CBSE-10 English Solved Paper-20

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CBSE Board Examination – 2024

ENGLISH (Language and Literature)

Solved Paper
Maximum Marks: 80
Time allowed: 3 hours
Genetal Instructions:
Read the instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:
(i) This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper contains THREE sections –
  Section–A: Reading Skills
  Section–B: Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
(iii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Delhi Set–1 2/1/1

economic growth, but also as a means of leading

a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral
and spiritual life. This is captured in the culture
conventions, which provide a solid basis for
1. Read the text given below: 10 Marks the promotion of cultural diversity. Cultural
(1) Held every year on 21 May, UNESCO leads the diversity is thus an asset that is indispensable
celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity for poverty reduction and the achievement of
for Dialogue and Development highlighting not sustainable development.
only the richness of the world’s cultures, but also (5) At the same time, acceptance and recognition
the essential role of intercultural dialogue for of cultural diversity in particular through
achieving peace and sustainable development. innovative use of media and Information
(2) A recent international emergency has proved and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are
the intrinsic value of the cultural and creative conducive to dialogue among civilisations and
sector at generating social cohesion, educational cultures, respect and mutual understanding.
resource or personal well–being in times of crisis. (6) In 2001, UNESCO adopted the Universal
It has also underscored the sector’s potential to Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Next, in
generate economic growth, something which is December 2002, the UN General Assembly,
too often underestimated. in its resolution 57/249, declared May 21 to
(3) With the adoption in September 2015 of the 2030 be the World Day for Cultural Diversity for
Agenda for Sustainable Development by the Dialogue and Development and in 2015, the
United Nations and the resolution on Culture Second Committee of the UN General Assembly
and Sustainable Development adopted by unanimously adopted the resolution on Culture
the UN General Assembly in December 2015, and Sustainable Development, affirming
the message of the World Day for Cultural culture’s contribution to the three dimensions
Diversity for Dialogue and Development is of sustainable development, acknowledging
more important than ever. The 17 Sustainable further the natural and cultural diversity of
Development Goals (SDGs) can best be achieved the world and recognising that cultures and
by drawing upon the creative potential of civilisations can contribute to and are crucial
the world’s diverse cultures and engaging in enablers of, sustainable development.
continuous dialogue to ensure that all members (7) The day provides us with an opportunity to
of society benefit from sustainable development. deepen our understanding of the values of
(4) Bridging the gap between cultures is urgent cultural diversity and to achieve the goals of
and necessary for peace, stability and the UNESCO Convention on the Protection
development. Cultural diversity is a driving and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural
force of development, not only with respect to Expressions adopted on 20 October 2005.

Answer the following questions based on the above 2. Read the extract given below: 10 Marks
passage:10 (1) The National Education Policy 2020 proposes
(i) Based on the reading and understanding of the revision and revamping of all aspects of
the above passage, list 2 points to describe the education, including the educational structure,
purpose of UNESCO leading the celebration of regulations and governance, to create a new
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue system which is aligned with the aspirational
and Development. 1 goals of 21st century students. According to the
(a) ______________ policy, by 2025, at least 50% of learners through
(b) ______________ the school and higher education system shall
(ii) Select the option that corresponds to the have exposure to skill education, for which a
meaning of the following sentence from para clear action plan with targets and timelines are
(2). 1 to be developed.
The recent international emergency has proved (2) The policy aims to overcome the social status
the intrinsic value of the cultural and creative hierarchy associated with skill education and
sector at generating social cohesion, educational integration of skill education into mainstream
resource or personal well–being in times of education in all educational institutions in a
crisis. phased manner. Beginning with skill exposure
at early ages in middle and secondary school,
(A) the real worth of cultural sector at generating
quality skill education will be integrated
social cohesion during pandemics
smoothly into school and higher education.
(B) the real worth of creative sector at undermining
(3) Every child will learn at least one skill and
the social cohesion during an international
is exposed to several more. This would lead
to emphasising the dignity of labour and
(C) questioning the real worth of creative sector importance of various vocations involving
at generating education resource during an Indian arts and artisanship.
international emergency
(4) The development of skill capacities will go
(D) highlighting the real worth of cultural and hand–in–hand with the development of
creative sector at generating social cohesion and ‘academic’ or other capacities. To achieve
educational resource during an international this objective, secondary schools will have to
emergency. collaborate with Industrial Training Institutes
(iii) Based on your reading of the passage, examine in (ITIs), Polytechnics, Local Industry, etc. Skill labs
about 40 words how Sustainable Development will also be set up and created in the schools in
Goals can be achieved. 2 a hub and spoke model, which will allow other
(iv) What is the tone of the writer in the given line schools to use the facility. Higher education
from paragraph (4)? Rationalise your response institutions will offer skill education either on
in about 40 words: 2 their own or in partnership with industry and
“Cultural diversity is an asset.” other institutions.
(v) The phrase ‘bridging the gap’ in paragraph (4) The Global Scenario of Students in Skill
refers to: 1 Education Sector.
(A) widening the differences
(B) connecting two desparate ideas
(C) supporting the bridging
(D) filling in the space between two connected
(vi) In sets a–e below, identify two sets of synonyms.1
a. richness and poverty
b. intellectual and moral
c. reduction and promotion
d. essential and intrinsic
e. urgent and crucial
(A) a and c (B) b and e Based on your understanding of the extract, answer
(C) d and e (D) b and d the questions given below: 10
(vii) Complete the sentence appropriately: 1 (i) Based on the reading of the extract, list 2
The Second Committee of UN General Assembly objectives of NEP 2020. 2
in 2015 adopted ___________. (ii) Fill in the blank with appropriate option from
those given in the brackets, based on the
(viii) Complete the following sentence: 1
understanding of paragraph (4).
___________is urgent and necessary for peace, The statement:
stability and development.
Solved Paper - 2024 xix
“The development of skill capacities will enough to captivate my taste buds.
go hand–in–hand with the development
Error Correction
of academic or other capacities” is a/an
____________ (fact/opinion) because it is a/an
__________ (subjective judgement/objective Use the above format for your response.
detail).1 (iii) Raashi and Ratul had a conversation about
(iii) Select the option that corresponds to the volunteer work. Report Raashi’s question.
meaning of the statement given below: Raashi: What challenges have you faced while
“According to the policy, by 2025, at least 50% volunteering?
of learners through the school and higher Ratul: The main challenge is dealing with
education system shall have exposure to skill different personalities, but it’s also a great
education.” 1 learning experience.
(A) Maximum 50% learners shall have exposure to (iv) Read the dialogue between a librarian and a
technical education. student.
(B) Minimum 50% learners shall have exposure to Librarian: Welcome back! It’s good to see you,
technical education. young man!
(C) Minimum 50% learners shall have exposure to Student: Thanks! I was overloaded with
skill education. assignments, so I have not visited the library this
(D) Maximum 50% learners shall have exposure to week.
skill education. Based on the conversation above, report the
(iv) Based on the understanding of the passage, dialogue between a librarian and a student by
complete the following statement appropriately: completing the sentence.
The benefit of the hub and spoke model will The librarian greeted the student warmly,
be_________________. 1 expressing pleasure at his visit. The student
thanked her and explained that _________
(v) Complete the following analogy correctly with a
which had limited his recent visits to the library.
word / phrase from paragraph (3):
Select the correct option from those given below:
Racism: condemn:: ________: respect 1
(A) he had been overloaded with assignments
(vi) As per the Global Scenario which country has
(B) he has been overloaded with assignments
the maximum percentage of students in Skill (C) he was overloaded with assignments
Education and what can be the possible reason? (D) he is overloaded with assignments
2 (v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
(vii) Fill in the following blank choosing the most in the bracket, to complete the sentence:
appropriate option from the ones given below: The revised meeting agenda is attached and
As per NEP 2020, skill exposure will begin at ________ (this/those/it) needs to be emailed to
_______________________. 1 all participants before the meeting.
(A) middle and secondary school (vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
(B) primary school given sentence from an e–commerce website’s
(C) higher school return policy.
(D) senior secondary school We offers a 30–day return policy on all unopened
(viii) Justify the statement ‘The NEP will create an products purchased from our websites.
awareness and appreciation of Indian arts and Use the given format for your response:
artisanship.’ 1
Error Correction

(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE 20 MARKS supplies the correction for the sentence from a
WRITING SKILLS public health campaign.
The campaign’s goal is to increase physical
GRAMMAR activity among the younger.
3. Complete ANY TEN of the following twelve tasks,
as directed: 10×1 = 10 Option Error Correction
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the
(A) activity activities
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a
letter: (B) goal goals
Dear Sir (C) younger youth
In response to your query, the document
that ___________ (explain) our country’s (D) is are
sustainability initiatives has been attached for
(viii) Complete the given narrative by filling in the
your consideration.
blank with the correct option:
(ii) Read the given sentence. Identify the error and
supply the correction in the sentence: The internship at the tech startup had me
The uniquely flavoured dish was interestingly __________________ excited about the potential

of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily
(A) feeling (B) felt emphasising the participation of school children
(C) to feel (D) feels in such programmes as part of voluntary
community service. Highlight the benefits of
(ix) Report the dialogue between a vendor and his participation in such activities. 5
customer, by completing the sentence:
5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
Vendor: You look a little different today!
(A) The visual given shows the life cycle of a
Customer: Yes, I just got a new haircut. butterfly. Study the information carefully and
The vendor noticed that his customer’s then summarise it in the form of an analytical
appearance had changed and asked him about paragraph. Make comparisons and draw
it. The customer admitted this, citing the fact conclusions wherever applicable. 5
that __________________ Life Cycle of Butterfly
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
to complete the sentence to update the result of
the regional science fair:
We have exciting news to share!
Our school ___________ first place in the
regional science fair.
(A) awarded (B) was awarded
(C) had awarded (D) has been awarded
(xi) Complete the line from a song by filling the
blank with the correct option:
The morning dew captures your essence,
The flowers and grass _______ your colour,
The Sunrise embraces your arrival,
As the dawn welcomes a new day. OR
(A) reflect (B) reflects (B) Study the table given below which shows the
data on the hobbies of students during summer
(C) reflected (D) shall reflect
vacations. Write an analytical paragraph in about
(xii) Identify the error and supply correction for the 120 words analysing what hobbies do boys and
given sentence: girls choose in their summer vacations:
The public health campaign aimed in increase
awareness of the risks associated with underage Hobbies Boys Girls
drinking. Singing 7% 25%
Use the given format for your response: Photography 35% 5%
Error Correction Playing 30% 16%
Dancing 13% 40%


Note: All details presented in the questions are
imaginary and created for assessment purpose: SECTION–C
4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
(A) There are daily reports in the newspaper of fatal LITERATURE TEXTBOOK 40 MARKS
accidents due to reckless driving and road rage.
Write a letter to the Commissioner of Traffic 6. Read the following extracts and answer the
Police in about 120 words suggesting the need questions for ANY ONE of the given two:
to take stricter action against the offenders. (A) On the day of the inauguration, I was
Recommend the use of social media to launch overwhelmed with a sense of history. In the
awareness campaigns about the implications of first decade of the 20th century a few years
irresponsible driving. You are Shantanu / Savita, after the bitter Anglo–Boer war and before my
living at B–108 Krishi Apartments. 5 own birth, the white skinned people of South
OR Africa patched up their differences and created
(B) A leading communication company ‘Savera’ a system of racial domination against the dark–
is sponsoring a half marathon run in your city skinned people of their own land. The structure
to raise funds for ‘Koshish’ an orphanage. You they created formed the basis of one of the
are Roshini/Roshan, school captain of Adarsh harshest, most inhumane societies the world
Vidyalaya. You are leading a batch of hundred has ever known. Now, in the last decade of the
students in the half marathon to be held in your twentienth century and my own eighth decade
city. as a man, that system has been overturned
Solved Paper - 2024 xxi
forever and replaced by one that recognised the Baring his white fangs, his claws,
rights and freedoms of all peoples, regardless of Terrorising the village!
the colour of their skin. (i) State any one point of contrast between the tiger
(i) Explain the feelings of the narrator when he said; in the zoo and in its natural habitat. 1
“I was overwhelmed with a sense of history.” 1 (ii) When the speaker suggests that the tiger should
(ii) The system of racial domination has been be “Snarling around houses at the jungle’s
replaced by a system that: 1 edge”? What does he insinuate about the tiger’s
(A) confirms the education of the Blacks. natural behaviour and habitat? 1
(B) recognises the rights and freedoms of all people. (iii) The poet’s skillful use of imagery effectively
(C) recollects the bitter experiences. depicts the confinement and frustration of the
(D) focuses on the personality development. tiger. Elaborate in about 40 words. 2
(iii) Comment on the kind of society apartheid had (iv) Which phrase would correctly substitute ‘quiet
created? 2 rage’ in the given sentence from the extract?
(iv) Which phrase would correctly substitute The few steps of his cage on pads of velvet quiet
‘patched up’ in the given sentence from the in his ‘quiet rage.’ 1
extract: OR
“...the white skinned people of South Africa (B) No use to say ‘O there are other balls
patched up their differences...” 1 An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
OR As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
(B) I started right away at the Montessori Nursery All his young days into the harbour where his
School. I stayed there until I was six, at which ball went.
time I started in the first form. In the sixth form, I would not intrude on him,
my teacher was Mrs. Kuperus, the headmistress. A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
At the end of the year we were both in tears as
He senses first responsibility
we said a heartbreaking farewell. In the summer
of 1941, Grandma fell ill and had to have an In a world of possessions. People will take
operation, so my birthday passed with little Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy
celebration. And no one buys a ball back. Money is external
(i) “In the summer of 1941, Grandma fell ill and He is learning......
had to have an operation, so my birthday passed (i) Which of the following best describes the
with little celebration.” State any one inference speaker’s attitude towards the boy’s reaction to
about Anne from the above context. 1 losing his ball? 1
(ii) The first education of Anne started at_______. 1 (A) indifferent as the ball is inexpensive
(A) some Kindergarten School (B) sympathetic, understanding the depth of the
(B) a Nursery School boy’s loss
(C) Montessori Nursery School (C) mocking, finding the boy’s reaction exaggerated
(D) Elementary School and unnecessary.
(D) panicked, sharing the boy’s distress over the lost
(iii) Who was Mrs. Kuperus? What kind of
relationship did Anne share with her? 2
(ii) Comment on the use of metaphor in the above
(iv) Substitute the word ‘heartbreaking’ with a word
extract. 1
similar in meaning in the following sentence:
(iii) Explain the phrase ‘all his young days into the
“At the end of the year we were both in tears as harbour’ with reference to the extract. 1
we said a heartbreaking farewell.” 1 (iv) Briefly state in about 40 words the boy’s journey
7. Read the following extracts and answer the from ‘shaking grief ’ to ‘he is learning’ in the
questions for ANY ONE of the given two: above extract. 2
(A) He stalks in his vivid stripes 8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions
The few steps of his cage, in 40–50 words each: 4×3 = 12
On pads of velvet quiet, (i) What mood of the poet is reflected in the poem
In his quiet rage. ‘Dust of Snow’ initially? What images are used
by the poet to bring about the effect? Comment.
He should be lurking in shadow,
(ii) How far would you agree that one’s positivity
Sliding through long grass can bring in a spark of brightness even in
Near the water pole adverse circumstances?
Where plump deer pass. (iii) What makes Custard, the dragon look fearsome?
He should be snarling around houses
(iv) Explain, why the speaker mentions God in the
At the jungle’s edge, poem “For Anne Gregory”.

(v) What message might the Buddha’s story hold Childhood memories remind us of the days
for those who are in positions of power and gone by.....
privilege? Reference: A Baker from Goa and Nelson
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions Mandela: Long Walk 6
in 40–50 words each: 2×3=6 (ii) Amanda from the poem ‘Amanda’ is a teenager
(i) Scientists contribute to make the world a better like Anne Frank and lives in her fantasy
place. Griffin is an antithesis to this statement. world whereas Anne is a chatter box. What
Justify. (Footprints Without Feet) conversation will Anne Frank have with
(ii) Why did Bholi’s teacher feel like an artist Amanda about different perspectives of life?
admiring her masterpiece? (Bholi) Write your answer in about 120 words. 6
(iii) What is the twist at the end of the story “The 11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions
Necklace’? (The Necklace) in 100–120 words:
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions (i) How did the lady in red manage to outsmart
in 100–120 words: and out maneuver the other thief, Horace
(i) In the chapter ‘A Baker from Goa’ the narrator Danby, by robbing the safe without leaving a
talks about his childhood in Goa and his single fingerprint? (A Question of Trust) 6
fond memories. In about 120 words write a (ii) Hari Singh says– “He knew it but neither his lips
presentation draft comparing the childhood nor his eyes showed anything.”
of the narrator in ‘A Baker from Goa’ to that of Anil successfully addressed the situation by not
Nelson Mandela. addressing it at all. Elaborate based on your
You may begin this way: reading of The Thief ’s Story. 6
Delhi Set–2 2/1/2
Note: Except the following all other Questions are from Delhi Set-1

Ratul: Seeing the positive impact we can make

SECTION–B in people’s lives is the most rewarding part.
Select the correct option to complete the
reporting of the above dialogue.
WRITING SKILLS Raashi asked Ratul about the most rewarding
part of volunteering. Ratul expressed that seeing
the _____________ is the most rewarding part.
3. Complete ANY TEN of the following twelve tasks,
as directed: 10×1 = 10 (A) positive impact we can make in people’s lives
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the (B) positive impact they can make in people’s lives
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a (C) positive impact they could make in people’s
letter: lives
Dear Sir (D) positive impact we could make in people’s lives
It was agreed that the teacher would _______ (v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
(organise) the science fair for the students of from the bracket, to complete the sentence:
grade 8. The quarterly performance report is attached
(ii) Read the given sentence from a recipe review and _________ (these/that/it) requires immediate
article. Identify the error and supply the attention from the management team.
correction in the sentence: (vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
The soup recipe didn’t turned out as expected, given sentence taken from a case study:
it was lacking in flavour. “We specialises in arranging bespoke tours to
Use the given format for your response: exotic locations around the world.”
Error Correction Error Correction

(iii) Read the conversation given below between a (vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
receptionist and a guest. Complete the sentence supplies the correction in the given sentence:
by filling in the blank: She wants to learns how to play the piano.
Receptionist: Good to see you again, sir!
Guest: Indeed, it’s always nice to be back here. Option Error Correction
The guest replied that______________. (A) want wanted
(iv) Read the dialogue between Raashi and Ratul (B) learns learn
regarding volunteer work: (C) play played
Raashi: What is the most rewarding part of
volunteering? (D) play plays
Solved Paper - 2024 xxiii
(viii) The management felt that the company include communication. Include a reference to your
corporate social responsibility as part of its previous letter. Remember to mention quantity,
mission statement and work for the betterment quality, mode of payment, delivery date and
of society. discount. 5
(A) must (B) ought 5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
(C) need (D) might (A) The chart given below displays data about the
(ix) Report the dialogue between a vendor and his number of gyms and the number of members in
customer, by completing the sentence: your city over the past decade.
Vendor: Have you been busy lately? Write a paragraph analysing the given data:
Customer: Yes, I have been very occupied with Number of gyms opening up in the past decade
work this week.
The vendor asked his customer if he had been
busy of late. The customer confirmed this,
stating that________.
(x) The residents __________ eagerly for the young
ones to visit them every Sunday and bring cheer
to their lonely lives:
(A) has waited (B) has been waiting
(C) were waiting (D) waited
(xi) Complete the line from a self awareness song,
by filling in the blank with the correct option:
The autumn breeze cradles your thoughts, 5
The falling leaves _______ your melancholy, OR
The Sunset paints your mood, (B) You are a teacher in New City Global School. The
As the evening ushers in the night. given bar graph shows a comparative analysis
(A) share (B) shares of students’ performance in different subjects in
(C) shared (D) shall share the terminal exam. Write an analytical paragraph
(xii) Identify the error and supply correction for this on the variation in the performances of students
line from a health study: in about 120 words:
The research explores the correlation of physical
activity and mental health.
Use the given format for your response:
Error Correction


Note: All details presented in the questions are
imaginary and created for assessment purpose:
4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
(A) You are Soumya/Soham, living at 43–B, Blue
Apartments, Prashant Lok. You wish to take up a
three–week summer course in baking after finishing
your class X board exams. Write a letter in about
120 words, to the Principal of Excellent Cooking, Subjects
Block–D, Mahesh Enclave, seeking information
about the course structure, course duration, fees,
class timings, on job trainings, etc. 5 SECTION–C
(B) You are Punit/Punita of Eric India Pvt. Ltd., LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
Saman Chowk. You have received the reply
to your letter of inquiry from Lifeway India 9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions
Company. You feel confident about the in 40–50 words each: 2×3=6
company’s terms and conditions. Write a letter (iii) Why was Madam Loisel shocked at the end of
placing an order for the furniture for your
the story?
office, that you had mentioned in the previous

Delhi Set-3 2/1/3

Note: Except the following all other Questions are from Delhi Set-1 & 2

Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
GRAMMAR supplies the correction in the given sentence
3. Complete ANY TEN of the following twelve tasks, from a public health campaign:
as directed: 10×1 = 10 The campaign encourages parents to reducing
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the screen time for their children.
word in the bracket, for the given portion of an Option Error Correction
(A) to for
You will find in this email a brochure that
________ (present) the various tourist attractions (B) for to
in our city, aimed at boosting local tourism. (C) reducing reduce
(ii) Read the given sentence. Identify the error and (D) encourages encourage
supply the correction in the sentence:
She don’t like chocolate ice–cream. (viii) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the
Use the given format for your response: blank with the correct option:
The chance to mentor a group of underprivileged
Error Correction students helped me _______ the educational
disparities in our society.
(A) understanding (B) understood
(iii) Read the conversation between a hostess and a
(C) to understand (D) may understand
(ix) Report the dialogue between a vendor and his
Complete the sentence by filling in the blank
customer, by completing the sentence:
based on the conversation:
Hostess: Wonderful to see you again, sir! Vendor: Are you feeling alright today?
Customer: Thanks, I couldn’t resist your Customer: Yes, I’m doing much better than
delicious food. before.
The customer responded that ______________. The vendor asked his customer if he was feeling
(iv) Read the dialogue between Raashi and Ratul okay. The customer responded positively saying
regarding volunteer work: that __________ .
Raashi: Have you encouraged others to (x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to
volunteer? complete the live feed on a school news channel:
Ratul: Absolutely, I always encourage In a miraculous turn of events, the Sunview
my friends and family to consider School hockey team ______ the championship
volunteering. trophy.
Select the correct option to complete the (A) has been lifting (B) had lifted
reporting of the above dialogue: (C) lifted (D) will lift
Raashi asked Ratul ________. Ratul affirmed that (xi) Complete the line from a song, by filling in the
he always encourages his friends and family to blank with the correct option:
consider volunteering. In the night, the stars ________ your dreams,
(A) whether he encouraged others to volunteer The moonlight guides your course,
(B) whether he had encouraged others to volunteer
The cool breeze whispers your name,
(C) whether he encourages others to volunteer
Leading you towards a new dawn.
(D) whether he is encouraging others to volunteer
(A) shines (B) shine
(v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
from the bracket, to complete the sentence: (C) shone (D) shining
Attached are the departmental performance (xii) Identify the error and supply correction for the
reports and _______ (it/these/them) should be following note in an environmental study:
reviewed by each department head. The study examines the relation of carbon
(vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the emissions and global warming.
given sentence taken from a case study: Use the given format for your response:
The 2020 research study pay attention to the
Error Correction
relationship between high levels of stress and
employee productivity.
Solved Paper - 2024 xxv
Note: A
ll details presented in the questions are No. (%) (%)
imaginary and created for assessment purpose:
1. Reading books and comics 12% 25%
4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
(A) You are Aman/Amita, living at 45–B, Bellaview 2. Watching movies and songs 15% 35%
Nagar. You want information about the French 3. Talking to their friends 10% 20%
language course at La–France institute, Mohan
4. Watching sports 16% 4%
Circle. Write a letter in about 120 words to the
Director, Foreign Language enquiring about the 5. Playing outdoor and indoor games 40% 20%
details of the courses offered by the institution. OR
In your letter include eligibility, duration of (B) Read the following excerpt taken from an article
different courses, medium of instruction, that appeared in the magazine section of a local
examination cycle, etc. 5 daily: 5
OR “A recent study has revealed that the prevalence
of obesity among school children is on a steady
(B) The residents of Sunshine Society had put up
rise. Consumption of food with high glycaemic
a weekend carnival to raise funds for ‘Apeksha’ index, change in sleep patterns, reduced
a home for physically challenged. All items on physical activity and the increased screen time
sale were made by the residents themselves. has been linked to obesity in children. This is an
As President of the society, Adil Kumar, write a emerging public health problem in the country.”
letter in 120 words to the editor of the local daily, Taking help from the above, write an analytical
about this experience, appreciating the effort of paragraph for your school magazine in about
the residents. Suggest how citizens must reach 120 words. You are Sonika/Sahil.
out to their communities, volunteer time and
render help in any way they can. 5 SECTION–C
5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
(A) Teenagers have different tastes in spending LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
their free time. The following data shows
how teenagers spend their free time. Write 9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions
an analytical paragraph in about 120 words in 40–50 words each: 2×3=6
analysing how boys and girls spend their free (iii) What is common about the role that Dr.
time: 5 Urquhart and Mr. Weiherer played in Richard
Ebright’s life? Describe any one commonality
with evidence from the text “The Making of a

Outside Delhi Set–1 1/4/1

naturally occurring continual renewal makes

SECTION–A them inexhaustible. However, alternative
energy sources are exhaustible and therefore
READING SKILLS 20 MARKS not renewable. That’s the difference!
(4) The equipment necessary to harness energy
1. Read the following text: [10] from alternative sources used to be so expensive
(1) Fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas) are our that it wasn’t practical for consumer use.
most traditional sources for power generation. However, thanks to increased demand, more
The energy that’s produced from any source experienced energy developers, competitive
other than fossil fuels is termed as alternative supply chains, improved renewable
energy. Between the two sources, using technologies and enhanced energy efficiency
alternative energy has a lower environmental capabilities, that’s no longer the case.
impact. (5) When it comes to energy efficiency, the leader
(2) We now know that alternative energy sources of the renewable energy pack is wind energy.
are the sources we use to supplement or even Behind wind comes geothermal energy,
replace traditional energy sources used for hydropower, nuclear energy and then solar
power generation. You could almost say the power. Wind power serves both individuals and
same thing about renewable energy sources. entire communities. It is versatile and can be
But there is one subtle difference between the produced from small–scale windmills or wind
two. All renewable energy sources fall under turbines on residential properties. It can also be
the category of alternative energy sources, but produced from large–scale offshore wind farms
it doesn’t work the other way around. in the ocean.
(3) That’s because renewable energy sources are (6) We generate geothermal power by tapping into
derived from naturally replenished sources or underground reservoirs of hot water and steam.
processes of Earth, such as the sun, wind and Geothermal electricity can directly heat and
water. We refer to these resources as renewable cool buildings. Generated from the energy of
or sustainable since, unlike fossil fuels, this moving water, hydroelectricity (also known as

hydropower) is produced when water behind (D) Alternative energy sources are the emerging
a dam causes turbine blades to move as it flows energy trends and are still evolving.
through an intake. The turbine blades then (viii) State whether the following statement is True or
rotate a generator to produce electricity that is False with reference to the given extract. 1
sent to power homes. Hydroelectricity as a renewable energy source is
(7) Nuclear energy is created in the form of heat used for residential as well as commercial purposes.
through the fission process of atoms. The initial
fission process creates energy and triggers a 2. Read the passage given below: [10]
chain reaction that repeats the process and (1) Mango (Mangifera indica) is Asia’s most popular
generates more energy. In nuclear power fruit and it has gained popularity around the
plants, the heat that fission produces creates world. It has long been a component of culture
steam. The steam then rotates a turbine, which and religion as a useful and tasty fruit. In
leads to the production of electricity. addition to taste, it has many good qualities
(8) Solar power most commonly refers to the use thus making it to be called as ‘King of Fruits”.
of solar cells to create energy. On a small scale, Major mango–growing states in India include
you may see a few solar panels on a house roof Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka,
used to produce energy for just that one home. Bihar, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh
On a larger scale, you may see a solar farm used and Uttar Pradesh are the leading states in
as a power plant to produce electricity for its mango production.
consumers. (2) Mango is grown in an area of 5.58 million
Answer the following questions, based on the above
hectares of area in the world. India is the largest
producer of mangoes with 46.02 and 45.88
(i) Which of the following statements best describes the
difference between renewable energy sources and percent of the total world area and production,
alternate energy sources? 1 respectively. However, India being the major
(A) Alternative energy sources are more expensive shareholder in terms of mango production,
than renewable energy sources. exports only 0.52% of its total production
(B) Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible indicating the huge gap in exporting of
whereas alternate energy sources could be mangoes. Peru exports about 46%, Thailand
exhaustible. 24%, Mexico 18% and Brazil 11% of their total
(C) Alternative energy sources are as renewable as mango production. These countries are the
bigger challenges for Indian mango exports.
renewable energy sources.
Hence, efforts are needed to evolve cheap
(D) Renewable energy sources are exhaustible but
transportation mechanism, increase the trade
alternative energy sources are inexhaustible.
(ii) What is the tone of the writer in the given lines agreements with major importing countries and
from para (4)? Rationalise your response in about 40 enhance the productivity.
words. 2 (3) The top importing country is United States
“However, thanks to increased demand, more of America, however, India exports only two
experienced energy developers, competitive supply percent of its total exports to the USA. The
chains, improved renewable technologies and USA, European countries, the UK, Malaysia and
enhanced energy efficiency capabilities, that’s no Russia can be the other hotspots where India
longer the case”. can target to export the mangoes. The critical
(iii) Complete the sentence appropriately: 1 issue for exporting to the USA is transportation
In the past, alternative energy sources were not cost (due to sea route distance) and limited shelf
used much by the consumers because ______. life of mango, while for Europe transportation
(iv) The passage includes some words that are opposites costs as well as competition by African countries
of each other. From the sets (a) to (e) below, identify are the major hurdles.
two sets of antonyms: 1
The following chart shows the major export
(A) generate and produce
destinations of Indian mangoes in 2019–20:
(B) exhaustible and inexhaustible Table : Major export destinations of Indian
(C) subtle and versatile mangoes in 2019–20 :
(D) power and energy
(E) sustainable and exhaustible S.No. Country Percentage
(v) Who is the leader of renewable energy pack and 1. U.S.A. 2
why? 1
2. Kuwait 2
(vi) Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in
about 40 words, the difference between geothermal 3. Saudi Arabia 3
electricity and hydroelectricity. 2 4. Qatar 6
(vii) What is the message conveyed by the passage? 1 5. Bangladesh 6
(A) Only those energy sources should be used 6. Oman 7
which are renewable. 7. U.K. 9
(B) Wind energy is a renewable as well as 8. Nepal 24
inexhaustible source of energy. 9. United Arab Emirates 33
(C) There are plenty of renewable energy sources 10. Bahrain 2
that can be used to replace traditional energy 11. Others 6
sources. (Adapted for academic usage.)
Solved Paper - 2024 xxvii
Answer the following questions, based on the
Yoga should help lower blood pressure, cholesterol
passage above: and blood sugar, all of which are not good for your
(i) Complete the following analogy appropriately, heart and blood vessels.
based on your understanding of Para (1) 1
Use the given format for your response.
We can say that for becoming the king of jungle,
Lion has to be the strongest, bravest and the fiercest. Error Correction
Similarly, Mango is known as the king as the king of
fruits because ________. 1
(ii) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option (iii) ‘Manthan and Sonalika had a conversation about
from those given in brackets, based on your Sonalika’s job interview. 1
understanding of Para (2): 1 Report Manthan’s question.
The statement that, India is the largest producer How are you preparing for the interview?
of Mangoes with 45.88 percent of the total world (iv) Read the dialogue between Meher and her mother,
production can be attributed to Indian orchardists, regarding Meher’s dance classes. 1
is a/an _____ (fact/opinion) because it is a/an _______ Mother: Are you enjoying your dance classes?
(subjective judgement/objective detail) Meher: Oh Yes! I am loving it. It is so refreshing to
(iii) Justify the following in about 40 words: 2 attend them after a long day.
India being the major shareholder in terms of Select the correct option to complete the reporting
mango production, exports only 0.52% of its total of the above dialogue.
production. Meher’s mother asked her ______. In response,
(iv) Based on the table, which three countries were at Meher exclaimed and said that she was loving it.
par with each other in terms of mango import from She added that it was very refreshing to attend them
India in 2019–20? 1 after a long day.
(v) The top mango importing country is the U.S.A., (A) whether the dance classes were being enjoyed
however, India exports only two percent of its total by her
exports to the U.S.A. State any one inference that (B) whether she is enjoying her dance classes
can be drawn from this. 1 (C) whether she was enjoying her dance classes
(vi) In the given sentence taken from para–2, select the (D) whether the dance classes are being enjoyed by
option that correctly replaces the underlined word, her
with its most likely antonym. 1 (v) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option,
These countries are the bigger challenges for Indian to complete the line of a circular issued by an
mango exports. organisation, to its stakeholders. 1
(A) enigmas (B) solutions In order to enable the stakeholders to ____ (access/
(C) provocations (D) disputes assess/accent) all the applicable circulars at one place,
(vii) Why is India described as the largest producer of the provisions of the circulars issued till January 6,
mangoes in the world? (Answer in about 40 words.)2 2024, are incorporated in this master circular.
(viii) Which of the following is the main takeaway from (vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the given
the study mentioned in the passage? 1 sentence from a company’s orientation programme:
(A) India needs to produce more mangoes so that 1
more can be exported. A founder’s goal, during the first phase, is to learn
(B) The UAE imported most mangoes from India in how to obtain feedback on low prospective and real
2019–20. customers are experience the product.
Use the given format for your response.
(C) India is the largest producer of mangoes and by
putting in more efforts, has the potential to be Error Correction
the largest exporter too.
(D) More study is needed to find ways to increase
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
the export of mangoes from India.
supplies the correction for a line from a Research
Report: 1
SECTION–B In many low and middle income countries, health
coverage has improved dramatically in the last two
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE 20 MARKS decades, but health outcomes may not.
WRITING SKILLS Option No Error Correction

GRAMMAR A has have

3. Complete any ten of the following twelve tasks, as B improved improve
directed: 10 × 1 = 10 C may have
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the D but thus
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter:
Therefore, I request you to please consider this (viii) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank
request of ________ (construct) a park in our society with the correct option: 1
so that each and every person can benefit and Excited about his newly earned powers, Midas
we can enjoy a healthy environment amidst the started touching all kinds of things, _____ each item
concrete jungle. 1 into pure gold.
(ii) Read the given sentence from an article on Yoga. (A) to turning (B) turning
Identify the error and supply the correction in the (C) turned (D) turns
sentence: 1
(ix) Report the dialogue between two friends, Nidhi and we are already surviving with around 1700–1800
Neha, by completing the sentences: 1 cubic metres per year. As our demand for water has
Nidhi: Have you mastered the art of cooking increased drastically over the years, per capita water
Chinese food? availability has taken a beating.1×5=5
Neha: Yes, indeed! I have been cooking Chinese
Based on the given table, write an analytical
food for a month.
paragraph, in about 120 words, analysing the
Nidhi asked Neha if she had mastered the art
possible causes of water scarcity in the future.
of cooking Chinese food. Neha answered in the
affirmative and explained that ______. Table on water availability
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option Year Population Per capita water
to complete the part of the disclaimer given in a (Million) availability (m3/year)
textbook: 1
The authors of the book_____ all reasonable care to 1951 361 5177
ensure that the contents of the book do not violate 1955 395 4732
any copyright or other intellectual property rights of 1991 846 2209
any person in any manner.
(A) has been taking (B) have taken 2001 1027 1820
(C) has taken (D) have been took 2025 1394 1341
(xi) Complete the slogan, by filling in the blank with the
2050 1640 1140
correct option: 1
Planting a tree is a very noble deed and ________ OR
the earth from global warming ! (B) There are many types of bottles available in the
(A) saves (B) saving market. This chart compares the disadvantages and
(C) had saved (D) should save advantages of various types of bottles. Based on
(xii) Identify the error and supply correction for the the chart, write an analytical paragraph, in about
following note in a toaster’s instruction manual: 1 120 words, analysing the pros and cons of each and
Use this appliance only for its intentional use as selecting a suitable one.
described in this manual. Do not use attachments
that are not recommended by the manufacturer.
Environmentally Friendly?

Use the given format for your response.

Dish washer safe?

Chemical Free?

Easy to Clean?
Error Correction





4. (a) As Nalini Sharda of 409, Surya Apartments,
Gopalpur, you believe that pedestrian safety is very
important. Footpaths on both sides of the main
roads of your city need major repairs and on some
stretches they need to be constructed. Glass Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No

Write a letter to the MLA of your city area, in about 120
Silicone Yes Yes Yes Yes – Yes Yes No
words, stressing the need for footpaths for pedestrian
safety. Share your concern for maintenance of existing
Stainless Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
footpaths and the need to construct new ones where Steel
they are required. 1×5=5 Bottles
OR Plastic No No Yes – Yes – – Yes
(b) As Sohail Khan, the sports captain of Pinnacle Bottles
Public School, you believe that fitness as a lifestyle (Adapted for academic purpose.)
should be promoted. Write a letter to the Editor
of a national daily, in about 120 words, suggesting
the introduction of ‘Cycle to School’ campaign for SECTION–C
school going students. The programme aims to
develop the habit of exercising through cycling to LITERATURE TEXTBOOK 40 MARKS
maintain fitness and keeping children active. Share 6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions
the importance and crediblity of such a programme for any one of the given two:5
and suggest a feasible way to execute it along with
(A) The train pulled out of the station — Pranjol buried
possible activities.
his nose in his detective book again. Rajvir too
5. (A) An area is believed to be water stressed when was an ardent fan of detective stories but, at the
annual water supplies drop below 1700 cubic moment he was keener on looking at the beautiful
metres per person per year. As per an analysis, scenery. It was green, green everywhere. Rajvir had
Solved Paper - 2024 xxix
never seen so much greenery before. Then the soft
“Whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring me
green paddy fields gave way to tea bushes. It was a more than a few hundred rupees.”
magnificent view. Against the backdrop of densely (iv) State True or False with reference to the given
wooded hills a sea of tea bushes stretched as far as extract. 1
the eye could see. Dwarfing the tiny tea plants were
The reason Hari Singh was filled with a feeling of
tall, sturdy, shade–trees and amidst the orderly guilt was because Anil trusted him.
rows of bushes busily moved doll–like figures.
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions
(Glimpses of India — Tea from Assam) for any one of the given two: 5
(i) State any one inference about Rajvir from the (A) The true Chameleon is small
given context: 1
A lizard sort of thing;
“Rajvir too was an ardent fan of detective stories,
He hasn’t any ears at all,
but at the moment he was keen on looking at
the beautiful scenery.” And not a single wing,
(ii) State True or False: 1 If there is nothing on the tree,
The reason Rajvir was interested in looking at Tis the Chameleon You see
the beautiful scenery was that the detective (How To Tell Wild Animals)
book he was reading, was not interesting. (i) Fill in the blank with one word: 1
(iii) People who live in big cities are always When the speaker says “If there is nothing on the
fascinated by the natural beauty and abundant tree, ‘Tis the Chameleon you see”, he refers to____
greenery. Elaborate in about 40 words, with as characteristic trait of a true Chameleon.
reference to the extract. 2 (ii) What does the speaker mean when he says, ‘A lizard
(iv) Which phrase would correctly substitute ‘doll– sort of thing’? 1
like figures’, in the given sentence from the (iii) Which of the following best describes the speaker’s
extract? disposition while describing the Chameleon? 1
(A) indifferent (B) playful
Dwarfing the tiny tea plants were tall sturdy
(C) dismissive (D) respectful
shade–trees and amidst the orderly rows of
(iv) Comment on the poet’s use of language in these
bushes busily moved doll–like figures.
lines. Answer in about 40 words. 2
(B) I went back to the bazaar and sat down in the shelter (B) My head is full of whispers
of the clock tower. The clock showed midnight. I felt

Which tomorrow will be silent.
for the notes. They were damp from the rain.

Listen. The glass is breaking.

Anil’s Money. In the morning he would probably
have given me two or three rupees to go to the
The trees are stumbling forward
cinema, but now I had it all.
into the night. Winds rush to meet them.

I couldn’t cook his meals, run to the bazaar or learn
The moon is broken like a mirror,
to write whole sentences any more.
its pieces flash now in the crown

I had forgotten about them in the excitement of the
of the tallest Oak.
theft. Whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring (The Trees)
me more than a few hundred rupees. It was a simple
(i) Identify the figure of speech used in the line: “The
matter to steal and sometimes just as simple to be
trees are stumbling forward into the night”. 1
caught. (The Thief ’s Story)
(ii) Explain the significance of the line: 2
(i) Which of the following is NOT a reason why Hari “The moon is broken like a mirror, its pieces flash
Singh thinks he would not be able to write whole now in the crown of the tallest Oak.” Answer in
sentences? 1 about 40 words.
(A) Anil would not be there to teach him. (iii) Complete the sentence with the appropriate option.
(B) He had robbed Anil and left. In the third line, the word ‘Listen’ is used to _____.1
(C) He would not go back to Anil to learn. (A) serve no purpose but to complete the sentence.
(B) emphasise listening carefully to the sound of
(D) He had no money to take admission in school.
glass breaking.
(ii) Why is it fair to say that Hari Singh’s tone, when he (C) emphasise listening carefully as a change is
says “I couldn’t cook his meals, run to the bazaar or about to take place.
learn to write whole sentences any more,” is filled (D) make the reader more attentive.
with remorse and regret? Answer in about 40 words. (iv) What does the line: “My head is full of whispers
2 which tomorrow will be silent” tell us about the
(iii) What do you infer about Hari Singh from this poet’s state of mind? 1
statement? 1 8. Answer any four of the following five questions, in

40–50 words each: 4 × 3=12 One acknowledges that both, Valli and Mandela
(i) What idea does the Postmaster come up with _____ however,
What did he do to stick to his resolution? 3 (Reference: Nelson Mandela – A Long Walk to
(A Letter to God) Freedom & Madam Rides a Bus)
(ii) Briefly bring out the contrast between the OR
young seagull’s initial attempts to fly and his (B) You have been chosen to address the student
first successful flight. (His First Flight) 3 gathering from the nearby schools, to speak on
(iii) Explain why Amanda wants to be an orphan. “How to Deal with Loss – Personal or Material’.
Refer to the given lines, from the text – I am an Prepare the speech draft in not more than 120
orphan, roaming the street. I pattern soft dust words, with reference to the commonality of
with my hushed, bare feet. The silence is golden, themes in John Benyman’s.
the freedom is sweet. (Amanda) 3 ‘The Ball Poem’ and ‘A Sermon at Benaras’.
(iv) Mijbil turned out to be a playful pet. Elaborate. You may begin this way.
(Mijbil the Otter) 3 Good morning everyone. Today, I’d like to
(v) Ogden Nash uses vivid imagery in ‘The Tale discuss two pieces of literature that offer a
of Custard the Dragon’ to appeal to the senses. powerful insight into how we can learn to deal
Elaborate the imagery used for the Pirate. 3 with loss.
9. Answer any two out of the following three questions You may end in this way–
in 40–50 words each: 2 × 3=6 To conclude, I’d like to say that–
(i) What does Mr. Herriot mean by “happy period” Thank you.
for himself and his partners? Explain. 3 11. Answer any one of the following two questions, in
(A Triumph of Surgery) 100–120 words: 1 × 6= 6
(ii) Justify how Ebright’s mother played an (A) Imagine that Griffin’s conscience pricks him and
important part in becoming him a scientist. 3 he decides to write a diary entry, about misusing
(The Making of a Scientist) science and endangering society, in the context
(iii) A well known book of nursery rhymes saved the of his own experience.
world from a Martian invasion. Comment with Write this diary entry, as Griffin, in about 120
reference to ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’. 3 words.(Reference: Footprints without
10. Answer any one of the following two questions in Feet by H.G. Wells)
100–120 words: 1 × 6=6 OR
(A) A desire is more personal whereas a vision has (B) A character arc is the transformation or
broader connotations. You have been asked development of a character throughout a story
to present an analysis of Valli’s desire and and refers to the changes a character undergoes
Mandela’s vision and how they are respectively as a result of their experiences, challenges and
fulfilled. Write this presentation draft including interaction with other characters.
your insights, in about 120 words, comparing In the light of the above information, trace the
the approaches of both Valli and Mandela. character arc of Matilda in Guy De Maupassants’
You may begin like this: ‘The Necklace’, in about 120 words.
Outside Delhi Set–2 1/4/2
Note: Except the following all other Questions are from Ourside Delhi Set-1
Today, researchers are trying to establish
SECTION–B whether yoga must help relieve people from
depression and arthritis.
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE 20 MARKS Use the given format for your response.
WRITING SKILLS Error Correction
3. Complete any ten of the following twelve tasks, as (iii) Swati and Akshat had a conversation about the
directed: 10 × 1=10 opening of Swati’s Art Exhibition. 1
Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the Report Akshat’s question.
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a Did the organisers offer you any discount?
letter: 1 (iv) Read the dialogue between Manish and his
Since you have been found guilty of _______ father, regarding Manish’s cricket coaching. 1
(deliver) poor results for six months at a stretch, Father: Did you get a new coach in the academy
we are issuing this warning letter to warn you. to train you?
(ii) Read the given sentence from a research study. Manish: Yes, the new coach is very motivating
Identify the error and supply the correction in and pushes us to perform better.
the sentence: 1 Select the correct option to complete the
reporting of the above dialogue.
Solved Paper - 2024 xxxi
Manish’s father asked him _________. We use essential cookies to make our site work.
Manish answered in the affirmative and added With your consent, we may also use non–
that the new coach was very motivating and essential cookies to _______ and analyse website
pushed them to perform better. traffic.
(A) if he got a new coach in the academy to train (A) improve user experience.
him. (B) improving user experience.
(B) if he is getting a new coach in the academy to (C) improve using experience.
train him.
(C) whether he got a new coach to train him. (D) improved user experience.
(D) whether he gets a new coach in the academy to (xi) Complete the slogan, by filling in the blank with
train him. the correct option: 1
(v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, The Road to Success Lies Along the Path
to complete the line from a policy document of that’s___ Recycling Bins !
a company: 1 (A) Line with (B) Lined with
It helps anyone _____ (whom/who/which) (C) Lining with (D) Lined to
wants to enter into a contractual relationship (xi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
with the company to gain knowledge about the following sentence taken from a course’s flyer:
(vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
Our courses offer you concise training on
given sentence from a speech by an employee:
individual growth and personal developments.
We live in an ever changed world and in order
to keep up and become successful, continuous Use the given format for your response.
education is a must. 1 Error Correction
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
4. (A) As Komal Gupta of 987, Dev Apartments, Rajpur,
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and you believe that proper waste management
supplies the correction for a line from a Research is a must in today’s times when we need to
Report: 1 promote ‘Recycling’ for optimum utilisation
The search for better employment opportunities of things/products. Despite ample promotion
are the key mechanism by which the majority by civic authorities about segregation of waste
of the world’s population can hope to improve into ‘recyclable’ and ‘non recyclable’ waste the
their lives. garbage collectors in your areas do not follow
Option No. Error Correction the rules.
A search research Write a letter to the MLA of your city, in about
120 words, apprising him of the situation,
B for about sharing the importance of waste segregation
C are is and requesting him to take strict action against
D can ought to erring personnel. 1 × 5=5
(viii) Complete the given narrative by filling in the (B) As Anushri Jain, a resident of 52, Mount view
blank with the correct option: 1 Apartments, Abadpur, you are distressed with
One scorching summer, the desert became dry frequent long power cuts in your society.
and there was no water left for the plants. The Despite several request letters to the concerned
rose quickly _______ to wilt. authority, the problem still persists. Write a letter
(A) beginning (B) begin to the editor of a local daily, in about 120 words
(C) began (D) begins highlighting the inconvenience faced by the
(ix) Report the dialogue between two friends, residents of the locality and offering solutions.
Deepika and Nida, by completing the sentence: 5. (A) A climate change impact on agriculture is a
Deepika: Are you excited about your sister’s point of concern. It affects all three aspects of
marriage? 1 food security: 1 × 5=5
Nida: Yes, indeed ! My family has been busy Availability, Access and Absorption. Different
with preparations for the past two months. crops react to climate change in different ways.
Deepika asked Nida if she was excited about her The chart given below highlights the impact
sister’s marriage. of climate change on various crops. Based on
Nida answered in the affirmative and explained the given data, write an analytical paragraph,
that ________. in about 120 words, analysing the impact of
climate change on various crops and discussing
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to
possible causes.
complete the part of the pop up on a computer
screen: 1
from country to country. According to a study
Negative Mixed Positive conducted by an NGO, students gave various
reasons for dropping out of school. Based on
Rice –ve the figures given below, write an analytical
paragraph, in about 120 words, analysing and
Wheat –ve assessing the reasons.
Reasons for Dropping Out of School
Maize –ve
Students who considered dropping out of high
Sorghum –ve school gave these reasons for considering this
Potato mixed  I didn’t like the school ... 73%
Groundnut mixed  I didn’t like the teachers ...61%
 I didn’t see value in the work I was being asked
Coconut mixed to do ... 60%
Gram +ve  I had family issues ...42%
 I need to work for money ...35%
Soyabean +ve  I was bullied ...28%
Onion +ve  The work was too difficult ...54%
 The work was too easy ...19%
Castor +ve

Mustard mixed SECTION–C

Marine Fish mixed
Fresh Water Fish –ve
8. (iv) The baker and his family never starved.
Elaborate. (Glimpses of India) 3
OR (v) Ogden Nash’s ‘The Tale of Custard The Dragon’
(B) Students’ dropping out of school is a universal is a humorous ballad – a song or a poem that
fact. However, reasons for dropping out vary tells a story. Justify. 3
Outside Delhi Set–3 1/4/3
Note: Except the following all other Questions are from Outside Delhi Set-1 & 2

(iii) Tanu and Amit had a conversation about the

SECTION–B execution of Tanu’s travel plan. 1
Report Amit’s question.
Will you be going with your family?
WRITING SKILLS (iv) Read the dialogue between Karan and his
Grammar friend, Parvaiz regarding Karan’s winter
3. Complete any ten of the following twelve tasks, as vacation plans: 1
directed: 10 × 1=10 Karan: How is your winter vacation plan
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the shaping up?
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a Parvaiz: Alas ! There are no plans. We have extra
letter: 1 classes during our winter vacation.
We hope that you continue to work with the Select the correct option to complete the
same zeal and keep _______(surprise) us with reporting of the above dialogue.
such remarkable performances. We thank you
Karan asked Parvaiz how his winter vacation
and wish you good luck for your upcoming
plan was shaping up.
Regards Parvaiz sighed and said there were no plans. He
(ii) Read the given sentence from a medical journal. further added that__________ .
Identify the error and supply the correction in (A) they had extra classes during our winter vacation
the sentence: 1 (B) he has extra classes during their winter vacations
A flu vaccine’s most common side effects are
(C) they had extra classes during their winter
soreness, redness and swelling at the injection
site. These ought begin six to twelve hours after
vaccination and can last upto two days. (D) they have extra classes during their winter
Use the given format for your response. vacation
(v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option,
Error Correction
to complete the line from the policy document
of an insurance company: 1
Solved Paper - 2024 xxxiii
It is our endeavour to settle your maturity claim (A) who will be doing any unauthorised act
on or before the due date. The Servicing Branch (B) who is doing any unauthorised act
______________ (likely/ usually/ occasionally)
(C) who does any unauthorised act
sends maturity claim intimations two months in
advance. (D) who may do any unauthorised act
(vi) Identify the error and supply correction for (xi) Complete the slogan, by filling in the blank with
the given part of the note appearing on an the correct option: 1
educational website. 1 There’s No place Like Earth To Live and Work.
Please note: An early and active communication So Let’s _______ A Better Place.
is required as late notification may result in a
(A) Making It (B) Creates It
delay redressal of your request.
Use the given format for your response. (C) Make It (D) Create It
(xii) Identify the error and supply correction for the
Error Correction following sentence taken from a copyright’s
document. 1
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and The information contained herein is subject
supplies the correction for a line from a Research to change without notice. Reproducing,
Report on Water Conservation. adaptation or translation without prior written
Excess pumping of groundwater leads to permission is prohibited.
decrease in groundwater levels but if continues,
it can exhaust the resource. 1 Use the given format for your response.

Option No. Error Correction Error Correction

A leads lead
B continues continued CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS
C and also (10 Marks)
D can should 4. (A) As Sharman Singh of 776, Hemkunt Apartments,
Arampur, you believe that as a law abiding
(viii) Complete the given narrative by filling in the citizen who pays regular taxes you deserve
blank, with the correct option: 1 regular supply of clean drinking water in your
Finally, she went to the best doctor in town. The house. However, your locality is facing acute
doctor spent months on _______ her until she shortage as supply is often disrupted without
was finally cured. notice causing problems to the residents.
(A) treats (B) treated Write a letter to the Director of Jal Board of your
city area, in about 120 words, apprising him
(C) to treating (D) treating
of the situation; sharing the need for regular
(ix) Report the dialogue between two friends, supply of clean water and requesting him to
Madhur and Priyanka, by completing the take necessary action to improve the situation.
sentence: 1 1 × 5=5
Madhur: Do you know the importance of water OR
for our body? (B) As Sonam Mehta, a resident of 14, Sunrise
Priyanka: Yes, indeed ! Water is essential for Apartment, Udaipur, you are distressed about
digestion and regulates body temperature. the misuse and poor maintenance of the public
Madhur asked Priyanka if she knew about the park in your society. Write a letter to the editor
importance of water for their body. Priyanka of a local daily, in about 120 words, highlighting
answered in the affirmative and explained the condition, mentioning the inconvenience
that____. faced by the residents of the locality. Share
the importance of public parks and suggest
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
measures for its proper upkeep.
to complete the part of the “All Rights Reserved”
5. (A) Cases of obesity, are on the rise. Experts fear a
note given in a textbook. 1
health emergency unless the growing obesity
No part of this publication may be reproduced, problem is tackled on a war footing. We can
transcribed, transmitted, stored or translated say that we are in an obesity epidemic in
into any language. ‘Any person ______’ in India. Based on the graph given below, write
relation to this publication may be liable an analytical paragraph, in about 120 words,
to criminal prosecution and civil claims for analysing the percentage of overweight Indians
damages. and suggest possible solutions. 1 × 5=5

Percentage of Overweight People Projected Life Expectancy 2001–2015

2015-17 2019-21 22.9 24 Year Age of Men Age of Women

20% 18.9 2001–2005 63.8 66.1
15% 2006–2010 65.8 68.1
10% 2011–2015 67.3 69.8
5% 2.1 3.4 2016–2020 68.8 71.1
Children Men Women 2021–2025 69.8 72.3

(B) Life expectancy is defined as the average SECTION–C
number of additional years a person could
expect to live if current mortality trends were LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
to continue for the rest of that person’s life. It
is a standard indicator for the level of socio– 8. (iv) The most laid back individuals become converts
economic development. Based on the data to the life of high–energy adventure. Elaborate
given below, write an analytical paragraph, in with reference to Coorg. [3]
about 120 words, analysing the projected life (Glimpses of India)
expectancy of men and women over a period of (v) Bring out the central idea of the poem, ‘The Tale
time and assessing the possible causes. of Custard the Dragon’. [3]

Solved Paper - 2024 xxxv

Delhi Set–1 2/1/1

is an (opinion) because it is a (judgement)

SECTION–A (subjective opinion).
(iii) Option (C) is correct.
READING SKILLS Explantion: The option that corresponds to
1. (i) Based on the passage: the meaning of the statement “According to
(a) UNESCO leads the celebration of World the policy, by 2025, at least 50% of learners
Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and through the school and higher education system
Development to highlight the richness of shall have exposure to skill education.” is (C)
the world’s cultures and the essential role of Minimum 50% learners shall have exposure to
intercultural dialogue for achieving peace and skill education.
sustainable development. (iv) The benefit of the hub and spoke model will
(b) The purpose is also to emphasise the importance be the efficient utilisation of resources and
of cultural diversity in economic growth, social expertise, as it allows other schools to use the
cohesion and personal well–being, especially in facility.
times of crisis. (v) Racism: condemn:: Dignity of labour: respect
(ii) Option (D) is correct. (vi) As per the Global Scenario, South Korea has
Explantion: “The recent international emergency the maximum percentage of students in Skill
has proved the intrinsic value of the cultural and Education. The possible reason could be the
creative sector at generating social cohesion, strong emphasis on vocational training and skill
educational resource, or personal well-being in development in South Korea’s education system.
times of crisis.” (vii) Option (A) is correct.
(iii) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can Explantion: As per NEP 2020, skill exposure will
be achieved by leveraging the creative potential begin at (A) middle and secondary school.
of diverse cultures and engaging in continuous (viii) Justify the statement: “The NEP will create an
dialogue to ensure that all members of society awareness and appreciation of Indian arts and
benefit from sustainable development. artisanship.”
(iv) The tone of the writer in the given line is The NEP 2020 emphasizes integrating skill
affirmative and appreciative. The writer education into mainstream education, which
emphasises the value of cultural diversity as an includes exposure to various vocations
asset that is indispensable for poverty reduction involving Indian arts and artisanship. This
and sustainable development. integration will foster an appreciation for Indian
(v) Option (D) is correct. cultural heritage and promote vocational skills
Explantion: The phrase ‘bridging the gap’ in associated with it.
paragraph (4) refers to: (D) filling in the space
between two connected things. SECTION–B
(vi) Option (B) is correct.
Explantion: Intellectual and moral; reduction GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE
and promotion. WRITING SKILLS
(vii) The Second Committee of UN General Assembly
in 2015 adopted the resolution on Culture and 3. (i) explains
Sustainable Development. (ii) Error Correction
(viii) Bridging the cultural gap is urgent and
interestinly interesting
necessary for peace, stability and development.
2. (i) Based on the reading of the extract, two objectives (iii) Rashi asked Ratul what challenges he had faced
of NEP 2020 are: while volunteering.
(a) To ensure that by 2025, at least 50% of learners (iv) Option (A) is correct.
through the school and higher education system Explantion: The librarian greeted the student
shall have exposure to skill education. warmly, expressing pleasure at his visit. The
(b) To integrate skill education into mainstream student thanked her and explained that he had
education in all educational institutions in a been overloaded with assignments, which had
phased manner, beginning with skill exposure limited his recent visits to the library.
at early ages in middle and secondary school.
(v) it
(ii) The statement “The development of skill
capacities will go hand–in–hand with the (vi) Error Correction
development of academic or other capacities” offers offer
(vii) Option (C) is correct. The Editor
Error Correction HT Media
younger youth Delhi
Subject: Encouraging Participation of School
(viii) feeling Children in Community Service Programmes
(ix) The vendor noticed that his customer’s
appearance had changed and asked him about
it. The customer admitted this, citing the fact I am writing to share the inspiring story of
that he had just got a new haircut. Adarsh Vidyalaya students’ participation in
the recent half marathon sponsored by leading
(x) Option (D) is correct.
communication company ‘Savera’ to raise funds
Explantion: Present perfect tense rules to be for ‘Koshish’ orphanage. As the school captain, I
applied as the action ended just now. had the privilege of leading a batch of hundred
(xi) reflect enthusiastic students in this noble initiative.
(xii) Error Correction It was heartening to witness the overwhelming
response from our students, who embraced the
in to
opportunity to contribute to the community
4. (A) B–108, Krishi Apartments through voluntary service. Participating in such
Delhi programmes not only fosters a sense of social
responsibility but also instils valuable life skills
February 27, 2024 such as teamwork, perseverance and empathy.
The Commissioner Furthermore, engaging in community service
Traffic Police Department activities like the half marathon enables students
Delhi to broaden their horizons, develop a deeper
understanding of social issues and cultivate
Subject: Urgent Need for Stricter Action
compassion towards the less fortunate members
Against Reckless Driving
of society.
I strongly believe that encouraging the
I am writing to express my deep concern over
participation of school children in such
the alarming increase in fatal accidents due to
programmes is essential for nurturing
reckless driving and road rage in our city. The
responsible citizens who are actively involved in
recent reports in the newspaper highlighting
making positive contributions to society.
these incidents are indeed distressing and call
for immediate action. Thank you for highlighting the significance of
It is evident that stricter measures need to be voluntary community service in your esteemed
implemented to curb this menace and ensure the publication.
safety of all road users. I would like to suggest Yours sincerely
that the Traffic Police Department intensify its Roshini/Roshan
efforts to enforce traffic rules and regulations. School Captain, Adarsh Vidyalaya
Additionally, there is a pressing need for
5. (A) The life cycle of a butterfly, as depicted in the
increased patrolling and stringent penalties for
visual, showcases the remarkable transformation
from egg to butterfly. It begins with the egg
Furthermore, I recommend the use of social
stage, where the female butterfly lays eggs on
media platforms to launch awareness campaigns
a suitable host plant. These eggs hatch into
about the implications of irresponsible driving.
caterpillars, also known as larvae, marking the
By leveraging the power of social media, we can
larval stage. During this phase, the caterpillar
reach a wider audience and educate them about
feeds voraciously on leaves and grows rapidly.
the importance of safe driving practices.
Subsequently, it enters the pupa stage, forming
I urge the Traffic Police Department to take
a protective casing around itself called a
proactive steps to address this issue and make
chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar
our roads safer for everyone. Together, we can
undergoes metamorphosis, transforming into
make a significant difference in reducing road
a pupa. Finally, the adult butterfly emerges
accidents and saving precious lives.
from the chrysalis, completing the cycle. This
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
metamorphic process highlights the incredible
Yours sincerely adaptability and resilience of butterflies, enabling
Shantanu/Savita them to undergo dramatic physical changes
OR and adapt to diverse environments throughout
(B) B–108, Krishi Apartments their life cycle. Additionally, it underscores the
Delhi importance of conservation efforts to preserve
butterfly habitats and ensure the continuation
February 27, 2024 of this fascinating natural phenomenon.
Solved Paper - 2024 xxxvii
OR natural behaviour of hunting and roaming
(B) The table provides insights into the hobbies freely in the jungle.
chosen by boys and girls during summer (iii) The poet’s skilful use of imagery effectively
vacations. It is evident that there are notable depicts the confinement and frustration of the
differences in the preferences of boys and tiger by contrasting its vivid stripes with the
girls when it comes to hobbies. Boys show a dullness of the cage and its quiet rage with the
higher inclination towards hobbies such as natural behaviours it should be exhibiting in the
photography (35%) and playing (30%), while a wild, creating a poignant portrayal of captivity.
significantly lower percentage of boys engage in (iv) The phrase “inner turmoil” would correctly
hobbies like singing (7%) and dancing (13%). On
substitute ‘quiet rage’ in the given sentence.
the other hand, girls exhibit a strong preference
for hobbies like singing (25%) and dancing OR
(40%), with a smaller percentage showing (B) (i) Option (B) is correct.
interest in activities such as photography (5%) Explantion: Sympathetic, understanding the
and playing (16%). These variations in hobby depth of the boy’s loss.
preferences reflect the diverse interests and (ii) The use of metaphor in the extract enhances the
recreational pursuits of boys and girls during emotional depth of the poem by comparing the
their leisure time. loss of the boy’s ball to a profound existential
realisation about the transient nature of
SECTION–C possessions and the importance of personal
LITERATURE TEXTBOOK (iii) The phrase ‘all his young days into the harbour’
symbolises the boy’s innocence and carefree
6. (A) (i) The narrator feels overwhelmed with a sense
of history because he witnesses the significant childhood being shattered by the loss of his ball,
transformation of the racial domination system leading him to confront the harsh realities of life
in South Africa, marking the end of an era of and learn the value of responsibility.
injustice and the dawn of a new era of equality (iv) The boy’s journey from ‘shaking grief ’ to ‘he
and freedom. is learning’ reflects his transition from initial
(ii) (B) recognises the rights and freedoms of all people. despair and sorrow over the lost ball to a
(iii) Apartheid created a deeply segregated and realisation about the impermanence of material
discriminatory society, where people were possessions and the importance of personal
categorised and treated differently based on their growth and maturity in navigating life’s
skin colour. It institutionalised racism, inequality challenges.
and oppression, leading to widespread human
rights violations and suffering among the dark– 8. (i) Initially, the mood of the poet in the poem ‘Dust
skinned people of South Africa. of Snow’ is sombre and melancholic. The poet
uses images of snow falling on a crow and a
(iv) The phrase “patched up” could be correctly
substituted with “mended” in the given hemlock tree to bring about the effect of gloom
sentence. and despair.
OR (ii) Positivity can indeed bring a spark of brightness
(B) (i) T his suggests that Anne had a special bonding even in adverse circumstances by fostering
with her grand mother and thus, she didn’t resilience, hope and determination to overcome
even celebrate her birthday, when she was ill. challenges. Maintaining a positive outlook can
empower individuals to find silver linings and
(ii) (C) Montessori Nursery School
opportunities for growth amidst adversity.
(iii) Mrs. Kuperus was Anne’s teacher in the sixth
(iii) Custard, the dragon, looks fearsome due to his
form and she was also the headmistress. Anne
size, sharp claws and fiery breath. His imposing
shared a close and affectionate relationship
presence and mythical characteristics instil fear
with Mrs. Kuperus, as indicated by their tearful
and awe in those who encounter him.
farewell at the end of the year.
(iv) The speaker mentions God in the poem “For
(iv) The word “heartrending” could substitute
Anne Gregory” to emphasise the divine nature
“heartbreaking” in the given sentence.
of beauty and the transcendental qualities of
7. (A) (i) One point of contrast between the tiger in the Anne’s appearance, highlighting her ethereal
zoo and its natural habitat is the confinement and otherworldly allure.
and restriction of movement in the zoo
(v) The Buddha wants us to understand that this
compared to the freedom and expansiveness of
world is full of sufferings, death and decay.
its natural habitat.
Death spares none. Death is the ultimate truth
(ii) The speaker suggests that the tiger should be of life. Everything that is born today will die
snarling around houses at the jungle’s edge sooner or later. Whether rich or poor, whether
to emphasise the unnatural and restricted powerful or weak, death is common to all.
environment of the zoo compared to the tiger’s
9. (i) Griffin, from “Footprints Without Feet,” injustice. Despite their differing experiences,
embodies the antithesis to the idea of scientists both narratives evoke nostalgia for childhood
contributing to making the world a better innocence amid challenging circumstances.
place. He misuses his scientific knowledge for (ii) Anne Frank and Amanda, from the poem
personal gain and power, causing chaos and “Amanda,” may engage in a thought–provoking
destruction instead of using it for the betterment conversation about their perspectives on life.
of humanity. Anne, known for her introspective nature, may
(ii) Bholi’s teacher felt like an artist admiring her discuss the complexities of human emotions
masterpiece because Bholi’s transformation and the importance of resilience in the face of
from a shy, introverted girl to a confident, adversity. On the other hand, Amanda, living in
expressive one was akin to an artist’s creation. her fantasy world, may emphasise the power of
The teacher’s guidance and efforts in nurturing imagination and the pursuit of dreams. Through
Bholi’s personality resulted in this remarkable their dialogue, they could explore the nuances of
change, akin to an artist sculpting a masterpiece. reality and fantasy, finding common ground in
(iii) In “The Necklace,” the twist at the end of the their shared experiences as teenagers navigating
story is that the expensive necklace borrowed the complexities of life.
by Mathilde Loisel, assuming it to be valuable, 11. (i) The lady in red in “A Question of Trust”
turns out to be fake. After years of hard work to outsmarts Horace Danby by robbing the safe
repay the debt incurred to replace the necklace, without leaving fingerprints using meticulous
Mathilde learns that the necklace was worthless, planning and skill. She wears gloves, wipes
revealing the irony of her suffering due to her down surfaces and employs techniques to avoid
desire for material wealth. detection, showcasing her cunning and expertise
10. (i) Childhood memories remind us of the days in theft. Despite Danby’s careful measures, the
gone by, filled with innocence and joy. In “A lady in red demonstrates superior cunning and
Baker from Goa,” the narrator reminisces about skill in executing the heist flawlessly.
his carefree days in Goa, surrounded by loving (ii) Anil had realised that he had been robbed. He
family and friends. Similarly, Nelson Mandela’s knew this probably because all the notes were
childhood, as portrayed in “Long Walk to wet and damp from the rain. However, he
Freedom,” reflects a stark contrast, marked by did not say anything to the thief and behaved
struggle and adversity under apartheid in South normally. He gave a fifty–rupee–note to Hari
Africa. While the narrator of “A Baker from Goa” Singh the next morning and he promised to give
cherishes simple pleasures, Mandela’s childhood him more money, though he did not have any
was characterised by the fight against racial contract for giving any money.
Delhi Set–2 2/1/2

SECTION–B (vi) Error Correction

specialises specialise
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE Explantion: We is plural and with plural subject
WRITING SKILLS verb must also be plural.
3. (i) organise (vii) Option (B) is correct.
Explantion: with modals first form of verb is Explantion:
used. Error Correction
(ii) Error Correction learns learn
turned turn Explantion: With to we use first form of the verb.
Explantion: didn’t is already in past form so we (viii) Option (A) is correct.
use first form with it. Explantion: Must shows necessity.
(ix) he had been very occupied with work that week.
(iii) it was always nice to be back there.
Explantion: We use past perfect tense to report
Explantion: We use past tense to report a simple a present perfect tense.
present tense.
(x) Option (C) is correct.
(iv) Option (C) is correct. Explantion: The sentence is in past tense.
Positive impact they could make in people’s lives (xi) Option (A) is correct.
Explantion: We use past tense to report a modal Explantion: With plural subject verb must also
verb. be plural.
(v) it (xii) Error Correction
Explantion: These refers to plural noun and that
of between
refers to singular noun that is far from it.
Solved Paper - 2024 xxxix
Explantion: Between is used when two things Through this letter of mine I wish to thank
relation is mentioned. you and appreciate your prompt response to
4. (A) 43–B, Blue Apartments my inquiry regarding the furniture options
available at Lifeway India Company. After
Prashant Lok
careful consideration, I am interested in placing
New Delhi an order for office furniture to furnish our
February 26, 2024 workspace.
The Principal Please find the details of the items we would like
Excellent cooking to order:
Block–D, Mahesh Enclave S.No. Item Quantity
New Delhi 1. Chairs 50
Subject: Inquiry about the course
2. Tables 50
3. Sofa set (5 seater) 5
I am writing to inquire about the upcoming
three–week summer course offered at your 4. Office tables 10
Institute. As a prospective student who has just
passed class X, I am interested in expanding my Upon receving of this letter, we humbly request
knowledge and skills in the baking sector. I would an official order confirmation along with an
greatly appreciate some additional information invoice outlining the details of our order for our
about the structure, course duration, fees and records. We require furniture of high–quality
timings of the program. material and craftsmanship to ensure durability
Could you kindly provide details regarding the and comfort for our office environment. We
following aspects of the course: intend to make the payment through bank
transfer as per the terms agreed upon in your
• An overview of the topics covered and the
curriculum structure for the three–week
duration. We trust in Lifeway India Company’s reputation
for delivering quality furniture products and
• Start and end dates of the course, as well as the
daily schedule. excellent customer service. We look forward to
receiving our order and establishing a fruitful
• Information regarding the course fees, any
business relationship with your esteemed
additional expenses and available payment
company. We request confirmation of the
estimated delivery schedule for the ordered
• The timing of the classes, including any flexibility furniture items to facilitate proper planning on
in scheduling. our end.
• The scope of on job trainings or intership.
Thank you
Furthermore, if there are any prerequisites or
Yours sincerely
specific requirements for enrollment in the
course, please do let me know. Punit/Punita
I am eager to enhance my knowledge in the 5. (A) The increasing number of gyms being opened
field of baking and I believe that the three–week and the concurrent rise in the number of
summer course at Excellent Cooking Institute members joining reflect a growing awareness
would be an excellent opportunity to do so. and prioritisation of fitness and wellness in
Your assistance in providing the requested society. This trend is driven by several factors,
information would be greatly appreciated. including a greater emphasis on health–
Thank you for considering my inquiry. I look conscious lifestyles, increased disposable
forward to hearing from you soon. income allowing for spending on fitness–related
services and the growing influence of social
Yours sincerely
media promoting fitness culture. Additionally,
Soumya/Soham the proliferation of fitness–related information
OR and resources, coupled with the convenience
(B) Eric India pvt. Ltd. and accessibility of modern gym facilities, has
Saman Chowk made it easier for individuals to engage in
Noida regular exercise routines. However, during the
last few years, i.e., 2020 onwards there has been
February 26, 2024 a shift in the number of gyms and membership.
The Manager The reasons could be the pandemic. The surge in
M/S Lifeway India Company gym memberships also signifies a shift towards
Delhi proactive healthcare, with people recognising
the importance of preventive measures in
Subject: Placing Order For Furniture maintaining overall well–being. However,
Sir this trend also highlights the need for gyms to

continuously innovate and offer value–added and geographical knowledge, contributing to

services to retain members amidst growing variations. Additionally, teaching methodologies,
competition in the fitness industry. engagement levels and personal interests can
OR impact performance. Continuous assessment
(B) The variation in students’ performance across and targeted interventions can help identify
different subjects in Term 1 and Term 2 exams can and address specific challenges, ensuring a more
be attributed to various factors. Students often balanced and holistic academic development for
exhibit diverse strengths and weaknesses in students across all subjects.
subjects that demand distinct skill sets. In the case
of languages like English and Hindi, individual SECTION–C
proficiency, reading habits and language
comprehension greatly influence scores. As per the LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
data shared, the average performance of students
in English and Hindi is low as compared to other 9. (iii) Madame Loisel was shocked to know that the
subjects. Meanwhile, subjects like Mathematics necklace that she and her husband had replaced
and Science require logical reasoning and with an expensive necklace, and for which they
analytical skills and variations may stem from had borrowed a huge amount of money was
differences in problem–solving abilities. Social actually a low–priced imitation necklace. It had
Science (SST) involves memorisation, conceptual taken ten ten years to pay off debt and had
understanding and application of historical demanded hard work as well.

Delhi Set–3 2/1/2

the Sunview School hockey team lifted the

SECTION–B championship trophy.
(xi) Option (B) is correct.
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE Explantion: In the night, the stars shine your
WRITING SKILLS dreams, The moonlight guides your course, The
cool breeze whispers your name, Leading you
3. (i) You will find in this email a brochure that towards a new dawn.
presents the various tourist attractions in our Singular object should have plural verb.
city, aimed at boosting local tourism.
(xii) Error Correction
(ii) Error Correction
of between
don’t doesn’t
4. (A) 45–B, Bellaview Nagar
(iii) he couldn’t resist her delicious food.
(iv) Option (B) is correct.
Explantion: Raashi asked Ratul whether he February 27, 2024
encourages others to volunteer. The Director
(v) Attached are the departmental performance Foreign Language Institute
reports and these should be reviewed by each
Mohan Circle
department head.
(vi) Error Correction
Subject: Enquiry about French Language Course
pay pays Sir/Madam
Through this letter of mine, I wish to inquire
(vii) Option (C) is correct.
about the French language courses offered by
Error Correction your esteemed institution, La–France Institute.
reducing reduce As someone keen on expanding my linguistic
horizons, I am particularly interested in the
Explantion: Singular object should have plural details regarding eligibility, course duration,
verb. medium of instruction, examination cycle and
(viii) Option (C) is correct. any other relevant information.
Explantion: The chance to mentor a group Could you please provide me with information
of underprivileged students helped me to regarding the eligibility criteria for enrolling
understand the educational disparities in our in the French language courses. Additionally,
society. I would appreciate details about the duration
(ix) The vendor asked his customer if he was feeling of different courses offered, the medium of
okay. The customer responded positively saying instruction and the frequency of examinations.
that he was doing much better than before. Your prompt response to this inquiry would
(x) Option (C) is correct. greatly assist me in making an informed decision
Explantion: In a miraculous turn of events, about pursuing French language studies at your
Solved Paper - 2024 xli
institute. Thank you for your attention to this such as watching sports and playing outdoor
matter. and indoor games. These findings suggest that
Yours sincerely socialising plays a more prominent role in girls’
Amita Sharma leisure time preferences, whereas boys are
more inclined towards activities emphasising
physicality and competition. Understanding
(B) Sunshine Society these distinctions can help tailor recreational
Delhi opportunities and initiatives to better cater to
February 27, 2024 the preferences of teenagers based on gender.
The Editor OR
HT media (B) The excerpt from the recent article highlights a
concerning trend in our society – the steady rise
Delhi of obesity among school children. This issue is
Subject: Appreciation for the Weekend multifaceted, with various factors contributing
Carnival Fundraiser to its prevalence. Notably, the consumption of
Sir food with high glycaemic index, altered sleep
Through this letter of mine, I wish to draw your patterns, reduced physical activity and increased
attention an towords the weekend carnival screen time have all been identified as significant
organised by the residents of Sunshine Society contributors to childhood obesity. These
to raise funds for ‘Apeksha,’ a home for the findings underscore the importance of adopting
physically challenged. healthier lifestyle habits both at home and in
The efforts put forth by the residents in school environment. As students, it’s crucial for
organizing the carnival and creating all items us to be mindful of our dietary choices, prioritise
for sale themselves truly exemplifies the spirit of regular physical activity and limit screen time
community and compassion. It is heartwarming to ensure our overall well–being. Additionally,
to witness such dedication and selflessness schools and policymakers must collaborate to
towards supporting a noble cause. implement effective strategies to address this
This event not only served as a platform to raise emerging public health concern and promote
funds but also fostered a sense of unity and healthier living among children.
camaraderie among the residents. It is a shining
example of how citizens can come together to SECTION–C
make a positive impact on their community.
I urge fellow citizens to follow the example set LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
by the residents of Sunshine Society and actively
participate in community initiatives, volunteer 9. (iii) In “The Making of a Scientist,” Dr. Urquhart and
their time and extend help in any way possible. Mr. Weiherer both played crucial roles in Richard
Together, we can create a more inclusive and Ebright’s life as mentors who recognised his
supportive society for everyone. potential and provided support and guidance.
Once again, I commend the residents of One commonality between their roles is their
Sunshine Society for their initiative and influence in shaping Ebright’s academic and
dedication towards making a difference in the scientific pursuits.
lives of others. For instance, Dr. Urquhart, a high school
Thank you for considering my letter for science teacher, recognised Ebright’s talent and
publication. encouraged him to pursue scientific research. He
provided Ebright with opportunities to conduct
Yours sincerely
experiments and guided him in developing
Adil Kumar his scientific skills. Similarly, Mr. Weiherer,
(President Ebright’s Chemistry teacher, also recognised
Sunshine Society) his abilities and supported his academic
5. (A) The given data presents a clear distinction in how interests by providing challenging coursework
boys and girls allocate their free time activities. and encouraging him to participate in science
While both genders engage in similar hobbies competitions.
such as reading books and comics, watching Both mentors played pivotal roles in fostering
movies and songs and talking to friends, there Ebright’s passion for science and nurturing his
are notable differences in other pursuits. Girls talent, ultimately setting him on the path to
demonstrate a higher inclination towards become a successful scientist. Their guidance and
social interaction, with a significant percentage encouragement demonstrate the importance
dedicating their time to conversing with friends, of mentorship in shaping the academic and
which is noticeably higher as compared to boys. professional trajectory of aspiring scientists like
Conversely, boys tend to allocate more time Richard Ebright.
to activities requiring physical engagement,

Outside Delhi Set–I 1/4/1

Explantion: we use simple past tense when we

SECTION–A report simple present tense.
(iv) Option (C) is correct.
Explantion: We use past continuous tense when we
1. (i) Option (B) is correct. report present continuous tense.
Explanation: Because renewable resources are (v) access
inexhaustible after continuous use, where as
alternative resources are not. Explantion: With to we use first form of the verb.
(ii) The tone of the author is satirical as due to increased (vi) Error Correction
demand, more competent energy developers
and improved technology, alternative resources experience experiencing
which were once expensive have now been used
Explantion: The sentence talks about predictions of
comprehensively. The author wants to comment
that people have become so greedy that they don’t future.
even use alternative resources wisely which are so (vii) Option (C) is correct.
expensive to harness. Explantion: May talks about possibilities but have
(iii) they were not able to use it as the ways to harness it suggests surety.
was very expensive. (viii) Option (B) is correct.
(iv) Option (B) and option (E)
(v) The leader of renewable energy pack is wind energy Explantion: The sentence is in continuous tense.
as it serves both individuals and communities. (ix) she had been cooking Chinese food for a month.
(vi) Geothermal energy is generated by tapping into Explantion: While reporting present perfect
underground reservoirs of hot water and stream. It continuous tense, it changes to past perfect
can directly heat and cool buildings.
continuous tense.
Whereas, hydroelectric energy is generated by
energy of moving water. It is produced when water (x) Option (B) is correct.
in dams causes turbine blades to move. Explantion: With plural verb have is used.
(vii) Option (D) is correct. (xi) Option (A) is correct.
(viii) False
2. (i) In addition to taste it has many good qualities. Explantion: The sentence is in present tense and
(ii) Fact and objective detail indefinite tense is to be used.
(iii) India being the major shareholder in mango (xii) Error Correction
production, however exports only meagre
amount indicating that there is a need to evolve intentional intended
cheap transportation strategies, increasing trade Explantion: Intended is used to describe outcomes.
agreements and enhance the productivity.
(iv) USA, Kuwait and Bahrain 4. (A) 409, Surya Apartments
(v) That means that rest of its major imports are drawn Gopalpur
from other countries.
(vi) Option (B) is correct. February 26, 2024
(vii) In India mango is grown in an area of 5.58 million The MLA
hectares which counts to 46.02% of world’s area and
45.88% of world’s total production.
(viii) Option (C) is correct. Delhi
Explanation: India is the largest producer of Subject: Urgent Need for Footpaths to Enhance
mangoes and by putting in more efforts, has the Pedestrian Safety
potential to be the largest exporter too. Sir
I am writing this letter to draw your attention to
SECTION–B a critical issue affecting our community – the lack
of proper footpaths, posing a significant threat
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE to pedestrian safety. The absence of designated
walking areas forces pedestrians onto busy roads,
WRITING SKILLS increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.
3. (i) constructing As our elected representative, I urge you to prioritise
Explantion: Because the subject is asking to do the construction and maintenance of footpaths
in our constituency. This will not only enhance
pedestrian safety but also promote a healthier and
(ii) Error Correction more sustainable community. Also, the footpaths
should can already constructed are in damaged condition and
need immediate repair.
Explantion: with all of which ,we use is. I humbly request your immediate attention to this
(iii) Manthan asked Sonalika how she was preparing for matter, as the safety and well–being of our residents
the interview. are at stake. Your support in addressing this concern
Solved Paper - 2024 xliii
will undoubtedly contribute to create a safer and including being reusable, recyclable, and non–toxic,
more pedestrian–friendly environment. making them a safer option for storing beverages.
Thank you for your time and commitment to the However, they are heavier and more prone to
well–being of our community. breaking than other materials. The same is the case
Yours sincerely with silicon bottles.

Stainless steel bottles are durable, lightweight,
Nalini Sharda
and resistant to corrosion. They are also non–toxic
OR and can keep beverages hot or cold for extended
(B) Pinnacle Public School periods. However, they can be more expensive than
Delhi other options and may retain odors or flavors over

February 26, 2024
Plastic bottles are lightweight, inexpensive and
The Editor widely available. However, they are often single–
use and contribute to plastic pollution. They may
The Times of India also contain harmful chemicals which can leach
Delhi, into beverages, posing health risks.
Subject: Introducing a “Cycle to School” Campaign
In conclusion, each type of bottle has its own set of
Sir advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice
Through the columns of yours reputed newspaper, depends on individual preferences and priorities
I wish to suggest the initiation of a “Cycle to regarding sustainability, durability and health concerns.
School” campaign in our community, promoting
a sustainable and healthy alternative for students’ SECTION–C
commute. Encouraging cycling not only contributes
to reduced carbon emissions but also fosters LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
physical activity and a sense of responsibility.
Such programes have been successfully implemented 6. (A) (i) Rajvir was also interested in reading detective
in various regions, earning credibility for promoting stories, but at the moment he was fascinated with the
a greener lifestyle and enhancing the well–being of greenery of the place, that he preferred cherishing it
students. Introducing a “Cycle to School” campaign rather than reading a novel.
would align with our community’s commitment to (ii) false
environmental sustainability and the health of our
(iii) People who live in metropolitan cities are often
youth. Promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle is
devoid of scenic beauty as they live amidst hustle
essential for overall well–being.
bustle of city life. Whenever they happen to come
I urge you to consider highlighting the importance across natural beauty or scenic beauty, they cherish
and credibility of such initiatives to inspire it. Rajvir is a good example of this statement. He
community engagement and support.
loved reading deterive stories but at that moment,
Thank you he preferred enjoying the scenic beauty reasing
Yours sincerely stories.
Sohail Khan (iv) tea–pluckers
(Sports captain) OR
5. (A) Water scarcity in the future may be attributed to a (B) (i) Option (C) is correct.
convergence of multifaceted factors. Population (ii) Anil trusted Hari Singh completely and also
growth and urbanisation place increased demand taught him how to cook. When Hari Singh stole
on water resources for agriculture, industry, money from Anil, his conscience pricked him as he
and domestic use. As it can be inferred from the
had broken Anil’s trust.
given table that in 1951, when population was
361 million, per capita water availability was quite (iii) Hari Singh was pretty sure that if he learns to
high as compared to the beginning of the century. read and write, he could earn more money and may
Also as predicted in the coming future, it is going not work as a servant anymore.
to worsen if no steps are taken at large. Climate (iv) True
change exacerbates the situation, leading to altered 7. (A) (i) changing colours/camouflage
precipitation patterns, more frequent and severe
(ii) A reptile
droughts, and shifts in water availability.
In the future, there might not be enough water for (iii) Option (D) is correct
everyone to use. There can also be fights between (iv) The poet has used humour in the above lines
countries over who gets to use certain water and explained the character traits of chameleon.
sources. To fix this, we need to be wise about how These animals are very dangerous, but poetess
we use water, stop pollution, and work together to is introducing them one by one in a very funny
share and manage water better. way. She further says that the chameleon has a
OR quality of changing its colour as per the colour of its
(B) The given table depits various kinds of bottles which surrounding and surface.
are avalabe in the market. As it can be inferred from OR
the table that glass bottles offer several advantages, (B) (i) Personification

(ii) The moon is like a mirror and it appears to have who fought against the apartheid system in South
been broken into pieces as the shadow of the oak Africa. Despite facing several challenges, he never
tree divides the moon into many fragments. lost his courage and remained steadfast in his fight
(iii) Option (C) is correct. for equality and justice. He was a man of belief and
(iv) Her head is full of the slow sounds made by integrity and had a willingness to never give up.
the trees which are desperate to move out. These (b) Good morning everyone, Today I would like to discuss
sounds will not be heard the next day. The poet is two pieces of literature that offer a powerful insight
feeling remorseful as tomorrow everything will be into how we can learn to deal with loss. The loss of the
silent. ball in the poem leaves the small boy grief stricken as
8. (i) The Post master was astounded by the amount of faith it is his first experience of a loss of a possession. Where
Lencho had in God and wished he had the same. So, as the mother Kisa Gotami also experienced the same
in order not to shake the writer’s faith, he decided to feeling when she lost her only child.
help him by collecting money from his friends and The poet who has seen the boy grieving leaves him
relatives. He even donated a part of his salary. alone instead of consoling him as he wants him to
(ii) Initially, the young seagull was afraid his wings may learn how to take life in its stride and bear the losses
not support him to fly. Once he overcame his fear, bravely. While Budhha made Kisa Gotami learn
he felt relaxed and happy to fly in the air. He went that loss is inevitable and so should not give a set
to float on the surface of the sea and enjoyed his back to the person. She learns a lesson that death
first flight. is common to all and no grieving or lamenting can
(iii) Amanda yearns to be an orphan so that she can bring back dead to life.
live without any interference from her parents. She To conclude I would like to say that loss of any type
wants to roam the streets and make patterns in the is irreparable. but grieving cannot provide respite.
soft dust and enjoy her freedom. So, one should learn to face all the hurdles bravely.
(iv) Mijbil was a playful pet. He invented his own games 11.(A)Wednesday 27 February 20XX
out of ping pong balls. He loved to play and splash 10:45 pm
in the water. He played with marbles and terrapin Dear Diary
shells. He spent most of his time playing with a There is no denying the fact that science contributes
rubber ball. to make this world a better place, however I could
(v) The poet has used vivid imagery in describing the not use this opportunity for the same. My unbridled
pirate. He looked scary with a cutlass bright in his ambition made me a lawless and violent person. I
teeth, which means he was holding a glass in his didn’t show humanity or kindness towards anyone,
teeth. Also, he had a wooden peg for a leg, which just because of my ego. None of my actions were for
means that his leg was artificial. The poet has the betterment of humans. I set my landlord’s house
described the pirate in a scary manner. on fire, attacked a shopkeeper and even fooled Mr.
9. (i) Mr. Herriot was tempted to keep Tricki as a and Mrs. Hall. I even terrified them and stole money
permanent guest as he and his friends enjoyed from the clergy’s house. I now realise that though I
eggs for breakfast, wine and brandy for lunch. He am a brilliant scientist, but have a negative bent of
therefore calls it a happy period. mind. I have acted so cruelly number of times. But it
(ii) Ebright’s mother supported him in his education. is now when my conscience has pricked me.
She took him for excursions, purchased telescopes, I feel that if a person does something wrong and
cameras and microscopes to help him pursue his realises later, he can always make amends and
hobbies. The ‘Travels of Monarch X’, a book about rectify his mistakes. It is an old saying that kindness
monarch butterflies was another gift from her which pays, rudeness never. Anger can never resolve any
encouraged Ebright to pursue his hobby. problem, rather it aggravates it.
(iii) The invasion of the Earth by Martians was Discoveries of science can be used for the welfare of
saved because the Martian commander–in–chief mankind. I could have also done that. But it is never
misinterpreted the rhyme” Humpty dumpty had too late.
a great fall”. He misunderstood that the earthlings

wanted to capture mars Central Control. He thus
ordered the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire OR
planet. (B) Matilda was a pretty and young lady born into the
family of clerks as an error of destiny. Married to
10.(A)One acknowledges that both Valli and Mandela
a clerk, she had no means to become known and
were fearless and determined, however, Valli was
rich. She always suffered from poverty. She was
a curious girl who spent her time standing at the
unhappy with her middle–class life and was always
doorway observing people, and Mandela.
dissatisfied. She thinks that she is a victim of social
Valli was a meticulous planner and planned her injustice and irony of fate. She was ungrateful despite
trip accordingly at the age of eight. Her childish her husband’s relentless efforts to please her.
innocence veiled by her smart and bold outlook. On
One fatal mistake of hers hits her and a tragedy
the whole she can be described as a curious, joyful,
befalls upon her. She is forced to work tirelessly to
disciplined, smart and bold girl who was quite
repay her debt. As she struggles with poverty, her
mature of her age.
beauty fades away.
Nelson Mandela was a brave and courageous person
Solved Paper - 2024 xlv

Thus, we see that when she faced crucial way to respect and gratitude for tolerance and
circumstances, she finds herself face to face with generosity. After the loss, she became more mature
the bitter consequences of her folly. That loss makes and humbler. This change in her character is a result
her more careful and responsible person. Her of her circumstances and problems she faced in life.
grumbling over the poor lot of her husband gives

Outside Delhi Set–2 Code No. 1/4/2

Subject: Waste Management in Our Locality.

GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE I, Komal Gupta, a resident of Dev Apartments in
Rajpur, wish to bring to your and notice a pressing
WRITING SKILLS issue regarding waste management in our locality.
3. (i) delivering Despite the commendable efforts of civic authorities
(ii) to promote waste segregation into ‘recyclable’ and
Error Correction
‘non–recyclable’ categories, it is disheartening to
must can observe that the garbage collectors in our area
are not adhering to these rules. This negligence
Explantion: Today, researchers are trying to
is leading to the improper disposal of waste,
establish whether yoga can help relieve people from
hindering our efforts towards sustainable living and
depression and arthritis.
environmental conservation.
(iii) Akshat asked Swati if the organisers had offered her
As a responsible citizen, I believe that proper waste
any discounts.
management, particularly through recycling, is
(iv) Option (A) is correct. crucial for optimising resource utilisation and
Explantion: Since it is conditional question, “if ” is reducing environmental impact. Therefore, I urge
used along with past tense of get. you to take strict action against the erring personnel
(v) It helps anyone who wants to enter into a contractual and ensure enforcement of waste segregation
relationship with the company to gain knowledge policies in our locality.
about the company. Your intervention in this matter would greatly
(vi) contribute to foster a cleaner and greener
Error Correction
environment for our community. Thank you for
changed changing your attention to this urgent issue.
(vii) Option (C) is correct. Yours sincerely
Komal Gupta
Error Correction OR
are is (B) 52, Mount View Apartment,
(viii) Option (C) is correct. Abadpur
Explantion: Sentence is in past tense hence past
February 26, 2024
form of begin “Began”.
The Editor
(ix) Deepika her family had been busy with preparations
for the past two months. HT Media
(x) Option (A) is correct. Abadpur
Explantion: The sentence is talking present usage of Subject: Urgent Attention Needed: Persistent
cookies hence “improve”. Power Cuts in Abadpur.
(xi) Option (B) is correct. Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper,
Explantion: Discussing about an already build
I wish to express my concern regarding the
certain path, hence “lined”. recurring power cuts plaguing our locality. As a
(xii) Error Correction resident of 52, Mount View Apartments, Abadpur, I
have personally experienced the inconvenience and
developments development
frustration caused by these prolonged outages.
4. (A) 987, Dev Apartments Despite numerous requests to the concerned
authorities, the problem persists unabated,
disrupting our daily lives and affecting our

February 26, 2024 productivity. The frequent power cuts not only
disrupt essential services but also pose risks to

Mr. R Sharma health and safety, especially during hot weather

MLA conditions.
I urge the authorities to address this issue urgently

Rajpur and implement measures to ensure a reliable power
supply to our area. This could include upgrading

infrastructure, improving maintenance practices students feel that the work they are asked to do lacks
and exploring alternative energy sources. value, highlighting a gap between the curriculum
I trust that by highlighting this issue in your and students’ interests or future aspirations. Other
esteemed publication, we can garner the attention of reasons such as family issues, the need to work for
the relevant authorities and work towards finding a financial support (35%), and bullying (28%) also
lasting solution to this pressing problem. contribute to students’ contemplation of dropping
Thank you out. This data emphasises the complexity of factors
Yours sincerely influencing student retention and underscores the
Anushri Jain need for comprehensive approaches to address
these challenges within education systems.
5.(A) Climate change presents a significant threat to
agricultural sustainability, affecting key aspects of
food security: availability, access and absorption. SECTION–C
The impact of climate change on various crops
is diverse and multifaceted. According to the LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
provided data, crops such as rice, wheat, and
maize demonstrate negative responses, indicating 8.(iv) Despite the challenges and uncertainties that may
decreased yields or compromised growth under have arisen, the baker and his family found ways to
changing climatic conditions. Conversely, crops sustain themselves and thrive. This resilience could
like onion and castor show positive reactions, stem from the baker’s resourcefulness in adapting
suggesting increased productivity. However, the
to changing circumstances, his skill in providing for
situation is complex, with many crops experiencing
mixed outcomes. For instance, potatoes and his family through his trade, or the support network
groundnuts exhibit both positive and negative within the community. The phrase implies that even
impacts, highlighting the unpredictability of in difficult times, the baker and his family managed
climate change effects on agricultural systems. to secure their basic needs, suggesting a sense of
Moreover, marine and freshwater fish face mixed perseverance and resilience that characterises their
consequences, indicating challenges in maintaining way of life.
fishery resources. To address these challenges, (v) Ogden Nash’s “The Tale of Custard The Dragon”
adaptive strategies such as crop diversification,
can be classified as a humorous ballad or poem that
resilient crop varieties, and sustainable farming
practices are crucial. Additionally, investment in tells a story in a narrative structure, use of rhyme
research and development is essential to develop and rhythm, and whimsical tone. The poem follows
innovative solutions for mitigating the adverse a clear storyline involving characters like Belinda,
effects of climate change on agriculture, ensuring Custard the dragon, and various other animals.
food security for future generations. Each stanza progresses the plot, building suspense
OR and humour as Custard’s courage is put to the test.
(B) The data provided offers insights into the reasons The poem’s playful language, clever wordplay, and
why students consider dropping out of high school, exaggerated descriptions add to its humorous appeal.
based on a study conducted by an NGO. It’s evident Additionally, the repetition of certain phrases and the
that a large percentage of students, accounting for rhyming scheme contribute to its musical quality,
73%, feel disheartened by the school environment making it suitable for recitation or singing. Overall,
itself, indicating potential issues with the school’s “The Tale of Custard The Dragon” exhibits all the
culture or atmosphere. Additionally, a significant 61% characteristics of a traditional ballad or narrative
express dissatisfaction with the teachers, suggesting poem, albeit with a humorous twist, making it a
that teacher–student relationships might play a delightful and entertaining piece of literature.
crucial role in student retention. Moreover, 60% of

Outside Delhi Set–3 Code No. 1/4/3

Explanation: The error in the sentence is the missing

word “to” after “ought”. The corrected sentence
should be: “These ought to begin six to twelve hours
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE after vaccination and can last up to two days.”
WRITING SKILLS The word “ought” implies a sense of duty or
3. (i) surprising obligation. However, when used in this context, it
Explanation: The correct form of the word is should be followed by “to” to indicate the action that
“surprising”. In this sentence, the word “surprising” is expected or recommended to occur. Therefore, the
is used as a gerund, which acts as the object of the correction adds the missing “to” to form the correct
verb “keep”. When using a gerund after a verb like phrase “ought to”.
“keep”, it should be in its “-ing” form. Therefore, the (iii) Amit asked Tanu if she would be going with her
correct form of the word is “surprising”. family.
Error Correction Explanation: The correct answer effectively converts
ought may the direct speech of Amit’s question to Tanu into
Solved Paper - 2024 xlvii
indirect speech while maintaining the integrity of Option (D) “treating” is the gerund form of the
the original question. verb “treat,” which functions as the object of the
Reporting Verb: “Amit asked” - This part of the preposition “on.” Using the gerund “treating” here
sentence introduces who made the statement (Amit) indicates ongoing or continuous action in the past.
and that it was a question (asked). (ix) Madhur asked Priyanka if she knew about the
Indirect Speech Introduction: “Tanu if she would importance of water for their body.
be going with her family” - This part represents Priyanka answered in the affirmative and explained
the indirect speech, where “if ” is used to introduce that water is essential for digestion and regulates
the question. “Tanu” is the person being addressed, body temperature.
followed by the rest of the question (“would be Explanation: In reporting the dialogue between
going with her family”) in the correct tense (future Madhur and Priyanka, it’s important to convey the
continuous) and maintaining the subject-object exchange accurately in indirect speech. The correct
relationship. completion of the sentence maintains the tense and
(iv) Option (C) is correct. meaning of Priyanka’s response while converting
Explanation: Indirect Speech: In indirect speech, we it into indirect speech. Therefore, the response
report someone’s words without directly quoting “water is essential for digestion and regulates body
them. This requires changes to pronouns and tenses temperature” appropriately summarizes Priyanka’s
for clarity. statement.
Parvaiz’s Perspective: Parvaiz used the pronouns (x) Option (C) is correct.
“we” and “our,” showing he’s speaking inclusively who does any unauthorised act
of himself and his classmates. This should be Explanation: The phrase “who does any
maintained in the reported speech. unauthorized act” indicates a general condition
Past Tense: When reporting speech, we generally where anyone engaging in unauthorized actions is
shift tenses back by one step. Parvaiz’s original subject to potential consequences. This aligns with
statement is in the present tense (“have”), so in the the purpose of the “All Rights Reserved” note, which
reported speech, it becomes past tense (“had”). aims to protect the publication from unauthorized
(v) usually use or reproduction. Option (C) appropriately
Explanation: In this context, the word “usually” conveys this meaning and is grammatically correct
implies that it is a common practice or standard in the context of the sentence.
procedure for the Servicing Branch to send maturity (xi) Option (C) is correct.
claim intimations two months in advance. It Make it
indicates a typical or customary action, which aligns Explanation: The verb “make” is the correct choice
with the insurance company’s policy of settling here because it is used to indicate the action of
maturity claims in a timely manner. improving or enhancing something, in this case,
(vi) Error Correction making the Earth a better place. Option (C) “Make
It” is grammatically correct and aligns with the
delay delayed
intended meaning of the slogan.
Explanation: In this phrase, “delayed redressal” (xii) Error Correction
accurately conveys that the resolution or addressing
of the request will be postponed or held back if there adaptation adapting
is late notification. Therefore, “delayed redressal” is Explanation: The error lies in the incorrect use
a suitable option in this context. of the gerunds “reproducing,” “adaptation,” and
(vii) Option (B) is correct. “translation.” In this context, they should be nouns,
Error Correction not verbs. Therefore, they should be corrected to
“reproduction,” “adaptation,” and “translation,”
continues continued respectively, to function as nouns indicating actions
Explanation: By changing “continues” to that are prohibited without prior written permission.
“continued,” we maintain consistency in the verb 4. (A) 776, Hemkunt Apartments
tense, ensuring the sentence is grammatically correct Arampur
and effectively communicates the intended message West Bengal
about the consequences of excess groundwater
26 February 2024
(viii) Option (D) is correct. The Director
treating Jal Board
Explanation: In this sentence, the phrase “until Arampur
she was finally cured” indicates that the action of West Bengal.
treating occurred over a period of time in the past. Subject: Irregular Water Supply in Hemkunt
Therefore, the verb form that matches the past Apartments.
continuous tense is required.
Dear Sir/Madam years – is a stark warning. This trend, mirrored in
As a law–abiding citizen and regular taxpayer the 21.2% and 16.5% increases for men and women
residing at 776, Hemkunt Apartments, Arampur, respectively, demands immediate intervention.
I am writing to express my deep concern over the Solutions must include:
acute water shortage plaguing our locality. The  Prioritising nutrition education: Schools and
supply is erratic and often disrupted without prior communities must emphasise balanced meals and
notice, causing severe inconvenience to residents. the dangers of processed foods.
Clean drinking water is a basic necessity, and its  Making exercise accessible: Investment in parks,
unavailability severely impacts our daily lives. The playgrounds, and sports programes is vital to
lack of regular supply forces us to rely on alternative, encourage active lifestyles from a young age.
often unsafe water sources, posing health risks.  Policy–level changes: These could include regulating
Furthermore, essential tasks like cooking, sanitation food marketing, especially towards children, and
and personal hygiene become a daily struggle. making healthy options more affordable.
Without urgent action, India’s obesity epidemic
I urge you to take immediate action to address this
risks severe consequences for public health and the
issue. Regular and timely water supply is essential
nation’s future well–being.
for our well–being. Kindly investigate the root cause
of the disruption and implement measures to ensure OR
a consistent and clean water supply to our area. (B) Analyzing Increasing Life Expectancy Trends
Thank you The data shows a positive trend in life expectancy
for both men and women over the period 2001-2025.

Yours sincerely
Men’s life expectancy increased from 63.8 years in

Sharman Singh 2001-2005 to 69.8 years in 2021-2025, representing
OR a 9.4% increase. Similarly, women’s life expectancy
(B) 14, Sunrise Apartment increased from 66.1 years to 72.3 years, representing
Udaipur a 9.38% increase.
Possible causes for this enhancement could include:
26 February 2024
 Improved healthcare: Advancements in medical
The Editor technology, increased access to healthcare, and the
The Times of India development of new drugs and treatments have all
Udaipur likely contributed to longer lifespans.
Subject: Deteriorating Condition of Public Park.  Better living standards: Improved nutrition, better
housing, and safer working conditions have all
likely played a role in increased life expectancy.
Through your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw
attention to the deplorable state of the public park  Increased awareness of healthy habits: There has
in our locality. Once a source of joy for residents, it been a growing focus on healthy lifestyles in recent
now presents a picture of neglect – broken benches, decades, with more people being aware of the
overflowing garbage, and non–functional play importance of factors such as diet, exercise, and not
equipment. smoking.
This misuse and poor maintenance have rendered
the park unusable, depriving residents, particularly SECTION–C
children and the elderly, of a safe recreational space.
This negatively impacts our community’s well–being. LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
Public parks are vital for physical activity, social
interaction and mental respite. I urge the concerned 8.(iv) Coorg, with its wealth of natural beauty and thrilling
authorities to take prompt action. Restoring the park, outdoor activities, has the power to transform even
ensuring regular maintenance and encouraging the most relaxed individuals into adventure seekers.
responsible use through awareness campaigns The region offers experiences like river rafting, rock
are crucial steps towards a cleaner, greener and climbing, and trekking, which can awaken a sense
healthier community. of exhilaration and challenge that contrasts with a
Thank you laid–back lifestyle. This transformative power is
evident in the “Glimpses of India” account of Coorg.
Yours sincerely
(v) The central idea in “The Tale of Custard the Dragon”
Sonam Mehta
is that bravery and heroism aren’t always found in
5.(A) Tackling India’s Rising Obesity Rates: A Call to those who boast the loudest. Even someone who
Action seems cowardly, like Custard, can possess hidden
The data paints a grim picture of India’s escalating strength and courage when the situation demands
obesity crisis. The sharp increase in overweight it.
children – a staggering 61.9% rise in just a few

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