Admissions Division, Nihon University
Admissions Division, Nihon University
Admissions Division, Nihon University
■ Examination for Japanese University Admission for There are various career options after graduation: you may wish
International Students (EJU) to remain in Japan, return to your home country, or go to another
Note: For further information, Please refer to the Admission Guide. country. For international students who wish to find a job in Japan, the Placement Office of Nihon University provides all types of
information to help international students find employment. The
Japanese Government tends to assist highly capable international
students in finding a job in Japan.
Immigration Procedures and
Entrance Examination Preparation for Your Visit to Japan
Permitted changes in residence status of international students
for employment purposes [unit: person]
entrance examination. The enrollment procedures are completed when you submit the
The test methods, dates, venues, and subjects depend on the documents requested by the University and pay the admission fee 25000
requirements of the colleges and graduate schools. As such, you and part of the school expenses.
are requested to download the Admission Guide from the Nihon After completing the enrollment procedures, you will need to
University website and confirm details before application. You can obtain a student visa and resident status in Japan. 15000
download the Admission Guide at the URL given below. To obtain a resident status (The Certificate of Eligibility) have to
submit an application to the Japanese Immigration Bureau (Proxy 10000 7,831
■ URL for downloading the Admission Guide application for certificate of Eligibility by Nihon University.) 5000 To obtain the visa, you have to submit an application to the
Embassy or Consulate-General of Japan in your country. 0
For further information about these procedures, refer to the
Please download from the webpage of the Nihon Admission Guide. (Data source: “Conditions of international students employed by Japanese companies
during FY2021” issued by Japanese Immigration Bureau of Ministry of Justice)
University Admission Guide (
Click “Admission examination information” →
Click “International students admission information” →
Click “Download the Admission guide (Application
form/Application documents)”
The Student Division or Academic Affairs Section of the college
or graduate school to which you have been accepted will provide you
with housing information. There are various kinds of private rental
houses and apartments near every campus. International students
may select a house that suits their budget and lifestyle.
The College of Law consists of five departments that provide courses As a complex college with a history of more than 100 years, the The College of Economics is a typical urban style college with its
in a wide variety of legal fields under the standing of Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences nurtures individuals with broader campus in the center of Tokyo. Focusing on a systematic learning
“As an institution distinguished for legal education” with an objective horizons and perspectives based on its educational philosophy of method through seminars and programs, the college fosters economic
of learning “living law,” which was inherited from “Nihon Law “a marriage of humanities and sciences.” thinkers of the future who can respond to changes in the international
School,” the forerunner of Nihon University. society.
D The College of Humanities and Sciences offers an inclusive
D The College of Law consists of five departments and is an all- education and research programs that combine the fields of D The College of Economics offers a systematic curriculum designed
inclusive college of social science that provides cross-sectional liberal arts, sociology, and sciences. for students to learn all about economics from theory to practice.
studies to its students. D The college has a teacher training center that provides various D The college provides a comprehensive employment support
D Six student labs provide support for students to enable them to support aids for students who want to become teachers. program for a wide range of career paths and future goals for the
pass challenging certification examinations and civil service D The college provides practical lessons to educate students with students.
examinations. language skills and an international mindset that make them D The college offers a study-abroad program through partnerships
D The college offers an expanded specialized learning program competent for the global stage. with 13 universities in various countries that enables students to
that enables students to choose a wide-ranging career path. better acclimatize themselves to the ongoing trend of globalization.
n Philosophy n Psychology
n Law n Journalism n History n Geography n Economics n Finance and Public Economics
n Political Science and n Business Law n Japanese Language and Literature n Earth and n Industrial Management
Economics n Public Policy and Affairs n Chinese Language and Culture Environmental Sciences
n English Language and Literature n Mathematics
n German Language and Literature n Information Science Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Law n Sociology n Physics n Social Welfare n Biosciences
The Graduate School of Economics promotes research on
n Education n Chemistry
The Graduate School of Law aims to delve deeper into the study of applications and specialized theories in economics and its related
n Physical Education academic fields including management, accounting and information.In
justice and political science, and thereby contribute to the development
of culture. The school has three majors: addition, the school cultivates individual students with advanced
Public Law, Private Law, and Political Science. specialized knowledge and competence required as professionals in
Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences both academic and business world.
n Public Law n Private Law n Political Science
n Economics
Through a creative and practical curriculum, students can contemplate
Graduate School of Journalism and Media such universal themes as language and humanity, history and culture, and mind and body. College of Commerce
n Philosophy n English Language
The Graduate School of Journalism and Media aims to develop
n History and Literature
human resources that have an accurate grasp of current events and n German Language Based on the philosophy of “practical study-oriented” and
n Japanese History*
information of modern society and can convey them to the public, n Foreign History* and Literature “employment-ready potential,” the College of Commerce provides
since the role of media such as newspaper and journalism has n Japanese Language and Literature n Sociology education to develop cutting-edge business theories and specialized
considerable impact on society. n Chinese Studies n Education knowledge aimed at developing the students’ career aspirations.
n Psychology
n Journalism and Media * Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided for Japanese
History and International History majors. International students can select their majors
D The College of Commerce is designed to help students to learn
from the other nine majors. the theory and practice of modern day business such as
corporate activities and market economy.
D The college offers an extensive learning environment that
Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sciences includes facilities such as state-of-the-art study spaces, physical
education facilities, and libraries.
D The college has started endowed lectures given by invited
The Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sciences consists of two professionals who are active at the forefront of the business
majors, Earth Information Mathematical Sciences and Correlative world.
Study of Physics and Chemistry. Following a philosophy of harmonious
coexistence between an irreplaceable Nature and people, the school n Commerce n Business Administration n Accounting
aims to pursue and establish eco-friendly science technologies.
06 Features 07
Graduate School of Business Administration College of International Relations College of Sports Sciences Graduate School of Science and Technology
The Graduate School of Business Administration has three majors The College of International Relations was the first college of its The College of Sports Sciences develops top level athletes who can The Graduate School of Science and Technology offers 16 majors
namely Commerce, Business Administration, and Accounting, and the kind in Japan. The college develops human resources who can engage play an active role in Japan and overseas and skilled leaders who are that cover science and technology fields extensively. The school aims
students can study subjects of other majors in order to acquire a broader in problem solving by stepping across the boundaries of knowledge involved in nurturing such athletes—in an effort to improve the to provide a seamless Bachelor's-Master's 6-Year Integrated Education
knowledge base. and understanding for a single region and a single field in the spheres standards of competitive sports of Japan. Framework.
of international exchange, international business, understanding of
n Commerce n Business Administration n Accounting n Civil Engineering n Electronic Engineering
different cultures, and communication skills. D The College of Sports Sciences offers an academic and n Transportation Systems Engineering n Computer Science
comprehensive curriculum that focuses on coaching studies. n Architecture n Materials and Applied
D The College of International Relations provides students with D The college allows students to select from two courses, namely Oceanic Architecture and Engineering Chemistry
College of Art a high-level international mindset so that they can understand “athlete course” and “sports support course.”
n Town Planning and Design n Physics the elements of diverse societies from a global perspective. D The college nurtures athletes and coaches for the purpose of n Mechanical Engineering n Mathematics
n Precision Machinery Engineering n Geography
D The college offers an environment that allows students to select improving the level of competitive sports.
The Nihon University College of Art is one of the most comprehensive n Aerospace Engineering n Quantum Science and
two or more languages they wish to learn from 13 languages. Technology
art colleges in Japan with a wide-ranging, all-around curriculum that n Electrical Engineering
D The college offers complete programs that help students to improve n Sports Science
crosses over departments and a number of artist-professors who are
their understanding of different cultures based on the pillars of
active in the frontline today. The college has produced many excellent
language education for developing practical language skills.
artists and cultural figures.
Graduate School of Sports Sciences College of Industrial Technology
n International Studies n International Liberal Arts
D The College of Art provides a comprehensive education
program that only Nihon University can offer through artists at The College of Industrial Technology enables students to learn engineering
The Graduate School of Sports Sciences nurtures highly specialized
the frontline of the art world. Graduate School of International Relations professionals with high-level expert knowledge and practical skills
basics and applications to keep up with the advancement of technologies and
D This college provides art education with the catchphrase “Eight at the same time it nurtures exceptional management engineers who can
based on sports sciences as well as human resources with research
Art Forms with One Heart” through which students are construct manufacturing technologies and manufacturing systems.
transformed into human resources who have the power to The Graduate School of International Relations offers programs for
change the world. comprehensive, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research on n Sports Sciences D The College of Industrial Technology provides “hands-on
D The college engages students in a wide-range of activities such highly diverse problems that occur in the main regions and between * Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided.
training in manufacturing” that enables students to gain real-
as industry-government-academia partnership projects that regions of the world, as well as programs on regional cultures. world experience at corporations and government agencies and
convey to the world the outstanding aspects of Nihon University develop their creativity and practical skills.
College of Art.
n International Relations
College of Science and Technology D The college nurtures engineers who are capable of looking at a grander picture of technologies and products from the
n Photography n Music n Broadcasting College of Risk Management standpoint of the users as well as the capacity to motivate
n Cinema n Literary Arts n Design The College of Science and Technology enables students to acquire people into taking action.
n Fine Arts n Theatre practical and useful abilities that respond to basic skills and cutting- D The college provides four programs that extend across a more
The College of Risk Management produces experts with the skills to cope edge technologies through education in an organic marriage between advanced JABEE* accreditation course and several departments.
with all kinds of crises in modern society such as natural disasters, large-scale science and engineering.
Graduate School of Art accidents, crimes, terrorism, wars, infectious diseases, and information leaks. * Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education. JABEE accredits education
programs in the science and engineering departments, etc. on the basis of whether their
D The College of Science and Technology offers comprehensive engineering education programs meet international standards. tutorial instruction that can improve the basic academic skills of
D The College of Risk Management provides an education program n Mechanical Engineering n Industrial Engineering
The Graduate School of Art focuses on creation and production for nurturing professionals trained with a legal mind and risk literacy. the students.
n Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Management
studies for the purpose of studying art theory, history and its application D The college provides education in a small class setting so that D The “Future Ph.D Kobo (or the Future Doctorate Workshop)”
n Civil Engineering n Mathematical Information
areas, and cultivating creative skills in addition to further study and students can nurture specialized knowledge and hands-on skills of the college offers full-scale research and experiment facilities
n Architecture and Architectural Engineering
creation of specialized fields. The school is also committed to right from the first year. and support for students’ projects.
D The college provides practical career design support programs Engineering n Sustainable Engineering
developing advanced expressive skills in art together with closely D The college offers a curriculum that allows students to select
to prepare the students. n Applied Molecular Chemistry n Conceptual Design
related fields. from either the education targeting government administrative
careers or corporate careers.
n Literary Arts n Civil Engineering n Aerospace Engineering※
n Image Arts
n Risk Management n Transportation Systems n Electrical Engineering Graduate School of Industrial Technology
n Fine Arts and Design * Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided. Engineering※ n Electronic Engineering※
n Musical Arts
n Performing Arts n Architecture n Computer Engineering※
The Graduate School of Industrial Technology offers seven majors
n The Arts Graduate School of Risk Management n Oceanic Architecture and n Materials and Applied
with a curriculum design that is integrated with undergraduate
Engineering※ Chemistry education. The school nurtures highly-skilled engineers and researchers
n Town Planning and Design n Physics
who possess practical and creative competence.
The Graduate School of Risk Management provides risk management n Mechanical Engineering n Mathematics
education and knowledge through the academic pursuit of risk and social n Precision Machinery Engineering※ n Mechanical Engineering n Applied Molecular Chemistry
issues in order to foster human resources with leadership skills that ※ The students are provided with a four-year course at the Funabashi Campus. n Electrical and Electronic n Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management
enable them to clarify and promote the risk management. This course
n Civil Engineering n Mathematical Information
also produces highly specialized professionals who are educated with a Engineering
n Architecture and
practical knowledge of risk management. Architectural Engineering
n Risk Management
* Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided.
08 Features 09
College of Engineering Graduate School of Medicine School of Dentistry at Matsudo Graduate School of Bioresource Sciences
The College of Engineering is the centerpiece for research and The Graduate School of Medicine focuses on developing exceptional The School of Dentistry at Matsudo develops the skills of dental The Graduate School of Bioresource Sciences teaches the concept of
development in Koriyama City, one of Japan’s technopolitan areas, medical researchers and medical educators with a passion for their practitioners with enriched human values through a cutting-edge dentistry “production and utilization of all living things including animals,
and is rolling out education and research with Lifestyles of Health and work. It fosters educators and researchers with innovative research education that is essential for realizing “Medico-Dental Science.” plants, and microorganisms and using them for recovery and
Sustainability (LOHAS) engineering, which is designed to be eco- capabilities, comprehensive knowledge, and human qualities. coexistence” through five majors that are categorized according to the
friendly as well as people-friendly. The aim is to nurture engineers who D The School of Dentistry at Matsudo helps students to acquire research objectives.
n Physiology n Internal Medicine
will make the world their stage. specialized knowledge and skills in stages in order to develop
n Pathology n Surgery
holistic dental practitioners. n Bioresource Production Sciences n Natural Environment
n Social Medicine Studies
n Bioresource Utilization Sciences
D The College of Engineering promotes the “LOHAS engineering” * Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided. D The School offers support programs such as academic support
n Applied Life Sciences n Bioresource Economics
concept, which supports a lifestyle that is friendly to the planet as and integrated lectures for students to pass national
* Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided.
well as to the mind and body of people. examinations.
D The college provides liberal arts education that enables students School of Dentistry D The School provides the students with a rich clinical experience
to develop skills so that they can respond to the requirements of at the University Hospital, which treats one of the largest
the times as well as the need for creating societies with enriched
number of patients in Japan.
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
human values. The School of Dentistry produces dental practitioners who possess
D The college provides its original carefully-tailored career specialized knowledge, precise medical techniques, well-rounded n Dentistry
* Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided. The Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine offers studies and
planning and placement support that has achieved a 100% knowledge in culture and art, common sense, and enriched human
researches on key subjects such as diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
employment rate*. values that make them very useful to society.
of diseases in domesticated and farm animals; cause analysis and
* FY2021 result. The employment rate for graduates who sought employment.
D The School of Dentistry provides support for the students to Graduate School of Dentistry at Matsudo prevention of zoonosis (disease transmissible from animals to humans
or vice versa); and cause analysis of ecology, morphology, and
n Civil Engineering n Electrical and Electronic Engineering pass a national examination through overview lectures that
functions of wild animals and aquatic animals.
n Architecture n Chemical Biology and Applied integrate basic and clinical lectures.
D The School nurtures dentists with exceptional human values Aimed at nurturing advanced expertise, research capability and
n Mechanical Engineering Chemistry n Veterinary Medicine
who can support the dentistry field in local communities. abundant creativity, the Graduate School of Dentistry at Matsudo * Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided.
n Computer Science
D The School enables students to study wide-ranging fields covers 6 academic courses and 23 major subjects. Students can develop
including special clinical departments at the University their specialized knowledge and skills in a fully equipped environment
10 Features 11
n Advanced Legal Studies College of Art Fine Arts 1,880,000 Doctoral program 1,100,000
* Special Entrance Examinations for international students are not provided.
Mishima Campus Music 1,890,000 Graduate School of Master’s program 1,150,000 Literary Arts 1,750,000 International Relations Doctoral program 1,100,000
Theatre 1,840,000 Master’s program
Funabashi Campus Broadcasting 1,900,000 Geography
1,070,000 Master’s program
Design 1,850,000 1,290,000
The junior colleges have four departments at two campuses in College of International 1,350,000
Relations Graduate School of Master’s program
Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Funabashi City, Chiba Science and Technology Other majors
College of Sports Sciences 1,460,000
Prefecture. The junior colleges aim to nurture students who acquire Mathematics 1,690,000 Doctoral program
specialized knowledge and skills so that they can become active Civil Engineering, Transportation Systems
players in each field, and also to provide the students with an education Engineering, Architecture, Oceanic Doctoral program
Architecture and Engineering, Town Other majors
and human values indispensable as a responsible adult. College of Science and Planning and Design, Mechanical
Technology Engineering, Precision Machinery 1,730,000 Graduate School of Master’s program 1,280,000
Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Industrial Technology Doctoral program 1,210,000
D Junior Colleges offer highly specialized lectures and training in Electrical Engineering, Electronic
Graduate School of Master’s program 1,280,000
Engineering, Computer Engineering,
cooperation with the affiliated departments of a four-year Materials and Applied Chemistry, Physics Engineering Doctoral program 1,210,000
college. College of Industrial 1,660,000 Graduate School of
Doctoral program 1,400,000
Technology Dentistry at Matsudo
D Junior Colleges provide support for students who are motivated
College of Engineering 1,660,000 Notes:
to gain higher learning and want to transfer to a four-year
School of Dentistry 6,900,000 1. The amounts shown in the table are in Japanese yen. The admission fee is required in the first year only.
college of Nihon University. Food Business, 2. An annual fee of 10,000 yen is required for the Alumni Association (associate member) of Nihon
1,380,000 University. A further annual fee of 10,000 yen is required for the Alumni Association (official member)
D Junior Colleges provide various career support programs for Global Coexistence Studies
of Nihon University in the fiscal year of completing Graduate School.
students who seek employment. College of Bioresource Bioscience, Zoological Science, 3. Students may be required to pay annual Supporters’ Association Fees/Maintenance Fees ranging
Science Marine Science, Forest Science, between 10,000 yen and 40,000 yen depending on the College or Junior College. For further
Environmental Science, Agri-Science, 1,660,000 information, check the Admission Guide to Nihon University for International Students on the Internet.
n Business and Management Studies Food Science and Technology, 4. In an effort to establish a base for education, researches, and medical treatment activities, the School
Veterinary Nursing requests your cooperation in a fund-raising campaign program after you enroll, although this is not
n Food and Nutrition mandatory.
Junior College
Department of Business 1,060,000
n Architecture and Living Design* and Management Studies
n Science and Manufacturing Technology*
* The Departments of Architecture and Living Design and Science and Manufacturing Department of Food and 1,260,000
Technology do not offer special Entrance Examinations for international students. Nutrition
1. The amounts shown in the table are in Japanese yen. The admission fee is required in the first year only.
2. An annual fee of 10,000 yen is required for the Alumni Association (associate member) of Nihon University. A further annual fee
of 10,000 yen is required for the Alumni Association (official member) of Nihon University in the year of graduation.
3. Students may be required to pay annual Supporters’ Association Fees/Maintenance Fees ranging between 10,000 yen and
40,000 yen depending on the College or Junior College. For further information, check the Admission Guide to Nihon University
for International Students on the Internet.
4. In an effort to establish a base for education, researches, and medical treatment activities, the School requests your cooperation
in a fund-raising campaign program after you enroll, although this is not mandatory.
( )
The above table shows the amounts required only for colleges and departments that offer entrance
examinations for international students in fiscal 2024. For further information on the tuition to be
paid, refer to the Admission Guide to Nihon University for International Students.
12 13
Campus Access Map
7 minutes from Ikebukuro station on 5 minutes from Ikebukuro station on Tobu Tojyo Line (local). 20 minutes from Ueno station on JR Joban Line (Rapid).
Seibu Ikebukuro Line (local).
21 minutes from Shinjuku station on Odakyu Line (local). (Central Administration Tokyo
Officeof Nihon University) International
College of Industrial Technology College of Industrial Technology
JR Yamanote Lin
za Line
JR C ano
College of Commerce hin huo miz
ido Yokohama
Toei Mita Line
T Och
62 minutes from Shinjuku station on 4 minutes from Shibuya station on ano
Odakyu Line (Express) and other services. Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line (local).
JR Tokaido Line
Nihon University Hospital Akihabara
School of Dentistry
Jinbocho Toei Shinjyuku Line Shin-
ach Awajicho
10 minutes from Tokyo station on JR Chuo Line (Rapid)
College of Bioresource Sciences College of Risk Management
and other services.
5 minutes from Tokyo station on JR Chuo Line (Rapid) and
Fujisawa other services.
JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line.
10 minutes from Tokyo station on JR Chuo Line (Rapid)
JR Tokaido and other services.
Shinkansen Line
JR Tokaido Line
College of Law
Junior College
Department of Business and Management Studies,
Department of Food and Nutrition College of Economics