Chapter 5

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 According to the response from the Questionnaire reveals Majority 85.3% of respondents are from age
group 16-25.
 Majority 59.8% of respondents prefer offline shopping Majority 78.8% of respondents are active on
 Majority 70.4% of respondents purchasing decisions is influenced by YouTube.

 Majority upto 66.7% of respondents are accepting that “may be Social media marketing advertisements
influence my purchase .
 Majority 41.2% of respondents think that only 5-15% of Social media marketing advertisements are
influncing their purchasing decisions.
 Majority 41.2% of respondents are also accepting that it’s neutral about the Socia media marketing
helping their Purchasing decisions.
 Majority 49% of respondents somewhat likely will buy the product which is recommended online.

Majority 50% of respondents Sometimes do watch / read their favourite product/services content that

influences their purchasing decisions.

 Majority 58.8% of respondents yes they are relying on feedback of online customers before making their
 Majority 69% of respondents chose Instagram as their Social media handle that is helping them to engage
with their favourite product /services online.
 Majority 29.4% of respondents accepts 25% of Social media marketing advertisements helps them to find
a Brand new product /services online.
 Majority 71.3% of respondence shoes Instagram at handle to buy a product online.

 Majority 38.6 percentage of respons have answered most of the times proper content about the product
or service attracts customers for buying decisions.
 Majority 41.2% of response to that they received their favourite brand social media profile when our
necessary .
 Majority 37.3 percentage of respondents equally agree that social media marketing is the platform for
instant response about the product or services .
 Equally The Other 37.3 percentage of respondence are neutral about this.

 Majority 38.2 percentage of respondents comes to a conclusion that Social media marketing
advertisements are only 75% of customers are helpful for making a bying decisionS.
 Majority 46.1 percentage of respondents admitted that negative reviews of a product is up to 50 to 75%
will stop their buying decision.
 Majority 49 percentage of respondents may change their perception about a product or service because
of social media marketing than compared to traditional marketing.
 Majority 71.3 percentage of respondents think that social media marketing helpful for today’s business for
huge customer engagement.
 Majority of 46.5 percentage of respondents agree that social media marketing is making businesses easy
to find the target audience nowadays.
 Majority 84.2 percentage of respondents accepts as for the statement that is “Social media marketing is
the reason for engagement of customers with their favourite brand or product” .
 Majority 41 percentage of respondents think maybe the promotional email sent daily are been reason to
get enough attention to buy the product or services.
 Majority 85.6 percentage of response accepts yes for active social media promotion and everyday content
sustains customer for long time.
 Majority 82.8% of respondents game up with the large voting on social media marketing as compared to
traditional marketing.
 Majority of people opinion on social media marketing were like

 Helpful tool to purchase

 Transparent of information

 Instant reviews and response

 Making businesses easy to find the target audience

 Good and flexible platform for engaging with buyers and Consumers at the same time
 The study overall reveals both the positive and negative aspects of consumers on
based of their experiences in social media marketing.
 Consumers experience in buying through social media marketing nowadays is
positive as soul as the negative side is because of that fraudulent involved in some
of the block post or social media marketing platforms
 Some of the customers have also complaint about social media marketing
flexibility for illiterate and elder generation people
 Social media handles have a far reach with the younger generation as compared
to elder generation so this can push to a situation for the elder people to deny
buying products from online.
 Business nowadays widely welcoming marketing methods involving social media
handles for innovative advertisements are supportive but understandable for
consumers and being transparent is more important.
 Social media marketing has a positive side and a negative side It is businesses
responsibilities to take care about the negative side for securing customers loyalty

 There are various variables like education, occupation, income, gender, age and
many more which affecting consumer behavior and social media too.
 There are different types social networking sites are there like twitter, whatsupp.
You tube, skype, and many more which affecting consumer behavior.
 There many social media marketing and social networking sites where as some of
them are very much significant while some are not significant.
 There are many uses of social media networking like sending messages,
downloading, uploading, important messages transmission and many more.
 The more use of social networking sites increases the persons involvement in
decision making and which is very important .
 Comparison can be made between traditional mode of media and social media
 Traditional media is also affecting the behavior of consumer so the social media
but social media give latest updates and increase the knowledge society in general
and consumers in particular..

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