Final Research Update

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Vamenta, Carmen Cagayan de Oro City





Aninao, Glydell D.
Calapiz, Katherine B.
Jandayan, Abigail R.
Paglinawan, Riza B.

Mr. Manuelito Rojas

APRIL 2024



Tittle Page……………………………………………………………………………………..i

Table of Contents………………………………………….………………………………….ii

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………..iii

Dedication …………………………………………………………...………………………iv

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………v


Background of the Study…………………………………………………………..………...7-8

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………..………….. 8

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………..……….…. 9

Objective of the Study…………………………………………………………..…………....11

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………...…………………11-12

Scope and Limitation …………………………………………. ………………….….……. 13

Significance of the Study……………………………………..……………….……………13-14

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………………15-18



Student’s Addictiveness To Social Media……………..………………………………….....20-21

Social Media’s Effect on Academic Performance………………………..…………..……...21-22

Related Literature……………………………………………………………………………22-23


Research Design………………………………………………………………………….….24

Research Locale ………………………………………………………………………….….24

Instrumentation and Data Collection……………………………………………………...…25

Treatment of Data……………………………………………………………….……….…..26-27


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data………………………………….………..28-

Treatment of Social Media Addiction.………………………………………………….……50


Summary …………………………………………………………………………………...…55




APPENDIX A……………………………………………………………………………………..62

APPENDIX B……………………………………………………………………………………..64

APPENDIX C…………………………………………………………………………………..…68


With deepest gratitude and appreciation, we humbly give thanks to the people who,

with all they can, helped us in making our research paper a possible one.

To our family, our ever-supporting parents, thank you for your unending love and

support, for providing all our needs financially and morally, for your patience, understanding

and keep on encouraging us to always make the best out of everything and for being proud and

ever supporting parents to us.

To our teachers who shared and continuously share their knowledge with us and who

keep molding us into a better person. We’re extending our warmest thanks especially to our

adviser Mr. Manuelito Rojas, for guiding us to finish our thesis.

Above all, to our Almighty God, for the guidance, strength, power of mind and for

giving us enough knowledge. By His grace, we were able to finish this research paper without

any conflict.

Most of all, we thank Him for His Word that keeps on reminding us that “I can do all

things through Christ which strengthened me.” (Phil. 4:13)


We wish to dedicate this study as a symbol of the fruit of our hardship and sacrifices to

all persons whom we have owed very much in order to pursue our endeavor, especially to our

beloved teachers who have exerted their full effort and time in guiding and assisting us in all

our schoolwork.

A very special dedication is given to our parents who have given us their pieces of

advice to study hard and for their untiring support. This is also dedicated to our brothers and

sisters, relatives and friends that had directly and indirectly helped us through this research


To all of you, thank you very much, this is now the fruit of all your hardships.

But most of all to our Almighty God, for all the blessings, guidance and answered

prayers. Without Him we are nothing.


The purpose of this research study is to determine the impact of social media and

Academic Performance of Students in Golden Heritage Polytechnic College. Five research

questions and two research hypotheses guided the study. To achieve this, the descriptive survey

research design was adopted.

The population consists of all the BEED2 students. The simple random sampling

technique was used to select a sample of 30 students. Survey questionnaires were used to collect

data from the participants.

Research findings showed that a great number of students in GHPC are slightly addicted

to using social media. To this end, the researcher recommended that social media should be

used for educational purposes as well; Social Networking Sites should be expanded, and new

pages should be created to enhance academic activities and avoid setbacks in the students’

academic performance; and Students should be monitored by teachers and parents on how they

use these sites. This is to create a balance between social media and academic activities of

students to avoid setbacks in the academic performance of the students.



As we are living in a networking era, the tremendous growth of the internet has a high

impact on the development of the students in which they interact and socialize. The internet

offers a wide variety of communication tools. Billions of people use facilities like search

engines, web pages, e-mails, multi-media sharing, online newsrooms, social networking etc.

Today the internet is an essential communication medium in professional as well as personal

life. This research will detail the impact of using social networking sites on student’s academic

performance of Golden Heritage Polytechnic College.

According to the study, Jabr (2011) found that SNSs are making a tremendous effect in

nearly every aspect of life. In fact, it has shifted as a tool for extending academic learning and

communication. SNSs are web-based applications that allow individuals to create profiles and

share information with friends within the system. This “SNSs phenomenon” had permeated on

the students and became the latest online avenue for social interactions, as well as academic


Brazil, Duque and San Antonio (2017) noted in their research “A Correlational Study

on Social Media Involvement and Parental Relationship among Students of Asia Pacific

College” One of the usual activities of children and adolescents nowadays is the use of social

media. Popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the well -known

video site YouTube, and blogging sites are all examples of social media. These social media

sites are a medium of social interaction, communication and entertainment for the youths which

has been immensely growing due to the fast-paced demand and consumption on smartphones,

computers and other gadgets. Social media may play a vital role in broadening the social

connection and enriching the technical skills of adolescents, but the risks of using it cannot be


As shown in the study of Choney (2010) due to the increased popularity of SNSs,

economists and professors are questioning whether grades of students are being affected by

how much time is being spent on these sites. Essentially, the environment and other factors

may affect the way a student views learning and studying. Truly SNSs are one of the factors

that can affect a student's time, insight, and outlook about learning and studying.

With the prevalence of SNSs, the study of Karpinski and Kirschner (2010) validated that

students’ study time, and their academic performance could be affected. Moreover, the study

of Karpinski (2009) shows that users who spend more time on SNSs like Facebook spend less

time studying.

The study of Lewis et al. (2008) found out that the influence of these SNSs continues to

get increasingly more pervasive, making actual and virtual realities almost indistinguishable.

Students are talking about the social networking related stuff almost every single day; thus, it

would be a surprise if any student never got involved with Facebook, Twitter or any other SNSs

nowadays. Moreover, students are paying more attention towards these social networking

activities rather than utilizing their time to study which will surely affect their academic


Students are very much engrossed in social media. Most of the students at Golden

Heritage Polytechnic College are using social media daily and wouldn’t be without it. Students

use it to stay in touch, to find new people who share their passions and interests, and even in

this research, it is being used by the researcher. People are becoming more powerful through

technology, because technology has the ability to unite and even perform for them.

Theoretical Framework

This research aims at measuring the impact of social media on the academic performance

of BEED2 students in GHPC. To collect data, a survey questionnaire will be used.

According to Adams, Mingle (2015) noted in their research “Social Media Network

Participation and Academic Performance in Senior High Schools in Ghana” Bandura’s Social

Learning Theory (SLT) and Katz’s Use and Gratification theory. The two theories answered

two aspects of the study, that is, academic performance (learning outcomes) and competition

(social media and academic work).

Ainin et al (2015), states that the Social Learning theory “basically explains how the

environmental and cognitive components collaborate to affect an individual learning and

behavior pattern”. “Social learning theory views learning as a social process that individuals

will self-initiate, regulate learning and actively construct knowledge by acquiring, generating,

and structuring information” (Yu et al., 2010).

Ainin et al (2015) “emphasized that individuals' cognition and behavior are influenced

through observation and interacting with peers and the situations (e.g., learning the

environmental norms, cultures, 9 policies). It is the individuals' interaction with the

environment that causes their behavioral consequences”. “Therefore, individual interaction

with peers, social support from peers and their understanding of situations are important factors

which affect individual learning outcome” (DeAndrea, Ellison, LaRose, Steinfield, & Fiore,


Also, the gratification theory which answered the second part of the study holds that

people are responsible for choosing a particular media to meet their needs. Therefore, the

academic performance of students is as a result of the competition between social media

network participation and academic work. This implies that the amount of time invested

participating on social media could affect the time allocated for studies by students and this

could affect their learning outcome as a result.

Conceptual Framework

Social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Wattpad and Youtube.

These have been found out to be causing misuse of the Internet which leads to difficulty

completing homework, studying for tests and getting enough sleep to be alert for class the next


The illustrated concept shows the schematic diagram approach employed by this study.

The diagram contains the independent variable and dependent variable. The independent

variable which is the demographic profile of students, and the affecting factors as the subject

to be studied while the dependent variable contains the academic performance.


Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Objective of the Study

The goal of this research is to address the impact of social media on BEED2 students,

the way they are using these mediums and the consequences of that use on their academic


1. To determine how the students use social media in their daily lives.

2. To examine the impact of social media on academic performance among the students

of BEED2.

3. To identify the benefits obtained from using social media.

Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of this study is to present and determine how social media affects

the academic performance of BEED2 students at GHPC.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

a. Age;

b. Sex;

c. Parents’ educational background.

parents’ approximate income in a week.

2. What are the social media sites that BEED2 students visit often?

3. What are the common causes of social media usage among BEED 2 students?

4. What are the effects of social media usage among BEED 2 students?

5. Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of the student’s when they

were grouped according to their profile?


Ho: There is no significant difference in the academic performance when students were grouped

according to their profile.

Ha: There is a significant difference in the academic performance when students are grouped

according to their profile.


The study was related to the following assumptions:

1. Social media affects the academic performance of the College BEED 2 students.

2. Students who are always using social media may have problems affecting.

their academic performance.

3. The respondents will be willing to cooperate and give truthful and sincere answers

to the items listed in the questionnaires.

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of the study is to determine how social media usage among Golden Heritage

Polytechnic College students affects their academic performance. The only participants in this study

are College BEED 2 students.

In this study, a questionnaire and observation were used to measure the effect of social

networking sites on the academic performance of BEED 2 students at Golden Heritage Polytechnic

College. The mean score of the students' answers to the provided survey questions was used to

calculate the results. Age, gender, parents' income, and parents' level of education were taken into

consideration while analyzing the outcome.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the impact of social media usage in academic performance of

BEED 2 students of GHPC has some practical importance for educational practitioners' insights on

how social media affects students’ academic performance.

Administration: That they may read and be aware of the changes of the students

and even the effects of social networking to their students, so that

they can educate their students about the limitations of using the

social networking sites. This may help them in planning their own

tactics in making their students avoid social networking addiction.

Teachers: The result of this study will help the teachers of the school to know

the influence that social media has on their students, so as to assist

them to enlighten and create awareness to the students on the

possible effect it has on them.

Parents: The study is significant to the parents in the sense that they will

know the possible effect this social media usage has on their

children. This study gives parents guiding disciplinary actions to

help their children from engaging to social media networking.

Students: The study will enable the students to be aware that, apart from the

social benefits of this social networking site, using the sites more

than necessary will pose possible dangers to their health.

Future Researchers: It will provide relevant material for students and other researchers

undertaking similar research. The study will help researchers with

more information on the Influence of social media on student’s

academic performances.

Definition of Terms

Academic: is used to describe things that relate to the work done in

schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which

involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or

technical skills

Computer: is a machine that receives or stores or processes data quickly

according to a stored program.

Cyberbullying: the use of electronic communication to bully a person,

typically by sending messages of an intimidating or

threatening nature.

Facebook: is a popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video,

send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and


Instagram: is a free, online photo-sharing application and social network

platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012. Instagram

allows users to edit and upload photos and short videos

through a mobile app. Users also have the option of making

their profile private so that only their followers can view

their posts.

Internet: a global computer network providing a variety of

information and communication facilities, consisting of

interconnected networks using standardized communication


Media: Communication channels through which news,

entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are

disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and

narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV,

radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet.

Media is the plural of medium and can take a plural or

singular verb, depending on the sense intended.

Messenger: Messenger is a mobile app that enables chat, voice and video

communications between the social media site's web based

messaging and smartphones. (Specific capabilities vary

according to the user's device and geographic location.)

My Space: is a social networking website offering an interactive, user-

submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups,

photos, music, and videos

Peer Pressure: a feeling that one must do the same things as other people of

one's age and social group in order to be liked or respected

by them.

Skype: have a spoken conversation with (someone) over the Internet

using the software application Skype, typically also viewing

by webcam.

Snapchat: Uses the device's camera to capture snaps and WiFi

technology to send them. The app allows the sender to draw

or insert text on the snap and determine how many seconds

(one to 10) the recipient can view it before the file disappears

from the recipient's device. Messages can only be viewed

once -- and during the viewing period, the recipient must

maintain contact with the device's touchscreen, or the snap


Social Media They are forms of electronic communication which facilitate

interaction based on certain interests. Social media include

web and mobile technology

Social Networking: The use of the internet to make information about yourself

available to other people especially people you share an

interest with to send messages to them.

Social Networking Site: A website where people put information about them and can

send them to others.

Tweets: A post made on the Twitter online message service

Twitter: Is a free social networking microblogging service that

allows registered members to broadcast short posts called

tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow

other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices.

Tweets and replies to tweets can be sent by cell phone text

message, desktop client or by posting at the


Wattpad: Is a community for readers and writers where one can

discover new user-generated stories, spanning across

different genres including classics, general fiction, historical

fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and spiritual, teen fiction among


Whatsapp: An ad-free instant messaging service for all major

smartphones from WhatsApp Inc., wholly owned by

Facebook. Founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum,

WhatsApp uses the Internet as an alternative to the SMS text

messaging system.

YouTube: Is a free video-hosting website that allows members to

store and serve video content. YouTube members and

website visitors can share YouTube videos on a variety

of web platforms by using a link or by embedding HTML




This chapter presents a brief presentation about the causes and effects of social media

to students especially with their academic performances.

Related Studies

Nicole (2007), the advanced and improved usage of social media platforms such as Facebook

has become a worldwide phenomenon for quite some time. Though it all started as a hobby for

several computer literates, individuals have changed to become a social norm and existence-

style for students around the world. Nicole added that students and teenagers have especially

recognized these social media platforms to be able to contact their peers, share information,

reinvent their personas and showcase their social lives.

According to Bekalu et al. (2019) since students tend to spend more time on social media other

than educational purposes; this tends to cause distraction from the learning environment, affecting their

academic progress. Further, spending a lot of time on social networking sites can lead to a sedentary

lifestyle and a decrease in daily physical activity levels.

Smith and Johnson (2018) conducted a survey on University students, revealing that the average

time spent on social media per day was positively correlated with a decrease in study hours.

Understanding the specific social media habits is crucial for assessing its impact on academic

performance. Brown et al.(2019) found that students who engaged in frequent multitasking between

academic tasks and social media tended to have lower academic achievements. Identifying the

distractions caused by social media is essential for designing effective interventions.

A recent report published by Statista (2019) highlighted that, on average, Web users spend over

2 h (136 min) every day on different social media channels.

The excessive use of technology among different cohorts of society has been an active research

topic. The excessive use of social media platforms, in particular Facebook, can have adverse outcomes

for users, including fatigue (Luqman et al., 2017; Dhir et al., 2018).

Karpinski (2009), stated that social media has a negative association with students’

academic performance which is much greater than the advantages derived through the use of

social media platforms. People around the globe have been addicted to the internet which has

given rise to more students using social media more often than before. It was also mentioned

by Karpinski, & Duberstein (2009), that among the major distractions of the current generation

that social media platforms (such Facebook, Watzapp etc.) remain a major distraction.

Student’s addictiveness to social media

On the internet, students engage in a variety of activities some of which may be

potentially addictive. (Kuss and Griffiths, 2011). The mass appeal of social media on the

internet could be a cause for concern, particularly when attending to the gradually increasing

amount of time students spend online. Undergraduates spend more time on Facebook, Twitter

and other social media through smartphones that are now in abundance among these youths.

Many students cannot go for two-three hours without checking and updating their profiles on

these social networks even at the detriment of other activities such as educational and career


In an article on the Daily Trust newspaper, Itodo (2011) posits that there seems to be

an alarming rate of social networking obsession among students today; a trend that could affect

their academic, social and spiritual lives negatively if not properly controlled. Bello (2012) of

the Sunday Observer observes that the dangerous trend of social media network “obsession” if

left unchecked could further affect an already collapsing education system in Nigeria.

In Ogedegbe, Emmanuel & Musa (2012), a study on Facebook and Academic

Performance in Nigeria Universities was carried out on 122 university students; they tested six

hypotheses to know the effect of Facebook on the academic performance of students in selected

universities. The study tested among other hypotheses that the more time a student spends on

Facebook, the lower his or her grade point average will be.

In Olubiyi (2012), the author observed that the bone of contention of social media is

the obsessive attitude of Nigerian youths towards its use. He pointed out that students waste

their time through idle chats and other immoral acts. Students are so engrossed in the social

media networks that they are almost 24 hours online. Even in classrooms and lecture theatres,

it has been observed that some students are always busy pinging, 2going or Facebooking, while

lectures are on. The result is that quality time that ought to be spent on academic research and

other productive networking is lost.

Social Media’s Effect on Academic Performance

Subrahmanyam and Greenfield (2008), state that using online communication has both

negative and positive effects, because there are harmful ways in which the internet could be

used. They also state that nowadays, schools are trying their best to control how students use

digital media on school grounds. According to Ahn (2010), she said that in other schools,

leaders have banned the access of social network sites, because they fear the students’

interaction with them, although they know the positive impact social media has on the students’


According to O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson (2011), in the American Academy of

Pediatrics, there are a couple of benefits to social media use. They believe one of the most

important benefits of social media is that it enhances how an individual understands himself by

engaging with others and becoming creative through blogging. This leads to better outcomes in

their individual schoolwork.

Another important benefit according to O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, is the fact that

using social media gives students the opportunity to improve their learning, since they have the

chance to share knowledge with one another and conduct group projects more efficiently.

Naizabekov (2012), concluded that social media causes procrastination as a result of its

distracting nature. It would take an individual who uses social media much more time than it

would take a focused individual to finish a task. Through procrastination emerges the second

negative impact, which is lack of motivation, because using social media while studying

develops a negative attitude towards their individual work at school.

Related Literature

There are many issues concerning students in Golden Heritage Polytechnic College and

social networking site participation. On one hand, there may be benefits for students who use

these sites properly and appropriately. Other research suggests that there are clear risks

involved when students become too consumed with the Internet and social networking

websites. It was discovered that social networking sites are the most commonly used social

media networks among students. Students engage themselves with one activity or the other on

the various social media on day-to-day activities.

However, Undergraduates spend more time on Facebook, Twitter and other social

media through smartphones that are now in abundance among these 40 youths. Many students

cannot go for two-three hours without checking and updating their profiles on these social

networks even at the detriment of other activities such as educational and career pursuit. Smart

phones, android phones as well as tablets were seen to be the major ways through which

students gain easy access to the internet to be on the various social media network platforms.

According to most research done on the topic, the number of teenage girls and boys

who communicate on these social media networks are equally divided. Majority of students in

Nigeria visit at least one social networking site approximately twenty times each day. Cell

Phones have been banned from classrooms and schools have blocked many popular social

media websites due to the repercussions the social media might have on the academic

performance of students.

For the purposes of this research project, the researcher will examine the level of student

addictiveness to social media, how often they use them, how they use them, and how this is

affecting their academic performances. At the conclusion of this research project, there will be

a better understanding regarding students in Golden Heritage Polytechnic College and whether

or not they are able to balance a life of social networking and academic performance.



This chapter presents the methodology of the study. It discusses the research design, research

locale, sampling procedure, research respondents, data gathering procedure, instrumentation and data

collection and the statistical tools used in analyzing and interpreting the data. The methodology provides

a framework for data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Research Design

The study aims to use a descriptive design to investigate the impact of social media on the

academic performance of BEED 2 students at GHPC. In order to disseminate comprehensive information

focusing on the impact of social media to the academic performance of BEED2 students, the researcher

employs a descriptive qualitative research design to collect data. The researcher will conduc t survey

questionnaires to BEED2 to collect data where participants respond to the questions administered in order

to meet the purpose of the study.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Golden Heritage Polytechnic College, one of the Colleges at Cagayan

de Oro City, Misamis Oriental. By conducting the study at Golden Heritage Polytechnic College, we aim

to gather data from a specific group of BEED2 students who are enrolled in the institution. This allows

us to focus our research on a particular academic setting and examine the impact of social media on their

academic performance of social media on their academic performance within that context. The target

respondent for the conducted study covers BEED2 students at Golden Heritage Polytechnic College for

the school year 2023-2024 and are considered as the core significant respondents because they are the

core agents in this educational research.

Sampling Procedure

The researchers will use stratified proportionate random sampling procedure. The re searchers

wanted to choose the second-year college of BEED students who had specific traits and experiences

towards using social media in their academic performance to collect the necessary data for the study.

Research Respondents

The intended chosen respondents of this research are the second year College of Education

students in Golden Heritage Polytechnic College S.Y 2023-2024. With population proportion sample

size calculator, the number of respondents (n) =30

Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting the research survey questionnaires, the researcher acquired an information consent

letter from the Dean for conducting a survey. After the dean gives permission, the researcher asks the

second year College of Education students to be part of the study as respondents. Then researchers give

clear instructions, goal and purpose of this study to respondents and give them an assurance and security

in regard to the data they put in to be collected that will be strictly confidential. There are thirty (30)

chosen respondents fifteen (15) from BEED2-A and fifteen (15) from BEED2-B who will answer the

hard copy survey questionnaires. It takes 2-3minutes to answer the survey questionnaires. After

answering the survey questionnaires, the researcher will carefully gather the complete survey form and

express gratitude towards respondents for their time to do so. The researchers will directly tall y the

answers from the questionnaire to get the result.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researcher used questionnaires for the survey in collecting ideas based on their

observation done in school and was used to get the desired information from the students. The

questionnaire is composed of three sections. Section I sought to determine the demographic

profile and social media sites that the students often visit. Section II sought to determine the

common causes of using social media. And lastly, section III sought to determine the effect of

social networking sites on a student’s academic performance.

Preparatory Stage - The researchers made a written request addressed to the Dean of school and

to the selected BEED 2 College students at Golden Heritage Polytechnic College. Likewise, the

researchers asked consent to distribute the questionnaires to the respondents.

Actual Data Gathering Technique - the researchers made personal conversation to the selected

BEED 2 students of GHPC. Much effort was done to explain the significance of the research to the

respondents. The researchers manage to assist them through the questionnaires. To motivate them,

the researchers explained to them the purpose of the study and its significance to the students and

other individuals involved in the study.

Treatment of Data

To speed up computations in this study, data observations were entered in the Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Its accuracy and reliability in statistical computation

is compensating, all calculations in this were done through the SPSS processor to save time.

In measuring the demographic profile, the researchers use frequency and percentage.

In measuring the social media networking site, the researchers used the following scale

and descriptive interpretation:

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Always
3 2.50- 3.24 Sometimes

2 1.75- 2.49 Rare

1 1.00-1.74 Never

In measuring the common causes of using social media, we used the following scale
and descriptive interpretation:

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50- 3.24 Agree

2 1.75- 2.49 Disagree
1 1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree

In measuring the effects of social media, we used the following scale and descriptive

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50- 3.24 Agree

2 1.75- 2.49 Disagree

1 1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree

To test the significant difference for research problem 5 the T-test and ANOVA. Were

utilized at 0.05 level of significance.



This chapter presents the result and findings of this study with their corresponding

analyses and interpretations of the following sequence of sub-problems of this study based on

the calculations of the SPSS which answer the question in regard to social media addiction.

1: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1:1 Age

1:2 Sex

1:3 Parents’ approximate income in a week

1:4 Parents’ educational background


Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

18-22 12 40%

23-28 11 36.6%

29-34 4 13.3%

35-40 3 10%

Total 30 100%

Table 1 shows the distribution in the frequency and percentage of the respondents according to age. It

shows that out of 30 respondents who participated in this study, there are 12 respondents with age 18-22

(40%), 11 respondents with age 23-28 (36.6%), 4 respondents with age 29-34 (13.3%), 3 respondents

with age 35-40 (10%), and none from the age 41-45 respondents. Most of the participants were 18-22.

According to Erick Erickson’s theory of psychosocial development, young adults between 18-22 are

typically in the early stages of exploring their identities, including their academic interests, career goals,

and social interactions. They may be more inclined to participate in studies that relate to their current

stage of development, such as academic performance and the influence of social media. Erikson's theory

acknowledges the importance of education and career in shaping identity. Young adults are likely to be

focused on their academic performance, career goals, and future during this stage.


Distribution of Respondents According to Sex

Sex Frequency Percent age

Female 24 80%

Male 6 20%

Total 30 100%

Table 2 shows the distribution in the frequency and percentage of the respondents according to

sex. It shows that out of 30 respondents who participated in this study, 6 (20%) were male and 24 (80%)

were female. This shows that most respondents were female.

According to Social Role Theory, individuals internalize societal norms and expectations associated

with their gender. Women are often socialized to be cooperative, nurturing, and more compliant with

requests for help or participation in activities that benefit others or contribute to research and knowledge.

Women might feel more comfortable sharing information in a controlled environment like a survey. The

table indicates a higher representation of female respondents, and research suggests that females often

use social media for social interactions, emotional support, and academic-related content.


Distribution of Respondents According to Parents approximate Income in a Week

Parents approximate income Frequency Percentage

2,500 - 3,500 17 56.7%

3,500 - 4,500 2 6.6%

4,500 - 5,500 5 16.6%

Above 5,500 6 20%

Total 30 100%

Table 3 shows the distribution in the frequency and percentage of the respondents according to parents’

weekly income. It shows that out of 30 respondents who participated in this study, there were 17 (56.7%),

3,500 - 4,500 there were 2 (6.6%), 4,500 - 5,500 there were 5 (16.6%), Above 5,500 there were 6 (20%).

This shows that the majority of respondents were having an income of 2,500 - 3,500 while 6 respondents

had above 5,500 incomes.

Equality of opportunity is defined as the situation where income distributions conditional on social

origin cannot be ranked according to stochastic dominance criteria. We measure social origin by parental

education and occupation and use the database built by Roemer et al. (2003).

Household income is a crucial aspect in influencing an individual’s life, as well as young children.

There are many things that parents can provide to their children with money, including personal mobile

devices and internet access. Having a mobile device makes it difficult for parents t o monitor usage, which,

in turn, contributes to excessive use. Because of this, many studies have reported that children with high

household incomes are prone to problematic mobile device use [68,69,70,71]. However, [44,58] reported

that there was no effect of household income on problematic mobile device use.


Distribution of Respondents According to Parents Educational Background

Parents educational background Frequency Percentage

Less than high school 9 30%

High School graduate 9 30%

Some college\Trade school 7 23.3%

Bachelor's degree 4 13.3%

Postgraduate degree 1 3.3%

Total 30 100%

Table 4 Shows the distribution in the frequency and percentage of the respondents according to parents’

weekly income. It shows that out of 30 respondents who participated in this study, there were 9

respondents from parents educational background who are less than high school with 30%, 9
respondents from parents educational background who are high school graduate with 30%, 7

respondents from parents educational background who Some college\Trade school with 23.3%, 4

Bachelor's degree with 13.3%, and 1 Postgraduate degree with 3.3%.The table 4 shows that the

majority of the participants from parent’s educational background is less than high school and high

school graduate.

According to Educational Attainment and Research Awareness, it suggests that individuals with

lower levels of parental education may have limited exposure to research opportuni ties and academic

environments. As a result, they may be less aware of or less likely to participate in resea rch studies

compared to individuals from higher-educated backgrounds. Parents with lower educational levels tend

to allow their children to spend extra time on a mobile device compared to parents with higher educational

levels [22,62,63,64,65]. Parents with higher educational levels are more aware and tend to guide their

children on the appropriate period of use [63,66] and suitable apps and websites to access [64,67].

Contrary to this, several studies reported there was no effect of the parent’s educationa l level on

problematic mobile device use [44,58]

2: What are the social media sites that BEED2 students visit often?

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Always
3 2.50- 3.24 Sometimes
2 1.75- 2.49 Rare
1 1.00-1.74 Never

Table 5
Social Media Sites that GHPC BEED 2 College Student Often Times Engaged With (n=30)

Computer Mean Descriptive Interpretation
Networking Sites

1. Facebook 3.26 Always

2. Messenger 3.60 Always

3. Twitter 3.20 Sometimes
4. Instagram 3.40 Always
5. Telegram 2.96 Sometimes
6.Whatsapp 3.10 Sometimes

7. YouTube 3.30 Always

8.Skype 2.30 Sometimes
9. Snapchat 1.76 Never
10. TikTok 3.20 Sometimes
Total 3.0 Sometimes

Composite Mean: 3.0 - Sometimes

Table 2 presents the data on social media that GHPC BEED 2 students often visit. The top three social

media that students engaged with are first TikTok having a m=3.20(sometimes), next is Facebook with a

m=3.26 (always) and lastly Messenger having m=3.6 (Always).

According to eMarketer (2018) Messenger is the most used social media site having a

weighted mean of 3.50 with a descriptive interpretation of “always.” There are several factors

driving Messenger’s worldwide growth, as well as mobile messaging in general. According to

Moreau (2018) Facebook is the most used social network on the web. It's a thriving beast of a

social networking site on the web with about 2 billion monthly active users and more than one

billion that log on daily (according to Facebook itself).

It is also true to the findings of the researchers that Facebook is the most social media

site that GHPC students often visit. One of the reasons why students love Facebook is that they

can create new friends, upload their photos, update status and be updated on what is happening

around them.

3: What are the common causes of social media usage among BEED 2 students?

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50- 3.24 Agree

2 1.75- 2.49 Disagree

1 1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table 6
Common Causes of using social media among GHPC BEED 2 Students (30)
Reasons Affecting Academic Performance Weighted Mean Descriptive
1. I don’t spend any time on social media in a day. 1.56 Strongly Disagree

2. I use social media platforms frequently ( ex. 3.33 Strongly Agree

Facebook, Instagram etc.)
3. I use social media often to interact with friends 4.33 Strongly agree
and family.
4. I use social media as a valuable tool for learning. 4.5 Strongly agree

5. social media has greatly contributed to the rise of 3.73 Strongly Agree
online communities and connectivity among
students. media can be addictive and lead to excessive 3.1 Agree
screen time.

7. To what extent do you think that comparing 3.47 Strongly Agree

oneself to others on social media affects self-
esteem and motivation to perform well
8. How often do you find yourself multitasking 3.1 Agree
between social media and academic tasks, resulting
in reduced efficiency.
9. Do you think that the fear of missing out on social 3.73 Strongly Agree
media activities can lead to a decrease in
academic performance?

10. How much do you agree that social media can 4.27 Strongly Agree
cause sleep disturbances, leading to tiredness
and decreased academic performance?
TOTAL 3.51 Strongly Agree
Composite Mean: 3.51 (Strongly Agree)

Table 6 presents the output of data analysis on the causes of social media to GHPC BEED 2

College student’s academic performances. The total causes of social media usage had a weighted

m=3.512 with a descriptive interpretation of “strongly disagree.”

According to studies, social media can indeed cause sleep disturbances, leading to

tiredness and decreased academic performance. The use of electronic devices, such as smartphones

and tablets, before bedtime can disrupt sleep patterns due to the exposure to blue light and engaging

content that stimulates the brain. This can result in difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep, and

overall poorer sleep quality. As a consequence, students may experience daytime fatigue, lack of

concentration, and reduced cognitive function, all of which can negatively impact academic


4: What are the effects of social media usage among BEED 2 students?

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50- 3.24 Agree

2 1.75- 2.49 Disagree

1 1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table 7
Effects of Social Media Usage Among BEED 2 College Students (n=30)
Because of social media usage... Weighted mean Descriptive
1. My academic performance is excellent. 3.4 Strongly Agree

2.Does social media affect your study habits? 4.83 Strongly Agree

3. Does social media inspire you to study? 3.03 Agree

4. Do you believe there is correlation between the 4.33 Strongly Agree

amount of time spent on social media and
academic performance success?
5.Have you experienced a decrease in your grade 4.33 Strongly Agree
or academic performance that you attribute to
spending too much time on social media?
6.I spent more time on social media than studying. 3.53 Strongly Agree

7.Social media affects my ability to complete 2.06 Disagree

assignments on time.

8.I feel anxious or stressed when I am unable to 2.1 Disagree

access social media while studying.

9. Social media affects my ability to retain 3.06 Agree

information learned in class.

10.Social media has a positive impact on my 3.83 Strongly Agree

academic performance.

Total 3.45 Strongly Agree

Composite Mean: 3.45 (Strongly Agree)

Table 7 presents the output of data analyses on the extent of effects of using social media

among GHPC BEED 2 College students. The total effect of social media usage had a weighted m=3.45

with a descriptive interpretation of “Strongly Agree”.

Analysis and Interpretation

The result of data analysis on the effect of social media on the academic performance

among GHPC BEED 2 college students. The following were found to be the top three highest

rates affected by social media are: Group 3 Effects of Social Media Usage Among BEED 2

College, with a m= 3.45 having a descriptive interpretation of “strongly agree” and Group 2:

Common Causes of using social media among GHPC BEED 2 having a descriptive

interpretation of “strongly agree”.

5. Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of the student’s when they
were grouped according to their profile?

Since the findings showed that there are significant differences between social media

sites engagement, causes of social media addiction, and social networking sites effects on the

study habits of GHPC College BEED 2 students, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.

According to Luisa Brenton (2016) a true social media addiction can be more harmful

than it initially seems – it can be the cause of family problems and performance issues at work.

Even if you don’t have a full-blown addiction to social media, spending too much time on

Facebook and other websites can still be unhealthy. For one thing, every moment spent on

social media is a moment that isn’t spent with family and friends. Then there is the issue of

being too sedentary in general.



This chapter presents the summary of the research, major findings, conclusions, and



Based on the findings of the study of the impact of social media on student’s academic

performance of GHPC BEED 2 students.

It sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

b. Age;

b. Sex;

c. Parents’ educational background;

d. Parents’ approximate income in a week;

2. What are the social media sites that BEED2 students visit often?

3. What are the common causes of social media usage among BEED 2 students?

4. What are the effects of social media usage among BEED 2 students?

5. Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of the student’s when they

were grouped according to their profile?

Summary of the Findings

From a thorough analysis of the data collected and results obtained, the following significant findings are


The primary focus of this study is to present and determine how social media affects the academic

performance of BEED 2 students at Golden Heritage Polytechnic College.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions.

1. The Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Age, Sex, Parents’ Educational Background and

Parents’ Approximate Monthly Income.

1.1 The profile of the respondents in terms of age was, of ages 18-22 was 40 % and 10% of the ages

35-40 it was visually interpreted as, on the ages 18-22 they are more active on social media than of the

ages 35-40.

1.2 The profile of the respondents in terms of sex with the percentage of 20 % on males and 80 % on

females, it was visually interpreted as females has a higher percentage of activeness on social media.

1.3 The profile of the respondents in terms of parents’ approximate monthly income are the

high percentage was 56.7% with 2500-3500 and the lowest was 20% on above 5500 as visually


1.4 The profile of the respondents in terms of parents’ educational background with the percentage

of 30% for less than high school and high school graduate and 3.3% for post graduate parents’ as visually

interpreted that some of the parents’ of BEED 2 students did not finish high school and some are high

school graduate and more less were post graduates.

2. The social media sites that BEED 2 students mostly visited often.

The overall mean was 3.0, it was visually interpreted as Always visited sites.

Here are some sites that BEED 2 students’ of GHPC most visited. The top three social media platforms

are Messenger having a mean of 3.6, Instagram having a mean of 3.4, and YouTube having a mean of


3. The Common Causes of Social Media Usage Among BEED 2 Students

There are top three common causes of social media usage among BEED 2 students.

Item no.2. Does social media affect your study habits? With the mean of 4.83 interpreted as (Strongly


Item no.4. Do you believe, there is a correlation between the amount of time spent on social media and

academic performance? With the mean of 4.33 interpreted as (Strongly agree).

Item no.5. Have you experienced a decrease in your grade or academic performance that you attribute to

spending too much time on social media? With a mean of 4.33 interpreted as (Strongly agree).

4. The effects of social media usage among BEED2 students.

Item no. 2. The social media affects the students’ academic performance with the mean of

4.83 interpreted as “Strongly agree”

Item no. 4. Do you believe there is correlation between the amount of time spent on social

media and academic performance success? had a weighted m=3.45 with a descriptive

interpretation of “Strongly Agree”.

Item no 5. Have you experienced a decrease in your grade or academic performance that you

attribute to spending too much time on social media? had a weighted m=3.45 with a

descriptive interpretation of “Strongly Agree”.

5. Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of the student’s when they

were grouped according to their profile?

The result showed that there is a significant difference according to age. Students who

are under 18-22 with the 40% of percentage, followed by the age of 23-28 with the percentage

of 36.6% and age between 29-34 with the percentage of 13.3% and age between 35-40 with

the percentage of 10%.

There is a significant difference according to gender. The result showed that the

females were more active in using social media with the percentage of 80% than males 20%.

Socioeconomic Status

The result showed that students whose parents’ monthly income with the highest percentage

56.7% was 2500-3500

Parents educational attainment

The result showed that students whose parents most educational attainment

were less than high school and high school graduate with the percentage of 30% and

the less were 3.3% post graduate degree.


The findings showed that there are significant differences between social media sites

engagement, causes of social media, and effects of social media in terms of academic

performance of GHPC College BEED 2 students, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.


The following conclusions were formulated based on the findings of the study.

1. Using social media is common among females.

2. The research findings revealed that GHPC BEED 2 College students primarily engage

with Messenger, Instagram and YouTube on social media sites.

3. Social media usage has affected the academic performance of GHPC BEED 2 College


From the findings of this study, the following recommendations are given:

1. School administrators particularly in the College school should

make a move to shift the social media addiction of students to focus on their study


2. Guidance and counseling assistance are evident from the teachers

and must be provided regularly or as need arises to assist students in their social

media addiction problems.

3. Teachers should make a move if they have seen their students who

are using social media during class hours.

Further recommendations that the researchers are complementing this research to be

used as a reference for those next researchers.


A. Internet Sources

10 Reasons Why People Still Use Facebook (2014). Retrieved from

Abhishek K. (2015, Sept. 13) The Impact of Social Media on Student Life. Retrieved from

Bedassa (2014). Impact of Facebook Usage on Students Academic Performance. Retrieved from

Effect of Social Networking Site (2014). Retrieved from


Effects Of Facebook On Students’ Academic Performance (2017). Retrieved from

Gelzalis D., Diosah N.S.A & Leonora B. (2017, Jan. 22) A Correlational Study on Social Media
Involvement and Parental Relationship among Students of Asia Pacific College. Retrieved from

How Facebook's Messenger Became a Popular Mobile Messaging Service (2016). Retrieved From

M. Owusu-Acheaw & Agatha G.L. (2015) Use of Social Media and its Impact on Academic
Performance of Tertiary Institution Students: A Study of Students of Koforidua
Polytechnic, Ghana. Retrieved from

Paculan (2013). Research Paper on the Study of the Effects of Facebook on Students. Retrieved from

Rexii F. (2013) The Social Factors That Cause Social Networking Addiction to New Era

University 1st to 3rd Year College Students Leading to Poor Class Performance.Retrieved

Rita N. (2013) Impacts of Social Media Among the Youth on Behavior Change: A Case Study of
University Students in Selected Universities in Nairobi, Kenya. Retrieved

Sandra O.M. & Dr. Ismail N. (2016) The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance
- A Case of Malaysia Tertiary Institution. Retrieved from

Social Media Addiction – Center for Internet Addiction (2017). Retrieved from

Social Networking Experiences on Facebook: A Study on the Stude nts’ of Comilla University (2018).
Retrieved from

The 10 Top Reasons Why We Use Social Networks (2015). Retrieved from

The world’s most popular social networks, mapped (2018). Retrieved from

Yasmin H. (2015, Jan. 4) The Impact of Social Media on the Academic Development of School
Students. Retrieved from _
TczM zE0NjBAMTQyNjg2MjEzODk2Nw%3D%3D&el=1_x_3&_esc=publicationCoverPdf



Vamenta Blvd., Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
April 14, 2024

Dr. Nechelle D. Dichosa

Dean, College of Education

Our group from BEED 3, asked permission to conduct a survey for our research project entitled "The
Impact of Social Media on the Academic Performance of BEED 2-B Students in Golden Heritage
Polytechnic College". This study aims to explore how social media usage may affect the academic
performance of BEED2-B students. We believe that this research could provide valuable insights into the
challenges students face in today's digital environment. We assure you that the survey will be conducted
with the utmost respect for the school's policies and procedures. All responses will be kept confidential,
and participation will be entirely voluntary. We would be grateful for your approval to distribute the
survey questionnaire among BEED2-B students of this school.

Thank you for considering our request. Your support would be greatly appreciated as we endeavor to
contribute to the academic community.

We look forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

A Survey Questionnaire on the Impact of Social Media on the Academic
Performance of BEED2 Students in GHPC.

Part I: Demographic Profile

Instruction: Put a check on the box provided that corresponds to your answer.
Name: (optional)_______________________________
Age: 18-22 23-28 29-34 35-40

Sex: Male

Economic Status
Monthly Income: Less than 10, 000
P10, 000 - P15, 000
P16,000 - P20,000
P 21,000 & Above

Parents’ Educational Attainment

less than High School
College/ Trade School
Bachelor’s Degree
Postgraduate degree
Part II. Social Media
Instruction: Below are social media sites that we often do. Use the following scales in rating
yourself how often we engage on these social media sites.

SCALES: 1-Never (N) 2-Rarely (R) 3-Sometimes (S) 4-Always (A)

The Common Uses of Social Media Sites

Social Media Always Rare Sometimes Never

1 Facebook

2 Messenger

3 Twitter

4 Instagram

5 Telegram

6 Whatsapp

7 Youtube

8 Skype

9 Snapchat

10 Tiktok

Part III. The Common Causes of using Social Media:
Instruction: Put a check with the space provided that corresponds to your answer.
SCALE: 4. Strongly Agree 3. Agree 2. Disagree 1. Strongly Disagree

Reasons for Social Media Usage 4 3 2 1

1. I don’t spend any time on social media in a day.

2. I use social media platforms frequently (ex. Facebook,

Instagram etc.)

3. I use social media often to interact with friends and family.

4. I use social media as a valuable tool for learning.

5. Social media has greatly contributed to the rise of online

communities and connectivity among students

6. Social media can be addictive and lead to excessive screen


7. Social media affects my ability to complete assignments on


8. I feel anxious or stressed when I am unable to access social

media while studying.

9. Social media affects my ability to retain information learned

in class.

10. Social media has a positive impact on my academic



Part IV. Effect of using Social Media in Students Performance:
Instruction: Put a check with the space provided that corresponds to your answer.

SCALE: 4. Strongly Agree 3. Agree 2. Disagree 1. Strongly Disagree

Effects of Social Media Usage 4 3 2 1

1. My academic performance is excellent.

2. Does social media affect your study habits?

3. Does social media inspire you to study?

4. Do you believe there is correlation between the amount of time spent

on social media and academic performance success?

5. Have you experienced a decrease in your grade or academic

performance that you attribute to spending too much time on social

6. I spent more time on social media than studying.

7. Social media affects my ability to complete assignments on time.

8. I feel anxious or stressed when I am unable to access social media

while studying.

9. Social media affects my ability to retain information learned in class.

10. Social media has a positive impact on my academic performance.


Part V.

5. Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of the student’s when
they were grouped according to their profile




Mindanao Homes, Pagatpat, CDO
Contact Number: +639656129476
Email: [email protected]
Personal Information:
Nickname: Galay
Age: 22
Birthdate: August 11, 2001
Birthplace: SiliponLibona,Buk.
Civil Status: Single
Sex: Female
Religion: Christian
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 47Kgs.
Father’s Name: Noly Aninao
Mother’s Name: Lornina Aninao

Educational attainment:
Senior high: Pagatpat National High School
Cagayan de Oro City

Junior high: ALS

Cagayan de Oro City
2017- 2018

Primary: Dalag ayan Elementary School

Libona, Bukidnon



Carmen, CDO

CP # 09364301880

[email protected]


Complete Name: Calapiz, Katherine B.

Age: 23
Date of Birth: December 29,2000
Place of Birth: El Salvador City
Gender: Female
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 50
Civil Status: Separated
Language/Dialect: Bisaya, Tagalog


Senior High School: Christian Samaritan School

2019 –2020 Present
Junior High School: Cagayan de Oro National High School
S.Y: 2012 – 2016
Elementary: Calaanan Elementary School

Awards: Perfect Attendance

Service Award

Golden Heritage Polytechnic College



Bulua,Cagayan de Oro City

Contact No. : 09661534989

[email protected]

Nickname: Abby
Date of Birth: June 10,2001
Age: 22 years old
Place of Birth: Zone 7 Bulua,Cagayan de Oro City
Gender: Female
Height: 4'11
Weight: 40kg
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Ranulfo A. Jandayan
Occupation: Welder
Mother’s Name: Teofilla R. Jandayan
Occupation: Housewife
Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, Bisaya
Religion: Roman Catholic

Senior High School: Bulua National High School


Junior High School:

Bulua National High School

Elementary: Bulua Central School



Willing to learn new things
Flexible and Dedicated

With Honor


Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

Contact No. : 09261106248

[email protected]


Nickname: Riza
Date of Birth: December 30, 1999
Age: 24 years old
Place of Birth: Wao, Lanao del Sur
Gender: Female
Height: 4’10'
Weight: 43 kg
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Danilo C. Paglinawan
Occupation: Laborer
Mother’s Name: Luisa Paglinawan
Occupation: Housekeeping
Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, bisaya
Religion: Born Again

Senior High School: Informatics Mindanao
Cagayan de Oro City
Information and Communications Technology

Junior High School: Manolo Fortich National High School

Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
2018 – 2019

Elementary: Magsaysay Elementary School

Maramag, Bukidnon
2015– 2016
College: Golden Heritage Polytechnic College


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