Astm F2019

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: F2019 − 22

Standard Practice for

Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the
Pulled in Place Installation of Glass Reinforced Plastic
Cured-in-Place (GRP-CIPP) Using the UV-Light Curing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2019; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice covers the procedures for the reconstruc- 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
tion of pipelines and conduits (4 in. to 72 in. (100 mm to 1830 C1920 Practice for Cleaning of Vitrified Clay Sanitary
mm) diameter) by the pulled-in place installation of a resin- Sewer Pipelines
impregnated, glass fiber tube into an existing pipe or conduit D543 Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to
followed by its inflation with compressed air pressure (see Fig. Chemical Reagents
1) to expand it firmly against the wall surface of the host D578 Specification for Glass Fiber Strands
structure. The photo-initiated resin system in the tube is then D790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced
cured by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. When cured, the and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi-
finished cured-in-place pipe will be a continuous and tight als
fitting pipe within a pipe. This type of reconstruction process D1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to Plas-
can be used in a variety of gravity flow applications such as tics
sanitary sewers, storm sewers, process piping, electrical D2990 Test Methods for Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural
conduits, and ventilation systems. Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics
D3567 Practice for Determining Dimensions of “Fiberglass”
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe and
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical Fittings
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only D5813 Specification for Cured-In-Place Thermosetting
and are not considered standard. Resin Sewer Piping Systems
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the F412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the F1216 Practice for Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Conduits by the Inversion and Curing of a Resin-
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- Impregnated Tube
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. F1417 Practice for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Non-
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor- pressure Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure Air
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 2.2 ISO Standards:3
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the 11296-4 Plastics piping systems for renovation of under-
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- ground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks –
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on Plastic contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.67 on Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Trenchless Plastic Pipeline Technology. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved Nov. 15, 2022. Published December 2022. Originally Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO
approved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2020 as F2019 – 20. DOI: Central Secretariat, BIBC II, Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401, 1214 Vernier,
10.1520/F2019-22. Geneva, Switzerland,

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

F2019 − 22

FIG. 1 UV Cured-In-Place Pipe Installation Method (Air/Steam)

F2019 − 22
7685 Plastics piping systems – Glass-reinforced thermoset- sliding resistance and to protect the uncured resin saturated
ting plastics (GRP) pipes – Determination of initial glass fiber tube while being drawn into the host pipe.
specific ring stiffness 3.2.9 photo-initiated resin—a thermosetting resin system
178 Plastics – Determination of Flexural Properties that employs a photo-initiator molecule to absorb ultraviolet
9001 Quality Management Systems (UV) light radiation and utilizing that energy to then initiate the
2.3 AWWA Standard: polymerization of the resin system.
Manual on Cleaning and Lining Water Mains, M284 3.2.10 qualification test—one or more tests used to prove
2.4 NASSCO Standard: the design of a product; not a routine quality control test.
Recommended Specifications for Sewer Collection System 3.2.11 quality control test—one or more tests used by the
Rehabilitation5 manufacturer of the CIPP system during its manufacture or
3. Terminology 3.2.12 quality assurance testing—one or more tests used to
3.1 General: verify the physical properties of the finished, or as-installed,
3.1.1 Definitions are in accordance with Terminology F412. CIPP.
Abbreviations are in accordance with Abbreviations D1600, 4. Significance and Use
unless otherwise indicated.
4.1 This practice is for use by designers and specifiers,
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: regulatory agencies, owners and inspection organizations who
3.2.1 calibration hose—a UV-transparent, styrene or are involved in the rehabilitation of conduits through the use of
equivalent-impermeable inner film or inner coating installed a resin-impregnated glass fiber tube, pulled in place through an
inside the resin-impregnated glass fiber tube to facilitate the existing pipe or conduit, subsequently inflated and then cured
inflation of the tube, causing it to be pressed firmly against the by a designed exposure to UV-light. As for any standard
wall of the existing pipe or conduit until the resin is cured. practice, modifications may be required for specific job condi-
Unless installed specifically to remain in place, the calibration tions.
hose shall be removed when the installation is finished.
3.2.2 cured-in-place pipe (CIPP)—a hollow cylinder con- 5. Recommended Materials and Manufacture
sisting of a glass reinforced plastic (GRP) fabric tube with 5.1 General—The glass fiber tube, resin system and outer
cured thermosetting resin. External films are included. The film or external pre-liner shall produce a GRP-CIPP that meets
CIPP is formed within an existing pipe and takes the shape of the requirements of this practice. The supplier of the UV Light
the pipe. cured GRP-CIPP System shall be an ISO 9001 certified
3.2.3 delamination—a separation after curing between the producer or have implemented a quality system similar to that
layers of a multi-layered glass fiber fabric wall in the CIPP. in the ISO 9001 requirements.
3.2.4 dry spot—an area of the fabric tube, where the finished 5.2 CIPP Wall Composition—The wall shall consist of a
CIPP is deficient or devoid of resin. corrosion resistant fiberglass fabric tube (Fig. 2) saturated with
a thermosetting (cross-linked) resin.
3.2.5 fiberglass composite—a structural material that results
5.2.1 Glass Fiber Tube—The glass fiber tube shall consist of
from combining fiberglass layers, thermosetting resin, and
at least two separate layers of fiber material made of corrosion
other individual processing components that are within the
resistant (E-CR or equivalent) glass fibers in accordance with
finished CIPP structure to derive the desired material and
Specification D578. Where a removable calibration hose is
mechanical properties. The cured combination being resistant
used, the internal surface shall consist of a resin rich layer for
to normal sewer effluents as tested in accordance with 6.4.1 and
high chemical and abrasion resistance. The glass fiber tube
6.4.2 of Specification D5813.
shall further be constructed with longitudinal unidirectional
3.2.6 glass fiber tube—flexible fiberglass materials formed glass roving of sufficient strength to negotiate a pulling force at
into a tubular shape which is saturated with resin prior to least equal to one-half the weight of the liner. The glass fiber
installation and holds the resin in place as a permanent part of tube shall tolerate circumferential changes in the existing
the installed cured-in-place pipe as further described in 5.2.1. conduit. So as to produce a close-fit installation in deformed
3.2.7 lift—a portion of the CIPP that is a departure from the host pipes and to minimize causing wrinkles in the finished
existing conduit wall forming a section of reverse curvature in CIPP, the glass fiber tube shall be undersized according to the
the CIPP. manufacturing method of the tube such that it will upon its
3.2.8 sliding sheet—a plastic sheeting material installed expansion in the host pipe fully fit the interior of said host pipe
prior to the resin saturated glass fiber tube covering the lower with minimal or no annular spaces or cavities between the host
portion of the circumference of the existing pipe to reduce pipe and the liner which is essential in order to guarantee the
fit condition assumed by the engineer in the wall thickness
design calculations.
5.2.2 External Films—The external films shall consist of
Available from American Water Works Association (AWWA), 6666 W. Quincy
Ave., Denver, CO 80235,
one or more layers of tube-shaped plastic films which are
Available from National Association of Sewer Service Companies, 423 W. King resistant and impermeable to moisture, UV-Light and styrene
Street, Suite 3000, Chambersburg, PA 17201. or equivalent.

F2019 − 22

FIG. 2 Composition of Fabric Tube (UV cure)

TABLE 1 CIPP Initial Structural PropertiesA

5.2.3 Calibration hose—The calibration hose (inner film or Property Test Method Minimum (MPA)
coating; see Fig. 2) which is installed during the construction value, psi
of the fabric tube, shall consist of a tube-shaped plastic film or Flexural Strength D790 Declared Declared Value, but
Value, but not not less than 103
resin-saturated coated felt tube that is UV-transparent, resistant less than
and impermeable to moisture, styrene resistant and 15 000
Flexural ModulusB D790 Declared Declared Value, but
impermeable, and able to resist temperatures up to 285 °F Value, but not not less than 5000
(140 °C) while exposed to the installation pressure sufficient to less than 725
keep the fabric tube tight against the pipe wall. It shall further 000
release easily from the inside wall for removal (in the case of A
The values in Table 1 are for test results on field specimens per product
an inner plastic film), when the installation is finished. manufacturer’s technical data sheet. The purchaser shall consult the manufacturer
for the long-term structural properties.
5.2.4 Resin—The resin system shall consist of a chemically B
The value indicates minimum strength in the circumferential direction
resistant polyester or vinyl ester thermoset (UV-light-cured)
resin and catalyst system or an epoxy resin and hardener that is
compatible to the installation process. For UV-light cured Wall Thickness—The mean wall thickness, em, of the
systems a photo-initiator system must be added to the resin composite’s structural wall section shall not be less than the
prior to the impregnation. The photo-initiator system shall be design wall thickness. The minimum wall thickness, emin, of
tuned to the UV-curing equipment used or vice-versa. the composite wall thickness shall not be less than 80 % of the
5.2.5 Properties—The cured CIPP product shall at least design wall thickness, or 3.0 mm, whichever is the greater
have the initial structural properties given in Table 1. These value.
physical properties should be determined in accordance with 5.2.7 Chemical Resistance—The inner surface of the cured
Section 7 of this practice. resin/fabric matrix shall be evaluated in a laminate for quali-
5.2.6 CIPP Wall Structure—The thicknesses and relative fication testing of long term chemical exposure to a variety of
positions of each component layer of the CIPP wall, including chemical effluents and should be evaluated in a manner
tolerances, shall be specified as declared values by the CIPP consistent with 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 Specification D5813. The edges
system manufacturer. The composite’s structural wall thick- of the test coupons shall be sealed for this testing.
ness shall be the total wall thickness minus the inner veil resin
thickness and the external layer thickness that is made up of 6. Installation Recommendations
any resin migration, processing aids, etc. 6.1 Cleaning and Pre-Inspection:

F2019 − 22
6.1.1 Safety—Prior to entering access areas such as winch cable may be pulled through the line. The sliding sheet
manholes, and performing inspection and cleaning operations, shall cover approximately the lower third or up to half of the
an evaluation of the atmosphere to determine the presence of circumference of the pipe, as recommended by the CIPP
toxic or flammable vapors or lack of oxygen shall be under- system manufacturer. At the upstream end it is locked in place
taken in accordance with local, state or federal safety regula- by being inserted underneath the plug used to block the flow in
tions. the manhole or other suitable anchoring arrangement.
6.1.2 Cleaning the Pipeline—All internal debris shall be 6.2.2 Pulling Head or Pulling Manifold and Invert Roller—
removed from the original pipeline. The pipes shall be cleaned The liner is connected to the winch cable by forming a pulling
with hydraulically powered equipment, high velocity jet head or using a pulling manifold. A pulling head can be made
cleaners, or mechanically powered equipment in accordance by turning the end of the liner over into a loop. If a pulling
with manufacturers guidelines, Practice C1920 for VCP pipes manifold is used it shall be attached to the end of the liner with
or NASSCO Recommended Specifications for Sewer Collec- sufficient strength to transfer the pulling force. It contains a
tion System Rehabilitation, as applicable. mounting point for the air/stream hose. During the mounting of
6.1.3 Line Obstructions—The original pipeline should be the pulling manifold care shall be taken to provide an airtight
clear of obstructions such as solids, dropped joints, protruding fit of the calibration hose to the manifold. If a pulling head has
service connections, collapsed pipe, and reductions in the been used it shall be dismantled after pulling in the liner. Then
cross-sectional area that may hinder or prevent the installation a manifold is mounted airtight into the calibration hose. An
and curing of the resin impregnated fabric tube. Where the invert guide roller is placed in the winch manhole. The invert
inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be removed by roller shall allow the pulling head or manifold to enter the
conventional sewer cleaning equipment, then a robot with a manhole before the pulling is terminated. A swivel connection
cutter or other suitable tool should be used to remove the to the pulling cable must be added to avoid twisting the liner.
6.3 Resin Impregnation:
6.1.4 Inspection of Pipelines—Inspection of pipelines shall
be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating 6.3.1 Resin Impregnation—The glass fiber tube shall be
breaks, obstacles and service connections by closed circuit totally impregnated with resin (wet-out) in the manufacturer’s
television or man entry. The interior of the pipeline shall be plant under quality controlled conditions. The impregnation
carefully inspected to determine the location of any conditions equipment shall contain devices to secure a proper distribution
that prevent proper installation of the impregnated tube, such of the resin. Certification documentation concerning date, type
as protruding service taps, collapsed or crushed pipe, and of resin, liner thickness, temperature, type of glass fiber, liner
reductions in the cross-sectional area. These conditions shall be type, manufacturing date and last installation date shall be
noted and corrected prior to the installation. attached to the impregnated fabric tube or provided by the
6.1.5 Pre-Measurement of Service Connections: CIPP manufacturer. A pre-measuring of all service locations shall be 6.4 Storage and Transportation:
performed by experienced personnel. These measurements 6.4.1 UV-cured CIPP—The impregnated liner shall be
shall be made using a primary method and a back-up method; stored, transported, and installed inside maximum and mini-
such as the counter value from the cable reel and a taped mum temperatures not less than 45 °F (7 °C) or higher than
identification on the cable itself from a reference point on the 95 °F (35 °C) when being installed on site. UV cured CIPP
manhole ring. Visible indentations at the lateral connections shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s recom-
may not be readily identified. mendations. The measurements shall be noted in a log also
containing information about the clockwise position of the 6.5 Pulling Resin Impregnated Tube into Position—The
opening. wet-out fabric tube shall be pulled in place using a power
6.1.6 Bypassing: winch. The fabric tube shall be pulled into place through an
existing manhole or other approved access point to fully extend Where bypassing the flow is required around the
to the designated manhole or termination point. If the product
sections of pipe designated for reconstruction, the bypass shall
is sensitive to pulling speed, the pulling speed should be
be made by plugging the line at the up-stream end of the pipe
monitored and not exceed the manufacturer’s specification.
to be reconstructed and pumping the flow to a downstream
When entered into the access point the fabric tube shall be
point or adjacent system.
folded as recommended by the CIPP system manufacturer and The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate
placed on top of the sliding sheet. Care shall be exercised not
capacity and size to handle the flow. Services within the reach
to damage the tube during the pulling phase, especially where
shall be temporarily out of service.
curved alignments, multilinear alignments, multiple off-sets,
6.1.7 Public advisory services shall be required to notify all
protruding elements and other friction producing pipe condi-
parties whose service laterals are out of commission and to
tions are present. As site conditions dictate, a lubricating fluid
advise against water usage until the lateral line is back in
such as a soapy water solution or biodegradable mineral oil
may be poured or sprayed onto the sliding sheet at the liner
6.2 Installation Methods: insertion point. The pulling shall be considered completed
6.2.1 Sliding Sheet and Winch Cable—Upon verification of when the pulling head or manifold and 2 ft to 3 ft (0.7 m to
the removal of all debris and protrusions a sliding foil and a 1.0 m) of impregnated tube has entered the termination point.

F2019 − 22
The powered winch used in the pull-in process shall be capable 6.8 Service Connections—After the new CIPP has been
of achieving a constant line-pull value set by the operator with installed, the existing service connections shall be reinstated.
the means to measure the pulling force changes and initiating This shall be done without excavation and in cases of non-
any adjustments of the pay in or pay out to maintain this preset man-entry sized pipes from the interior of the pipeline by the
value; and keeping this force below the CIPP system’s recom- means of a television camera and a remotely controlled cutting
mendation for the tube being installed. device. Service connections shall be reinstated to at least 95 %
of the original area as it enters the host pipe or conduit. All
6.6 Curing Methods-Ultraviolet Light Curing:
laterals where a plug by the end of the lateral was not visible
6.6.1 Installation Set-Up: by the pre-inspection, shall be reinstated, if the purchase The inlet air hose shall be connected to the installa- agreement does not specify it differently.
tion equipment which shall be equipped with a positive
displacement blower or an air compressor (the latter requiring 6.9 End Seals—the annular space at all locations where the
the ambient air temperature to be above 41 °F (5 °C) and CIPP enters and exits a manhole or other access structure shall
rising) of sufficient volumetric capacity to expand the impreg- be made leak-tight by the installation of a pre-formed hydro-
nated fabric tube tightly against the host pipe using the CIPP philic material designed for sanitary sewer service that fully
system manufacturer’s recommended level of internal pres- circles the circumference and has sufficient width to accom-
sure. While the tube expands under pressure, a multi-lamp modate any irregularities in the host pipe wall surface. The
ultraviolet light curing assembly shall be drawn through the location of its placement will be such that the seal is made
pipe. During this travel through the expanded liner, the installer within the confines of the manhole wall and back from the end
shall use the CCTV camera(s) mounted on the light train to of the host pipe by at least 1.5 in.
verify that the liner is properly fitted to the host pipe without NOTE 1—A seal is not being made between the existing pipe and the
any wrinkles or fins that should be avoidable given the current fabric tube at the service connections due to the external film. If total
cross-sectional configuration (geometry) of the host pipe. If elimination of infiltration and inflow is desired, other means, which are
beyond the scope of this standard, may be necessary to seal service
these defects are found, they shall be corrected before proceed- connections and to rehabilitate service lines and manholes.
ing on to the UV-light curing process. The ultraviolet curing lights shall be tuned or opti- 7. Recommended Inspection Practices
mized for the photo initiator system of the resin; or conversely
the initiator system of the resin shall be optimized to the output 7.1 For each installation length as designated by the pur-
of the ultraviolet curing lights. chaser in the purchase agreement, the preparation of CIPP
samples shall be required as given below:
6.6.2 Processing—Travel through the pipe shall be at a
7.1.1 The samples shall be cut from a section of cured CIPP
pre-determined speed per the CIPP system manufacturer’s
taken at an intermediate manhole or at the termination point
recommendations, provided to the owner’s representative for
that shall be installed through a like diameter section of conduit
each installation length, which will facilitate the cross-linking/
or other tubular restraining means provided the invert channel
polymerization of the CIPP resin. Air pressure shall be adjusted
is essentially straight through. The specimens shall allow
to sufficient pressure to hold the impregnated fabric tube tight
circumferential (hoop) directions of the Fiberglass reinforce-
to the pipe wall throughout the resin hardening process taking
ment in the CIPP. Five specimen with a width of 2 in. (50 mm)
into account any additional pressure needed to overcome any
are needed. The overall length of the field sample must be able
external hydrostatic pressure from any visible signs of ground-
to produce this number of specimens. The samples are to be
water infiltration. The recommended pressure shall be main-
tested in a curved beam configuration where the minimum
tained by adjustment of the outlet valve.
beam width is 2 in. (50 mm). The specifics of the individual
6.6.3 Curing Control—A full protocol for time, rate of travel specimen obtained from this sample are discussed in Appendix
of the ultraviolet light train assembly, pressures, temperature of X2. Alternatively, the installer can prepare either a restrained or
the liner, and the amount and power of the lamps in operation a flat plate sample above ground using the same conditions that
shall be maintained as documentation for the correct curing of were experienced by the liner inside the pipe being renewed
the fabric tube. The protocol shall be recorded automatically (level of pressurization, stretch, light intensity, and duration of
from the beginning of inflation of the liner until the end of the exposure). Preferably, a lamp (or lamps) shall be taken from
curing. It shall also show the basic information in a header, the light train used to affect the curing.
such as project name, address, section, and date, to clearly
7.1.2 The CIPP samples shall be large enough to provide the
identify the renovated section.
recommended five specimens for flexural testing. Where five
6.7 Workmanship—The finished CIPP shall be continuous suitable specimens cannot be obtained from the sample; on
over the entire length of an installation and be free of dry spots, approval by the project engineer, the lab may be allowed to
lifts, and delaminations. Where these conditions are present the conduct the flexural testing using a minimum of three speci-
CIPP shall be evaluated for its ability to meet the applicable mens. The flexural specimen shall be prepared in accordance
requirements of Section 7. Where the CIPP does not meet the with X2.3. Individual specimens shall be clearly marked for
requirements of Section 7 or specifically stated requirements of easy identification and retained until final disposition for CIPP
the purchase agreement, or both, the affected portions of the acceptance, or both, has been given.
CIPP shall be removed and replaced with an acceptable repair Short Term Flexural Properties—The initial tangent
as specified in 6.2 of Specification D5813. modulus of elasticity and flexural strength from field prepared

F2019 − 22
samples shall be measured in accordance with Test Method 7.2.1 Gravity Pipe:
D790, Test Method 1—Procedure A as modified by Appendix If required by the owner in the contract documents
X2 and shall meet or exceed the requirements of Table 1 within or purchase order, gravity pipes shall be tested using an ex
the 16:1 length to depth constraints. The flexural properties filtration test method where the CIPP, after it is cooled down to
must be measured in the hoop direction as this is by design ambient temperature and the calibration hose is removed, but
typically the direction of the primary reinforcement which is before the laterals are re-opened, is plugged in both ends. The
needed to deliver the dominant in-place performance of the testing shall be performed with either air or water
liner. The short term flexural strength shall be the value at first Air testing shall be in accordance with Test Method
break; meaning the first break in the glass fiber portion of the F1417.
CIPP. Breaks in the curvature of the stress-strain curve attrib-
NOTE 3—It is impractical to test pipes above 36 in. diameter for leakage
utable to the resin rich inner veil’s cracking are to be ignored. due to the technology available in the pipeline rehabilitation industry. Man
7.1.3 CIPP Wall Thickness—The method of obtaining the entry inspection of larger pipes shall detect major leaks.
CIPP wall thickness measurements on restrained samples shall NOTE 4—The allowable leakage for gravity pipe testing is a function of
be in a manner consistent with 8.1.2 of Specifications D5813. loss at end seals and by water testing of compression of air trapped in the
Thickness measurements shall only incorporate the layers pipe.
making up the compose section of the CIPP (Fig. 2) and be in 7.3 Inspection and Acceptance—The installation shall be
accordance with Practice D3567 for samples prepared in visually inspected to assure compliance with 6.7 or by closed
accordance with 7.1 and 7.2. Make a minimum of eight circuit television where visual inspection cannot be accom-
measurements at evenly spaced intervals around the circum- plished by man-entry. Variations from the true line and grade
ference of the restrained sample avoiding including any and geometry of the cross-section shall be consistent with that
point(s) where the liner is obviously thicker due to an over- of the pre-lining condition of the original piping. No infiltration
lapping of the structural layers of the laminate, but making sure of ground water shall be observed through the CIPP. In cases of
to pick up the obvious minimum thickness around the circum- visible leakage, repairs shall be made in accordance with the
ference of the liner. The average composite wall section CIPP system manufacturer and in agreement with the owner.
thickness shall be calculated using all measured values and All service openings shall be accounted for and be unob-
shall meet or exceed the stated minimum design thickness per structed.
the engineer’s wall thickness calculation . The minimum 7.3.1 When flexural testing is conducted using curved beam
composite section wall thickness at any point shall not be less specimen a value of 85 % or higher of the flexural properties
than 80.0 % of the average specified design thickness as used in the wall thickness design calculations shall be consid-
agreed between purchaser and seller. See Sections 6 and 7 of ered as passing. See Note X2.2 for the explanation of this
D3567 or X2.3.1 in Appendix X2, or both for more informa- allowance for restrained sample test values.
tion on making these measurements
NOTE 2—A local reduction in wall thickness may reduce the in service 8. Keywords
safety factor. 8.1 cured-in-place pipe (CIPP); glass reinforced plastic
7.2 Pipe Leakage Testing: (GRP); rehabilitation; steam cured; UV-cured; UV-light-cured


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 General Guidelines—The focus of structural liner arc). The failure of the flexible liner will be by a localized
design is the identification of the smallest (that is, most buckling of this arc element.
efficient) liner thickness that can provide an adequate safety
factor against both buckling and material failures. Existing X1.1.1 Contained within the proceedings of the ASCE’s
relevant literature has established that a flexible, thin-walled annual Pipelines Conferences are several peer reviewed papers
liner without a bond to the existing pipe will be in a state of for calculating the needed wall thickness of a flexural lining
combined radial axial compression and flexure. The dominant systems installed in circular and non-circular geometries using
loading will come from the external hydrostatic pressure when a Modified-Glock buckling analysis. This analysis methodol-
the pipe is below the phreatic surface of the groundwater. It is ogy was the result of work produced by the French government
also established that this dominant axial compressive loading and presented to ASCE by Olivier Thépot, their principal
can lead to circumferential shortening of the liner over the life investigator, beginning in 2001. Because of this methodology’s
of this loading depending on the liner’s stiffness (that is, ability to use the stiffness of the lining material in a real-world
flexural modulus) which, in turn, will produce an opportunity manner, it allows the engineer to take advantage of the
for a "blister" to form in the arc element of the overall UV-light cured CIPP systems which by design must employ
cross-section where the largest radius exists (that is, flattest glass fiber materials which produce a stiffness on the order of

F2019 − 22
four times that of the unreinforced CIPP systems. Given that diameter of the sample 6 5 % for diameters up to 12 in. and 12
UV-light cured CIPP are true composites, the need for a in. 6 5 % for diameters larger than 12 in. The minimum
non-circular geometry design solution, and the current position number of samples shall be two (2).
held by learned engineers and academicians about the lack of X1.2.1.2 Straight lines to serve as reference lines shall be
validity of the non-mandatory F1216 design appendix solution drawn on the inside or the outside along the length of the test
currently in use for circular pipe geometries; composite CIPP piece at 60° intervals around the circumference. This will
liners under the F2019 standard shall be designed using this produce 3 pairs of diametrically opposed references.
more correct and technically robust solution.
X1.1.2 For those engineers who, in the interim, wish to X1.2.2 In method A, a compressive load is applied at each
continue using the F1216-16 version design appendix for pair of reference lines at an approximately constant rate so that
circular pipes (only) with up to 10 % ovality, changes to it are a relative deflection between 2.5 % and 3.5 % is reached in 60
adopted by this practice. Specifically, Eq X1.2 and X1.4 are s 6 10 seconds. This load is then held constant for 2 min., and
eliminated for these composite liners. Further, note X1.2 at the end of this period the load and the deflection are
therein suggesting a maximum SDR of 100 be used for liners determined and recorded. Between each test the test piece shall
installed in pipes where the groundwater is not above the pipe be allowed to recover for 15 min. See Fig. X1.1.
invert shall be ignored. Instead, the partially deteriorated
X1.2.3 In Method B, a compressive load is applied at each
design shall be determined by using equation Eq X1.1 with the
pair of reference lines at an approximately constant rate so that
actual groundwater load or, in the case of no groundwater
a relative deflection between 2.5 % and 3.5 % is reached in 60
being present, a virtual groundwater load equal to a minimum
of 60 in. above the pipe invert or at least 4-in. above the crown s 6 10 sec. This deflection is then held constant for 2 min., and
of the liner – whichever is greater (but in no case should this at the end of this period the deflection and the load are
height exceed the cover depth of the host pipe). The fully recorded. Between each test the test piece shall be allowed to
deteriorated design condition shall be determined using equa- recover for 15 min. See Fig. X1.2.
tion Eq X1.3 with Hw being the height of the groundwater X1.2.4 Calculation of the initial specific ring stiffness S0, in
above the invert of the pipe. psi, for each of the three positions shall be calculated using the
following equation:
X1.2 Flexural Properties the initial specific ring stiffness of
the CIPP used in the above referenced wall thickness design f 3F
S0 5 (X1.1)
shall be determined using a full hoop specimen per the parallel L 3y
plate test method of ISO 7685. It should be noted that this is a
qualification-based test done by the CIPP manufacturer and is
not a part of the routine quality assurance testing of the f = is the dimensionless deflection coefficient, given by the
installation! equation f5 $ 1860 1 ~ 2500 3 y ⁄ d m ! % 31025
L = average length of the test piece, in inches,
X1.2.1 The application of the load and measurement of the F = applied load, in pounds,
deflection shall be accomplished using either a constant load y = the deflection, in inches,
(designated method A) or by using a constant deflection dm = the mean diameter, in inches.
(designated as method B) as in the ISO 7685 standard. Calculate the average of the three values and record this
X1.2.1.1 Each test piece shall be a complete ring cut from value as the initial specific ring stiffness of the test piece
the sample to be tested; with the length being the nominal

FIG. X1.1 Constant Load Test Methodology

F2019 − 22

FIG. X1.2 Constant Deflection Methodology


X2.1 Scope X2.2 Apparatus

X2.1.1 CIPP quality assurance samples for the in place X2.2.1 No modifications to the testing machine (Test
flexural properties achieved using a three-point bending test; Method D790, 6.1) or the loading noses and supports are
Test Method D790. This test procedure, however, is written for required.
a flat plate beam specimen and will require specific modifica-
X2.2.2 A machinist’s micrometer caliper equipped with
tions to use it both for flat plate beam specimen and the curved
either a calibrated ratchet or friction thimble having an
(or hoop) beam specimen for glass fiber CIPP systems. These
incremental discrimination of 60.0004 in. (0.01 mm) is
required changes are given below and are modeled from the
recommended. In lieu of the fixed anvil feet, it is recommended
changes shown in Annex B of the ISO 11296-4 CIPP standard
that a point micrometer be used instead.
which addresses similarly required modifications to the ISO
178 (the ISO version of the 3-point bending test). Any future X2.2.3 In instances where excess pooled resin is found to be
changes to the ISO 11296-4 shall be incorporated herein. in the outer surface of the CIPP sample, an optical scale
comparator with a 7 to 10× magnification and a reticle having
X2.1.2 This section will specify the modifications needed
0.005 in. divisions or smaller is recommended for subtracting
in the apparatus, the test piece shape and dimensions and to the
this thickness from the sample thickness. Alternatively, the lab
test procedure itself to allow the flexural properties of samples
may directly measure the composite wall thickness using this
taken from actual or simulated installations of cured-in-place
pipe to be determined in accordance with the principle of the
Test Method D790 standard. References are given, where
appropriate, to the individual section numbers of Test Method X2.3 Test Piece Shape and Dimensions
D790 that are being modified by this appendix section so that X2.3.1 Shape—Test pieces cut from restrained QA samples
the lab performing the testing and the engineer reviewing the shall be in the hoop direction of a cured in place pipe shall have
test results understand the modifications required to produce a substantially uniform radius of curvature, such that when the
accurate and precise values of the liner installed which, of test specimen is placed on the supports, the highest point
course, produces reliable test results. In all other aspects, the occurs at a point along the span which is no more than 0.1L
provisions of the Test Method D790 remain applicable. from the center (see Fig. X2.1); and the edges of the specimen

FIG. X2.1 Testing when Specimen is of a Curved Beam Element

F2019 − 22
in the longitudinal direction shall be cut parallel to each other. or separately measured thicknesses of any internal and/or
X2.3.2 Thickness—The composite thickness of the test external membranes and/or excess neat resin layers.
piece within the central third of the length of any test piece X2.4.1.2 Any excess neat resin on the back of the test piece
shall nowhere deviate from the mean value of the six measure- (corresponding to the outside of the liner pipe), especially if
ments made by more than 10 %. forming a layer of irregular thickness, may be partially sanded
X2.3.3 Width—The width of each test piece either curved or off prior to testing if the excess neat resin causes the circular
from a flat plate, shall be 2 in. (50 mm). sample piece to deviate substantially from the required uniform
curvature; and provided that no fibers of the carrier material or
X2.3.4 Length—The nominal span, L, between the supports reinforcement, or both are thereby removed.
shall be 16 times the mean thickness of the test piece (hm); and
X2.4.1.3 In the event that any individual composite thick-
the length of the test piece shall be cut to a length no less than
ness measurement of the six measurements made deviates by
20 times hm.
more than 10 % from the calculated mean composite thickness,
X2.4 Test Procedure hm, the test piece shall be discarded, and a new piece chosen at
random to replace it.
X2.4.1 Measurement of the Composite Thickness and
Width: X2.4.1.4 In the event that the mean value of composite
X2.4.1.1 The total liner thickness, h, shall be determined by thickness, em, of any individual test piece deviates by more
measuring the test specimen at six points within the central than 10 % from the mean, em, of the means for a set of test
third of its span (see Fig. X2.2). These measurements should be pieces, that test piece shall likewise be replaced by another test
made approximately 0.125 in. from the cut edge using a piece chosen at random.
consistently applied loading by the ratcheting device of the X2.4.1.5 The width of the test piece shall be measured at the
micrometer. The composite thickness is determined by sub- location of the three pairs of points used for the thickness
tracting from each measurement of total thickness, the known measurements (see Fig. X2.2).

1 striking edge
2 support
F applied force
h total thickness of test piece
L distance between supports
L1 distance between points of contact
L2 true span of curved test piece
r radius of support
R2 radius of curvature of test piece at mid-thickness
V rise of the centre of the unloaded test piece above its points of contact with the supports
a high point of the test piece

FIG. X2.2 Measuring Points on the Individual Beam Specimen

F2019 − 22
X2.5 Setting the Span X2.7 Alignment of the Test Piece
X2.5.1 If possible, the nominal distance, L, between sup- X2.7.1 Prior to loading, the test piece shall be aligned
ports shall be set to (16 6 1) em. Exceptions additional to those perpendicular to the supports and positioned such that its
described in 7.5 of Test Method D790-10, are as follows: centerline lies within 0.1L of the line of action of the pivot
(a) When curved test pieces are used, the rise, V, of the point of the striking edge
center of the unloaded test piece above its points of contact
with the supports shall not exceed 0.07L1, where L1 is the X2.8 Test Speed
distance between the points of contact (see Fig. X2.1). If
necessary to achieve this, the nominal span ratio, L/em, may be X2.8.1 The rate of the crosshead motion shall be such that
reduced below 16 but not less than 10. the rate of straining of the outer fiber is 1 % per minute. The
(b) In the case of relatively thick-walled liners from which equation given in 10.1.4 (of Test Method D790) shall be used
it is difficult or impossible to acquire samples of length at least to calculate the rate of the crosshead motion substituting L2 for
20L, the nominal span/thickness ratio, L/em, may again be L when curved (hoop) test pieces are used. For both flat and
reduced below 16 but not less than 10. curved test pieces the value of the depth of the beam shall be
NOTE X2.1—In the case of hoop test pieces cut from circular pipe
the mean composite thickness, em, of the sample piece.
samples of nominal outside diameter, dn, the limit of curvature expressed
as a maximum rise, V, of 0.07 L1, corresponds to a maximum nominal X2.9 Calculation and Expression of the Results
span to diameter ratio, L/dn, of approximately 0.25.
NOTE X2.2—The value of apparent flexural modulus derived from a X2.9.1 Span and thickness for calculation—If curved
curved test piece is generally lower than that obtained from flat test pieces samples are used, the span for calculation of flexural properties
of the same material due to geometric effects and slippage on the supports. shall be L2, as defined by Eq X2.1, rather than the distance, L,
At the specified limit of curvature, for a nominal span/thickness ratio,
L/em=16, the maximum discrepancy is on the order of 10 % to 15 %. between the centers of the supports. The thickness calculation
NOTE X2.3—Samples taken from liners where the span to diameter ratio shall use the mean composite thickness, em, found in accor-
is greater than 0.25 may not comply with the geometrical restrictions on dance with section X2.3.1.
three-point flexural testing in the hoop direction (thickness dependent).
Such samples should either be tested as complete rings or, for CIPP X2.9.2 Determination of the Strain Datum—The datum or
materials with isotropic properties (mean hoop and longitudinal flexural zero point for strain measurement (εf0) shall be established
properties shown by flat plate samples to differ by no more than 10%), the from the point of intersection of the slope of the initial linear
samples can be cut in the longitudinal direction.
portion of the stress-strain curve with the strain axis (see Fig.
NOTE X2.4—Using a span/thickness ratio of less than 16 can lead to a
slight underestimate of the flexural modulus and strength. X2.3). Where the testing machine software does not automati-
cally correct for zero errors, the procedure described below for
X2.6 Measurement of Span deriving the flexural modulus from uncorrected strain data
shall be used to derive the true strain datum.
X2.6.1 The horizontal distance, L, between the centers of
the supports shall be measured to the nearest 0.5 %.
X2.10 Derivation of Flexural Modulus
X2.6.2 When curved samples are used the true span, L2,
defined by Fig. X2.1, shall be derived from Eq X2.1. X2.10.1 The Modulus of Elasticity determined per Test
Method D790–10 is to be the tangent modulus of elasticity. It
L is the ratio, within the elastic limit, of stress to corresponding
L2 5 (X2.1)
12 S
r1h m ⁄2
R2 D strain. It is calculated by drawing a tangent to the steepest
initial straight-line portion of the load-deflection curve and
X2.6.3 In the case of hoop test pieces cut from circular liner using the equation below:
pipe of known outside diameter, dn, R2 may simply be assigned E B 5 L 3 m⁄4bd 3 (X2.4)
the value:
dn 2 hm EB = modulus of elasticity in bending, psi (MPa)
R2 5 (X2.2)
2 L = support span, in. (mm) [for curved beam specimen use
X2.6.4 In all other cases R2 shall be determined by either L2 for L]
b = width of beam tested, in. (mm)
calculation using Eq X2.3:
d = depth of beam tested, in. (mm)
V L 12 h m m = slope of tangent to the initial straight-line portion of the
R2 5 1 1 (X2.3)
2 8V 2 load-deflection curve, lbf/in (N/mm) of deflection
(a) Where the values of dimensions, V and L1, defined by
X2.10.2 The modulus of elasticity per ISO 178, as modified
Fig. X2.1 are obtained by direct measurement of the test piece
by ISO 11296-4, Annex B, is determined by calculating the
when placed unloaded on the supports, or
(b) By tracing the edge profile of the inside surface of the deflections s1 and s2 corresponding to the given values of the
test piece onto paper and using geometric construction or other flexural strain εf1 = 0.0005 and εf2 = 0.0025, using the
suitable means to derive the radius R1 (=R2 – hm/2) of the following equation:
circular arc which best fits that profile. s i 5 ε fi L 2 ⁄6h ~ i 5 1 or 2! (X2.5)

F2019 − 22

FIG. X2.3 Typical stress-strain curve produced in the three-point bending process

where: supports before an apparent (uncorrected) strain of 0.002 has

si = one of the deflections, in. (mm) been reached, the test piece shall be discarded and a new test
εfi = the corresponding flexural strain, whose values εf1 and piece chosen at random.
εf2 are given above
L = support span, in. (mm) [for curved beam specimen use X2.11 Statistical Parameters
L2 for L] X2.11.1 Calculate the arithmetic mean of the test results, the
h = thickness of the specimen, in. (mm)
standard deviation, and the 95 % confidence interval of the
Calculate the flexural modulus, Ef, expressed in psi (MPa), mean value.
using the equation below:
E f 5 ~ σ f2 2 σ f1 ! ⁄ ~ ε f2 2 ε f1 ! (X2.6) X2.12 Significant Figures
where: X2.12.1 Calculate the stress, strain, and the modulus to
three significant figures. Calculate the deflection to two sig-
σf1 = flexural stress measured at deflection s1, psi (MPa)
σf2 = flexural stress measured at deflection s2, psi (MPa) nificant figures.

X2.10.3 All equations referring to flexural properties hold X2.13 Test Report
exactly for linear stress/strain behavior only; which, for most
plastics, means that they are accurate at small deflections only. X2.13.1 The results of the testing shall be put into a report
For glass fiber composite CIPP this should not be a problem which shall include the following information:
given the relatively low strain levels at which that these (a) A reference to the test standard and procedure used
systems break. (Test Method D790, procedure A)
(b) A reference to the test conditions and conditioning
X2.10.4 With computer-aided equipment, the determination procedures
of the modulus, Ef, using two distinct stress/strain points may (c) The shape and dimensions of the test pieces
be replaced by a linear-regression procedure applied to the part (d) For test pieces made from pipe samples, the orientation
of the curve between these two points. of each test piece (that is hoop or axial)
X2.10.5 When using uncorrected strain data, the short-term (e) The mean composite thickness and the maximum per-
flexural modulus, E0, shall be determined by using the value of centage deviation from the mean value for the middle third of
εf2 = εf1 + 0.002, where εf1 is assigned the value between the test piece
0.0005 and 0.004, which maximizes the value of the calculated (f) The mean overall composite thickness (mean of the
flexural modulus, Ef = E0. By extrapolating the line of slope, means) and the maximum percentage deviation in the set of test
E0, thus constructed to the strain axis, the datum strain εf0, may pieces.
be determined. The true strain at any point on the stress-strain (g) In the case of curved hoop test pieces: the mean total
curve is then determined from the uncorrected strain as thickness, hm; true support span, L2, the value and method of
(εf1)corrected = (εf1)uncorrected -εf0 . If, due to excessive twist in its determination of radius R2; and, where directly measured, the
shape or otherwise, the test piece has not yet fully engaged the dimensions L1 and V.

F2019 − 22
(h) Support span to depth ratio used; if different than 16:1 (m) Flexural strength, the average value, the standard
61 deviation, and the 95 % confidence level.
(i) Radius of supports and loading noses, if different than (n) Flexural stress at break, average value, and the standard
5 mm deviation
(j) Rate of crosshead motion (o) Type of behavior, whether yielding or rupture, or both
(k) Support span length that occur within the 5 % strain limit
(l) A reference to the modulus in bending being the chord
modulus, the average value and standard deviation; and the
strain level(s) used to determine the modulus


X3.1 Scope curve to an approximately straight line of a constant slope

X3.1.1 Qualification based testing to determine the long- when plotted as a two-dimensional graph that uses logarithmic
term creep factor of the CIPP shall be performed using Test scales on both the horizontal and the vertical axes. The
Method D2990 as modified below using lab prepared, flat-plate equation for the portion of the line occurring after the transition
specimen mimicking the stretching (that is, expansion), point or 50 h (whichever is later) will be obtained by regression
pressurization, exposure to light (time and intensity), and of the calculated values for the apparent modulus versus time.
temperature of the in-place curing of the liner. The specified NOTE X3.1—The line should not appear above the calculated value at
test period is 10 000 hours and the result of the test is to be 10 000 hours.
expressed as a value of the dry creep factor extrapolated to 50
years. The method of extrapolation also allows for the deter- X3.3 The flexural stress level used for the testing of the
mination of the dry creep factor at any other time between CIPP system shall equal a minimum of 0.0025 times the initial
10 000 hours and 50 years. flexural modulus value.

X3.2 The graph produced for each test piece represented as

a line should go through a transition from a steep downward


Committee F17 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (F2019–20)
that may impact the use of this standard.

(1) Practice C1920 was added to 2.1. (2) Section 6.1.2 was revised.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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