COLL Lightbend Reactive Platform Infoguide REV

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s / Serv D a ta
b Ap p
W e
Lightbend Reactive
v i ce s Platform
os e r
A High-Level Technical Overview For Decision Makers
rce C ore
Sou t
Open e n e
elopm t i m
For D e v
ve n Run
r i
e s s age-d i s te
M Pe rs

y n a moD

tearnp riesde
EAndv iogns
n te
r ise I
e r p
Ent tions
e nt Integ M
l l i g
Inte ring
e S u ite Monit
Enterpris i ca t ion
App ement
P ro d u Mana
Table of Contents
Lightbend Reactive Platform...................................................6

Reactive Platform In Development..........................................9

Reactive Platform In Production........................................... 22

Reactive Platform For Business............................................. 32

Lightbend Subscription.......................................................... 35

Reactive Platform In Use: Case Studies.................................40

Reactive Platform Feature Matrix (Printable)........................ 47

Digital business imperatives are driving application leaders to modernize
their application architecture and infrastructure strategies.
—Anne Thomas, Gartner

Businesses need to be Reactive because you can’t predict the future.

They will need new technical architectures to support the change, which looks a
lot more like web computing: agile, bursty, lean. That’s the future of business.
—James Governor, RedMonk

Mobile and IoT use cases are driving enterprises to modernize how they process large
volumes of data. Lightbend provides the fundamental building blocks for developing,
deploying and managing today’s large-scale, distributed applications.
—Doug Fisher, Intel Corporation

Executive Summary
The architecture that enterprises have used to run their businesses for the last 15 years is changing
dramatically thanks to significant advances in distributed computing and the advent of cloud infrastructure.
If applications are not designed, or re-architected, appropriately, then it is impossible to take advantage
of these advances.

However, many organizations simply do not have the luxury of starting with a Lightbend Reactive Platform includes an open source core that consists of
greenfield infrastructure. And they don’t have the types of resources that the Akka, Play Framework, Lagom and Scala, and the commercial Lightbend En-
web-native companies such as LinkedIn or Twitter have to support their terprise Suite that provides Application Management, Intelligent Monitoring,
software infrastructure and enable their developers. Enterprise Integrations and Advanced Tooling features.

Yet the need for more resilient, resource-efficient system architectures This high-level technical overview is designed to quickly provide Architects,
designed to scale massively on hybrid-cloud infrastructure is very real. Application Development Managers, Executives and other decision makers the
Enterprises demand increased developer productivity and rapid time to essence and business value of Lightbend Reactive Platform.
value for technology initiatives, regardless of their existing resources.

That’s where Lightbend comes in. Lightbend provides the leading JVM
application platform for building Reactive systems, microservices and fast
data applications that can deliver on the dramatic benefits of a modern
distributed application infrastructure.

Reactive: The New Way Of Building Software
The Reactive Manifesto defines the four tenets of Reactive systems: Message-Driven, Resilient, Elastic, and
Responsive. This living document was spearheaded by Jonas Bonér, Lightbend co-founder and CTO, has
been signed by over 15,000 people and translated into 11 languages.
Message-driven–Reactive systems, at their foundation, are powered by
means of asynchronous, non-blocking, message-driven communication.
This enables isolation and supervision to automatically heal failures.
Resilience—the ability to self-heal in an automated and predictable
way–is thus part of the full service/application lifecycle and made
possible by this message-driven approach to communication.

Elasticity—scaling out/up across all physical and cloud infrastructure elastic resilient
during busy times, and lowering costs by dynamically scaling in/down
during slow times—is made possible through the level of indirection and
loose coupling the message-driven foundation enables.
Responsiveness—the business value is a consistently responsive user
experience that is highly available, never fails during busy times, and
isn’t susceptible to blocked processes and cascading failures.

Lightbend Reactive Platform
The application development platform designed for building
Reactive systems, so your business stays responsive no matter what.

Modernize Your Enterprise At Start Up Speed
Lightbend Reactive Platform is an application
• More reliable, resilient infrastructure powered by Akka and the actor model
development solution powered by an open source
• Massive scalability and elasticity for multi-core cloud architectures
core and commercial Enterprise Suite for building
• More profitable infrastructure based on improved resource efficiency
scalable Reactive systems on the JVM.
• Increased development productivity for building distributed systems
Reactive Platform’s open source core technologies are free to use at all times. with Lagom and Play
For enterprises with mission-critical systems, full access to our commercial • Full integration with Apache Spark to utilize fast data streaming
Production Suite is provided to paying subscribers.
• Rapid time to value for your technology initiatives

When you buy a Lightbend Subscription to Reactive Platform, you get

commercial features that extend functionality beyond what’s available in
the open source projects to deliver an enterprise-grade platform ready for
your mission critical systems.

In addition to expert developer assist and up to 24/7 production support,

your Lightbend subscription provides long-term support of all included
technologies, as well as an optional commercial license, warranties and
legal indemnification.

REACTIVE Gateways Bridges

PLATFORM Apps Web IoT SAP Salesforce Java EE

Open Source Core Open Source Core

Microservices Web Apps/Services
For Development For Development

Fast Data

Message-driven Runtime

Enterprise Suite Persistence

For Production
Application Intelligent Enterprise Enterprise
Advanced Cassandra
Management Monitoring Integrations Integrations
Tooling DynamoDB, HDFS

Physical/Virtual Servers Public/Private Cloud PaaS Mesos (DC/OS)

Reactive Platform In Development
Open Source Core

Distributed Systems Done Right, So You Can Go Faster
Reactive Platform is powered by a proven, open source core so you
can build and deploy resilient, distributed systems with ease.

Microservices Web Apps/Services

Fast Data

Message-driven Runtime

Lightbend Reactive Platform—Open Source Core

The Actor model sees renewed interest as cloud
concurrency challenges grow. Lightbend’s Akka
framework uses a reliable proxy pattern to ensure that
messages sent across VMs have the same quality of
service as those sent between actors inside of VM.
—Forrester Research


Akka is an actor-based, message-driven runtime for
• Elastically Scalable And Decentralized
managing concurrency, elasticity and resilience on Adaptive cluster management, load balancing, routing,
the JVM with support for both Java and Scala. partitioning and sharding.
• Resilient By Design
Akka helps development teams build the right Write systems that self-heal. Remote and local supervisor hierarchies.
foundation for successful microservices • Performant And Resource Efficient
Akka user PayPal serves over a billion request a day on just 8 VMs and
architectures and streaming data pipelines. 2 vCPU each, maintaining responsiveness even at 90% CPU utilization.
In Akka, the communication between services uses messaging primitives • Simple Concurrency And Distribution
that optimize for high CPU utilization, low latency, high throughput and Asynchronous and distributed by design.
scalability—hardened from years of enterprise production use and High-level abstractions like Actors, Streams and Futures.
contributions from the open source community. • Powerful Extensions
Go further with extensions like Akka Cluster, Persistence,
Akka embraces the reality of unplanned errors and adopts a pragmatic “Let It Distributed Data and Streams/HTTP.
Crash” philosophy using supervision and self-healing to ensure impacted com-
ponents are reset to a stable state and restarted upon failure.

We’ve found that Play is one of the few frameworks that
is able to maintain the delicate balance of performance,
reliability, and developer productivity.


Play Framework is a web development framework
• Scale Predictably
with Java and Scala APIs that empowers Fully asynchronous, non-blocking and stateless. Powered by Akka
developers to build applications with an ease for simple and predictable scaling.
• Developer Productivity Focus
unparalleled on the JVM. Validate all code updates instantly from within your regular browser
and IDE or text editor.
Play features a hot-reload feature that enables a highly iterative development
experience: all code changes are immediately visible for a rapid validation of • Modern Web And Mobile
your application. Supports JS, REST, JSON, WebSockets, EventSource and various
NoSQL & Big Data technologies.
Built on Akka, Play is a stateless, asynchronous, and non-blocking framework • Solid And Fast
that uses an underlying fork-join thread pool that enables work stealing for The JVM compiler and runtime do the heavy lifting, while
network operations and can leverage Akka for user level operations. This Akka Streams/HTTP enables streaming with back-pressure.
allows Play to provide predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, • Massive Ecosystem And Community
memory, threads) to deliver lightning-fast, highly scalable applications. Java ecosystem libraries, Maven Central plugins and numerous
Play plugins from a large community.

Java finally gets microservices tools.


Lagom is an opinionated Reactive microservices
• Powered By Akka And Play
framework that guides development teams Built on Play Framework, Akka Streams, Akka Cluster and Akka Persistence.
into building distributed systems faster and • Developer Productivity Focus
Enjoy the same instantly visible code updates as Play, all with your existing
easier than ever before. IDE & dependency injection tools.
Most microservices frameworks focus on making it easy to build individual • Message-Driven And Resilient
microservices. Lagom allows developers to run a whole system of Asynchronous, intra-service communication by default, with supervision
microservices from a single command. and streaming capabilities included.
• Persistence Made A No-Brainer
Built using real-world experience with proven technologies—Play web The prescriptive approach to managing distributed data with
framework, Akka message-driven runtime, Apache Cassandra distributed event-sourcing and CQRS.
DB and Lightbend Service Orchestration—this guard-railed solution • Easy Path To Production
abstracts away the complexities of building, running, and managing A single command launches all services, with immutable packaging,
microservice architectures. service discovery and self-healing included.

Lightbend’s technologies make
Spark possible.


“Data in motion” is fast becoming the golden
• Harness Data In Motion
ticket to competitive agility, but the offline, Advanced data flow management runs up to 100x faster
batch processing of the legacy Big Data world than Hadoop MapReduce.
• Easy To Use
does not support business requirements for Supports Scala, Java and other languages, with over 80 high-level
Fast Data and real-time insights. operators and interactive shells.
• SQL, Streaming And Complex Analytics
Apache Spark is a lightning-fast, distributed compute engine for processing Includes modules SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning,
large, streaming datasets. GraphX, and Spark Streaming.
• Run It Everywhere
When Spark is combined with your Reactive Platform application, you add
Run on Hadoop, Mesos, standalone, or in the cloud, getting data from
sophisticated analytics, including machine learning, to leverage rich insights Kafka, Cassandra, HDFS, HBase, S3 etc.
from your historical data-at-rest, complemented with real-time updates from
• Full Development Support From Lightbend Experts
your data-in-motion. Support for Spark is included with an annual subscrip-
Unlimited incidents, answers, bug fixes and patches for Spark Core,
tion to Lightbend Reactive Platform. SQL, MLlib and Streaming modules for the Scala and Java APIs and
Mesos/DCOS deployments.
Scala is the new golden child.


Scala is a general purpose programming language
• More Concise And Productive
originally developed by Lightbend co-founder Highly productive, very concise, and data-focused with fewer runtime
Martin Odersky’s research group at EPFL to express errors due to static typing.
• Highly Expressive
common programming patterns in a concise, Fuses object-oriented & functional; very expressive, composable
elegant, and type-safe way. and declarative.
• Interoperable With Java
Scala smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional Runs on the JVM, seamless interoperability with Java.
languages, enabling developers to be more productive while retaining full in-
• Designed For The New Generation
teroperability with Java and taking advantage of modern multi-core hardware.
Built for multi-core and cloud era, with significant ongoing
research investment.
Scala makes it easy to avoid shared state, so that computation can be readily dis-
tributed across cores on a multi-core server, and across servers in a datacenter. • Supported By Industry Leaders
Growth driven by visionaries such as Apple, Coursera, IBM, Intel,
This makes Scala an especially good match for modern multi-core CPUs and dis-
Mesosphere, Databricks and others.
tributed cloud-computing workloads that require concurrency and parallelism.

Commitment to the Java ecosystem
At Lightbend, we’re committed to helping developers build massively scalable If you already use Java or Scala as a development platform, you don’t need
applications on the JVM. Many users of the Lightbend Reactive Platform to switch to another language, another IDE, or other libraries. When Lagom
develop with Java as their programming language of choice. Framework was launched, Java APIs were the first to be supported.

Java is a first-class citizen in Lightbend technologies. Akka has sophisticated Particularly with the release of Java 8 we are excited to show you how to use
API’s for Java. This means smooth interoperability and no need to learn or the new language features when building Reactive applications.
adopt Scala for current or future projects. Similarly, Play Framework is a pure
Java and Scala framework that allows you to keep your preferred
development tools and libraries.


Reactive Platform In Production
Commercial Enterprise Suite

Modern Tools For Your Modern Systems
Lightbend Reactive Platform includes Enterprise Suite, a set
of advanced out-of-the-box tools to help you get the most
out of your Reactive applications.

Application Intelligent Enterprise Advanced

Management Monitoring Integrations Tooling

The most reliable way
to run your Reactive
applications across clusters.

Reliably Run Your Reactive Applications

Reactive applications endow your business with FEATURES AND BENEFITS

game-changing responsiveness, reliability and • Reliably deploy and manage applications across clusters with automatic
elasticity. But managing these distributed appli- seed node and cluster establishment for on-prem, cloud and hybrid
cations and making sure you’re always getting the • Eliminate application failures with built-in self healing, ensuring service
most out of them is hard. When you can no longer availability at all times.

name or count the machines your applications are • Maintain application responsiveness at scale with dynamic proxying and
load balancing.
running on, you need something to help you. • Resolve network partitions in seconds, avoiding data inconsistency, failures
Lightbend Enterprise Suite’s Application Management features safely orches- and downtime.
trate key deployment and management processes, helping users automate
cluster management, network partition resolution, dynamic load balancing
and other essential aspects of managing Reactive applications. Everything’s
included and it all just works out-of-the-box.

By providing a “batteries included” approach, you can say goodbye to manually

cobbling together all the pieces of your Reactive application management system.

The best way to ensure the health
and availability of your Reactive

Ensure The Health And Availability
Of Your Reactive Applications
Reactive applications require a new approach to FEATURES AND BENEFITS
monitoring that goes beyond traditional techniques. • Automatically discover, configure and visualize your Reactive application
Your teams need tooling with native understanding components, services and dependencies from Day 1.

for how distributed, asynchronous applications are • Gain deep visibility with high-quality telemetry and metrics for data flows,
exceptions and hot paths.
designed, change dynamically over time in response
• Easily integrate with your existing 3rd-party monitoring solutions to benefit
to workloads, and what metrics that really matter to from our expert telemetry.
quickly troubleshoot problems. • Take advantage of machine-learning driven anomaly detection and correla-
tion to quickly troubleshoot problems.
Lightbend Enterprise Suite’s Intelligent Monitoring features help assure the
health, availability and performance of users’ applications by providing deep
metrics and telemetry, automated discovery, configuration, topology visual-
ization and intelligent, data science-driven anomaly detection.

With these best-in-class features provided out-of-the-box, your teams can

start to visualize and better understand the architecture, active services and
dependencies from Day 1.

The flexibility needed
to integrate Reactive
applications into your

Integrate Reactive Applications In Your Environment Easily
Your environment includes various homegrown and
• Deploy to Microsoft Azure, Mesosphere DC/OS, Google Cloud Platform, AWS
commercial products and tools, deployed on your and others in a straightforward way
preferred platforms. You want to make sure that • Select from any x86/64-bit Debian or RPM Linux flavor, including RHEL,
CentOS and Ubuntu.
your Reactive applications can easily be deployed
• Work with Docker or add portability via OCI (coming soon)
on those platforms and integrated with your exist-
• Easily integrate with a growing list of industry recognized, 3rd-party
ing products and tools. Continuous Integration, visualization, reporting, tracing, monitoring and
analysis tools
Lightbend Enterprise Suite’s Enterprise Integration features include support
for Microsoft Azure, Mesosphere DC/OS, Google Cloud Platform and AWS
among others, the most commonly used flavors of x86/64-bit Linux (Debian
and RPM), Docker containers and OCI (coming soon) - so you have everything
you need to deploy your Reactive applications onto your preferred on-prem,
cloud or hybrid platforms.

On top of that, a growing number of 3rd party tool integrations are included so
your Reactive applications can fit right alongside your existing products and tools.

The tools your developers
need at their fingertips
to accelerate their productivity.


Accelerate Your Development Team’s Productivity
A highly competitive landscape full of innovators
• Provide developers with a powerful sandbox that lets them rapidly develop
and disruptors means that your developers need to and test production-ready releases locally.
be able to release software early and often, delight- • Check Akka configuration files and receive actionable recommendations to
optimize your production apps in development.
ing your users and differentiating your offerings.
• Plug directly into your Continuous Delivery pipeline to deploy safely with
Lightbend Enterprise Suite’s Advanced Tooling features include a powerful de- zero-downtime roll-outs and upgrades.
veloper sandbox capable of simulating production environments locally, tool-
• Detect and resolve thread starvation issues quickly with ActorSystem dis-
ing to check Akka configuration files for common errors, the ability to detect patcher health tracking.
thread starvation issues quickly, as well as support for continuous delivery.

With these advanced add-ons, your developers get a powerful set of field-test-
ed tools to accelerate their productivity and boost your business’ agility.

Reactive Platform
Business Benefits

Optimize Your Infrastructure For
Resilience, Elasticity And Efficiency

More Reliable Infrastructure

At the heart of Lightbend Reactive Platform is Akka, an actor-based message-driven runtime that provides the
foundation for unprecedented resilience.

More Profitable Infrastructure

Because Lightbend Reactive Platform is actor-based and uses asynchronous message passing, it more densely utilizes
commodity hardware compared with traditional systems bloated by locked threads. The cost savings are sizable.

Massive Scalability And Elasticity

Lightbend Reactive Platform scales up and out effortlessly on multi-core and cloud computing architectures. It handles
bursty traffic with ease, without requiring hardware over provisioning, so you can reap the benefits of elasticity.

Improve Development Velocity
And See Value Faster

Higher Developer Productivity

Industry analyst Forrester reports a much larger proportion of the developer population finds the actor model
approachable compared to writing multi-threaded code within object-oriented frameworks.

Rapid Time To Value

The actor-based, asynchronous foundation of Lightbend Reactive Platform reduces dependencies between
components, which enables feature teams to work autonomously and delivery continuously.

Access To Real-time Insights

When Apache Spark is combined with your Reactive application, you can reimagine how data flows through your
organization. As you move away from data-at-rest to a data-in-motion message-based architecture, you can slash
analytical latencies from hours to seconds.

Lightbend Subscription
Reduce Risk And Accelerate Learning

Included In Your Lightbend Subscription
We are on this journey together, and your success is
• Expert Developer Assist
our top priority. That’s why our goal is to help you Rely on a direct line to Lightbend technical experts for answering
reduce your exposure to project delays and other tricky questions in development.
• Production Support
risks, while accelerating learning for your team. Includes SLA during business hours–with up to 24/7
coverage–for production systems.
Our subscription goes far beyond the traditional vendor support offering: our
customers benefit from the incredible value that our technical expertise and • Commercial Enterprise Suite
subscription program brings to their development initiatives, resulting in less Full access to commercial features for application management, intelligent
monitoring, enterprise integrations and advanced tooling
mistakes and a faster time to value.
• Lightbend Services Portfolio
Training, consulting and enablement services directly from
Lightbend experts.
• Commercial And Legal Protection
Includes a commercial license with warranties and legal indemnification.

Expert Developer Assist
Going Further Than Just Support

Our Philosophy Give Advice Early And Often

Lightbend’s job is to make sure you have the best possible experience building No need to wait for a blocker to arise. Our team of experts is here to answer
distributed, Reactive systems––that’s why we go further than traditional how-to’s and what-if’s and is excited to share best practice tips. The more
suppliers by providing a direct line for engagement with our experts on a advanced your team becomes, the more value they will likely find engaging
variety of subjects, from questions about architecture choices and design with our experts.
patterns, to how to integrate less painfully in a complex world and advice on
third-party technologies related to Reactive Platform, such as Spark, Kafka, Deliver Context For Knowledge Transfer
Cassandra, and Mesosphere DC/OS. Where typical vendors draw the line,
Lightbend’s philosophy goes further to: Rather than terse answers, our team takes the time wrap their response with
detailed background context to accelerate knowledge transfer.

Provide Direct Access To Experts

Assist With Talent Acquisition
Unlike other vendors that barricade their experts behind layers of escalation,
your team receives direct access to the creators and committers of our In this market, attracting top talent is paramount for most businesses. To help
amazing technology. you build your dream team, we post your job openings on our website and
then regularly tweet or promote during webinars to amplify your reach.

a l e s force
ewa ys

i ce s
s / Serv D a ta
b Ap p
W e
Launch like a startup. Scale
v i ce s like an enterprise. Accelerate success.
ser i c ro
rce C ore
Sou t
Open e n e
e velopm GET IN TOUCH Run t i m
For D n
d r i ve
ge -
M essa Pe rs i s te

y n a moD

tearnp riesde
EAndv iogns
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r ise I
e r p
Ent tions
e nt Integ M
l l i g
Inte ring
e S u ite Monit
Enterpris i ca t ion
App ement 38
P ro d u Mana

Reactive Platform In Use
Customer Success Stories

Samsung Realizes Their Challenge

Vision With New IoT • Need to accelerate innovation at startup speed to remain relevant.
• Traditionally difficult for multi-billion dollar international

Platform Play to move quickly.

• Focused on IoT to become connective tissue between its various devices.

“As a startup inside of Samsung, • Cloud-based IoT Platform-as-a-Service.
Play is very important because it • Simplifies data normalization for IoT developers, fully
device/data agnostic.
allows us to go fast, with no • Microservices JVM architecture with Akka, Play, Spark,
application server required.” Cassandra, Mesos.


• Speed of delivery: only 24 months from inception to production.

• Processing several million messages per day for IoT devices.
• Increased development velocity, simplified deployment
and orchestration.

Verizon Accelerates Challenge

Time To Value With • Fierce competition for share of $40 billion US mobile content market.
• New go90 platform cannot be built the “old way”, but still must leverage

Launch Of go90 existing JVM expertise.

• Tight timeframe of 18 months to deliver a production solution.

“We rolled out go90 in 18 months.” • Leveraged Play Framework and Scala to create a new greenfield
microservices architecture.
• Met demands for horizontal scalability, immutability, concurrency, and
asynchronous, non-blocking messaging.
• Boosted performance by decoupling all client services from the
back-end stack.


• Built a high performance production system from scratch in just

18 months.
• Team is now able to deploy 100 decoupled microservices over
10x per week.
• Gained confidence to embrace additional tools for go90, like Spark,
Kafka and Mesos.

Walmart Reduces Risk Challenge

As Conversions Rise On • $400B untapped market waiting to be captured by Walmart...or its

arch rival, Target.

Black Friday • Aging architecture is Walmart’s barrier.

• Horrific downtime on Black Friday.

“For the first time ever, no downtime • Modernization: chopped the head off of existing Oracle/ATG back-end.
on Black Friday.” • Embrace and extend (not rip and replace) with Reactive:
Play Framework, Akka, Scala.
• Mitigated risk by running on the JVM and leveraging existing
back-end infrastructure.


• Time to market 3x faster than heritage tools (12 months, not 3 years).
• Conversions up 20%; mobile orders up 98%.
• No downtime on Black Friday or Boxing Day.

UniCredit Rapidly Builds Challenge

A Prototype To Capture • The ability to expand into new markets was blocked by decades of data
stored in disconnected silos.

New Business • Corporate team unable to rapidly access, process and deliver insights.
• Existing technology stack could not deliver the level of performance,
resilience, distribution and prototyping speed needed.

“New ‘Fast Data’ customer-insight plat- Solution

form was prototyped with Scala, Akka, • Spark used to run new jobs as well as existing Hadoop jobs.
• Akka used for consolidating all data communications, clustering,
Play and Apache Spark in just two distribution, resilience, elasticity, and streaming (in the future).
• Play and Scala for fast prototyping and iterative development.

• Prototype and review phase accomplished in just 2 weeks.

• Launched into production and began delivering corporate insights
after just 3 weeks.
• Success led to additional projects–e.g. Internal CRM–to be based on the
new platform design.

Hootsuite Achieves Challenge

Remarkable ROI • Retain leadership position in amidst incredible growth to

10+ million users.

In The Cloud • Deal with diminishing returns of engineering pouring time into
scaling legacy PHP and MySQL stack.
• Need to maintain 100% service uptime during re-architecture.

“We were able to reduce the number Solution

of Amazon servers by 80%, resulting in • Began decomposing legacy web and data services with
Play Framework, Akka and Scala.

major savings on AWS bill and lower IT • Built it faster and leaner with non-blocking, asynchronous,
message-driven communication among clusters.
Operations complexity.”

• Achieved amazing ROI by reducing Amazon Web Services

instances by 80%.
• Higher performance handles orders of magnitude more requests
per second than previous stack.
• Created a happier development environment with iterative, easy-to-use,
natively scalable technologies.

William Hill Modernizes Challenge

Legacy Systems For • Maintain leadership in the $3 billion UK online gaming industry.
• Deliver value with real-time, personalized services that can

Real-time Streaming remain resilient in the face of 100x peaks in traffic.

• Must be able to integrate with existing Java/Spring systems,
plus handle Fast Data streaming.

“Without Akka and Spark to handle Solution

distribution and speed, none of our • Created a new platform with Spark, Akka, Kafka, Cassandra,
Play Framework, Scala, Docker and Mesos.

services would have been possible.” • Akka provides transparent processing for all requests, enabling Spark
to crunch data in real-time with Kafka and Cassandra for messaging
and storage.


• Modernized legacy services to integrate and be served by new platform.

• First production test successfully delivered 500,000 personalized offers
(lasting ~ 15 seconds) for the English Premier League.
• Expanding platform to include real-time personalized recommendations
and gamification.

a l e s force
ewa ys

Lightbend (Twitter: @Lightbend) provides the leading Reactive application development v i ce s a
s / S e r D a t
platform for building distributed applications and modernizing aging b A p p
W e
Using microservices and fast data on a message-driven runtime, enterprise applications scale
v i ce s architectures. Many of the most admired
effortlessly on multi-core and cloud scomputing
ro e r
brands around the M i c
C o re globe are transforming their businesses with our platform, engaging billions
o u rce
of users S
Open every day
pm entthrough software that is changing the world. e
l o t i m
Fo r De ve
ve n Run
r i
e s s age-d i s te
M Pe rs

y n a moD
Lightbend, Inc.
tearnp riesde
625 Market Street EAndv iogns
n te
10th Floor r ise I
e r p
San Francisco, CA 94105 Ent tions
e nt Integ M
l l i g Inte ring
e S u ite Monit
Ente rpris i ca t ion
App ement
P ro d u Mana

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