Employees' Provident Fund (A Statutory Body Under The Ministry of Labour and Employment
Employees' Provident Fund (A Statutory Body Under The Ministry of Labour and Employment
Employees' Provident Fund (A Statutory Body Under The Ministry of Labour and Employment
M/s Akshi Enterprises T-479, Gali Pahar Wali
Ahata Kidara Pahari Dhiraj CENTRAL
DELHI - 110006
Sub: Allotment of Code Number to establishment M/s GUXPS6099L under Employees' Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952-regarding.
Sir/Madam ,
Based on the information submitted online by you, your establishment is registered with Employees' Provident Fund
Organisation with the following code number :
9. As at the time of application, your establishment is having the following licenses and registrations:
Please note that this intimation letter is generated with the Owners' Details in Form 5A and the intimated letter will be valid
only if the Form 5A is enclosed.
Important information:
1. By virtue of this registration, you are required to comply with the provision of the EPF & MP Act 1952. The
obligations/duties/responsibilities cast upon you as an employer of this establishment and penalties, on account of non-
compliance with the same, are explained on our website www.epfindia.gov.in. You are required to go through them
2. Remittance of dues under the provisions of the Act is to be made only through a Challan generated through the Unified
portal. (The process for registration on the portal, preparation of the ECR txt file and related information is available on the
website and the portal).
3. In case this letter is produced as a proof of the code number of the establishment, before any person including
any Inspector from EPFO, the Form 5A generated through the portal at the time of registration should be a part of
this letter. The remittance details of the establishment will be available on the EPFO website through the link
"Establishment Search" where all payments from December 2016 onwards with the names of employees are
4. Please quote the Code Number DLCPM2743197000 for all the future correspondence with EPFO.
Dated: 02/09/2022
To Dated : 2/9/2022
Dear Sir(s),
1. It is informed that under section 1(3) of the esi. act, 1948 is applicable to all
factories/establishments covered under the act within the area where your factory/establishment is
2. It is further informed that the appropriate government has extended the provisions of the act to
other establishments under section 1(5) of the act in this area
3. Under section 2 a of the act such a factory/establishment is required to register itself under the
act and chapter iv thereof casts a responsibility on the principal employer thereof to get his
employees registered and pay contributions in respect of these employees covered under the act.
4. On the basis of the particulars in respect of your factory/establishment submitted by you, the
report of the inspection conducted by the Social Security Officer, who inspected your
establishment on -NA-, your establishment falls within the purview of Section 1(5) of the Act with
effect from 08-06-2022. In case, however, subsequent facts reveal that your establishment was
coverable from a date prior to the date mentioned above, you shall make yourself liable to comply
with the provisions of the Act from such earlier date.
6. For the sake of convenience your establishment has been allotted code No
11001413560001099 which may kindly be used in all communications sent to this office and on
all forms at the place indicated for the purpose. The Branch Office of the Corporation situated at
Branch Office ESI Corporation, Opposite Mori Gate Bus Terminal has been instructed to
render necessary assistance to you in connection with registration of your employees. In case you
find any difficulty or for any other purpose which may be necessary in connection with the Scheme
you are requested to contact the Manager of the above Branch Office who will render necessary
help in the matter.
7. A State wise list of ESI Dispensaries is available on our website www.esic.nic.in under the link
Directories which can be downloaded. It is requested that publicity may be given about the
Employees’ State Insurance Dispensaries to enable your employees to choose their E.S.I.
8. The corporation officials would be pleased to give all necessary and possible guidance to you in
discharging your duties and obligations under the esi act, 1948 and I am confident of prompt and
timely compliance under the provisions of the ESI act and regulations on your part.
9. All the Branches of State Bank of India are authorized to accept the ESI Contribution .
10. The brochures/leaflets containing benefits available under the scheme and obligation of the
employer etc are available on our website www.esic.nic.in under the link Publications which may
be downloaded for wide publicity for the smooth functioning of the scheme
11. Please indicate your code no. on all correspondences to avoid delay
Yours faithfully,
Asstt./Dy. Director
Encl. : As state above
No. of employees : 14