CBSE-10 English Solved Paper-20
CBSE-10 English Solved Paper-20
CBSE-10 English Solved Paper-20
Answer the following questions based on the above 2. Read the extract given below: 10 Marks
passage:10 (1) The National Education Policy 2020 proposes
(i) Based on the reading and understanding of the revision and revamping of all aspects of
the above passage, list 2 points to describe the education, including the educational structure,
purpose of UNESCO leading the celebration of regulations and governance, to create a new
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue system which is aligned with the aspirational
and Development. 1 goals of 21st century students. According to the
(a) ______________ policy, by 2025, at least 50% of learners through
(b) ______________ the school and higher education system shall
(ii) Select the option that corresponds to the have exposure to skill education, for which a
meaning of the following sentence from para clear action plan with targets and timelines are
(2). 1 to be developed.
The recent international emergency has proved (2) The policy aims to overcome the social status
the intrinsic value of the cultural and creative hierarchy associated with skill education and
sector at generating social cohesion, educational integration of skill education into mainstream
resource or personal well–being in times of education in all educational institutions in a
crisis. phased manner. Beginning with skill exposure
at early ages in middle and secondary school,
(A) the real worth of cultural sector at generating
quality skill education will be integrated
social cohesion during pandemics
smoothly into school and higher education.
(B) the real worth of creative sector at undermining
(3) Every child will learn at least one skill and
the social cohesion during an international
is exposed to several more. This would lead
to emphasising the dignity of labour and
(C) questioning the real worth of creative sector importance of various vocations involving
at generating education resource during an Indian arts and artisanship.
international emergency
(4) The development of skill capacities will go
(D) highlighting the real worth of cultural and hand–in–hand with the development of
creative sector at generating social cohesion and ‘academic’ or other capacities. To achieve
educational resource during an international this objective, secondary schools will have to
emergency. collaborate with Industrial Training Institutes
(iii) Based on your reading of the passage, examine in (ITIs), Polytechnics, Local Industry, etc. Skill labs
about 40 words how Sustainable Development will also be set up and created in the schools in
Goals can be achieved. 2 a hub and spoke model, which will allow other
(iv) What is the tone of the writer in the given line schools to use the facility. Higher education
from paragraph (4)? Rationalise your response institutions will offer skill education either on
in about 40 words: 2 their own or in partnership with industry and
“Cultural diversity is an asset.” other institutions.
(v) The phrase ‘bridging the gap’ in paragraph (4) The Global Scenario of Students in Skill
refers to: 1 Education Sector.
(A) widening the differences
(B) connecting two desparate ideas
(C) supporting the bridging
(D) filling in the space between two connected
(vi) In sets a–e below, identify two sets of synonyms.1
a. richness and poverty
b. intellectual and moral
c. reduction and promotion
d. essential and intrinsic
e. urgent and crucial
(A) a and c (B) b and e Based on your understanding of the extract, answer
(C) d and e (D) b and d the questions given below: 10
(vii) Complete the sentence appropriately: 1 (i) Based on the reading of the extract, list 2
The Second Committee of UN General Assembly objectives of NEP 2020. 2
in 2015 adopted ___________. (ii) Fill in the blank with appropriate option from
those given in the brackets, based on the
(viii) Complete the following sentence: 1
understanding of paragraph (4).
___________is urgent and necessary for peace, The statement:
stability and development.
Solved Paper - 2024 xix
“The development of skill capacities will enough to captivate my taste buds.
go hand–in–hand with the development
Error Correction
of academic or other capacities” is a/an
____________ (fact/opinion) because it is a/an
__________ (subjective judgement/objective Use the above format for your response.
detail).1 (iii) Raashi and Ratul had a conversation about
(iii) Select the option that corresponds to the volunteer work. Report Raashi’s question.
meaning of the statement given below: Raashi: What challenges have you faced while
“According to the policy, by 2025, at least 50% volunteering?
of learners through the school and higher Ratul: The main challenge is dealing with
education system shall have exposure to skill different personalities, but it’s also a great
education.” 1 learning experience.
(A) Maximum 50% learners shall have exposure to (iv) Read the dialogue between a librarian and a
technical education. student.
(B) Minimum 50% learners shall have exposure to Librarian: Welcome back! It’s good to see you,
technical education. young man!
(C) Minimum 50% learners shall have exposure to Student: Thanks! I was overloaded with
skill education. assignments, so I have not visited the library this
(D) Maximum 50% learners shall have exposure to week.
skill education. Based on the conversation above, report the
(iv) Based on the understanding of the passage, dialogue between a librarian and a student by
complete the following statement appropriately: completing the sentence.
The benefit of the hub and spoke model will The librarian greeted the student warmly,
be_________________. 1 expressing pleasure at his visit. The student
thanked her and explained that _________
(v) Complete the following analogy correctly with a
which had limited his recent visits to the library.
word / phrase from paragraph (3):
Select the correct option from those given below:
Racism: condemn:: ________: respect 1
(A) he had been overloaded with assignments
(vi) As per the Global Scenario which country has
(B) he has been overloaded with assignments
the maximum percentage of students in Skill (C) he was overloaded with assignments
Education and what can be the possible reason? (D) he is overloaded with assignments
2 (v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
(vii) Fill in the following blank choosing the most in the bracket, to complete the sentence:
appropriate option from the ones given below: The revised meeting agenda is attached and
As per NEP 2020, skill exposure will begin at ________ (this/those/it) needs to be emailed to
_______________________. 1 all participants before the meeting.
(A) middle and secondary school (vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
(B) primary school given sentence from an e–commerce website’s
(C) higher school return policy.
(D) senior secondary school We offers a 30–day return policy on all unopened
(viii) Justify the statement ‘The NEP will create an products purchased from our websites.
awareness and appreciation of Indian arts and Use the given format for your response:
artisanship.’ 1
Error Correction
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE 20 MARKS supplies the correction for the sentence from a
WRITING SKILLS public health campaign.
The campaign’s goal is to increase physical
GRAMMAR activity among the younger.
3. Complete ANY TEN of the following twelve tasks,
as directed: 10×1 = 10 Option Error Correction
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the
(A) activity activities
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a
letter: (B) goal goals
Dear Sir (C) younger youth
In response to your query, the document
that ___________ (explain) our country’s (D) is are
sustainability initiatives has been attached for
(viii) Complete the given narrative by filling in the
your consideration.
blank with the correct option:
(ii) Read the given sentence. Identify the error and
supply the correction in the sentence: The internship at the tech startup had me
The uniquely flavoured dish was interestingly __________________ excited about the potential
of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily
(A) feeling (B) felt emphasising the participation of school children
(C) to feel (D) feels in such programmes as part of voluntary
community service. Highlight the benefits of
(ix) Report the dialogue between a vendor and his participation in such activities. 5
customer, by completing the sentence:
5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
Vendor: You look a little different today!
(A) The visual given shows the life cycle of a
Customer: Yes, I just got a new haircut. butterfly. Study the information carefully and
The vendor noticed that his customer’s then summarise it in the form of an analytical
appearance had changed and asked him about paragraph. Make comparisons and draw
it. The customer admitted this, citing the fact conclusions wherever applicable. 5
that __________________ Life Cycle of Butterfly
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option
to complete the sentence to update the result of
the regional science fair:
We have exciting news to share!
Our school ___________ first place in the
regional science fair.
(A) awarded (B) was awarded
(C) had awarded (D) has been awarded
(xi) Complete the line from a song by filling the
blank with the correct option:
The morning dew captures your essence,
The flowers and grass _______ your colour,
The Sunrise embraces your arrival,
As the dawn welcomes a new day. OR
(A) reflect (B) reflects (B) Study the table given below which shows the
data on the hobbies of students during summer
(C) reflected (D) shall reflect
vacations. Write an analytical paragraph in about
(xii) Identify the error and supply correction for the 120 words analysing what hobbies do boys and
given sentence: girls choose in their summer vacations:
The public health campaign aimed in increase
awareness of the risks associated with underage Hobbies Boys Girls
drinking. Singing 7% 25%
Use the given format for your response: Photography 35% 5%
Error Correction Playing 30% 16%
Dancing 13% 40%
(v) What message might the Buddha’s story hold Childhood memories remind us of the days
for those who are in positions of power and gone by.....
privilege? Reference: A Baker from Goa and Nelson
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions Mandela: Long Walk 6
in 40–50 words each: 2×3=6 (ii) Amanda from the poem ‘Amanda’ is a teenager
(i) Scientists contribute to make the world a better like Anne Frank and lives in her fantasy
place. Griffin is an antithesis to this statement. world whereas Anne is a chatter box. What
Justify. (Footprints Without Feet) conversation will Anne Frank have with
(ii) Why did Bholi’s teacher feel like an artist Amanda about different perspectives of life?
admiring her masterpiece? (Bholi) Write your answer in about 120 words. 6
(iii) What is the twist at the end of the story “The 11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions
Necklace’? (The Necklace) in 100–120 words:
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions (i) How did the lady in red manage to outsmart
in 100–120 words: and out maneuver the other thief, Horace
(i) In the chapter ‘A Baker from Goa’ the narrator Danby, by robbing the safe without leaving a
talks about his childhood in Goa and his single fingerprint? (A Question of Trust) 6
fond memories. In about 120 words write a (ii) Hari Singh says– “He knew it but neither his lips
presentation draft comparing the childhood nor his eyes showed anything.”
of the narrator in ‘A Baker from Goa’ to that of Anil successfully addressed the situation by not
Nelson Mandela. addressing it at all. Elaborate based on your
You may begin this way: reading of The Thief ’s Story. 6
Delhi Set–2 2/1/2
Note: Except the following all other Questions are from Delhi Set-1
(iii) Read the conversation given below between a (vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
receptionist and a guest. Complete the sentence supplies the correction in the given sentence:
by filling in the blank: She wants to learns how to play the piano.
Receptionist: Good to see you again, sir!
Guest: Indeed, it’s always nice to be back here. Option Error Correction
The guest replied that______________. (A) want wanted
(iv) Read the dialogue between Raashi and Ratul (B) learns learn
regarding volunteer work: (C) play played
Raashi: What is the most rewarding part of
volunteering? (D) play plays
Solved Paper - 2024 xxiii
(viii) The management felt that the company include communication. Include a reference to your
corporate social responsibility as part of its previous letter. Remember to mention quantity,
mission statement and work for the betterment quality, mode of payment, delivery date and
of society. discount. 5
(A) must (B) ought 5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below:
(C) need (D) might (A) The chart given below displays data about the
(ix) Report the dialogue between a vendor and his number of gyms and the number of members in
customer, by completing the sentence: your city over the past decade.
Vendor: Have you been busy lately? Write a paragraph analysing the given data:
Customer: Yes, I have been very occupied with Number of gyms opening up in the past decade
work this week.
The vendor asked his customer if he had been
busy of late. The customer confirmed this,
stating that________.
(x) The residents __________ eagerly for the young
ones to visit them every Sunday and bring cheer
to their lonely lives:
(A) has waited (B) has been waiting
(C) were waiting (D) waited
(xi) Complete the line from a self awareness song,
by filling in the blank with the correct option:
The autumn breeze cradles your thoughts, 5
The falling leaves _______ your melancholy, OR
The Sunset paints your mood, (B) You are a teacher in New City Global School. The
As the evening ushers in the night. given bar graph shows a comparative analysis
(A) share (B) shares of students’ performance in different subjects in
(C) shared (D) shall share the terminal exam. Write an analytical paragraph
(xii) Identify the error and supply correction for this on the variation in the performances of students
line from a health study: in about 120 words:
The research explores the correlation of physical
activity and mental health.
Use the given format for your response:
Error Correction
hydropower) is produced when water behind (D) Alternative energy sources are the emerging
a dam causes turbine blades to move as it flows energy trends and are still evolving.
through an intake. The turbine blades then (viii) State whether the following statement is True or
rotate a generator to produce electricity that is False with reference to the given extract. 1
sent to power homes. Hydroelectricity as a renewable energy source is
(7) Nuclear energy is created in the form of heat used for residential as well as commercial purposes.
through the fission process of atoms. The initial
fission process creates energy and triggers a 2. Read the passage given below: [10]
chain reaction that repeats the process and (1) Mango (Mangifera indica) is Asia’s most popular
generates more energy. In nuclear power fruit and it has gained popularity around the
plants, the heat that fission produces creates world. It has long been a component of culture
steam. The steam then rotates a turbine, which and religion as a useful and tasty fruit. In
leads to the production of electricity. addition to taste, it has many good qualities
(8) Solar power most commonly refers to the use thus making it to be called as ‘King of Fruits”.
of solar cells to create energy. On a small scale, Major mango–growing states in India include
you may see a few solar panels on a house roof Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka,
used to produce energy for just that one home. Bihar, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh
On a larger scale, you may see a solar farm used and Uttar Pradesh are the leading states in
as a power plant to produce electricity for its mango production.
consumers. (2) Mango is grown in an area of 5.58 million
Answer the following questions, based on the above
hectares of area in the world. India is the largest
producer of mangoes with 46.02 and 45.88
(i) Which of the following statements best describes the
difference between renewable energy sources and percent of the total world area and production,
alternate energy sources? 1 respectively. However, India being the major
(A) Alternative energy sources are more expensive shareholder in terms of mango production,
than renewable energy sources. exports only 0.52% of its total production
(B) Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible indicating the huge gap in exporting of
whereas alternate energy sources could be mangoes. Peru exports about 46%, Thailand
exhaustible. 24%, Mexico 18% and Brazil 11% of their total
(C) Alternative energy sources are as renewable as mango production. These countries are the
bigger challenges for Indian mango exports.
renewable energy sources.
Hence, efforts are needed to evolve cheap
(D) Renewable energy sources are exhaustible but
transportation mechanism, increase the trade
alternative energy sources are inexhaustible.
(ii) What is the tone of the writer in the given lines agreements with major importing countries and
from para (4)? Rationalise your response in about 40 enhance the productivity.
words. 2 (3) The top importing country is United States
“However, thanks to increased demand, more of America, however, India exports only two
experienced energy developers, competitive supply percent of its total exports to the USA. The
chains, improved renewable technologies and USA, European countries, the UK, Malaysia and
enhanced energy efficiency capabilities, that’s no Russia can be the other hotspots where India
longer the case”. can target to export the mangoes. The critical
(iii) Complete the sentence appropriately: 1 issue for exporting to the USA is transportation
In the past, alternative energy sources were not cost (due to sea route distance) and limited shelf
used much by the consumers because ______. life of mango, while for Europe transportation
(iv) The passage includes some words that are opposites costs as well as competition by African countries
of each other. From the sets (a) to (e) below, identify are the major hurdles.
two sets of antonyms: 1
The following chart shows the major export
(A) generate and produce
destinations of Indian mangoes in 2019–20:
(B) exhaustible and inexhaustible Table : Major export destinations of Indian
(C) subtle and versatile mangoes in 2019–20 :
(D) power and energy
(E) sustainable and exhaustible S.No. Country Percentage
(v) Who is the leader of renewable energy pack and 1. U.S.A. 2
why? 1
2. Kuwait 2
(vi) Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in
about 40 words, the difference between geothermal 3. Saudi Arabia 3
electricity and hydroelectricity. 2 4. Qatar 6
(vii) What is the message conveyed by the passage? 1 5. Bangladesh 6
(A) Only those energy sources should be used 6. Oman 7
which are renewable. 7. U.K. 9
(B) Wind energy is a renewable as well as 8. Nepal 24
inexhaustible source of energy. 9. United Arab Emirates 33
(C) There are plenty of renewable energy sources 10. Bahrain 2
that can be used to replace traditional energy 11. Others 6
sources. (Adapted for academic usage.)
Solved Paper - 2024 xxvii
Answer the following questions, based on the
Yoga should help lower blood pressure, cholesterol
passage above: and blood sugar, all of which are not good for your
(i) Complete the following analogy appropriately, heart and blood vessels.
based on your understanding of Para (1) 1
Use the given format for your response.
We can say that for becoming the king of jungle,
Lion has to be the strongest, bravest and the fiercest. Error Correction
Similarly, Mango is known as the king as the king of
fruits because ________. 1
(ii) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option (iii) ‘Manthan and Sonalika had a conversation about
from those given in brackets, based on your Sonalika’s job interview. 1
understanding of Para (2): 1 Report Manthan’s question.
The statement that, India is the largest producer How are you preparing for the interview?
of Mangoes with 45.88 percent of the total world (iv) Read the dialogue between Meher and her mother,
production can be attributed to Indian orchardists, regarding Meher’s dance classes. 1
is a/an _____ (fact/opinion) because it is a/an _______ Mother: Are you enjoying your dance classes?
(subjective judgement/objective detail) Meher: Oh Yes! I am loving it. It is so refreshing to
(iii) Justify the following in about 40 words: 2 attend them after a long day.
India being the major shareholder in terms of Select the correct option to complete the reporting
mango production, exports only 0.52% of its total of the above dialogue.
production. Meher’s mother asked her ______. In response,
(iv) Based on the table, which three countries were at Meher exclaimed and said that she was loving it.
par with each other in terms of mango import from She added that it was very refreshing to attend them
India in 2019–20? 1 after a long day.
(v) The top mango importing country is the U.S.A., (A) whether the dance classes were being enjoyed
however, India exports only two percent of its total by her
exports to the U.S.A. State any one inference that (B) whether she is enjoying her dance classes
can be drawn from this. 1 (C) whether she was enjoying her dance classes
(vi) In the given sentence taken from para–2, select the (D) whether the dance classes are being enjoyed by
option that correctly replaces the underlined word, her
with its most likely antonym. 1 (v) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option,
These countries are the bigger challenges for Indian to complete the line of a circular issued by an
mango exports. organisation, to its stakeholders. 1
(A) enigmas (B) solutions In order to enable the stakeholders to ____ (access/
(C) provocations (D) disputes assess/accent) all the applicable circulars at one place,
(vii) Why is India described as the largest producer of the provisions of the circulars issued till January 6,
mangoes in the world? (Answer in about 40 words.)2 2024, are incorporated in this master circular.
(viii) Which of the following is the main takeaway from (vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the given
the study mentioned in the passage? 1 sentence from a company’s orientation programme:
(A) India needs to produce more mangoes so that 1
more can be exported. A founder’s goal, during the first phase, is to learn
(B) The UAE imported most mangoes from India in how to obtain feedback on low prospective and real
2019–20. customers are experience the product.
Use the given format for your response.
(C) India is the largest producer of mangoes and by
putting in more efforts, has the potential to be Error Correction
the largest exporter too.
(D) More study is needed to find ways to increase
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and
the export of mangoes from India.
supplies the correction for a line from a Research
Report: 1
SECTION–B In many low and middle income countries, health
coverage has improved dramatically in the last two
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE 20 MARKS decades, but health outcomes may not.
WRITING SKILLS Option No Error Correction
Easy to Clean?
Error Correction
40–50 words each: 4 × 3=12 One acknowledges that both, Valli and Mandela
(i) What idea does the Postmaster come up with _____ however,
What did he do to stick to his resolution? 3 (Reference: Nelson Mandela – A Long Walk to
(A Letter to God) Freedom & Madam Rides a Bus)
(ii) Briefly bring out the contrast between the OR
young seagull’s initial attempts to fly and his (B) You have been chosen to address the student
first successful flight. (His First Flight) 3 gathering from the nearby schools, to speak on
(iii) Explain why Amanda wants to be an orphan. “How to Deal with Loss – Personal or Material’.
Refer to the given lines, from the text – I am an Prepare the speech draft in not more than 120
orphan, roaming the street. I pattern soft dust words, with reference to the commonality of
with my hushed, bare feet. The silence is golden, themes in John Benyman’s.
the freedom is sweet. (Amanda) 3 ‘The Ball Poem’ and ‘A Sermon at Benaras’.
(iv) Mijbil turned out to be a playful pet. Elaborate. You may begin this way.
(Mijbil the Otter) 3 Good morning everyone. Today, I’d like to
(v) Ogden Nash uses vivid imagery in ‘The Tale discuss two pieces of literature that offer a
of Custard the Dragon’ to appeal to the senses. powerful insight into how we can learn to deal
Elaborate the imagery used for the Pirate. 3 with loss.
9. Answer any two out of the following three questions You may end in this way–
in 40–50 words each: 2 × 3=6 To conclude, I’d like to say that–
(i) What does Mr. Herriot mean by “happy period” Thank you.
for himself and his partners? Explain. 3 11. Answer any one of the following two questions, in
(A Triumph of Surgery) 100–120 words: 1 × 6= 6
(ii) Justify how Ebright’s mother played an (A) Imagine that Griffin’s conscience pricks him and
important part in becoming him a scientist. 3 he decides to write a diary entry, about misusing
(The Making of a Scientist) science and endangering society, in the context
(iii) A well known book of nursery rhymes saved the of his own experience.
world from a Martian invasion. Comment with Write this diary entry, as Griffin, in about 120
reference to ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’. 3 words.(Reference: Footprints without
10. Answer any one of the following two questions in Feet by H.G. Wells)
100–120 words: 1 × 6=6 OR
(A) A desire is more personal whereas a vision has (B) A character arc is the transformation or
broader connotations. You have been asked development of a character throughout a story
to present an analysis of Valli’s desire and and refers to the changes a character undergoes
Mandela’s vision and how they are respectively as a result of their experiences, challenges and
fulfilled. Write this presentation draft including interaction with other characters.
your insights, in about 120 words, comparing In the light of the above information, trace the
the approaches of both Valli and Mandela. character arc of Matilda in Guy De Maupassants’
You may begin like this: ‘The Necklace’, in about 120 words.
Outside Delhi Set–2 1/4/2
Note: Except the following all other Questions are from Ourside Delhi Set-1
Today, researchers are trying to establish
SECTION–B whether yoga must help relieve people from
depression and arthritis.
GRAMMAR AND CREATIVE 20 MARKS Use the given format for your response.
WRITING SKILLS Error Correction
3. Complete any ten of the following twelve tasks, as (iii) Swati and Akshat had a conversation about the
directed: 10 × 1=10 opening of Swati’s Art Exhibition. 1
Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the Report Akshat’s question.
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a Did the organisers offer you any discount?
letter: 1 (iv) Read the dialogue between Manish and his
Since you have been found guilty of _______ father, regarding Manish’s cricket coaching. 1
(deliver) poor results for six months at a stretch, Father: Did you get a new coach in the academy
we are issuing this warning letter to warn you. to train you?
(ii) Read the given sentence from a research study. Manish: Yes, the new coach is very motivating
Identify the error and supply the correction in and pushes us to perform better.
the sentence: 1 Select the correct option to complete the
reporting of the above dialogue.
Solved Paper - 2024 xxxi
Manish’s father asked him _________. We use essential cookies to make our site work.
Manish answered in the affirmative and added With your consent, we may also use non–
that the new coach was very motivating and essential cookies to _______ and analyse website
pushed them to perform better. traffic.
(A) if he got a new coach in the academy to train (A) improve user experience.
him. (B) improving user experience.
(B) if he is getting a new coach in the academy to (C) improve using experience.
train him.
(C) whether he got a new coach to train him. (D) improved user experience.
(D) whether he gets a new coach in the academy to (xi) Complete the slogan, by filling in the blank with
train him. the correct option: 1
(v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, The Road to Success Lies Along the Path
to complete the line from a policy document of that’s___ Recycling Bins !
a company: 1 (A) Line with (B) Lined with
It helps anyone _____ (whom/who/which) (C) Lining with (D) Lined to
wants to enter into a contractual relationship (xi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
with the company to gain knowledge about the following sentence taken from a course’s flyer:
(vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the
Our courses offer you concise training on
given sentence from a speech by an employee:
individual growth and personal developments.
We live in an ever changed world and in order
to keep up and become successful, continuous Use the given format for your response.
education is a must. 1 Error Correction
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
4. (A) As Komal Gupta of 987, Dev Apartments, Rajpur,
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and you believe that proper waste management
supplies the correction for a line from a Research is a must in today’s times when we need to
Report: 1 promote ‘Recycling’ for optimum utilisation
The search for better employment opportunities of things/products. Despite ample promotion
are the key mechanism by which the majority by civic authorities about segregation of waste
of the world’s population can hope to improve into ‘recyclable’ and ‘non recyclable’ waste the
their lives. garbage collectors in your areas do not follow
Option No. Error Correction the rules.
A search research Write a letter to the MLA of your city, in about
120 words, apprising him of the situation,
B for about sharing the importance of waste segregation
C are is and requesting him to take strict action against
D can ought to erring personnel. 1 × 5=5
(viii) Complete the given narrative by filling in the (B) As Anushri Jain, a resident of 52, Mount view
blank with the correct option: 1 Apartments, Abadpur, you are distressed with
One scorching summer, the desert became dry frequent long power cuts in your society.
and there was no water left for the plants. The Despite several request letters to the concerned
rose quickly _______ to wilt. authority, the problem still persists. Write a letter
(A) beginning (B) begin to the editor of a local daily, in about 120 words
(C) began (D) begins highlighting the inconvenience faced by the
(ix) Report the dialogue between two friends, residents of the locality and offering solutions.
Deepika and Nida, by completing the sentence: 5. (A) A climate change impact on agriculture is a
Deepika: Are you excited about your sister’s point of concern. It affects all three aspects of
marriage? 1 food security: 1 × 5=5
Nida: Yes, indeed ! My family has been busy Availability, Access and Absorption. Different
with preparations for the past two months. crops react to climate change in different ways.
Deepika asked Nida if she was excited about her The chart given below highlights the impact
sister’s marriage. of climate change on various crops. Based on
Nida answered in the affirmative and explained the given data, write an analytical paragraph,
that ________. in about 120 words, analysing the impact of
climate change on various crops and discussing
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to
possible causes.
complete the part of the pop up on a computer
screen: 1
from country to country. According to a study
Negative Mixed Positive conducted by an NGO, students gave various
reasons for dropping out of school. Based on
Rice –ve the figures given below, write an analytical
paragraph, in about 120 words, analysing and
Wheat –ve assessing the reasons.
Reasons for Dropping Out of School
Maize –ve
Students who considered dropping out of high
Sorghum –ve school gave these reasons for considering this
Potato mixed I didn’t like the school ... 73%
Groundnut mixed I didn’t like the teachers ...61%
I didn’t see value in the work I was being asked
Coconut mixed to do ... 60%
Gram +ve I had family issues ...42%
I need to work for money ...35%
Soyabean +ve I was bullied ...28%
Onion +ve The work was too difficult ...54%
The work was too easy ...19%
Castor +ve
(B) Life expectancy is defined as the average SECTION–C
number of additional years a person could
expect to live if current mortality trends were LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
to continue for the rest of that person’s life. It
is a standard indicator for the level of socio– 8. (iv) The most laid back individuals become converts
economic development. Based on the data to the life of high–energy adventure. Elaborate
given below, write an analytical paragraph, in with reference to Coorg. [3]
about 120 words, analysing the projected life (Glimpses of India)
expectancy of men and women over a period of (v) Bring out the central idea of the poem, ‘The Tale
time and assessing the possible causes. of Custard the Dragon’. [3]
Solved Paper - 2024 xxxv
Delhi Set–1 2/1/1
(ii) The moon is like a mirror and it appears to have who fought against the apartheid system in South
been broken into pieces as the shadow of the oak Africa. Despite facing several challenges, he never
tree divides the moon into many fragments. lost his courage and remained steadfast in his fight
(iii) Option (C) is correct. for equality and justice. He was a man of belief and
(iv) Her head is full of the slow sounds made by integrity and had a willingness to never give up.
the trees which are desperate to move out. These (b) Good morning everyone, Today I would like to discuss
sounds will not be heard the next day. The poet is two pieces of literature that offer a powerful insight
feeling remorseful as tomorrow everything will be into how we can learn to deal with loss. The loss of the
silent. ball in the poem leaves the small boy grief stricken as
8. (i) The Post master was astounded by the amount of faith it is his first experience of a loss of a possession. Where
Lencho had in God and wished he had the same. So, as the mother Kisa Gotami also experienced the same
in order not to shake the writer’s faith, he decided to feeling when she lost her only child.
help him by collecting money from his friends and The poet who has seen the boy grieving leaves him
relatives. He even donated a part of his salary. alone instead of consoling him as he wants him to
(ii) Initially, the young seagull was afraid his wings may learn how to take life in its stride and bear the losses
not support him to fly. Once he overcame his fear, bravely. While Budhha made Kisa Gotami learn
he felt relaxed and happy to fly in the air. He went that loss is inevitable and so should not give a set
to float on the surface of the sea and enjoyed his back to the person. She learns a lesson that death
first flight. is common to all and no grieving or lamenting can
(iii) Amanda yearns to be an orphan so that she can bring back dead to life.
live without any interference from her parents. She To conclude I would like to say that loss of any type
wants to roam the streets and make patterns in the is irreparable. but grieving cannot provide respite.
soft dust and enjoy her freedom. So, one should learn to face all the hurdles bravely.
(iv) Mijbil was a playful pet. He invented his own games 11.(A)Wednesday 27 February 20XX
out of ping pong balls. He loved to play and splash 10:45 pm
in the water. He played with marbles and terrapin Dear Diary
shells. He spent most of his time playing with a There is no denying the fact that science contributes
rubber ball. to make this world a better place, however I could
(v) The poet has used vivid imagery in describing the not use this opportunity for the same. My unbridled
pirate. He looked scary with a cutlass bright in his ambition made me a lawless and violent person. I
teeth, which means he was holding a glass in his didn’t show humanity or kindness towards anyone,
teeth. Also, he had a wooden peg for a leg, which just because of my ego. None of my actions were for
means that his leg was artificial. The poet has the betterment of humans. I set my landlord’s house
described the pirate in a scary manner. on fire, attacked a shopkeeper and even fooled Mr.
9. (i) Mr. Herriot was tempted to keep Tricki as a and Mrs. Hall. I even terrified them and stole money
permanent guest as he and his friends enjoyed from the clergy’s house. I now realise that though I
eggs for breakfast, wine and brandy for lunch. He am a brilliant scientist, but have a negative bent of
therefore calls it a happy period. mind. I have acted so cruelly number of times. But it
(ii) Ebright’s mother supported him in his education. is now when my conscience has pricked me.
She took him for excursions, purchased telescopes, I feel that if a person does something wrong and
cameras and microscopes to help him pursue his realises later, he can always make amends and
hobbies. The ‘Travels of Monarch X’, a book about rectify his mistakes. It is an old saying that kindness
monarch butterflies was another gift from her which pays, rudeness never. Anger can never resolve any
encouraged Ebright to pursue his hobby. problem, rather it aggravates it.
(iii) The invasion of the Earth by Martians was Discoveries of science can be used for the welfare of
saved because the Martian commander–in–chief mankind. I could have also done that. But it is never
misinterpreted the rhyme” Humpty dumpty had too late.
a great fall”. He misunderstood that the earthlings
wanted to capture mars Central Control. He thus
ordered the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire OR
planet. (B) Matilda was a pretty and young lady born into the
family of clerks as an error of destiny. Married to
10.(A)One acknowledges that both Valli and Mandela
a clerk, she had no means to become known and
were fearless and determined, however, Valli was
rich. She always suffered from poverty. She was
a curious girl who spent her time standing at the
unhappy with her middle–class life and was always
doorway observing people, and Mandela.
dissatisfied. She thinks that she is a victim of social
Valli was a meticulous planner and planned her injustice and irony of fate. She was ungrateful despite
trip accordingly at the age of eight. Her childish her husband’s relentless efforts to please her.
innocence veiled by her smart and bold outlook. On
One fatal mistake of hers hits her and a tragedy
the whole she can be described as a curious, joyful,
befalls upon her. She is forced to work tirelessly to
disciplined, smart and bold girl who was quite
repay her debt. As she struggles with poverty, her
mature of her age.
beauty fades away.
Nelson Mandela was a brave and courageous person
Solved Paper - 2024 xlv
Thus, we see that when she faced crucial way to respect and gratitude for tolerance and
circumstances, she finds herself face to face with generosity. After the loss, she became more mature
the bitter consequences of her folly. That loss makes and humbler. This change in her character is a result
her more careful and responsible person. Her of her circumstances and problems she faced in life.
grumbling over the poor lot of her husband gives
infrastructure, improving maintenance practices students feel that the work they are asked to do lacks
and exploring alternative energy sources. value, highlighting a gap between the curriculum
I trust that by highlighting this issue in your and students’ interests or future aspirations. Other
esteemed publication, we can garner the attention of reasons such as family issues, the need to work for
the relevant authorities and work towards finding a financial support (35%), and bullying (28%) also
lasting solution to this pressing problem. contribute to students’ contemplation of dropping
Thank you out. This data emphasises the complexity of factors
Yours sincerely influencing student retention and underscores the
Anushri Jain need for comprehensive approaches to address
these challenges within education systems.
5.(A) Climate change presents a significant threat to
agricultural sustainability, affecting key aspects of
food security: availability, access and absorption. SECTION–C
The impact of climate change on various crops
is diverse and multifaceted. According to the LITERATURE TEXTBOOK
provided data, crops such as rice, wheat, and
maize demonstrate negative responses, indicating 8.(iv) Despite the challenges and uncertainties that may
decreased yields or compromised growth under have arisen, the baker and his family found ways to
changing climatic conditions. Conversely, crops sustain themselves and thrive. This resilience could
like onion and castor show positive reactions, stem from the baker’s resourcefulness in adapting
suggesting increased productivity. However, the
to changing circumstances, his skill in providing for
situation is complex, with many crops experiencing
mixed outcomes. For instance, potatoes and his family through his trade, or the support network
groundnuts exhibit both positive and negative within the community. The phrase implies that even
impacts, highlighting the unpredictability of in difficult times, the baker and his family managed
climate change effects on agricultural systems. to secure their basic needs, suggesting a sense of
Moreover, marine and freshwater fish face mixed perseverance and resilience that characterises their
consequences, indicating challenges in maintaining way of life.
fishery resources. To address these challenges, (v) Ogden Nash’s “The Tale of Custard The Dragon”
adaptive strategies such as crop diversification,
can be classified as a humorous ballad or poem that
resilient crop varieties, and sustainable farming
practices are crucial. Additionally, investment in tells a story in a narrative structure, use of rhyme
research and development is essential to develop and rhythm, and whimsical tone. The poem follows
innovative solutions for mitigating the adverse a clear storyline involving characters like Belinda,
effects of climate change on agriculture, ensuring Custard the dragon, and various other animals.
food security for future generations. Each stanza progresses the plot, building suspense
OR and humour as Custard’s courage is put to the test.
(B) The data provided offers insights into the reasons The poem’s playful language, clever wordplay, and
why students consider dropping out of high school, exaggerated descriptions add to its humorous appeal.
based on a study conducted by an NGO. It’s evident Additionally, the repetition of certain phrases and the
that a large percentage of students, accounting for rhyming scheme contribute to its musical quality,
73%, feel disheartened by the school environment making it suitable for recitation or singing. Overall,
itself, indicating potential issues with the school’s “The Tale of Custard The Dragon” exhibits all the
culture or atmosphere. Additionally, a significant 61% characteristics of a traditional ballad or narrative
express dissatisfaction with the teachers, suggesting poem, albeit with a humorous twist, making it a
that teacher–student relationships might play a delightful and entertaining piece of literature.
crucial role in student retention. Moreover, 60% of