4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
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that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
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9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: 2. According to the author, the most rational
Read the following two passages and answer the items inference is:
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (a) Homes of the future are going to be different
should be based on the passages only. from the homes of the present era.
Passage – 1 (b) While focusing on security, one must design
A new home is much more than just a place of residence, homes based on possible future demands.
it is increasingly where people are spending much more (c) With increasing social anarchy, security will
of their time working, raising their families, schooling be the most important aspect during the
their children, consuming their entertainment and living designing of any home in the future.
their lives. There is more to fortify in the modern home
(d) Considering the importance of a homes, one
and more opportunities than ever for people to access
should not take designing homes lightly.
and integrate smart home security systems into their
lives. Designs now and well into the future will need to
Passage – 2
take these considerations seriously, constantly looking
Although the wave of minimalism or “less is more”
for ways to use environment, sightlines, light, material
philosophy seems fascinating to people, it comes with a
and space to create homes that are inherently set up for
mindful responsibility. Minimalism is a subjective
security. Modern home design and designers often speak
choice to get rid of possessions that don't add meaning to
about the need to “future proof,” which is to say the need
our lives, and it's not a new concept when it comes to
to make sure current design anticipates the needs of the
India. Indians have been acquainted with this concept
since Gandhi’s architecture, which was once considered
1. Based on the above passage, the following
rural and conservative. It was, in fact, modern. Humans
assumptions have been made:
are lured by high fashion labels and new gadgets and
1. Modern homes with high-security systems
have been under the impression of feeling empty without
would require heavy investments.
such possessions. However, for the past few years,
2. The utility of modern homes is not limited
consumers in India have turned their lifestyle to what it
to shelter alone.
was back in Mahatma Gandhi's era: traditional and
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
(a) 1 only sustainable. Indians are followers of 'Jugaad' or frugal
10. The Question figure has been divided into four (b) There is an even number of students in the
parts. One part of the figure is missing, which row.
has to be identified from the four alternatives (c) The students can be rearranged into a grid
given below.
Question figure: where each row has as many students as
there are in each column.
(d) None of the above statements regarding the
students is correct.
Answer figures:
13. Five outer faces of a cube (3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm)
are painted in red. Now, cuts are made parallel
to the faces of the cube to yield smaller cubes of
side 1 cm each. How many such smaller cubes
do not have any of their faces painted?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Find the correct Answer figure that may
complete the Question figure. Directions for the following 2 (two) items:
(a) A
Read the following two passages and answer the items
(b) B
(c) C that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(d) D should be based on the passages only.
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Passage – 1 15. Which of the following statements best reflects
Self-preservation is their most important objective. Men the logical inference from the passage given
have a right of nature to do whatever they want to above?
(a) The situation in India demands promoting
survive, so they compete against each other all the time,
the politics of love.
and this creates conflict. Their natural state is a state of
(b) Empathy and compassion when practised in
war, in which they distrust one another and try to
politics make it politics of love.
increase their power so that they can attain superiority (c) For any democratic nation, politics of love
over others. Nonetheless, men will eventually overcome should be the chosen way of governance.
these flaws because they are so self-concerned that they (d) Politics of love overpowers the politics of
will do anything to survive, even if it means cooperating hate.
with the people around them.
Directions for the following 2 (two) items:
14. Which of the following statements best reflects
Consider the following information about six villages in
the crux of the passage?
a forest.
(a) We are a social animal with the mindset of F is 1 km to west of D.
cooperation and peace. B is 1 km to east of E.
(b) Survival instinct is our highest goal and is A is 2 km to north of E
achieved only by competition and conflict. C is 1 km to east of A
(c) Without social cooperation, we will not last D is 1 km to south of A
for long. 16. Which of the following pairs of villages are
farthest away from each other?
(d) We will do anything to survive, be it
(a) A and D.
competition or cooperation.
(b) D and E
Passage – 2 (c) B and D
The Politics of Love is a radical vision of politics. It re- (d) B and C
imagines our entire politics in loving terms from the way
we treat ourselves and each other, to the policies, 17. Which of the following three villages are
institutions, and systems we establish. Of course, the collinear?
idea that politics might be loving is not new: it has (a) A, D and E.
(b) A, D and F
precedents in our relationships, and in the everyday acts
(c) B, C and E
of kindness we show to one another, as well as in
(d) F, D and E
feminist, civil rights, LGBTQIA+, and animal liberation
movements. What is new about the Politics of Love is 18. If 12 + 2 = 6,
that it represents a coherent “framework”, one which, 27 + 9 = 3,
when it is articulated, will support us in a wide variety of and 15 + 5 = 3, calculate the value of (10 + (6 +
contexts. One way of thinking about the Politics of Love (3 + (2 + 1))))
is as a “round space”. At the centre of this space is love, (a) 4
(b) 2.5
and within it we gather, with our diverse bits of
(c) 8
knowledge and histories, to debate, deliberate, and make
(d) None of these
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19. In the following problem, a square transparent 21. Which image from the bottom row should
sheet with a pattern is given. replace the question mark?
Question figure
42. The 4th day of September of a particular year is scorers in that game. No two players score the same
Tuesday. On what date shall the last Monday of number of runs in the same game.
the month fall?
(a) 28th
(b) 29th
(c) 24th
(d) 31st
for 4 km in another 1 hour. Finally, she cycles based on his scores in the tournament. The R-index of a
back to her home along the shortest path in 1 batsman is the difference between his highest and lowest
hour. What was her average speed for the entire scores in the 3 games, while the M-index is the middle
journey? number, if his scores are arranged in a increasing order.
(a) 3 km/h
(b) 4 km/h 44. For how many Indian players is it possible to
(c) 2 km/h
calculate the exact M-Index?
(d) 5 km/h
(a) 0
(b) 1
Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
(c) 2
Read the information given below and answer the items
(d) More than 2
that follow.
(a) Conflicts not only affect the peace of mind made from the passage?
1. Fear is a necessary evil for adapting to
but also the relationships with our loved
2. People fail in life because they are not able
(b) Despite issues involved in facing conflicts, to overcome their fear of failure.
their resolution is better for long-term. Select the correct answer from the code given
(c) Solving an issue without facing conflicts is below.
not possible. (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(d) The benefits of avoiding conflicts outweigh
(c) Both 1 and 2
the harms of facing them.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Passage – 3
The emotional response to fear is personalized to the 52. Which of the following statements best reflects
individual. Since the biology of fear involves some of the the crux of the passage?
same chemical responses to pleasant emotions, such as (a) Success due to fear seems to be a paradox
29th June but before 2nd July, and his brother’s that follow.
These questions are based on the diagram given below
result came after 30th June but before 3rd July. If
showing four persons Amar, Bhushan, Chandu and Dilip
the result of both were declared on the same day,
stationed at the four corners of a square piece of plot.
then when did Ajay’s result come?
(a) 30th June
(b) 1st July
(c) 2nd July
(d) None
60. From their original positions, Bhushan and Dilip Literature does not belong to Hyderabad.
move one and a half length of square-side in 6. Lecturer Farhan who specializes in Computers
clockwise direction. Which one of the following belongs to Srinagar.
statements is now true?
7. Lecturer Garima who specializes in Statistics
(a) Bhushan and Dilip are both at the midpoint
belongs to Chennai.
between Amar and Chandu.
(b) Bhushan is at the midpoint between Amar 61. Who is the lecturer that specializes in Medicine?
and Chandu, and Dilip is at the corner (a) Binod
originally occupied by Amar.
(b) Emili
(c) Dilip is closer to Amar than he is to Chandu
(c) Either Emili or Deepak
and Bhushan is closer to Chandu than he is
to Amar. (d) Cannot be determined from the given data
(d) Dilip is closer to Chandu than he is to Amar
and Bhushan is closer to Amar than he is to
62. To which city does the lecturer who specializes
in English Literature belong?
66. Virat Kohli cuts a cake into two halves and cuts overpromising and underdelivering have remained a
one half further into smaller pieces of equal size. crucial factor, coupled with inherent capacity issues, and
Each of the small pieces is twenty grams in instability on the political and security fronts, said
weight. If he has seven pieces of cake in all with
Azeem Khalid, a Pakistan-China relations scholar at
him, how heavy was the original cake?
COMSATS University Islamabad. Khalid told DW that
(a) 240 gm
(b) 220 gm he believes the tangible benefits of CPEC for the
(c) 225 gm Pakistani people have been limited, while the burden of
(d) Data inadequate public debt and payments to Chinese companies has
reflects the most logical and rational message In April 2022, Sri Lanka declared that it had failed to
repay its debt of more than $83 billion, with more than
conveyed by the author of the passage?
half of it owed to foreign creditors. It also decided to
(a) The Nobel Prize awarding process needs to
approach the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that
be reformed to make it more transparent and
month. The crisis was years in the making and many
factors were responsible, such as President Gotabaya
(b) The Nobel Prize committee often gets
Rajapaksa’s government pushing through the largest tax
criticized for lack of transparency. cuts in Sri Lankan history, as part of the 2019 elections
(c) The Nobel Prize needs more gender equality campaign, impacting the government’s revenue sources.
institutions can change public perceptions credit line was signed with India. Later, a $1 billion
about them. credit line for importing essentials, including food and
2. Both African Americans and Africans have medicine was also extended. In September 2022, Sri
(c) Both 1 and 2 negotiations (called debt restructuring), for the IMF to
the crucial message conveyed by the author of Consider the given information and answer the three
items that follow.
the passage?
Eight cities A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are connected
(a) Bilateral relations can be improved if
either by railways or by roads. Roads are between C and
neighbouring countries help each other. A, E and G, B and F, D and H, G and C, E and C, and H
(b) Debt structuring of IMF and World Bank is and G. Rails are between A and E, G and B, F and D and
Which of the statements given above is/are not 80. If the route between G and C is closed, while
1 (a)
Note: The question is about invalid assumptions.
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because the context of investments or
related costs is not discussed in the passage. How much the security of high-security homes would cost is
not mentioned in the passage. Hence, this assumption is beyond the scope of the passage and not correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The given statement is correct. The lines “A new home is much more than just
a place of residence, it is increasingly where people are spending much more of their time working,
raising their families, schooling their children, consuming their entertainment and living their lives”
mean that the utility of home is much more than giving shelter to people. Hence, this assumption is
2 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it compares the present homes with
future homes. The passage does mention future homes; however, it does not compare the homes of these
two eras. Moreover, it completely skips over the security aspect. So, this is not the most rational inference
from the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given inference is based on the following lines “Design now and well into the
future will need to take these considerations seriously, constantly looking for ways to use environment,
sightlines, light, material, and space to create homes that are inherently set up for security. Modern
home design and designers often speak about the need to “future proof,” which is to say the need to make
sure current design anticipates the needs of the future.” These lines show that designs of the homes
should be based on future demands and the focus must be on security. So, this option is the most rational
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because the aspect of security has not been
compared with other aspects by the author. Also, the passage does not talk about increasing social
Option (d) is incorrect: This option is somewhat correct; however, it is not the best answer as it does not
include the key aspect of security, which is the main point of the passage. So, this option is not the most
rational inference.
3 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given inference is incorrect because the concept of minimalism is of the
notions of „less is more,‟ while consumerism is about new objects and the feeling of emptiness without
such objects. So, these are contradictory to each other; and therefore, they cannot go hand in hand.
Moreover, the passage does not shed much light on the concept of consumerism. Hence, this inference is
Inference 2 is incorrect: The given statement might be true in general, but it is not a part of the
discussion of the passage. The passage does not specify how the present trend of consumerism will affect
our lives in future; and therefore, this inference is not correct.
4 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage does not state that minimalism is the best way of living, nor does it
compare it with any other way of living. Hence, this option is incorrect.
5 (d)
4 5 3 = Ram, can, do
9 5 3 = Manoher, can, do
1 9 8 7 3 = Manoher, can, write, a, letter
Since „can‟ is in all three sentences so its code must be 3 and from 1 st and 2nd sentences code of do is 5
because 5 is common in both.
Code for „Manoher‟ is 9 because „9‟ is the other common number in 2 nd and 3rd sentences, apart from 3.
So code for 8 can be either „write‟ or „a‟ or „ letter‟.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
6 (d)
Based on the given information, the following Venn diagrams can be drawn.
From the above Venn diagram, we can see that either conclusion I or Conclusion IV, and III follow.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
7 (d)
The symbol is common in all the given dices. But we cannot see the 6 th symbol of the dice which
could be opposite to the symbol . Remaining four symbols are beside the symbol in different
positions of the dice. So, none of them can be on the opposite face of the symbol .
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
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8 (b)
Given matrix:
C1 C2 C3
R1 28 42 48
R2 12 14 15
R3 4 ? 6
R4 84 98 120
In C1 :
84 ÷ 12 = 7; 7 × 4 = 28
Similarly, in C3 :
120 ÷ 15 = 8; 8 × 6 = 48
Applying the same pattern in C2 :
98 ÷ 14 = 7; 7 × ? = 42
So, ? = 6
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
9 (d)
The first permutation will have all the alphabets arranged in ascending order. In this order CCKLO comes
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
10 (c)
The answer to the question is figure (C) after 180 o clockwise rotation.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
11 (c)
Given: j _ m b _ a _ _ u _ b _ a d j _ m _ b _ d
By checking options and substituting accordingly, we get:
(a) j u m b b a m - j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d
(b) j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d - j j m b b a d
(c) j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d . Here, " j u m b b a d" is repeated.
(d) j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d - j u m m b a d
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
12 (c)
Ram is fifth from both ends. Clearly, there are 9 students in the row.
9 students may be re-arranged into 3 rows of 3 students each.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
13 (b)
If all the faces were painted, number of cubes with no painted faces = (n-2)3 = 1, i.e. the innermost smaller
cube (here n = 3)
Let us say the top face of the cube is not painted. So, out of the 9 smaller cubes on the top surface, 8 will
be on the edge and will have at least one face painted. The 9 th innermost cube on the top face will have
none of its face painted.
So, Total number of smaller cubes with no faces painted = 1+1 = 2.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
14 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not the best crux of the passage because the central theme of
the passage is how we only work for self-preservation as stated in option (d). However, this answer option
states just the opposite. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
15 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option inherently assumes that „only‟ India needs politics of love.
However, the passage does not mention the context of India at all. The passage is generic in context and
just reflects the importance of the politics of love in general. Hence, this option is not the most rational
inference as it is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option summarizes the meaning of politics of love as seen in the lines
“Of course, the idea that politics might be loving is not new: it has precedents in our relationships, and in
the everyday acts of kindness we show to one another, as well as in feminist, civil rights, LGBTQIA+,
and animal liberation movements.”. These lines show that the politics of love includes empathy and
compassion towards diverse sections of society. Hence, this option is the most rational inference of the
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is descriptive in nature and does not dictate that politics of love
should be the chosen way of governance for nations. Also, all this has nowhere been discussed in the
context of “democratic nations”.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of the politics of hate is not discussed in the passage. The passage
only sticks to the meaning of the politics of love and its importance. Hence, to infer that the politics of
love overpowers the politics of hate would not be correct, as it is not based on the information given in the
Explanation for Questions 16 and 17:
The position of the villages is like this.
16 (d)
B and C are 2 km apart.
17 (a)
Villages A, D and E are on a straight line north-south. Villages C, F and B are to the east or west of the
line as shown.
18 (b)
It is clear that the + sign means divide.
Hence, (10 + (6 + (3 + (2 + 1)))) = (10 + (6 + (3 + 2))) = (10 + (6 + 1.5)) = (10 + 4) = 2.5
Hence, correct option is (b).
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19 (d)
20 (c)
The logic is:
(mno) (nopq) (opqrs) (pqrstu)
Hence, „pqrstu‟ is the correct answer.
21 (d)
In each row, there is one figure with two legs, one with three legs and one with four legs. Hence, the third
figure in the bottom row should have 2 legs. This leaves us with figures 2, 4 and 5.
The other thing you can notice in the first two rows is that of the three figures only one figure has flat
bottom extensions to some or all of their legs. In the third row, the second figure already has flat bottom
extensions to the legs. Thus, the figure, which would replace the question mark would not have flat
bottom extensions. Thus, we need figure 4 or 5 to replace the question mark.
Similarly, the top line has to be straight, as other two figures in third row already have convex and
concave upper lines. Thus, we need figure 5 to replace the question mark.
Thus, option (d) is correct.
22 (d)
Originally direction is:
23 (b)
Checking each statement we get,
Z is brother of Q, who is brother of P, who is sister of O.
Here, gender of O is not known. So, it is not correct.
Z is brother of Q, who is father of O, who is sister of P.
Hence, O is niece of Z.
24 (d)
S, which is 3rd from the extreme left, is 3rd to the left of T.
P and S are placed beside each other. So, two cases are possible.
Case 1:
Case 2:
R and Q have as many books between them as V and R have between them.
Case 1 does not satisfy the above condition. So, it can be negated. As far as Case 2 is concerned, two
more possibilities arise.
Case 2 (a):
Case 2 (b):
Case 2 (b):
25 (b)
P had borrowed 10% of the cost of 2 tickets, i.e. he borrowed 20% of the cost of 1 ticket.
So, money left with Q = 20% of the cost of one ticket. Statement (b) is correct.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
26 (a)
Let the amount with Ananya and Rudra be Rs. A and Rs. R respectively.
Given, A + R = 200
So, if Ananya has more than Rs. 100, then she would have more money than Rudra. If she does not have
more than Rs. 100, then she would not have more money than Rudra.
Using statement 1:
If Ananya gives Rs. 10 to Rudra, then Ananya and Rudra would have Rs. (A – 10) and Rs. (R + 10)
There are two possibilities.
Case 1: A – 10 > R + 10
The difference of the amounts with them is Rs. 20.
So, A – 10 – (R + 10) = 20
Or A – R = 40
27 (c)
28 (c)
The following page numbers (5, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 50) were printed erroneously as (__, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0).
Had there been no error in printing:
Sum of page numbers = (50 × 51)/2 = 1275.
Now, 5 + 15 + 25 + 35 + 45 + 50 = 175.
And 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 0 = 10
So, sum of page numbers printed = 1275 – 175 + 10 = 1110.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
29 (b)
Many factors like control of effluents and dumping of construction material, removing the encroachments
from the flood plains, proper monitoring of water quality etc. are needed to improve the quality of the
water of a river. The impact of climate change has not been discussed in the passage. Keeping these things
in the mind, the most appropriate among the given answer options is option (b).
30 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The central theme of the passage is the psychological effects of colours on our
emotions as seen in lines “Different tints of blue evoke a wide spectrum of emotions, from serene to
distant. For example, dark shades of blue can make viewers feel lonely and detached. Light shades of
blue have a calming effect and signal dependability. The colour green has associations with the natural
world, generating tranquil and rejuvenating moods.” However, the option links colour combinations
with productivity. Even though the emotions of calmness and happiness can be linked to productivity, it is
beyond the scope of the information given in the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux.
Option (b) is incorrect: The claim that blue, green, yellow, and red are the most important colours
affecting our emotions is not correct because in the passage there is no comparison made among any set of
colours. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
31 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct: The given assumption is based on the following lines “Malnutrition from
overconsumption of calories affects more people than undernutrition, whilst agriculture has come to
threaten the ecosystems on which it depends”. These lines show that now overconsumption is happening.
This means that there has been a great improvement in the availability of food.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given statement is based on the following lines “Government
interventions to increase agricultural and dietary diversity and include social and environmental costs in
market prices can help enable such a transformation but do not address the configuration of the food
system itself, which is shaped not only by existing policies and institutions but also by incumbent
interests, social norms, and cultural values”. These lines just show that the government is not addressing
the issues related with food system. However, it would be incorrect to assume that government does not
have any role in it. The line “…food system itself, which is shaped not only by existing policies and
institutions but also by…” implicitly accepts that food system is shaped by policies and institutions too,
not only by culture. Hence, this is not a correct assumption as per the passage.
32 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The given option is the broadest in scope. The following lines “Rather, meeting
global goals, whether the SDGs or those of the Paris Agreement, will require a shift in emphasis away
from agricultural efficiency to system efficiency. Government interventions to increase agricultural and
dietary diversity and include social and environmental costs in market prices can help enable such a
transformation but do not address the configuration of the food system itself, which is shaped not only
by existing policies and institutions but also by incumbent interests, social norms, and cultural values”,
show that governments intervene using policies and institutions to address the impact of agriculture on the
environment, as steps towards fulfilling global environmental goals. However, governments alone cannot
do much. Along with the government, society and culture are crucial stakeholders to achieve global
environmental goals.
Option (b) is incorrect: This option only talks about one dimension of the broader issue of ecological
degradation. This option is inspired by the line, “Malnutrition from overconsumption of calories affects
more people than undernutrition, whilst agriculture has come to threaten the ecosystems on which it
depends.” However, the passage talks about other aspects as well, like government interventions, society,
and culture for bringing systemic changes in the food production and consumption process for a better
environment. So, this option does not cover the context of the whole passage and is not the most critical
inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option is based on the following lines “The global food system evolved
out of a need to drive consumption on a global basis, at a time when lack of access to food was a real
issue and environmental degradation was not. The situation now has changed.” However, it cannot be
concluded that moving to the old pattern of consumption can solve the current issues because there were
issues with the old pattern as well, which was the of lack of sufficient food production. Moreover, the
author has not advocated such a drastic measure either. Hence, this option is not correct as per the
Option (d) is incorrect: The given statement is not correct because it mentions the context of organic
agriculture promotion by the government which is not a part of the passage.
33 (d)
It is a repetition of the string: anebb. The missing alphabets to fill in the blanks are: bnabe.
So, option (d) is correct.
35 (b)
This question is based on odd numbers, as only with an odd value of x would you keep getting integers if
you halved the value of rice and took out another half a kg from the shop store.
From the options, let us start from the second option.
If x = 7, then (7/2) – (1/2) = 3 kg
(3/2) – (1/2) = 1 kg
(1/2) – (1/2) = 0 kg
Hence, we can conclude that option (b) is correct.
36 (d)
Given statement does not mean that Rahul is a hard worker. Neither does it mean that everyone who
works hard succeeds.
Neither of the two conclusions is definitely true.
So, option (d) is correct.
37 (c)
50 in section A + 50 in Section B + 41 in Section C + 43 in section D = 184 marks, but no calls as each of
the 6 colleges would reject the student.
38 (b)
To get a call from all the colleges, Bhama should clear all sectional cut-offs & also aggregate cut-offs.
Thus, 45 + 45 + 46 + 45 = 181 satisfies this condition.
39 (d)
A, B, C are siblings and brothers of each other. D is their sister but we cannot say anything about E‟s
gender (whether E is male or female) and hence whether E is brother or sister is unknown.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
40 (c)
The pairs of successive numbers having a difference of 2 have been shown below:
41 (d)
The numbers that satisfy the given conditions have been shown below:
42 (c)
The first Monday is on 3rd.
Last Monday will be on 21 + 3 = 24th.
Remember: September has only 30 days.
Hence, the answer is option (c).
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43 (b)
The path taken by her is depicted below:
44 (c)
For Rahul the middle index will be 49 because whatever runs he scores against Pakistan, they could be
maximum 27 or minimum zero. This will not affect the M-index (i.e. middle number) 49.
For Saurav the middle index will be 50 because whatever runs he scores against Pakistan, they could be
maximum 27 or minimum zero. This will not affect the M-index (i.e. middle number) 50.
For Yuvraj, middle index cannot be determined as we don‟t know the exact runs scored by him against
South Africa. Same is the case with Kaif.
In case of Virendra, we only have one data point, i.e. his runs against Pakistan. So, we cannot calculate his
So, we can calculate the exact M-Index only for 2 players.
Hence, the answer is option (c).
45 (d)
R-Index → Difference between highest and lowest score.
For Yuvraj the minimum R-index can be 87 – 40 = 47
For Virendra the minimum R-index can be 130 – 48 = 82
For Kaif the minimum R-index can be 51 – 28 = 23
For Sourav the minimum R-index can be 75 – 27 = 48
For Rahul the minimum R-index can be 55 – 27 = 28
So, it's Kaif who can have the minimum R-index.
Hence, the answer is option (d).
46 (a)
In the worst possible scenario, we can assume that Yuvraj scored zero against South Africa. So, we have
to find how many players definitely scored less than 127.
Kaif can score a maximum of 49 runs against Australia. So, maximum possible runs scored by Kaif = 28
+ 51 + 49 = 128
Rahul can score a maximum of 27 runs against Pakistan. So, maximum possible runs scored by Rahul =
27 + 49 + 55 = 131
Saurav can score a maximum of 27 runs against Pakistan. So, maximum possible runs scored by Saurav =
27 + 75 + 50 = 152
Virender can score a maximum of 48 runs against South Africa, and a maximum of 49 runs against
Australia. So, maximum possible runs scored by Virender = 130 + 48 + 49 = 227
So, the number of players who definitely scored less than Yuvraj is 0.
Hence, the answer is option (a).
47 (b)
Maximum possible M-index of Kaif = 49
Minimum possible M-index of Kaif = 28
Maximum possible M-index of Rahul = 49
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Minimum possible M-index of Rahul = 49
Maximum possible M-index of Saurav = 50
Minimum possible M-index of Saurav = 50
Maximum possible M-index of Virender = 49
Minimum possible M-index of Virender = 0
Maximum possible M-index of Yuvraj = 48
Minimum possible M-index of Yuvraj = 40
So, Saurav‟s middle index is the best.
Hence, the answer is option (b).
48 (b)
It can be inferred from the figure below that H is the farthest south and C is the farthest east.
49 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct as the passage is centred around market economy
as the cause of economic inequality, not on weak social conscience.
Option (b) is incorrect: This given option may be one of the many rational suggestions. It explains what
should be done to improve the situation of high inequality. However, it is not the crux, i.e., the summary
of the passage. Also, nowhere has the author indicated that social conscience should be given importance
over the economy.
Option (c) is correct: The given option is correct because it is mentioned in the core discussion in the
passage. The lines “…“whether caring society can exist in a market economy” … because without the
periodic intervention of the social conscience, the economy will inevitably serve only the interests of a
small part of society if this has not been the case Gini coefficient would not have shown the highest level
of economic inequality”, show that a caring society is not possible in a market economy due to the lack of
social conscience in the market economy. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is rather extreme and has not been suggested anywhere in the
50 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of conflict affecting peace of mind is seen in lines “Conflicts feel
unpleasant, and we want to avoid them to maintain peace at home or a workplace.” But that it also
affects the relationship with loved ones is not covered in the passage. So, the statement is partially correct.
Moreover, the main theme of the passage is not just conflicts, but the question of whether to face them or
not. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option best captures the essence of the passage as seen in lines “…
Avoiding conflict gives good short-term results such as maintaining peace, and avoiding anger or
sadness, and may keep a boss happy … Confronting and sharing our feelings makes us feel exposed and
vulnerable, so we try to avoid it. Pretending as though differences don’t exist, doesn’t help – facing
them, does. It’s okay not to agree with others, and it’s okay to say that you disagree!” These lines show
that facing conflicts might be difficult, but it is better for long-term. Avoiding conflicts could help in the
short term but not in the long term. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given statement is an extreme one which states that no issue could be solved
without facing conflicts. However, such an extreme proposition is not a part of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does cover the benefits of avoiding conflicts in the lines “CAP is a
Conflict Avoiding Person! Avoiding conflict gives good short-term results such as maintaining peace,
and avoiding anger or sadness, and may keep a boss happy,” but it does not compare it with facing
conflicts to conclude which is better. So, to say that avoiding conflicts outweighs the harms of facing
them would not be correct.
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51 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given statement seems to be based on the following lines “In our highly
competitive society, where success has become synonymous with happiness, the fear of success may
sound like a paradox. With success comes change” However, this inference is not correct because the
passage does not mention that for adapting to change fear is a necessary element. It simply states that the
understanding that success involves changes that moves one from one‟s comfort zone may lead to the fear
of attaining success, and lists down some of the probable reasons behind it. However, it‟s not a certainty.
The necessity of fear in the adaptation to change is not specifically mentioned in the passage. Hence, this
is not the correct inference.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The context of fear of failure is not discussed in the passage. The passage only
mentions fear of success and some general information on fear as seen in lines “For instance, some people
may enjoy riding extreme roller coasters, while others may have a negative reaction and will avoid these
at all costs. In our highly competitive society, where success has become synonymous with happiness, the
fear of success may sound like a paradox. With success comes change.” Therefore, to infer that people
fail in life because they are not able to overcome the fear of failure would not be correct as this is beyond
the scope of the passage.
52 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given statement is not the crux of the passage. The phrase „success due to
fear‟ is itself not correct in the context of the passage because the passage discusses „fear of success‟ and
not „success due to fear‟. It is the fear of success that is a paradox as per the lines “… where success has
become synonymous with happiness, the fear of success may sound like a paradox”. So, this option is
not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option best captures the essence of the passage in the context of fear.
The passage discusses the phenomenon of fear in detail and explains that there exists among people a fear
of success, as success comes with change or responsibility. Have a look at these lines - “In our highly
competitive society, where success has become synonymous with happiness, the fear of success may
sound like a paradox. With success comes change …. When things go wrong, it can be easier to deflect
the responsibility and potential consequences that may come with it.” Hence, this is the best crux of the
Option (c) is incorrect: This option could be a rational suggestion but not the crux. The line “We hesitate
to enter uncharted waters even if this is our best course of action. Numerous people resisted letting go of
unhealthy habits or toxic partners because they were afraid to change their lives”, shows that fear may
hamper happiness and contentment. Therefore, it would be correct to infer that overcoming fear,
especially the fear of losing the current state of comfort for future good is important for well-being.
However, the statement does not cover the entire scope of the passage, which also includes the rationale
for the fear of success. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is an extreme statement and does not represent the best crux.
The lines “In our highly competitive society … With success comes change. … Many also fear success
because it can come with great responsibility”, only show that people are fearful of success as it might
bring change and responsibility which may be difficult to fulfil. However, it does not mean that without
overcoming one‟s fears one cannot even function properly in society.
53 (b)
Let‟s list the languages spoken by each of the five tourists.
Tourist Languages Spoken
A Hindi, English, Malayalam
B Hindi, English, Gujarati, Punjabi
C English, Gujarati
D Malayalam, Hindi
E Hindi, Punjabi
Hence, B speaks a maximum of 4 languages.
Hence, the answer is option (b).
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54 (b)
Based on the given information, the following Venn Diagram can be drawn:
It is clear from the figure that the conclusion „All laptops are hills‟ does not hold. Similarly, “Some cakes
are hills” is also not necessarily true.
If we take a look at II & IV, we can conclude that one of them necessarily has to be true.
Hence, the answer is option (b).
55 (b)
Ajay‟s result came after 29th June but before 2nd July. Therefore, his result must have come on 30 th June or
1st July.
While his brother‟s result came after 30 th June but before 3rd July. That means his result must have come
on 1st or 2nd July.
Since, their results came on the same day, Ajay‟s result must have come on 1st July.
So, option (b) is the right answer.
56 (c)
Here, Culiseta, Psorophona and Mansonia are all mosquitoes, while Midge is a fly.
Hence, option (c) is different from all others.
57 (b)
Given Series: K33E, M33G, N33J, Q33K
58 (b)
Sum of numbers 1,2,3...40 = (40 × 41)/2 = 820.
The page number of the torn page = 820 – 809 = 11, i.e. XI.
It is a prime number.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
59 (d)
After walking half the distance, Amar will reach the mid-point of the diagonal. Then he turns right and
faces northwest. After that he would face the southwest direction when he turns left.
(Note that the directions in the figure are different from the usual north, south, east, west directions.)
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
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60 (c)
Their final positions would be:
61 (c)
62 (b)
63 (c)
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64 (a)
From all the statements, we get:
Animesh – Teacher, Actor and Businessman
Vikash - Teacher, Actor and Farmer
Vishal – Teacher, Businessman and Farmer
Yajunvendra – Businessman, Actor and Farmer
Thus, Animesh is actor, teacher as well as businessman.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
65 (a)
Total number of girls in the row = 9 + 18 - 1 = 26
Maya‟s position from the right = (26 – 9) + 1 = 18th
So, option (a) is the right answer.
66 (a)
Seven pieces consist of 6 smaller equal pieces and one half of a cake.
Weight of each small piece = 20 gm
So, total weight of cake = 2 (20×6) = 240 gm.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
67 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: There is no explicit mention in the passage that China is the biggest investor in
Pakistan. The passage says that “…investment into one of the initiative’s most important pieces, the
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), looks to have stalled”. There is mention of CPEC and BRI,
however the quantum or the size of Chinese investment is not mentioned anywhere. Hence, statement 1
is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct: It is mentioned in the passage that “It is safe to assert that the hype surrounding
CPEC was more a product of propaganda than a reflection of reality”. It can be assumed that
propaganda was responsible for the hype regarding the CPEC, and it overshadowed reality. Hence,
statement 2 is correct.
68 (c)
Statement 1 is incorrect: Refer to these lines from the passage, “Manufacturing Chromebook laptops
in India will allow Indian students to get easy access to affordable PCs”. It talks of easy accessibility to
cheaper laptops for students. The passage does not mention students getting easy online academic content.
Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct: It is mentioned in the passage, “By further expanding our manufacturing
operations, we continue to support the Make in India initiative of the government”. These lines imply
that laptop manufacturing firms when expanding their operations will also support Make in India, which is
a scheme to encourage local manufacturing in India. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Statement 3 is not correct: There is no mention of Google competing with Microsoft in the passage.
The passage says, “The move will help Google compete more effectively with Windows computers from
companies such as Dell, Lenovo, and Asus”. So, Google will compete with laptop manufacturers who
use software of Microsoft. Also, this is not something that is significant for India. Linux has not been
mentioned in the passage. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.
Statement 4 is correct: From these lines of the passage, “While India has a big domestic demand for
laptops and computers, almost all of it is currently being fulfilled by imports from China, something New
Delhi wants to change as soon as possible”, it can be implied that through this policy the Government
wants to fulfil domestic demand via domestic manufacturing. As mentioned previously, through Make in
India, local manufacturing would increase, which would in turn decrease dependency on imports. Hence,
statement 4 is correct.
69 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct: The passage says, “The development is in line with India’s ambition to
establish itself as a “trusted partner” in global supply chains”. It implies that India wants the world to
look at it as a trusted player in global supply chain. There is no mention of India aspiring to becoming a
leader in global supply chain. Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
70 (c)
Main statement: Anuj either acts as Ravan or he acts as Ram.
This question is based on and either – or premise.
Thus, we can see that III, IV is correct. Since, if he acts like Ravan (statement III), he will not act like
Ram (Statement IV).
Similarly, we can see that I, II is correct. Since, if he acts like Ram (statement-I), he will not act like
Ravan (Statement II).
Thus, statements (III, IV) or (I, II) are correct.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
71 (c)
The time by which Ananya‟s watch slows down in 7 days = 80 minutes
∴ The time by which it will be slow down in 1 day = 80/7 minutes
∴ The time by which it will be slow down in 48 hours, i.e. in 2 days = (80/7) × 2 minutes
= 160/7 minutes
= 22(6/7) minutes
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
72 (b)
Let‟s find the pattern being followed.
G's opposite letter T
I's opposite letter R
V's opposite letter E
E's opposite letter V
N's opposite letter M
Reverse order of TREVM is MVERT.
Similarly, in case of MANGO:
M's opposite letter N
A's opposite letter Z
N's opposite letter M
G's opposite letter T
O's opposite letter L
Reverse order of NZMTL is LTMZN.
Hence, required analogy is MANGO : LTMZN
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
73 (d)
As per question, Randhir gets more pocket money than the combined pocket money of Kunal and Debu.
So, pocket money of Kunal and Debu individually must also be less than Randhir.
Randhir > (Kunal + Debu)
Combined pocket money of Kunal and Shankar is more than that of Randhir. So, pocket money of
Shankar can be more than or less than that of Randhir.
Shankar > Randhir or Shankar < Randhir
Sonal gets more pocket money than Shankar, i.e. Sonal > Shankar
Neha gets more pocket money than Randhir, i.e Neha > Randhir
It‟s evident that we cannot tell for sure who (Neha or Sonal) amongst them attained the highest pocket
Hence, option (d) is correct.
75 (a)
Statement 1 is correct: Refer to the lines, “Sartre said that he didn’t want his readers to be influenced
by his association to a global institution: “If I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, it is not the same thing as if I
sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prize winner.” From these lines, it can be inferred that association
with a global institution may change public perception of an individual. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: Although it is mentioned in the passage that, “The first African-American to
win a Nobel Prize was political scientist Ralph Bunche, in 1950, four decades after the inception of the
prize – only 16 more Black people have followed him since”, it cannot be assumed from the limited
information given in the passage that African-Americans have faced discrimination by the nomination
committee. Also, the passage does not shed any light on Africans in this regard. Hence, Statement 2 is
not correct.
76 (d)
Option (a) is not correct: The passage mentions that Sri Lanka sought the help of India and China amid
financial turmoil. However, there is no mention of improvement of bilateral relations as a result of this
help. The author wants to convey the reason for the economic crisis that Sri Lanka is facing. It can be
assumed that this is not the crucial message that the author wants to convey. Hence, option (a) is not
Option (b) is not correct: From the following lines of the passage - “Simply, this meant that some of the
debt owed to other countries had to be managed through negotiations (called debt restructuring), for
the IMF to extend its loan to Sri Lanka”, it can be implied that debt restructuring is a facility employed
by IMF in helping developing countries like Sri Lanka tide over balance of trade crisis. However, this
statement is only a peripheral information deduced from the passage, and cannot be considered as the
„crucial message‟ conveyed by the passage. Also, World Bank has not been mentioned in the passage.
Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage mentions the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, its reasons, and the
help Sri Lanka sought from India and China. The passage revolves only around the economic crisis of Sri
Lanka. The passage does not mention the crisis spreading to other countries of South Asia. Hence, option
(c) is not correct.
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Option (d) is correct: The passage mentions the multiple reasons behind the economic crisis of Sri Lanka
and how it got help to come out of the crisis. The passage says, “The crisis was years in the making and
many factors were responsible, such as President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government pushing through
the largest tax cuts in Sri Lankan history, as part of the 2019 elections campaign, impacting the
government’s revenue sources. Another blow was dealt by the coronavirus pandemic, which hit the
tourism industry. The war in Ukraine further contributed to fuel shortages.” The passage further talks
about the efforts of Sri Lanka to come out of this crisis caused by multiple factors. Thus, this statement
can be considered to be the crucial message conveyed by the author. Hence, option (d) is correct.
77 (b)
Statement 1 is correct: It is mentioned in the passage, “President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government
pushing through the largest tax cuts in Sri Lankan history, as part of the 2019 elections campaign,
impacting the government’s revenue sources”. It implies that in Sri Lanka, election processes impacted
the revenue sources of government and contributed to the economic crisis of Sri Lanka. Hence, statement
1 is correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: Even though there is mention of Chinese help to Sri Lanka, there is no
particular mention of the EXIM bank of China. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
Explanation for Questions 78 to 80:
Consider the following map to answer the given questions:
78 (a)
C H path is CEGH by road or CGH by road.
City G needs to be crossed in every route going from CH.
79 (b)
FA by rail path is FDEA.
Thus, two cities, D and E need to be crossed.
80 (d)
When GC is closed, HC path by road is HGEC.
So, D and B need not be crossed.