Detailed Course Outline of Psy Disorders 2024

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Compiled by Muhammad Zubair, Psychology Lecturer (BS-17), PU Gold medalist.

Detailed Course Outline of Psychological Disorders

We will not only discuss the DSM-5 criteria of the following psychological disorders but also
their important terms and differences, prevalence, onset, course of development,
comorbidity, individual, gender and cultural differences, etiology (bio-psychosocial factors
and popular theories & models), and treatment (biological, social and psychological

Module 1: Introduction to Psychopathology

1. Definitions of psychological disorder or mental disorder
2. Definitions of abnormal psychology or psychopathology
3. Abnormal psychology/psychopathology Vs. Clinical Psychology
4. Criteria of abnormality (Deviance, Dysfunction, Distress and Dangerousness)
5. Continuum model of abnormality

Module 2: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders

1. Etymology & General concept of schizophrenia
2. Brief history of schizophrenia
3. Positive symptoms
1) Delusions (Bizarre delusions vs. Non-bizarre delusions, Delusion of persecution,
Delusion of grandeur, Delusion of control, Thought broadcasting, Delusion of
reference, Thought withdrawal, Thought insertion, Erotomanic delusion, Nihilistic
delusion and Somatic delusion)
2) Hallucination (Elementary hallucination vs. Complex hallucination, Auditory
hallucinations; second person hallucinations, third person hallucinations, Visual
hallucinations; Lilliputian & extracampine hallucinations, Olfactory hallucinations
and gustatory hallucinations, Tactile or haptic hallucinations)
3) Disorganized thinking/Speech (Derailment/loose associations/ loosening of
association/ cognitive slippage, Neologism, Verbal salad/ incoherence or word salad,
Preservation and Clang)
4) Grossly Disorganized or Abnormal motor Behavior (Negativism, Mutism and
catatonic stupor, Catatonic excitement, Inappropriate affect and Other features)
4. Negative symptoms (Flat effect/affective flattening or diminished emotional expression,
Avolition, Alogia, Anhedonia, Asociality)
5. Cognitive Deficits (Deficits in Attention, Deficits in Working Memory, Deficits in
Executive Functioning and Cognitive Deficits Endure over Time)
6. DSM-5 Criteria
7. Limitations of DSM-5 Criteria
8. Subtypes of Schizophrenia (Paranoid schizophrenia, Disorganized or hebephrenic
schizophrenia, Catatonic schizophrenia, Undifferentiated schizophrenia, Residual
schizophrenia, Deficit subtype and Non-deficit subtype)
9. Prevalence & Onset of Schizophrenia
10. Course of development (Premorbid Phase, Prodromal Phase, Active/acute Phase and
Residual/chronic Phase)
11. Comorbidity & Prognosis
12. Gender & Cultural Differences
13. Suicide & Violence
14. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Brief Psychotic Disorder, Schizophreniform Disorder,
Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusional Disorder and Schizotypal Personality Disorder)
15. Other Psychotic Disorders
16. Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome
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17. Etiology of schizophrenia

1) Biological/Neurological Factors in Schizophrenia (Genetic factors, Brain
dysfunctions, Biological Markers, Biochemical factors/ Neural Communication, The
Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis and Other biological factors)
2) Psychological Factors in schizophrenia (Psychodynamic perspective, Behavioral
perspective, Social-cognitive perspective, Cognitive perspective, Family factors and
Diathesis–stress model)
3) Social factors in schizophrenia (Theory of mind, Stressful environments, Immigration,
Economic factors and Cultural factors)
18. Treatment of schizophrenia
1) Targeting Neurological Factors in Treating Schizophrenia (a. Medication; Traditional
Antipsychotics/Typical antipsychotics, Atypical Antipsychotics, Side effects of
antipsychotic medication and Medication Compliance, b. Other therapies; Shock
therapy and Psychosurgery)
2) Targeting Psychological Factors in Treating Schizophrenia (Cognitive behavior
therapy, Milieu Therapy and Token Economy, and Cognitive remediation)
3) Targeting Social Factors in Treating Schizophrenia (Family Education and Therapy,
Social skills training, Inpatient treatment, Residential settings and Vocational

Module 3: Depressive Disorders

1. Symptoms of depression (Emotional Symptoms, Motivational Symptoms, Behavioral
Symptoms, Cognitive Symptoms, Physical/Somatic/Vegetative Symptoms and Other
2. Types of depressive disorders
1) Major depressive episode
2) Major depressive disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Subtypes; Anxious distress, Mixed
features, Melancholic features, Psychotic features, Catatonic features, Atypical
features, Seasonal pattern, Peripartum onset, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset, Course,
Gender Differences and Risk factors)
3) Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
4) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
5) Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
6) Substance/medication-induced depressive disorder
7) Depressive disorder due to another medical condition
8) Other specified depressive disorder
9) Unspecified depressive disorder
3. Course and development of Depressive Disorders
4. Etiology of depressive disorders
1) Neurological Factors (Brain dysfunctions, Neural Communication, Stress-Related
Hormones and Genetics)
2) Psychological factors (Psychoanalytical view of depression, Cognitive view of
depression; Beck’s Cognitive Model of Depression, Hopelessness Theory,
Rumination Theory, Learned helplessness, Reformulated helplessness theory,
Depression as a vicious cycle, and Behavioral view of depression)
3) Socio-cultural factors (Interpersonal theory of depression)
5. Treatment for Depression
1) Psychotherapies (Cognitive behavior therapy, Behavior therapy, Interpersonal
Therapy and Light therapy)

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2) Biological treatments (Antidepressant medications; Selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitors, Tricyclic antidepressants, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and Other
3) Brain Stimulation techniques (Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and Transcranial
magnetic stimulation (TMS))

Module 4: Bipolar and Related Disorders

1. Types of Elevated mood (Hypomania and Mania; General Concept and DSM-5 criteria)
2. Symptoms of Hypomania and Mania (Emotional Symptoms, Cognitive Symptoms,
Behavioral Symptoms and Physiological Symptoms)
3. Types of Bipolar and Related disorders
1) Bipolar I disorder
2) Bipolar II disorder
3) Cyclothymic disorder
4) Substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder
5) Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition
6) Other specified bipolar and related disorder
7) Unspecified bipolar and related disorder
4. Onset & Prevalence
5. Comorbidity
6. Course
7. Gender and Cultural Differences
8. Creativity and the Mood Disorders
9. Etiology of bipolar disorder
10. Treatments for Bipolar Disorders
1) Targeting Neurological Factors: Medication
2) Targeting Psychological Factors: Thoughts, Moods, and Relapse Prevention
3) Targeting Social Factors: Interacting with Others

Module 5: Suicide
1. Concept of Suicide
2. Types of people (Death seeker, Death initiator, Death ignorer and Death darer)
3. Sub-intentional deaths
4. Self-injury
5. Self-injury and Relief
6. Patterns and Statistics
7. Psychological Disorders and Suicide
8. Suicide in Different Age Groups
9. Choice of Method
10. Occupation and Suicide
11. Marital Status and Suicide
12. Gender Difference in Suicide
13. Religious Affiliation and Suicide
14. Politically Motivated Suicide
15. Risk Factors of Suicide
16. Etiology of Suicide (Psychodynamic perspective, Socio-cultural theory and Biological
17. Treatment (Suicide Prevention, Crisis Intervention, Longer-Term Therapy and Suicide
Education Programs)

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Compiled by Muhammad Zubair, Psychology Lecturer (BS-17), PU Gold medalist.

Module 6: Anxiety Disorders

1. Fear vs. Anxiety
2. Anxiety vs. Depression (Three-part model of anxiety and depression)
3. Differences among worry, anxiety, and fear
4. The DSM-5 Classification of Anxiety Disorders (Specific phobia, Social anxiety disorder,
Agoraphobia, Separation anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Generalized anxiety disorder
and Selective mutism)
5. Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders (Physical /Somatic symptoms, Emotional symptoms,
Cognitive symptoms, Behavioral symptoms)
6. Specific Phobia
 Brief DSM-5 criteria
 Subtypes (Animal type, Natural environment type, Blood-injecting-injury type,
Situational type, Other types)
 Comorbidity among types of specific phobia
 The mind of people with specific phobia
 Biological preparedness and specific phobia
 Prevalence
 Comorbidity
 Onset & Course
 Gender and Cultural Differences
 Etiology of Specific phobia
 Treatment of Specific phobia (Medication, Cognitive behavioral treatments and
Behavioral methods)
7. Social Anxiety Disorder (previously called social phobia)
 Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder
 DSM-5 criteria
 Social anxiety vs. Agoraphobia
 Types of Social anxiety/Social phobia
 Avoidant Personality Disorder vs. Social Anxiety
 Declining Social Invitations, Escape and Safety Behaviors
 Social anxiety and interpersonal relationships
 Social anxiety and childhood shyness
 What about shyness, a common personality trait?
 Prevalence
 Comorbidity
 Onset & Course
 Gender and Cultural Differences
 Etiology of Social anxiety disorder
 Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder (Medication, Exposure and Cognitive
Restructuring, and Group Interactions)
8. Panic attack and Panic disorder (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course,
Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)
9. Agoraphobia (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural
Differences, Etiology and Treatment)
10. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset &
Course, Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)
11. Separation Anxiety Disorder(DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender
and Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)

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12. Selective mutism (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)

Module 7: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

1. OCD (Obsessions & Compulsions, DSM-5 criteria, The OCD cycle, People with OCD,
Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology
and Treatment)
2. OCD-Related Disorders
1) Hoarding disorder
2) Excoriation or skin picking disorder
3) Trichotillomania or hair pulling disorder
4) Body Dysmorphic Disorder (Preoccupation in body dysmorphic disorder
5) Compulsions in body dysmorphic disorder, DSM-5 criteria, Social avoidance, Plastic
surgery, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences)
3. Etiology of Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders
4. Treatment of Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders

Module 8: Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders

1. Traumatic events and Traumatic stress
2. Symptoms of trauma (Intrusive re-experiencing of the trauma, Avoidance of stimuli
related to the event, Negative thoughts and mood, and dissociation, and Increased arousal
and reactivity)
3. Factors involved in trauma
4. Types of Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
1) Acute stress disorder (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)
2) Posttraumatic stress disorder (DSM-5, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course,
Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment; Medication and
Psychotherapy; Prolonged exposure therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy and
trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, Eye movement desensitization and
reprocessing, Safety, Support, and Family Education)
3) Adjustment disorders (DSM-5, Types of Adjustment disorders, Life-cycle transition,
Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology
and Treatment)
4) Reactive attachment disorder
5) Disinhibited social engagement disorder

Module 9: Dissociative disorders

1. Dissociation
2. Normal versus abnormal dissociation
3. Symptoms of Dissociative disorders (Amnesia, Identity problems, De-realization and
Depersonalization and Depression, anxiety and/or thoughts of suicide)
4. Types of dissociative disorders
1) Dissociative amnesia (Types of Dissociative amnesia; Localized amnesia, Selective
amnesia, Generalized amnesia, Continuous amnesia and Systematized amnesia, DSM-5
criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences,
Etiology; Dissociation theory & Neo-dissociation theory and Treatment; Psychodynamic
therapy, Hypnotic therapy and Drug therapy)

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2) Depersonalization/de-realization disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity,

Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology; Dissociation theory & Neo-
dissociation theory and Treatment)
3) Dissociative identity disorder (Personality states, Interaction between subpersonalities,
Differences among subpersonalities, Possession, DSM-5 criteria, Criticisms of the DSM-
5 Criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences,
Etiology; The posttraumatic model, The socio-cognitive model, The Psychodynamic
View, The Behavioral View, State-Dependent Learning, Self-Hypnosis and Treatment;
Recognizing the Disorder, Recovering Memories and Integrating the Subpersonalities)

Module 10: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders

1. Common somatic symptoms
2. Common features of Somatic symptom disorders (Bodily preoccupation and Symptom
3. Somatic Symptom Disorder (DSM-5 Criteria, Criticism of the DSM-5 Criteria, Patterns
of somatic symptom disorder; Somatization pattern & Predominant pain pattern, Medical
examination and treatment, Somatic symptom disorder vs. panic disorder, Prevalence,
Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology and Treatment)
4. Conversion Disorder (Symptoms of conversion disorder; Motor symptoms, Sensory
symptoms, Seizures, Visceral symptoms, Conversion disorder vs. Somatic symptom
disorder, Diagnosis of conversion disorder, Evidence of conversion disorder; glove
anesthesia, DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology; The Psychodynamic perspective, The Behavioral
perspective, The Cognitive perspective, The Multicultural perspective, and Treatment;
Psychodynamic therapy, Exposure therapy and Drug therapy)
5. Illness anxiety disorder (Patient’s response to medical examination, Hypochondriasis,
Illness anxiety disorder and Somatic symptom disorder, Illness anxiety disorder vs.
somatic symptom disorder, Subtypes of Illness anxiety disorder, DSM-5 Criteria,
Behavior of patients with Illness anxiety disorder, Mental state of patients with Illness
anxiety disorder, Illness Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, and OCD: Shared
Features, Prevalence, course, onst, comorbidity and gender differences, Etiology of
Illness anxiety disorder and Treatment of illness anxiety disorder)
6. Factitious disorder (Factitious disorders vs. malingering, DSM-5 Criteria, Factitious
Disorder Imposed on Self, Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, Etiology and
treatment of factitious disorder)
7. Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions (DSM-5 Criteria, Types of
physical illness as psychophysiological, Etiology and Treatment)

Module 11: Substance related and Addictive disorders

1. Important terms (Substance use, Substance abuse, Substance intoxication, Addiction,
Craving, Physiological dependence, Psychological dependence, Tolerance, Withdrawal,
Polysubstance abuse)
2. Substance-related disorders
1) Substance-induced disorders (substance intoxication and substance withdrawal)
2) Substance intoxication
3) Substance withdrawal (Withdrawal symptoms, Drugs leading to withdrawal
symptoms, Tolerance; Metabolic tolerance, Pharmacodynamic tolerance, Behavioral
conditioning mechanisms)
3. Substance use disorders
1) The 11 indicators apply to most classes of substances
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DSM-IV-TR vs. DSM-5 diagnoses
An exception
When substance abuse begins?
Types of drugs (Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, Cannabis) and their
associated disorders along with Manifestation, Comorbidity, Prevalence, Etiology and
4. Addictive disorders; Nonchemical Addictions
5. Pathways to Addiction
6. Culture and Context

Module 12: Neurodevelopmental Disorders

1. Developmental deficits
2. Symptoms of excess, deficits and delays
3. Co-occurrence of different neurodevelopmental disorders
4. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Hyperactivity, Attention Deficits, Impulsivity,
DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural
Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
5. Autism spectrum disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Asperger’s disorder, ASD and Intellectual
disability, Autistic savant, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
6. Intellectual disability (DSM-5 criteria, IQ and Intellectual disability, Levels of intellectual
disability, Problem behaviors, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
7. The communication disorders
8. The neurodevelopmental motor disorders
9. Specific learning disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Types of specific learning disorders; Written
expression, Mathematics and Reading, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender
and Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)

Module 13: Childhood Disorders

1. Externalizing Disorders
1) Conduct Disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Levels of severity, Conduct disorder and Anti-
social personality disorder, Types of conduct disorder; Adolescent-Onset Type &
Childhood-Onset Type, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
2) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Conduct disorder vs. oppositional
defiant disorder, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural
Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
2. Internalizing Disorders

Module 14: Elimination disorders

1. Enuresis (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
2. Encopresis(DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)

Module 15: Eating Disorders

1. Anorexia Nervosa (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender
and Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
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2. Bulimia Nervosa (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and
Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)
3. Binge Eating Disorder (DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course,
Gender and Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)

Module 16: Personality Disorders

1. Cluster A (paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders)
2. Cluster B (antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders)
3. Cluster C (avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders)
4. DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender and Cultural
Differences, Etiology, and Treatment of each disorder will be covered

Module 17: Sleep–Wake Disorders

1. What is a normal sleep pattern?
2. Types (i. Dyssomnias; Insomnia disorder, Hypersomnolence, Narcolepsy, Obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA) and Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, ii. Parasomnias; Non–Rapid
Eye Movement (NREM) Sleep Arousal Disorders, Nightmare Disorder and REM Sleep
Behavior Disorder)

Module 18: Neurocognitive Disorders (NCDs)

1. Delirium
2. Major Neurocognitive Disorder
3. Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
4. Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Alzheimer’s disease
5. Other neurocognitive disorders

Module 19: Sexual Dysfunctions

1. Disorders of Desire
1) Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
2) Female sexual interest/arousal disorder
2. Disorders of Excitement
3. Disorders of Orgasm
1) Premature ejaculation
2) Delayed ejaculation
3) Female orgasmic disorder
4. Sexual Pain Disorders
5. Etiology of Sexual Dysfunctions
6. Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions

Module 20: Paraphilic Disorders and Gender Dysphoria

1. Types of Paraphilic Disorders (Fetishistic disorder, Transvestic disorder, Exhibitionistic
disorder, Voyeuristic disorder, Frotteuristic disorder, Pedophilic disorder, Sexual
masochism disorder and Sexual sadism disorder)
2. Etiology & Treatment of Paraphilic Disorders
3. Gender Dysphoria(DSM-5 criteria, Prevalence, Comorbidity, Onset & Course, Gender
and Cultural Differences, Etiology, and Treatment)

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Compiled by Muhammad Zubair, Psychology Lecturer (BS-17), PU Gold medalist.

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