F-1 Student Orientation Booklet 10-23
F-1 Student Orientation Booklet 10-23
F-1 Student Orientation Booklet 10-23
+1 (202) 223 0023
Main Campus:
8618 Westwood Center Dr, Suite 200,
Vienna, VA 22182, USA
Understanding and following the terms and
conditions of your F-1 nonimmigrant status
To provide your DSO the timely information
needed to maintain your SEVIS record, please:
1. Enroll in a full course of study at the beginning of every
session (excluding authorized break periods).
5. Notify your DSO prior to traveling outside the United States. If you go to your home
country you must contact Lado at least one month before returning to the US.
6. Notify your DSO upon applying for change of nonimmigrant status including
7. Consult with your DSO to when you wish to extend your program.
10. Attend and pass all classes. Do not be absent more than three days for any session.
1. You may be absent up to three times each session. If you are late three times, it
will count as one absence.
If you do not act in accordance to USCIS rules and
regulations, you will be out of status.
You may be considered OUT OF STATUS:
1. If you do not attend classes or have too many absences.
2. If you take an unauthorized vacation.
3. If you let your passport or I-94 expire.
4. If you allow your I-20 to expire without asking for a program extension or transfer.
5. If you work off - campus without official USCIS permission.
6. If you work on- campus more than 20 hours a week.
7. If you fail to report a change of address to USCIS.
8. If you do not leave the U.S. on or before the 60th day after your last day of class.
2.- You must obtain a transfer form from your new school, complete the required
student information, and give it to LADO.
3.- LADO will complete the transfer form and fax or email it to your new school.
4.- You or your new school must provide LADO with an official acceptance letter.
5.- LADO will release your SEVIS record to your new school.
6.- If you are transferring to another ESL/EFL school, you must
attend the next available session at your new school or within 5 months, whichever
is sooner. 7.- If you are transferring to a University or College, you
must submit to LADO the acceptance letter
immediately if you have not completed the ESL
program. If you have completed the ESL program,
you will have 60 days to submit your acceptance
letter. You must begin classes at your new school for
the next available session. The maximum amount of
time allowed from your last day of classes at LADO and
the start of your new school is 5 months.
8.- .You must make sure that the new school has
your Record in their SEVIS database. They will
be able to print you a new “transfer” I-20 with
the new school’s name on it.
Your LADO Account Out of status
Traveling to
your country
in the USA
If you have any questions or concerns about your visa,
feel free to consult the LADO staff at any time.
Every Lado Student has a LADO account at
You can use your student account to:
• Review your grades
• Make payments
• Access online learning resourses
• Change your profile information
• Upload documents
A teacher’s style of instruction will vary from one to the other. Participation in class
is very important to LADO teachers, who include participation as a percentage in
figuring out a student’s final grade.
A Midterm exam and Final exam are part of the overall
final score. In order to pass the level, students must get a
70% or higher as an overall final score in the class.
Final grades are made up of a combination of
participation, homework, midterm, and final exam
scores. The student's final average grade must be at
least 70% or above to pass to the next level.
Be aware that any offensive actions or language
towards a teacher or other students are unacceptable
and against the policies of LADO. Teachers or students
who observe offensive actions or language must tell
the acting director immediately.
+1 (202) 223 0023
Main Campus:
8618 Westwood Center Dr, Suite 200,
Vienna, VA 22182, USA