M2024 PED2 The Professional Teacher

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Dr. Carl E.

Balita Review Center

CBRC Headquarters
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España
Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008



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reviewees only.

1. Based on elements of the profession, can the taxi driver

be considered a professional?
A. No, because a driving is not a college/university
B. Yes, because there's such a term professional driver.
C. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of
the taxi driver.

D. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.

2. Which is true of a professional?

A. Completed college/university degree
B. Required of NC IV from TESDA
C. Demonstrates solely ethical competence
D. Abides by his personal Code of Ethics

3. Which is one example of service-learning immersion that

9. With RA 7836, does the Board for Professional teachers
is part of teaching-learning program for professional
have the power after due process, to suspend or revoke
the certificate of registration of any registered professional
A. On-the-job training
teacher for a justifiable cause?
B. Field studies
A. No, if the professional teacher appeals to the higher
C. Laboratory experiments
D. Seminars and workshops
B. No
4. In the Philippines, there was no teacher preparation since C. It depends on the gravity of the offense
the Spanish regime. Is the statement CORRECT? D. Yes
A. Yes.
B. No. 10. Which is a ground for the revocation of professional

C. There was but informal

D. There was and for men only. A. Habitual use of drugs
B. Courting of student
5. What can be done with too many teacher education C. Unexcused absences in school
institutions and less quality as evidenced by only 20-30% D. Habitual tardiness
LET passing results?
11. Private school teachers are also required of a professional
A. Distance study tapping experts license. Is this statement TRUE?
B. Closure of sub-standard TEIs A. Yes, it is true.
C. Aid support for TEls in the region B. No, it is false.
D. Accreditation requirement for all TEIs C. If depends on the kid of the private school.
D. It depends on the teacher’s years of teaching
6. After the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the first legal basis experience.
to make teaching as a profession and consider teachers
are professional was ________. 12. Can teachers who failed the LET be hired as teachers?
A. Yes, if their failed rating is at least 65.

A. RA 9293 C. PD 1006
B. RA 7640 D. RA 7836 B. Yes, if they failed once only.
C. Yes, if granted special permit by the Board for
7. Are school heads and superintendents required to obtain a Professional Teachers.
professional teacher’s license? D. Yes, if they are hired only by private schools.
A. No, since they do administrative functions only
B. Yes, since they are classified as teachers. 13. Who are granted special temporary permit to teach based
C. No, since they are managers not teachers. on RA 9293?
D. Yes, since they are also classroom teachers. A. Those who failed in the LET
B. Those who failed in the LET but once only.
8. Based on RA 7836, can a professional teacher’s license C. The who failed with an average rating from 70-74%
be revoked due to willful neglect of continuing professional D. Those who failed not more than twice with an average
development? rating from 70-74%.
A. It depends on the reason for neglect
B. No. 14. According to RA 9293, are passers of the Professional
C. Yes. Board Examination for Teachers (PBET) given the Civil
D. It depends on the number of years of teaching of the Service Commission required to take the LET to obtain a
professional. license?
A. No, PBET rating is a professional license itself

LET M2024 The Professional Teacher

B. Yes, that’s the only way to obtain a license
C. No, PBET passers may apply for conversion of their 25. Which of the following qualities is MOST becoming of a
PBET rating into a license with PRC professional teacher?
D. Yes, only the text for General Education A. Love of the profession C. Regularity in discipline
B. Frugality in saving D. Humility in work

15. Is an alien qualified to take the Licensure Examination for 26. What characterizes show that a teacher has empathy
Teachers? towards learners/students?
A. No, he/she is not a natural born citizen of the A. Strength and Conviction C. Care and love
Philippines. B. Loyalty and affinity D. Discipline and fortitude
B. Yes, provided his/her country has reciprocity with the
Philippines in the practice of the teaching profession. 27. Which of the following situations can show that a teacher
C. Yes, provided he/she is a teacher education graduate. is “chill” in a tense of situation?
D. No, because she/he is not a citizen of the Philippines. A. Not alone, but with peers

B. Not excited, but calm
16. What is the best description to the teaching profession? C. Not revengeful, but forgiving
A. It is the most populous labor sector D. Not passive, but active
B. It is the noblest profession
C. It is the most lucrative profession 28. Teacher A claims she cares for students. Which is/are a
D. It requires less preparation manifestation of genuine care?

I. Knows students
17. Teaching is a vocation. What does this mean? II. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere
I. Teaching is a calling to serve. III. Maintains professional distance with students
II. Everyone is called to teach.
III. The response to the call to teach is a must. A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. I and III D. II and III
A. I only C. II only

B. II and III D. I, II and III 29. Which of the following expresses spirituality among
professional teachers?
18. There are varied aspects to professionalism among A. Advocacy for universal values, e.g. love, service,
teachers. Aspect is their inner ideals, commitment and freedom, etc.
dedication as teachers? B. Performing civic duties, e.g. voting on election day
A. Ethical aspect C. Social aspect C. Regularity in church duties, e.g. Mass, rosary praying,
B. Cultural aspect D. Work aspect etc.
D. Conformity with school rules e.g. uniform dress attire
19. Which of the following demonstrates the teacher’s
integrity? 30. How can a teacher win the respect of the students?
A. Innovation C. Entrepreneurship I. Demonstrate competence in facilitating
B. Moral courage D. Decisive thinking instruction
II. Draw out learning from students rather than feed
20. What is the general quality lacking in a teacher who is them learning
moody, a loner, easily giving up with poor interpersonal III. Treat each student as they are with care for their
relationship? weaknesses
A. Cooperativeness C. Buoyancy IV. Be a model in all aspects of personal and
B. Fairness D. Reliability professional life

21. Which of the following best supports professionalism A. II,III and IV C. I,III and IV
among teachers? B. I,II,III and IV D. III and IV
A. Integrity of top education officials
B. Provision of adequate financial support for schools 31. Who is excluded in the definition of the professional
C. Directions laid down by school principals and teacher in the Code of Ethics?
supervisors A. Schools Division Superintendent
D. Policies responsive to the teacher's professional B. The Librarian
competencies C. The Principal
D. The Master Teacher
22. Which statement is TRUE of society’s demand from the
professional teacher? 32. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching
A. The professional teacher is concerned only with assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does this
classroom teaching. mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with
B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the teaching?
professional teacher. A. No, because every teacher is expected to provide

C. Because the professional teacher is expected to leadership and initiative in activities for the betterment
campaign for the good candidate during election time. of communities.
D. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in B. Yes, because teaching is more than enough for full
community affairs in order not to jeopardize her time job.
teaching. C. No, because to lead in community activities is the job
of elected officials.
23. Which one goes with the view that a teacher’s job D. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice
satisfaction is positively related to his/her performance? demands that they be properly compensated.
A. “A licensed teacher is a productive and a happy
teacher.” 33. What adjective/s describe/s an ideal teacher's relationship
B. “A productive teacher is a happy teacher” with other government officials?
C. “An unlicensed teacher is an unproductive teacher I. Harmonious
and an unhappy teacher.” II. Subservient
D. “A happy teacher is a productive teacher.” III. Personal
IV. Professional
24. Which personal trait is demonstrated if he is
gender-sensitive and inclusive in his ways? A. I and IV C. III and IV
A. Sense of humor C. Fairness B. I and II D. IV only
B. Motivation D. Passion
LET M2024 The Professional Teacher
34. How should a professional teacher respond to unfair B. Is convinced by illogical arguments
criticism raised by parents? C. Is prejudiced toward lazy students
A. Listen to the criticism but discourages it. D. Research-based in his lectures
B. Reject the criticism outright.
C. Ignore the criticism. 44. To be nationally and internationally competitive, in which
D. Probe into the criticism and joins the parents should teacher participate according to Article IV of the
afterwards. Code of Ethics?
A. Seminars
35. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers prohibit B. Continuing Professional Education
a teacher and student to fall in love with each other? C. Writing books
A. Yes, because it is unprofessional. D. Evaluate school courses
B. No, but student should be transferred to another 45. According to Article XI of the Code of Ethics, who should
class. serve as guide of the professional teacher's destiny and
C. No, but the teacher shall exercise utmost professional those of men on nations?

discretion to avoid preferential treatment of the A. Learners C. School Head
learner. B. Almighty God D. Teaching philosophy
D. Yes, because the teacher will show favoritism
definitely. 46. On what condition can a professional teacher engage in
36. What adjective/s describe/s an ideal teacher's relationship A. Adversely affects his/her work

with other government officials? B. Income generation is related to her/his work
I. Harmonious III. Personal C. Business includes books and school supplies
II. Subservient IV.Professional D. Income generation is legitimate

A. I and IV C. III and IV 47. Can a teacher go on a study leave for two years?
B. I and II D. IV only A. It depends on the ranking of the teacher
B. Yes, provided given permit by the Secretary of

37. What factor should Teacher Cess be careful about when Education
she is teaching in a school for children in a C. No, for one year only
poverty-stricken slum area? D. Yes, with salary
A. Children's beliefs
B. Children's socio-economic status 48. What is the maximum number of teaching hours for
C. Children's ethnicity teachers?
D. Children's race A. 4 C. 6
B. 5 D. 7
38. What is the basis for as ascertaining that a teacher
succeeds in her work of educating individual learners? 49. In all the ASEAN member countries, which level of
A. Their acquired competencies schooling is free and compulsory?
B. Their getting a diploma A. Primary level C. Middle School level
C. Their getting out of school B. Secondary level D. College level
D. Their being praised by parents
50. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from what
39. The school is preparing for a national choral competition. country have the teachers the greatest respect from
What should be the response of the teaching community? students?
A. Teachers complained against by students should not A. China C. Finland
be involved in the preparation activities. B. Greece D. New Zealand

B. Let the Music teachers do the work since it is

music-related. 51. Which country, according to the Global Teacher Status
C. All teachers should cooperate with and support the Index, gives the highest salary to teachers?
Music teachers in whatever way. A. Singapore C. Japan
D. Give passing grades to all students involved in the B. South Korea D. Switzerland
oral competition.
52. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows the
40. Appointments, promotions and transfer of professional following EXCEPT one. Which one is not?
teachers are done only on the basis of ______ and in the A. Teachers are ICT equipped.
____________. B. Learners are attuned to rote memorization.
A. merit-need-interest of the service C. Learning environment can be any place.
B. qualifications - years of service - interest of learners D. There are multiple ways of teaching.
C. seniority - academic degrees - interest of teachers
D. technical - professional competence - interest of the 53. How will classroom change in the 21st century curricular
profession landscape?

A. It will become more virtual as teaching becomes

41. Is it professional to support a school's policy even if you do remote
not personally agree? B. It will be both teacher and learner-centered
A. No. C. It will adapt to pandemic like Covid-19
B. Yes. D. It will be flexible for discussions and group dynamics
C. Yes, if it is a policy for teachers.
D. Yes, it depends on the kind of policy. 54. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being described by the
phrase "unity in diversity"?
42. As a professional teacher, you shall manifest genuine A. Learning to know C. Learning to live
__________ and _________ in teaching as a _________ together
calling. B. Learning to do D. Learning to be
A. genuineness - pride - mission
B. pride - enthusiasm - new 55. To what pillar of learning does collaborative project-making
C. enthusiasm - pride - noble belong?
D. enthusiasm - pride - good A. Learning to know C. Learning to live
43. As an intellectual leader, which characteristic/trait must a B. Learning to be D. Learning to do
teacher display?
A. Dislikes for teacher organizations

LET M2024 The Professional Teacher

56. Of the following, what is a good example of "learning to A. One that promotes competition among learners.
do” activity in teaching-and-learning? B. One that sets the teacher as the center of instruction.
A. Self-assessment of learning a module C. One that imposes strict discipline on students
B. Lecture on the topic of patriots D. One that is safe and conducive for learning.
C. Demonstration of baking skills
D. Monitoring of learning drills 68. Which of the following demonstrates that a teacher is
competent in content knowledge and pedagogy?
57. Your emphasis is the learner’s affective development. A. Concept-based teaching
Which pillar/s of learning should you focus on? B. Teacher-centered teaching
A. Learning to be and learning to live together C. Rote and drill-teaching
B. Learning to do D. Research-based teaching
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to know and learning to be 69. What is the highest career stage of a teacher in the

58. To learn to live together, which attitude should be out of A. Distinguished C. Highly proficient
the picture? B. Proficient D. Most proficient
A. Ethnocentrism C. Xenocentrism
B. Fundamentalism D. Existentialism 70. What does PQF mean?
A. Philippine Quality Framework
59. To be ready to teach in the 21st century, a teacher should B. Philippine Qualifications Frame

develop life and career skills which should also be C. Philippine Qualifications Framework
nurtured among the learners. Which of these career skills D. Philippine Quality Framework
enables a person to quickly respond to the changes in the
modern times? 71. How are the “professional standards” in the PQF best
A. Leadership and responsibility understood?
B. Productivity and Accountability A. As a status C. As benchmark
C. Flexibility and adaptability B. As law D. As ethical code

D. Social and Cross-cultural skills
72. Why is CPD necessary for professional teachers?
60. Since quality of teacher competencies is critical to I. To continuously improve personal and
education, which of the following strategies is the most professional development
likely indicator of teacher effectiveness and achievement? II. To be at par with other professionals
A. Internship competition III. To abide the CPD Act of 2016
B. Standards for teacher performance
C. Graduation standards A. II and III C. III only
D. Admission requirement B. I, II and III D. I and III
61. A teacher who has learned and practiced the 21st century 73. Which of the following has higher importance than the rest
skills can be described best as __________. as to best practice of a professional teacher?
A. Applicant teacher C. Border-less teacher A. Competency supported by continuing growth
B. Local teacher D. Qualified teacher B. Appearance as a teacher in dress and attire
C. Loyalty to the school by years of service
62. What do the CFT, SEA, PQF, and PPST assure the D. Regularity in class attendance
stakeholders of?
A. Teacher disposition C. Teacher quality 74. For what response is continuing professional education or
B. Teacher decision D. Quality teacher CPE installed for every professional teacher?

A. Past ideas and practices

63. In the Southeast Asian Teachers Competency Framework, B. Monitoring of educational programs
who is at the center with whom the professional teacher C. New trends and reforms
relates? D. Review of academic achievement
A. The competent teacher
B. The joyful learner 75. Which of the following best describes a 21st century
C. The helpful teacher peers teacher who regularly undertakes professional trainings
D. The wise supervisor such as teacher seminars and workshops?
A. Servant leader C. Entrepreneur
64. Given the prospect of ASEAN integration of manpower B. Optimist D. Forever a learner
professionals for ASEAN Economic Community
integration, teachers for potential employment will require 76. Henry Adams said: "A teacher affects eternity; no one
apart from learning a new language. knows where his influence stops." What does this
A. Reformation C. Reorientation quotation imply?
B. Reinstruction D. Reeducation A. A teacher has power to influence generations.

B. A teacher lives long because he enjoys influencing his

65. You want to know who a good teacher is, In the students.
Philippines which would you consult? C. A teacher is so powerful that he cannot help but
A. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers influence learners.
B. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards D. Teaching is eternity; there is no end to it for as long as
C. National Competency Based Teacher Standards there are children.
D. Professional Code of Ethics
77. William Garr said: "People who introduce themselves with
66. What are equivalent to standards under the Philippine the shame remark that they are "just teachers" gives me
Professional Standards for Teachers? despair in my heart." Based on this quote, how does
A. Levels of qualifications William Garr want teachers to behave?
B. Certificates of training A. Give up teaching.
C. Accreditation of schools B. Compare teaching with the other professions.
D. Cost of higher education C. Work for selective admission of candidates to the
67. With the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers D. Look everyone squarely in the eye and say "I am a
(PPST) as a guide, which of the following is the teacher!"
characteristic of an ideal learning environment?

LET M2024 The Professional Teacher

78. Given the fact that the early post-war II period began with IV. When teachers are not yet trained
a few career options, which of the following is the most
likely reason why many women chose teaching as a life A. I, II, III, and IV C. I and II
career during this period? B. III only D. II only
A. It is the most highly paid profession.
B. It is suitable for women who lack technical skills. 87. Based on the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,
C. It is a woman’s not a man’s career. which does basic education in the Philippines
D. It is the most respected occupation for women. encompass?
I. Early Childhood Education
79. What is the role of the teacher in the axiom, "Teachers II. Elementary Education
open the door, you enter by yourself"? III. Secondary Education
A. As a Lecturer C. As a Coach IV. Alternative Learning System
B. As a Facilitator D. As a Drill master V. Education for Children with Special Needs

80. As many cultures had different ideas of a teacher, Which A. II and III C. I, II and III
of the following is closest to the idea of a modern B. I II, III, and IV D. I, II, III, IV, and V
classroom teacher?
A. Preacher C. Instructor
B. Guru D. Master 88. Based on RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
81. Which is TRUE of the Philippine educational system? 2013 is a non-licensed teacher allowed to teach in the K to

A. Free education in public elementary and secondary 12 Curriculum full time?
schools A. Yes, provided he/she obtains a license within five
B. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private years from the time of hiring.
schools in all levels. B. No, no one may teach without a license.
C. Free education in the government schools in all levels C. Yes, only in Tech-Voc track where there is dearth of
D. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private qualified teachers.
schools in the basic level. D. That depends on the policy of the educational

82. The terms ethnicity, minority, multiculturalism, and diversity
are integral to the understanding of cultural proficiency in 89. In R.A. 8980 which of the following is covered by the early
teaching. Religion is a component of culture. What childhood development?
constitutional provision refers to religious instruction? A. Early childhood to late childhood
A. The parents or guardians may express in writing that B. Early childhood to middle childhood
religion shall be allowed to be taught within regular C. Birth to 6 yrs. old
hours by instructors designated or approved by the D. One year old to 6 yrs. old
religious authorities of the religion to which the
children belong. 90. What is the concrete proof that teacher as a public servant
B. Religion may be taught in Values Education/Character and or official has violated RA 6713 mandate to
Education by the classroom teacher. demonstrate straight of modest lives appropriate to their
C. Public elementary and high schools may offer religion positions and income?
as an optional curricular subject. A. Extravagance and ostentatious wealth
D. Religion is a required subject in all private elementary B. Fettling undue patronage
and high schools. C. Inefficient use of public funds
D. Political party affiliation and preferences
83. A high school graduate was denied admission to a
university on the grounds that he failed the admission test.

The student insisted that he had the right to be admitted

and the act was a violation of his right to education. Was
the student correct?
A. No, the university may refuse the student in its
exercise of academic freedom.
B. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.
C. Yes, education is everyone’s right.
“Self-belief and hard work will
D. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous
People’s group
always earn you success.”
84. A school personnel can avail of free legal service under
— Virat Kohli
certain circumstances. Principal Bert was accused of
maligning his neighbor. Is Principal Bert entitled to the said
A. Yes, she should defend herself.

B. No, if funds are not available.

C. No, it might bring some disagreements in school
D. No, the case is not related to her professional duties.

85. With RA 9155, to which body were all the functions,

programs, and activities of the Department of Education
related to Sports competition transferred?
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Technical Education Services Development Authority
C. Philippine Sports Commission
D. Commission on Higher Education

86. RA 10157 states: “Mother Tongue shall be the primary

medium of instruction in the Kindergarten.” Which are
I. When the teacher does not speak the Mother
Tongue of the learners
II. When the K pupils speak different Mother Tongue
III. When resources in the MT are not available
LET M2024 The Professional Teacher

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