ICT Skills Worksheet IIprintouts

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Thomas School
Class IX
ICT Skills - I
Worksheet II
Note – Take the printout of the worksheet and paste in IT copy

Unit IV – Performing Basic Computer Operations

Q3. Explain the following operating system.
a. DOS -DOS (Disk Operating System) is an operating system for a personal computer. It
had a command line interface in which a user has to remember the commands to run the
program and do other operating system tasks.

b. Windows -It is an operating system developed by Microsoft and is GUI (Graphical

User Interface - that includes a desktop with icons and a task bar that is displayed at the
bottom of the screen by default). Some popular versions of Windows operating system
are- Windows 98, Windows, 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows

c. Linux- It is an operating system designed for personal computers. It is a free and open-
source software, which means it can be modified and redistributed.

Q4. Explain few mobile operating system.

Ans. Some popular operating systems that are used in mobile phones are:
a. Android - It is an operating system used in mobile phones and tablets. It is owned and
maintained by Google and is an open-source operating system.

b. Symbian - It is an operating system used in mobile phones. Symbian was developed

and sold by Symbian Ltd. It is primarily used by Nokia.

c. Windows Phone - It is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft for

smart phones and pocket PCs.

d. iOS - It is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. for iPhones, iPads,
and iPods. It is supported only by Apple hardware

Q5. Which screen appears first on the monitor after operating system is loaded?
Ans. Desktop

Q6. ___Wallpaper______ is the picture for the desktop background.

Q7. Explain following icons present on desktop.

i. Computer - It displays all the storage areas of the computer. Through the Computer icon,
we can access all drives, files, and folders on the computer.

ii. Documents - This contains area to store files on the computer.

iii. My Network places - It contains information about the interconnected computers.

iv. Recycle Bin - Files and folders deleted by the user are stored in the Recycle Bin. From
Recycle Bin, we can retrieve files or folders deleted by mistake.

Q10. Name few components of Taskbar.

Ans. The main components of Taskbar are as following:
a) Start button It is located on the left of the taskbar. Clicking the Start button opens the
Start menu and provides access to programs and features, like:
b) Shut Down:- allows the user to turn off the computer
c) All Programs:- Provides access to all the installed programs and applications. To start an
application, just click it.
d) Search Box:- This allows the user to search a file or a folder or run executable files.
e) Control panel:- This allows the user to change various settings.

Q12. Write the steps to Rename a folder.

Ans. Steps to rename a folder are:
i. Right click on the folder.
ii. Select Rename option from context menu.
iii. Type new name and press Enter key.

Q13. Write the steps to create a new file.

Ans. Steps:
i. Right click on the desktop.
ii. Select New option ---------select the type of file to be created.

Q14. Explain the function of following keys:

a) Backspace key - This key is used to erase the character to the left of the cursor.

b) Delete key - This key is used to delete the character to the right of the cursor.
c) Caps Lock key - When the Caps Lock key is ON, all the letters we type will appear in
uppercase (capital). If the Caps Lock key is turned off, all the letters we type will appear
in lowercase.

d) Alt key - This key is used in combination with other keys to perform certain actions.

e) Shift key - The Shift key is used along with the other keys. The Shift key is used to type
the upper symbol present on some of the keys of the keyboard.

f) Ctrl key - This key is used in combination with other keys for performing particular

g) Esc key- This key is used to stop an action, leave a program, close a dialog box, etc

h) Function keys - There are function keys marked from F1, F2, f3, and so on which have
special function defined by operating system or currently running program. They may be
combined with Alt or Ctrl keys.

i) Tab key - Pressing this key moves the cursor several places along the same line.

j) Function (Fn) key - This key can be used to perform special hardware functions, such as
adjusting the screen brightness, volume of the speaker, etc.

k) Print Screen key - When you press this key, the current screen image is sent to the
computer clipboard. Once the image is stored in the clipboard, you can paste the image in
any image editor or any other program

Q15. Explain the different mouse actions.

 Click - Clicking the mouse means pressing the left mouse button once and releasing it. A
click is used to select an item on the computer monitor.

 Double-click - Double-clicking the left mouse button twice within a short period of time
and releasing it. This action is used to open a program, a file, or a folder.

 Right-click - Right-clicking the mouse means clicking the right button of the mouse
once. This shows a list of commands.
 Drag and drop - Drag and drop action of mouse is used to move an item from one
position to another.

Unit 5. Connect with the World Using Internet and its Applications

Q3. Explain the following terms:

WWW - (World Wide Web) WWW stands for world wide web is a network of world wide

Protocol - Protocol is a set of rules to be followed while communicating or transferring data on


HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): This protocol defines the rules to be followed while
transferring the information. The information may be in the form of text, images, videos, etc.
This is the most commonly used protocol over world wide web.

HTTPs is the secured version of http. It ensures better protection against data theft.

URL - (Uniform Resource Locator) Each web page has a unique address which identifies its
location on the network. This unique address is called the URL.
The URL has two parts:
• • Protocol identifier: It identifies the name of the protocol used.
• • Resource name: It specifies the complete address to the resource on the Internet.

Q4. Explain different applications of internet . (explain in your words )

Ans. Some of the services provided by internet are:
Email , Chatting , Video conferencing , Social networking , E-learning
E-shopping, E-reservation, E-banking

Q5. Define web browser. Name some web browser.

Ans. A web browser or internet browser is a program that is used to view the web sites. It acts
as an interface between the web server and the world wide web. Some commonly used web
browser are – Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, opera, etc.
A web browser performs the following tasks:
1. It connects to the web server and sends a request for the
2. It displays the information on the computer.
Q6. Define following terms:
a. Website -A web site is a collection of two or more related web pages. Web pages of a
web site are linked together through hyperlinks.

b. Web page - An individual page of a web site is called a web page. It is written in a
special computer language called HTML (Hyper text markup Language).
There are two types of web pages:
i. Static web pages - Static web page is a web page in which all the information is
presented to the user exactly as it is stored. For example, any tutorial web site.

ii. Dynamic web pages - Dynamic web page is a web page which shows different
content each time you visit the page. For example, shopping web sites

c. Home Page - The first web page of a website is called the home page

Q7. Write some advantages of e-mail. (write any five )

Ans. Some of the advantages of e-mail are:
 It is fast and easy to use.
 It is the fastest means of communication. A message can reach any part of the world in a
fraction of a second.
 You can send text message, pictures, sound messages across the globe.
 Message can consist of few lines or more. It is not charge by weight.
 You don’t have to pay anything extra for the sending or receiving the email. You just pay
for the internet connection.
 You need not be on your computer or online to receive the e-mail.
 E-mails are eco-friendly as no paper is used.
 You can also send bulk messages to a large number of people at the same time.

Q8. Explain the parts of email address.

Ans. Two parts of email address are:
a. User name
b. Host name

These two parts are separated by @ symbol.

For example: [email protected]
In the above email address, myemail is the user name and gmail.com is the host name.

Q9. Define Email program.

Ans. Email program enables you to send and receive email messages. Some of the popular
email programs are:

Q10. Explain the various options of Composing an email window.

Ans. Some of the options while composing an email are:
 To This option allows us to write the email address of the person we want to send the
message to.
 Cc It stands for carbon copy. This option allows us to send the same message to several
persons at the same time and every recipient will know all the recipients of this mail. The
multiple email addresses are separated by semicolon.
 BCc It stands for Blind Carbon copy. This option allows us to send the same message to
several persons at the same time but a recipient will not know who the other recipients of
this message are.
 Subject This option allows us to write in few words about the content of the message.
 Attachment This icon helps us to attach files such as, documents, presentations, images,
videos, etc with your email message.

Q11. What is Social Media?

Ans. Social media refers to different online communications channels that are dedicated to
community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. A social networking
service is an online platform which people use to build social networks or social relationship
with others. Social networking has created a change in the way we communicate with one

Q12. Write some benefits and disadvanatges of social networking websites.

Ans. The benefits of social networking websites are: (any three)
• These sites provide a way to connect with people around the world.
• Social Networking site, like Facebook can be used to stay in touch with the family, and
connecting with old friends has become very easy
• These sites help us to learn about current events.
• These sites also work as a platform to launch new business ides, or for advertisers to
market their products and services to their subscribers.
• Social networking sites can be used to disarm social stigmas.

Disadvantages of Social Networking websites: ( any three )

• These sites expose people to a lot of information, which may or may not be authentic.
• If you share your current location over social media, you can easily become a target.
• Peer pressure and cyberbullying are also important issues.
• Social networking has become a distraction for most of the people. Students who use
social networking too often have lower grades.
• Using social networking for long hours in a day can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.
• Social networking sites can spread false or unreliable information quickly.

Q13. Write some point to stay safe on Social networking Websites?

Ans. The following actions keep you safe on social networking websites: (any four)
a. Do not post and share private information like mobile phone number, home address, etc.
on social networking websites.
b. You should be familiar with the privacy policy of the social networking sites. You can
adjust your privacy settings on social networking websites, so as to control who can
access your information.
c. Use a strong password. Longer password is more secure than a shorter one.
d. Use a different password for each social media account.
e. Be selective with friend requests. Don’t accept the friend request if you don’t know the
person personally.
f. Be careful while clicking at any link or any pop-up window.
g. Protect your computer with anti-virus software and keep it updated.
h. Always Log Off when you are done.

Q14. Define the following terms:

a. Blog- A blog is a website which is maintained by an individual. The person who creates
and maintains the blog is called the blogger.
b. Twitter -Twitter is a social networking service that allows you to send short messages to
communicate with your friends or followers. You can send short messages of upto 140
characters, which are called tweets. Twitter is sued by people to inform others about the
latest happenings in their lives.
c. YouTube - You tube allows people to watch and share self-created videos.
d. WhatsApp – It is a free messenger app for smartphones. WhatsApp uses internet to send
text messages, pictures, audio or video. You can make audio and video call to any person
having WhatsApp in their smartphone, in any part of the world. You don’t have to pay
anything extra for sending message or making calls. You just pay for the internet
e. Digital India - Digital India is a campaign launched by the Government of India in 2015,
to ensure that the Government's services are made available to citizens electronically by
improved online infrastructure. It also aims at increasing Internet connectivity and
making the country digitally empowered in the field

Q15. Write short note on Cyber Crime.

Ans. Cyber crime refers to any crime done using computer or any electronic device with
internet connection.
Some of the cyber crimes are:
i. Cyber Bullying
ii. Cyber Stalking – It refers to harassing an individual or an organization using internet.
This may include making false accusation or defaming, threatening, damaging
data, etc.
iii. Hacking – If someone tries to get into computer systems in order to steal, corrupt or
illegitimately view data, then it is called hacking. The person who does hacking is
called a hacker.
iv. Phishing – Phishing means an attempt to acquire a sensitive information such as
username, password, etc.
v. Spamming – Spam refers to unsolicited email which is sent in large quantities to a large
number of users.

Q16. What is Cyber Bullying?

Ans. Cyber bullying is when a student uses any electronic device like, computer, smart phone,
tablet, etc.to post text and images with the intention to hurt, embarrass, threaten or humiliate the
victim. Cyber bullying usually involves posting or sending gossip, posting or sending offensive,
rude post to damage a person’s reputation, relationship with others.
Children usually bully others to seek attention, for revenge, for pleasure, to satisfy their ego,
jealousy, peer pressure, etc.

Q18. Write some factors responsible for cyber addiction.

Ans. Some of the factors responsible for cyber addiction are:
• Lack of family interaction
• Change in life style
• Lack of social circle
• To compete with latest up comings and technology to keep updated.
• Mostly both the parents are working and doesn’t have time for kids and want their kids to
be busy on computer or mobiles.

Q19. What are the after effects of Cyber addiction?

Ans. After Effects of Cyber Addiction
• Headaches
• Back aches
• Irregular eating habits
• Sleep disturbances
• Neglect of family and friends
• Dry eyes and eye problem
• Feeling of depression, irritation

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