Year 7 English

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Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Curriculum Framework: Learning objectives by stage

Stage 7

See the Texts across Grades 7 to 9 section above for information about the fiction, poetry, playscripts and non-fiction that should be covered
across Grades 7 to 9.

Reading Writing

Word structure (phonics) Word structure (spelling)

This sub-strand appears only in the primary curriculum. • 7Ww.01 Use known spelling patterns to correctly spell most
commonly used words.
• *7Ww.02 Show understanding of word families, roots, derivations
and morphology in spelling.
• 7Ww.03 Use relevant strategies for spelling correctly.

Vocabulary and language Vocabulary and language

• *7Rv.01 Deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words in context using a • 7Wv.01 Use language precisely to clarify and extend intended
range of strategies, including knowledge of word families, etymology meaning.
and morphology.
• 7Wv.02 Create an effect by using key linguistic and literary
• 7Rv.02 Comment on a writer’s choice of language, demonstrating an techniques.
understanding of the impact on the reader.
• *7Wv.03 Use a range of sources to develop and extend the range of
• 7Rv.03 Describe how linguistic and literary techniques are used to language used in written work.
create effects in a specific context, and use accurate terminology,
e.g. using terms such as assonance or sibilance to differentiate
between types of phonetic repetition.

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Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Curriculum Framework: Learning objectives by stage

Reading Writing

Grammar and punctuation Grammar and punctuation

• 7Rg.01 Comment on the use of punctuation to create effects, e.g. • 7Wg.01 Use ellipses, colons, semi-colons, dashes and hyphens,
using an ellipsis to show a cliffhanger. including hyphens for compound adjectives.
• 7Rg.02 Show awareness of reasons for using simple, compound, • 7Wg.02 Use a range of punctuation accurately to clarify meaning in
complex and compound-complex sentences. sentences and dialogue.
• 7Rg.03 Comment on how a writer builds up detail through the • 7Wg.03 Use simple, compound, complex and compound-complex
grammatical structure of their sentences. sentences accurately, in a variety of sentence types, to
communicate meaning.
• 7Rg.04 Comment on the ways in which a writer uses non-standard
English. • 7Wg.04 Build up detail through the grammatical structure of
sentences, e.g. expanding verb phrases.
• 7Rg.05 Identify differences between formal and informal language.
• 7Wg.05 Use the conventions of standard English consistently in
• 7Wg.06 Use formal and informal registers appropriately according to
context, purpose and audience.

Structure of texts Structure of texts

• 7Rs.01 Comment on the key features of text structure in a range of • 7Ws.01 Shape the overall structure and sequence of a chosen text
fiction and non-fiction texts, including poetic forms. to convey the intended purpose accurately.
• 7Rs.02 Identify and comment on the variety of ways in which the • 7Ws.02 Use a range of organisational features accurately to link
content of texts can be organised and linked to support the intended ideas, and clarify and extend meaning.
purpose, including paragraphs.
• 7Ws.03 Use appropriate connectives and sentence openings to
• 7Rs.03 Comment on the impact of a writer's choice of connectives clarify connections in writing, e.g. connectives for comparison,
and sentence openings on the intended purpose and audience. sequencing, qualifying.

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Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Curriculum Framework: Learning objectives by stage

Reading Writing

Interpretation of texts Creation of texts

• *7Ri.01 Read and discuss a range of fiction genres, poems and • *7Wc.01 Write confidently in a range of different genres of fiction
playscripts, including the contribution of any visual elements or and types of poems.
• 7Wc.02 Use a range of planning methods to generate, organise and
• *7Ri.02 Read and discuss a range of non-fiction text types. shape ideas.
• 7Ri.03 Identify and explain the meaning of explicit information from a • 7Wc.03 Use relevant features when writing for a chosen purpose.
range of texts.
• 7Wc.04 Create content to suit a specified audience.
• 7Ri.04 Use inference and deduction to recognise and explain implicit
• 7Wc.05 Write to express a personal viewpoint in fiction and non-
fiction writing.
• 7Ri.05 Identify bias in a text.
• 7Wc.06 Begin to develop distinctive voices, both personal and for
• 7Ri.06 Collate and summarise ideas and information from a text. different characters.
• 7Ri.07 Use a range of reading strategies to extract relevant
information from a text, including annotation.
• 7Ri.08 Support and inform personal and critical responses to texts
with relevant textual references.
• 7Ri.09 Comment on the different ways in which writers convey
theme and the impact on the reader.
• 7Ri.10 Begin to discuss how a writer combines different structural,
linguistic and literary features for effect.
• 7Ri.11 Identify and comment on the main ideas, viewpoints and
purposes in a text.
• 7Ri.12 Show understanding of how writers create a distinctive voice.

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Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Curriculum Framework: Learning objectives by stage

Reading Writing

Appreciation and reflection Presentation and reflection

• *7Ra.01 Enjoy reading a wide range of texts. • *7Wp.01 Sustain a fast, fluent and legible handwriting style.
• 7Ra.02 Express personal responses to texts, including preferences • 7Wp.02 Use different ways of note-taking when writing for different
and opinions, referring back to specific content. purposes and use notes to inform writing.
• 7Ra.03 Experiment with the choice of books read, including • 7Wp.03 Use different layouts and presentation in a variety of texts
choosing writers or genres which compare or contrast with previous (handwritten, printed and onscreen).
• 7Wp.04 Evaluate and edit to improve the accuracy and effectiveness
• 7Ra.04 Discuss how readers make choices about which texts to of language, grammar and structure of own and others' writing.
• 7Ra.05 Comment on the different ways texts can reflect the social,
cultural and historical contexts in which they were written.

Speaking and Listening

Making yourself understood

• 7SLm.01 Adapt speech, including length, pace and tone, in a range of contexts, showing some awareness of its impact.
• 7SLm.02 Shape talk for clarity and effect, and to engage the listener, in a range of familiar contexts.
• 7SLm.03 Use language to express concrete and abstract ideas and opinions in detail.
• *7SLm.04 Use non-verbal communication techniques to enhance meaning.
• *7SLm.05 Adapt communication to create appropriate impact on different audiences.

Showing understanding
• 7SLs.01 Listen, analyse what is heard, and give a reasoned response that draws on a range of sources.

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Cambridge Lower Secondary English 0861 Curriculum Framework: Learning objectives by stage

Speaking and Listening

Group work and discussion

• *7SLg.01 Independently identify and take up group roles as needed, and demonstrate expertise.
• 7SLg.02 Identify points of agreement and disagreement in opposing points of view.
• 7SLg.03 Summarise and develop a discussion, responding sensitively to the range of ideas.
• 7SLg.04 Be sensitive to others when turn-taking, ensuring that the intended outcome of the discussion is achieved.

• *7SLp.01 Read aloud with confidence, accuracy and style.
• *7SLp.02 Show evidence of reading ahead when reading an unseen text aloud.
• 7SLp.03 Show insight into texts and issues through choice of speech, gesture and movement, within drama.
• 7SLp.04 Plan and deliver presentations confidently in a range of contexts, making choices about the most appropriate media.
• 7SLp.05 Plan and deliver a persuasive speech in a familiar context.

Reflection and evaluation

• *7SLr.01 Evaluate own and others' talk, including giving constructive feedback.
• 7SLr.02 Explain features of communication, showing awareness of the impact of accommodating different purposes and contexts.

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