu days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
& Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to Dated the 4th August, 2023.
the estate of Patrick Kamande Waweru, who died at Great Mall Athi M. WANJALA,
River, Mavoko, on 3rd July, 2023. District Registrar, Githunguri.
5772 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
By (1) Philip Nduhiu Mugambi and (2) Elizabeth Wanjiku CAUSE NO. E512 OF 2023
Mugambi, both of P.O. Box 2293–10100, Nyeri in Kenya, for a grant By Patrick Mbau Muiruri, for a grant of letters of administration
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Bernard Mugambi intestate to the estate of Njoroge Harun alias Njoroge Harun Gichora,
Ndei Mugambi s/o Ndei, who died at Munungaini Sub-location, on who died at Kamahuha Sub-location, on 22nd July, 1994.
30th July, 2008.
CAUSE NO. E513 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By Duncan Maina Wanduyu, for a grant of letters of
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. administration intestate to the estate of Kagwe Wango alias Kagwi
Wango, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru in Kenya, on
Dated the 14th November, 2023. 16th July, 1979.
District Registrar, Nyeri. CAUSE NO. E514 OF 2023
By Patrick Mbau Muiruri, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Kibandi Harun alias Kibande Harun Gichora,
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17257 who died at Kamahuha, on 30th June, 2019.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Mwangi Kamau, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Enderea Kamau Gachau alias Kamau Gachau,
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court who died at Gitugi Location, on 29th March, 1986.
CAUSE NO. E561 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E518 OF 2023
By Eunice Wanja Muya, of P.O. Box 7–10200, Murang’a in
By (1) Kenneth Ngocho Kimani, (2) Catherine Waringa Gachoya Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
and (3) Janet Wambui Kimani, all of P.O. Box 110, Kahuro in Kenya, Wangui Muya, who died at Mirira Sub-location, on 1st January, 1984.
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James
Kimani Mwangi, who died at Muriranjas Sub-location, on 27th April, CAUSE NO. E575 OF 2023
By Beth Njeri Mwangi, of P.O. Box 77, Kiriaini in Kenya, for a
CAUSE NO. E522 OF 2023 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Elizaphan
Mwangi Kabui, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nyeri in
By David Michuki Jeremiah, for a grant of letters of administration Kenya, on 26th October, 2019.
intestate to the estate of Gitau Michuki, who died at Njoguini Sub-
location, on 16th May, 1996. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E523 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By David Michuki Jeremiah, for a grant of letters of administration E. M. NYAGAH,
intestate to the estate of Jeremiah Mwangi Michuki alias Jeremiah M. District Registrar, Murang’a.
Michuki alias Jeremiah Mwangi s/o Michuki, who died at Kambirwa
Sub-location, on 3rd June, 2011.
By David Michuki Jeremiah, for a grant of letters of administration IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KERUGOYA
intestate to the estate of Cicilia Mugeci Mwangi alias Mugechi PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
Jeremiah alias Mugechi J. Mwangi, who died at Kambirwa Sub-
location, on 4th December, 2019. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5773
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17265
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
District Registrar, Kerugoya. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. 54 OF 2023
By Julia Wanjiku Mwaniki, of P.O. Box 13483–00100, Nairobi in
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court intestate to the estate of David Mwangi Mugo, who died at Nairobi, on
in: 18th April, 2021.
By (1) Wanjiku Njenga Muruthi and (2) David Maina Njenga, both By Joyce Kienda Kirimi, of P.O. Box 1381, Meru in Kenya, for a
of P.O. Box 11–10400, Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters of grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Naftal Kirimi
administration intestate to the estate of Muruthi Magwa Wanyika, who Mutunga, who died on 21st January, 1992.
died at Naibor 5 Location, on 22nd May, 1984. CAUSE NO. 113 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. 39 OF 2023 By (1) Victoria Waturi Githinji and (2) George Wanjau Githinji, of
By (1) Elizabeth Muthoni Ngari and (2) Margaret Njeri Ngunju, P.O. Box 1899–10400, Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
both of P.O. Box 11–10400, Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ephraim Githinji Wanjau, who
administration intestate to the estate of Richard Ngunju Kahoro, who died at Huruma Hospital in Kenya.
died at Laikipia County, on 16th June, 2020. CAUSE NO. E123 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. 142 OF 2023 By Julius Ngumo Ndung’u, of P.O. Box 60, Mugunda in Kenya,
By (1) Samson Mbatia Muthoni and (2) Charles Munyi Mbatia, for for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ann Ndung’u Ngumo, who died at Consolata Mathari, on 16th March,
Muthoni Mbatia alias Gathoni Mbatia, who died at Nanyuki, on 23rd 2021.
February, 1997. CAUSE NO. E128 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to By Loise Wangui Ndumia, for a grant of letters of administration
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) intestate to the estate of Gad Ndumia Wahome alias Gad Ndumiah
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Wahome, who died at Neema Hospital in Kenya.
Dated the 19th October, 2023. CAUSE NO. 133 OF 2023
District Registrar, Nanyuki. By (1) Njeri Ndegwa and (2) Agnes Wangeci Gikinyo, for a grant
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ndegwa Murai
alias David Ndegwa Murai, who died at Kalalu, on 28th December,
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17264 2018.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By (1) Edward Mwangi Matheri and (2) Florence Muthoni Iranji,
both of P.O. Box 1133–10400, Nanyuki in Kenya, for a grant of letters
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court of administration intestate to the estate of Muthoni Maina, who died at
in: Huruma Health Centre, on 24th December, 2017.
CAUSE NO. 97 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. 145 OF 2023
By David Muriu Wamai, of P.O. Box 77–10400, Nanyuki in By Agnes Wanja Muriithi, of P.O. Box 2058, Karatina in Kenya,
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Eliud
Annah Wambui Muriu, who died at Golf View, on 8th July, 2021. Mureithi Kerianga, who died at Kirima Sub-location, on 23rd July,
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5775
CAUSE NO. 148 OF 2023 TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
By Charles Mathenge Nyokabi, of P.O. Box 287–10100, Nyeri in
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of CAUSE NO. 406 OF 2023
Magdalina Nyokabi Wanyiri alias Magdalaina Nyokabi Wanyiri, who
died at Provincial General Hospital, Nyeri in Kenya, on 22nd January, By (1) James Maina Gakuhi and (2) Anthony Gakuhi Muhoti, both
2015. of P.O. Box 52–10101, Karatina in Kenya, the deceased’s brothers, for
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Benard
CAUSE NO. E152 OF 2023 Kimenyi Kinyua Gakuhi, who died on 9th June, 2008.
By Lydiah Wambui Weru, of P.O. Box 2159–10100, Nyeri in CAUSE NO. 429 OF 2023
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
David Nato Micha, who died at Panda Nguo, on 18th June, 2023. By Gladys Wangari Muchemi, of P.O. Box 54, Nyahururu in
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to intestate to the estate of Samuel Muchemi William Mariu, who died at
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) Charity Hospital in Kenya, on 25th January, 2013.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. 475 OF 2023
Dated the 27th October, 2023.
B. MARARO, By (1) Jecinta Wambui Kariuki and (2) Eunice Wangui Macharia,
District Registrar, Nanyuki. both of P.O. Box 1812–20300, Nyahururu in Kenya, the deceased’s
daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
of Kariuki Karua Kabugu alias Kariuki Karua, who died at Kirima, on
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17266 14th October, 2000.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By John Mwangi Thuku, of P.O. Box 203–20300, Nyahururu in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court intestate to the estate of James Thuku Ndegwa, who died at Benedict
XVI Hospital in Kenya, on 21st September, 2019.
CAUSE NO. 382 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By (1) Hannah Njeri Ndungu and (2) Caroline Wanjiru, both of the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
P.O. Box 85, Mirangine in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and daughter, days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Stephen Ndungu Wanyoike, who died on 4th August, 2023. Dated the 31st October, 2023.
CAUSE NO. 473 OF 2023 District Registrar, Nyahururu.
By (1) Margaret Warukira Ndungu and (2) Isaac Gichohi Ndungu,
both of P.O. Box 740–20300, Nyahururu in Kenya, the deceased’s
widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17268
intestate to the estate of Julius Ndungu Mwai alias Julius Ndung’u
Mwai, who died at District Hospital, Nyahururu in Kenya, on 14th IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAHURURU
CAUSE NO. 474 OF 2023 TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By Gladys Muthoni Maina, of P.O. Box 1812–20300, Nyahururu in:
in Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
CAUSE NO. 477 OF 2023
intestate to the estate of Isaac Thuo Kamau, who died at Silibwet Sub-
location, on 21st May, 2023. By Helen Wanjiru Kamau, of P.O. Box 121–20300, Nyahururu in
CAUSE NO. 490 OF 2023 Kenya, the deceased’s daughter-in-law, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Philip Muchemi Kagondu alias
By (1) Samuel Kago Wambugu and (2) Pauline Wambui Muhoya, Mucemi Kagondu, who died at District Hospital, Nyahururu in Kenya,
both of P.O. Box 61, Mugunda in Kenya, the deceased’s widower and on 3rd September, 1988.
sister, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Lydia Wanjugu Mugweru, who died at Consolata The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
Hospital in Kenya, on 2nd October, 2023. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. 491 OF 2023
By Julia Wangui Kiruhi, of P.O. Box 29, Kaheho in Kenya, the District Registrar, Nyahururu.
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Samuel Kiruhi Kimamo, who died at Pesi, on 11th May,
CAUSE NO. 495 OF 2023
By Lucy Wangui Muriuki, of P.O. Box 20–20321, Rumuruti in
Kenya, the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
intestate to the estate of Charity Wanjugu Maina, who died at
Matumaiyo, on 22nd August, 1994. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) CAUSE NO. 14 OF 2023
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By Agnes Nyambuara Kamau, of P.O. Box 3–20303, Ol Kalou in
Dated the 4th October, 2023. Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
C. MUHORO, intestate to the estate of Joseph Kamau Irungu, who died at J. M.
District Registrar, Nyahururu. Kariuki Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd June, 2022.
5776 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17270 By (1) Joseph Nyaga and (2) Jane Muthanje Kamumo, both of
P.O. Box 32, Manyatta in Kenya, the deceased’s nephew and sister,
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAHURURU respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Lydiah Muthoni Nyaga, who died at Kariari Sub-location, on
21st March, 2001.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
in: CAUSE NO. E194 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. 66 OF 2022 By (1) Peris Wambui Njiru and (2) Clinton Gitonga Mbae, both of
P.O. Box 3–60100, Embu in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and son,
By (1) Margaret Nyokabi Maina and (2) Sofia Wanjiku Maina, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
both of P.O. Box 730–20303, Ol Kalou in Kenya, the deceased’s estate of Dennis Mbae Mutegi, who died at Embu Town, on 19th June,
widows, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of 2022.
John Maina Wanjohi, who died at District Hospital, Ol Kalou in
Kenya, on 6th February, 2019. CAUSE NO. E199 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to By Jane Marigu Ndege, of P.O. Box 32, Manyatta in Kenya, the
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the estate of Ndege Chindano, who died at Embu Hospital in Kenya,
on 6th June, 1997.
Dated the 10th March, 2022.
C. OBULUTSA, The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
District Registrar, Nyahururu. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Peris Wambui Njiru and (2) Clinton Gitonga Mbae, both of By Nyaga Joshia Mwikiriri, of P.O. Box 1252–60100, Embu in
P.O. Box 3–60100, Embu in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and son, Kenya, the deceased’s widower, for a grant of letters of administration
respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the intestate to the estate of Margaret Muthanje William Migwe, who died
estate of Dennis Mbae Mutegi, who died at Embu Town, on 9th June, at Embu Hospital in Kenya, on 11th May, 2019.
CAUSE NO. E180 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E195 OF 2023
By (1) Michael Ngaruiya Kamau and (2) Ruth Muthoni Kamau,
By Silas Kamau Njeru, of P.O. Box 186, Manyatta in Kenya, the both of P.O. Box 1858–60100, Embu in Kenya, the deceased’s
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the children, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
estate of Esther Wangai Murebu, who died at Kavutiri Sub-location, Trufena Wanjiru Kamau, who died at Gatondo Village, on 21st
on 17th April, 2000. January, 2019.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5777
By Rose Mbeke Mutisya, of P.O. Box 1, Karaba in Kenya, the TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the in:
estate of Mutuku Muoki, who died at Cheru, Kiangararu, on 21st May,
2006. CAUSE NO. E162 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E230 OF 2023 By Johana Kubai M’Ananja, of P.O. Box 45, Laare in Kenya, for a
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of M’Ananja
By Alice Wangari Njagi, of P.O. Box 226, Kiritiri in Kenya, the M’Linyiru alias Ananja Rinyiru, who died at Linjoka, on 5th
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the November, 1999.
estate of Sospeter Njagi Nyaga, who died at Dallas, Stadium, on 4th July,
1998. CAUSE NO. E163 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to By Nduru Monica M’Emencu, of P.O. Box 491, Maua in Kenya,
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. M’Emencu M’Ithai, who died at Machungulu, on 26th August, 2013.
Dated the 17th December, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E201 OF 2023
District Registrar, Embu. By Regina Kanini M’Mukiri, of P.O. Box 45–60601, Maua in
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Mung’eria M’Mukiri alias M’Mukiri M’Minyori, who died at
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17273 Chogoria Hospital in Kenya, on 5th May, 2016.
CAUSE NO. E220 OF 2023
By Joseph Gitonga M’Imaana, for a grant of letters of
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court administration intestate to the estate of M’M’Imana M’Mucheke, who
died at Kirindine Sub-location, on 10th July, 2005.
CAUSE NO. E85 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E221 OF 2023
By Johnson Gichovi Njagi, of P.O. Box 3–60100, Embu in Kenya,
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to By Harriet Nkatha, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
the estate of Haron Njagi Njiru alias Njagi Njuri, who died at Embu to the estate of Jeremiah Murebu M’Limberia, who died at Burieruri,
Hospital In Kenya, on 25th November, 2022. on 12th December, 2012.
CAUSE NO. E149 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E224 OF 2023
By (1) Morris Kithinji Njagi and (2) Jeremiah ireri Njagi, both of By Fransico Luke Kaberia, for a grant of letters of administration
P.O. Box 148, Manyatta in Kenya, for a grant of letters of intestate to the estate of Luka Kaberia Muriki, who died at M.T.R.H.,
administration intestate to the estate of Njagi Waiganjo, who died at on 12th January, 2020.
Kyeni Hospital in Kenya, on 23rd October, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E225 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E181 OF 2023
By Fredrick Mwiti, of P.O. Box 2493–60200, Meru in Kenya,
By Peris Wanja Ndwiga, of P.O. Box 22–00208, Ngong Hills in
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
intestate to the estate of Charles Kithaka Mbogo, who died at Life M’Lingera M’Laibuta Kingoru, who died at Akachiu, on 11th
Care Hospital in Kenya, on 6th April, 2023. September, 2007.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 18th October, 2023. E. K. CHESONI,
J. A. OTIENO, District Registrar, Maua.
District Registrar, Embu.
By (1) Brigita Mbithe Musomba and (2) Kevin Kasango, both of CAUSE NO. E179 OF 2020
P.O. Box 1030–90115, Kangundo in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and By (1) Jane Minoo Mutua and (2) Rachel Nduku Masyuko, both of
son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the P.O. Box 56, Nunguni in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration
estate of Bernard Matheka Kasango, who died at Mbilini, Kangundo, on intestate to the estate of Joseph Masila Masyuko, who died on 27th
18th March, 2021. July, 2014.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E184 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By Francis Mutua Mutisya, of P.O. Box 66–90300, Makueni in
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
OLE KEIWUA, Mutisya Mwivithi Ngwili, who died on 7th July, 2013.
District Registrar, Kangundo.
CAUSE NO. E197 OF 2023
By Eunice Kwamboka Bichanga, for a grant of letters of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17284 administration intestate to the estate of Philet Kerubo Bichanga, who
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 31st October, 2023.
District Registrar, Makueni.
By (1) Jeniffer Yula Musyoka and (2) Moses Masila Musyoka,
both of P.O. Box 19–90100, Machakos in Kenya, the deceased’s
widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Michael Musyoka Masila, who died at Nairobi GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17287
West Hospital in Kenya, on 17th March, 2021.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
Dated the 24th August, 2023. in:
D. N. SURE, CAUSE NO. 405 OF 2020
District Registrar, Kangundo.
By (1) Stephine Mawili Muteti and (2) Jackson Muema Muteti,
both of P.O. Box 50, Makueni in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17285 administration intestate to the estate of Daniel Muteti Kivala, who died
on 26th January, 2015.
CAUSE NO. E461 OF 2022
By (1) Jinaani Nzioki Mbiuva, of P.O. Box 9849–00100, Nairobi
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court in Kenya and (2) Grace Mukina Kiio, of P.O. Box 26–90143, Nziu in
in: Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Mbyuva Nzioki Thati, who died on 4th September, 1995.
5780 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
CAUSE NO. E139 OF 2023 TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By (1) Cosmus Katana Mutisya, (2) Selestina Mwikali Mutune and
(3) Gregory Kasyoka Mutisya, all of P.O. Box 1–90300, Makueni in CAUSE NO. E73 OF 2023
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of By Julianna Muusi Kavila, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
James Mutisya Mutyotwii alias James Mutisya Mutwotwii, who died letters of administration intestate to the estate of Praxedes Kavila
on 13th July, 2003. Ndenge alias Praxes Kavila Ndenge alias Plaxedes Kavila Ndenge
CAUSE NO. E177 OF 2023 alias Praxades Kavila Ndenge, who died at Kakululo Sub-location, on
5th September, 2020.
By Jaynah Mbula Mwinzi, of P.O. Box 41–90300, Makueni in
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
Kathingo Muumbi, who died on 16th June, 1967. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E201 OF 2023
Dated the 7th December, 2023.
By (1) Wayua Muema Kitenye and (2) Kavuusya Muema, for a M. K. MWANGI,
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Boniface District Registrar, Mwingi.
Muema Kitenye, who died on 4th December, 2004.
CAUSE NO. E202 OF 2023
By (1) Honesmus Marti Simbili and (2) Josephine Kavivi Kimama,
both of P.O. Box 41–90122, Kalamba in Kenya, for a grant of letters IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT MWINGI
of administration intestate to the estate of Kanywii Simbili Mutombi, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
who died on 9th April, 2007.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E206 OF 2023 in:
By Morris Muoki Maseka, for a grant of letters of administration CAUSE NO. E47 OF 2023
intestate to the estate of Philisila Munee Maseka, who died on 22nd
May, 2020. By Rebecca Mbuve Sammy, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kioko Benjamin
CAUSE NO. E215 OF 2023 Mwetu, who died at Kitui General Hospital, on 15th July, 2022.
By Patrick Mwangangi, of P.O. Box 28–90300, Makueni in CAUSE NO. E52 OF 2023
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
John Mutune Nzuki alias Mutune Nzuki, who died on 22nd February, By Elizabeth Muyathi Charles C. Nzuka, the deceased’s widow, for a
1992. grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Charles
Alexander Nzuka Kongoh, who died at Mbondoni Sub-location, on 28th
CAUSE NO. E230 OF 2023 May, 2020.
By (1) Justus Ngungi Sukali and (2) Ruth Kasiva Ndeti, of P.O. CAUSE NO. E74 OF 2023
Box 1–90300, Makueni in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Charles Muteti Sukali, who By Nduna Nzilia, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of
died at on 3rd November, 2020. administration intestate to the estate of Nzilia Nduna, who died at
Machakos General Hospital in Kenya, on 13th February, 1992.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) CAUSE NO. E76 OF 2023
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Josphat Vindya Mulandi, the deceased’s brother, for a grant of
Dated the 31st October, 2023. letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ndoni Vindya alias
P. N. GESORA, Ndoni Vindya Mulandi, who died at Migwani Location, on 2nd May,
District Registrar, Makueni. 1985.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17288 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUI Dated the 1st September, 2023.
District Registrar, Mwingi.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By (1) Ronald Mutisya Ngotho and (2) Kioko Ngotho, both of IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT MIGWANI
P.O. Box 83–90203, Kitui in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant of PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ngotho Ngewa, who
died at Kithyoko, on 17th April, 2019. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) CAUSE NO. E6 OF 2023
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Fransiscah Mbandi Musee and (2) Christina Kivivya Musee,
Dated the 31st October, 2023. the deceased’s widow and daughter, for a grant of letters of
E. KARANI, administration intestate to the estate of Musee Kivata, who died at
District Registrar, Kitui. Kanyaa Sub-location, on 24th March, 2023.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5781
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E468 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By Jenta Mandu Ndeda, of P.O. Box 83, Siaya in Kenya, the
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
Dated the 22nd August, 2023. the estate of Emmanuel Ndeda Munawi, who died at Sumba, on 15th
M. K. MWANGI, May, 2017.
District Registrar, Migwani.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17295
CAUSE NO. 47 OF 2023
By Kennedy Odhiambo Odhoro, of P.O. Box 83–40600, Siaya in
Kenya, the deceased’s liability, for a grant of letters of administration TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
intestate to the estate of Joseph Ouma Omondi, who died at Ojwando in:
“B”, on 19th August, 2020. CAUSE NO. E456 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to By (1) Margaret Anyango Odindo and (2) Sabina Ajwang Odindo,
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) the deceased’s widows, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. to the estate of Richard Odindo Ojal alias Richard Odindo alias Richard
Dated the 9th February, 2023. Odindo s/o Petronala Obimbo, who died at Ulamba Sub-location, on
M. WAMBANI, 24th April, 2001.
District Registrar, Siaya. CAUSE NO. E457 OF 2023
By (1) Margaret Anyango Odindo and (2) Sabina Ajwang Odindo,
the deceased’s daughters-in-law, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Petronala Obimbo alias Petronala Otondi Choka,
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SIAYA who died at Dienya West Sub-location, on 21st August, 2002.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E441 OF 2023 District Registrar, Siaya.
By Amos Dimo Orambo, of P.O. Box 10, Sega in Kenya, the
deceased’s nephew, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Asembe Opiyo, who died at Kagonya Sub-location, on 1st GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17296
By Alfred Sewe Nikolao Odongo, of P.O. Box 6–40139, Akala in TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
Kenya, the deceased’s nephew, for a grant of letters of administration in:
intestate to the estate of Suji Adhola.
CAUSE NO. E196 OF 2021
CAUSE NO. E451 OF 2023
By George Otieno Nyomolo, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
By Beatrice Atieno Ngesa, of P.O. Box 57–40600, Siaya in Kenya, letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nyomolo Opuk alias
the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration Joshwa Omolo Opuk alias Joshua Omolo Opuk, who died at Kobuola,
intestate to the estate of Alex Radol Otin, who died at Pap Oriang Sub- on 14th March, 2003.
location, on 5th October, 2004.
CAUSE NO. E85 OF 2022
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By (1) Kennedy Odhiambo Owuor and (2) Pamela Anyango Odero,
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the deceased’s nephew and niece, respectively, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Amala Ondoro, who died at
B. LIMO, Sinogo, Kamagawi West Gem Location, on 29th August, 1989.
District Registrar, Siaya.
CAUSE NO. E215 OF 2023
By (1) Jacob Asati Peter and (2) David Ochieng Tom, the deceased’s
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17294 trustee and grandson, respectively, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Onyony Okewe, who died at
West Kanyanjwa, on 1st September, 1988.
CAUSE NO. E301 OF 2023
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
By Samwel Rambo Kobungu, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Sospeter Obungu alias
CAUSE NO. E412 OF 2023 Sospeter Obungu Mbuga, who died at South Nyanza, on 27th January,
By (1) Margaret Adhiambo Ondong and (2) Magdalene Akinyi
Obonyo, both of P.O. Box 7408, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s CAUSE NO. E302 OF 2023
widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of By Magret Auma Rauta, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters
Richard Obonyo Adam alias Richard Ondong Obonyo, who died on of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Rauta Onyuna, who
28th June, 2023. died at Lower Korayo, on 3rd April, 2000.
5782 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
CAUSE NO. E303 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Roseline Akinyi Ogutu, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Benedict Ogutu Agola,
who died at Kochia, on 29th March, 2023. D. K. MTAI,
District Registrar, Winam.
CAUSE NO. E305 OF 2023
By Caleb Sewe Otieno, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of John Amala Amolo alias Anyona GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17298
Amolo, who died at Kamagawi, on 12th January, 2000. IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT MIGORI
By (1) David Odero Otieno and (2) Joshua Rume Otieno, the TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the in:
estate of Zacharia Otieno Chieng alias Zakaria Otieno, who died at
Katuma, on 4th July, 1995. CAUSE NO. 280 OF 2021
CAUSE NO. E368 OF 2023 By Victor Otieno Otengo, the deceased’s grandson, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Silfanus Otieno
By Thomas Mboya Miruka, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters Ogutu, who died at Kwa Sub-location, on 3rd July, 2010.
of administration intestate to the estate of Silvesta Miruka Ouya alias
Miruka Ouya, who died at Kajulu, on 15th January, 2000. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E385 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Janes Oyoo Nyanjwa, of P.O. Box 86, Rangwe in Kenya, the J. MUNGUTI,
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the District Registrar, Migori.
estate of Adislaus Nyanjwa Oyiemba alias Nyanjwa Oyiemba, who
died on 21st August, 2002.
By George Otieno Anditi, of P.O. Box 28, Asumbi in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
estate of Agustinus Anditi, who died on 21st June, 1997.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E393 OF 2023 in:
By (1) Andrew Aluoch Auko and (2) Maurice Amolo Auko, the CAUSE NO. E405 OF 2023
deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Auko Amolo, who died at West Kanyada, on 5th September, By Asenath Odhiambo, of P.O. Box 251–40400, Migori in
1982. Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Samwel Odhiambo, who died at Oruba
CAUSE NO. E396 OF 2023 Location, on 24th October, 2023.
By Benard Odhiambo Auko, the deceased’s brother, for a grant of CAUSE NO. E410 OF 2023
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Oswago Saka, who died
By Zablon Ocholla Obingo, of P.O. Box 787, Suna in Kenya, the
at Gem Sori Kachiena, on 8th September, 1982.
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
CAUSE NO. E397 OF 2023 estate of Christopher Otieno Obingo, who died at Ojele Memorial
Hospital in Kenya, on 1st July, 2019.
By Peterlis On’gonga Adwe, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters
of administration intestate to the estate of Odero Obambo, who died at CAUSE NO. E411 OF 2023
Gem Sori Kachiena, on 18th February, 2012. By Zablon Ocholla Obingo, of P.O. Box 787, Suna in Kenya, for
CAUSE NO. E399 OF 2023 a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Robert
Otieno Okwaro alias Otieno Okwaro, who died at Manyatta, on 25th
By Pius Onganyo Atieno, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of August, 1971.
administration intestate to the estate of Naftali Otieno Amollo alias
Otieno Amolo, who died at Genga, on 14th April, 1998. CAUSE NO. E412 OF 2023
By Pilista Akinyi Onyango, of P.O. Box 63–40400, Migori in
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
intestate to the estate of Achuro Onyango, who died at Oruba
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Location, on 20th December, 2015.
C. A. S. MUTAI, CAUSE NO. 413 OF 2023
District Registrar, Homa Bay.
By David Magige Barante, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Chacha Magige
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17297 Magige, who died at Nyangiti Sub-location, on 7th August, 2021.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By (1) Julious Ochieng Olela, (2) Edward Omondi Opiyo and (3)
Linet Achieng Awiti, the deceased’s sons and daughter-in-law,
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
in: estate of Musa Olela Owiti alias Musa Olela Awiti, who died at
Kong’oma Sub-location, on 7th December, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E82 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. 416 OF 2023
By John Aguka Ayugu, of P.O. Box 45–50308, Serem in Kenya,
the deceased’s widower, for a grant of letters of administration By Beatrice Bosibori Ombati, the deceased’s widow, for a grant
intestate to the estate of Farida Akinyi Rashid, who died at Dago of letters of administration intestate to the estate of William Nyangau
Location, on 28th March, 2017. Ombati, who died at Wasweta I Sub-location, on 10th June, 2004.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5783
CAUSE NO. 417 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By (1) George Ochieng Obongo and (2) Frank Adinda Obongo, days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
the deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Erasto Obongo Kimira alias Obongo Kimira alias Obongo R. ONKOBA,
Kimira Erasto, who died at Migori County Referral Hospital in Kenya, District Registrar, Eldoret.
on 29th December, 2019.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17303
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KERICHO
P. ARERI, By Philip Sang, of P.O. Box 78, Roret in Kenya, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kimatager James
District Registrar, Migori.
Chebusit, who died at Green Nursing Home, on 8th February, 2001.
CAUSE NO. E319 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17302 By Josphine Chelangat Kigen, of P.O. Box 1, Kericho in Kenya, for a
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT ELDORET grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Geoffrey
Kipng’eno Sigei, who died at Gatong’ora, on 10th September, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E324 OF 2023
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
By Wilson Cheruiyot Siele, of P.O. Box 2447, Kericho in Kenya, for
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Tapelga
CAUSE NO. E384 OF 2023 Chumo, who died at Buchenge, on 1st December, 1983.
By (1) Simeon Kipkemei Sawe and (2) Hellen Chemutai, both of CAUSE NO. E329 OF 2023
P.O. Box 862–30100, Eldoret in Kenya, the deceased’s nephew, for a By Milkah Waithera Mwangi, of P.O. Box 728, Thika in Kenya, for
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Sawe Kitur, a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Josphat
who died at Simat Location, on 12th December, 2015. Mwangi Mburu alias Mwangi Maina, who died at Balozi, South B, on
17th November, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E386 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By Paul Barsibet Yatich, of P.O. Box 5196–30100, Eldoret in
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Loice Targok Barsibet, who died at Prison Farm Kibulgeny, on 16th
October, 2018. Dated the 17th November, 2023.
District Registrar, Kericho.
5784 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court By Joseph Nganga Mathara, of P.O. Box 723, Molo in Kenya, the
in: deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Mathara Maina, who died at St. Joseph Hospital in Kenya.
CAUSE NO. E106 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E110 OF 2023
By (1) Agnes Chepkorir Koech and (2) Brian Kipngetich, both of
P.O. Box 128, Molo in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and son, By Mary Mumbi Ndungu, of P.O. Box 118, Molo in Kenya, the
respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
estate of Reuben Kiprono Koech alias Reuben K.Koech, who died at the estate of Zakariah Ndungu Kogi, who died at Michatha Sub-
Siloam Hospital in Kenya. location.
By (1) Grace Wairimu Kikaria and (2) Mary Njeri Wanjoki By John Ngugi Mungai, of P.O. Box 43, Elburgon in Kenya, the
Nganga, both of P.O. Box 63,Molo in Kenya, the deceased’s deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate estate of David Mungai Mbugua alias David Mungai Mbugwa, who
of Nganga Kirobi, who died at Molo Town. died at Nakuru.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E113 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By (1) Nancy Nduta Kanja and (2) James Chege Kanja, both of
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. P.O. Box 63, Molo in Kenya, the deceased’s widow and son,
Dated the 2nd October, 2023. respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of John Kanja Kianani alias Kanja Kinani, who died at Molo
District Registrar, Molo.
CAUSE NO. E114 OF 2023
By Joseph Kariuki Njaru, of P.O. Box 67, Molo in Kenya, the
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17307 deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Gideon Njau Kariuki, who died at Mwaragania, Kuresoi.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
in: Dated the 16th November, 2023.
District Registrar, Molo.
By (1) John Njenga Mungai and (2) Obadiah Muchiri Mungai,
both of P.O. Box 238, Molo in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mungai Kaguru, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17308
who died at Elburgon.
CAUSE NO. E94 OF 2023
By (1) Mary Wanjiku Kimani and (2) Francis Mungai Kimani,
both of P.O. Box 481–20106, Molo in Kenya, the deceased’s widow TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate in:
to the estate of David Kimani Mungai, who died at Ngwataniro.
CAUSE NO. E59 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E97 OF 2023
By Sammy M. Kongo Gichomo, of P.O. Box 13517–20100,
By Jane Wambui Kariuki, of P.O. Box 500, Njoro in Kenya, the Nakuru in Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of
deceased’s niece, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the administration intestate to the estate of Milcah Mumbi Gichomo, who
estate of Njuguna Nguro, who died at Sirikwa. died at Nakuru.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5785
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By (1) Nyaboke Monanda and (2) Esther Nyamoita Mogere, both
of P.O. Box 348–40200, Kisii in Kenya, the deceased’s daughters-in -
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court law, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
in: Bonareri Nyakundi, who died at District Hospital, Nyamira in Kenya,
on 9th August, 2005.
CAUSE NO. E417 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E337 OF 2023
By Sabina Nyaboke Ondari, of P.O. Box 612, Marani in Kenya,
the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate By Benson Areri Osoro, of P.O. Box 30163–00100, Nairobi in
to the estate of Ondari Akama. Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to Marachi Nyamote, who died at Bomwanda Location, on 5th August,
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) 2019.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
C. C. RONO, the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
District Registrar, Kisii. days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 21st September, 2023.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17310 District Registrar, Kisii.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KISII
CAUSE NO. 203 OF 2020
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
By Christopher Nyangau Mboga, of P.O. Box 1421, Kisii in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Nyabate Omwenge, who died at Onywere CAUSE NO. E87 OF 2023
Sub-location, on 3rd July, 1981.
By (1) Evans Nyarango Gisora and (2) Norah Buyaki Gisairo, both
CAUSE NO. 204 OF 2020 of P.O. Box 590–40200, Kisii in Kenya, the deceased’s son and
By Joseph Arori Mboga, of P.O. Box 1421, Kisii in Kenya, the daughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the to the estate of John Gesora Nyangena, who died at Riabamanyi, on
estate of Arori Omwenge, who died at Onywere Sub-location, on 7th 13th April, 2022.
March, 1980.
CAUSE NO. 117 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. 342 OF 2022
By Francis Nyabera Matagaro, of P.O. Box 590–40200, Kisii in
By Daniel Michoe Mauti, of P.O. Box 858, Kisii in Kenya, the Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the intestate to the estate of Matagaro Nyakoria, who died on 20th June,
estate of Johnson Mauti Okongo, who died at Iyabe Location, on 13th 2004.
August, 1997.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
CAUSE NO. 489 OF 2021 the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Norah Mongina Oimeke, of P.O. Box 590–40200, Kisii in
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration Dated the 12th April, 2023.
intestate to the estate of Simion Oimeke Kiyaka, who died on 31st C. A. OGWENO,
July, 2005. District Registrar, Kisii.
5786 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17313 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KISII days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Dated the 24th October, 2023.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court C. OCHARO,
in: District Registrar, Kisii.
B. O. OMWANSA, By Evans Matara Ateka, of P.O. Box 590, Kisii in Kenya, the
District Registrar, Kisii. deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Josephine Moige Ateka alias Josephina Moige Ateka, who
died at Onywere Sub-location, on 20th April, 2017.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17314 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KISII days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 6th November, 2023.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court D. MAC’ANDERE,
in: District Registrar, Kisii.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E172 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By James Orwaru Nyauma, of P.O. Box 200, Ikonge in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
W. KETER, estate of John Nyauma Isoe alias Nyauma Isoe, who died at Gekano,
District Registrar, Kisii. on 9th May, 1986.
CAUSE NO. E173 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17318 By Evans Ndemo Sangara, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Sangara Misonge, who died at Timi, on 23rd September,
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court CAUSE NO. E174 OF 2023
By Omboga Gisore, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya, the
CAUSE NO. E35 OF 2023 deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Gisore Mobagi, who died at Nyabisimba, on 27th November,
By (1) Benson Osiemo Oigo and (2) Justus Siko Oigo, both of P.O. 1977.
Box 1, Nyansiongo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Annah Nyabonyi Oigo, who died at Kenyatta CAUSE NO. E175 OF 2023
National Hospital in Kenya, on 7th August, 2019.
By Martin Nyonga Ombati Onyamo, the deceased’s son, for a
CAUSE NO. E36 OF 2023 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nyang’au
Magire, who died at Mokomoni, on 21st March, 1976.
By Eunice Mokeira Osoro, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya, the
deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to CAUSE NO. E176 OF 2023
the estate of Orengo Omoso, who died at Bokiambori, on 10th June,
1986. By Francis Kambona Kenyatta, of P.O. Box 229, Kisii in Kenya,
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the estate of Zacharia Kenyatta Orina, who died at Morako, on 10th
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) February, 2021.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E177 OF 2023
Dated the 1st March, 2023.
By Julius Juma Gekara, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya, the
M. C. NYIGEI, deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
District Registrar, Nyamira. estate of Stephen Gekara Mandere, who died at Enchoro, on 19th
October, 1977.
IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAMIRA By Eunice Magoma, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Mokua Gesami alias Mukuwa
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Kesami, who died at District Hospital, Narok in Kenya, on 6th
December, 2012.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
in: CAUSE NO. E182 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E102 OF 2023 By Jeremiah Nyabuti Ayonga, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya,
By Stephen Mobegi Nyasimi, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of William Amwoma Ayonga, who died at Mosobeti,
the estate of Ragira Mogoi, who died at Mongorisi, on 24th August, Bosamaro, on 17th July, 1984.
1999. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
CAUSE NO. E104 OF 2023 the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Livingstone Nyangau Momanyi, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration Dated the 24th October, 2023.
intestate to the estate of Moris Momanyi Achoka alias Moris
Momanyi, who died on 1st September, 1991. W. K. CHEPSEBA,
District Registrar, Nyamira.
CAUSE NO. E152 OF 2023
By John Aika Akunga, of P.O. Box 590, Kisii in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17320
estate of Kemunto Akunga, who died at Nyakeiri, on 13th December,
CAUSE NO. E169 OF 2023
By Thomas Atei, of P.O. Box 2, Nyamira in Kenya, the deceased’s TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of in:
Mbeta Onsoti, who died at Bokiambori, on 9th February, 2014. CAUSE NO. E124 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E170 OF 2023 By Imelda Kerubo Oeri, of P.O. Box 229, Kisii in Kenya, the
By Thomas Mogere Kibanga, of P.O. Box 200, Ikonge in Kenya, deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zachary Oeri Ogweri, who died at Nyangena Hospital in
the estate of Kerubo Kibanga, who died at Bokurati, on 6th June, Kenya, on 6th October, 2017.
CAUSE NO. E133 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E171 OF 2023
By Trufena bosibori Barake, of P.O. Box 514, Nyamira in Kenya,
By Joseph Bosire Matoke, of P.O. Box 299, Kisii in Kenya, the the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the to the estate of Herodion Barake Nyakoe alias Meladian Barake, who
estate of Machuki Kibet, who died at Gekano, on 19th May, 1995. died on 28th October, 2020.
5788 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17332
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 11th October, 2023.
P. MUHOLI, TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
District Registrar, Githunguri. in:
CAUSE NO. E112 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17329 By (1) Festus Gatobu Miriti and (2) Margaret Kinanu Gernad, both
of P.O. Box 2660–60200, Meru in Kenya, the deceased’s son and
widow, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
AT KIGUMO the estate of Andrew Miriti Mugambi, who died at Cottolengo Mission
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Hospital in Kenya, on 11th August, 2021.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
in: the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E101 OF 2023
By Mary Wairimu Mwangi, of P.O. Box 59, Kigumo in Kenya, for District Registrar, Githongo.
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mwangi
Kibiri, who died at Mununga Sub-location, on 23rd September, 2020.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPALMAGISTRATE’S COURT
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. AT OL KALOU
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
in: the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. 164 OF 2023
By (1) Monica Njeri Mbuthia and (2) Thomas Njoroge Njuguna, District Registrar, Ol Kalou.
both of P.O. Box 35, Kigumo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Titus Mbuthia Karugari alias
Mbuthia Karugari, who died at Ngethu, Mariia, on 30th August, 1990. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17334
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) AT BARICHO
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
E. AGADE, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
District Registrar, Kigumo. in:
CAUSE NO. E99 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17331 By Dianah Muthoni Karani, of P.O. Box 92, Kerugoya in Kenya,
the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Joseph Karani Mina, who died at District
Hospital, Kerugoya in Kenya, on 17th September, 2003.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court By Njeri Kumuta Miano, of P.O. Box 90, Sagana in Kenya, the
in: deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Kumuta Miano, who died at P.C.E.A. Tumutumu Hospital
CAUSE NO. E151 OF 2023
in Kenya, on 8th April, 1976.
By Virginiah Wangari Gachoka, of P.O. Box 229, Kangema in
CAUSE NO. E120 OF 2023
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Rodah Muthoni Gachoka alias Rhoda Muthoni Gachoki alias Roda By Michael Murimi Wambui, of P.O. Box 14, Kagio in Kenya, the
Muthoni alias Rhoda Muthoni Gachoka, who died at Ngoeini, on 13th deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
April, 2022. estate of Peninah Wambui Ceme, who died at District Hospital,
Kerugoya in Kenya, on 28th September, 2013.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) CAUSE NO. E121 OF 2023
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Susan Wambui Ithangu, of P.O. Box 21, Sagana in Kenya, the
M. K. MUTEGI, deceased’s granddaughter, for a grant of letters of administration
District Registrar, Kangema. intestate to the estate of Mwangi Kanyago alias Ethan Mwangi
Kanyago, who died at Thigirichi, on 4th April, 2010.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5791
CAUSE NO. E122 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Jane Wambui Njiraini, of P.O. Box 53, Baricho in Kenya, the days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of David Njiraini Munyua, who died on 25th March, 2020. J. W. GICHIMU,
District Registrar, Runyenjes.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
District Registrar, Baricho.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E194 OF 2023
By Agnes Marigu Runji, for a grant of letters of administration
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court intestate to the estate of Tabitha Wanja Runji, who died at Embu
in: Hospital in Kenya, on 24th September, 2022.
CAUSE NO. 223 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Hosea Peter Mwaniki, of P.O. Box 83–60118, Kanja in Kenya, days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Nyaga Mwaririe alias Peter Mucheke Mwaririe, who died S. OUKO,
at Kigaa Sub-location, on 22nd January, 1982. District Registrar, Runyenjes.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17342
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. 235 OF 2020
AT TAWA By Peter Kirima Orembo, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION of administration intestate to the estate of Atanas Amani alias Atanasi
Amani Gwarovega, who died at Lyaduywa Sub-location, on 26th July,
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court 1998.
CAUSE NO. E110 OF 2022
CAUSE NO. 62 OF 2023
By Johnstone Apiyo Amakhoye, the deceased’s brother, for a grant
By (1) Charles Nzioka Muunda and (2) Christopher Mutinda of letters of administration intestate to the estate of James Amakoye
Muunda, both of P.O. Box 4400–00506, Nairobi in Kenya, the Obiero alias James Amakoye, who died at Chambiti Sub-location, on
deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the 6th September, 2018.
estate of Rebecca Mutinda, who died at Meridian Equator Hospital in
Kenya, on 11th April, 2021. CAUSE NO. 146 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to By Vinwilder Georgina Muyela, the deceased’s sister, for a grant
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Matthan Rodrick
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Muyela, who died at Doha, Qatar, on 7th March, 2021.
Dated the 7th December, 2023.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
District Registrar, Tawa. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 3rd November, 2023.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E19 OF 2023
By Seth Musings Madonye, of P.O. Box 291, Naitiri in Kenya, for
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Javan TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
Madonye Luhazo, who died at Maliki Sub-location, on 15th April, in:
CAUSE NO. E426 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By Kenneth Kivisia Injenga, for a grant of letters of
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. administration intestate to the estate of Samson Injenga alias Samson
Dated the 25th April, 2023. Njenga, who died on 8th October, 1994.
D. OGAL, The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
District Registrar, Kimilili. the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Rickens Libese, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT
administration intestate to the estate of Gabriel Gudo Linani alias AT RONGO
Gabriel Kuto, who died at Gavudunyi, on 28th November, 1980.
CAUSE NO. E189 OF 2023
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By Josphine Kavuya Gunyari, the deceased’s daughter, for a grant in:
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Rabbecca Ashmda
Kibisu, who died at District Hospital, Vihiga in Kenya, on 17th CAUSE NO. E140 OF 2023
September, 2023.
By (1) Franciska Nyomenda Saranga and (2) Fredrick Mbock
CAUSE NO. E197 OF 2023 Saranga, the deceased’s widow and son, respectively, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Albert Salanga Mbok,
By Wycliff Motokaa, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of who died at North Kanyanjuok Village, on 3rd December, 2022.
administration intestate to the estate of Mutoka Mbati alias Mutoka
Imbadi, who died at Koibarak, on 27th February, 1998. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E202 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Rachel Khalaji and (2) Dickson Namonywa Mwambushi, C. N. C. ORUO,
the deceased’s widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of District Registrar, Rongo.
administration intestate to the estate of Elphas Khavazikha
Mwambushi alias Mwambushi Khavanzikha, who died at Shiru Sub-
location, on 27th October, 2001.
CAUSE NO. E204 OF 2023
By Walter Ngiriman Ominde, the deceased’s son, for a grant of AT WINAM
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zibora Ngeli, who
died at Mambai Sub-location, on 5th June, 1996. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) in:
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E144 OF 2023
District Registrar, Hamisi. By Masela Otieno Ajuoga, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ajuoga Ogola Ajuaga
alias Ajwoga Ogola, who died at Kombewa Hospital in Kenya, on 1st
January, 2019.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
AT HAMISI days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court District Registrar, Winam.
By Daniel Ayugu Mudegu, the deceased’s son, for a grant of IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Harun Mudegu
Videngede, who died at Gasianga, on 20th February, 2002.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. in:
Dated the 22nd May, 2023. CAUSE NO. E26 OF 2020
District Registrar, Hamisi. By Lucia Akoth Otieno, of P.O. Box 1797, Maseno in Kenya, the
deceased’s daughter-in-law, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Joseph Athiambo Ouko, who died at Upper
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17347 Kombewa, on 4th August, 1999.
IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
AT TAMU the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court District Registrar, Maseno.
5794 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
CAUSE NO. E110 OF 2023 TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By Christopher Kiprotich Kibiego, of P.O. Box 209–30700, Iten in
CAUSE NO. E122 OF 2023
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Julius Kipyego Ramatt alias Kibiego arap By Peter Kipkoech arap Korir, of P.O. Box 695–20210, Litein in
Ramat, who died on 1st January, 2023. Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Daniel Kipkorir Laboso, who died at Race Course Hospital in Kenya,
CAUSE NO. E112 OF 2023 on 18th February, 2023.
By John Toroitich Kiplagat, of P.O. Box 236–30700, Iten in The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
intestate to the estate of Chepsil Kiptui Koilege, who died on 13th days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
September, 2004.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to District Registrar, Bomet.
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 31st October, 2023. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17357
District Registrar, Iten. AT SOTIK
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17354 TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E32 OF 2023
By Jane Chepkemoi Soi, of P.O. Box 212, Ndanai in Kenya, for a
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Chepkwony
in: arap Soi, who died at Chepkeigei, on 15th June, 2004.
CAUSE NO. E3 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Philip Kiptaigat Kiptoo, of P.O. Box 14, Tambach in Kenya, days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Abraham Kiptoo Chesorom alias Cheptoo Chesorom, T. K. KWAMBAI,
who died on 5th January, 2002. District Registrar, Sotik.
CAUSE NO. E177 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By (1) George Mwang’ombe, (2) Stephen Charo Batti, (3) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Constance Rehema Nyevu Batti and (4) Janet Riziki Mghoi Batti, the
deceased’s sons and daughters, respectively, for a grant of letters of Dated the 1st December, 2023.
administration intestate to the estate of Catherine Racheal Batti, who I. WASIKE,
died at Mombasa Hospital in Kenya, on 27th March, 2020. District Registrar, Kilifi.
By Jacob Kahindi Kalume, of P.O. Box 466, Mtwapa in Kenya, Dated the 6th October, 2023.
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to M. WANJALA,
the estate of Joseph Kalume Befujo alias Joseph Befujo Kai, who died District Registrar, Githunguri.
at Kiriba, Kilifi, on 22nd August, 1994.
By Kalama Lau Befujo, of P.O. Box 466, Mtwapa in Kenya, the IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KARATINA
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Lau Befujo Kai, who died at Vinagoni, on 10th August, 2001 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5797
CAUSE NO. E96 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Margaret Gathoni Njogu, of P.O. Box 2058–10101, Karatina in
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Leornard Njogu Mwangi, who died at Outspan Hospital in Kenya, on Dated the 7th December, 2023.
18th January, 2022.
CAUSE NO. E198 OF 2023 District Registrar, Karatina.
By (1) Hellen Wanjiru Mbui, (2) Nancy Gathigia Muriuki and (3)
Francis Kiragu Mbui, all of P.O. Box 160, Karatina in Kenya, for a
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mbui GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17366
Macharia alias Mbui s/o Macharia, who died on 29th September, 2006.
CAUSE NO. E207 OF 2023
By (1) Stephen Mwangi Wahome and (2) William Kariuki
Wahome, both of P.O. Box 294, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Wahome Gathecha in:
alias Wahome Gatheca, who died at Itiati, Nyeri, on 31st July, 1990.
CAUSE NO. E342 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E326 OF 2023
By Anthony Mukuria Ngethe, of P.O. Box 1, Kandara in Kenya,
By (1) Naomi Wanjiru Karuri, (2) Hildah Wanjugu Munyondi and for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John
(3) Florence Wanjiru Home, all of P.O. Box 73, Karatina in Kenya, for Ngethe Ndungu, who died at Naaro Sub-location, on 27th December,
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Euna Wahu 2021.
alias Eunnah Wahu Muriuki alias Eunna Wahu Muriuki, who died at CAUSE NO. E362 OF 2023
Provincial General Hospital in Kenya, on 20th February, 1985.
By Isaac Wanganga Kinuthia, of P.O. Box 1768, Thika in Kenya,
CAUSE NO. E332 OF 2023
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Julius
By Benjamin Ndonga Mwere, of P.O. Box 52144–00200, Nairobi Kinuthia Kaharuka alias Kinuthia Daudi, who died at Kenol Hospital
in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate in Kenya, on 18th March, 2021.
of Muhoro Mwere alias Muhoro s/o Mwere, who died at Ruturu Sub-
location, on 17th January, 1998. CAUSE NO. E363 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E339 OF 2023 By John Kamau Nganga, of P.O. Box 911–20117, Naivasha in
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
By Edward Njiraini Mwaniki, of P.O. Box 1004–10101, Karatina Joshua Kamau Kihonge alias Kihonge Gichuna, who died at Kiriara
in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate Location in 1964.
of Mwaniki Njiraini, who died at Sagana Sub-location, on 20th
November, 2014. CAUSE NO. E377 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E345 OF 2023 By Thomas Kinuthia Kabeu, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Pauline Wairimu Kinuthia, who died at
By Mercy Nyambura Kamundia, of P.O. Box 289–10101, Karatina
Muruka Sub-location, on 11th August, 2023.
in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate
of Noah Muthui Wathituni, who died at Kambiti, Makuyu, on 4th CAUSE NO. E387 OF 2023
October, 2010.
By Samson Maina Mwangi, of P.O. Box 78–01013, Gatura in
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) Agnes Njoki Kariuki, who died at Murang’a County Referral Hospital
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
in Kenya, on 30th September, 2023.
Dated the 13th December, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E392 OF 2023
District Registrar, Karatina. By Leah Wambui Chomba, of P.O. Box 1, Kandara in Kenya, for a
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Benson
Mwangi, who died at Murang’a in 1968.
CAUSE NO. 396 OF 2023
By (1) Edward Gichuhi Muturi and (2) Francis Gicheha Muturi,
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Muturi
Gachau, who died at Githumu Sub-location, on 27th October, 1983.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
in: CAUSE NO. E404 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E211 OF 2023 By (1) Stephen Mwangi Kimani and (2) Eston Mwangi Kimani,
By (1) Anne Wanjiru Mwangi and (2) Patrick Maina Gatangi, both for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kimani
of P.O. Box 120–10101, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of Mwangi, who died at Jericho, on 18th July, 2023.
administration intestate to the estate of Gatangi Maina alias Gatangi
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
s/o Maina, who died on 9th February, 1992.
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E329 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Mary Mumbi Mwai, of P.O. Box 121, Karatina in Kenya, for a R. N. KIMEU,
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Mwai Kanja District Registrar, Kandara.
Gakuya, who died at District Hospital, Karatina in Kenya, on 29th
March, 2010.
By (1) Maryin Maina Wangari and (2) Mercy Wanjuku Muriuki, IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUMURUTI
both of P.O. Box 1004, Karatina in Kenya, for a grant of letters of
administration intestate to the estate of Felicitta Wanjuku Muriuki, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
who died at Karatina Sub-county Hospital in Kenya, on 19th October, TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
2023. in:
5798 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
CAUSE NO. 26 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Milica Njoki Njiru, of P.O. Box 20–20231, Rumuruti in Kenya,
the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
intestate to the estate of Jane Waruguru Njiru, who died at District P. WECHULI,
Hospital, Nyahururu in Kenya, on 3rd March, 2012. District Registrar, Kithimani.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17370
District Registrar, Rumuruti. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Nicholas Kalei Mukua, of P.O. Box 150, Yoani in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court estate of Mukua Mwania, who died at Makindu Hospital in Kenya, on
in: 6th February, 2009.
CAUSE NO. 243 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By Violet Nancy Mbura Njoka, of P.O. Box 25, Runyenjes in the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
intestate to the estate of Daniel Njoka Nahashon alias Daniel Njoka,
who died at P.C.E.A. Chogoria Hospital in Kenya, on 16th July, 2022. Dated the 5th December, 2023.
CAUSE NO. 286 OF 2023 District Registrar, Kilungu.
By Dorcas Muthoni Ngoci, of P.O. Box 39, Kiritiri in Kenya, the
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Benson Njeru Thang’atia alias Njeru Thang’ata, who died GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17371
at Embu Hospital in Kenya, on 19th February, 2012.
CAUSE NO. 288 OF 2023
By Tabitha Wayua Kithinga, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of John Kithiga Ndaka TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
alias John Kithinga Ndaka, who died at Mwea Hospital in Kenya, on in:
19th November, 2013.
CAUSE NO. E14 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By Rodah Ong’ayo, the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. of administration intestate to the estate of Felesia Jacob, who died at
Embali Sub-location, on 15th June, 1969.
District Registrar, Siakago. CAUSE NO. 415 OF 2023
By Aggry Armstrong Tsimuli, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17369 letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis Vidoro
Surende, who died at Tigoi Sub-location, on 16th September, 1994.
CAUSE NO. E441 OF 2023
By Elizabeth Mukolwe Kuya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court letters of administration intestate to the estate of Nicanory Akanyika
in: Mukwana Kuya, who died on 30th May, 1992.
CAUSE NO. 186 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By Ndunge Nthiwa, of P.O. Box 91–01031, Kindaruma in the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
intestate to the estate of Sammy Nthiwa Mwangangi, who died at
District Hospital, Matuu in Kenya, on 16th December, 2008. Dated the 27th October, 2023.
CAUSE NO. 226 OF 2023 District Registrar, Vihiga.
By Moses Mutunga Mwanzia, of P.O. Box 1–90144, Kithyoko in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Justus Mwanzia Muithya, who died at GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17372
Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru in Kenya, on 23rd August, 2003.
CAUSE NO. 232 OF 2023
By (1) Munyiva Maingi and (2) Mukii Mbuvi, both of P.O. Box
75, Kithimani in Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
administration intestate to the estate of Maingi Katuva, who died on in:
30th October, 2003.
CAUSE NO. 170 OF 2021
CAUSE NO. E237 OF 2023
By Livingsone Alwanze Magale, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
By Mwikali Kanyolo, of P.O. Box 292–90119, Matuu in Kenya, letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jotham Makale
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joel Muyeso alias Makale Miheso, who died at Shiru Sub-location, on 2nd
Kioko Nzioka, who died at Matuu Sub-location, on 9th November, February, 2003.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5799
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E159 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. By David Kipyego Biwott, of P.O. Box 150, Matunda in Kenya,
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
Dated the 14th April, 2023. the estate of Kipkosgei Chumo Chebureu alias Kipkosgei Chumo
M. OCHIENG, Chebuleu, who died at Mawetatu, on 31st July, 1999.
District Registrar, Hamisi.
CAUSE NO. E162 OF 2023
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17373 By Hellen Wafula Makokha, of P.O. Box 37, Kipkaren in Kenya,
the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIMILILI to the estate of Patrick Paul Omung’ala Ambundo, who died at
Webuye County Hospital in Kenya, on 26th September, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E163 OF 2023
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
in: By (1) Joel Lucas Wanyonyi and (2) Zacharia Situma Wanyonyi,
CAUSE NO. 39 OF 2021 both of P.O. Box 120, Turbo in Kenya, the deceased’s son and
grandson, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
By Esther Simiyu, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Joel Wanyonyi Chenane, who died at Kongoni, on 1st
to the estate of Mathew Simiyu Namunwa, who died at Musemwa January, 2010.
Mwiba, on 6th March, 2021.
CAUSE NO. E164 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By Geoffry Rashid Olwanda, of P.O. Box 36, Luandeti in Kenya,
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Joshuah Olwanda Sungwacha alias Joshua Walwanda
Dated the 26th April, 2023.
W. K. ONKUNYA, Sungwacha, who died at Milimani, on 31st December, 2009.
District Registrar, Kimilili. CAUSE NO. E73 OF 2023
By (1) Mary Makokha Nambosia and (2) Willingtone Barasa
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17374 Mwanja, both of P.O. Box 178, Webuye in Kenya, the deceased’s
widow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration
IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIMILILI intestate to the estate of Ambrose Nambosia Namulanda, who died at
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Mukhonje Village, on 13th July, 2006.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court CAUSE NO. E146 OF 2023
By (1) Isaac Shem Mutali Chitiavi, (2) Juma Mukonyi Chitiavi, (3)
CAUSE NO. E11 OF 2023 Jotham Masayi Chitiavi and (4) Nashon Chitiavi Shiundu, all of P.O.
Box 28, Malava in Kenya, the deceased’s brothers and son,
By (1) Perita Makoha Mwechelesi (2) Michael Nyongesa
respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
Mwechelesi and (3) Benson Wekesa Mwechelesi, the deceased’s
widow and sons, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration estate of Charles Shiundu Chitiavi, who died on 21st April, 2017.
intestate to the estate of Mwechelesi Wanjofu, who died at on 7th The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
December, 2020.
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E70 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Joseph Wamalwa Wanyonyi, for a grant of letters of R. S. KIPNG’ENO,
administration intestate to the estate of Wanyonyi Sirengo Watiatia, District Registrar, Butali.
who died at Tongaren, Sango, on 14th February, 1996.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17376
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 30th November, 2023.
District Registrar, Kimilili.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT BUTALI By Fred Makunda Luttah, the deceased’s grandson, for a grant of
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION letters of administration intestate to the estate of Otota Anyangu Safu,
who died at Lunza Sub-location in 1966.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
in: The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E145 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Henry Galia Muluya and (2) Abraham Matonjero, both of M. J. OJWANG,
P.O. Box 147, Malava in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant of
District Registrar, Butere.
letters of administration intestate to the estate of William Simiti
Muluhya alias William Muluhia alias William S. Muluhia, who died at
Fuvuye Sub-location, on 16th October, 2004.
CAUSE NO. E157 OF 2023
By Martin Peter Mwombe, of P.O. Box 51, Kipkaren River in
Kenya, the deceased’s widower, for a grant of letters of administration PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
intestate to the estate of Elina Khaendi Mwombe, who died on 29th
December, 2017. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
5800 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
By Silpa Akinyi Obondo, of P.O. Box 1921–40100, Kisumu in By John Walowa Ohawe, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration letters of administration intestate to the estate of Lucia Anyango
intestate to the estate of John Otieno Ogweno, who died at Koyugi, on Ofwawe alias Ofwame Omengo, who died on 2nd June, 1981.
9th July, 2011. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
CAUSE NO. 249 OF 2023 the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Julias Ouma Okello, of P.O. Box 38–40635, Sigomre in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration T. K. NAMBISIA,
District Registrar, Ukwala.
intestate to the estate of Jones Okelo Wakisama alias Okello
Wakusama, who died at Tingare West, on 24th December, 1995.
By (1) Melisa Brivian Atieno and (2) Jane Atieno, both of P.O. IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT MASENO
Box 391, Ugunja in Kenya, the deceased’s granddaughters, for a grant
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Michael Oduya,
who died at Umala Sub-location, on 6th August, 1976. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. 316 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E38 OF 2023
By Nicholas Omondi Okello, of P.O. Box 391, Ugunja in Kenya,
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to By Paul Namema Okiri, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of
the estate of Okelo Okono, who died at Umala Sub-location, on 18th administration intestate to the estate of Okwiri Namema, who died on
September, 2021. 15th October, 1976.
CAUSE NO. E161 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Victor Ouma Omuga, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
of administration intestate to the estate of Apollo Omolo Muga, who
died on 24th December, 1995. C. MAIYO,
District Registrar, Siaya.
CAUSE NO. E167 OF 2023
By Ayub Onyango Otiende, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ombek Otiende, who GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17382
died on 23rd March, 1990.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
Dated the 27th November, 2023. in:
District Registrar, Maseno.
By (1) Rose Auma Onyango and (2) Getrude Atieno Odhiambo,
both of P.O. Box 38, Sigomre in Kenya, the deceased’s daughter and
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17380 granddaughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Bonsius Olayo, who died at East Asango Sub-
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 28th November, 2023.
CAUSE NO. E364 OF 2023
By Mary Adhiambo Odhiambo, the deceased’s widow, for a grant District Registrar, Siaya.
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Jackson Odhiambo
Ogot, who died on 22nd June, 2005.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17383
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SIAYA
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 11th November, 2023.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
District Registrar, Kisumu.
CAUSE NO. 578 OF 2021
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17381 By (1) Walter Ooro Obonyo and (2) John Achayo Owuor, both
of P.O. Box 95–40606, Ugunja in Kenya, the deceased’s brother and
IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SIAYA son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION estate of Owuor Obonyo, who died at Ugunja Sub-location, on 31st
May, 1980.
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
in: The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. 454 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By (1) Jonice Asiko Opati and (2) Rose Akoth Radiala, both of
P.O. Box 29, Mutumbu in Kenya, the deceased’s daughter and
daughter-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration District Registrar, Siaya.
intestate to the estate of Hellen Tabrandi Owenga alias Hellena
Tabrandi Owenga, who died at Marenyo Sub-location, on 17th June,
2011. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17384
By Margaret Atieno Omolo, of P.O. Box 154, Siaya in Kenya, the PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of John Ogara Obara, who died at Nyajuok, on 15th August, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
1980. in:
By Michael Awiti Bonyo, of P.O. Box 125–40302, Ndhiwa in By Florence Anona Ogutu, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
Kenya, the deceased’s father, for a grant of letters of administration letters of administration intestate to the estate of Salem Ogutu Otieno
intestate to the estate of Peter Otieno Awiti, who died on 18th January, alias Saleh Ogutu Otieno, who died on 25th July, 1992.
2015. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
CAUSE NO. E224 OF 2023 the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Rose Atieno Pondo, of P.O. Box 50–40302, Ndhiwa in Kenya,
the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate District Registrar, Winam.
to the estate of Daniel Pundo Bugah alias Daniel Pundo, who died on
19th January, 2005.
By Ayub Khan Amoko, of P.O. Box 309, Ndhiwa in Kenya, the IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RONGO
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Enos Amwoko Ouko alias Enos Amoko Ouko, who died on
6th June, 1999. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) CAUSE NO. E71 OF 2023
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Charles Ochieng Ogindi, of P.O. Box 1–40404, Rongo in
Dated the 30th November, 2023. Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
B. W. MURANGASIA, intestate to the estate of Michael Ongidi Obimbo alias Michael Ogindi
District Registrar, Ndhiwa. Obimbo, who died at Kongudi Sub-location, on 4th December, 2002.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17385 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
C. N. C. ORUO,
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E239 OF 2023
By Caleb Arera Otieno, of P.O. Box 273, Ndhiwa in Kenya, the PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
deceased’s grandson, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Magdalina Asewe Opiyo, who died on 7th December, TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
2006. in:
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E200 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By Jane Anyango Ogul, of P.O. Box 37–40611, Nyilima in Kenya,
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate
Dated the 5th December, 2023. to the estate of Ogul Abonyo, who died at Siger Sub-location, on 4th
September, 2003.
District Registrar, Ndhiwa. CAUSE NO. E254 OF 2023
By Pamela Bodo Ondong’, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ondong’Okech, who
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17386 died at East Migwena Sub-location, on 10th August, 1994.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By (1) Rose Akelo Owuor and (2) Caren Anyango Owuor, both of
P.O. Box 236–40601, Bondo in Kenya, the deceased’s widows, for a
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Columbas
in: Owuor Akoth alias Owuor Akoth, who died at Barkowino Sub-
CAUSE NO. E62 OF 2023 location, on 26th June, 2018.
CAUSE NO. E256 OF 2023
By Dorca Akinyi Osowe, of P.O. Box 1921–40100, Kisumu in
Kenya, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration By (1) Mary Jalango Awuora and (2) Emily Juma Aoda, both of
intestate to the estate of Silfanus Osome Odiero alias Silfanus Omose P.O. Box 236–40601, Bondo in Kenya, the deceased’s widows, for a
Odiero, who died at Kasule, on 28th April, 2013. grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Awuora
Oyanda, who died at Barkowino Sub-location, on 22nd March, 2012.
CAUSE NO. E138 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E257 OF 2023
By Syprose Adhiambo Omollo, of P.O. Box 126, Kisumu in
Kenya, the deceased’s daughter-in-law, for a grant of letters of By Jared Ngowe Ogweno, of P.O. Box 236–40601, Bondo in
administration intestate to the estate of Pilister Adhiambo Omolo, who Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
died on 11th November, 2005. intestate to the estate of Silper Ogoi Ogweno alias Zilipa Ogweno,
who died at Uyawi Sub-location, on 22nd November, 1997.
CAUSE NO. E139 OF 2023
CAUSE NO. E258 OF 2023
By Kennedy Otieno Magwanga, of P.O. Box 128, Kisumu in
By Nicholas Owino Masere, of P.O. Box 84–40609, Usenge in
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
Kenya, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Jokonia Magwanga Ooro alias Magwanga intestate to the estate of Isaya Masere Ogola, who died at Nyamonye
Ooro J., who died on 22nd May, 2002. Sub-location, on 8th July, 2006.
15th December, 2023 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5803
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. 751 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By (1) Moses Otieno, (2) Gordon Onyango Siwo and (3)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Jacktone Otieno Nyangueso, all of P.O. Box 162, Kosele in Kenya, for
J. P. NANDI, a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kathorina
District Registrar, Bondo. Kojo Okelo alias Katherina Meja w/o Okelo, who died at North
Kachien, on 23rd February, 1990.
CAUSE NO. E752 OF 2023
By Rushanael Atieno Awiti, of P.O. Box 162, Kendu Bay in
IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT OYUGIS Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Alfred Awiti Ogila, who died at Konyango Majieri, on 11th April,
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court CAUSE NO. E761 OF 2023
By Monica Auma Andigo, of P.O. Box 160, Kadongo in Kenya,
CAUSE NO. 329 OF 2022 for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Otieno
By (1) Kennedy Ochieng Ochoo and (2) Charles Abich Ochoo, Abongo alias Lukas Otieno Abongo, who died at Kakangutu West, on
both of P.O. Box 32, Kendu Bay in Kenya, the deceased’s grandsons, 17th March, 1983.
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Petro CAUSE NO. E767 OF 2023
Mijoge Ayawo alias Mijoge Ayawo, who died at Kakoth B, on 6th
September, 1995. By Sylus Owiti Anyango, of P.O. Box 38, Kosele in Kenya, the
deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
CAUSE NO. 515 OF 2023 estate of Akeyo Obaga alias Filemon Akeyo Obago, who died at
Kawere East Sub-location, on 19th May, 2002.
By Perez Achola Ombat, of P.O. Box 27, Maseno in Kenya, the
deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the estate of John Ombat Okelo alias John Ombat Okellow, who died the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
at Karabondi, on 7th November, 1989. days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to S. O. ONGERI,
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) District Registrar, Oyugis.
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
Dated the 25th September, 2023.
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17390 TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E143 OF 2023
By Philip Obunga Odongo, the deceased’s son, for a grant of
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court letters of administration intestate to the estate of Raphael Odongo alias
in: Raphaer Odongo, who died on 31st March, 2009.
By (1) Benard Otieno and (2) John Odoyo Migeni, both of P.O. By Yukabet Odindo Wakiaga, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of
Box 94, Kadongo in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration letters of administration intestate to the estate of Elkana Wakiaga
intestate to the estate of Jeconia Omolo Oyieng alias Omolo Oyieng, Owuato alias Elkana Wakiaga, who died on 21st July, 1981.
who died at Kawuor, on 25th June, 2002. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
CAUSE NO. E739 OF 2023 the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Diner Adhiambo, of P.O. Box 474, Rongo in Kenya, for a grant
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Juma Onditi alias M. AGUTU,
Samson Juma Onditi, who died at Kojwach Kamuga, on 14th January, District Registrar, Mbita.
By Milka Adhiambo Oloo, of P.O. Box 1, Kosele in Kenya, for a IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT OGEMBO
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Ojuka Obiero
alias Martin Ojuka Obiero, who died at Kasipul, on 2nd December, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
CAUSE NO. E745 OF 2023
By (1) Arthur Omondi Olango and (2) Irene Akoth Ochieng, both CAUSE NO. E199 OF 2023
of P.O. Box 273, Kendu Bay in Kenya, the deceased’s daughter and
son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the By John Mosora Nyariki, of P.O. Box 26–40204, Ogembo in
estate of Olango Nyamisi alias Joseph Olango Nyamisi, who died at Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Kotieno, on 9th November, 2005. Jason Nyariki Nyanunga alias Nyariki Nyanunga, who died at Mosora,
on 3rd December, 2018.
5804 THE KENYA GAZETTE 15th December, 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17395
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT ETAGO
By (1) Pamela Adhiambo Okune and (2) Paul Otieno Okune, the Dated the 30th November, 2023.
deceased’s daughter and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of V. M. NYAGA,
administration intestate to the estate of Jectone Okune Ochere, who District Registrar, Etago.
died on 8th May, 2023.
By Mark Were Sungu, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SOTIK
administration intestate to the estate of Eliazaro Sungu Opiyo alias
Eliazaro Sungu, who died at South Ramba, on 14th June, 1982. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION
CAUSE NO. E207 OF 2023 TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By Phoebe Auma Achuodho, the deceased’s daughter-in-law, for a
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Lukas Owako CAUSE NO. E6 OF 2023
alias Lucas Owako, who died at Ndigwa, on 4th July, 1995.
By (1) Mutai Kiprono David and (2) Robert ole Ketwol, both of P.O.
CAUSE NO. E208 OF 2023 Box 56, Roret in Kenya, the deceased’s grandsons, for a grant of letters
of administration intestate to the estate of Kipruto Bore alias Maridary
By (1) Fredrick Obambo Osera and (2) Maurice Odero Osera, the Kipruto A. Bore, who died at Kapkisiara, on 2nd November, 1982.
deceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Daniel Osera Buong, who died at Naya, on 26th June, 2016. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. Dated the 16th May, 2023.
E. MALESI, District Registrar, Sotik.
District Registrar, Madiany.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to CAUSE NO. E90 OF 2023
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) By (1) Agnes Wambua Muasya and (2) Anna Siva Mutuku, the
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. deceased’s daughters, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
Dated the 9th September, 2022. the estate of Wambua Kyatha, who died at Kaguku, on 14th July, 2003.
PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Esther Wanjiku Kariuki, of P.O. Box 52–01015, Ithanga in
Kenya, the deceased’s granddaughter, for a grant of letters of
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court administration intestate to the estate of Kuria Njagi alias Haron Kuria
in: Kinyanjui, who died at Ngeleya Sub-location, on 15th September, 2008
CAUSE NO. E57 OF 2023 CAUSE NO. E95 OF 2023
By (1) Laban Kibuba Muiya and (2) Joel Maweu Muia, both of By Stanley Preston Ngigi Adams, of P.O. Box 28–01015, Ithanga in
P.O. Box 2784–60200 Meru in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant Kenya, the deceased’s granddaughter, for a grant of letters of
of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Simion Muia administration intestate to the estate of Rebecca Wamoro Nduati, who
Kithuka, who died at Mswambweni Hospital in Kenya, on 14th May, died at Kahariro, on 7th April, 2003.
CAUSE NO. E99 OF 2023
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
By Nancy Nyambura Murigi, of P.O. Box 15–01020, Kenol in
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
Kenya, the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
intestate to the estate of Wanjiku Joshua alias Wanjiku Mungai, who
C. K. AUKA, died at District Hospital, Thika in Kenya, on 5th April, 2001.
District Registrar, Kwale. CAUSE NO. E101 OF 2023
By (1) Peter Macharia Kiarii and (2) Bernard Mwangi Kiarie, both of
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17400 P.O. Box 4777, Thika in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a grant of
letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kiarie Macharia, who
IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT MPEKETONI died at Cariras |Hospital in Kenya, on 25th June, 2022.
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court By (1) Wanjiku Mbogo and (2) Naomi Mbogo Kahoro, both of P.O.
in: Box 28–01015, Ithanga in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Samuel Mbogo Kahora, who died at Kenyatta
CAUSE NO. E19 OF 2023 National Hospital in Kenya, on 17th November, 2019.
By Mary Wambui Macharia, of P.O. Box 80503, Hongwe in CAUSE NO. E103 OF 2023
Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of
Joseph Macharia Maina alias Joseph M. Maina, who died on 14th By (1) Elijah Gitiko Karanja and (2) Jacob Wanyoike Karanja, both
October, 2019. of P.O. Box 101636–00101, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased’s sons, for a
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Paul Karanja
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to Elijah, who died on 26th January, 2015.
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette. CAUSE NO. E104 OF 2023
P. E. NABWANA, By Samuel Gicovi Njeru, of P.O. Box 120, Manyatta in Kenya, the
District Registrar, Mpeketoni. deceased’s stepbrother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to
the estate of Margaret Wachuka Muigai, who died at Thika General
Hospital in Kenya, on 24th February, 2009.
IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT By Beatrice Mbinya Kimatu, for a grant of letters of
AT KENOL administration intestate to the estate of Joseph Kimatu Mutua, who
died at Daniel Comboni Health Centre, on 13th June, 2018.
The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
in: days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
CAUSE NO. E82 OF 2023 S. K. NYAGA,
District Registrar, Kenol.
By Jamin Njuguna Kinuthia, of P.O. Box 268, Kangari in Kenya,
the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the
estate of Marion Wanjugu Kinuthia, who died at Wempa, on 10th
February, 2023. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17402
CAUSE NO. E5 OF 2023 The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
By Purity Wanjiku Mugambi, of P.O. Box 1, Marimanti in Kenya, days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Francis
Mugambi Kunyanga, who died at Kithingiri, on 17th April, 2018. M. N. MUNYENDO,
District Registrar, Othaya.
CAUSE NO. E14 OF 2023
By Pius Kinyaki Kimbo, of P.O. Box 1, Marimanti in Kenya, for a GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 17405
grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of M’Kimbo
M’Rukirangi, who died at Gaceraka, on 5th May, 1997. IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT BOMET
CAUSE NO. E15 OF 2023
TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court
By Douglas Iguna Mucee, of P.O. Box 1, Marimanti in Kenya, for in:
a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of M’Biruka
Thiora, who died at Kathangachini, on 15th August, 1989. CAUSE NO. 188 OF 2023
By (1) Vivian Chepkemoi Kosone and (2) John Langat, both of
CAUSE NO. E20 OF 2023 P.O. Box 99, Bomet in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration
intestate to the estate of Elijah Chepkwony Kosone, who died at
By Alexander Murimi Joseph, of P.O. Box 1, Marimanti in Kenya, District Hospital, Kericho in Kenya, on 15th May, 2001.
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Kamau
Kithamba Irumi, who died at Kereria, on 20th February, 2002. The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to
the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)
CAUSE NO. E22 OF 2023 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Kenya Gazette.
By Antony Murithi Mucee, of P.O. Box 1, Marimanti in Kenya, M. MICHUKI,
for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Henry District Registrar, Bomet.
Mucee Njeru, who died at Kamarandi, on 3rd March, 2012.