ND Purchasing and Supply

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Course Code: 543/23/CO/M0

Implementation date: January 2024


The course is designed to develop a Procurement Officer with the necessary knowledge, skills
and attitudes to satisfy the procurement needs of all sectors of the economy. The entry
requirement of the course is a National Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management or
equivalent plus evidence of five ‘O’ Level subject passes at grade C or better including English
Language, and any other three subjects or relevant NFC subjects or equivalent. The course
duration is 1990 notional hours plus one year On the Job Education and Training (OJET). The
course is offered on a full time, part time, block release or Open Distance Learning (ODL) basis.
Assessment is through continuous assessment, and written examination. The course will
consider gender mainstreaming, sustainable development, physical challenges, health
dispositions and the intersections between race, class and culture. It shall embrace innovative
heritage based education and training philosophy to solve national problems and to produce
goods and services for industrialization and modernization.

1. Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) 2023
2. Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) 2023
3. Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management 2023
4. Supply chain association of Zimbabwe 2023
5. TelOne 2023
6. Delta Corporation Limited 2023
7. Africa University 2023
8. Chikomba Rural District council 2023
9. Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) 2023
10. Craig Supply chain consultancy 2023



National Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management

2.0 AIM
The aim of the course is to develop a Procurement Officer with the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitudes to satisfy the needs of all sectors of the economy.


By the end of the course the student should be able to;

3.1 perform purchasing procedures in the organization for timeous procurement
3.2 communicate effectively with all stakeholders to keep everyone informed
3.3 apply appropriate legal framework in procurement to avoid litigation
3.4 apply statistics and quantitative techniques to improve decision making
3.5 apply suitable stock control techniques to ensure adequate stock
3.6 solve procurement and stores management problems to mitigate losses
3.7 perform procurement operations for easy procurement of goods and serves.
3.8 apply artificial intelligence and other forms of computer packages to process payroll
3.9 prepare and interpret financial statements for various business entities according to
international accounting standards.
3.10 conduct research and present findings, conclusions and recommendations for
implementation by the end-users
3.11 demonstrate patriotism.
3.12 demonstrate sound management skills and manage business units



1 Financial Accounting and Reporting 1 500/23/M02/1 120
2 Computer Applications 526/23/M02 120
3 Communication 543/23/M01 120
4 Principles of Purchasing and Supply 543/23/M09 120
5 Inventory Management 543/23/M02 150
6 Management of organizational assets 543/23/M03 150
7 Legal Aspects of Procurement 543/23/M05 150
8 *National Studies 401/22/M01 80
9 Skills Proficiency 543/23/M12 -


10 Logistics and Distribution Management 543/23/M04 150

11 Cost and Management Accounting 1 500/23/M06/1 120
12 Public procurement 543/23/M06 120
13 Strategic Procurement 543/23/M07 150
14 Business Research Methods 500/23/M13 120
15 Procurement Negotiation 543/23/M08 150

16 Industrial and Services Procurement 543/23/M10 150

17 * Entrepreneurship Skills Development 402/22/M01 80

18 Skills Proficiency 543/23/M12
TOTAL 1990
ND 2
OJET 543/23/M11 1 Year

OJET 543/23/M11 1 Year

Total Hours 1990 + 1Year

*** National Studies and Entrepreneurship Skills Development are exempted to those who
have passed the subjects at other levels


The course duration is 1990 hours plus one year On the Job Education and Training.


6.1 English Language and any other four subjects passed at O’ Level with grade C or
better or two NFC subjects and a National Certificate in Purchasing and Supply
Management or equivalent.
6.2 The single module part qualification pathway is exempted from 5 O’ levels

6.3 The single modular part qualifications should be taken 1 (one) module at a time by
those without 5 Ordinary levels.

Full time
Part time
Block Release



1. Financial Accounting 3 hour written A minimum of 100%
examination  2 Assignments
and Reporting 1
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

2. Computer Applications 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

3. Communication 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

4. Principles of 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
Purchasing and Supply
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%
5. Inventory Management 3 hour written A minimum of 100%
examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

6. Management of 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
organizational assets
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

7. Legal Aspects of 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

8. *National Studies 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

9. Skills Proficiency


10. Logistics and 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
Distribution Management
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

11. Cost and Management 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
Accounting 1
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%
12. Public procurement 3 hour written A minimum of 100%
examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

13. Strategic Procurement 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

14. Applied Research 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

15. Procurement 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

16 Industrial and Services 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

17 *Entrepreneurship 3 hour written A minimum of 100%

examination  2 Assignments
Skills Development
 2 Practical
Assignment 20%
 2 Tests 20%

18. Skills Proficiency Submit Marks Submit Marks 100%


19.On the Job training As per log book As per log book 100%


0% to 49% - Fail
50% to 59% - Pass
60% to 79% - Credit
80% and above - Distinction


10.1 A candidate should attend at least 100% of learning sessions to qualify for
10.2 The final mark should be obtained through aggregation provided the candidate scores
at least 50 % in each of continuous assessment and examinations.
10.3 The pass mark shall be 50 %.
10.4 A candidate should pass all modules to be awarded a National Diploma in Purchasing
and Supply Management.
10.5 Single module candidates will be awarded part certificates in passed single modules.

11.1 Re-write(s) should conform to current course structure.
11.2 Any candidate who fails to pass at least two thirds of the course should rewrite the
failed modules before proceeding to the next semester.
11.3 A candidate shall not be allowed to register a module before passing the pre- requisite
for that module
11.4 A candidate is given no time limit in which to re-write the failed module (s).
11.5 There is no aggregation for re-writes.
11.6 All re-writes should pass on performance in the examination.
11.7 If a candidate fails coursework, he/she repeats the module.
12.1 Exemptions are only granted in modules already attained from a complete accredited
qualification provided an exemption certificate specifying exempted modules is produced.
12.2 Transfer of credits are only granted in modules passed from accredited course
12.3 Exemption or Transfer of credits certificate should be applied for at enrolment stage
and produced before registration of examinations


13.1 Cheating in examinations will result in disqualification from the whole course and all
other HEXCO courses. The candidate will be suspended for two year

13.2 Plagiarism with a similar index of more than 15% in any of the assessments will result
in automatic disqualification of the module.
14.1 Lecturers Qualification
The minimum qualification for a lecturer is at least a relevant Higher National
Diploma or equivalent, with a teaching qualification being an added advantage,
plus at least two years post qualification experience.

14.2 Facilities, Tools and Equipment

Lecture room
Furniture (a desk and a chair per student)
Chalkboard, overhead projector
An equipped computer laboratory (1 computer to 1 student)

15.0 Suggested References

1. Adams, S. (2007) Fundamentals of Business Economics, UK.

2. Agarnal, B.M. (2010) Business Mathematics and Statistics, India
3. Agtarap, D. (2007) Fundamentals of Accounting, Indiana.
4. Bali N.P & Gupta P.N. (2007) A Textbook for quantitative techniques,
5. Black A. P. (2008) Public economics, 4the Edition, South Africa.
6. Britt ,D. (2005) Improving Business Communication Skills.
7. David E,Mulcahy & J,Sydow(2008) Distribution & Warehousing management,1st edition,
Auerbach publication
8. Dobson, P. & Stokes, R. (2012) Commercial Law, 8th Edition, UK.
9. Fielding, M. (2005) Effective communication in organisations, South Africa.
10. International Trade Centre (22010) Module 5: Understanding the Corporate Environment,
International Purchasing & Supply Management Modular Learning System,
11. Lipsey, R.G.(1981)An Introduction to positive Economics, UK.
12. London Atwood, PR. (2010), Planning A Distribution System Cover, Press London
13. Lysons, CK. (2010), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Prentice Hall
14. Lysons, K and Farrington, B 9th ed. (2016) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management,
Pearson Education Limited, England.
15. Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Procurement and Supply Chain Management: Pearson
16. Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Pearson
Times, London
17. Lysons, K. (2010) Procurement and Supply Management. Prentice Hall. London:
Management Homewoods: Irwin
18. Public procurement act
19. Ryder, N. (2012) Commercial Law, Principles and Policy, UK
20. Sealy l.S. (2008) Commercial Law (Text, Cases and materials), UK
21. Tillson, J. (2012) Consumer and Commercial law, USA
22. Wild, T. (2002) Best Practice in Inventory Management. Butterworth. London

Module Code: 543/23/M01

Module Title: communication

ZNQF Level: 5
Credits: 12
Duration: 120 hours
Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification Standard
Qualification for A Procurement/Purchasing Officer
Pre-requisite N/A
Purpose of Module: This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by a
Procurement/Purchasing Officer to configure procurement operations by
applying the fundamentals of procurement to specific types of
procurement, set plans for procurement, implement the procurement
principles and improve the performance of the procurement. This
module is important, as it will ensure that goods and services flow
continuously and efficiently into organizations in order to meet user
departments’ needs. This gives business entities that use proper
procurement principles a competitive edge to out position rivals through
the attainment of five rights, procuring right quality requirements, in the
right quantities, from the right source, to be delivered at the right time
and to right place, at the right price. This module targets individuals who
are interested in procurement processes. It caters for youths and adults as
well as men and women. It is useful for both established businesses and
upcoming indigenous business enterprises.
List of Learning LO1: disseminate information
LO2: organize departmental meetings
LO3: liaise with other department
LO4: liaise with suppliers to complete
procurement process
Learning Outcome 01 Disseminate information

Assessment Criteria:
7.1.1 produce written reports

7.1.2 Transmit information using proper media

7.1.3 Submit to stakeholders on time

7.1.1 produce written reports

7.1.2 transmit information through proper media

7.1.3 submitting relevant reports to stakeholders on time.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to conduct identification of
organizational requirements, prepare budgets and
requisite documentation.
2. Practical assessment on the establishment and adherence
to organizational priorities and requisite documentation.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the training
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below:
 White boards
 White markers
 Computers
 printers
 Laptops
 DVDs/flash /data cable/floppy disks
 Projectors
 Surge conductors
 phone/Smart phones
 Internet/wifi
 Stationery

 photocopier


 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 02 Organize departmental meetings
Assessment Criteria 7.2.1 Write Memos and letters in accordance with laid down standards

7.2.2 Arrange meetings according to set rules

7.2.3 Conduct meetings in accordance with prescribed agenda

7.2.4 Produce accurate records of meeting proceedings

7.2.5 Demonstrate presentation skills

7.2.6 Complete in evaluation forms

7.2.7 complete register of participants

7.2.1 write memos and letters according to laid down standards

7.2.2 arrange meetings according to set rules for compliance

7.2.3 conduct meetings according to prescribed agenda

7.2.4 produce accurate records for the meeting proceedings

7.2.5 demonstration of presentation skills

7.2.6 filling in and completion of evaluation forms by participants

7.2.7 produce a complete participants register

Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills required to

conduct supplier assessments and or evaluation.
2. Practical assessment on the creation of supplier data
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
4. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed below:
 White boards
 White markers
 Computers
 printers
 Laptops
 DVDs/flash /data cable/floppy disks
 Projectors
 Surge conductors
 phone/Smart phones
 Internet/wifi
 Stationery

 photocopier


 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 03 Liaise with other departments

Assessment Criteria 7.3.1 follow appropriate communication procedures in line with

company policy

7.3.2 Handle problems in line the prescribed customer service


7.3.3 Scheduled departmental meetings according to events calendar

7.3.1 follow appropriate communication procedures in line with
company policy

7. 3. 2 solve customers’ problems and queries in line with set service


7..3.3 schedule departmental meetings to events calendar

t Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and

knowledge required to draft tender documents.
2. Written and or oral assessment on different types of
3. Practical assessment on tender drafting.
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of
the practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.

3. The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
 Computers
 Whiteboards
 White markers
 Laptops
 Surge protectors
 Projectors
 Floppy disks, DVDs, flash stick,
 Phones/smartphones
 Stationery

 Computer

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 04 Liaise with suppliers to complete procurement process

Assessment Criteria 7.4.1 Contact suppliers to process purchase orders according to

procurement procedures

7.4.2 confirm purchasing and supply arrangements

7.4.3 interface with suppliers is maintained to ensure accuracy of

communication relating to purchases

C 7.4.1 conduct suppliers to process purchase orders in accordance

with procurement procedures.

7.4.2 seek confirmation of purchasing and supply arrangements

7.4.3 maintain interface with suppliers to ensure accuracy of

communication pertaining to purchasing issues
Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to publish RFQs and, adhere to
procurement procedures and regulations
2. Practical assessment on the drafting of procurement
3. Practical assessment on supplier evaluation.
4. Practical assessment on procurement performance

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Whiteboards
 White markers
 Laptops
 Surge protectors
 Projectors
 Floppy disks, DVDs, flash stick, memory cards
 Stationery


 Photocopier

 Stapler
Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

Peter little, (1977) oral & written communication,3rdd edition, publisher, Pitman

Honey Peter, (1988) Managing problems, people, behavioral skills for leaders, published by
Video Arts Ltd

Johnson G, Scholes K. & Whittington R. (2010) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. 9th edition:
Prentice Hall. Harlow

Jay Sullivan, (2014) communicating better at work and beyond, catholic press association, NY

Robert Bolton, (2022) Effective verbal & written communication, bureau marketing partnerships,

Keith Coleman (2019) effective communication skills, amazon digital services LLC-kdp print Us

Tuhonvsky, I, (2015) Communication skills training ,rupa publishers

Maxwell C John, (2013) Channeling Anger and Disagreement into Powerful Dialogue,
Maxwell Motivation

Gary, J. (1994) Purchasing and the Management of Materials.7thEdition John Willey and Sons New
Lysons, K. (2010) Purchasing and Supply Management. Prentice Hall. London: Management Homewoods:

Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Pearson Times, London



LO1 Disseminate information 25

LO2 Organize departmental meetings 25
LO3 Liaise with other departments 25
LO4 Liaise with suppliers to complete procurement process 25

Module Code: 543/23/M02

Module Title: Inventory Management

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 15

Duration: 150 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification

Qualification Standards: Standard for A Procurement/Procurement Officer.

Pre-requisite modules: N/A

Purpose of Module: This unit enables an individual to analyse inventory situations and
implement suitable inventory management models. This module
targets individuals who are interested in inventory and materials
management. It caters for youths and adults as well as men and
women. It is useful for both established businesses and upcoming
indigenous business enterprises.
List of Learning LO1 Explain the scope of Stores and store inventory
LO2 Manage stores and stores inventory
LO3 Illustrate warehouse out in an automated organisation
LO4 Assess the importance of equipping employees with materials
handling skills
LO5 Evaluate stores performance through bench marking
LO6 Analyse new trends and approaches in inventory management

Learning Outcome 01 Explain the scope of Stores and store inventory

Assessment Criteria: 1.1.1 Define management.

1.1.2 Explain the elements of inventory/materials management.
1.1.3 Identify the objectives of inventory/materials management
1.1.4 Significance of inventory management is outlined.
1.1.5 Stores organisation

Content: 1.2.1 Meaning and elements of management.

1.2.2 Explain the objectives of stores/materials management.
1.2.3 Identify and explain the objectives of inventory/materials
1.2.4 Explain stores organisation.
1.2.5 Discuss the Role of Materials/Inventory Management in
other areas of Management Functions.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the elements of management.

2. Written and/or oral assessment on the objectives of inventory
3. Written and or oral assessment on relations between Materials
Management and other Management Functions.
3. Practical assessment on stores organisation.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 02 Manage stores and stores inventory

Assessment Criteria: 2.1.1 Identify the stores activities.

2.1.2 Explain how the different activities work.

Content: 2.2.1 Identify stores activities.

2.2.2 Explain the different stores activities.
2.2.3 Discuss the advantages and Limitations of Stores activities.
2.2.4 Standardisation and its benefits are explained.
2.2.5 Explain the elements of inventory control.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the stores activities.

2. Written and or oral assessment on Inventory Models.
3. Practical assessment on stores activities.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 03 Illustrate warehouse out in an automated organisation

Assessment Criteria: 3.1.1 Methods of Warehouse layout are explained.

3.1.2 Use of automation in storage facilities.
3.1.3 Security measures in stores management.
3.1.4 Health and safety in stores is explained.

Content: 3.2.1 Explain the Location and Layout of a Storage facility.

3.2.2 Identify the benefits of automation in warehouse
3.2.3 Describe security measures in stores management.
3.2.4 Explain healthy and safety measures.
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on security measures in stores
2. Practical assessment on warehouse layout.
3. Written and or oral assessment on security measures in stores.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 04 Assess the importance of equipping employees with materials

handling skills

Assessment Criteria: 4.1.1 Define Materials Handling.

4.1.2 Identify and explain benefits of proper materials handling.
4.1.3 Analyse equipment used for storage and handling materials.
4.1.4 Assess the effects of double handling.
4.1.5 Train the machine operators

Content: 4.2.1 Explain the benefits of proper materials handling equipment.

4.2.2 Identify the various equipment used in storage and handling
4.2.3 Assess the effects of double handling.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment benefits of proper handling

2. Written and/or oral on double handling.
3. Practical assessment on

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome LO5 Evaluate stores performance through bench marking

Assessment Criteria: 5.1.1 Define performance measurement

5.1.2 Evaluate operational research techniques.
 Network Analysis
 Decision Trees
5.1.3 Explain benchmarking

Content: 5.2.1 Define performance measures.

5.2.2 Identify and explain operational research techniques:
 Network Analysis
 Decision Trees
5.2.3 Explain benchmarking and measures of performance.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment operational research techniques.

2. Practical assessment on Network Analysis and Decision Trees.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome LO6 Analyse new trends and approaches in inventory management

Assessment Criteria: 7.1.1 Effects of new technologies in stores management

7.1.2 Describe the New Developments in Storing
7.1.3 Use of computers in stores management

Content: 7.2.1 Explain the effects of new technologies in stores management

7.2.2 Describe the New Developments in Storing.
7.2.3 Evaluate use of computers in stores management.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and / oral assessment on the new developments in

storing materials.
2. Written and /oral assessment on the skills and knowledge needed
to evaluate the effects of new technologies in stores management.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Approach to Teaching and Learning:

1. Observation of adult learning principles.

2. Both institution-based and work-based learning to facilitate the integration of theory and
3. Face-to-face education and learning.
4. Problem-based learning.
5. Online/distance education and learning.
6. Blended/hybrid education and learning.
7. Use of social media

1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and Moderators

All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone ZNQF accredited training
programmes and should have qualifications and experience recognised by the Zimbabwe
National Qualifications Authority (ZNQA).

2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials

 Computers, Laptops
 Smart Phones
 Projectors
 Internet
 Surge Protector Adaptors
 White Board/Interactive Boards
 White Board Markers
 Stationery
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton Cloth

Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

 Johnson G, Scholes K. & Whittington R. (2010) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. 9th
edition: Prentice Hall. Harlow
 Killen, K.H. (1995) Managing Procurement: Irwin London
 Lewis, C. (1997) Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control. Butterworth. London
 Wild, T. (2002) Best Practice in Inventory Management. Butterworth. London
 Gary, J. (1994) Procurement and the Management of Materials.7thEdition John Willey
and Sons New York
 Lysons, K. (2010) Procurement and Supply Management. Prentice Hall. London:
Management Homewoods: Irwin
 Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Procurement and Supply Chain Management:
Pearson Times, London
 Baily P et al (1994), Purchasing Principles and Management, Pitman, London
 Doubler D.W, Burt, D.N (1996), Purchasing and Supply Management Text and Cases,
6th edition, McGraw – Hill, New York.
 Killen, K.H. (1995), Managing Purchasing: Irwin, London
 Saunders M. (1994), Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Pitman,
Assessment Grid:
Topic Weighting %

1 Management of Stores 20
2 Management of Stores Activities 20

3 Physical Management of Inventory 15

4 Storage and Materials Handling 15

5 Measuring Stores Performance 15

6 New Trends and Approaches in Inventory Management 15

Module Code: 543/23/M03

Module Title: Management of Organisational assets

ZNQF Level: 5
Credits: 15
Duration: 150 hours
Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification Standard
Qualification for A Procurement/Purchasing Officer
Pre-requisite N/A
Purpose of Module: This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by a
Procurement/Purchasing Officer to manage resources in procurement.
This module is important, as it will ensure resources and efficiently into
organisations in order to meet user departments’ needs. This gives
business entities that use proper principles in managing resources so as
to contain costs and have competitive edge to out position rivals. This
module targets individuals who are interested in managing resources in
purchasing. It caters for youths and adults as well as men and women. It
is useful for both established businesses and upcoming indigenous
business enterprises.

List of Learning LO1: Manage assets for the procurement department

LO2: Manage materials and materials handling
LO3: Recruit and retain human resources
LO4: Design and implement health, safety and
environmental procedures
LO5: Control organizational cash flows
Learning Outcome 01 Manage assets for the procurement department

Assessment Criteria:
1.1 Register and maintain assets.

1.2. Carried out Physical resource verification.

1.3 Asset procurement is determined

1.4 Observed Internal control systems

1.5 Asset register is maintained

1.1 Prepare and maintain asset register

1.2 Carry out physical resource verification

1.3 Determine asset procurement

1.4. Observe internal control systems

1.5 Maintain asset register

Assessment Tasks: 3. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to conduct identification of
organisational requirements, prepare budgets and
requisite documentation.
4. Practical assessment on the establishment and adherence
to organisational priorities and requisite documentation.

Conditions/Context of 5. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
6. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the training
7. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers
 Stationery

 Computer

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 02 Manage materials and materials handling
Assessment Criteria 2.1. knowledge of organisational procedures and documentation is

2.2 authorisation to receive and distribute materials is obtained

2.3 records of materials movement and report are maintained.

2.4 internal control systems are observed

2.1 demonstrate knowledge of organisational procedures and

2.2 obtain authorization to receive and distribute materials

2.3 maintain records of materials movement and reports

2.4 observe internal control systems

Assessment Tasks 3. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills required to
conduct supplier assessments and or evaluation.
4. Practical assessment on the creation of supplier data
Conditions/Context of 3. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
4. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers
 Stationery
 Computer
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 03 LO3: Recruit and retain human resources

Assessment Criteria 3.1 Ascertain Human resources requirements

3.2 Draw job description

3.3 Place Adverts

3.4 Shortlist and interview Candidates

3.5 Recruit Successful candidates

3.6 Draw and fill employment contracts in line with statutes

3.7 Review employee grades

3.1 Ascertain Human resources requirements

3.1.1 Define Human Resource administration

3.1.2 Objectives of Human resource administration
3.1.3 Functions of a Human resource administrator
3.1.4 Human resource Planning
3.1.5 Define HR Planning
3.1.6 Objectives of HR Planning
3.1.7 Human resource Planning cycle

3.2 Draw job description

 Job Analysis meaning

 Job analysis concepts
 Job description
 Job specification
 Job design
 Important elements of a job description
 Important elements of job specification

3.3 Place Adverts

 Job advertisement
 Important components in a job advertisement
 Job advertising media
 How to structure a job advertisement
 Considerations in choosing job advertising media

3.4 Shortlist and interview Candidates

 Recruitment and selection

 Definition of Recruitment and selection
 Recruitment sources
 Recruitment process
 Process of sifting applications to arrive at a shortlist
 Advantages and disadvantages of various recruitment sources

3.5 Recruit Successful candidates

 Selection defined
 Selection methods / tools
 Interview types
 Preparation for interviews
 Selection process
 Problems in select ion and how to counter them

3.6 Draw and fill employment contracts in line with statutes

Define contract of employment

 Importance of contract of employment
Types of employment contract
Essential elements of a contract of employment
How to design a contract of employment
Relevant Statutes guiding employment contract

3.7 Review employee grades

Employee grades defined

Reasons for reviewing grades
Grade review process

t Assessment Tasks 4. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and

knowledge required to draft tender documents.
5. Written and or oral assessment on different types of
6. Practical assessment on tender drafting.
Conditions/Context of 4. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of
the practical assessment by the trainees.
5. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
6. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers
 Stationery

 Computer
 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 04 Design and implement health, safety and environmental

Assessment Criteria 4.1 Establish requirements for safety clothing in accordance with
the nature of work

4.2 Identify workplace risks and hazards e.g. conduct safety

drills, design awareness programs

4.3 Identify control measures

4.4 Determine waste disposal methods in line with SHE


4.1 Establish requirements for safety clothing in accordance
with the nature of work
 Define health, safety and Environment
 Health and safety policy
 Elements of a health and safety policy
 Define Personal protective Equipment (PPE)
 Types of PPE
 Ensuring proper use of PPE
 Importance and Benefits of PPE
 Maintenance of PPE

4.2 Identify workplace risks and hazards e.g. conduct safety

drills, design awareness programs

4.2.1 Health and safety risks

4.2.2 How to identify safety and health hazards
4.2.3 Meaning of Health and safety awareness
4.2.4 Importance of Health and safety awareness program
4.2.5 Important Health and safety awareness program
4.2.6 Safety drills
4.2.7 Types of drills
4.2.8 Importance of mock drills

4.2.9 Tips for conducting workplace drills Choose a scenario relevant to your community Choose
intervals/ frequency Keep them unannounced Add some surprises (unexpected elements) Establish success metrics/ measurements. Debrief after the drill

4.3 Identify control measures

4.3.1 Health and safety risks reduction methods

4.3.2 Causes of accidents
4.3.3 Measures to reduce accidents
4.3.4 Responsibility for health and safety
4.3.5 Of the employer
4.3.6 Of the employee 4.3.7 Of the government and NSSA

4.4 Determine waste disposal methods in line with SHE


 What is waste
 Types of waste
 Explain waste disposal
 Waste disposal methods
 Waste management and disposal policy
 Importance of waste disposal
 Waste disposal procedure
 Regulations on waste disposal
Assessment Tasks 5. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to publish RFQs and, adhere to
procurement procedures and regulations
6. Practical assessment on the drafting of procurement
7. Practical assessment on supplier evaluation.
8. Practical assessment on procurement performance

Conditions/Context of 4. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
5. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
6. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Stationery
 Computer
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 05 Control organizational cash flows

Assessment Criteria 1.1 Identify income generating activities.

1.2 Identify outlays.

1.3 Identify alternative intervention

Content 1.1 Identify income generating activities.

 Classification of projects
 Categories of capital budgeting projects
 Replacement projects
 Expansion projects
 Safety or environmental projects
 Independent and mutually exclusive projects

1.2 Identify outlays

 New investment
 Cost of assets and installation costs (calculate)
 Change in working capital
 Calculate increase or decrease in net working
 Replacement decisions
 Disposal value of old assets –calculate
 Calculate scrapping allowance or recoupment

1.3 Identify alternative interventions

 Interventions when there is an increase in working capital
 Interventions when there is a decrease in working capital
 Incremental after tax revenue or cost saving
 Capital allowance
 Wear and tear allowance
 Special initial allowance

Assessment Tasks 1 Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and

knowledge required to negotiate contracts.
2 Practical assessment on the rights and obligations of the
parties to a contract.
3 Practical assessment on dispute resolution mechanisms.
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Stationery

 Computer

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

Armstrong (1999) Human Resources Management Practice, 7th Edition, Kogan Page, London
ASB (1999) Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting, London, ASB.
Beach D (1985) The Management of People at Work, 5th Edition, MacMillan, New York
Cole G A (1993) Personnel Management Theory and Practice, D.P PublicationsLtd, London
Cole G A (1999) Management, Theory and Practice, 5th Edition, London, Ashford Colour Press Ltd
Correira, C. et al (2003) Financial Management: 5 th Edition, Juta, capetown.
David E,Mulcahy & J,Sydow(2008) Distribution & Warehousing management,1st edition, Auerbach

Elliott, B. and Elliott, J. (2009) Financial Accounting and Reporting (13th edn), Harlow, Essex,
PearsonEducation Limited.
Evans A (2001) Staff Recruitment and Retention, Strategies for Effective Action, Chandos Publishing
Ltd, London
Flippo E B (1961) Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, U.S.A
Gary, J. (1994) Purchasing and the Management of Materials.7thEdition John Willey and Sons New

Gerber et al (1986) Human Resources Management, 2nd Edition, Signma Press(Pvt) Ltd, London
Johnson G, Scholes K. & Whittington R. (2010) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. 9th edition:
Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Pearson Times, London
Lysons, K. (2010) Purchasing and Supply Management. Prentice Hall. London: Management Homewoods:
Muzamani, T. (2000) Fundamentals of Financial Management, 1 st edition, UZ Publications, Harare
Wild, T. (2002) Best Practice in Inventory Management. Butterworth. LondonASSESSMENT


LO1 manage assets in the purchasing organisation 25

LO2 manage materials 15
LO3 recruit and retain human resources 25
LO4 establish/ design health safety and environmental procedures 20
LO5 control cash flow 15
Module Code: 543/23/M04

Module Title: Logistics and Distribution Management

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 15

Duration: 150 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification

Qualification Standards: Standard for A Procurement/Procurement Officer

Pre-requisite modules: N/A

Purpose of Module: To develop an understanding on planning, implementation and

controlling the methods, procedures and factors concerned with
the transportation and distribution of goods to the final user.
List of Learning LO1 Analyse the relationship of logistics and customer
Outcomes: satisfaction
LO2 Determine the most appropriate mode of transport for
various cargo.
LO3 Manage the logistics and distribution function.
LO4 Plan logistics and distribution of supplies.
LO5 Control inventory and manage inventory records
LO6 Apply information technology in procurement processes.
LO7 Analyse the role of government in logistics and distribution

Learning Outcome 01 LO1 Analyse the relationship of logistics and customer


Assessment Criteria: 1.1 Definition of logistics and distribution management.

1.2 Explain the principles of logistics and distribution
1.3 Impact of logistics and distribution in management in VUCA
Content: 1.1.1 Logistics and distribution management definition
1.1.2 The principles of logistics and distribution management
1.1.3 The impact of logistics and distribution in today’s business
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct an analysis on the relationship between
logistics and physical distribution management.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex,
and Ambiguous) environment.
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,

equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers, Laptops
 Smart Phones
 Projectors
 Internet
 Surge Protectors
 White Board/Interactive Boards
 White Board Markers
 Stationery

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth

Learning Outcome 02 LO2 Determine the most appropriate mode of transport for
various cargo.
Assessment Criteria: 2.1.1 Established Nature and quantity of goods according to
order specifications.
2.1.2 Select transport according to nature of goods.
2.1.3 Follow up deliveries.
Content: 2.2.1 Elements of transport
2.2.2 Functions of transport
2.2.3 Modal characteristics
2.2.4 Intermodal transportation
2.2.5 factors determining the selection of transport carrier/
mode in physical distribution
2.2.6 Transport costing and budgeting
2.2.7 Environmental issues.
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct an analysis on the elements of transport.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the modes and modal characteristics.
3. Written and/ oral assessment on transport costing and
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace

or simulated work environment in the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,

equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phone
• Projector
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 03 LO3 Manage the logistics and distribution function.

Assessment Criteria: 3.1.1 Discuss Functions and objectives.

3.1.2 Analyse available Fleet t.
3.1.3 Consider Security issues and risks.
3.1.4 Demonstrate usage of containers.
Content: 3.2.1 Functions and objectives: sales order processing (SOP)
distribution planning, transportation
3.2.2 Comparison of in house versus contracted out operations,
factors affecting choice, management of service providers and
third party distribution
3.2.3 Fleet management: purchase of lease. Types of vehicle
and operating characteristics. Legal requirements
3.2.4 Security, detection, control and remedies for loss and
3.2.5 Managing returns
3.2.6 Container and pallet management, hire/purchase,
collection and control
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct sales order planning, distribution planning
and transportation.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct a comparison of in house and contracted
out operations.
3. Written and/ oral assessment on fleet management.
4. Written and / oral assessment on containerization.
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 04 L04 Plan logistics and distribution of supplies

Assessment Criteria: 4.1.1 outline the distribution network

4.1.2 Operational activities
4.1.3Apply ICT Tools in business finance
Content 4.2.1 Strategies: factors affecting choice of distribution
network and warehouse location.
4.2.2 Regional and local structures.
4.2.3 Modalism
4.2.4 Operational: route planning, load planning, vehicle
tracking, booking of deliveries, proof of delivery (POD)
and post-delivery invoicing
4.2.5 Tools: electronic data interchange EDI, data capture (bar
coding, optical character recognition (OCR), radio
transmission etc.), simulation
Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the factors affecting choice of distribution
2. Written and/or oral assessment on modalism.
3. Written and/ oral assessment on operational activities in
logistics and distribution management.
4. Written and / oral assessment on ICT tools used in logistics
and distribution management.
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,

equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 05 LO5 Control inventory and manage inventory records

Assessment Criteria: 5.1.1 Plan and control systems.

5.1.2 forecast demand and supply

Content 5.2.1 Logistic Resources Planning (LRP)

5.2.2 Interface with other planning and control systems,
material requirements planning (MRP) and the master
schedule, forecasting, electronic point of sale. EPOS. SOP)
5.2.3 Deciding stocking points
5.2.4 Influence of supply and demand parameters, service
levels, volumetrics, volatility, infrastructure
5.2.5 Allocation rules for goods in short supply
5.2.6 Replenishing local inventories, satisfying end customers’
orders, different rules, modes and infrastructure
5.2.7 Added value: importance of differentiation to computers;
factors affecting place and time added value operation
techniques for managing feature and options
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the interface with other planning and
control systems.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to analyse the influence of supply and demand
3. Written and/ oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct replenishment of local inventories.
4. Written and / oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct value addition.
Content/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,

equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 06 LO6 Apply information technology in procurement processes

Assessment criteria: 6.1.1 Assess the role of information technology in logistics and
physical distribution management.
6.Evaluate the role of Internet to student learning
6.1.3 Logistics information system.
Content 6.2.1 Objectives of information technology
6.2.2 Role of information technology in logistics and
distribution management.
6.2.3 Uses of internet in today, s changing market (Intranet,
Extranet, Telematics)
6.2.4 Security measures and enforcements in electronic
distribution and logistics (EDL)
6.2.5 Principles of Logistic information system
6.2.6 Basic information technologies in distribution
management (vehicle tracking, tracing,)
6.2.7 Information technology Systems (bar coding, optical
character recognition, radio frequency identification, Data
Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the role of information technology in
logistics and distribution management.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to identify security measures and enforcements in
3. Written and/ oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the principles of logistics information
4. Written and / oral assessment on the information
Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,

equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 07 LO7 Measure and control performance in logistics and physical
distribution management.

Assessment Criteria: 7.1.1 Perform Performance measurement functions

7.1.2 Cost and price the goods
7.1.3 Use of operational research techniques
Content 7.2.1 Objectives of measuring performance
7.2.2 Measuring customer satisfaction (Benefits).

7.2.3 Benchmarking
7.2.4 Direct product profitability (D.P.P)
7.2.5 Quality, service and cost standards
7.2.6 Work measurement and productivity
7.2.7 Costing/ pricing of goods in stock.
7.2.8 Optimisation of costs and service performance
7.2.9 Concept of total costs and trade-offs in distribution.
7.2.10 Use of operational research techniques, including
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct performance measurement in logistics and
distribution management.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required on costing/pricing of goods in stock.
3. Written and/ oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the concept of total costs and trade offs.
4. Written and / oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required in using operational research techniques.
Content/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 08 LO8 LO7 Analyse the role of government in logistics and
distribution management

Assessment Criteria: 8.1.1 Power and duties of local and central government.
8.1.2 Challenges in international distribution.
8.1.3 Export controls
8.1.4 Environmental issues in logistics and distribution
Content: 8.2.1 Power and duties of central Government and local
Government in logistics and physical distribution
8.2.2 The role of government departments in respect to safety,
environmental and public interests in distribution

8.2.3 Problems and factors in distributing to international

areas, documentation and licensing, movement of freight
through airports and seaports.
8.2.4 Export controls
8.2.5 Duty consideration
8.2.6 Recycling and disposal
8.2.7 Environmental issues
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the role of government in logistics and
distribution management.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to identify the problems and factors in international
3. Written and/ oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to explain the environmental issues in logistics and
distribution management.
1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace

or simulated work environment in the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,

equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protectors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton cloth

Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

 Killen, K.H. (1995) Managing Procurement: Irwin London
 Lewis, C. (1997) Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control. Butterworth. London
 Wild, T. (2002) Best Practice in Inventory Management. Butterworth. London
 Gary, J. (1994) Procurement and the Management of Materials.7thEdition John Willey
and Sons New York
 Lysons, K. (2010) Procurement and Supply Management. Prentice Hall. London:
Management Homewoods: Irwin
 Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Procurement and Supply Chain Management:
Pearson Times,
 London Atwood, PR. (2010), Planning A Distribution System Cover, Press London
 Attrill, P., (2014). Financial Management for Decision Makers. 7th ed. Pearson
 Banister, D., et al, (2000). European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility.
 Button, K., (2010). Transport Economics. 3rd ed. UK, Edward Elgar.
 Davanzo, C.F (2010). Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations.
 Financial Management: Theory and Practice. 13th ed. Harlow: South Western
 Murphy G. (1995), Transport and Distribution, Business Book Rushton O. (2005), A
handbook of logistics, Grower Press, London
 Rushton O. (2005), A handbook of logistics, Grower Press, London



LO1 Analyse the relationship of logistics and physical distribution management 10
to the totality of a business

LO2 Determine mode of transport. 15

LO3 Managing the logistics and distribution function. 15

LO4 Planning in logistics and distribution management. 15

LO5 Controlling Inventory in the distribution channels 15

LO6 Apply information technology to the totality of the business. 10

LO7 Measure and control performance in logistics and physical distribution 10


LO8 Explain the role of government in logistics and distribution management 10

Approach to Teaching and Learning:

8. Observation of adult learning principles.

9. Both institution-based and work-based learning to facilitate the integration of theory and
10. Face-to-face education and learning.
11. Problem-based learning.
12. Online/distance education and learning.
13. Blended/hybrid education and learning.
14. Use of social media.


1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and Moderators

All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone ZNQF accredited training
programmes and should have qualifications and experience recognised by the Zimbabwe
National Qualifications Authority (ZNQA).

2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials

 Computers
 Printer
 Data storage device
 Airtime
 Identification records
 Internet connectivity
 stationery
 Vehicle
 Insulation tape
 Mutton cloth
Module Code: 543/23/MO5

Module Title: Legal Aspects of Procurement

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 12

Duration: 120 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of

Qualification Qualification Standard for A
Standards: Procurement/Procurement Officer.

Pre-requisite N/A

Purpose of Module: The module is designed to ensure that the

procurement process complies with all relevant

laws and regulations. This module typically covers

contract law, Law of Purchase & Sale, Law of

property, Negotiable Instruments, Law of Security,

and Law of Partnership. By incorporating legal

aspects into the procurement process,

organisations can minimise legal risks, ensure fair

and transparent dealings with suppliers, and

protect the organisation from potential legal

disputes. It promotes lawful and ethical

procurement practices.

List of Learning LO1 Analyse Zimbabwean legal system

LO2 Interpret and and apply law of contract in
business activities

LO3 Interpret law of purchase and sale.

LO4 Use negotiable instruments as a medium of


LO5 Apply law of property.

LO6 Employ law of security.

LO7 Demonstrate the relationship between the

agent and principal.

LO8 Articulate the law of partnership.

LO9 Distinguish between contractor and servant.

Learning Outcome The Zimbabwean legal system


Assessment Criteria: 1.1.6 Establish Sources of Law.

1.1.7 Explain the legislation process.

1.1.8 Draw the Hierarchy of law courts is in

1.1.9 Establish Classes of law..

Content: 1.1.1 Sources of law.

1.1.2 Legislation process

1.1.3 Hierarchy of law courts

1.1.4 Divisions and/ classes of law

1.1.5 Repeal and abrogation of laws.

1.1.6 Civil law and criminal law

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the sources

of law.

2. Written and/or oral assessment on the divisions

and or classes of law.

3. Written and or oral assessment on the repealing

and abrogation of laws.

4. Written and or oral assessment on the

difference between civil law and criminal law.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment
conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical assessment

by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome Define and apply law of contract in business


Assessment Criteria: 2.1.1 Law of contract is defined.

2.1.2 Essentials of a valid contract are established.

2.2.3 Describe the operationalisation of contracts.

2.2.4 Explain causes for contract termination.

Content: 2.2.1 Definition of law of contract

2.2.2 Essentials of a valid contract (Agreement,

Contractual Capacity, Reality of Consent, Legality

of Contract, Possibility of Performance Formalities).

2.2.3 Operation of contract (Terms, Conditions,

Stipulatio alteri).

2.2.4 Termination of a contract (performance,

mutual agreement, supervening impossibility,

merger, set-off, extinctive prescription).

2.2.5 Breach of the contract.

2.2.6 Remedies applicable for breach of contract

(cancellation, damages etc.)

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the essentials

of a valid contract.

2. Written and/or oral assessment on operation of


3. Written and or oral assessment on the

termination of contracts.

4. Written and or oral assessment on the contract

breaches and their remedies.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment
conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical assessment

by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome Interpret law of purchase and sale.
Assessment Criteria: 3.1.1 Define law of purchase and sale.
3.1.2 Evaluate elements of the contract.
3.1.3 Explain the concept of delivery.
3.1.4 Ascertain the passing of ownership and risk
of the merx.
3.1.5 Explain duties of both the seller and buyer.
3.1.6 Hire purchase contracts are explained.

Content: 3.3.1 Definition of law of purchase and sale

3.3.2 Elements of the contract (re: agreement,

price, merx (thing).

3.3.3 Concept of delivery (movable and


3.3.4 Passing of ownership and risk.

3.3.5 Duties of the seller.

3.3.6 Duties of the buyer.

3.3.7 Hire-purchase contracts.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the

definition of law of purchase and sale.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the elements
of the contract.
3. Written and or oral assessment on the concept
of delivery.
4. Written and or oral assessment on the duties of
the parties.
Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be
of assessment conducted in a classroom environment. Oral
assessment can also be conducted by the assessor
during the performance of the practical assessment
by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome Use negotiable instruments as a medium of
Assessment Criteria: 4.1.1 Identify and explain negotiable instruments
4.1.2 Essentials of a cheque are explained.
4.1.3 Describe the negotiation of cheques.
4.1.4 Explain the principles of negotiable

Content: 4.2.1 Negotiable instruments.

4.2.1 Essentials of a cheque.
4.2.3 Issuing of cheques.
4.2.4 Negotiation of cheques.
4.2.5 Principles of negotiable instruments.
4.2.6 Promissory notes and bills of exchange.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the

negotiable instruments.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the
principles of negotiable instruments.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment: conducted in a classroom environment. Oral
assessment can also be conducted by the assessor
during the performance of the practical assessment
by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome Define and apply law of property
Assessment criteria: 5.1.1 Definition of things and their classification
5.1.2 Explain real and personal rights.
5.1.3 Explain different methods of acquiring
5.1.4 Describe the transfer of ownership.

Content: 5.2.1 Definition of “things” and their classification.

5.2.2 Real and personal rights with reference to
ownership and possession.
5.2.3 Methods of acquiring ownership
5.2.4 Transfer of ownership.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on law of


2. Written and/or oral assessment on real and

personal rights.

3. Written and or oral assessment on the methods

of acquiring ownership.
4. Written and or oral assessment on the transfer

of ownership.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment:
conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical assessment

by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers, Laptops

• Smart Phones

• Projectors

• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome Employ law of security
Assessment criteria: 6.1.1 Creditor – debtor security relation explained.

6.1.2 Define and explain law of mortgage.

6.1.3 Liens are discussed.

6.1.4 Evaluate contracts of suretyship.

Content: 6.2.1 Definition of “security” in relation to

creditor-debtor relationships.
6.2.2 Law of mortgage.
6.2.3 Discuss liens.
6.2.4 Law of pledge.
6.2.5 Contracts of suretyship
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on law of


2. Written and/or oral assessment on contracts of


3. Written and or oral assessment on liens.

4. Written and or oral assessment on the law of


Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment:
conducted in a classroom environment. Oral
assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical assessment

by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome Demonstrate the relationship between the agent

and principal.
Assessment criteria: 7.1.1 Define law of agency.
7.1.2 Explain how agency is established.
7.1.3 Describe the types of agency.
7.1.4 Explain the rights and duties of agents and
7.1.5 Describe the ways agency contract is

Content: 7.2.1 Law of agency.

7.2.2 How agency arises – by express authority,

implied authority, implied by law, implied by

conduct, ratification, stipulatio alteri , negotiorum


7.2.3 Types of agents (general/special, factor,

broker, auctioneer, estate agent, negotiorum gestio


7.2.4 Rights and duties of agents and principals

7.2.5 Termination of the contract of agency

(expiry of time, completion of mandate, mutual

consent, impossibility of performance, renunciation

by agent, revocation by principal).

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on law of


2. Written and/or oral assessment on how agencies


3. Written and or oral assessment on the types of


4. Written and or oral assessment on the rights

and duties of agents and principals.

5. Written and or oral assessment on the

termination of the contract of agency.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment:
conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical assessment

by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome Articulate the law of partnership
Assessment criteria: 8.1.1 Define partnership and explain the different

types of partners.

8.1.2 Describe the duties of partners.

8.1.3 Compare and contrast between partnership

and company.

8.1.4 Explain partnership termination.

Content: 8.2.1 Definition of partnership and types of

8.2.2 Duties of partners.
8.2.3 Partnership versus company.
8.2.4 Termination of partnership

Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the

definition of partnership and the different types.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the duties of
3. Written and or oral assessment on the
differences between a partnership and a company.
4. Written and or oral assessment on the
termination of partnership.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment: conducted in a classroom environment. Oral
assessment can also be conducted by the assessor
during the performance of the practical assessment
by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome Distinguish between contractor and servant
Assessment criteria: 9.1.1 Define law of employment
9.1.2 Fundamental rights of employees are
9.1.3 Duties of parties are explained.
9.1.4 Contractor – servant relationship described.
9.1.5 Identify and explain the causes of contract

Content: 9.2.1 Definition of employment.

9.2.2 Fundamental rights of an employee as
defined in the Labour Relations Act.
9.2.3 Duties of employer and employee.
9.2.4 Independent contractor versus servant.
9.2.5 Termination of a contract

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the

definition of law of employment.

2. Written and/or oral assessment on the

fundamental rights of employees as enshrined in

the Labour Relations Act.

3. Written and or oral assessment on the duties of

employer and employee.

4. Written and or oral assessment on the

termination of contract of employment.

Conditions/Context 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

of assessment:
conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical assessment

by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Approach to Teaching and Learning:

15. Observation of adult learning principles.

16. Both institution-based and work-based learning to facilitate

the integration of theory and practice.

17. Face-to-face education and learning.

18. Problem-based learning.

19. Online/distance education and learning.

20. Blended/hybrid education and learning.

21. Use of social media.


1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and Moderators

All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone ZNQF

accredited training programmes and should have qualifications and

experience recognised by the Zimbabwe National Qualifications

Authority (ZNQA).

2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials

 Computers
 Printer
 Data storage device
 Airtime
 Identification records
 Internet connectivity
 stationery
 Vehicle
 Insulation tape
 Mutton cloth

Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

Dobson, P. & Stokes, R. (2012) Commercial Law, 8 th Edition, UK

Griffiths, M (2013) Commercial Law, UK

Ryder, N. (2012) Commercial Law, Principles and Policy, UK

Sealy l.S. (2008) Commercial Law( Text, Cases and materials), UK

Tillson, J. (2012) Consumer and Commercial law, USA

Assessment Grid:

Topic Weighting %

1 The Zimbabwean legal system 10

2 Define and apply law of contract in business activities 15

3 Interpret law of purchase and sale 15

4 Use negotiable instruments as a medium of exchange 10

5 Define and apply law of property 10

6 Employ law of security 10

7 Demonstrate the relationship between the agent and principal. 10

8 Articulate the law of partnership 10

9 Distinguish between contractor and servant 10

Module Code: 543/23/M06

Module Title: Public Procurement

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 12

Duration: 120 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification

Qualification Standards: Standard for A Procurement/Procurement Officer.

Pre-requisite modules: N/A

Purpose of Module: The unit equips learners with necessary knowledge required in
public procurement in order to enhance the overall efficiency in
public entities. It also gives an overview of public procurement
and its framework, and enables a learner to apply public
procurement methods and procedures. The unit also ensures that
learners are capable to create and manage public procurement
contracts. This module targets individuals who are interested in
public procurement management. It caters for youths and adults as
well as men and women. It is useful for both established public
entities and upcoming public business enterprises.
List of Learning LO1 Evaluate the scope and history of public procurement
LO2 Design and implement a public procurement framework
LO3 Analyse the general principles of public procurement and
apply them
LO4 Assess the importance of accountability in public
LO5 Prepare and plan for public procurement
LO6 Analyse and apply Public Procurement Methods
LO7 Assess Public Procurement Procedures
LO8 Prepare Public Procurement Contracts
LO9 Review Public Procurement Proceedings
LO10 Apply ethical considerations in procurement so as to avoid
Learning Outcome 01 Public Procurement Objectives

Assessment Criteria: 1.1.10 Analyse the scope of public entities and Procurement
1.1.11 Apply the value for money concept
1.1.12 Evaluate the Strategic context of procurement
1.1.13 Draw an Organogram for public departments

Content: 1.1.7 Definition of public procurement

1.1.8 Scope of public procurement
1.1.9 Purpose of public procurement
1.1.10 Historical development of legal framework of public
procurement in Zimbabwe.
1.1.11 Organisation of public procurement
1.1.12 Functional relationship between public procurement and
other units in an organization

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required in explaining the purpose of public procurement.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the developments of public
procurement in Zimbabwe.
3. Practical assessment on the organisation of public procurement.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 02 LO2 Design and implement a public procurement framework

Assessment Criteria: 2.1.1 Meaning of procurement rules

2.2.2 General procurement rules
2.2.3 Importance of general procurement rules.
2.2.4 The Public Procurement Act.
2.2.5 Explain the public procurement framework.

Content: 2.2.1 Meaning of procurement rules

2.2.2 General procurement rules
2.2.3 Importance of general procurement rules.
2.2.4 The Public Procurement Act.
2.2.5 Explain the public procurement framework.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to design flow charts.
2. Practical assessment on designing procurement models.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 03 LO3 Analyse the general principles of public procurement and
apply them

Assessment Criteria: 3.1.1 Non-Discrimination and Equality of Treatment

3.1.2 Transparency
3.1.3 Fairness, Integrity and Transparency
3.1.4 Code of conduct for public sector procurement professionals
3.1.5 Conduct of bidders and contractors.

Content: 3.2.1 Non-Discrimination and Equality of Treatment

3.2.2 Transparency
3.2.3 Fairness, Integrity and Transparency
3.2.4 Code of conduct for public sector procurement professionals
3.2.5 Conduct of bidders and contractors.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and or oral assessment on the principles of public

2. Written and or oral assessment on the code of conduct for
public sector procurement professionals.
3. Practical assessment on the conduct of bidders.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome 04 LO4 Assess the importance of accountability in public

Assessment Criteria: 44.2.1 Explain Active Engagement and Procedures

4.2.2 Explain Public Oversight
4.2.3 Evaluate the Role of Information—public procurement
4.2.4 Describe Monitoring and evaluation

Content: 4.2.1 Active Engagement and Procedures

4.2.2 Public Oversight
4.2.3 Role of Information—public procurement officers
4.2.4 Describe Monitoring

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to conduct active engagement and procedures.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the role of information for
public procurement officers.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome O5 LO5 Prepare and plan for public procurement

Assessment Criteria: 5.1.1 Prepare Procurement Schedules

5.1.2 Plan for procurement
5.1.3 Produce Annual and Individual procurement plan
5.1.4 Plan for shared procurement
5.1.5 Analyse the Division of procurements

Content: 5.2.1 Describe Procurement preparation

5.2.2 Explain Planning of procurement
5.2.3 Design Annual and Individual procurement plan
5.2.4 Planning for shared procurement
5.2.5 Division of procurements
5.2.6 Market consultations

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
needed to conduct shared procurement.
2. Practical assessment on the skills and knowledge required to
prepare an annual and individual procurement plan.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 06 LO6 Analyse and apply Public Procurement Methods

Assessment criteria: 6.1.1 Select procurement method.

6.1.2 Engage in Competitive bidding method.
6.1.3 Assess problems associated with Restricted bidding method.
6.1.4 Implement the direct procurement method.
6.1.5 Request for quotations method.
6.1.6 Perform public procurement through E-Procurement

Content: 6.2.1 Describe the selection of a procurement method.

6.2.2 Explain procurement methods.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required in deciding on the method to use.
2. Written and or oral assessment on procurement methods.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome 07 LO7 Assess the impact of Public Procurement Procedures in
boosting organisations

Assessment Criteria: 7.2.1 Explain the Procedures for competitive bidding

7.2.2 Describe Procedures for restricted bidding
7.2.3 Assess the need to Procurement consultancy services

Content: 7.2.1 Procedures for competitive bidding

7.2.2 Procedures for restricted bidding
7.2.3 Procurement of consultancy services

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
needed regarding bidding procedures.
2. Practical assessment on drafting tender documents.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome 08 LO8 Prepare Public Procurement Contracts

Assessment Criteria: 8.1.1 interpret and apply Procurement contracts.

8.1.2 Explain the approaches to pricing in procurement contract.
8.1.3 Evaluate the precautions when Subcontracting.

Content: 8.2.1 Procurement contracts.

8.2.2 Approaches to pricing in procurement contract.
8.2.3 Subcontracting.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and or oral assessment on skills and knowledge needed
to draft procurement contracts.
2. Practical assessment on drafting procurement contracts.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome O9 Review of Public Procurement Proceedings

Assessment Criteria: 9.1.1 Assess Challenges in procurement proceedings.

9.1.2 Review by review panel.
9.1.3 Appeal against decision of review panel
9.1.4 Analyse the Investigations by Authority
9.1.5 Assess Powers of investigator.
9.1.6 Outline Procedure on completion of investigation.

Content: 9.2.1 Ascertain the challenges to procurement proceedings.

9.2.2 Review process by the review panel.
9.2.3 Appeal process against decisions of a review panel.
9.2.4 Procedures on Investigations by Authority
9.2.5 Identify Powers of the investigator.
9.2.6 Procedure on completion of investigation.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and or oral assessment on skills and knowledge to

identify challenges to procurement proceedings.
2. Written and or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
needed to conduct an investigation.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome L10 Apply ethical considerations in public procurement

Assessment Criteria: 6.1.1 Define ethics in inventory/materials management.

6.1.2 Identify ethical issues in inventory management.
6.1.3 Explain how hazardous materials are managed and disposed.
6.1.4 Describe the use of personal protective equipment in stores.

Content: 6.2.1 Define ethics in materials management.

6.2.2 Identify and explain ethical issues in inventory management.
6.2.3 Explain the management of hazardous materials.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
needed in ensuring ethics in stores management.
2. Practical assessment on the management of hazardous

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted by
the assessor during the performance of the practical assessment by
the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace or
simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Approach to Teaching and Learning:
22. Observation of adult learning principles.
23. Both institution-based and work-based learning to facilitate the integration of theory and
24. Face-to-face education and learning.
25. Problem-based learning.
26. Online/distance education and learning.
27. Blended/hybrid education and learning.
28. Use of social media.

1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and Moderators
All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone ZNQF accredited training
programmes and should have qualifications and experience recognised by the Zimbabwe
National Qualifications Authority (ZNQA).
2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials
 Computers, Laptops
 Smart Phones
 Projectors
 Internet
 Surge Protector Adaptors
 White Board/Interactive Boards
 White Board Markers
 Stationery
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton Cloth

Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

1. Fearon, H E (2010) Purchasing Organisational Relationships, NAPM, Inc., Tempe,
2. International Trade Centre (22010) Module 5: Understanding the Corporate
Environment, International Purchasing & Supply Management Modular Learning
3. Benton, W C Jr. (2007) Purchasing and Supply Management, McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
New York, USA.
4. Quality Management Systems — Fundamentals and Vocabulary (ISO9000: 2000,
IDT), International Standard, 2nd ed, 2000 – 12 – 15 Department of Standards
Malaysia (DSM), Malaysia.
5. Lysons, K and Farrington, B 9th ed. (2016) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management,
Pearson Education Limited, England.
6. Leenders, M R, Johnson, P F, Flynn, A E and Fearon, H E (2006) Purchasing and
Supply Management: With 50 Supply Chain Cases, 13th ed, McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
7. Public procurement act
Assessment Grid:
Topic Weighting %

1 Public Procurement Objectives 10

2 Public Procurement Framework 10

3 General Principles of Public Procurement 10

4 Accountability in Public Procurement 10

5 Public Procurement Preparation and Planning 10

6 Public Procurement Methods 10

7 Public Procurement Procedures 10

8 Public Procurement Contracts 10

9 Review of Public Procurement Proceedings 10

10 Apply ethical considerations in public procurement 10

Module Code: 543/23/M07

Module Title: Strategic Procurement

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 150

Duration: 150 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification

Qualification Standards: Standard for A Procurement/Procurement Officer.

Pre-requisite modules: N/A

Purpose of Module: This unit enables an individual to analyse procurement risks and
implement suitable purchasing strategies. This module targets
individuals who are interested in procurement risk management.
It caters for youths and adults as well as men and women. It is
useful for both established businesses and upcoming indigenous
business enterprises.
List of Learning LO1 Assess procurement risks and put in place alleviatory
Outcomes: measures
LO2 Design and implement a procurement model
LO3 Evaluate the impact of various purchasing strategies
LO4 Analyse payment strategies for goods and services

Learning Outcome 01 Assess procurement risks and put in place alleviatory


Assessment Criteria: 1.1.14 Establish Risks in accordance with risk management.

1.1.15 Trend of all risk elements is analysed.
1.1.16 Rank risk according to set criteria.
1.1.17 Risk mitigation plan is drawn up.

Content: 1.1.13 Meaning of Risk Management & identifying the different

types of risks.
1.1.14 Analyse risk elements.
1.1.15 Risk ranking according to set criteria.
1.1.16 Draw risk mitigation plan.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to identify different types of risks.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to analyse risk elements.
3. Practical assessment on drafting a risk mitigation plan.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome 02 Design and implement a procurement model

Assessment Criteria: 2.1.1 2.2.1 Explain processes that affect procurement.

2.2.2 Design Procurement Models
2.2.3 Evaluate different procurement models

Content: 2.2.1Processes that affect procurement.

2.2.2 Procurement Models
2.2.3 Different procurement models
 Blanket orders
 Standing orders
 Term Contracts
 Urgent orders
 Low value orders
 Buying Situations
 Pareto Analysis

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to design flow charts.
2. Practical assessment on designing procurement models.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth

Learning Outcome 03 Evaluate the impact of various purchasing strategies

Assessment Criteria: 3.1.1 Company’s purchasing strategies are analysed.

3.1.2 PESTEL factors are determined.
3.1.3 SWOT analysis is conducted.
3.1.4 Purchasing procedures are compared with international best

Content: 3.3.1 Identify & analyse company’s Procurement strategies

3.3.2 Explain PESTEL factors
3.3.3 Describe how SWOT analysis is conducted.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on PESTEL factors.

2. Practical assessment on conducting an industry SWOT

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Learning Outcome 04 Analyse payment strategies for goods and services received

Assessment Criteria: 4. 4.4.1 Identify different payment strategies.

4.4.2 Evaluate strategies which are most beneficial to the
4.4.3 Analyse Strategy ranking according to importance

Content: 4.4.1 Different payment strategies.

4.4.2 Strategies which are most beneficial to the undertaking.
4.4.3 Strategy ranking according to importance.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to identify the different payment strategies.
2. Written and/or oral assessment on strategy evaluation.
3. Practical assessment on strategy ranking and selection.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
• Computers, Laptops
• Smart Phones
• Projectors
• Internet
• Surge Protector Adaptors
• White Board/Interactive Boards
• White Board Markers
• Stationery
• Printer
• Photocopier
• Stapler
• Staple remover
• Paper trays
• Mutton Cloth
Approach to Teaching and Learning:

29. Observation of adult learning principles.

30. Both institution-based and work-based learning to facilitate the integration of theory and
31. Face-to-face education and learning.
32. Problem-based learning.
33. Online/distance education and learning.
34. Blended/hybrid education and learning.
35. Use of social media.


1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and Moderators

All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone ZNQF accredited training
programmes and should have qualifications and experience recognised by the Zimbabwe
National Qualifications Authority (ZNQA).

2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials

 Computers/Laptops
 Smart Phones
 Printer
 Data storage device
 Airtime
 Identification records
 Internet connectivity
 stationery
 Vehicle
 Insulation tape
 Mutton cloth

Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

 Johnson G, Scholes K. & Whittington R. (2010) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. 9th
edition: Prentice Hall. Harlow
 Killen, K.H. (1995) Managing Procurement: Irwin London
 Lewis, C. (1997) Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control. Butterworth. London
 Wild, T. (2002) Best Practice in Inventory Management. Butterworth. London
 Gary, J. (1994) Procurement and the Management of Materials.7thEdition John Willey
and Sons New York
 Lysons, K. (2010) Procurement and Supply Management. Prentice Hall. London:
Management Homewoods: Irwin
 Lysons, K. & Farrington B. (2012) Procurement and Supply Chain Management:
Pearson Times, London
 Baily P et al (1994), Purchasing Principles and Management, Pitman, London
 Doubler D.W, Burt, D.N (1996), Purchasing and Supply Management Text and Cases,
6th edition, McGraw – Hill, New York.
 Killen, K.H. (1995), Managing Purchasing: Irwin, London
 Saunders M. (1994), Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Pitman,
Assessment Grid:
Topic Weighting %

1 Assess Procurement Risk 25

2 Design Procurement Model 25

3 Evaluate Purchasing Strategies 25

4 Determine payment strategies 25

Module Code: 543/23/M08

Module Title: Procurement Negotiation

ZNQF Level: 5
Credits: 15
Duration: 150 hours
Relationship with Based on Unit Standard PROCUREMENT of Qualification Standard
Qualification for A Procurement/Purchasing Officer
Pre-requisite N/A
Purpose of Module: This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by a
Procurement/Purchasing Officer to conduct successful negotiation in
procurement. This module is important, as it will ensure successful
negotiations are conducted by procurement personnel. This gives
business entities that use proper principles in negotiations with suppliers
so as to contain costs and have competitive edge over rivals. This
module targets individuals who are interested in conducting negotiations
in purchasing. It caters for youths and adults as well as men and women.
It is useful for both established businesses and upcoming indigenous
business enterprises.

List of Learning LO1: Prepare for negotiations

LO2: Manage relationship building in negotiation
LO3: Evaluate information gathering techniques
LO4: Control and maintain confidentiality on
information used in negotiation
LO5: Manage bidding in negotiation
LO6: Conclude and seal negotiation deals
LO7: Implement the negotiated deal
Learning Outcome 01 Prepare for negotiations

Assessment Criteria:
1.1 Develop the negotiation strategy
1.2. Select a negotiation Team.

1.3 Prepare a negotiation Agenda

1.4 Conduct a SWOT analysis.

1.2 Develop the negotiation strategy
Integrative (win/win)
Distributive (win/lose)
Win/Perceived Win

1.3 Determine the negotiation team

Selecting the participant
Team roles
Agreeing priorities
Devising a code amongst team members
Rules of engagement

1.4 Decide the negotiation agenda.

Home or Away
Room ergonomics
Agenda item positioning

1.4. Carry out the negotiation SWOT analysis

Assessment Tasks: 5. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to conduct identification of
organisational requirements, prepare budgets and
requisite documentation.
6. Practical assessment on the establishment and adherence
to organisational priorities and requisite documentation.

Conditions/Context of 8. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
9. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the training
10. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers
 Stationery
 Computer
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 02 Manage relationship building in negotiation

Assessment Criteria 2.1. Build a relationship rapport

2.2 Observe the body language in negotiation
2.3 Analyse neuro-linguistic programming.
2.4 Conduct eye accessing

2.1 build a relationship rapport
 Rapport Matrix by Reynolds (2003)
i. Pushover
ii. Respect
iii. No incentive to participate
iv. Begrudging movement

2.2 observe the body language in negotiation

 Basic elements in any face to face encounter:
i. Words/Verbal
ii. Tone of voice/Vocal
iii. Non-verbal behavior/ Visual

2.3 study neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

 Visual
 Auditory
 Kinaesthetic

2.4 interpret eye accessing cues

 Visual creation
 Auditory creation
 Kinaesthetic (feelings)
 Visual remembered
 Auditory remembered
 Internal dialogue

Assessment Tasks 5. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills required to

conduct supplier assessments and or evaluation.
6. Practical assessment on the creation of supplier data
Conditions/Context of 5. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
6. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers
 Stationery
 Computer
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 03 Evaluate information gathering techniques

Assessment Criteria 3.1 Develop questioning techniques.

3.2 Choose Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
(BATNA) is formulated.
3.3 Adopt a Possible Agreement (ZOPA)
3.4 Determined Negotiation Goals and targets.

3.1 Develop questioning techniques.
 Open
 Leading
 Cool
 Planned
 Treat
 Window
 Directive
 Gauging
 Tag
 Multiple
 Reflective
 Hypothetical
 Closed
 Probing

3.2 Formulate Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement

 Know your BATNA
 Improving your BATNA
 Disclose your BATNA
 Consider the other side’s BATNA
 BATNA-less

3.3 Adopt Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)

 ZOPA model by Harvard Business School
i. Reasonable Zone
ii. Credible Zone
iii. Extreme Zone
iv. Insult Zone

3.4 Determine Negotiation Goals and targets

 Ideal target
 Optimal target
 Fall back
 Walk -away
Assessment Tasks 7. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to draft tender documents.
8. Written and or oral assessment on different types of
9. Practical assessment on tender drafting.
Conditions/Context of 7. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of
the practical assessment by the trainees.
8. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
9. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed below:
 Computers
 Stationery
 Computer
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 04 Control and maintain confidentiality on information used in

Assessment Criteria 4.1 Tradeables and Straw Issues are determined.

4.2 Analysed First offer
4.3 Negotiation Power is determined
4.4 Personalities are studied

4.1 Determine Tradeables and Straw Issues
 Reynolds negotiation behavior model
4.2 Analyse First offer
 The extreme but credible marker model
 Use of BATNA
4.3 Determine negotiation power
 Reward power
 Coercive power
 Legitimate power
 Expert power
 Referent power

4.4 Study personalities of negotiators

 Extraversion or introversion
 Sensing or intuition
 Thinking or feeling
 Judging or perceiving
Assessment Tasks 9. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to publish RFQs and, adhere to
procurement procedures and regulations
10. Practical assessment on the drafting of procurement
11. Practical assessment on supplier evaluation.
12. Practical assessment on procurement performance

Conditions/Context of 7. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
8. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
9. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Stationery
 Computer
 Printer
 Photocopier
 Stapler
 Staple remover
 Paper trays
 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 05 Manage bidding in negotiation

Assessment Criteria 5.1 Implemented Persuasion methods are

5.2 Employed Negotiation tactics

5.3 Apply Emotional intelligence skills

5.4 Influence as part of negotiation

Content 5.1 Implement persuasion methods

 Reynolds persuasion methods model

5.2 Employ negotiation tactics

 Add-on
 Bogey
 Chicken
 Good cop/ bad cop
 Low ball/ high ball
 Mother Hubbard
 Now or never
 Russian Front
 The Salami

5.3 Understand Emotional Intelligence elements

 Self-awareness
 Emotional resilience
 Motivation
 Interpersonal sensitivity
 Influencing
 Intuitiveness
 Integrity

5.4 Practising influencing in negotiations

 Yukl’s and Cialdini’s theories of influencing
Assessment Tasks 4 Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to negotiate contracts.
5 Practical assessment on the rights and obligations of the
parties to a contract.
6 Practical assessment on dispute resolution mechanisms.
Conditions/Context of 4. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
5. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
6. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Stationery

 Computer

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth
Learning Outcome 06 Conclude and seal negotiation
Assessment Criteria 6.1 Use Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument elements

6.2 Analysis of subliminal linguistics

6.3 Summarising and Ratification are carried out.

6.4 Carry out summarizing and ratification techniques

6.1 Use Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument elements
 Competing
 Avoiding
 Collaborating
 Accommodating
 Compromising

6.2 Analysis of subliminal linguistics

 Command
 Consensus
 Contractor
 Choice
 Confuse
 Clairvoyant

6.3 Carry out summarizing and ratification techniques

 Thank and Bank
 Summarizing
 Ratification

6.4 Game Theory

 The Prisoner’s Dilemma Scenario
 Game Theory Negotiation Matrix
i. Collaborate/Collaborate
ii. Compete/ Collaborate
iii. Collaborate/Compete
iv. Compete/Compete

Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and

knowledge required to negotiate contracts.
2. Practical assessment on the rights and obligations of
the parties to a contract.
3. Practical assessment on dispute resolution mechanisms.
7. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
8. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
9. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Stationery

 Computer

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth

Learning Outcome 07 Implement the negotiated deal

Assessment Criteria 7.1 Conducted Negotiation Evaluation

7.2 Implemented Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle

7.3 Measure Cultural Dimensions

7.4 Handover and Contract Management

7.1 Negotiation Evaluation
 Feedback from peers/key stakeholders
 Outcomes versus goals
 Use of BATNA
 Critical incident analysis
 Monitoring post-negotiation behavior/ effectiveness of
contract in practice

7.2 Implement Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle

 ACT: concrete experience
 ANALYSE: Reflective observation
 ABSTRACT: Conceptualisation/ generalisation
 ABJUST: Active experimentation

7.3 Understand Cultural Dimensions

 Power Distance Index (PDI)
 Individualism (IDV)
 Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)
 Masculinity (MAS)
 Long term Orientation (LTO)
Assessment Tasks 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and
knowledge required to negotiate contracts.
2. Practical assessment on the rights and obligations of
the parties to a contract.
3. Practical assessment on dispute resolution mechanisms.

Conditions/Context of 4. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a
assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be
conducted by the assessor during the performance of the
practical assessment by the trainees.
5. The practical assessment will be conducted in the
workplace or simulated work environment in the
training institution.
6. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
 Computers
 Stationery

 Computer

 Printer

 Photocopier

 Stapler

 Staple remover

 Paper trays

 Mutton cloth

Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

Fisher R., Ury W. & Patton B. (1997) Getting to Yes: Negotiating on Agreement Without Giving in.
2nd edition. London: Random House Business

Walton R.E. & McKersie R.B. (1991) A Behavioural Theory of Labor Negotiations:An analysis of a
Social Interaction System, 2nd edition. Cornell University Press.

Thompton L., Peterson E. & Brodt S.E. (1996). Team negotiations: An examination of integrative
and distributive bargaining. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 66-78.




LO1 make preparations for negotiation 10

LO2 manage relationship building in negotiation 10
LO3 establish information gathering techniques 15
LO4 control information using in negotiation 15
LO5 manage bidding in 20
LO6 conduct closing the deal 15
in negotiation
LO7 implement the 15
negotiation deal

Module Code: 543/23/09

Module Title: Principles of Purchasing & Supply Management

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 12

Duration: 120 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard


Pre-requisite modules: N/A

Purpose of Module: This module describes the skills, knowledge and

attitudes required by a Procurement Officer to
effectively plan procurement activities. This
includes understanding purchasing and supply
management concepts, analysing ethical and
environmental issues in procurement. The
advantages of this module are to develop better
collaboration with suppliers and increasing
customer value by improving performance of the
function. Access to this module is open to all
target groups including unemployed youths,
women and men wishing to establish or improve
SMEs in any sector of the economy.
List of Learning LO1: Purchasing and supply management
Outcomes: concepts.

LO2: Purchasing Organisation

LO3: Purchasing Policies & Procedures.

LO4: Purchasing objectives.

LO5: Supplier Sourcing & Evaluation.

LO6: Negotiation

LO7: Evaluating Purchasing performance.

LO8: Ethical considerations in Purchasing &

supply management.

Learning Outcome 01 L01: Purchasing & Supply Management concepts

Assessment Criteria: 1.1 Scan the micro and macro purchasing


1.2 Analyse the importance of purchasing both

internally and externally.

1.3 Evaluate contemporary issues in purchasing.

Content: 1.4 The micro and macro purchasing


1.5 The importance of purchasing:

• Internally

• Externally (nationally).

1.6 Contemporary issues in purchasing

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to ascertain the

purchasing environment as outlined in the

assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on the

importance of purchasing based on the

performance criteria of the Qualification

Standard Purchasing Assistant.

3. Written and/ or oral assessment on

contemporary issues in purchasing.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

assessment conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle

Learning Outcome 02 LO2: Purchasing Organisation

Assessment criteria: 2.1Assess the status of purchasing within an


2.2 Explain the indicators of purchasing with a

high & or low status.

2.3 Differentiate betwwen centralisation &

decentralisation of the purchasing function.

Content: 2.1 Status of purchasing within the organization.

2.2 Indicators of purchasing with a high/low


2.3 Implications of position of purchasing on the

organisational structure.

2.4 Centralised and decentralised purchasing

Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to ascertain the

purchasing environment as outlined in the

assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on the

importance of purchasing based on the

performance criteria of the Qualification

Standard Purchasing Assistant.

3. Written and/ or oral assessment on

contemporary issues in purchasing.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

assessment: conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor
during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers

• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle

Learning Outcome 03 LO3: Purchasing Policies & Procedures

Assessment criteria: 3.1 Analyse the contents of a purchasing manual.

3.2 Explain the basic purchasing procedures.

3.3 Differentiate between purchasing

documentation & purchasing records.

Content: 3.4 Contents of a purchasing manual.

3.5 Advantages and disadvantages of purchasing


3.6 Basic purchasing procedure.

3.7 Purchasing documentation & Purchasing


3.8 Simplifying procedures

 Include combining or eliminating forms.

 Simplified procedure for small orders.

Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to design a purchasing

manual as outlined in the assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on the

purchasing procedures based on the performance

criteria of the Qualification Standard Purchasing


3. Written and/ or oral assessment on purchasing

documentation and purchasing records.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical

assessment by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

3. The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices

• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle
Learning Outcome 04 LO4: Purchasing Objectives

Assessment criteria: 4.1 Discuss specific purchasing objectives.

4.2 Explain the general purchasing objective:

 The Right Quality

 The Right Quantity
 The Right Source
 The Right Place
 The Right Time
 The Right Price
Content: 4.3 Specific purchasing objectives

4.4 The general purchasing objective (5 rights of


Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to explain specific

purchasing objectives as outlined in the

assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on the general

purchasing objective (5 Rights of purchasing)

based on the performance criteria of the

Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

assessment: conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor
during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle

Learning Outcome 05 LO5: Supplier sourcing and evaluation

Assessment criteria: 5.1 Understand buying situations.

5.2 Explain supplier evaluation

 Supplier performance rating

 Supplier development

5.3 Buying strategies (Local Buying/Single &

Multiple Sourcing/Reciprocity/Partnership

Sourcing etc.)

5.4 Understand Make & or Buy Decisions.

5.5 Explain the reasons for buying abroad.

5.6 Understand the challenges encountered when

buying abroad.

Content: 5.7 The buying situation.

• Straight rebuy.

• Modified rebuy

• New task

5.8 Evaluation of suppliers

5.9 Local buying

5.10 Single and multiple sourcing.

5.11 Reciprocity

5.12 Make and / or buy decisions

5.13 Reasons for buying abroad

5.14 Challenges encountered when buying from


Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to explain buying

situations as outlined in the assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on sourcing

strategies based on the performance criteria of

the Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.

3. Written and/ or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to make, the Make and

or Buy decisions.

4. Written and or oral assessment on the reasons

for buying abroad and challenges encountered

when buying from abroad.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

assessment: conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor
during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in
the workplace or simulated work environment in
the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the
facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery

• Vehicle
Learning Outcome 06 LO6: Negotiation

Assessment criteria: 6.1 Assess the principles of negotiations.

6.2 Explain the tactics and techniques of
6. Role play the negotiation process.

6.4 Principles of negotiations.

6.5 Tactics and techniques of negotiating.
6.6 The negotiation process.
6.7 Buyers and supplier ‘s bargaining strength

Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to conduct negotiations

as outlined in the assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on the

bargaining power of the parties based on the

performance criteria of the Qualification

Standard Purchasing Assistant.

3. Written and/ or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to explain the negotiation


Conditions/context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical

assessment by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

3. The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle
Learning Outcome 07 LO7: Evaluating purchasing performance

Assessment criteria: 7.1 Understand purchasing performance


7.2 Explain the reasons for evaluating purchasing


7.3 Understand evaluation strategies.

7.4 Understand principles of performance


7.5 Understand problems associated with

performance evaluation of the purchasing


Content: 7.6 Purchasing performance indicators

7.7 Reasons for evaluating purchasing


7.8 Evaluation strategies.

7.9 Principles of performance measurement.

7.10 Problems associated with performance

evaluation of the purchasing function.

Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to conduct supplier

evaluation as outlined in the assessment criteria.

2. Written and or oral assessment on the

principles of performance measurement based on

the performance criteria of the Qualification

Standard Purchasing Assistant.

3. Written and/ or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to explain the problems

with performance evaluation.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical

assessment by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

3. The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers

• Printers

• Data Storage Devices

• Airtime

• Identification Cards

• Internet Connectivity

• Stationery

• Vehicle

Learning Outcome 08 LO8: Ethical considerations in purchasing and

supply management

Assessment criteria: 8.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of

ethics in purchasing and supply management.

8.2 Analyse factors influencing ethical conduct.

8.3 Explain the relationship between purchasing

and its various stakeholders.

8.4 Evaluate the commercial, legal and

organisational implications of professional


8.5 Understand the ethical code (Various

professional boards).

Content: 8.6 Importance of ethics in purchasing.

8.7 Factors influencing Ethical conduct.

8.8 The relationships between purchasing,

suppliers and users.

8.9 Commercial, legal and organizational

implications of professional behaviour.

8.10 The ethical code of the Chartered Institute

of Purchasing and Supply.

Assessment tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required on the importance of

ethics in purchasing as outlined in the assessment


2. Written and or oral assessment on the factors

influencing ethical conduct based on the

performance criteria of the Qualification

Standard Purchasing Assistant.

3. Written and/ or oral assessment on the skills

and knowledge required to explain the ethical

code of conduct.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be

conducted in a classroom environment. Oral

assessment can also be conducted by the assessor

during the performance of the practical

assessment by the trainees.

2. The practical assessment will be conducted in

the workplace or simulated work environment in

the training institution.

3. The context of assessment should include the

facilities, tools, equipment and materials listed


• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices

• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle

Approach to Teaching and Learning:

36. Observation of adult learning principles.

37. Both institution-based and work-based learning to

facilitate the integration of theory and practice.

38. Face-to-face education and learning.

39. Problem-based learning.

40. Online/distance education and learning.

41. Blended/hybrid education and learning.

42. Use of social media.


1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and


All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone

ZNQF accredited training programmes and should have

qualifications and experience recognised by the Zimbabwe National

Qualifications Authority (ZNQA).

2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials

 Computers

 Printer
 Data storage device
 Airtime
 Identification records
 Internet connectivity
 stationery
 Vehicle
 Insulation tape
 Mutton cloth
Assessment Grid:

Topic Weighting %

LO1 Purchasing and supply management 10


LO2 Purchasing Organisation 10

LO3 Purchasing Policies & Procedures. 10

LO4 Purchasing objectives. 15

LO5 Supplier Sourcing & Evaluation. 15

LO6 Negotiation 15

LO7 Evaluating Purchasing performance. 15

LO8 Ethical considerations in Purchasing & 10

supply management.

3. Learning Resources

Relevant training manual (learners’ guide) and facilitators’ guide

4. Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended


Bailey, P. et al (1994), Purchasing Principles and Management,

Pitman London

Killen, K.H. (1995), Managing Purchasing Irwin London,

Leenders, M. R. & Fearon H E. (1993), Purchasing and Materials

Irwin Homewood

Lysons, K. (2000), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management:

Prentice Hall

Module Code: 543/23/M10

Module Title: Industrial & Services Procurement

ZNQF Level: 5

Credits: 10

Duration: 100 Hours

Relationship with Based on Unit Standard

Qualification Standards:

Pre-requisite modules: N/A

Purpose of Module: To provide an understanding of the principles on procurement of
industrial goods and services management and their application
within various types of organisations and operating
List of Learning LO1: Classification of Industrial Goods
LO2: Capital Goods
LO3: Evaluating Capital Equipment Decisions
LO4: Services Procurement

Learning Outcome 01 L01: Classification of Industrial Goods

Assessment Criteria: 1.1Demonstrate knowledge of the Nature of Industrial Goods

1.2 Analyse the factors influencing pricing of primary
1.3 Evaluate Methods of buying commodities.
Content: 1.4 Primary commodities
1.5 Characteristics of primary commodities
1.6 types of primary commodities
1.7 Actors influencing pricing of primary commodities
1.8 Commodity markets for example mbare msika,
1.9 Methods of buying commodities eg hand to mouth buying,
spot contracts, futures etc
1.10 Ways of guarding against price supply fluctuations for
commodities e.g. supplier development , hedging, backward
integration etc.
Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to procure commodities as outlined in the assessment
2. Written and or oral assessment on factors considered when
pricing commodities based on the performance criteria of the
Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.
3. Written and/ or oral assessment on methods of buying

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical

assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below.
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle
Learning Outcome 02 LO2: Capital Goods

Assessment criteria Classification of capital goods eg capital equipment, accessories,

2.1 Analyse Characteristics of capital goods
2.2 Assess Factors influencing purchase of capital equipment
2.3 Compose Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.

Content: 2.1 Classification of capital goods eg capital equipment,

2.2 Characteristics of capital goods
2.3 Factors influencing purchase of capital equipment
2.4 Buying centre composition in capital equipment (size and
2.5 Steps followed in the acquisition of capital equipment
2.6 Methods used to acquire capital equipment e.g. leasing ,
outright purchase, mortgage, hire purchase etc.

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to acquire capital equipment as outlined in the
assessment criteria.
2. Written and or oral assessment on factors influencing the
acquisition of capital equipment based on the performance
criteria of the Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.
3. Written and/ or oral assessment on methods used to acquire
capital equipment.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below.
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle

Learning Outcome 03 LO3: Evaluating Capital Equipment Decisions

Assessment criteria: 3.1 Analyse Circumstances favouring acquisition of new/ old

3.2 Apply Financial /quantifiable methods of evaluating capital
equipment e.g. payback, ARR, NPV including their advantages
and disadvantages
3.3 Apply Non financial/non quantifiable methods of evaluating
capital equipment e.g. environmental factors, effect on staff
motivation, effect on employment etc.

Content: 3.4 The role of procurement in the acquisition of capital

3.5 Used versus new equipment ( advantages and disadvantages)
3.6 Circumstances favouring acquisition of new/ old equipment.
3.7 Financial /quantifiable methods of evaluating capital
equipment e.g. payback, ARR, NPV including their advantages
and disadvantages
3.8 Non financial/non quantifiable methods of evaluating capital
equipment e.g. environmental factors, effect on staff motivation,
effect on employment etc.
3.9 Whole life costing in capital equipment

Assessment tasks: 3.10 Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge

required to acquire new/old capital equipment as outlined in the
assessment criteria.
3.11 Written and or oral assessment on methods of evaluating
capital equipment based on the performance criteria of the
Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.
3.12 Written and/ or oral assessment on whole life costing in
capital equipment.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities, tools,
equipment and materials listed below.
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle
Learning Outcome 04 LO4: Services Procurement

Assessment Criteria: 4.1 Differentiate between goods and services

4.2 Classify services
4.3 Assess challenges faced in services procurement
4.4 Outline Steps in services procurement
5.5 Evaluate Methods of compensating service providers
5.6 Assess In house versus outsourcing of services including
advantages and disadvantages

Content: 4.4 Differentiate between goods and services

4.5 Characteristics of services
4.6 Classification of services
4.7 Difficulties/challenges in services procurement
4.8 Steps in services procurement
4.9 Methods of compensating service providers
4.10 In house versus outsourcing of services including
advantages and disadvantages

Assessment Tasks: 1. Written and/or oral assessment on the skills and knowledge
required to differentiate goods and services as outlined in the
assessment criteria.
2. Written and or oral assessment on the challenges in services
procurement based on the performance criteria of the
Qualification Standard Purchasing Assistant.
3. Written and/ or oral assessment on methods of compensating
service providers.

Conditions/Context of 1. Written and/or oral assessment can be conducted in a

assessment: classroom environment. Oral assessment can also be conducted
by the assessor during the performance of the practical
assessment by the trainees.
2. The practical assessment will be conducted in the workplace
or simulated work environment in the training institution.
3. The context of assessment should include the facilities,
tools, equipment and materials listed below.
• Computers
• Printers
• Data Storage Devices
• Airtime
• Identification Cards
• Internet Connectivity
• Stationery
• Vehicle

Approach to Teaching and Learning:

43. Observation of adult learning principles.

44. Both institution-based and work-based learning to facilitate the integration of
theory and practice.
45. Face-to-face education and learning.
46. Problem-based learning.
47. Online/distance education and learning.
48. Blended/hybrid education and learning.
49. Use of social media.


1. Qualifications and experience of Trainers, Assessors and Moderators

All trainers, assessors and moderators should have undergone ZNQF accredited
training programmes and should have qualifications and experience recognised by the
Zimbabwe National Qualifications Authority (ZNQA).

2. Facilities, Tools, Equipment and Materials

 Computers
 Printer
 Data storage device
 Airtime
 Identification records
 Internet connectivity
 stationery
 Vehicle
 Insulation tape
 Mutton cloth

Assessment Grid:
Topic Weighting %
LO1 Classification of Industrial Goods 25
LO2 Capital Goods 25
LO3 Evaluating Capital Equipment Decisions 25
LO4 Services Procurement 25

3. Learning Resources
Relevant training manual (learners’ guide) and facilitators’ guide

4. Reference Materials (recommended textbooks, recommended readings)

Baily P et al (1994), Purchasing Principles and Management, Pitman, London

Doubler D.W, Burt, D.N (1996), Purchasing and Supply Management Text and Cases,
6th edition, McGraw – Hill, New York.

Killen, K.H. (1995), Managing Purchasing: Irwin, London

Lysons, CK. (2010), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Prentice Hall

Saunders M. (1994), Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Pitman,













1 Principles of Purchasing and Supply 15
2 Logistics management 15
3 Legal aspects of buying 15
4 Inventory Management 15
5 Strategic procurement 12
6 Management of Organisational assets 12
7 Communication 12
8 Industrial and services procurement 12
9 Public procurement 12

10 Procurement negotiation 15



1 Principles of Purchasing 15 1.1 Compile procurement requirements.
and supply 1.2 Create and maintain supplier
1.3 Process tender documents.
1.4 Develop sourcing strategy
1.5 Negotiate Contracts
1.6 Perform purchasing and procurement

2 Logistics management 15 2.1 Determine mode of transport.

2.2 Make security arrangements.
2.3 Capture and record purchasing data
3 Legal aspects of 15 3.1 Prepare policy document.
Procurement 3.2 Prepare contract document.
3.3 Interpret regulations.

4 Inventory management 15 4.1 Design warehouse layout.

4.2 Receive goods.
4.3 Store goods.
4.4 Design stock control measures.
4.5 Process disposal.
4.6 Dispatch goods.
5 Strategic procurement 12 5.1 Assess procurement risk.
5.2 Design procurement model.
5.3 Evaluate purchasing strategies.
5.4 Determine payment strategies.
6 Management of 15 6.1 Manage materials.
Organisational assets 6.2 Manage assets.

7 Communication 12 7.1 Disseminate information.

7.2 Organise departmental meetings.
7.3 Liaise with other departments.
7.4 Liaise with suppliers to complete
procurement processes

8 Industrial and service 12 8.1: Classify Industrial Goods

procurement 8:2 Capital Goods
8.3: Evaluate Capital Equipment
8.4: outline the service procurement

9 Public procurement 12 9.1 Analyse the scope and history of
public procurement for making informed
9.2 Design and implement a public
procurement framework for compliance
9.3 Apply the general principles of public
9.4 Analyse the importance of
accountability in public procurement
9.5 Prepare and plan for public
procurement to avoid impulsive buying
9.6 Apply ethical considerations in
10 Procurement in 12 10.1: Plan for negotiations with
negotiation stakeholders for guidance during
10.2: Build relationships in negotiating
contracts for negotiating in good faith
10.3: Evaluate information gathering
10.4: Maintain confidentiality on
information used in negotiation to comply
with secrecy act
10.5: Manage bidding in negotiation
10.6: Conclude and seal negotiation deals
10.7: Implement the negotiated deal for
the benefit of the organisation


Unit Code
Unit Title: Principles of Purchasing and supply management

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 12

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to process purchasing/procurement transactions, tender

documents and negotiate for contracts.


Element 1.1 Compile procurement requirements

Performance Criteria:

1.1.1 Requisitions from departments are received in accordance with procurement

1.1.2 Requisitions are prioritised according to organisational requirements.
1.1.3 Final list of requirements is compiled according to organisational priorities.
1.1.4 Records are recorded and kept according to company specific requirement.

Element 1.2 Create and maintain supplier database

Performance Criteria:

1.2.1 Supplier authenticity is verified according to procurement best practice.

1.2.2 Sample goods and services inspected according to organisational
1.2.3 Supplier capacity is established according to organisational
1.2.4 Database is created or updated according to supplier rankings.

Element 1.3 Process tender documents

Performance Criteria:

1.3.1 Tender documents drafted according to approved format.

1.3.2 Tender documents submitted for approval.
1.3.3 Tender documents are published using appropriate media.
1.3.4 Tender documents are analysed according to laid down regulations.

Element 1.4 Develop sourcing strategy

Performance Criteria

1.4.1 Potential sources are identified according to set criteria.

1.4.2 Cost benefit analysis is carried out a according to specific requirements or set
1.4.3 Suppliers are selected in accordance to specified rankings (comparative

Element 1.5 Negotiate Contracts

Performance Criteria:

1.5.1 Contracts are negotiated according to set parameters.

1.5.2 Payment terms/options are clarified in line with the organisational capacity.
1.5.3 Rights and obligations of the parties are established.
1.5.4 Contract duration is specified according to agreed parameters.

Element 1.6 Perform purchasing and procurement activities

Performance Criteria:

1.6.1 Purchasing orders are processed according to business procedures.

1.6.2 Scope of delegation to initiate purchase orders is determined.
1.6.3 Report and store information relating to purchases are completed according to
business policy and procedures.
1.6.4 Purchase methods conformed to business ordering cycle and relevant
1.6.5 Purchased product or services conformed to initial purchase order or standards.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Supplier management
Competitor analysis
Budget preparation

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment

Inter-net access

Duration: 120 hours


Unit Code:

Unit Title: Logistics management

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 15

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to design a distribution network and implement

transport security measures.


Element 2.1 Determine mode of transport

Performance Criteria:

2.1.1 Nature and quantity of goods are established according to order specifications.
2.1.2 Transport is selected according to nature of goods.
2.1.3 Deliveries are followed up.

Element 2.2 Make security arrangements

Performance Criteria:

2.3.1 Appropriate insurance is identified in accordance to the nature of goods.

2.3.2 Insurance of goods is ensured in accordance with contract requirements.
2.3.3 Appropriate documentation is ensured in line with security procedures.

Element 2.3 Capture and record purchasing data

Performance Criteria:

2.3.1 Source of different types of procurement information is determined.

2.3.2 Valid information sources are confirmed.
2.3.3 Records of completed purchasing tasks are stored according to procedures.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Risk management
Records keeping
Analytic techniques
Transport planning techniques

Generic Skills:

Team work
Initiative and enterprising
Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment

Inter-net access

Duration: 40 hours


Unit Code
Unit Title: Legal aspects of buying

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 15

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to prepare procurement policy documents, contracts

and interpret purchasing regulations.


Element 3.1 Prepare purchase policy document

Performance Criteria:

3.1.1 Stakeholders are consulted to establish purchase needs.

3.1.2 A list of all purchasing requirements is compiled
3.1.3 Purchasing rules and regulations are drafted according to stakeholders’
3.1.4 Draft policy is submitted for approval.

Element 3.2 Prepare contract documents

Performance Criteria:

3.3.1 Rights and obligations of the parties are outlined

3.3.2 Terms and conditions are established in accordance to specific contract
3.3.3 Final contract submitted for approval.

Element 3.3 Interpret regulations

Performance Criteria:

3.3.1 Regulations governing procurement, storage and transportation are identified.

3.3.2 Procedures are aligned with regulations.
3.3.3 Procedures are implemented according to regulations.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Risk analysis
Policy formulation
Contract preparation

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment

Inter-net access

Duration: 150 hours


Unit Code
Unit Title: Inventory management

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 15

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to receive, store, dispatch goods and implement stock
control measures.


Element 4.1 Design a warehouse layout

Performance Criteria:

4.1.1 Nature of goods to be stored is identified.

4.1.2 Appropriate handling equipment is selected.
4.1.3 Location is determined according to nature or type of goods.

Element 4.2 Receive goods

Performance Criteria:

4.2.1 Goods are verified according to documentation.

4.2.2 Goods are inspected for conformity in accordance with packaging
4.2.3 Receiving documentation is completed and distributed according to

Element 4.3 Store goods

Performance Criteria:

4.3.1 Goods are arranged according to warehouse layout.

4.3.2 Safety precautions are observed in accordance with health and safety.
4.3.3 Housekeeping is carried out in accordance with best practices.
4.3.4 Goods are issued according to set criteria.

Element 4.4 Design stock control measures

Performance Criteria:

4.4.1 Re-order levels are established according to demand requirements.

4.4.2 Security of stocks is ensured.
4.4.3 Physical stock count is carried out according to set guidelines.
4.4.4 Records are reconciled with physical stock.
4.4.5 Stores records are up to dated.

Element 4.5 Process disposal

Performance Criteria:

4.5.1 Goods to be disposed off are identified in accordance with company policy.
4.5.2 Disposal of goods is carried out in accordance with disposal policy of the
4.5.3 Environmental regulations are observed when making disposal.
4.5.4 Disposal record list is maintained.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Warehouse management
Inventory/supply management
Health and safety precautions

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment

Inter-net access

Duration: 40 hours


Unit Code
Unit Title: Strategic procurement

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 15

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to analyse procurement risks and implement suitable
purchasing strategies.


Element 5.1 Assess procurement risk

Performance Criteria:

5.1.1 Risks are established in accordance with risk management.

5.1.2 Trend of all risk elements is analysed.
5.1.3 Risks are ranked according to set criteria.
5.1.4 Risk mitigation plan is drawn up.

Element 5.2 Design procurement model

Performance Criteria:

5.2.1 Processes that affect procurement are identified.

5.2.2 Alternative flow charts are laid out in line with procurement.
5.2.3 Alternatives are ranked in accordance with organisational requirements.
5.2.4 Final model is drawn up in accordance with the ranking.
5.2.5 Model is submitted for approval.

Element 5.3 Evaluate purchasing strategies

Performance Criteria:

5.3.1 Company’s purchasing strategies are analysed.

5.3.2 PESTEL factors are determined.
5.3.3 SWOT analysis is conducted.
5.3.4 Purchasing procedures are compared with international best practices.

Element 5.4 Determine payment strategies

Performance Criteria:

5.4.1 Payment strategies are identified.

5.4.2 Strategies that are most favourable to the entity are evaluated.
5.4.3 Strategies are ranked in their order of advantage to the entity.
5.4.4 Strategy that suits the organisational requirements is selected.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Risk analysis
Monitoring and evaluation
Mitigation measures
Strategic planning

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment

Inter-net access

Duration: 40 hours


Unit Code
Unit Title: Management of Oganisational assets

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 15

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024BA

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to manage materials and assets.


Element 6.1 Manage materials

Performance Criteria:

6.1.1 Knowledge of organisational procedures and documentation is demonstrated.

6.1.2 Authorisation to receive and distribute materials is obtained.
6.1.3 Records of materials movement and report are maintained.
6.1.4 Internal control systems are observed.

Element 6.2 Manage assets

Performance Criteria:

6.2.1 Asset register is prepared and maintained.

6.2.2 Physical resource verification is carried out.
6.2.3 Asset procurement is determined.
6.2.4 Internal control systems are observed.
6.2.5 Asset register is maintained.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Procuring procedures
Receiving and distributing materials
Maintain asset registers
Report writing

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment

Inter-net access

Duration: 20 hours


Unit Code
Unit Title: Communication

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 12

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to communicate effectively with internal and external


Element 7.1 Disseminate information

Performance Criteria:

7.1.1 Written reports are produced.

7.1.2 Information is transmitted using proper media.
7.1.3 Relevant reports are submitted to stakeholders on time.

Element 7.2 Organise departmental meetings

Performance Criteria:

7.2.1 Memos and letters are written in accordance to laid down standards.
7.2.2 Meetings are arranged in accordance to set rules.
7.2.3 Meetings are conducted in accordance with prescribed agenda.
7.2.4 Accurate records of meeting proceedings are produced.
7.2.5 Presentation skills are demonstrated.
7.2.6 Completed evaluation forms by participants are produced.
7.2.7 Completed register of participants is produced.

Element 7.3 Liaise with other departments

Performance Criteria:

7.3.1 Appropriate communication procedures are followed in line with the

company’s policy.
7.3.2 Problems and queries are handled with reference to customer service standards.
7.3.3 Departments meetings are scheduled according to calendar of events.

Element 7.4 Liaise with suppliers to complete procurement processes

Performance Criteria:

7.4.1 Suppliers are contacted to complete purchases according to procurement

7.4.2 Confirmation of purchasing and supply arrangements is carried out.
7.4.3 Interface with suppliers is maintained to ensure the accuracy of
Communication relating to purchases

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Report writing
Memo and letter writing
Knowledge of electronic
Coordinating meetings
Minute taking

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment


Duration: 40 hours

Unit Code
Unit Title: Industrial and service procurement

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 12

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2024

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to communicate effectively with internal and external


Element 8.1 Classify Industrial Goods

Performance Criteria:

8.1 Knowledge of the Nature of Industrial Goods is demonstrated

8.2 Factors influencing pricing of primary commodities are assessed.
8.3 Analyse Methods of buying commodities are analysed

Element 8.2 Evaluate Capital Equipment Decisions

Performance Criteria:
8.2.1 Capital goods eg capital equipment, accessories are classified,
8.2.2 Capital goods are analysed
8.2.3 Factors influencing purchase of capital equipment are explained
8.2.4 Steps followed in the acquisition of capital equipment demonstrated

Element 8.3 : Outline the Services Procurement process

Performance Criteria:

8.3.1 Goods and services are differentiated

8.3.2 Characteristics and classification of services are analysed
8.3.3 Methods of compensating service providers
8.3.4 In. house and outsourcing of services are compared and contrasted

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Report writing
Memo and letter writing
Knowledge of electronic
Coordinating meetings
Minute taking

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment



Unit Code
Unit Title: Public procurement

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 12

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: January 2023

Review Date: TBA

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to communicate effectively with internal and external


Element 9.1 Evaluate the scope and history of public procurement

Performance Criteria:

9.1.1 Public procurement processes are defined

9.1.2 Scope and purpose of public procurement is evaluated
9.1.3 Historical development and legal framework of public procurement in
Zimbabwe are analysed
9.1.4 Public procurement sessions are planned for.

Element 9.2 Prepare and plan for public procurement

Performance Criteria:

9.2.1 Procurement preparations are done

5.1.2 Procurement is planned
5.1.3 Annual and Individual procurement plans are prepared
5.1.4 Shared procurement is planned
5.1.5 Division of procurements are explained

Element 9.3 Review Public Procurement Proceedings

Performance Criteria:

9.3.1 Procurement proceedings are explained.

9.3.2 Appeal against decision of review panel is launched
9.3.3 Powers of investigator are discussed.
9.3.4 Procedure on completion of investigation.

Element 9.4 Review Public Procurement Proceedings

Performance Criteria:

9.4.1 Ethics in materials management are explained.

9.4.2 Identify and explain ethical issues in public procurement are assessed.
9.4.3 Management of hazardous materials is explained.

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Report writing
Memo and letter writing
Knowledge of electronic
Coordinating meetings
Minute taking

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment




Unit Code
Unit Title: Procurement in negotiation

Level of Unit: ND

Credits: 12

Occupation: Purchasing Officer

Date of Promulgation: TBA

Review Date: January 2024

Aim of the unit standard

This unit enables an individual to communicate effectively with internal and external


Element 10.1 Prepare for negotiations

Performance Criteria:

10.1 Negotiation strategy is adopted.

10.2. Negotiation Team is determined.\
10.3 Negotiation Agenda is decided
10.4 Negotiation SWOT analysis is carried out.

Element 10.2 Manage relationship building in negotiation

Performance Criteria:

10.2.1relationship rapport is built

10. 2.2 Body language is observed
10. 2.3 Neuro-linguistic programming is studied.
10,2.4 Eye accessing is conducted

Element 10.3 Evaluate information gathering techniques

Performance Criteria:

10.3.1 Appropriate communication procedures are followed in line with the

company’s policy.
10.3.2 Problems and queries are handled with reference to customer service standards.
10.3.3 Departments meetings are scheduled according to calendar of events.

Element 10.4 Control and maintain confidentiality on

Performance Criteria:

10.4.1 Tradeables and Straw Issues are determined.

10.4.2 First offer is analysed
10. 4.3 Negotiation Power is determined
10.4.4 Personalities are studied

Competencies Required in Readiness for Assessment:

Report writing
Memo and letter writing
Knowledge of electronic
Coordinating meetings
Minute taking

Generic Skills:

Computer literacy

Range Statement:

Tools and Equipment






Pre-requisites: Approval Date: Review Date:


A1 Identify  Search business directory/ e-directory  List of potential suppliers is o Relationship o Interpretation of
potential suppliers  Flight adverts compiled management results
 Place tenders  Advertisements in the press and o Business law
 Locate business leads electronic media. o Tendering process o Communication
 Pamphlets issued o Computer
 Tender documents drafted knowledge o Computers
 Tender proposal issued o Basic statistics
 Other business colleagues o Public relations o Estimations
contacted. o Research
o Organizing
A2. Screen  Categorize suppliers  Segmented suppliers list is
suppliers  Check legal compliance produced o Planning
 Check financial status  Legal documents are verified
 Check for capacity to supply  Financial statements are o Analytical
 Check for trade references analyzed
 Check for dealership documents  Site visits are conducted o Numeracy
 Samples are obtained and tested
 Referees are contacted for

verification o Driving
 Dealership documents are
verified o Entrepreneurship.

A 3 : Contract  Rate shortlisted suppliers  Supplier evaluation form is

suppliers  Select suppliers based on scoring completed
 Draft contracts  Summary of suppliers’ scores is
 Enter into a contract produced
 Final suppliers list is produced
 Contract document is drafted
 Supplier is engaged
 Signed contract document is


Stationary Vehicles Internet
Procurement manuals Phones Fax machine
Procurement Act Computer and computer accessories Printers


Housekeeping Environmental regulations Health Management
Personal protective clothing (PPE) First aid kit
Workplace safety rules and regulations Portable water


Responsible Positive attitude disciplined
Team player Clean Reliable
Hardworking Honesty
Go-getter Planned work habit Adaptability
Time conscious Loyal
Professional devotion





Pre-requisites: Approval Date: Review Date:


B1 Compile  Liaise with user departments  Memos to user departments o Relationship o Interpretation of
requisitions  Check for authorization  Requisition worksheets received management results
 Consolidate requisitions  Authorized requisition sheets o Business law
 Deduce purchasing plan filed o Tendering process o Communication
 Purchase plan is drafted o Computer
knowledge o Computers
B2. Source  Contact suppliers  Suppliers contacted (e-mail, fax, o Basic statistics
quotations  Negotiate terms and phone e.t.c.) o Public relations o Estimations
 Compile comparative schedule  Quotations received o Research
 Completed comparative schedule o Purchasing context o Organizing
o Business analysis
and its o Planning
B 3 : Raise  Call for procurement committee  Supplier is selected environment
Purchase Order meeting  Minutes of procurement meeting o Product o Analytical
 Select supplier filed knowledge
 Generate purchase order  Signed purchase order o Numeracy
 Seek authorization

B 4: Confirm order  Place the order  Supplier contacted o Driving
with supplier  Process payment  Payment documents prepared
 Follow-up and expedite order  Payment documents submitted o Entrepreneurship


Stationary Phones Printers

Procurement manuals Computer and computer accessories Order book
Procurement Act Internet
Vehicles Fax machine


Housekeeping Environmental regulations Health Management

Personal protective clothing (PPE) First aid kit
Workplace safety rules and regulations Portable water


Responsible Go-getter Reliable
Team player Time conscious Adaptable





Pre-requisites: Approval Date: Review Date:


C1 Receive goods  Notify the user or requester of their  Invoices by the user departments o Materials handling o Interpretation
delivery signed o Computer skills
 Facilitate the inspection of goods  Invoices by the stores personnel applications
 Match order, invoice and delivery note signed o Stores process and o Communication
 Shelf goods in the receiving bay  Receiving bay cleared procedures
 Process invoices and order  Goods correctly shelved o Relationship o Computers
 Send GRV for payment  GRV generated management
 GRV submitted to the o Environmental o Estimations
responsible office management
o Environmental o Organizing
C2. Manage stock  Bin goods  Bin cards balance/quantity policies
movement  Update bin cards using GRV tallying with electronic or o Records o Planning
 Classify bins and stock system balance/quantity management
 Maintain re-order level  Neatly arranged shelves o Public relations o Analytical
 Carryout stock take and spot checks  Clearly labeled bins o Business law
 Identify and report on redundant,  Stock hens well arranged o Basic statistics o Numeracy
absolute pilferage stock

 Update bin cards using issue vouchers  Stores loss control sheet filed o e-commerce o Driving
 Process credit notes of wrongly o Product
supplied goods knowledge o Entrepreneurship

o Packaging skills
C 3 : Dispatch  Check availability of goods  Request document record filed
goods  Pick goods  Picked goods in the dispatch bay
o Machine
 Record request  Goods correctly packed
 Issue goods using issue vouchers  Issue voucher processed operating skills
 Update dispatch book  Goods returned notes filed
 Send defective, wrongly supplied o Fire handling
 Consignment notes filed
goods back to supplier  Suppliers credit notes filed skills
 Pack goods for external or branch
 Contact freight forwarders

C 4: Maintain  Clean warehouse  Warehouse cleaned to standards

warehouse  Maintain clear pathways  Pathways cleared
 Maintain machinery and equipment  Machinery and equipment in
for handling proper working condition
 Ensure accessibility of fire  Fire equipment in correctly
equipment placed
 Maintain adequate ventilation  Warehouse properly ventilated
 Maintain adequate security  Security system put in place


Stationary Forklift computer accessories

Stores manuals Computer consumables
Vehicles PPE
Phones Computer Printers
CCTV Engraver Shelving equipment
Measuring equipment Pallets Fire equipment
Cleaning equipment Hydraulic jacks


Personal protective clothing (PPE)
Workplace safety rules and regulations

Environmental regulations
First aid kit

Responsible Team player
Hardworking Diligent
Time conscious Positive attitude
Clean Honesty
Planned work habit Loyal
Professional devotion disciplined
Reliable Adaptability
Integrity Sober minded
Organized Pro-active


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