Reydisp Evolution Manual V9.87
Reydisp Evolution Manual V9.87
Reydisp Evolution Manual V9.87
i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.
2 Getting Started........................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Using Reydisp Evolution.................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Main Window....................................................................................................................16
2.3 Manipulating Relay Settings.............................................................................................. 17
2.4 Settings Editor Window..................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Manipulating Relay Waveforms......................................................................................... 26
2.6 Data Header Window........................................................................................................ 27
2.7 Data Window Menu.......................................................................................................... 31
2.8 Event Display.................................................................................................................... 32
2.9 Event Window...................................................................................................................33
2.10 Fault Display..................................................................................................................... 35
2.11 Fault Window....................................................................................................................36
2.12 Instrument Window.......................................................................................................... 37
2.13 Edit Window..................................................................................................................... 39
2.14 Teletype Window.............................................................................................................. 40
2.15 General Command Window...............................................................................................41
2.16 Spontaneous Messages Window........................................................................................42
2.17 Spontaneous Messages Window Measurands.................................................................... 43
2.18 Spontaneous Messages Window Event Log........................................................................44
2.19 Spontaneous Messages Window Data Point Monitor.......................................................... 48
2.20 File Manager Window....................................................................................................... 49
2.21 Data Log Window..............................................................................................................53
3 Communications.........................................................................................................................................55
3.1 Configure Communications...............................................................................................56
3.2 Communications Tutorial.................................................................................................. 62
3.3 Advanced Communications Options.................................................................................. 65
4 Command Reference.................................................................................................................................. 67
4.1 File Menu..........................................................................................................................68
4.2 Edit Menu......................................................................................................................... 76
4.3 View Menu....................................................................................................................... 80
4.4 Relay Menu....................................................................................................................... 94
4.5 Options Menu................................................................................................................. 122
5 Miscellaneous........................................................................................................................................... 133
5.1 System Information.........................................................................................................134
5.2 Action On Dialogue......................................................................................................... 135
5.3 Save Real Values Dialogue............................................................................................... 136
5.4 Select Setting List............................................................................................................137
5.5 Select Which Item........................................................................................................... 138
5.6 Rename.......................................................................................................................... 139
5.7 Select Viewer.................................................................................................................. 140
5.8 Select Record.................................................................................................................. 141
5.9 RS232 Cable Wiring.........................................................................................................142
5.10 Command Line Parameters..............................................................................................143
5.11 Comtrade Export Dialogue.............................................................................................. 145
5.12 Create Signals Wizard...................................................................................................... 146
5.13 Save Settings As XML...................................................................................................... 152
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 Installation 8
1.1 Introduction
Reydisp Evolution is Microsoft Windows based support software for the Reyrolle brand of protection devices
incorporating the Informative Communications Interface.
The following features are provided:
• Data download
– Settings
– Events including spontaneous events
– Waveforms
– Faults
– Instruments
– System information
– Data directory (Waveform storage times)
– Device's built in help
• Settings manipulation
– Edit settings
– Upload settings
– Store and retrieve settings
– Get and switch active settings group
– List settings group in English
– Compare settings
• Waveform manipulations
– View waveforms with values and timings
– Zoom functions
– Sample points only
– User defined tabbed views
– Configurable waveform display
– Analysis functions
• Device control
– Login/Logout
– Trigger & reset waveforms
– Reset events
– Reset flags
– Close output relay
– Set device time
– Map networked devices
– Direct command teletype interface
– Automatic polling of devices
• Communication features
– Direct RS232 connection
– Connection via USB to suitable devices
– TCP/IP connection
• Usability features
– Save to & reload from disk
– Printing
– Windows clipboard functions
– Configurable button bar
– Configurable confirmation safety options
1.2 Installation
Reydisp Evolution is supplied as a self extracting installer. On running this file the Figure 1-1 dialog box
The user should click setup to begin the installation.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetupWelcome, 1, --_--]
If you have the USB cable connected to a relay, you will be reminded to disconnect it before continuing, as
shown in Figure 1-2, before the dialog Figure 1-1 is shown.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_USBConnectionTest, 1, --_--]
The disclaimer dialog box appears; after reading the disclaimer, the user should check I accept… then click the
Next button to continue.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_License, 1, --_--]
The choose components dialog box appears; the user should select which components to install. Note the USB
driver is compulsory, then the user can click the Next button to continue.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Components, 1, --_--]
The user can then select the target location drive and destination directory for the application and click Next
to continue.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_InstallLocation, 1, --_--]
The user should then select whether to install for a single user or everyone who uses the PC and click Install to
begin the installation.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Users, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Installing, 1, --_--]
During the installation the user will be asked to install the USB driver.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DriverSecurity, 1, --_--]
When this dialog box appears the user needs to confirm installation of a driver. The driver is a USB driver for
use with the devices that have a USB port on their fascia.
The user can click Install to install the driver.
At this point if everything has installed correctly the confirmation dialog as shown in Figure 1-9 will be
The user can then click Finish to complete the installation. If the Run box on the Figure 1-9 is checked Reydisp
will now start.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Installed, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_UserInterfaceLanguage, 1, --_--]
A popup menu allows the selection between English (UK) and Turk.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_UserInterfaceLanguagePopup, 1, --_--]
After selection the user interface language will change to display menus and messages in the chosen
[sc_ReydispEvolution_UserInterfaceLanguageTurk, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_MainWindow, 1, en_US]
The main display of Reydisp Evolution uses the standard Microsoft Multiple Document Interface (MDI) format.
A menu bar (File, Edit … Help) near the top of the window lists the commands.
These commands are duplicated on a configurable button bar beneath the menu bar, as shown in Figure 2-5.
A description of a button can be seen by moving the mouse pointer over the button to display a hint.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_MenuBar, 1, --_--]
At the bottom of the window is a status bar, illustrated in Figure 2-6, containing status and connection
information. A green tick signifies connected and a red cross is disconnected. The connection information
describes the address of the device and the type of connection, for example a COM port or TCP/IP connection.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_StatusBar, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenTemplate, 1, en_US]
The user can then select the Settings tab and then a template from the list and click OK. The Setting Editor is
Changing Settings
Click the Settings tab to make it active. There are different methods to change settings depending on the type
of setting. To change a setting the user should select it in the list. The appropriate editor is then displayed or a
button to open an editor.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsEditor, 1, en_US]
Selectable Settings
If the setting is a list of pre-defined options, a drop down list is shown when the setting is selected. The user
should choose the value required from this list.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsEditorDropdown, 1, en_US]
Text Settings
A text setting, for example, a Relay Identifier or User ID/Password, the text editor will be displayed; the user
can type the text required then press return.
i The characters that can be used are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsEditorTextBox, 1, en_US]
Some settings are edited as special strings and only allow certain characters. An example is Settings
Group Select. On a device with 5 status inputs this setting will have 5 characters. The first (left) character
represents status input 1 and the last (right) character the last status input (in this example input 5). To
activate group 2 using input 1 enter 2 as the first character. Status inputs which are not to be used to set
groups should be assigned the underscore character, for example 2 _ _ _ _. To make status input 1 activate
setting group 3, input 3 activate group 5 and input 4 activate group 2, enter 3 _ 5 2 _.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsGroupSelect, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_BitSelectionSettings, 1, en_US]
intersection between the two to select or deselect a point. Figure 2-13 shows part of a matrix, in it LED (L) 1
will operate by Phase A, L2 by Phase B and L3 by Phase C.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_MatrixEditor, 1, en_US]
Help Hints
Help hints are displayed, when the user hovers over a setting, describing each setting, as illustrated in
Figure 2-14 and Figure 2-15.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_HelpHintsExample1, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_HelpHintsExample2, 1, --_--]
The hints can be turned on or off from the context menu by clicking the right mouse button while on the
settings display, illustrated in Figure 2-16.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ShowHelpHints, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ConfigEditor, 1, en_US]
i The controls for settings that are related to others may be disabled until other settings are changed, as
illustrated in Figure 2-18.
Figure 2-18 shows the 51-1 Element settings are unavailable until its checkbox is checked. Contrast this with
the 51-2 Element settings which are available. In the Measured E/F group no settings are available because the
whole function is disabled.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_QuickSettingsPages, 1, --_--]
Once changed, settings from this page can be sent to the device relay using the using the update button
and Group control at the top left corner of the page. If the setting were loaded from a file, rather
than directly from a device, the group box will initially be empty. Alternatively, the standard commands Relay
> Settings > Update Changed Settings and Relay > Settings > Send All Settings can be used to update all
settings or all changed settings across the tabs.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ExportedSettingsExample, 1, --_--]
Printing Settings
Settings files can be printed using the command File > Print.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderWindow, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderTimes, 1, --_--]
Up to 5 signals can be displayed on each graph, one of which can be a digital signal. Each graph in a view has
a channel label followed by the magnitude of the sample point at the left cursor at its left, and the magnitude
of the point at the right cursor to its right. When multiple signals are displayed on a graph this information
is repeated for each signal. When single signals are displayed the maximum and minimum magnitudes of the
displayed data are also shown at the right.
On digital signals the magnitude is shown as 1 (high) and 0 (low). In this edition of Reydisp digital signals are
drawn as a single line for low and a coloured block for high as illustrated in Figure 2-22.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderDigitalSignal, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderAnalogueSignalAxis, 1, --_--]
One Digital signal can be drawn with up to 4 Analogue signals on an axis, as shown in the expanded example
Figure 2-24.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderDigitalSignalAxis, 1, --_--]
To move the cursors, the user must ensure the window is active by clicking in it with the mouse. The mouse
pointer can be moved over one of the cursors, and the cursor shape will change. When over the left cursor it
will show ← and when over the right →. If the user was to click and hold the left mouse button, the cursor
changes again to the move cursor ↔. While holding down the left mouse button the user can drag the cursor
to a new position. Notice the changes in the times and magnitudes. The mouse button van be released when
the cursor is in its new position.
i The left and right cursors cannot cross, if one cursor is in the way of the other, move the other cursor first.
Smaller movements can be made by using the keyboards cursor keys (← →). The cursor to move is selected
by the View > Activate Left / Right Cursor command. The cursor that is active for keyboard control is shown
with a mark at its top. The last cursor moved with the mouse will be active for keyboard control.
The data in the window can be expanded horizontally with the zoom function. The zoom function uses the
cursors to mark the extremities. Select View > Zoom In to magnify the data between the cursors. View >
Zoom Out reduces magnification slightly. View > Show Full removes any magnification. When a view is
zoomed horizontally a scrollbar at the bottom of the screen allows movement of the waveform horizontally.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderZoomScrollbar, 1, --_--]
View windows can be expanded vertically with the command View > Vertical Zoom In. The expansion can be
reduced with the View > Vertical Zoom Out command. There is a maximum limit on a vertical zoom.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderSamplePoints, 1, --_--]
Additional Tabs
The waveform display also contains tabs holding information about the device on the System tab, the
COMTRADE configuration on the Config tab, the COMTRADE inf file on the INF tab and some text notes
which correspond to the COMTRADE HDR file on the Notes tab. The information on the Notes and INF tabs is
editable by the user.
Reydisp can export data as DADiSP or Text (Real Values) format; these files cannot be reopened by Reydisp.
To export use the File > Save As command, selecting the type of file required from the Save as type list, as
shown in Figure 2-27.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderSaveAs, 1, --_--]
When saving the Data Values as Real Values (ASCII text) an options dialog box is displayed allowing the user to
choose which items to include. Another options box is displayed when exporting COMTRADE.
Printing Waveforms
Waveforms can be printed using the command File > Print. When printing waveforms some additional
information can be added to the page. The Print Options dialog box is displayed prior to printing or it can be
opened with the File > Print Options command.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataWindowMenu, 1, en_US]
This popup menu appears when the right mouse button is clicked on a graphical data view. It is a shortcut
menu which duplicates commands from the main menus, and allows setting the cursors directly.
Set Left Cursor and Set Right Cursor allow setting the cursor to the position of the mouse pointer on a
waveform signal display. Right click the mouse at the point to set the cursor and select one of these options
from the menu.
i The user is unable to cross the cursors therefore they may only have one option at the point they select. In
this instance, and also if the cursors are off the screen the user may have to set one cursor first and then
the other.
Absolute Time toggles time mode between Relative Time (time relative to the origin), and absolute Year/
Month/Day, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EventRecords, 1, en_US]
The event display consists of 2 tabs, a System tab with information about the source device and an Event
Record tab with a list of events. Each event is on a separate line. Events are grouped into blocks of events
with the same time stamp. The first line in a block has the time stamp, followed by the event information,
subsequent lines in the block only have the event information. The event information consists of an event
type, an action and a description.
Time format HH:MM:SS.SSSS
Date format dd/mm/yy
Event Type
IEC IEC defined event
Rey Reyrolle privately defined event
There are 2 kinds of events, 1 and 2 stage. 1 stage events occur to signify an event has happened, for
example, the Start/Restart of the device. 2 stage events signify a binary event has changed state. An example
of this type would be when a starter picks-up (raised) and sometime later drops-off (cleared). In summary, a 1
stage event is Raised only, a 2 stage event maybe Raised or Cleared.
The Event described in English.
Delta Time
If 2 events in the list are selected the time difference between them is displayed in the status bar at the
bottom of the Event window. This information can also be displayed using the Relay > Events > Events Time
Difference function.
a new name use the File > Save As command. Before using either of these commands, ensure the events
window is active (topmost).
Printing Events
Events can be printed using the command File > Print.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_FaultWindow, 1, --_--]
The fault display consists of a list with information about the source device at the top followed by the faults;
see Figure 2-30. Each fault is a textual description on a separate line.
Printing Events
Faults can be printed using the command File > Print.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_InstrumentsAvailableTab, 1, en_US]
There are 3 tabs at the top of the instruments window. Use the Available tab, Figure 2-31, to show the list of
instruments that can be monitored on a particular device. Each instrument in the list has a checkbox next to it
that must be checked for the instrument to be polled.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_InstrumentsActiveTab, 1, en_US]
The selected instruments are displayed in the list on the Active tab. The instruments are polled from top to
bottom of the list. The more instruments selected the slower the polling time. Instruments will only be polled
when the Active tab is selected.
The instrument lists can be sorted be clicking on the column headings. The sort is alphabetic by instrument
name or units when clicking respectively the Instrument or Unit columns. Clicking on the Value (or #) column
will sort the instrument by their logical identification number, which is how the available list is initially
The System tab displays information about the device.
Several instrument windows can be opened simultaneously to poll different device addresses. When opened
the instrument window polls the current address. Therefore before opening an instrument window set the
address using the Relay > Set Address > Address or Relay > Set Address > Device Map commands.
Saving Instruments
The present content of the instrument window can be saved using the File > Save or to save the file under
a new name use the File > Save As command. Instruments are saved as text files which can be reopened in
a text editor, or as a text file in Reydisp. Before using either of these commands, ensure the faults window is
active (topmost).
Printing Instruments
Instruments can be printed using the command File > Print.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EditWindow, 1, --_--]
The Edit window is used to display and edit a text file or a text response from a relay.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TeletypeWindow, 1, --_--]
The Teletype window allows commands to be sent to the devices and displays the responses as text or in
hexadecimal notation. Type a command, for example HELP, into the control and click Send. If the response
should be displayed in hexadecimal format check the Hex Mode box before clicking the Send button. The
commands are those displayed by the online help function.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GeneralCommandWindow, 1, en_US]
This is an interface for the user to perform an IEC 60870-5-103 style General Command from within Reydisp
Evolution. The response to this command is displayed in the Spontaneous Messages window with a cause of
transmission either C/A (Command Acknowledgement) or NCA (Negative Command Acknowledgement).
A list of general commands for the connected device is displayed. Select a command from the list and press
the appropriate command button. Some commands are binary, in which case both the On/Execute and
Off buttons are available. Others are single state and only the On/Execute button is available. The General
Commands window can be kept open while other windows are activated.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SpontaneousEventWindow, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SpontaneousEventWindowTabs, 1, en_US]
• Measurands
• Event Log
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SpontaneousEventWindowMeasurands, 1, en_US]
This display shows a table listing the IEC 60870-5-103 measurands being monitored. Each row has the time of
the measurand, its source address, and a list of the values it contains. The row will be updated when a new
measurand of the same type from the same source is received. Each value is displayed as a percentage of the
maximum that can be sent. Refer to the device documentation or settings for further information.
The descriptions used are stored in the ReyMeas.ini file in the program settings folder. The format used is an
INI file where the Function Type (FUN) number is the section heading and the Information number is the item
key, for example with FUN = 182 and INF =148:
Reydisp can automatically calculate the values if it knows the scaling factors, either 1.2 or 2.4 times nominal,
of the measurands. This information can be added to the description of the measurand, in round braces after
the measurand name, as shown in the following example:
[182]148=Ia(1.2),Ib(1.2),Ic(1.2),Va(2.4),Vb(2.4),Vc(2.4),P,Q, F
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SpontaneousEventWindowEventLog, 1, en_US]
Display Format
The events are displayed in the following format:
<Time><Address><Protection><Action><Event Specific Information><Description>
These fields are described in the following table:
Field Description
Time The time stamp of the event in the format HH:MM:SS.SSS. If the event does not have a
time stamp a description of the type of event e.g. identification is displayed.
Address The address of the device that sent the event.
Protection A description of the type of protection device that generated the event, for example:
Mnemonic Description
OC-IEC870 IEC defined overcurrent event
OC-Reyrolle Reyrolle defined overcurrent event
Field Description
Action Can be one of 5 states
State Description
Travelling A double point event is between states.
Cleared The event is cleared or off.
Raised The event is raised or on.
Invalid The event state is invalid, i.e. marked as both raised and
Unknown The event returned a code that cannot be decoded.
Event Specific Infor- Additional information depending on the type of event
Format for Time Tagged Event
[<COT><Invalid Time><Summer Time><Supplementary Information><Relative
COT (Cause of Trans- SpE Spontaneous event
mission) Cyc Cyclic
FCB Reset frame count bit
RCU Reset communications unit
S/R Start/Restart
Pow Power on
T/M Test mode
T/S Time synchronize
GI General interrogation
TGI Termination of general inter-
L/O Local operation
R/O Remote operation
C/A Command acknowledgement
NCA Negative command acknowl-
TDD Transmission of disturbance
CAP Generic write command with
acknowledgement positive
CAN Generic write command with
acknowledgement negative
RCV Generic read command data
RCI Generic read command data
GWC Generic write confirmation
nnn Unknown value
Invalid Time The flag to indicate whether the time of the event may be
invalid. Show IV when time may be invalid, or -- if time is valid.
The time would become invalid if the clock had not been set for
over 23 hours.
Summer Time The flag to indicate whether the summer time bit of the event is
set. This is used to indicate daylight saving is active. Shows SU
when the Daylight Saving Flag is set, otherwise --.
Field Description
Supplementary Used when the COT is GI to show the scan number, otherwise 0.
Relative Time The Relative Time in milliseconds, if available, since the start of
the fault.
Fault Number Shows the fault number if available.
E.g. 1 No Relative Time and Fault Numbers Available
[GI -- SU SI=246 RT=----- F#=-----]
E.g. 2 Relative Time and Fault Numbers Available
[GI IV -- SI=246 RT= 0 F#= 0]
Format for Identification Event
[<COT><Compatibility Level><Manufacturer Name>[<Revision Numbers>]]
COT Cause of transmission, as described previously.
Compatibility Level 2 = No generic services, 3 = Supports generic services
Manufacturer Name Manufacturer specific text
Revision Numbers Manufacturer specific numbers
E.g. [RCU CL= 2 REYROLLE [ 0 0 0 0]]
Format for Time Synchronization Event
[<COT><Invalid Time><Summer Time><Day of Week><Date>]
COT Cause of transmission, as described previously.
Invalid Time As described previously
Summer Time As described previously
Day of Week Monday, Tuesday, etc. Day Not Set if not available.
Date Date in dd/mm/yy format.
E.g. [T/S -- -- Day Not Set 04/08/99]
Format for Terminate General Interrogation Event
[<COT><Supplementary Information>]
COT Cause of transmission, always TGI
Supplementary This value should be the same as those in the events with COT
Information GI. In this message it indicates that the GI sequence with this
number has completed.
E.g. [TGI SI=246 ]
Description Describes the event
Further Examples
Identification Ad= 1 OC Raised [RCU CL=2 REYROLLE [0000]] Reset CU
Identification Ad= 1 OC Raised [FCB CL=2 REYROLLE [0000]] Reset FCB
15:44:04.000 Ad= 1 Global Raised [T/S ---- Day Not Set 04/08/99] Time Synchro-
15:45:17.040 Ad= 1 OC Raised [L/O ---- SI=0 --=----- --=-----] Settings
IEC870 changed
15:45:17.090 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [L/O ---- SI=0 --=----- --=-----] Settings
IEC870 changed
15:45:39.660 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 --=----- --=-----] Trip Test
15:45:39.765 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 RT=0 F#= 0] General starter
Further Examples
15:45:40.025 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 RT=0 F#= 0] SEF/REF starter
15:45:40.275 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 RT=0 F#= 0] A-starter
15:45:40.560 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 RT=0 F#= 0] B-starter
15:45:40.785 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 RT=0 F#= 0] C-starter
15:45:41.035 Ad= 1 OC Cleared [GI ---- SI=246 RT=0 F#= 0] E-starter
GI Termination Ad= 1 Global Raised [TGI SI=246] GI Termination
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SpontaneousEventWindowDataPointWindow, 1, en_US]
This display shows a table listing the present state of the data points (events) being monitored. Each row
contains an icon depicting the present state, the last time a point was updated, its source address, a descrip-
tion, and any additional information sent. The row will be updated when a new data point of the same type
from the same source is received.
i The file manager has been disabled in the standard release of Reydisp.
Using file manager should only be used with extreme caution.
² Modification or deletion of files can cause the device to cease to operate as expected.
Some devices have file management facilities. This window allows manipulation of the files within the device.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_FileManagerFolders, 1, --_--]
Initially a list of folders is displayed, shown in Figure 2-41. A menu is available by right clicking on the window
to format the display. Double click on a folder or select a folder and press the view button to display its
contents, shown in Figure 2-42.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_FileManagerFoldersContents, 1, --_--]
Other functions are available from the buttons down the right hand side of the window. They are described in
Table 2-2.
Icon Description
Move up to the previous folder
Icon Description
Create a new document
[sc_ReydispEvolution_FileManagerExampleDocument, 1, --_--]
Figure 2-43 shows the display of a document created. Documents created or files viewed from the device
are displayed on tab after the directory listing. When a file viewer tab is selected additional commands are
available, they are described in Table 2-3.
Icon Description
Renames the document, this name is used when
sending the document to the device
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataLogIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataLogWindow, 1, --_--]
The Data Log window displays a list of logged points over a period of time. The usual Open, Save, and Print
commands can be used on this window. This data can also be copied to a spreadsheet.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ConnectingADevice, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_StarConnection, 1, --_--]
In a Ring connection devices are connected to each other and to a single port on the interface. Serial
communication interface devices provide one fibre optic port for connecting a ring of Protection Devices. The
Tx from the interface goes to the Rx of the first device, the Tx of that device goes to the Rx of the second
device, whose Tx goes to the Rx of the third device etc. until finally the Tx of the last device goes to the Rx of
the interface as illustrated in Figure 3-3.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RingConnection, 1, --_--]
The main advantage of a ring connection is that it is inexpensive to implement. The main disadvantage is that
as there is a single communication link, and all devices act as repeaters, if you lose one device or one part of
the fibre cable the whole network will cease to operate. When using a fibre optic ring configuration all devices
in the ring must have their Data echo setting, for the port in use, set to ON.
For any type of fibre optic connection the device's Line Idle setting should be set to match that of the
The remaining communications settings on the device's port, Baud rate and Parity, should be set to
match those that will be used in Reydisp.
If the devices are configured in a network, whether star, ring, or RS485, each should be assigned a different
address, and not be set to address zero.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ConnectionManager, 1, en_US]
Open the Connection Manager (File > Connect), as illustrated in Figure 3-4. Select the appropriate serial
connection on the computer, e.g. Com 2, and click Properties.
Set the Baud rate and Parity to match those set on the device, as illustrated in Figure 3-5.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ConfigureCommunications, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TCPConnection, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TelephoneConnection, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ModemSettings, 1, --_--]
i Certain protection devices have a setting Operating Mode accessed either via a key switch on the fascia
or from the System Config sub menu of the Settings. The setting can be Remote, Local or Service
mode. These modes affect the communications function in the following way:
Remote Mode – All communication functions are available through the fibre optic ports.
Local Mode – Remote change of settings and remote control functions (e.g. close an output relay) through
the fibre optic ports are disabled.
Service Mode – Remote control functions (e.g. close an output relay) and sending spontaneous events and
measurands to the control system through the fibre optic ports are disabled.
i When the device map builds the list it takes time as it has to poll all the addresses and wait for a response.
As there are unlikely to be devices on all addresses, an upper limit can be set for the address to poll; the
lower limit is always 1. Use the command Relay > Set Address > Device Map Limit to set the highest
address to poll.
Next try to get some information back from the device. Use Relay > Information > Get System Information
and there should be a response similar to that shown in Figure 3-9.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DeviceSystemInformation, 1, --_--]
Change Settings
To get a group of settings the user should use Relay > Settings > Get settings, after a short while the user
will be asked to select a settings group, then the Settings Editor is displayed.
To change the settings in the relay either use Relay > Settings > Update Changed Settings which sends the
settings changed to the group they came from, or Relay > Settings > Send Settings to send all the settings to
a group selected.
Get the active settings group with Relay > Settings > Get Setting Group. Activate a different group using
Relay > Settings > Set Setting Group.
A non-editable listing of a settings group (in English) is obtained by Relay > Settings > List Setting Group.
Get a Waveform
Download a waveform record with the command Relay > Waveform > Get Waveform Record. After a short
while the user will be asked to select a record, record number 1 is the latest. If no records are available trigger
a new waveform record remotely using Relay > Waveform > Trigger Waveform Record and repeat the Get
process. The data returned can be manipulated in the Waveform Display. All the data records in the relay can
be reset using Relay > Waveform > Reset Waveform Record. To display a list of the times the records were
recorded use the command Relay > Waveform > Get Data Directory.
i Spontaneous events can be polled in the background while working by toggling Relay > Control > Auto
Poll on.
Clear the contents of the spontaneous event window with Relay > Events > Clear Spontaneous Events
Window, this doesn't affect the relay.
Issue Commands
Reydisp provides access to the General Commands of the device through the function Relay > Control >
General Commands. Other Control functions available are, reset the flag indication LED s (Relay > Control
> Reset Flags), close an output device (Relay > Control > Close Output Relay), file management (Relay >
Control > File Manager), and the direct control (Relay > Control > TeleType).
Other Information
Other information available from the relay are, faults (Relay > Information > Get Data Record), instruments
(Relay > Information > Monitor Instruments), and online help (Relay > Information > On-line Help).
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AdvancedCommunicationsOptions, 1, en_US]
i The Do NOT Check Communications Connection is often required to be selected when using a USB
or RS485 connection.
• Connect
• Hangup
• Open
– Open Waveform with Default Viewer
– Open Waveform with Selected Viewer
• Save
• Save As
• Close
• Print Options
• Printer Setup
• Exit
[sc_ReydispEvolution_FileMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TemplatesIcon, 1, --_--]
There are 2 types of template, settings templates and data templates. To view the templates available for each
type, click on the appropriate tab at the top of the dialog box. The view can be sorted alphabetically on the
contents of each column by clicking on that column's header label.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TemplatesTabs, 1, en_US]
Settings Templates
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TemplatesSettings, 1, --_--]
Settings templates allow setting for devices to be created offline. Templates are available for the different
software variants and I/O configurations of each device. The templates box now contains a Find facility. To
search, type all or part of an item into the field and click the Start button (→). This will start to search from the
top of the list. To continue the search click the next button (↓). Select the template to open from the list and
then click OK.
Data Templates
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TemplatesData, 1, en_US]
Data templates show examples of data to highlight the features of Reydisp. They are provided to allow users
to become familiar with the Waveform, Events and Faults displays without needing to be connected to a
device. Select the template to open from the list and then click OK.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ConnectIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ConnectionManager, 1, en_US]
The Connection Manager lists the different connections that are available. These connections are listed in
groups. To connect to a device, select a connection from the list and click the Connect button. Connection
types include connecting to a serial port and a TCP/IP connection.
A connection can be set as the default, shown by the tick mark (✓) imposed over the icon, to be automatically
opened on starting Reydisp. You can manage the default with the Set as Default and Clear Default buttons.
Certain types of connection can have additional connections added. In this case an (Add new socket connec-
tion> icon will be displayed in the group. Selecting it and clicking the Add button will display a dialog box
where the connection parameters can be entered.
To change the parameters of a connection, select it and press the Properties button.
Connections that have been added by the user can be deleted by pressing the Delete button.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenIcon, 1, --_--]
Use to open a file. Files can contain Settings, Waveform Data, Text Data or other data.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenWaveformDefaultIcon, 1, --_--]
Open a waveform using the default viewer settings for that type of device rather than any viewer settings
stored in the file being opened. This option is ignored if you then open a file other than a waveform.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenWaveformSelectedIcon, 1, --_--]
Open a waveform using the viewer chosen from the displayed list rather than any viewer settings stored in the
file being opened. This option is ignored if you then open a file other than a waveform.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SaveIcon, 1, --_--]
Save the data of the active window using the present name. If this is data has not previously been saved it
performs a Save As.
Save As
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SaveAsIcon, 1, --_--]
Events, Data Logs and Text files are all saved in ASCII format text (TXT) files.
Data View files are saved as Windows format INI files.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CloseIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OfflineReviseSettingsIcon, 1, --_--]
This command allows the conversion of a settings file into a file for a different type of relay.
Open the settings file to convert and make it the active window. The Offline Revise Settings command can
then be selected and the user can choose the type of file to convert to from the list or open another file. To
use this command the file to be converted to must be in the list or there must be an example of the type.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TemplatesSettings, 1, en_US]
On completion the source file window will be minimized and the new settings file shown opened.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PrintIcon, 1, --_--]
Print Options
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PrintOptionsIcon, 1, --_--]
Set the user options for Waveform printouts. Information relating to the print is placed in the Comment field.
Information identifying the origin of the print is placed in the User field. Either field can be left blank.
Printer Setup
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PrinterSetupIcon, 1, --_--]
This option allows the user to set the printers parameters prior to printing.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RecentFilesListIcon, 1, --_--]
Shows the files recently opened allowing quick selection for reopening. The files have an index number 0 to 9
next to them that can be used as a shortcut key. The most recently opened file is always at the top of the list
index 0.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ExitIcon, 1, --_--]
• Undo
• Cut
• Copy
• Paste
• Clear
• Select All
• Select None
i The functions of the Edit menu are dependant on which display window is active. Not all functions are
available on all pages.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EditMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_UndoIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CutIcon, 1, --_--]
Choosing this option copies the selection to the clipboard and deletes it from it's original window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CopyIcon, 1, --_--]
This option copies the window contents to the clipboard. If the window contains a selection, a dialog box is
opened allowing the user to select whether to copy all the contents, or just the selection.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PasteIcon, 1, --_--]
This will paste from the clipboard into the active window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ClearIcon, 1, --_--]
This option will clear the present selection from the active window.
Select All
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SelectAllIcon, 1, --_--]
Select None
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SelectNoneIcon, 1, --_--]
This will remove any selection from the items on the active window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CompareSettingGroupsIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CompareSettingWindow, 1, en_US]
This function compares 2 settings groups. The settings should be opened in 2 Settings editors. Differences in
the settings will be highlighted in different colours. If the settings is new, or significantly different it will be
highlighted in the Attention color. If the setting has a different definition, for example, it's range has changed,
it will be highlighted in the Range color. Differences in value will be shown in the Changed color. These colors
can be set as an option using Options > Evolution. If there are differences the windows will be rearranged to
show the 2 compared Settings editors tiled in the main window, with the other windows minimized, as shown
in Figure 4-33. The Remove Highlights command can be used to remove the highlights from the active
Settings editor. While settings are highlighted after a comparison the Update Changed Settings command is
unavailable until the highlight is removed. From a comparison window use the Send All Settings command to
modify the relay settings.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CompareSettings, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RemoveSettingHighlightsIcon, 1, --_--]
Remove the Attention highlights from a Settings editor, for example, after a compare setting groups function.
• Properties
• Zoom In
• Zoom Out
• Show Full
• Vertical Zoom In
• Highlight Samples
• Select cursor
• Relative Scaling
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ViewWindow, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PropertiesIcon, 1, --_--]
The Properties dialog configures the active Waveform data display window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PropertiesTabs, 1, en_US]
Views Tab
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ViewsTabs, 1, en_US]
The Views tab lists the data configuration for each signals tab on the data display window.
Use the New, Edit, and Delete buttons to manage views. To order them the up ↑ and down ↓ buttons can
be used. Pressing either the New or Edit buttons will open the Configure View dialog box.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EditView, 1, en_US]
The Configure View dialog box allows the user to change the items displayed on a tab in the data window.
The name of the display tab can be changed in the Title editor.
The left list contains a list of all available signals. Select a signal and use the → to move it to the right hand
definitions list. To put multiple signals on one graph axis select several items before clicking the button. To
remove signals from the tab select the definition in the right hand list and press the ← button.
The order of the definitions can be changed by using the ↑ and ↓ buttons.
The display tabs are only shown when the checkbox next to their definition is checked.
Signals Tab
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PropertiesSignalsTabs, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EditAnalogueChannel, 1, en_US]
i Signals created will be saved in the file when the data record is saved. Deleted signals are completely
removed and that data lost.
Miscellaneous Tab
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PropertiesMiscellaneousTabs, 1, en_US]
The Miscellaneous tab holds settings which configure the look of the waveform display. They include color
schemes and various display and print styles.
• Analogue Waveform Borders – This setting toggles the border effect of an Analogue waveform. This will
also remove the shading effect. As illustrated in .
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AnalogueWaveformBorders, 1, --_--]
• Analogue Pad Shading – This setting toggles the shading background effect of an Analogue waveform.
As illustrated in Figure 4-44.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AnaloguePadShading, 1, --_--]
• Digital Signal Borders – This setting toggles the border effect of a Digital waveform. This will also remove
the shading effect. As illustrated in Figure 4-45.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DigitalSignalBorders, 1, --_--]
• Digital Pad Shading – This setting toggles the shading background effect of a Digital waveform. As
illustrated in Figure 4-46.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DigitalPadShading, 1, --_--]
• Digital Item Shading – This setting toggles the item shading effect of a Digital waveform. As illustrated in
Figure 4-47.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DigitalItemShading, 1, --_--]
• Print Analogue Waveform Borders – This setting toggles the printing of Analogue waveform borders and
shading on printouts. As illustrated in Figure 4-48.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PrintAnalogueWaveformBorders, 1, --_--]
• Print Waveforms in Monochrome – This setting toggles printing the Waveforms in Monochrome. As
illustrated in Figure 4-49.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_PrintWaveformsInMonochrome, 1, --_--]
Color Scheme
• Color Selection – These settings allow selection of color schemes for drawing waveform displays, either
from a selection of predefined schemes, a comparison of which is shown in Figure 4-50, or selected by
the user.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ColorScheme, 1, --_--]
• Border – The Border value defines the color of the item border.
• Dark Shade – The Dark Shade value defines the darkest color of the item shading.
• Light Shade – The Light Shade value defines the lightest color of the item shading.
• Digital Shade – The Digital Shade value defines the basic shading color of a digital item.
Zoom In
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ZoomInIcon, 1, --_--]
This option will expand the region on the display between the cursors.
Zoom Out
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ZoomOutIcon, 1, --_--]
Show Full
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ZoomFullIcon, 1, --_--]
This option removes the zoom and shows all the data.
Vertical Zoom In
[sc_ReydispEvolution_VerticalZoomInIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataHeaderWindow, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_VerticalZoomIn, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_VerticalZoomOutIcon, 1, --_--]
Highlight Samples
[sc_ReydispEvolution_HighlightSamplesIcon, 1, --_--]
This option allows the user to toggle the waveforms to display highlighted sample points.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_WaveformWithoutHighlightedPoints, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_WaveformWithHighlightedPoints, 1, --_--]
Select Cursor
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SelectCursorIcon, 1, --_--]
Selects which cursor is moved by the keyboard ← and → keys. The presently selected cursor is shown with a
small arrow at its top.
Relative Scaling
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RelativeScalingIcon, 1, --_--]
When this option is turned on, Analogue signals in a Waveform Display tab are scaled with respect to signals
of the same type, for example, all voltages are drawn using the same range. When this option is off the signals
are scaled only with respect to themselves.
In the following example relative scaling is turned on.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RelativeScalingOn, 1, en_US]
The following example shows the same data with relative scaling turned off. Channels with small values are
shown as noise.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RelativeScalingOff, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AutoSaveAsDeviceDefaultIcon, 1, --_--]
With this option on, when a waveform display window is closed, the present waveform view configuration is
automatically saved as the new default for this type of device. It is the automatic equivalent of using the Save
Views As Device Default Now! command.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SaveViewsAsDeviceDefaultNowIcon, 1, --_--]
This command immediately saves the present view configuration as the new default for this type of device.
This configuration will be used the next time a waveform record is downloaded from a device, or if a file
without a configuration is opened, or with the Open Waveform with Default Viewer command.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SaveViewsAsNowIcon, 1, --_--]
This command immediately saves the present view configuration under a user supplied name. The saved
configuration can be used with the Open Waveform with Selected Viewer command.
• Set Address
– Address
– Device Map
– Device Map Limit
– Line Selector
• Login
– Login
– Logout
• Settings
– Get Settings
– Update Changed Settings
– Send All Settings
– Get Active Setting Group Number
– Set Active Setting Group Number
– List Settings Group
– Compare Setting Groups
– Remove Setting Highlights
• Events
– Get Events
– Reset Events
– Events Time Difference
– Clear Spontaneous Messages Window
• Waveform
– Get Waveform Record
– Trigger Waveform Record
– Reset Waveform Records
– Get Data Directory
• Data Records
– Get Data Fault Record
– Get Data Log Record
– Reset Data Log Record
– Get Data Report File
– Reset Data Report Files
– View Data Log As Comtrade
• Information
– Monitor Instruments
– Monitor Waveforms
– Get System Information
– Start General Interrogation
– OnLine Help
• Control
– Auto Poll
– Reset Flags
– Close Output Relay
– Set Time and Date
– TeleType
– General Command
– Relay File Manager
• Archive Functions
– Get All Data
– Send Archived Settings
• Communications
– Clear
– Synchronise
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RelayMenu, 1, en_US]
Set Address
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetAddress, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AddressIcon, 1, --_--]
This option allows the user to set the address to use for communicating with the device. This should be the
same as the address which has been set via the device's front panel.
Device Map
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DeviceMapIcon, 1, --_--]
This option will poll addresses looking for devices that may be present. The addresses polled are from 1 to
the limit set by the Device Map Limit command. It produces a list of any device found. The address is set
either by selecting the device and pressing OK, or double clicking on the item in the list.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DeviceMapDialog, 1, --_--]
i The device map function is not available with certain communications drivers.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DeviceMapLimitIcon, 1, --_--]
This option sets the upper limit for the Device Map command to poll. This command saves polling all
addresses when there are only a few devices in the network.
Line Selector
[sc_ReydispEvolution_LineSelectorIcon, 1, --_--]
Used with some communications drivers and allows setting of the line selector value. This value is dependant
on the system.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_LoginMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_LoginIcon, 1, --_--]
Reydisp has to be logged into the device before it can perform functions which will alter the device, for
example, Close an Output Relay or Changing Settings.
To retrieve information from the device there is no need to be logged in. Enter the device's user ID/password
into the field (shown in Figure 4-77), the user ID/password will be shown as **** and not be echoed on the
screen, then click Login.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_LoginDialog, 1, en_US]
Reydisp Evolution stores a default password which it tries to use to login to the device. If this password is
valid it will automatically login when required. If the automatic login fails the Login Dialog Box (shown in
Figure 4-77) will be displayed and the correct user ID/password should be entered. If this password should be
saved as the new default for automatic logins check the Save as New Default box before clicking Login.
i Some Reyrolle devices refer to a user password. On these devices and in Reydisp Evolution, the setting
password is a confirmation mechanism to prevent unauthorized access from the front fascia or over the
rear serial communication channel(s).
The Control password is a confirmation mechanism to prevent the unauthorized operation of control
operations and commands from the Control menu on the relay fascia.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_LogoutIcon, 1, --_--]
This option is used to logout Reydisp from a device. This command is complementary to the Login command.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsMenu, 1, en_US]
Get Settings
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetSettingsIcon, 1, --_--]
This option allows the user to read one group of settings from the device into a Settings Editor window. The
user will be prompted to enter the group required.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ActivateSettingsGroupDialog, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_UpdateSettingsIcon, 1, --_--]
This updates the setting(s) that have changed since the last upload or download to the original group in the
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SendAllSettingsIcon, 1, --_--]
This sends the complete settings from a Settings Editor window to a group specified by the user.
i To upload settings to the device the user needs to make sure the Settings Editor window containing the
settings is active (topmost). If a window other than a Settings Editor is active the Update Changed
Settings and Send All Settings commands are disabled.
When uploading settings to the device Reydisp Evolution checks that the settings are compatible with the
designated device. If they are incompatible the settings are not uploaded and a conversion process takes
During the conversion process an additional settings window is opened containing settings for the destina-
tion device with the compatible values from the original settings copied to it.
Incompatible settings are highlighted in the attention color; see Evolution Options. The user should check
these settings. If the destination device had fewer settings than the source device, but all its settings were
compatible the difference will be flagged, however, no settings will be highlighted for attention. When the
user is satisfied the settings in the new window are correct choose Send All Settings to begin the upload
with the converted settings.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetActiveSettingGroupNumberIconIcon, 1, --_--]
This gets the setting group in the device which is presently active.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetActiveSettingGroupNumberDialog, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetActiveSettingGroupNumberIcon, 1, --_--]
This sets a setting group in the device to be active. The user is asked for the group to activate in Figure 4-87.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetActiveSettingGroupDialog, 2, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ListSettingsGroupIcon, 1, --_--]
This option allows the user to get a listing of a setting group in English.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ListSettingsGroupDialog, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EventsMenu, 1, en_US]
Get Events
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetEventsIcon, 1, --_--]
This tool gets a list of the historical events from the device into an Events window.
Reset Events
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ResetEventsIcon, 1, --_--]
This tool resets the internal historical event store of the device.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EventsTimeDifferenceIcon, 1, --_--]
This option displays the time difference between 2 events in the events list. Before selecting this function the
user must have only 2 events selected in the list.
When the user has only 2 events selected the time difference is automatically displayed in the status bar at the
bottom of the Event window.
The format of the time difference is n Days, Hours : Minutes : Seconds e.g. 2 Days, 10:35:12.345
is 2 days, 10 hours, 35 minutes, 12.345 seconds between events. If the user selects an event which does not
have a time stamp or a blank line, its time is taken as the previous time stamp in the list.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EventsTimeDifferenceDialog, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ClearSpontaneousMessagesWindowIcon, 1, --_--]
This clears the information from the Spontaneous Messages window . This function does not affect the device.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_WaveformMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetWaveformRecordIcon, 1, --_--]
This option gets the wave form record, specified by the user, from the device into the Data Header window. A
list of available records will be displayed with their timestamp; the most recent record is always number one.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetWaveformRecordDialog, 1, --_--]
For some newer devices additional information about the type or record is given, as shown in Figure 4-99 and
Figure 4-100.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetWaveformRecordDialogNewerDevice, 1, en_US]
Figure 4-99 Get Waveform Record Dialog Box Newer Device Example 1
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetWaveformRecordDialogNewerDevice2, 2, en_US]
Figure 4-100 Get Waveform Record Dialog Box Newer Device Example 2
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TriggerWaveformRecordIcon, 1, --_--]
This triggers the device to immediately record a waveform record. This can then be retrieved be the Get
Waveform Record function. The record will replace the oldest record in the device.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ResetWaveformRecordsIcon, 1, --_--]
This option will reset the device's waveform record store. This command will permanently delete the records.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataDirectoryIcon, 1, --_--]
This allows the user to read the Data Directory listing from the device. This shows the times at which the
records were stored.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataDirectoryDialog, 1, --_--]
Data Records
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DataRecordsMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataFaultRecordIcon, 1, --_--]
This option reads the list of data records from the device into an Edit window. This was formally the get faults
command. The format of the record is as follows:
<Description Number><Date dd/mm/yy><Time><1st Phase Details>to<nth Phase Details>
For example:
FAULT1 15/01/96 02:06:05.0500 G1 PHASE A <:S> IA=1.01xIn PHASE B <LS> IB=1.01xIn PHASE C
IC=0.00xIn EARTH FAULT IE=0.00xIn
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataLogRecordIcon, 1, --_--]
This command retrieves a Data Log record from a device. On starting this command the dialog box shown in
Figure 4-108 will open.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataLogRecordDialog, 1, --_--]
The user may either download all data records, or a selection between 2 times. Select the All or Selected
control as required. When in Selected mode the From and To controls are available. Use these to specify a
range of samples to download. The newest and oldest points are shown next to the From and To titles.
While this dialog is open the device is still recording. The user can use the Refresh Date/Time button to
update the available sample point information.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ResetDataLogRecordIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataReportFileIcon, 1, --_--]
This command retrieves a Data record from a device. On starting this command the dialog box shown in
Figure 4-111 will open listing any records available.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataReportFileDialog, 1, --_--]
Select a record from the list and click OK. Once retrieved the record is displayed as shown in Figure 4-112.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetDataReportFileDialogRetrieved, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ResetDataReportFilesIcon, 1, --_--]
This command resets the internal Data Report store of the device.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ViewDataLogAsComtradeIcon, 1, --_--]
This command converts an open Data Log into a graphical Comtrade view. This view can be manipulated as
with any signals window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ViewDataLogAsComtradeExample, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_InformationMenu, 1, en_US]
Monitor Instruments
[sc_ReydispEvolution_MonitorInstrumentsIcon, 1, --_--]
This option connects to the device and displays instruments in the Instrument window.
The Instrument window contains a list of instruments available in the device. Each has a checkbox next to it.
Instruments will only be polled if the box is checked. The more instruments that are activated the slower the
polling cycle.
The device address polled is that set when the command is executed. Instrument windows can be open
simultaneously. To poll other addresses change the address using Address or Device Map and select this
command again.
Monitor Waveforms
[sc_ReydispEvolution_MonitorWaveformsIcon, 1, --_--]
This command monitors a device for new waveform fault records. Any that occur are automatically down-
loaded and saved in the Monitor folder of the Application Settings folder. The files saved can be opened in
Reydisp in the usual manner. While monitoring devices no other actions can be performed in Reydisp. An
example of the monitor waveforms dialog box is shown in Figure 4-119. Click Stop to end the monitoring
[sc_ReydispEvolution_MonitorWaveformsExample, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetSystemInformationIcon, 1, --_--]
This option gets the System Information from the device. An example is shown in Figure 4-121.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetSystemInformationExample, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_StartGeneralInterrogationIcon, 1, --_--]
This initiates a General Interrogation sequence in the device. The Results are displayed in the Spontaneous
Messages window with a cause of transmission GI.
OnLine Help
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OnLineHelpIcon, 1, --_--]
This allows the user to get the inbuilt (Online) help from a protection device into an Edit window. Only certain
devices support this feature.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OnLineHelpExample, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ControlMenu, 1, en_US]
Auto Poll
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AutoPollIcon, 1, --_--]
This tool toggles background Auto Polling of the device on or off. Auto polling continuously polls for sponta-
neous events from the device. Reydisp will poll the active nodes returned by the device map.
Reset Flags
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ResetFlagsIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CloseOutputRelayIcon, 1, --_--]
This tool closes an Output Relay of the protection device. The Relay pulses closed for a minimum operate
time that is either a predefined or user defined time (depending on the type of device). The number of the
Relay to close will be requested from the user, as shown in Figure 4-129. To close select the correspondingly
numbered button. If the user wishes to test several output Relays, checking the Keep Visible box in the dialog
box shown in Figure 4-129 will keep the box open after a Relay has been selected, otherwise it will close.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CloseOutputRelayDialog, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetTimeAndDateIcon, 1, --_--]
Set the time by using the Hour and Minute editors and Scroll Bars, or move the hands on the clock. Set the
Date in a similar manner with the Date controls and calendar. The time displayed in this dialogue is initially
that of the computers clock.
Field Description
Address Sets the address of the device whose clock to set
Get Relay Time Gets the time from the device at address
Set Relay Time Sets the time of the device at address
Get Computer Time Gets the time of the computers clock
Synchronise Performs synchronise time function for the devices
on a network. When the box is checked the address
control and Get Relay Time button are disabled.
Synch to PC Synchronises to the time of the PC when the Set
Relay Time button is pressed, rather than that of the
time control.
DST (Summer Time) Used in conjunction with Synchronise to set the
summer time flag on or off during time synchronisa-
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetTimeAndDateDialog, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TeleTypeIcon, 1, --_--]
General Command
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GeneralCommandIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_RelayFileManagerIcon, 1, --_--]
Archive Functions
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ArchiveFunctionsMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetAllDataIcon, 1, --_--]
This reads all the information from the device and stores it to disk. Reydisp will save all the data into a
directory in individual files. After a download the user can open the files to examine them in the same way as
manually saved files. The files are named as follows:
File Type Description
ActiveGrp.txt File containing which is the active group
DataRecd.txt File containing the Data records, includes Fault
Events.txt File containing the events
Log.txt Log file stating result of the get all command, which
data was available etc
SetGrpXX.set File containing the settings, where XX is the number
of the setting group
RecordXX.dat File containing the waveform record, where XX is the
number of the record, lowest number is the newest
SysInfo.txt File containing the system information
USER\aaaa A sub-folder containing any user files found in the
device, named as they are in the device
A dialog box is displayed for the user to choose a directory to save the files. The current path is shown at the
top of the box. Underneath is a control to select the target disk drive, then a list of the directories available on
that drive. Double click on a name in the list to enter a sub-directory. If necessary you can create a directory by
typing a name into the control in the Create Directory area and pressing Create.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_GetAllDataDialog, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SendArchivedSettingsIcon, 1, --_--]
This command is used to send settings files obtained using the Get All Data command back to a device. Select
the folder containing the files, the dialog box shown in Figure 4-139is displayed.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SendArchivedSettingsDialog, 1, --_--]
You can use the up ↑ and down ↓ buttons to move files to different groups. Check the settings groups to
send. For convenience All and None buttons are provided. Then press Send to send the files. A message will
be shown to confirm each has been sent correctly.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CommunicationsMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CommsClearIcon, 1, --_--]
This clears the Communications Interface between the device and Reydisp Evolution. Any pending data held in
the device will be lost.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SynchroniseIcon, 1, --_--]
This synchronises communications between the device and Reydisp Evolution. Any pending data held in the
device will be preserved after synchronisation.
• Button Bar
• Evolution
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OptionsMenu, 1, en_US]
Button Bar
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ButtonBarIcon, 1, --_--]
This dialogue is used to configure the button bar which runs beneath the menu in the main window. Any
menu command can be added to the button bar, limited only by the width of the screen. The Current toolbar
buttons list shows the present configuration of the button bar, including those buttons unassigned. The
Available toolbar buttons list shows the commands which can be added.
To set a button, select an unassigned button, or a button you wish to replace in the Current toolbar buttons
list, then select a new command from the Available toolbar buttons list and click Set.
To remove a button without assigning an alternate command, select it in the Current toolbar buttons list and
then click Clear.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ButtonBarDialog, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EvolutionIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_EvolutionDialog, 1, en_US]
• Confirmation – The confirmation options allow the user to confirm actions before they take place.
The Relay State Change option is always set for security, therefore that an act which changes the state
of the device, for example, changing settings or setting group, or closing an output relay will always be
The first three options are used when communicating with a device, the next three when handling data
downloaded from a device, and the last four are for ease of use of the Reydisp Evolution application.
When set the confirmation is active.
Field Description
Relay State Change Confirm actions which change the state of the device.
Relay Requests Confirm command actions to the device, e.g. trigger
Actions Completed Devices confirm the success of a command
Save Data Confirm save waveform data before closing the
Save Settings Confirm save settings data before closing the Settings
Save Information Confirm save other information, e.g. events
Remote View Confirm before removing a waveform data view
Lose CHanges Confirm before cancelling (or closing) a dialogue box
Clear Spont. Events Confirm before clearing the spontaneous events
Exit Reydisp Confirm before exiting Reydisp Evolution
Field Description
Single Line Wheel Scroll This option only applies when viewing the signals
display. With this option turned on, using the mouse
wheel to scroll will only scroll one line rather than the
number of lines set in Windows for the mouse wheel.
Setting Relationships Reydisp Evolution displays settings based on their
relationship to one another. For example, changing
a setting to OFF would hide the settings with a rela-
tionship to this one, switching it ON would again
reveal these settings. This only applies to devices
which define settings relationships. When this option
is cleared all settings are always shown.
Print Settings In Monochrome When this option is turned on the settings tree
printout is in monchrome rather than color.
Auto Sort Spontaneous Events Sorts the spontaneous events window list by time.
Toggling this option off and the list is sorted by
arrival, which is faster. Note, this option only takes
effect on opening a new window. Changing it will not
affect a window already open.
• Settings Colours – These colors are used by the settings editor when displaying settings, for example:
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsColors, 1, --_--]
Color Description
Black The color in which the settings are normally
Green The color in which the filed of the setting is displayed.
Blue The color in which settings which have been changed
are displayed.
Red The color in which settings are marked for the user's
Orange The color in which changes in a setting's range are
marked for the user's attention.
• Back Drop – There is a dropdown list and a checkbox that can be changed as explained in Table 4-5.
Field Description
Dropdown list This list enables the user to choose the background
image displayed on the main window.
Tiled How the backdrop image is displayed, tiled or not.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenApplicationSettingsFolderIcon, 1, --_--]
Open the folder containing the Application settings. This folder also contains the folder where waveforms
saved during monitoring sessions are saved. The location of the folder will be of one of 2 following forms:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Application Data\ReyEvo32
C:\Program Files\Reyrolle Protection\Reydisp Evolution 32
• Cascade
• Tile Horizontal
• Tile Vertical
• Arrange Icons
[sc_ReydispEvolution_WindowMenu, 1, en_US]
All open child windows of the main display are listed at the end of this menu, an example can be seen in
Figure 4-150.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CascadeIcon, 1, --_--]
Tile Horizontal
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TileHorizontalIcon, 1, --_--]
Tile Vertical
[sc_ReydispEvolution_TileVerticalIcon, 1, --_--]
Arrange Icons
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ArrangeIconsIcon, 1, --_--]
• Contents
• Support (email)
• About
• Disclaimer
[sc_ReydispEvolution_HelpMenu, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ContentsIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_HowToUseHelpIcon, 1, --_--]
This selection opens the How to use the Windows help system tutorial.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_HelpForActiveWindowIcon, 1, --_--]
Selecting this will open help for the active window, for example the Settings editor or Events windows. This
help can also be obtained by pressing the F1 key.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ReyrolleOnTheWebIcon, 1, --_--]
Support (email)
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SupportIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenRelayLEDTemplateIcon, 1, --_--]
This opens a sub menu containing templates to create slip in labels for device fascias. Requires Microsoft Word
(not supplied).
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenRelayLEDTemplateExample, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_OpenVersionHistoryIcon, 1, --_--]
Choosing this will open Reydisp Evolution's Version History file. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
(Not Supplied).
[sc_ReydispEvolution_AboutIcon, 1, --_--]
This will display the version information of Reydisp Evolution. Press the Info button to display a list of
information about the PC and operating system running Reydisp.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DisclaimerIcon, 1, --_--]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SystemInformation, 1, --_--]
This displays useful System Information about your computer and Reydisp Evolution.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ActionOnDialogue, 1, --_--]
This dialogue selects what you wish to perform the action (e.g. Copy or Save) on.
Option Description
Selected Text Only Perform the action on the selected text only
Complete Document Perform the action on all the text
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SaveRealValuesDialogue, 1, --_--]
When saving the Data Values as ASCII text this dialogue lets you chose which items to include.
Data Description
Include Titles Include a title line as first line of the file
Include Sample No. Include the sample number for each sample
Include Time Include the time stamp for each sample
Include Analogues Include the Analogue Data Channels
Include Digitals Include the Digital Data Channels
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SelectSettingList, 1, en_US]
When a setting is a bit mask this list displays the options that can be changed. Check or clear the box next to
each option to change the state.
i In some cases some states may be greyed out signifying they can't be changed.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ActivateSettingsGroupDialog, 1, en_US]
This is a dialog box displayed when the user needs to select an item. Click the number of the item or Cancel.
An example of this box is shown in Figure 5-5.
5.6 Rename
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Rename, 1, --_--]
This is a dialog box used to rename a file in the File Manager window.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SelectViewer, 1, --_--]
This dialog box is used to select a waveform viewer to use to display a waveform record loaded from a file.
This viewer will be used instead of the any view settings stored in the file or the default settings for the type of
record. After selecting a viewer the standard file open dialog box is displayed. If the user chooses a file other
than a waveform record the viewer settings will have no effect.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SelectRecord, 1, en_US]
When the user selects the Get Waveform Record command this dialog box is used to select a waveform to
Example: /H:0
Set Address /A
Set the initial device address.
Options Description
1 to 254 Device address
Example: /A:5
Open File
Open the named file on start-up.
Options Description
<filename> Name of file to open on start-up
Example: DCD1PS.DAT
Example: /L:Rey200_32.dll
• Rey200_32.dll
Format: /P:<Host Address 1,Host Address 2:Port,Line Selector>
/P:<Host Address:Port,Line Selector>
Options Description
Host Address An IP address in the standard form
Port The socket port number being used e.g. 2000
Line Selector The line selector, in the range 0 to 255
• ReyIec32.dll
Format: /P:<Com Port:Baud Rate,Parity,Data Bits,StopBits>
Options Description
Com Port Any valid com port fitted to the PC, e.g. COM3
Baud Rate Any Valid Baud Rate e.g. 38400
Parity Parity where e=even, o=odd, n=none
Data Bits 7 or 8
Stop Bits 1 or 2
Example: /P:COM1:19200,n,8,1
• ReySock32.dll
Format: /P:<Host Address:Port,Connection Mode>
Options Description
Host Address An IP address in the standard form
Port The socket port number being used e.g. 2000
Connection Mode UDP or TCP. Options #u = UDP, #t = TCP.
Example: /P:,#u
[sc_ReydispEvolution_ComtradeExportDialogue, 1, --_--]
The box is displayed when the user chooses to save a waveform record as a Comtrade file set.
The revision year of the Comtrade standard and the format of the data file can be selected.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CreateSignalsWizardIntroduction, 1, en_US]
This page is just the title page of the wizard, click Next to continue.
Select Function
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CreateSignalsWizardSelectFunction, 1, en_US]
The user should select the function they wish to apply from the list on the left, click Next to continue.
Select Signal(s)
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CreateSignalsWizardSelectSignals, 1, en_US]
The user can then select the signal(s) they wish to apply the function to from the list, click Next to continue.
Name Signal
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CreateSignalsWizardNameSignal, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CreateSignalsWizardConfirm, 1, en_US]
Confirm creation of the signal. Press Back to change any parameters, or click Next to continue.
[sc_ReydispEvolution_CreateSignalsWizardFinish, 1, en_US]
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SaveSettingsAsXML, 1, --_--]
The box is displayed when the user chooses to save settings as an XML file.
Options are available to include a style sheet reference and name it. The Include Full Range option expands
the short description equation into a full range list.