Detailed Course Outline of Psy Disorders 2024
Detailed Course Outline of Psy Disorders 2024
Detailed Course Outline of Psy Disorders 2024
Module 5: Suicide
1. Concept of Suicide
2. Types of people (Death seeker, Death initiator, Death ignorer and Death darer)
3. Sub-intentional deaths
4. Self-injury
5. Self-injury and Relief
6. Patterns and Statistics
7. Psychological Disorders and Suicide
8. Suicide in Different Age Groups
9. Choice of Method
10. Occupation and Suicide
11. Marital Status and Suicide
12. Gender Difference in Suicide
13. Religious Affiliation and Suicide
14. Politically Motivated Suicide
15. Risk Factors of Suicide
16. Etiology of Suicide (Psychodynamic perspective, Socio-cultural theory and Biological
17. Treatment (Suicide Prevention, Crisis Intervention, Longer-Term Therapy and Suicide
Education Programs)
12. Selective mutism (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)
DSM-IV-TR vs. DSM-5 diagnoses
An exception
When substance abuse begins?
Types of drugs (Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, Cannabis) and their
associated disorders along with Manifestation, Comorbidity, Prevalence, Etiology and
4. Addictive disorders; Nonchemical Addictions
5. Pathways to Addiction
6. Culture and Context
2. Bulimia Nervosa (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
3. Binge Eating Disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course,
Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)