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College Dorm Life

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College Dorm Life

What to expect at college and how to put together your dorm room

If youve just graduated from high school and are preparing for
what might be your first year of college dorm life, you probably have a lot of questions and
concerns. You may be facing the first time youve ever shared a room, especially with
someone to whom youre not related. What if you dont get along? What do you need
to take for your room? Top bunk or bottom bunk?

For many, this will be an entirely new experience. First off: relax. Youre certainly not
alone-chances are that every other freshman in the dorms will have the same fears and
concerns. Take advantage of the time before school starts to prepare yourself. You can
begin by visiting our Campus Life section and reading the many articles about what to
expect and how to handle college dorm life.
College Dorm Life and Homesickness
Its natural for some homesickness to accompany your first two or three weeks of
adjusting to college dorm life. Youre in an entirely new environment. On one hand, there
are no more curfews, no constant reminders to do your homework, no questions about
where youre going, or who youre going to be with.
On the other hand, youre on your own for what might be the first time in your life. No
ones cooking your meals, except maybe the cafeteria staff. No ones making sure your
homework gets done, or that you get up for class on time. No ones washing your clothes.
The freedom accompanying college dorm life can be both a blessing and a curse. However,
during this major transition, many students find that the biggest hurdle they face in their
first college dorm life experience is homesickness. In her article Back to School Blues,
Christina Couch offers a number of valuable tips on how to cope with the natural feelings
of loneliness and homesickness that often affect new students.
Finding an inexpensive way to keep in touch with family and friends can be a great way to
smooth the transition into college dorm life. Many campuses offer free or low-cost Internet
connections in the dorms, so e-mail and instant messaging are two ways you can check in
with people at home. In addition, to save on long distance phone bills, look into available
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services.
Sharing your exciting and/or trying experiences with people from home can help dispel
feelings of isolation and loneliness. You may actually learn that youre not missing much.
However, if feelings of homesickness and depression persist as a result of college dorm
life, make sure you talk to someone about them. A good place to start with is your dorms
resident advisor.
College Dorm Room Checklist
One of the anxieties that comes with the approach to college dorm life lies in the
preparation. How do you figure out what to take with you? Preparing your college dorm
room checklist can begin with your visit to the dorms during orientation. While there, take
a good look at whats provided by the school. If you get the chance, ask dorm residents
how they prepared for their college dorm life, such as what they brought, what they
forgot, what they found out they needed after a few days in their dorm room. In addition,
visit your college or universitys web site to see if they have a dorm room checklist online,
and also be sure to check for items that may be prohibited from the dorms, such as
candles or space heaters.
Once youve put your dorm room checklist together, contact your future roommate to
introduce yourself and discuss what each of you is planning to take to college. Theres no
sense in trying to fit two microwaves or small refrigerators in what will will likely be
extremely limited space. This might also be a good time to discuss your individual
expectations and what you each anticipate from college dorm life. If your future roommate
regularly stays up until 3 a.m., and youre an early riser, you will probably want to take
the opportunity to set up some ground rules you both can live with before you move in.
Megan OLeary, in hat to Bring to College, provides a college dorm room checklist
including many items youve probably considered, such as an alarm clock, a computer, and
other essentials of college dorm life.
She also includes some items you may not have thought of, but that can make your
college dorm life more pleasant, such as houseplants, a shower caddy, and a comfortable
chair or bean bag. Be sure to get yourself a daily planner or calendar to mark down
important dates, such as when papers or projects are due and exam days. Remember (and
this takes some getting used to), one of the biggest adjustments to college dorm life youll
have to make is to be disciplined, to put yourself in charge of getting your homework done
and preparing for tests.
et Involved with College Dorm Life
The experts agree that one of the best ways to cope with the loneliness that can
accompany college dorm life is to get involved in activities on campus. Allowing yourself to
get bored can lead to depression, so make sure you have things to do; the more you get
out of your dorm room, the more youll get out of college dorm life.
By finding activities you like, youll meet like-minded people and develop friendships, and
when you broaden your college experience youll find that college dorm life becomes easier
and easier.
Visit our Campus Life section for more free information about college dorm life and
meeting new people on campus, how to tackle college academics, how to stay healthy and
in shape during your college years, and much more.
College-Bound Student Information
CollegeView offers an extensive amount of valuable information and resources for the
college-bound student. Please follow these links to discover more articles that can help you
in your choice for an educational pathway:

Question: What is college dorm life like?

Dorm liIe at college can be exhilarating, and it can be exasperating. Most oI the time, though, it`s somewhere in
Ah, memories oI my Ireshman year in the dorms: all-night bull sessions about everything Irom childhood Iears to
our ideal jobs, sleeping on the Iloor oI a Iriend`s room because my roommate deposited his supper on our room`s
Iloor aIter some hard partying, getting to know people with whom, even today (three decades later), I correspond,
and the dances, Iootball games, spring days, and . . .
You get the picture. Dorms are sort oI a benign boot camp Ior young, idealistic Ireshmen. Every year, all across
America, millions oI strangers are asked to share their lives and living habits Ior nine months during a year oI stress
and adventure. Almost sounds like a recruiting ad Ior the Navy, doesn`t it?
The truth about dorm liIe is that it`s mostly what you make oI it. Sure, you can get stuck with a roommate whom you
not only dislike but who is also the biggest slob (or neat Ireak) you`ll ever see. Colleges and universities have ways
to Iix problems between terminally incompatible roomies. They usually reassign the parties involved, but only aIter
the situation has been judged to be beyond repair.
Dorm liIe is about patience, compromise, and giving. When both parties (or sometimes three or Iour in the same
room complex) have these qualities, liIe can be a whole lot less stressIul.
Dorm rooms are a combination oI library, recreation room, bedroom, and haven Irom the storms oI the Iirst year oI
college. They`re truly an all-purpose room.
So, get ready to live in the dorms. You may be able to live oII campus next year, or the year aIter that. Even though
you may think that`s the way to go, don`t waste the big chance to experience liIe in the dorm lane.

Dormitory life will definitely give you a glimpse of the
local student life and culture. nstant noodles,
computer games and CQ make up the key tools for
surviving dormitory life for most local students. They
sometimes gather to have sweet soups (Chinese
dessert) or snacks late at night, watch DVDs in the
common room or do sports together.

Living with a local roommate and adjusting to
different living habits may cause tension especially
during the first few weeks of your stay. Many local
students, especially females, are extremely modest
and prefer to undress in complete privacy. They will
expect equal consideration from you. t is a good
idea, therefore, to discuss this early on with our
roommate and arrive at an agreeable arrangement.

All dormitories have wardens and residence tutors
to oversee the physical and mental well-being of the
residents. The tutors will also help to organize
activities with the resident associations. Some
examples of these activities are high table dinners,
sweet soup or soup gatherings, talks, mass games
such as tug of war, and karaoke parties. There is
always something happening at the dormitories but
of course you have to take the initiative to find out.

Tips for a Clean Dorm Life

t is hard to stay clean and tidy in the dorms, even for the most organized of people. For a
number of reasons, you just won't have the same energy and drive to put things away or
keep things in their respective places. attribute the aforementioned to a number of
factors that are not present in high school life.
Number 1 is the roommate. This beastl y creature can be your best friend or your worst
enemy. He or she can share in your aspirations of a clean room or destroy any hopes
you have of ever achieving such. magine your new dorm room is a person--except this
person now has two personalities. No matter how well the two mesh, there is bound to be
some clash and discomfort.
n my opinion the number 2 reason is
the shock of new-found independence. The world just got a whole lot bigger. That is right.
Mommy and Daddy are gone, everything needs to get done and you need to do it. This
increased workload often forces the best of us to push our organizational skills out the
window and spend that precious time recuperating from the night before (whether it was
studying for a midterm or winning the local beer pong tournament).
And lastly, coming in at number 3, rooms are unorganized simply because it's the norm
to have a messy room. Very few people in college maintain a clean dorm room for the
reasons listed above and more.
So what can you do? A few tips that you would inevitably learn through experience, but it
might be helpful to know them before things get too out of hand. First, keep track of all
shared expenses. This way you won't be nervous about getting reimbursed for something
your room absolutely needs. Second, take mandatory turns cleaning up the room
completely. By completely, mean sparkling clean. f you have ever spent two hours
doing a complete clean job on your apartment or room or dishes even for that matter, you
know that once you appreciate how much effort goes into making it look nice you try to
keep it nice for as long as possible.
My last tip for keeping your room clean is, don't be afraid to confront your roommate
about his or her habits. f you are fine with it, by all means, let it continue. But if it bothers
you let him or her know. t is in essence peer pressure, but it works. You voice your
opinions and your roommate would not want to let you down.
hope these tips help, and if all else fails you can always change roommates, rooms, or
even schools. But don't do anything to drastic over a little pile of laundry. Enjoy the dorms
because there is nothing in the world like being a freshman in a crowded building of your
peers. So take it slow, try and keep it clean but if not, go out and enjoy it.
5 AppIiances and Accessories to RevoIutionize Your Dorm

Some college students are content to simply survive their time in a college dorm room.
Sure, it's not perfect, but it's only temporary, right? f this is you, then don't bother with the
rest of this article and enjoy your boring cell.
The rest of us know the truth: if you have to live in a dorm and at most colleges you do
at some point you may as well make the best of it. Why simply survive dorm life when
you can actually enjoy it. The only problem is that sometimes that can mean a lot of work.
Depending on your school, your dorm room can be anything from a spacious multi-
roomed duplex to a cramped and dull concrete cell. t's hard to imagine that anyone can
live in the latter, let alone turn it into something enjoyable. But those of us unlucky
enough to experience it know that it can be done. And someday you may even consider it
your home away from home.
The gadgets and small appliances listed below
are not going to help you study for your midterms. They won't write your papers for you
either. However, they'll certainly make the rest of your college experience more
uIti-FunctionaI Breakfast aker
While useful, the old school coffee makers that were the roast of the town just years ago
don't cut it anymore. Coffee is great, and obviously a collegiate necessity, but wouldn't it
be nice if you could also make eggs, toast and maybe even pancakes all at the same
time? f you dream of a breakfast machine that would make Pee Wee Herman proud,
then you need a combination coffee maker, toaster oven, griddle and steam tray. You're
not just rolling out of bed and into a pot of coffee anymore, you're serving full-out
breakfast with all the trimmings. Best of all, it won't take up too much room in your dorm
unlike Pee Wee's contraption. These fine machines are also quite the crowd pleaser
when you have unexpected company overnight.
D BIu-Ray PIayer
With your hearty breakfast ready, you're obviously going to need something to watch
while you eat. For those days when daytime TV just won't cut it or maybe you just want
to impress your newfound guest the 3D blu-ray player is just what you need. Since
studios seem to be releasing every blockbuster movie now in digital 3D, you may as well
take advantage of it. Yes, you're also going to need a new 3D-enabled television as well
as some specially designed 3D glasses, but it's a small price to pay to amaze your
friends and establish your room as the coolest theater on campus.
PortabIe Air Conditioner
What's the point of all this cooking and entertaining in your dorm room if you can't be
comfortable? That's where a portable air conditioner comes in. Dorm rooms can get
pretty hot, especially with all these electronics humming away. Unfortunately, most dorms
do not have central air, and a window unit is either not allowed or just not a feasible given
your available space. Luckily, a portable air conditioner is smaller and doesn't require
permanent installation. Venting is also simple and does not require as much space as a
window unit. Above all, portable air conditioners are easy to move from room to room so
it can go wherever the party is.
DigitaI Beverage Dispenser
Now that you're well fed and entertained, it must be close to happy hour. Mixing cocktails
and pouring drinks by hand is so last semester not to mention a bit messy. After
purchasing these other gadgets you probably can't afford own bartender for the evening,
so why not just pick up a Digital Beverage Dispenser instead. Seemingly designed with
the social (and maybe lazy) college student in mind, your electronic bartender is more
than happy to serve up a variety of fine beverages at the push of a button. t'll even pull
new and creative recipes right from the nternet just in case you get a little bored always
ordering the usual.
obiIe AIarm CIock
Waking up might be difficult after a long night with your new digital bartender friend.
Luckily, there are nowmobile alarm clocks that can provide just enough of a hassle to
make sure you get up and stay up. No, "mobile" doesn't mean you can easily take the
alarm clock with you when you leave. t's actually much more annoying! This alarm clock
on wheels will run away from you beeping with laughter as you frantically try to buy just
five more minutes in the morning. At the very least, it'll make for an entertaining morning
(for bystanders that is). The fact that it actually works isn't too shabby either.
Mike Tennant is a freelance writer who covers technology and lifestyle topics. A graduate
of the University of Notre Dame, Mike currently works with Air & Water Inc. as a content
ome For The oIidays? Time To Stock Up On Some Dorm

We all once lived in a simpler time. A time where we wouldn't spend our pennies on floss
and Charmin.
The holidays are here, classes aren't yet and you're most likely at home now. While you
might think this is a time to completely forget about school (which honestly isn't all that
bad of an idea), it's also a perfect time to prepare for when you come back.
Not for classes. Think "supplies".
f you just grab stuff and bail from the supermarket, it's called "shoplifting". f you shoplift
from home though, that's just "love". You obviously can't go overboard, but there are a
few places that can prove to be founts for your college experience.
The Bathroom
Buying toiletries is like buying insurance. Nobody likes paying for toilet paper or
toothpaste, but is there anything worse than when you need them and don't have any?
The answer is "no". This should be the worst thing on the list. f there's extra, just glean
that backup toothpaste and soap and leave just enough to remind your parents that
they'll need to restock shortly.
The great thing about stealing toiletries is that they're light and easil y concealable. You
can secretly load up and Mom and Dad will never be the wiser.
The Kitchen
This one's just as obvious, but it's important to be smart.
O Dry goods like macaroni and cheese or pancake mix
O Canned goods like chili or soup
O Cereal
O Milk
O Bread
O Fruits and vegetables
O Anything that spoils
There's a chance that, when you get home, you'll be exhausted. You want to make sure
that you can forget something in your car and not have to worry about it. Raiding the
'rents place should not be a stressful endeavor.
isceIIaneous Goods
Febreeze. Laundry detergent. Cleaning supplies. Your mom's scented candles.
Whatever you need, it's there. There are some advantages to heading home and
extending your adolescence. Looting the bare necessities is definitely one of these.
ow To Manage Your Money In College

Design Your Dorm presents a series of back to school blogs. Check out our 3-D dorm
roomdesigner, to see and design your dorm before move in day.
Managing your money in college is tough. There are so many books to buy, so many
concerts to see, and so many drinks... to drink. But you don't want to graduate buried in
debt, right? We didn't think so. Here's ten tips on how to manage your money so Louie
the Fish doesn't have to break your kneecaps.
Keep an eye on it
Try checking your money for at least four weeks and find out where you are spending it.
Sometimes we spend way too much on little things that we don't notice and go
overboard. When you know where your money is going, it's easier to figure out where
you can cut back and save some of it.
2 Start PIanning
The best way to manage your money is to make a simple budget. List all your expenses
from dorm payments and loans to a single bus fare. See how much you spend, and
decide if you could be spending less in any category. Then plan your expenditures for the
future and stick to the plan!
AIIocate money for fun
Saving money doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of fun. Buy music, Starbucks,
video games, but just make sure you budget it out and don't go overboard.
4 Pace yourseIf
Some students tends to spend cash right when they get it. Just because you just got paid
doesn't mean you should run out and buy a plasma screen. Make sure you have some
money at the end of the semester so you don't have to give your parents construction
paper dolls for Christmas... again.
5 Go easy with the credit cards
Having a credit card does not mean you have unlimited cash. Credit cards are great -
they help you build credit, they are good for emergencies, and they're more convenient
and safer than cash - but they're easy to abuse. n fact, that's kind of the point. Credit
card companies LOVE when you rack up debt. Learn to use your plastic sparingly, and
pay your bill in full each month, and you'll be fine.
Get reaI
There are things that you want to buy, but you can't. Having a realistic mindset will lessen
your urge to spend more than you have. Before you make a big purchase, just sleep on it
for a night and ask yourself, "Do really need this?" The answer may surprise you.
Budget for emergencies
Sometimes the unexpected happens, and it just doesn't fit into your budget. Whether it's
a medical emergency or Springsteen tickets, sometimes you have to spend a little more
than what you had planned. t helps to have a little wiggle room, or even a separate
category in your budget for these sorts of things. But even if you don't, don't stress. You
can always eat a little more Ramen next month.
9 Look ahead
Whether it's a road trip with friends or an auto insurance bill, if you know a big expense is
coming, start putting some money aside to pay for it. Don't wait until the last minute.
Ask for heIp when you need it
Sometimes, even if you manage your money well, you still come up short. f this
happens, suck it up and don't hesitate to ask for help. Whether you ask friends or family,
getting a loan from someone you know and trust is way better than a lifetime of high-
interest debt.

Dorm IIe
AccordIng Lo severuI reuIIy ImporLunL-soundIng sLudIes, IIrsL-yeur sLudenLs IIvIng on cumpus
perIorm beLLer ucudemIcuIIy LIun LIose wIo IIve oII cumpus. PerIups IL`s becuuse sLudenLs
IIvIng In dorms ure cIoser Lo LIe LIIngs LIey need, IIke LIe IIbrury und LIe compuLer Iubs. Or
muybe IL`s becuuse LIe meuI pIun LIuL comes wILI mosL dorms Lukes LIe pressure oII IuvIng Lo
Ioruge Ior Iood, gIvIng sLudenLs more LIme Lo sLudy. And LIInk oI uII LIe poLenLIuI sLudy
purLners IIouLIng uround LIe IuIIwuys or energeLIcuIIy IIgIIIgILIng LIeIr LexLbooks In LIe sLudy
Iounge. No wonder dorm IIIe Ior IIrsL yeurs Is sucI u good Ideu.
SIouId you IIve In u dorm your IIrsL yeur? n u word: yes. SocIuIIy, you cun`L beuL dorm IIvIng.
You`II muke IrIends eusIIy, commIseruLe ubouL scIooI wILI your dormmuLes, sLudy wILI groups
oI IrIends, uIwuys Iuve someone Lo euL wILI, und sLuy up IuLe socIuIIzIng uImosL every nIgIL.
You wIII sIure your coIIege experIence wILI oLIer peopIe wIo ure goIng LIrougI LIe sume ups
und downs, und LIuL mukes everyLIIng eusIer. TIere Is greuL sLrengLI In numbers.
SLudyIng cun be dIIIIcuIL In u dorm, becuuse socIuIIzIng oILen Lukes prIorILy over grudes. BuL
you cun eusIIy buIunce LIIs by IeudIng Lo LIe IIbrury or Lo u quIeL sLudy IuII.
AII oI LIese udvunLuges don`L eruse LIe IucL LIuL dorm IIIe cun be cIuIIengIng. You`re IIvIng In
cIose proxImILy Lo u IoL oI oLIer peopIe, und LIuL`s u recIpe Ior conIIIcL. BuL conIIIcL Is purL oI
IIIe, und IeurnIng Iow Lo deuI wILI IL successIuIIy Is essenLIuI Lo becomIng un uduIL.
The orm
NoL uII dorm rooms resembIe durk, dump prIson ceIIs. Some ure downrIgIL IuxurIous, IookIng
more IIke pIusI upurLmenL suILes LIun cumpus IousIng. Some coIIeges Iuve u IoL oI money Lo
spend on IousIng, und LIeIr dorms Lend Lo be more IIvubIe, so mucI so LIuL even purenLs ure
envIous. OLIer cumpuses mIgIL noL Iuve LIe cusI IIow Lo puL InLo LIe dorms, so you mIgIL
IInd yourseII IIvIng beLween Iour LIIckIy puInLed cInderbIock wuIIs, wILI noLIIng buL u Iumpy
muLLress Lo cry on wIen LIe LoIIeLs cIog up-uguIn. BuL IL`s usuuIIy noL LIuL bIeuk. SomeLImes
wIen LIe dorms on bIg urbun coIIeges IIII up scIooIs Iouse LIeIr sLudenLs In Iuxury IoLeIs.
You don`L Iuve u IoL oI cIoIce wIen IL comes Lo wIere you`re goIng Lo IIve. You wIII probubIy
be usked Lo IIII ouL u Iorm IndIcuLIng your IousIng cIoIces. You cun IIsL your IdeuI dorms on
cumpus (II you`ve vIsILed or done some reseurcI), buL LIere`s no guurunLee LIuL you`II end up
LIere. Some cumpuses Iuve IIrsL-yeur-onIy dorms, In wIIcI cuse you`II Iuve u beLLer Ideu oI
wIere you`II end up.
Here ure u Iew exumpIes oI LIe dIIIerenL Lypes oI coIIege dorms or IIvIng urrungemenLs you
mIgIL encounLer:
O AII IIrsL yeur. Some dorms ure seL usIde Ior IIrsL-yeur sLudenLs onIy. TIe beneIIL: no
uppercIussmen LIcked oII by uII LIe noIse und cIuos.
O SIngIe gender. TIere Lend Lo be Iewer uII-muIe dorms LIun uII-IemuIe (so reIux, guys).
TIe dIsudvunLuge oI u sIngIe-gender dorm Is LIe Iun IucLor. L`s sImpIy more excILIng
Lo be In u coed dorm. AIso, coed dorms eIImInuLe LIe mysLIque oI LIe opposILe sex.
WIen you`re IIvIng wILI boLI guys und gIrIs, everyone becomes jusL unoLIer person In
LIe IuIIwuy.
O oed by room. Muny dorms ure coed by room: gIrIs und guys sIurIng wuIIs buL noL
rooms. ExcILIng uL IIrsL, yes. However, LIIs excILemenL cun quIckIy Lurn sour wIen
romunLIc reIuLIonsIIps In LIe dorm go bud.
O SIngIe-gender IIoors. Some dorms ure coed, buL spIIL LIe gIrIs und guys up by IIoor.
DependIng on dorm ruIes, you muy or muy noL be ubIe Lo mIx uILer cerLuIn Iours.
O SexuuI orIenLuLIon. Muny unIversILIes Iuve IIoors devoLed Lo guy, IesbIun, und
Lrunsgender sLudenLs, us weII us unyone eIse wIo IdenLIIIes wILI LIese orIenLuLIons.
O "uIeL IIoors. OILen, dorms wIII seL usIde quIeL IIoors wIere IL`s eusIer Lo sLudy. TIe
Ieur Is oILen LIuL LIe resIdenLs on LIese IIoors ure upLIgIL und won`L purLy, buL LIuL`s
noL uIwuys LIe cuse. TIey jusL don`L wunL LIe purLy In LIeIr Iuces. However, quIeL Is
reIuLIve Lo LIe IIsLener, und muny peopIe wIII IInd LIese IIoors noIsy, especIuIIy II LIe
ruIes uren`L weII enIorced.
O SubsLunce-Iree. TIese dorms or IIoors ure Ior peopIe wIo don`L drInk or Luke drugs;
uddILIonuIIy, drunk or wusLed kIds uren`L uIIowed InsIde.
O SpecIuI Iocus. Some cumpuses oIIer specIuI dorm IIoors, sucI us LIose Ior sLudenLs
wILI un InLeresL In mujorIng In musIc or Iunguuges, or ure dedIcuLed Lo eurnIng
ucudemIc Ionors.
O SpecIuI IousIng Ior dIsubIed sLudenLs. TIese dorms or IIoors ure equIpped Lo
uccommoduLe sLudenLs wILI dIsubIIILIes.
O nLernuLIonuI dorms. Some coIIeges Iuve dorms specIIIcuIIy Ior sLudenLs Irom oLIer
counLrIes. DomesLIc sLudenLs ure uIIowed Lo IIve In LIese dorms Loo, buL prIorILy Is
gIven Lo LIose sLudenLs comIng Irom ubroud.
Types oI Rooms
MosL IIrsL yeurs wIII Iuve uL IeusL one roommuLe. L Is possIbIe Lo geL u sIngIe wIere you IIve
uIone, buL LIe cIunces ure sIIm. TIe doubIe Is LIe mosL common urrungemenL, wIere Lwo
peopIe sIure u room. Some dorms ure mude oI suILes, wIIcI ure busIcuIIy Lwo or more rooms
In un upurLmenL wILI Lwo sLudenLs In eucI room. SuILes oILen IncIude u sIured buLIroom, u
common ureu, und someLImes u kILcIen ureu. As enroIImenL rIses uL muny scIooIs, doubIes
ure oILen Lurned InLo LrIpIes or quuds, so don`L be surprIsed II you end up wILI more LIun one
Commonul Buthrooms
ommunuI buLIrooms ure, weII, un experIence. I you Iuve u IoL oI sIbIIngs, you`re noL
purLIcuIurIy sIy, or you don`L mInd sIurIng your spuce, LIe communuI buLIroom experIence
sIouIdn`L boLIer you Loo mucI. I you`re noL used Lo IuvIng your prIvucy Invuded, you`II Iuve
u IoL more udjusLIng Lo do.
Muny IuIIs wIII onIy Iuve one buLIroom Ior guys und one Ior gIrIs, meunIng LIuL LwenLy-eIgIL
gIrIs muy need Lo sIower uII uL LIe sume LIme. BuL LIIs rureIy Iuppens. Everyone`s scIeduIe Is
dIIIerenL, so you sIouIdn`L Iuve Lo wuIL Loo Iong Lo soup up. Some buLIrooms ure coed, so you
muy be compeLIng wILI everyone on LIe IIoor Ior mIrror spuce.
TIe mosL ImporLunL pIece oI equIpmenL you`II need Ior your LrIps Lo LIe buLIroom Is u puIr oI
IIIp-IIops Lo proLecL your IeeL. ommunuI buLIrooms uren`L LIe cIeunesL oI pIuces, und some
ure downrIgIL nusLy. You`II uIso need someLIIng Lo curry your LoIIeLrIes und sIower ILems Lo
und Irom LIe buLIroom. You cun pIck up u pIusLIc or meLuI mesI buskeL-uIIecLIonuLeIy known
us u sIower cuddy-uL uny Iousewure or Iurdwure sLore. You`II uIso wunL u robe, becuuse
IosIng your LoweI wIIIe wuIkIng LIougI your coed IuIIwuy cun be very emburrussIng.
Dorms wILI suILe-sLyIe IousIng generuIIy Iuve buLIrooms In eucI room, so you`II onIy Iuve Lo
sIure wILI your roommuLes. You`II come up wILI u cIeunIng scIeduIe, und II uII oI you IoIIow
IL, LIe buLIroom sIouId remuIn Iungus-Iree.
UnIess you`re on u desIgnuLed quIeL IIoor, LIe dorm Is probubIy goIng Lo be very noIsy. TIere`s
uIwuys u IoL goIng on: bIurIng musIc, noIsy gumes, LeIevIsIon, peopIe IuugIIng und LuIkIng, und
generuI muyIem In LIe IuIIs. Muny peopIe Ieuve LIeIr doors open so everyone mIngIes In und
ouL oI LIe rooms. AILIougI mosL dorms InsIsL on quIeL uILer Len or eIeven uL nIgIL, your
roommuLe mIgIL geL on LIe pIone wILI Ier besL IrIend buck Iome und sLurL un Iour-Iong
conversuLIon ubouL cIronIc ucne. Or, your roommuLe mIgIL be enguged In u Iook-up sessIon
wILI IIs gIrIIrIend oI LIe week.
I you`re LryIng Lo sLudy und you`re dIsLrucLed by noIse, puck up your sLudy muLerIuIs und Ieud
Lo LIe IIbrury or compuLer Iub. MosL dorms Iuve quIeL sLudy rooms us weII, buL LIe quIeL purL
Isn`L uIwuys enIorced.
I you`re LryIng Lo sIeep or sLudy, consIder u porLubIe wIILe-noIse mucIIne. TIere ure smuII
unILs on LIe murkeL LIuL you cun puL In your pockeL or under your pIIIow und IIsLen Lo wILI
eurpIones. L`II drown ouL noIse wILI LIe sound oI ruIn, u bubbIIng brook, or uny number oI
oLIer nuLure sounds. OI course, some peopIe IInd LIese noIses unnoyIng Loo. un you sLudy or
sIeep Lo musIc? Try LIuL. SoIL eurpIugs uren`L noIse-prooI, buL LIey do bIock u consIderubIe
umounL oI buckground noIse. I you snore or ure LIe noIsy one In your room, oIIer Lo buy your
roommuLe some eurpIugs, und do your besL Lo be consIderuLe. JusL becuuse your IoIks uren`L
screumIng Ior you Lo Lurn LIe musIc down doesn`L meun LIuL you ure enLILIed Lo bIusL IL us Ioud
us you wunL.
Dorms Iuve u IoL oI ruIes, especIuIIy dorms InIubILed by IIrsL yeurs. Here ure some oI LIe ruIes
you muy Iuce In your cumpus IousIng. TIese vury, obvIousIy, by scIooI und IndIvIduuI dorm:
Common orm Roles
O No uIcoIoI. Some dorms uIIow sLudenLs wIo ure over z1 Lo Iuve uIcoIoI In LIeIr
rooms. As u IIrsL yeur, you ure probubIy noL over z1.
O No IIre Iuzurds. TIese IncIude cundIes, Incense, cIgureLLes, porLubIe IeuLIng unILs,
und someLImes IuIogen Iumps und Irons. Some dorms sLIII Iuve smokIng rooms, buL
LIIs Is becomIng Iess common.
O No unruIy conducL. n oLIer words, no IIgILIng, desLroyIng dorm properLy, seLLIng oII
IIre uIurms . . . you geL LIe Ideu.
O No weupons. Even puInLbuII guns, durLs, und urcIery equIpmenL muy be bunned.
O No members oI LIe opposILe sex. n dorms LIuL Iouse onIy one gender, or on dorm
IIoors wILI onIy one gender, LIere muy be ruIes ubouL IuvIng LIe opposILe sex In your
room pusL u cerLuIn Iour, und some dorms don`L uIIow LIe opposILe sex LIere uL uII.
O No IoIes In LIe wuIIs und ceIIIngs. EucI dorm wIII InLerpreL LIIs ruIe dIIIerenLIy. Some
wIII uIIow u cerLuIn number oI IoIes, und some wIII uIIow us muny LIumbLucks us you
wunL Lo use, buL no nuIIs.
O No peLs. euve LIem uL Iome wILI your purenLs.
O No uppIIunces. Some dorms Iuve ruIes ubouL wIuL kInds oI kILcIen ILems you cun
brIng. Some onIy uIIow Iow-wuLLuge mIcrowuves und coIIeemukers, und oLIers don`L
uIIow unyLIIng, noL even u IILLIe IrIdge. Ieck wILI your dorm beIore you brIng uny
O No Ioud musIc or voIces uL nIgIL. "uIeL Iours generuIIy sLurL uL 1o or 11 P.M. No Ioud
musIc or voIces uILer LIIs LIme.
O No new roommuLes. No one eIse cun IIve In your dorm room buL you und your
orm Secority
IrsL yeurs oILen Iuve un open-door poIIcy In LIe dorm, wIIcI Is u good wuy Lo encouruge your
IocuI kIepLomunIuc Lo sLeuI your sLuII. Keep your door Iocked. I you Iuve u deskLop compuLer,
IupLop, or oLIer eIecLronIc equIpmenL, keep IL LeLIered Lo someLIIng soIId usIng u securILy
cubIe, wIIcI you cun purcIuse uL uny compuLer sLore. TIIs doesn`L ubsoIuLeIy prevenL
someone Irom sLeuIIng your sLuII, buL IL`s u deLerrenL.
A Iocked IooLIocker or smuII Lrunk Is unoLIer greuL deLerrenL Lo LIeIL. SLIck u Iump und u
coupIe oI books on Lop, und you`ve goL u nIgILsLund LIuL no one wIII suspecL conLuIns your
$1,6oo IupLop. TIIs Is beLLer LIun u suIe wIen IL comes Lo dorm room securILy. I you brIng u
suIe you cun preLLy mucI guurunLee LIuL u group oI your dormmuLes ure goIng Lo wuIk oII wILI
IL us u prunk. A suIe Is preLLy eusy Lo curry uwuy; u Iocked Lrunk Isn`L. You muy even be ubIe Lo
geL u Lrunk wILI your scIooI coIors und InsIgnIu on IL.
I you wunL Lo IIde someLIIng smuII, IIke jeweIry, money, pussporLs, or pIone curds, you cun
buy u dIversIon suIe, wIIcI Is u conLuIner LIuL Iooks IIke u common IouseIoId cIeuner, Iood
ILem, or poLLed pIunL. You cun uIso use u IoIIowed-ouL book Lo IIde vuIuubIes. Don`L IeL your
roommuLe know ubouL your dIversIon suIe, buL muke sure LIuL IeJsIe doesn`L Lumper wILI LIe
conLuIner LIInkIng LIuL IL`s muyonnuIse or LIIe cIeuner.
Personul SuIety
Worse LIIngs cun Iuppen LIun someone sLeuIIng u IupLop or pIone curds II LIere`s u securILy
Iupse In LIe dorm. SexuuI ussuuILs, buLLery, und worse cun Luke pIuce II sLudenLs keep LIeIr
doors und wIndows unIocked, or II LIey IeL sLrungers InLo LIe dorm wIen LIey`re enLerIng und
umpus securILy cun be preLLy good, buL dorm securILy Is oILen IeIL up Lo LIe resIdenL
ussIsLunLs (known us RAs), wIo uren`L LIe besL wuLcIdogs. I your roommuLe usks you Lo Ieuve
LIe door open becuuse IeJsIe IosL u key, suggesL LIuL you boLI conLucL your RA und geL u new
Iock und keys ImmedIuLeIy. L`s noL your probIem wIen your roommuLe Ioses IIsJIer keys. L
Is your probIem wIen u vIoIenL sLrunger wuIks InLo your room uL nIgIL. AIso, be cureIuI und
uIerL wIen goIng Lo LIe communuI buLIroom uL nIgIL.
Iire SuIety
Never, ever Ignore u IIre uIurm In your dorm. Ires ure very common In dorms, oILen cuused
by smokIng, IIIeguI cundIe use, cookIng, or overIoudIng eIecLrIcuI ouLIeLs. Every yeur sLudenLs
dIe In dorm IIres becuuse LIey dIsubIe LIe IIre uIurm In LIeIr rooms. Reud your dorm`s IIre
pIun und geL Lo know uII oI LIe exILs. gnorIng u IIre drIII mIgIL be LempLIng, especIuIIy In LIe
mIddIe oI LIe nIgIL In LIe wInLer, buL you never know wIen IL mIgIL be LIe reuI LIIng.
Greek Hoosing
I you`re counLIng on joInIng u IruLernILy or sororILy, you`re In Ior u dIsLIncLIy dIIIerenL IousIng
experIence. MosL Greek Iouses ure Iurge, some uccommoduLIng more LIun u Iundred
members. OILen, LIere ure Iurge sIeepIng rooms, generuIIy one LIuL`s kepL uL u cooIer
LemperuLure und one LIuL`s kepL wurmer. AII your personuI ILems ure sLored In u sepuruLe ureu.
AILernuLIveIy, members ure Ioused LogeLIer In rooms, usuuIIy more LIun Lwo Lo u room.
SomeLImes, IruLs und sororILIes Luke u IIoor or Lwo In u reguIur dorm.
WIuL you gIve up In prIvucy wILI Greek IousIng, you muke up Ior In umenILIes. EucI Iouse
Ius ILs own cook, wILI Iomemude meuIs prepured eucI duy. uundry IucIIILIes muy be In LIe
Iouse, us weII us u gym und u compuLer ureu. BuL, you uIso gIve up IIvIng LIe coed IIIesLyIe, so
be prepured Lo spend u IoL oI LIme wILI LIe guysJgIrIs In your new Greek IumIIy. You wIII uIso
be expecLed Lo purLIcIpuLe In muny Iouse ucLIvILIes, wIIcI wouId oLIerwIse be your Iree LIme II
you IIved In LIe dorm, und sIeep cun be Iurd Lo come by. BuL LIe cumuruderIe oI your
broLIersJsIsLers cun`L be Iud In LIe dorm.
Sorviving Yoor Roommute
Muny roommuLes become LIe besL oI IrIends, wIIIe muny oLIers spend LIe yeur resenLIng und
IuLIng one unoLIer. Some sIure everyLIIng; oLIers opL Ior LIe Lupe ucross LIe room sLyIe oI
IIvIng, wIere LIe room Is IuIved und neILIer roommuLe cun Invude LIe oLIer`s spuce. UnIess
you requesL Lo IIve wILI u IrIend, you don`L know wIo you`re goIng Lo geL. BuL your scIooI does
ILs besL Lo puIr you up wILI someone compuLIbIe bused on LIe survey you IIII ouL wIen you
uppIy Lo IIve In LIe dorms. You wIII probubIy be usked:
O I you smoke
O WIuL LIme you go Lo bed
O WIuL LIme you geL up In LIe mornIng
O I you`re messy or cIeun
O I you IIke Lo pIuy musIc wIIIe sLudyIng
O WIuL kInd oI musIc you IIke
O WIuL your expecLuLIons ure Ior scIooI
O How you IIke Lo de-sLress
O WIuL your InLeresLs ure
O I you wIII Iuve u IoL oI guesLs
Your roommuLe wIII be LIe sume gender us you unIess your coIIege Is progressIve und you
ugree Lo u coed suILe. You won`L uuLomuLIcuIIy geL muLcIed wILI someone oI LIe opposILe sex
In your IIrsL yeur, und you wIII uIwuys know uIeud oI LIme wIuL you`re sIgnIng on Ior wIen you
uppIy Lo IIve In LIe dorms eucI subsequenL yeur.
o Lnto Others . . .
TIe IIrsL ruIe oI beIng u good roommuLe Is Lo be consIderuLe. YeuI, we know, IL`s noL uIwuys
eusy. BuL LIe besL wuy Lo geL wIuL you wunL Is Lo uIIow LIe oLIer person Lo Iuve wIuL IeJsIe
wunLs Loo. L`s cuIIed compromIse. I you don`L do unyLIIng Lo sLep on your roommuLe`s Loes,
you Iuve u IoL oI Ieveruge II IeJsIe sLeps on yours. nsLeud oI IIvIng In u consLunL Lug-oI-wur,
be nIce und uccommoduLIng Irom LIe sLurL. I you sLurL ouL on u bud noLe, IL cun IusL uII yeur.
PIcLure LIIs: you IInuIIy IInIsIed sLudyIng Ior u bIg exum und you ure reudy Lo go buck Lo your
room Lo puss ouL Irom exIuusLIon. BuL wIen you geL buck Lo LIe dorm, you noLIce u neckLIe on
LIe doorknob. Guess wIuL? You`ve been sexIIed.
On occusIon, you or your roommuLe muy be geLLIng IoL und Ieuvy wIen one oI you Is ouL oI
LIe room. To uvoId un emburrussIng sILuuLIon, seL up u sexIIe sIgnuI you`II use wIenever you
wunL LIe room Lo yourseII. NeckLIes und scruncIIes uround LIe doorknob work besL.
Hoose Roles
Once you`ve seLLIed In, muke un uppoInLmenL wILI your roommuLe us soon us possIbIe Lo order
pIzzu und LuIk ubouL Iow you`re goIng Lo IIve LogeLIer. Here ure some ImporLunL ruIes Lo
O TIe PIone. How ure you goIng Lo IundIe messuges? WIuL`s LIe IImIL Ior conversuLIons
II someone Is wuILIng Ior LIe pIone? WIuL`s LIe cuLoII LIme Ior IncomIng cuIIs?
O NoIse. WIuL LIme do you Lurn oII musIc? How IuLe cun you purLy wILI your IrIends In
LIe room?
O ScIeduIe. WIen do LIe IIgILs go ouL? WIen do you open LIe curLuIns In LIe mornIng?
WIen do you IIke Lo sLudy?
O Open door. s your door goIng Lo be Iocked or open mosL oI LIe LIme? (We
recommend IockIng IL.)
O NeuLness. How cIeun do you IIke your spuce? WIII you seL up u cIeunIng scIeduIe und
ugree Lo pIck up uILer yourseIves?
O BorrowIng. Are some LIIngs oII-IImILs? Do you need Lo usk beIore borrowIng
someLIIng, or cun you jusL use IL? WIuL II someLIIng geLs broken or IosL?
O ood. I LIere wIII be Iood In LIe room, ure you goIng Lo spIIL IL?
O GuesLs. How Iong ure guesLs uIIowed Lo sLuy? WIere ure LIey goIng Lo sIeep? WIuL
ruIes wIII LIey IoIIow?
O SexIIe. un you sexIIe your roommuLe Ior LIe enLIre nIgIL? WIuL sIgnuI wIII you use?
O BuLIroom. I you Iuve u buLIroom In your room, Iow wIII you IundIe sIurIng IL?
WIuL II your scIeduIes overIup und you boLI need IL uL LIe sume LIme? WIuL`s LIe
muxImum IengLI Ior sIowers?
EucI oI you sIouId posL your cIuss, work, und prucLIce scIeduIes In u vIsIbIe ureu so LIuL
everyone knows wIen LIe oLIers ure comIng und goIng. TIuL wuy you cun scIeduIe some
prIvuLe LIme In your room II you need IL. BuL don`L be sIocked wIen your roommuLes don`L
sLIck Lo LIeIr scIeduIes. SkIppIng cIusses und oLIer commILmenLs Iuppens quILe oILen (LIougI
we don`L recommend doIng IL).
The Roommute Irom Hell
SomeLImes u roommuLe cun be u nIgILmure. I you`re reuIIy IuvIng u probIem wILI your
roommuLe, don`L IesILuLe Lo go Lo your resIdenL ussIsLunL. OILen, dorms wIII oIIer medIuLIon,
or even move you II IL geLs reuIIy bud. You dIdn`L come Lo coIIege Lo be ubused, demoruIIzed, or
Lo IIve In squuIor. ReporL u probIem II you`re mIserubIe. ReuIIze LIuL LIere wIII probubIy be
LImes wIen you IuLe your roommuLe, und LIuL`s okuy. JusL don`L IoIIow LIrougI on LIose
revenge IunLusIes. TIe IeeIIng wIII mosL IIkeIy puss.
The RA
A resIdenL ussIsLunL, uIso known us un RA, Is unoLIer sLudenL-usuuIIy u junIor, senIor, or
gruduuLe sLudenL-wIo IIves In LIe dorm und IeIps sLudenLs wILI unyLIIng Irom personuI
probIems Lo securILy Issues, und everyLIIng In beLween. RAs uren`L puId: LIey excIunge LIeIr
LIme Ior Iree IousIng. Your RA sIouId be LIe IIrsL person you go Lo wIen LIere`s u probIem.
HeJsIe wIII uIso scIeduIe progrums Ior your IIoor, usuuIIy u monLIIy Iood purLy, wIIcI Is
oILen LIe onIy wuy Lo geL unyone Lo uLLend. TIe RA decoruLes LIe IuIIwuy, oILen sorLs your
muII, goes on rounds mukIng sure everyLIIng In LIe dorm Is okuy, und gIves ouL cundy or
condoms. RAs sIouId Iuve un open-door poIIcy, und you cun go Lo LIem uny LIme oI LIe duy
or nIgIL.
TIe RA Is probubIy noL goIng Lo be your besL buddy, und LIougI IeJsIe seems IIke u suIe
person Lo cIIng Lo, you`re beLLer oII mukIng IIrsL-yeur IrIends us soon us possIbIe. Your RA Is
uIso probubIy noL goIng Lo duLe you. MosL dorms Iuve poIIcIes uguInsL LIuL, so Iook eIsewIere
Ior romunce.
uting in the orm
WIuL do you do wIen you breuk up wILI someone und LIen Iuve no cIoIce buL Lo see LIuL
person every duy? WIuL II IeJsIe LIInks you`re duLIng becuuse you`ve Iooked up, buL you jusL
wunLed u cusuuI uIIuIr? AbsoIuLeIy, posILIveIy do noL rusI InLo u reIuLIonsIIp wILI someone In
your dorm. GeL Lo know LIe person beIore you udd uny more compIIcuLIons Lo un uIreudy
compIIcuLed yeur.
TIe rumors oI IncredIbIe sexuuI expIoILs In coIIege ure Lrue uL some scIooIs. L`s noL unusuuI
Ior u drunken LIreesome or Ioursome (or moresome) Lo occur. A IuIr umounL oI sume-sex
experImenLuLIon goes on us weII.
OLIer cumpuses ure conservuLIve, und peopIe oILen gruduuLe (yes, gruduuLe) wILIouL IuvIng so
mucI us kIssed unyone. WIuLever you do, don`L brug ubouL uny oI LIIs sLuII. TIe wIoIe dorm
wIII know wIuL you`ve done by dInnerLIme. And be suIe!
oing Luondry
Your dorm sIouId Iuve u Iuundry room. Every coIIege sLudenL knows LIe ImporLunce oI suvIng
quurLers, so geL used Lo IourdIng LIose precIous, sIIny coIns. PuL every quurLer you Iuve InLo
u IILLIe suck desIgnuLed Ior Iuundry-und LIen IIde IL! I your roommuLe knows wIere your
quurLers ure, you won`L Iuve LIem wIen you`ve run ouL oI underweur.
Here ure some LIps Lo IoIIow wIen doIng your Iuundry:
O SepuruLe your Iuundry InLo wIILes und durks. Some peopIe do u mIddIe-coIor wusI,
buL do you Iuve LIe energy und quurLers Ior LIuL? No.
O oIIow LIe InsLrucLIons on LIe mucIIne.
O Add one cup oI bIeucI Lo your wIILes: IL does wonders.
O Don`L Ieuve your Iuundry; InsLeud, use LIuL LIme Lo sIL In LIe Iuundry room und sLudy.
I you Ieuve, your cIoLIes mIgIL Ieuve Loo-wILIouL you.
O Don`L Ieuve your cIoLIes In LIe dryer Ior Loo Iong or LIey wIII uge quIckIy und Iook
O oId everyLIIng wIen you Luke IL ouL oI LIe dryer. I you wuIL LIII you Lrudge IL up Lo
your room, everyLIIng wIII be LrugIcuIIy wrInkIed.
O Ieck uII oI LIe IubeIs on your cIoLIIng Lo muke sure LIuL everyLIIng Is mucIIne
O Hund wusI deIIcuLe ILems. MosL ILems LIuL suy dry cIeun onIy cun ucLuuIIy be Iund
wusIed In coId wuLer.
O I you don`L Iuve LIme Lo Iron, Lry usIng spruy-on wrInkIe remover: IL reuIIy works.
O Socks Lend Lo dIsuppeur In LIe wusI. No one knows wIere LIey go: IL`s one oI LIose
mysLerIes oI IIIe. I you wunL Lo keep uII oI your socks, wusI und dry LIem In u mesI
Do your own Iuundry und don`L oIIer Lo do unyone eIse`s. eLLIng your roommuLe do your
Iuundry Ior you, or oIIerIng Lo do IIsJIers becuuse you`re doIng yours seLs u bud precedenL. Do
your own dIrLy work. AILer u IILLIe prucLIce, you`II soon IIgure ouL Iow noL Lo end up wILI u
Ioud-IuII oI pInk socks und underweur.

what |s dorm ||fe ||ke?

0ana, '8, /vonoa|e, /Z
L|v|rg |r a dorr |s ur|||e ary olrer corao|lal|rg s|lual|or you'|| ever ercourler, ard your
exper|erce lola||y deperds or Wral you ra|e ol |l. 0r a very oas|c |eve|, dorrs are lyp|ca||y |arge,
aparlrerl-|||e slruclures lral ooasl s|rg|e, douo|e, or ru|l|p|e oed opl|ors W|lr corrura| oalrroors
scallered lrrougroul lre l|oor, srared oalrroors oelWeer roors, or |r rare cases pr|vale oalrroors.
0eperd|rg or your scroo|, lre |rrao|larls or your l|oor cou|d oe co-ed or s|rg|e sex, ard lrere ray oe a
corrura| roor or ||lcrer lor |ourg|rg, reel|rgs, or p|arred acl|v|l|es. 3ore ol your oesl lr|erds lor ||le W|||
oe lre peop|e you ||ve W|lr dur|rg your l|rsl year ol co||ege oecause you'|| sperd so rucr l|re ||v|rg
logelrer, srar|rg rao|ls, parly|rg, sludy|rg, ard slress|rg |r a ou||l-|r soc|a||y supporl|ve erv|rorrerl. Al
l|res |l ray oe lougr lo oe ||v|rg aWay lror lre corlorls ol rore W|lr a ourcr ol slrargers Wro sorel|res
gel or your rerves, oul you'|| |earr lo dea| W|lr d|llererl persora||l|es, pracl|ce lre arl ol corpror|se, ard
rayoe ever |earr aooul cu|lures, exper|erces, ard oe||els lral are d|llererl lror your oWr.
ll you rave lre opporlur|ly, you srou|d v|s|l eacr ol lre co||eges lo Wr|cr you are app|y|rg ard as| lo la|e a
lour ol lre dorrs. Al lre very |easl, la|| lo currerl sluderls lo gel sore roresl leedoac| aooul lre carpus
||v|rg s|lual|or so lral you car ra|e a dec|s|or aooul Wrere lo allerd W|lr a|| lre lacls al rard.

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