Astm D1298 99
Astm D1298 99
Astm D1298 99
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1.2 Values are measured on a hydrometer at either the
reference temperature or at another convenient temperature, D
Petroleum Products3
5854 Practice for Mixing and Handling of Liquid
of Petroleum and Petroleum Products4
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and readings corrected to the reference temperature by means Samples
of the Petroleum Measurement Tables; values obtained at other E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers5
than the reference temperature being hydrometer readings and E 100 Specification for ASTM Hydrometers5
not density measurements. 2.2 Institute of Petroleum Standards6
1.3 Values determined as density, relative density, orASTMAPI D1298-99
IP 389 Determination of wax appearance temperature
(WAT) of middle distillate fuels by differential thermal
can be converted to equivalent values in the other units
at alternate reference temperatures by means of the Petroleum analysis (DTA) or differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Measurement Tables. IP Standard Methods Book, Appendix A, Specifications – IP
1.4 Annex A1 contains a procedure for verifying or certify- Standard Thermometers
ing the equipment for this test method. 2.3 ISO Standards7
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the ISO 649-1 Laboratory glassware – Density hydrometers for
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the general purpose – Part 1: Specification
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3. Terminology
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 density, n—the mass of liquid per unit volume at 15°C
2. Referenced Documents and 101.325 kPa with the standard unit of measurement being
2.1 ASTM Standards: kilograms per cubic metre.
D 97 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products 2 Discussion—Other reference temperatures, such as
D 323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod- 20°C may be used for some products or in some locations. Less
ucts (Reid Method)2
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02.
1 4
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.03.
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.
D02.02.A0 on Temperature, Density, Physical Properties. Available from Institute of Petroleum, 61 New Cavendish St., London, W1M
Current edition approved June 10, 1999. Published August 1999. Originally 8AR, UK.
published as D 1298–53. Last previous edition D 1298–85 (1990)e1. 7
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W 42nd St., 13th floor,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01. New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 1298 – 99
preferred units of measurement; for example, kg/L or g/mL are 5.4 Density, relative density (specific gravity), or API grav-
still in use. ity is a factor governing the quality and pricing of crude
3.1.2 relative density (specific gravity), n—the ratio of the petroleum. However, this property of petroleum is an uncertain
mass of a given volume of liquid at a specific temperature to indication of its quality unless correlated with other properties.
the mass of an equal volume of pure water at the same or 5.5 Density is an important quality indicator for automotive,
different temperature. Both reference temperatures shall be aviation and marine fuels, where it affects storage, handling
explicitly stated. and combustion. Discussion—Common reference temperatures in- 6. Apparatus
clude 60/60°F, 20/20°C, 20/4°C. The historic deprecated term
specific gravity may still be found. 6.1 Hydrometers, of glass, graduated in units of density,
3.1.3 API gravity, n—a special function of relative density relative density, or API gravity as required, conforming to
(specific gravity) 60/60°F, represented by: Specification E 100 or ISO 649-1, and the requirements given
in Table 1.
° API 5 141.5/~sp gr 60/60°F! 2 131.5 (1)
6.1.1 The user should ascertain that the instruments used for Discussion—No statement of reference temperature this test conform to the requirements set out above with respect
is required, as 60°F is included in the definition. to materials, dimensions, and scale errors. In cases where the
3.1.4 observed values, n—values observed at temperatures instrument is provided with a calibration certificate issued by a
other than the specified reference temperature. These values are recognized standardizing body, the instrument is classed as
only hydrometer readings and not density, relative density certified and the appropriate corrections listed shall be applied
(specific gravity), or API gravity at that other temperature. to the observed readings. Instruments that satisfy the require-
3.1.5 cloud point, n—temperature at which a cloud of wax ments of this test method, but are not provided with a
crystals first appears in a liquid when it is cooled under specific recognized calibration certificate, are classed as uncertified.
conditions. 6.2 Thermometers, having range, graduation intervals and
3.1.6 pour point, n—lowest temperature at which a test maximum permitted scale error shown in Table 2 and conform-
portion of crude petroleum or petroleum product will continue ing to Specification E 1 or IP Appendix A.
iTeh Standards
to flow when it is cooled under specified conditions.
3.1.7 wax appearance temperature (WAT), n—temperature
6.2.1 Alternate measuring devices or systems may be used,
provided that the total uncertainty of the calibrated system is no
at which waxy solids form when a crude petroleum or
petroleum product is cooled under specified conditions.
greater than when using liquid-in-glass thermometers.
6.3 Hydrometer Cylinder, clear glass, plastic (see 6.3.1), or
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4. Summary of Test Method metal. The inside diameter of the cylinder shall be at least 25
mm greater than the outside diameter of the hydrometer and the
4.1 The sample is brought to a specified temperature and a height shall be such that the appropriate hydrometer floats in
test portion is transferred to a hydrometer cylinder that has the test portion with at least 25 mm clearance between the
been brought to approximately the same temperature. The ASTMbottom
D1298-99 of the hydrometer and the bottom of the cylinder.
appropriate hydrometer, also at a similar temperature, is
lowered into the test portion and allowed to settle. After
6.3.1 Hydrometer cylinders constructed of plastic materials
shall be resistant to discoloration or attack by oil samples and
temperature equilibrium has been reached, the hydrometer shall not affect the material being tested. They shall not become
scale is read, and the temperature of the test portion is taken. opaque under prolonged exposure to sunlight.
The observed hydrometer reading is reduced to the reference 6.4 Constant-Temperature Bath, if required, of dimensions
temperature by means of the Petroleum Measurement Tables. If such that it can accommodate the hydrometer cylinder with the
necessary, the hydrometer cylinder and its contents are placed test portion fully immersed below the test portion liquid
in a constant temperature bath to avoid excessive temperature surface, and a temperature control system capable of maintain-
variation during the test. ing the bath temperature within 0.25°C of the test temperature
5. Significance and Use throughout the duration of the test.
5.1 Accurate determination of the density, relative density 6.5 Stirring Rod, optional, of glass or plastic, approximately
(specific gravity), or API gravity of petroleum and its products 400 mm in length.
is necessary for the conversion of measured volumes to TABLE 1 Recommended Hydrometers
volumes or masses, or both, at the standard reference tempera- Units Range ScaleA Meniscus
tures during custody transfer. Each
5.2 This test method is most suitable for determining the Total IntervalA ErrorA Correction
density, relative density (specific gravity), or API gravity of Density, kg/m3 at 15°C 600 - 1100 20 0.2 6 0.2 +0.3
low viscosity transparent liquids. This test method can also be 600 - 1100 50 0.5 6 0.3 +0.7
600 - 1100 50 1.0 6 0.6 +1.4
used for viscous liquids by allowing sufficient time for the
Relative density (specific 0.600 - 1.100 0.020 0.0002 6 0.0002 +0.0003
hydrometer to reach equilibrium, and for opaque liquids by gravity) 60/60°F 0.050 0.0005 6 0.0003 +0.0007
employing a suitable meniscus correction. 0.600 - 1.100 0.050 0.001 6 0.0006 +0.0014
0.600 - 1.100
5.3 When used in connection with bulk oil measurements, Relative density (specific
volume correction errors are minimized by observing the gravity), 60/60°F 0.650 - 1.100 0.050 0.0005 60.0005
hydrometer reading at a temperature close to that of the bulk oil API −1 - +101 12 0.1 6 0.1
temperature. A
Interval and Error relate to Scale.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 1298 – 99
TABLE 2 Recommended Thermometers expansions of a number of typical materials. Since the same coefficients
Scale Range Graduation Interval Scale Error were used in compiling each set of tables, corrections made over the same
temperature interval minimize errors arising from possible differences
°C −1 - +38 0.1 6 0.1
°C −20 - +102 0.2 6 0.15
between the coefficient of the material under test and the standard
°F −5 - +215 0.5 6 0.25 coefficients. This effect becomes more important as temperatures diverge
from the reference temperature.
NOTE 4—The hydrometer reading is obtained at a temperature appro-
priate to the physico-chemical characteristics of the material under test.
7. Sampling This temperature is preferably close to the reference temperature, or when
the value is used in conjunction with bulk oil measurements, within 3°C
7.1 Unless otherwise specified, samples of non-volatile of the bulk temperature (see 5.3).
petroleum and petroleum products shall be taken by the
procedures described in Practices D 4057 and D 4177. 8.1.2 For crude petroleum, bring the sample close to the
7.2 Samples of volatile crude petroleum or petroleum prod- reference temperature or, if wax is present, to 9°C above its
ucts are preferably taken by Practice D 4177, using a variable pour point or 3°C above its cloud point or WAT, whichever is
volume (floating piston) sample receiver to minimize any loss higher.
of light components which may affect the accuracy of the NOTE 5—For crude petroleum an indication of the WAT can be found
density measurement. In the absence of this facility, extreme using IP 389, with the modification of using 50 µL 6 5 µL of sample. The
care shall be taken to minimize these losses, including the precision of WAT for crude petroleum using this technique has not been
transfer of the sample to a chilled container immediately after determined.
sampling. 9. Apparatus Verification or Certification
7.3 Sample Mixing—may be necessary to obtain a test 9.1 Hydrometers and thermometers shall be verified in
portion representative of the bulk sample to be tested, but accordance with the procedures in Annex A1.
precautions shall be taken to maintain the integrity of the
sample during this operation. Mixing of volatile crude petro- 10. Procedure
leum or petroleum products containing water or sediments, or 10.1 Bring the hydrometer cylinder and thermometer to
iTeh Standards
both, or the heating of waxy volatile crude petroleum or
petroleum products may result in the loss of light components.
within approximately 5°C of the test temperature.
10.2 Transfer the sample to the clean, temperature-
The following sections (7.3.1 to 7.3.4) will give some guidance stabilized hydrometer cylinder without splashing, to avoid the
on sample integrity maintenance. formation of air bubbles, and minimize evaporation of the
7.3.1 Volatile Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products lower boiling constituents of more volatile samples.
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Having an RVP Greater than 50 kPa—Mix the sample in its
original closed container in order to minimize the loss of light
NOTE 6—Warning: Extremely flammable. Vapors may cause flash fire!
7.3.2 Waxy Crude Petroleum—If the petroleum has a pour 10.3.1 Samples containing alcohol or other water-soluble
point above 10°C, or a cloud point or WAT above 15°C, warm materials should be placed into the cylinder by siphoning.
the sample to 9°C above the pour point, or 3°C above the cloud 10.4 Remove any air bubbles formed after they have col-
point or WAT, prior to mixing. Whenever possible, mix the lected on the surface of the test portion, by touching them with
sample in its original closed container in order to minimize the a piece of clean filter paper before inserting the hydrometer.
loss of light components. 10.5 Place the cylinder containing the test portion in a
7.3.3 Waxy Distillate—Warm the sample to 3°C above its vertical position in a location free from air currents and where
cloud point or WAT prior to mixing. the temperature of the surrounding medium does not change
7.3.4 Residual Fuel Oils—Heat the sample to the test more than 2°C during the time taken to complete the test.
temperature prior to mixing (see 8.1.1 and Note 4). When the temperature of the test portion differs by more than
7.4 Additional information on the mixing and handling of 2°C from ambient, use a constant temperature bath to maintain
liquid samples will be found in Practice D 5854. an even temperature throughout the test duration.
10.6 Insert the appropriate thermometer or temperature
8. Procedure measurement device and stir the test portion with a stirring rod,
using a combination of vertical and rotational motions to
8.1 Temperature of Test:
ensure uniform temperature and density throughout the hy-
8.1.1 Bring the sample to the test temperature which shall be
drometer cylinder. Record the temperature of the sample to the
such that the sample is sufficiently fluid but not so high as to
nearest 0.1°C and remove the thermometer/temperature mea-
cause the loss of light components, nor so low as to result in the
suring device and stirring rod from the hydrometer cylinder.
appearance of wax in the test portion.
NOTE 8—If a liquid-in-glass thermometer is used, this is commonly
NOTE 2—The density, relative density or API gravity determined by the
used as the stirring rod.
hydrometer is most accurate at or near the reference temperature.
NOTE 3—The volume and density, the relative density, and the API 10.7 Lower the appropriate hydrometer into the liquid and
corrections in the Petroleum Measurement Tables are based on the average release when in a position of equilibrium, taking care to avoid