2023 9 PSMT Planning Document
2023 9 PSMT Planning Document
2023 9 PSMT Planning Document
Name: Teacher:
Student Teacher
FORMULATE Introduction
• What is the problem you are solving?
• States three relevant observations.
• Explain why you have included them.
• The classes have di erent number of participants
• Ibis has the highest and lowest numbers
• Cockatoo has a lot of high numbers
• Vulture looks like it has the most spread out data
SOLVE Assumptions
Explain key steps of your
• State three necessary assumptions.
working throughout your
solution. • Explain why they are necessary.
For event two, squadron Vulture would be the best t for the challenge. This is because event 2 is
a random draw of one student in each squadron. What this reveals, is that the squadron with the
mode would perform best. This is because it’s the more likely to pick something when it occurs
the most. Squadron vulture has a mode of 180 seconds, occurring multiple times throughout the
dataset. In addition, a higher mode increases chances that it would win the competition as the
challenge is to have the highest wall sit time.
For challenge, 3, Beat the Mean, squadron Ibis would be a good t for it. Challenge 3 beat the
mean is a challenge where the class attempts to have a higher mean time than other squadrons.
The squadron with a high mean would do well in this challenge. Ibis would be a good t as it has a
overall relatively high mean which means its likely to perform well in the challenge.
• What other real-world situations could these techniques be
useful in?
Why would your decision be better than just randomly
allocating each team to a different event?
• What possible reasons could there be that your
calculated answer would be different from what happens
in real life? I
• Use the sentence structure, “if assumption one wasn’t
true then…”
Conclusion: Summarise the final solution of your task.