Opera in The Kitchen Recipe Book 2018

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Recipe Book

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Bruschetta with fresh
Crusty rustic bread Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Ripe tomatoes Salt
Fresh basil (oregano is Pepper
also great) Garlic

Make Bruschette:

1. Chop tomatoes in a small 2. Roast the bread slices in the

pieces and toss in a bowl with a oven or on a grill (over charcoal
pinch of salt and pepper, your would be the BEST!), rub them
best extra virgin olive oil and with a half garlic clove while
torn fresh basil leaves. still hot and top with tomatoes.

3. Drizzle with extra oil if you

like and immediately eat and

This is the simple recipe ever. Everything lies (as always) in choosing the best and freshest
ingredients. In Tuscany it is called Fettunta and it is usually served without toppings (with the
exception of some stranded garlic) especially in November, to taste the very first oil of the
Spinach and Ricotta Cheese
For the dough: For the filling:
200 gr 00 flour 250 gr ricotta cheese
200 gr semola flour 250 gr spinach leaves and
4 medium yellow eggs boiled
Parmesan cheese grated
For the dressing: 1 clove garlic
100 gr butter Extra Virgin Olive Oil as needed
15/20 fresh sage leaves Salt as needed

Make the filling

1. Rise and dry fresh spinach 3. Allow to brown, add spinach

leaves, so boil in salted water. and sauce together for several
Remove from heat, drain well, minutes and adjust with salt.
and squeeze out excess liquid Remove from heat.
with hands.
4. Add sautéed spinach to
2. Place ricotta in medium ricotta, grated parmesan cheese
mixing bowl, set aside. Heat and mix well until blend is firm
medium sauce pan, coat bottom and well amalgamated. Season
with olive oil and add whole to taste with salt.
garlic clove.
Make the pasta dough and the sauce:

1. In a medium bowl, blend flour with 3. With kitchen brush, gently place
eggs and knead to reach smooth, soft small aount of water on top of each
consistency holding its shape when shape. Place small teaspoon of filling
formed into ball. Continue kneading slightly off-center on each shape.
dough with your palm on floured Cover shape by lifting up larger side
working space. Knead until dough is and cover filling entirely with this
soft, elastic and compact. Shape side of shape. Using fingers, gently
dough into ball and rest it at room press down around filling,
temperature for at least 15 mins. eliminating as much air as possible.
Press borders down firmly to seal.
2. Then continue kneading dough Join two points of each sealed pasta
while shaping into rectangle approx shape to create tortello form. Dust
the width of pasta machine to be tray with semola flour, and placed
used. Being rolling out dough using completed tortelli shapes on top.
prepared pasta machine, generously
dusting machine untile desired 4. Cook ravioli in large pot of salted
thickness is reached, adjusting knobs water for 3-4 minutes. Set aside a bit
to make dough thinner wich each of cooking liquid to add to butter
passage. Dust working space deast blend. In medium saute pan, melt
with semola. Place pasta sheet on butter. Add sage leaves, and salted
top of worked space and with round cooking water from pasta. Allow to
pasta cutter, cut out individual book for few minutes, until sauce is
shapes, being sure to cut the dough thickness but not too dense. Add
as neatly as possible without creating cooked ravioli to sauce, allow to
waste. blend together a few moments place
onto individual serving plates and
dust with additional parmesan. Serve

The Raviolo may take the form of a square of circle of egg pasta, folded, to contain a filling made of
meat, fish, vegetables or cheese, depending on the various local recipes. Topped with butter and
fresh sage is the classic recipe.
Tagliatelle with Tomato
For the sauce:
For the dough:
1,5 kg vine tomatoes
200 gr 00 flour
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as
200 gr semola flour
4 medium yellow eggs
Fresh basil, 8 leaves

Make the filling

1. Wash the tomatoes and cut 3.At this point, filter the
them in two halves, remove the tomatoes with the green pastry
green part of the petiole and into a smaller steel pot that you
squeeze the two halves of the will put on the fire.
tomato into a bowl or sink so
that all the seeds come out. 4. Add the salt and oil to the
sauce and keep it over high heat
2. Put the tomato sauce in a until the desired density, then
steel pot, which you will place turn off the fire and add the
on the low heat covered by the whole basil or roughly chopped
lid; cook the tomatoe stirring by hand to the sauce.
them from time to time, until a
pulp results.

Make the pasta dough and tagliatelle:

1. In medium bowl, blend semola flour 3. If using a machine, pass at first

with eggs, and knead to reach smooth, soft through the thickest setting, 2-3
consistency holding its shape when times, folding the dough over it self.
formed into ball. Keep moving on to next settings,
rolling the dough through each of
2. Continued kneading dough with your them until the second thinnest
palm on floured working space. Knead setting, in order to have thin sheets
until dough is soft, elastic and compact. of dough. Cut streched dough into
Shape dough into ball, cover with plastic strips, either using the pasta machine
wrap to maintain elasticity. Rest at room cutter or by hand. To proceed by
temperature for at least 15 minutes. hand, fold each sheets several times
over itself (dusting each fold with
3. After the dough as rested, you can roll it flour to avoid sticking) and cut it with
with a rolling pin or with a pasta machine. a sharp knife into strips about 0,5 cm
Divide the ball in 2-3 pieces; keeping the wide. Unroll each strip into
pieces not currently being worked with tagliatelle. Layer them on a tray
covered (to avoid the dough from drying sprinkled with more semolina (or rice
out). If using a rolling pin, roll the dough flour) to avoid sticking.
out on a floured board to reach 1-2 mm
thickness. Work from the center out, until 4. Cook tagliatelle in large pot of
you have an even surface. Regardless of salted water fro 3-4 minutes. Add
the rolling method, it is important to work cocked tagliatelle to sauce, allow to
the dough well, rolling and streching to blend together a few moments, place
desired thickness. into individual serving plates, add a
few basil leaves in the centre of the
plate and dust with additional
parmesan. Serve hot.

Tagliatelle (from the Italian tagliare, meaning "to cut") are a traditional type of pasta from
Emilia Romagna and Marche, reions of Italy. Tagliatelle can be served with a variety of
sauces, though the classic is a meat sauce or Bolognese sauce, made with: beef pulp, sweet
pork pancetta, red wine, tomato sauce and a mirepoix of onion, carrot and celery.
Ravioli stuffed with Potatoes
To make egg pasta: To make the Filling:
200 gr 00 flour 330 gr potatoes
2 eggs Pecorino cheese, as you needed
6 gr minced mint
To make the dressing: 1 little pepper
40 gr butter Salt, as you need
6 sage leaves 2 cloves garlic
Nutmed, as you need

Make Ravioli stuffed with Potatoes:

1. Place the flour on the work surface, 3. Peel the potatoes and pass them
break the eggs in the center and add a to the pot. Mix with grated pecorino
pinch of salt. cheese, minced mint, 1 pinch of salt
Beat the eggs with a fork and start and a little pepper. Put the filling in a
kneading, incorporating the flour a pastry bag.
little at a time. Work until the dough
is smooth and homogeneous. Wrap in 4. With a brush, lightly moisten the
the transparent film and let it rest in dough. Spread over half of the dough,
the refrigerator for 30 minutes. spread small heaps of stuffing as big
Meanwhile, boil the potatoes in as a hazelnut. Cover with the
plenty of water (it takes about 30 remaining half of the dough and seal
minutes). well by pressing with your fingers
around the filling.
2. Take back the dough and roll it out
with a rolling pin: you must obtain a 5. With a pasta cutter wheel make the
long tongue of thin dough, about 10 ravioli. Dipped the ravioli in plenty of
cm wide and as long as possible boiling and salted water. Brown the
sage with the butter in a saucepan.
When the ravioli rise to the surface,
drain and pour into the pan with the
butter and stir. Sprinkle with other
pecorino cheese.

Stuffed pasta is a classic preparation of Italian cuisine. Potato ravioli are a traditional first course
typical of Sunday lunch. Each region has its own specialties and the fillings may vary only for very
few details
Eggplant Meatballs
150 ml of milk 2 eggs (1 whole +1 yolk)
3 medium purple aubergines 3-4 stems of parsley
90 g of breadcrumbs Coarse salt
30 g of grated pecorino cheese Extra Virgin Olive Oil as you needed
30 g of grated Parmesan cheese Breadcrumbs (about 5-6

Make Eggplant Meatballs:
1. Take a saucepan, pour the milk and 4. in a mixer, pass the aubergines,
just warm off the fire. add the bread squeezed from the
Now break the bread to make it soften milk, the grated cheese, the eggs, the
parsley and the salt, create a
2. Wash and peel the aubergines, cut homogeneous mixture and collect it
them into slices and place them in a in a bowl.
colander, sprinkle with coarse salt for Now you can make meatballs of the
about half an hour. size you prefer.

3. Rinse them and dry them. Blanch 5. In a dish mix a bit of breadcrumbs
the aubergine slices in boiling water with a tablespoon of Parmesan and a
for 5 minutes, rinse and dry. pinch of salt, bread the meatballs and
place them on the oven tray lined
with parchment paper or well oiled.
Sprinkle with a little oil and bake at
180 degrees for about 30 minutes
turning them halfway through

Baked eggplant balls are easy to prepare, cheap and tasty. A variation of meatballs that combine
proteins and vitamins thanks to the use of aubergines. It has anti-inflammatory properties and the
peel is a good source of nutrients. One more reason to prepare this dish made with aubergines.
Cantuccini di Prato
125 gr 00 flour Pinch of salt
70 gr sugar Pinch of baking powder
1 egg Almonds as you prefer
15 gr butter
Make Cantuccini di Prato:
1. In medium mixing bowl, blend 3. Preheat oven to 350F. Allow
eggs yolks, whole egg, sugar and logs to rest 20-30 minutes,
salt. When evrything is well- then bake in oven for
blended (like a with cream), add approximately 25 minutes.
almond pieces. Blend well. Remove from heat, allow to
Add flour, baking powder and cool 5 minutes. Cut each log
orange peel, mix until well- into individual pieces 2 cm
amalgamate. thick. Put back into oven and
allow to dry out slightly.
2. Place on working surface, Remove from heat, allow to
form into 2 cm thick logs and cool.
place onto baking trays lined
with wax paper. 4. Serve with a bit of Vin Santo.
Cookies can be conserved in air-
tight container for up to 3

Cantuccini have origins in 1858, when Antonio Mattei, opened his biscuit factory in Prato and began
to bake a dry almond biscuit, a recipe of his own, which would become the traditional biscuit of
Prato and Tuscany: Il Cantuccino. Today the recipe has been revisited in several ways, so that you
can find cantuccini not only with almond, but also with hazelnut or chocolate.
Chocolate Ricotta Tart
To make the Filling:
To make Tart: 500 gr ricotta
300 gr pastry flour 200 gr bitter chocolate
150 gr sugar (grated or roughly
baking powder chopped; you can
pinch of salt increase this amount if
1 egg you like)
100 gr cold butter. 100 gr sugar.

Make Chocolate Ricotta Tart:

1. In a bowl, mix flour, salt and 2.Work ricotta into a bowl with
baking powder; add the cold a wooden spoon until smooth,
butter cut in small pieces and then add sugar and chocolate
rub it into the flour until you and mix well; fill up the crust
have a consistency like sand; with the ricotta cream.
add the beaten egg and mix
thoroughly. Do not worry if the 3. Sprinkle the remaining crumb
mixture doesn’t hold together as mixture evenly on top of ricotta
it shouldn’t, it should be filling and bake at 180° (350F)
crumbly. Press it with your for about 40 minutes or until
fingers in a buttered tart pan, golden.
going around the edges as well
to form a rim. 4. Let it cool completely before
eating, even better a day later.

Exquisite, simple and genuine. The recipe is a great classic that has been handed down for
generations and lends itself to exquisite and tasty variations. For example, you can add aromas like
orange and marnier that give it a delicious citrus scent.
Buon Appetito!!
If you enjoyed the experience with Opera in The Kitchen,
please leve a positive review for us! We hope to meet
you again on your next trip to Italy!

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