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HND Assignment Application

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 Unit 20 Organisational

HND Business Diploma Behaviour
Student name Assessor name


Date issued Formative Date Completion Date Submitted on

November 29th December

2022 29th 2022

Assignment title
Appreciative Inquiry on ATIB s’
Workplace Culture
In this assessment you will have the
Learning Learning Assessment Task Evidence
opportunity to present evidence that
Outcome Outcome Criteria no. Report
shows you are able to:
Assess own
personality traits and
Reflect on own attributes in terms of
personality and them having a positive or
perceptions to P1 1
negative effect on
understand how management approaches
individual and company
LO 1
difference performance.
informs and Reflect on the value
influences and importance of
management P2 personality and 2
approaches perception for effective
managerial relationships.

Apply content
Apply content and
and process
process theories of
theories of
motivation for enhancing
motivation to
LO 2 P3 and maintaining an
create and
effective organizational
maintain an
workforce, providing
specific examples. 3

Contribute to the
creation and
Participate in a
P4 management of effective 4
group team
teamworking in a given
activity for a
business situation.
given business
LO 3
situation to
demonstrate Explore the relevance
effective team of group behavior and
skills team theory in the
P5 5
creation and
management of effective

Examine how
power, politics
Examine how the
and culture can
operation of power,
be used to
politics and culture in an
LO 4 P6 organization affects 6
employee behavior and
behavior and the accomplishment of
accomplish organizational goals.

Learner Declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own & research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Achieved? (√ or ×)

Grade Descriptor

1st Re-
Submission submission
M1 Challenge own perspectives and individual rates and attributes to 1
influence and improve managerial relationships.
M2 Critically assess the extent that employee motivation can be
enhanced and maintained by practical application of content and process 1
theories of motivation.
M3 Reflect on personal contribution to group behaviour and dynamics in
the creation and management of effective teamworking. 1

M4 Evaluate how the operation of power, politics and culture affect
employee behaviour and the accomplishment of organisational goals. 1

LO1 and LO2

D1 Adapt personal perspectives, traits and attributes to justify 1
improvements that influence and enhance employee motivation and
create an effective workforce.
D2 Revise personal contribution and skills for effective teams to make
justified recommendations for own improvement.
D3 Make justified recommendations on how power, politics, and culture
can be used effectively to influence and direct employee behavior
towards the accomplishment of organizational goals.

Evidence Evidence
Summary of Evidence Required by Student
Checklist Presented

Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 20 Organisational Behaviour

Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Business Diploma

Start date 29/11/2022
Deadline/hand-in 29/12/2022
Assessor Mr. Saifeddin N. Hashad

Assignment title
Appreciative Inquiry on ATIB s’
Workplace Culture
Purpose of this assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to apply relevant OB Frameworks and tools across mandatory learning outcomes in
a practical contextualized way on the ATIB case Scenario and assess student s’ intuitive thinking and capabilities to
clarify how swift and long-term changes in organisational alignment and behaviour may impact overall performance and


FYI Although many of the ATIB data is accurate all the scenario and case are purely fictional and not real and is intended
for the purpose of furthering the education of students of unit 20 OB and has nothing to do with former, current or predicted
performance of the targeted Libyan Company.


 Al Saray Bank for Trade and Investment (ATIB) is a Libyan banking institution committed to providing
a variety of transactions and services to serve our customers from the corporate and individual
sectors alike. The bank contributes to financing several small and medium projects and in many vital
and important sectors in Libya with a specialized team working on Develop and provide specific and
modern products designed to serve SMEs and target groups of people management, as well as
providing financial services to the treasury.

 Website: www.atib.ly

 Problem Statement: ATIB s’ workplace culture is leading the private banking sector in Libya based on your
field trip on Oct 31st, 2022, to the bank’s’ head quarters in Tripoli, Libya, use the following Trasks and
frameworks to respond to this assignment brief with an appreciative inquiry of the cultural and organizational
achievements of ATIB from systems and structures to how well the institution empowers working individuals
and teams. And whether you believe ATIB deserves to be benchmarked with the “Irresistible Organizational
Model” .

 Your Role as ‘Organizational Researcher’

You have been contacted and invited on-board as an ATIB ‘s appreciative inquiry researcher to inquire and take a deep
dive into ATIB s’ workplace culture and leadership.

So, you have decided to outline an agenda (below) for the workshop to propose these dimensions which are:

• Dimension 1

1. Organizing factors for success.

2. Impact of cultural orientation (Power or Task or Role or Person and or innovation) do you hinder your own values?
3. Structural design styles and what styles best fits ATIB at this running moment in time.
4. Communicating and advocating the new design message clearly from leadership including the global spectrum.

• Dimension 2

1. Assess the scale of balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation internally.
2. How ATIB listen to their people and check if where are the gaps in your equal intended opportunity for all?
3. Understand emotionally intelligent leaders and their types and assess why form of leadership do the existing Team
leaders inspire?
4. Find ways to resolve conflicts and recover from unfair performance appraisal systems and discover new ones.

• Dimension 3

1. Team types
2. Frameworks
3. Workload alignment and cross-functioning
4. Diversity & Inclusion at its’ best
5. Let your team tell you their perception of what they value most and incorporate that.
6. Bootcamp and train emerging leaders of change.

• Dimension 4

1. Demystify ‘irresistible organizations ‘

2. Benchmark your case with this concept
3. Introduce the difference between path goal theory and contingency theory and their relevance
4. Understand the option of utilizing the existence of social capital within internal communities of trust and let them
work their magic.
5. Brand your message – Brand your new initiative world wide
6. Introduce a framework of business agility for further improvements and watch transformation happen for ATIB.

 You are required to ensure the coverage of all learning outcomes in this assignment submission which are:

difference: personality.
Approaches to the study of human personality. Nomothetic and idiographic
perspectives and implications.
Debates around measuring and testing human personality.
The ‘big five’ dimensions of human personality: extroversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience.
Debates around individual personality differences and abilities. The extent that
personality dimensions link to job roles and performance, job attitudes,
leadership and teamworking abilities.
Application of personality and other forms of psychometric assessments in
selection and promotion decisions, team-building and professional development
Emotional intelligence as a related concept of human personality.
Individual difference: perception:
Significance of perception for developing effective personal and work
Factors that influence an individual’s perceptual set, e.g. personality, past
experiences, expectations, learning.
Relationship between perception and behaviour.
Perceptual errors and distortions, including stereotyping, unconscious bias and
how cultural differences can be misconstrued.
The relationship between perception and communication.

Verbal and non-verbal communication, selecting information and making
Attribution theory and interpersonal perception.

Motivational theories:
Main features of key models and their underpinning assumptions of content and
process theories of motivation.
Content theories, including Alderfer, Herzberg, Maslow, McClelland.
Process theories, including Adams, Latham and Locke, Porter and Lawler.
The implications of motivational theory for management and leadership practice
in organisations.
Differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
The relationship between motivation, job satisfaction and employee
commitment and engagement.
Modifying employee on-the-job behaviour through reinforcement initiatives.
Application of motivation theories:
Characteristics and behaviours of employees who demonstrate low- and
high motivation.
Implications of motivation theories for the design of work.
The job characteristics model of Hackman and Oldham.
Implications of motivation theories for the design of reward and benefit
The concept of empowerment and empowering people to meet higher-level
Human motivation as a complex, dynamic and culture-bound concept, affected
by a range of personal, generational and environmental factors.

Different types of organisational teams:
The importance of work groups and effective teamworking in contemporary
Types of teams, e.g. functional and cross-functional, problem-solving, project and
self-directed teams.
The impact of globalisation and digital technologies on organisational teams to
include virtual and cross-cultural teams. Diversity and issues of communication,
leadership and insufficient support.
Digital tools for communication, e.g. Slack, Skype, Microsoft Teams, for project
management, e.g. Trello and Smartsheet.
Cloud-based technologies for file sharing, collaboration and storing information.
Team dynamics and teamwork:
Differences between groups and teams.
Team development models: the stages of team development and the
implications for task achievement and team-member relationships.
Belbin’s role typology for creating effective teams and consideration of skills
required for resolving team conflict and creating effective teams.
The concept of cohesiveness and the role and importance of norms.
Issues with cohesive teams, e.g. groupthink, suspicion and aggression towards
outsiders, resistant to change.
Challenges in facilitating cohesiveness in global, virtual and diverse teams.

Influence of power:
Power as a property viewpoint: individual, relationships and embedded in
structures. Hard and soft sources of power.
Bases and types of power, power controls and power sources. The use of power
as an influencing mechanism in different circumstances and situations, to
achieve organisational goals and influence employee behaviour and
Influence of politics:
Organisational politics arising from structural divisions, differing priorities and
interests and when policies and rules are interpreted or acted on differently.
Political activity during periods of organisational change, political behaviour
associated with conflict and resistance.
Influence of culture:
Culture as key variable affecting organisational success and factors that influence
it, e.g. nature of business, company goals, employee behaviours, diversity.
Culture promoting organisational values and expectations of how work should
be undertaken and behavioural expectations of employees.
How culture manifests itself at different levels (Schein).
Types of organisational culture and factors to consider when seeking to develop
high-performance organisational cultures.
Cross-cultural differences and the need for awareness of cultural difference
when developing organisational strategy and policy.
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory and application.
The influence of globalisation and digital technologies on organisational culture
in the 21st century, including the opportunities and challenges of remote
working practices.
Principles of Network Theory and Systems Theory as frameworks to understand

Task 1 (LO.1: P1, M1 and D1)

Guideline 1
Supporting Frameworks, Models & Tools
• Reflect on the value and importance of personality and perception for effective managerial relationships.
• Strong Organizations (Syncing Leadership & Management)
• Work Specialization
• Departmentalization
• Chain of Command / Span of Control
• Centralization / Decentralization
• Formalization / Standardization
• Organizational Structural Design
• Corporate Culture (Mission / Vision / Values)

Task 2 (LO.2: P2, M2 and D1)
Guideline 2
Supporting Frameworks, Models & Tools
• Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation
• one choice between (Content or Process) Theories of Motivation
• Behaviors that Motivate Employees
• visuals or models what emotional intelligence?
• The Four Self Awareness Archetypes.
• Using the (Situational Leadership) Model explain how leaders should learn to pivot from one style of leadership to
another according the readiness of employees.

Task 3 (LO.3 P3, M3 and D2)

Guideline 3
Supporting Frameworks, Models & Tools
1. One team type
2. The framework for high performing teams
3. The Hofstede Cultural Dimensions to measure existing culture of organizations
4. The process of making use of diversity in teams
5. Tuckman ‘s team development model to explain what stages teams go through in order to perform.
6. Belbin ‘s team roles and how that can impact the performance of the organization.

Task 4 (LO.4: P4, M4 and D2)

Guideline 4
Supporting Frameworks, Models & Tools
1. The irresistible organizational model and explain why it can help leaders benchmark their transformation.
2. Contingency theory and explain it using example
3. Highlight the power of social capital using visuals
4. The dimensions of Agile Organizations
5. The difference between company culture and employee engagement

Notes & Recommended Resources

Unit 20 Classroom Material, Notes & Sheets

Other Recommended Resources Textbooks:

ARCHER, D. and CAMERON, A. (2013) Collaborative Leadership; Building Relationships,

Handling Conflict and Sharing Control. 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.

BY, R.T. and BURNES, B. (2013) Organizational Change, Leadership and Ethics:
Leading Organizations Towards Sustainability. London: Routledge.

HUCZYNSKI, A. and BUCHANAN, D. (2013) Organizational Behavior. 8th Ed.

Harlow: Pearson.

LEVI, D. (2014) Group Dynamics for Teams. 4th Ed. London: SAGE.

ROLLINSON, D. (2008) Organizational Behavior and Analysis: An Integrated Approach.

4th Ed. London: Pearson


1. Do not overuse or duplicate (tools, models and frameworks) just an informative 1 choice would be great
2. Be straight forward with your language.
3. A recommended approach in structuring your content would be to apply the rule of 3rd s (Thirds) which
is a way to keep third of your content key text another third would be key supporting visuals or tools and
the final third would be your personal insights and elaboration as brief as possible.

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date


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