Business Ethics Final Project

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Business Ethics

Final Project


Submitted To

Dr Wahab Suri

Submitted By

Muhammad Qamar 61848

Muhammad Umar 61530

Simra Jamil 62039

April 20,2020

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Table of Contents
Introduction 1
choose topic 2
Background and Reason3
Recent Updates 5
Basic Essence of Project 6
Symptoms Of COVID-19 7
Preventation and Measure 8
Wash your hands ferquently 9
Maintain social distaancing 10
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth 11
Wear a mask 12

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“Invest in an appropriate ethical act that is beneficial to society and make

your efforts known.”

We were encouraged to conduct a small-scale initiative that would benefit society through self-
financing and projecting the long-term impact in class via our project report.


We decided to raise awareness about the prevalent Coronavirus and help inform people on how
to combat covid-19 and avoid its manifestation and spread.


The reason behin choosing this topic is to raise awareness about the most high alert disease
Corona Virus COVID-19. We have chosen this because wee want to aware people about this
most dangerous disease. As of 16 April 2020, the coronavirus pneumonia pandemic had at least
139,419 confirmed deaths and more than 2,088,425 confirmed cases, death rate increases day by

Pakistan's government has loosened controls on a number of

industries across the country in an attempt to combat the

economic effect of a prolonged lockout, in order to curb the

spread of coronavirus across the world.

According to the WHO Situation Report people of all ages can be infected by the novel
coronavirus COVID-19. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as
asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the
virus. Symptoms of COVID-19 can appear in as little as 2 days or as long as 14, during which the
virus is infectious but the patient shows no symptoms.

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We just wanted to do some efforts for those who are save from this virus still. By this acivity we
got a chance to save others life via sharing this virus details,symptoms and prevention.our
pamphlets were also helping us to run this project effectively.


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Coronaviruses were discovered in the early 1930s when it became clear that an acute respiratory
infection in domesticated chickens was caused by a virus now known as the avian bronchitis
virus (IBV). In the 1960s the first human coronavirus (HCoV) was discovered.To these agents
the word coronavirus (Latin: corona, crown) has been adopted, indicating their characteristic
fringed appearance after negative staining in the electron microscope. Coronaviruses are now
recognized as causing respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological, and systemic diseases in a
number of animal species.Coronaviruses are divided into three classes, initially based on the
spike (S), membrane (M) and nucleocapside (N) protein antigenic relationships. Studies by
human volunteers found that the incubation period is about 2 days, with peak symptoms
occurring three to four days after infection.Coronaviruses of humans and animals were divided
into 3 specific classes based on their antigenic and genetic makeup. Group I included 229E virus
and other viruses, group II included OC43 virus and group III consisted of avian infectious
bronchitis virus and a variety of other avian viruses.

Coronaviruses were described that caused disease in multiple animal species, including:

Rats chicken Calves Rabbits

Mice Turkeys Dogs Pigs

Early symptoms include:

Fever Dry Fatigue


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According to researchers in China, these were the most common symptoms among people
who had COVID-19:

Fever 83%-99%
Cough 59%-82%
Fatigue 44%-70%
Lack of appetite 40%-84%
Shortness of breath 31%-40%
Mucus 31%-40%
Body aches 11%-35%

Other coronaviruses like SARS and MERS are also treated by managing symptoms. In some
cases, experimental treatments are tested to see how effective they are. Examples of therapies
used for these illnesses include:

 Antiviral or Retroviral Medications

 Breathing Support, such ss Mechanical Ventilation
 Steroids to Reduce Lung Swelling
 Blood Plasma Transfusions


Stay aware of the new COVID-19 outbreak information available on the WHO website, and via
the national and local public health agency. Some people who get infected develop a mild disease
and recover, but for some it may be more serious. Caring for your safety and helping others by
doing the following things:

 Wash your hands frequently

Why? Washing your hands with soap and water by

using hand rubbing based on alcohol destroys viruses
which can be on your hands.

 Maintain social distancing

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Why? We spray tiny liquid droplets from their nose
or mouth which may contain virus when someone
coughs or sneezes. If you're too close, you can
breathe in droplets, including the COVID-19 virus, if
you have the disease on the person coughing.

 Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

Why? Hands reach several objects, so they can catch
viruses. When infected, the virus can be transmitted
to the eyes, nose or mouth by hand. From there, the
virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

 Wear a mask
Why? When you have respiratory problems
(coughing or sneezing) to protect others it is best to
use a medical mask. When masks are used, they
must be correctly used and disposed of to ensure
their safety, and to prevent any increased risk of
virus transmission.
Protection measures for persons who are in or have recently visited (past 14 days) areas
where COVID-19 is spreading:

Follow the guidance outlined above:

o Stay at home if you start feeling unwell, even with minor symptoms including
headache and a slight runny nose, before you get up. Why? For what? Eviting
interaction with others and visits to medical facilities will allow these facilities to
function more effectively and help protect you and others against potential COVID-19
and other viruses.

o If you have fever, cough and breathing problems, seek medical attention immediately
because it could be due to respiratory illness or other severe condition. Call ahead and
notify your provider about any recent travel or traveler contacts. Why? For what?
Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to guide you quickly to the
right health facility.


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Our aim of this project is to save the people from this dieases or virus amny of us died but
amny ous left aslo we have to save them by helping them. We werwe trying to give our best
in this activity. We have learned many other thing too. In this project we also used pamphlets
to aware people, told them about precautions and symptoms of it.the last message is “Stay
Home and Stay Safe”.



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