Ilearn New 2 Students Book

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Student 's Book

Gisele Aga
Patricia McKay Aronis
Renata Chimim
Tatiana Martin

New iLearn App and Site access code:


- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 1 23/04/18 08:56

Head of Product - Pearson Brasil Gabriela Diuana The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind
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Tatiana Martin 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104,
Renata Chimim
105, 106, 111, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 131, 136, 139,
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(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

New iLearn English 2 Student's Book / Gisele Aga...

[et al.]. -- 2. ed. -- São Paulo : Pearson Education do
Brasil, 2018.

Outros autores: Patricia McKay Aronis, Renata Chimim,

Tatiana Martin.
Acompanhado de CD
ISBN 978-85-430-2434-9 (Inglês)

1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Aga, Gisele.

II. Aronis, Patricia McKay. III. Chimim, Renata.
IV. Martin, Tatiana.

18-13958 CDD-372.652

Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Inglês : Ensino fundamental 372.652

ISBN 978-85-430-2434-9 (Student’s Book)

ISBN 978-85-430-2435-6 (Teacher’s Book)
ISBN 978-85-430-2437-0 (Reader) 2018

- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 2 23/04/18 08:56

Student 's Book
Welcome Unit ................................................................................ 8
Unit 1 When is your birthday? ........................................................ 14
Unit 2 There is one auditorium....................................................... 28
Rewind 1 – Units 1-2..................................................................... 42
Unit 3 What’s your favorite sport?................................................... 44

Unit 4 Netflix or YouTube: what’s your vibe?.................................... 58

Rewind 2 – Units 3-4..................................................................... 72
Unit 5 How often do you play video games?.................................... 74
Unit 6 What does he look like?....................................................... 88
Rewind 3 – Units 5-6................................................................... 102
Unit 7 The pet shop is on the corner. ........................................... 104
Unit 8 Are there any hot dog buns? .............................................. 118
Rewind 4 – Units 7-8................................................................... 132
Reading Hub............................................................................... 135
Workbook................................................................................... 145
Audioscripts................................................................................. 180
Audio tracks................................................................................. 184

A01_ILEARN_2_SB_INTRO.indd 3 25/04/18 17:51


Verb to be Listening: People talking - -

Welcome unit about the activities they
Positive and
page 8 negative personality are doing
characteristics Speaking: Talking about
Present Continuous – people’s activities
affirmative, negative, Reading: Opinion about
and interrogative books
Writing: Opinion about
a book

Prepositions of time Listening: A teen asking CULTURE Social media post:

1 When Would like vs. Like her friends about their Chinese New Year A birthday party
is your Asking and telling the
birthdays celebrations invitation
birthday? time Speaking: Making
page 14 Can: Permission
Reading: A schedule

Writing: A schedule

There is/are – Yes/No Listening: Two friends EDUCATION Book extract:

2 There is questions and question talking about their school
School facilities
Speaking: Describing the
Calendar of a NYC
The Prince and the

School subjects facilities of your ideal school

page 28
Conjunctions - and, or, but Reading: A fact file about
schools in Australia
Simple Present with to like
Writing: A school
Object pronouns – him/ description

Rewind 1 (Units 1 & 2) page 42


Simple Present – Listening: Two friends PHYSICAL EDUCATION Fact file:

3 What’s affirmative and negative talking about their favorite Testimonials on Soccer player Lionel
your sentences and questions people and sports obesity Messi
favorite Routine activities Speaking: Talking about
sport? Collocations with to routine activities
play, to do, to go + Reading: Routine
page 44 sports activities
Can: Abilities Writing: An online profile

Simple Present – 3rd Listening: Teens talking SOCIAL STUDIES Blog post:
4 Netflix or person singular: about free-time activities How do some people A teenage girl from
YouTube: affirmative and negative and how often they do them around the world Iraq
what’s and interrogative Speaking: Comparing spend their free time?
your vibe? Prepositions of time and your schedule with your
frequency adverbs classmate's
page 58
TV shows and movie Reading: Teen volunteers
genres from different countries
Writing: A blog post

Rewind 2 (Units 3 & 4) page 72

4 • New iLearn English 2

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Simple Present Listening: Video game SOCIAL STUDIES Social media post:
5 How often Video game genres habits Gaming behavior on Extracts from
do you Frequency adverbs Speaking: Interviewing a boys and girls a WhatsApp
play video classmate about free-time conversation
games? Question Words as activities
follow-up questions
page 74 Reading: Online magazine
Writing: WhatsApp

Physical characteristics - Listening: Physical HEALTH Poem: Simple Girl

6 What structure to look like descriptions Online Article: Selfie
does he Personality traits Speaking: Describing a addiction
look like? Because for causes and person
page 88 reasons Reading: Two teenagers
So vs. Because talking about people’s

Modifier - a little, very
to be, to have and to Writing: A profile on
wear for descriptions PL social media

Rewind 3 (Units 5 & 6) page 102

Places in the city Listening: Asking for and GEOGRAPHY News report: The
7 The pet Prepositions of place giving directions Article about the GPS best places to live
shop is on Means of transportation Speaking: Giving
the corner. directions to a classmate
Giving directions
page 104 Reading: Cell phone app
suggestions about things to
do in the city
Writing: Directions

Simple Present vs. Present Listening: Conversation HEALTH Recipe: Mac and
8 Are there Continuous - questions about routine and ongoing Article on pros and Cheese
any hot and short answers activities cons of GMOs
dog buns? Count and non-count Speaking: Talking about
nouns routine activities
page 118
Some and Any Reading: Invitations
How much vs. How Writing: Party invitation
Food and drinks and its

Rewind 4 (Units 7 & 8) page 132

Reading Hub page 135
Workbook page 145
Audioscripts page 180
Audio tracks page 184

Contents • 5

A02_ILEARN_2_SB_CONTENTS.indd 5 23/04/18 15:04

in this unit you will
• learn to use the Simple Present

with he, she, and it
• ask and answer yes/no
questions in the Simple Present
• compare your routine with
other people’s
• talk about movies and TV shows

Student’s Book
The New iLearn English uses the PPP learning methodology. In the Presentation stage
new structures are presented, in the Practice stage students will practice the new structures
by means of controlled activities and with more interference from the teacher, so that during
the Production stage they can use these structures for more spontaneous communication.

Opening Pages
Every unit starts with two Opening Pages containing:

in this unit you will

• learn to use the Simple Present
with he, she, and it
• ask and answer yes/no

questions in the Simple Present
In this unit • compare your routine with Start up START UP
you will
other people’s
Let’s plug in! What’s
• talk about movies and TV shows
Warm-up activity for your perfect day?
Main objectives for the unit. content contextualization.
PL Netflix or YouTube: what’s your vibe? • 59

058a071_iL2_SB_U4_p3.indd 59 08/11/17 16:12


1 Read and listen to the dialogues below.


What are you

doing, Alex?

Section for the I’m checking the cables.

Presentation Stage
3 Use
Comethe on, letters from
Alex! I need Activity
your help. I 2 to classify the games below.

can’t finish my history homework.

Why don’t you just google it?

Are you playing PES 2017

again, Douglas?
Of course I am!

You play this game

UPLOADING every day. Why don’t
you try Overwatch?

Come on, Lily! You
know I’m a soccer fan.
Use the letters from Activity 2 to classify the games below.

Section for the 2

Listen and say these game genres.

Practice Stage 39

Let’s plug in! What’s role playing platform racing real-time sports
your perfect day? a i
d e f

Netflix or YouTube: what’s your vibe? • 59

c GAME g
fighting sandbox
b h
058a071_iL2_SB_U4_p3.indd 59 08/11/17 16:12

Practice the dialogues with a partner.
Put the dialogues in the correct order.

1 Rachel, do you like video games? 1 Chloe, do you like video games?
76 • Unit 5
Yes, I do. I love video games! Why not?

Section for the - ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 76

I like some of them, but SimCity is my favorite. No, I don’t.

27/02/18 14:08

Production Stage You’re kidding! That’s my favorite video game, too.

Let’s play it together then.

Your turn!
You’re kidding! I love board games, too.
I don’t think they’re fun. I like traditional
board games more.

What is your favorite video game?

Personalized oral practice of
Let’s play one of them sometime.

DOWNLOADING the structuresgames? presented.

How often do you play videoYour turn!
• 77

- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 77
Put the dialogues in the correct order.
Practice the dialogues with27/02/18
a partner.

1 Rachel, do you like video games? 1 Chloe, do you like video games?

6 • New iLearn English 2

Yes, I do. I love video games! Why not?

I like some of them, but SimCity is my favorite. No, I don’t.

You’re kidding! That’s my favorite video game, too. You’re kidding! I love board games, too.
I don’t think they’re fun. I like traditional
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 6 Let’s play it together then.
board games more. 23/04/18 08:57

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. There is only one teachers’ room/classroom in 6. There isn’t a gym or/but an auditorium in my school.
my school.

iSkills English for • Culture

7. When is your math class? It’s on Tuesdays and
2. There are lockers/restrooms in the classrooms. Thursdays/Mondays and Fridays.

1 GoListenDo and
It is a cell phone app that gives suggestions about things to do in a city. READING

read the suggestions.
Read the infographic and complete the sentences.

Chinese New Year Celebration

3. There isn’t a computer lab/lockers, but there is 8. I don’t like/like drama class, but I like music.
Preceding Days (23rd-29th New Year’s Eve (30th of
an auditorium/a gym. Chinese New Year is
iSkills English for
celebrated for sixteen days (from of the 12th lunar month) the 12th lunar month)
iLearn Games Cakes and Coffee New Year’s Eve to the Lantern Festival).
The preparations start seven days before
New Year’s Eve. Many activities for this
Are you hungry? Do you like to surf the Net?
Integrated work focused on the four skills: Cross-curricular themes and
If you’re a video game fan, iLearn Games is the period are traditional customs, but
place for you. You can rent the latest games If you answered “Yes,” then Cakes and Coffee some are quite new. […]
and also play video games with your friends. is the right place for you! It’s the perfect 9. A: Do you like history?
listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
A lot of teenagers hang out at the store every
weekend. Unfortunately, you can’t eat or drink
combination of good food and Internet
surfing: they have delicious cakes and modern
4. There are/aren’t five classrooms. Cleaning vocabulary expansion.
B: Yes, I like/do . shopping
New Year Putting up Enjoying a
the house spring couplets family dinner
in the store. computers with free internet access for one
hour. You can also play computer games
online. Chinese New Year’s Day Day 2 to Day 7
55 Willow Avenue (between The National
Museum and iLearn Middle school) Where? ord
see w up

55 Willow Avenue (next to pop- 5. Are there tablets in your computer lab? 10. Mr. Stewart is an awesome teacher.
172 Yes, there is/are . I really like him/her .
The National Museum) page

Giving red envelopes Staying up late Setting off firecrackers Offering sacrifices Visiting friends

21 What time is it?

(lucky money) to kids and fireworks to ancestors and relatives

Read the sentences. Circle iLearn Games or Cakes and Coffee.

At this place, you can… Day 8 Day 15 (Lantern Festival – Chinese New Year period ends)
How to play:
a. play computer games. 1. Work with a classmate.d.Yousurfwill
the need
Net forafree.
die and two counters. What your score means…
b. play START
video games.
2. Place your counters on the “START” position.
e. rent video games.
Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.
3. Take turns rolling the die and moving around the board. 8-10 Congratulations! You can understand and use the language learned in this unit. Write
your app

4. Follow the instructions in the spaces. If you make a mistake, go back to “START”. ord
c. eat cakes.
5. The first player to reach the “END” position is the winner!
1. again.
questions ThereMostis only
back to work
go teachers’ room/classroom
peopleone Exercise with the main structures
Good job! How about looking back over pages 28 to 37? Then answer the
Lighting and
watching lanterns
in sweet
score here:
dumplings 6.MoreThere see w up
isn’t a gym
fireworks or/but an auditorium in my scho
my school. page
iSpeak Revision of grammatical and lexical 0-4 Oops... I’m sure you can do better! Let’s Adapted
try again!
seen in the unit and feedback on
and answer the questions. Ask your teacher for help.
back to pages 28 to 37
Accessed on June 11, 2017.

a. The Chinese New Year celebrations lastperformance (score).


3 Find your way.

structuresI needinto ago fun way.
3 days. sixteen
Go straight
SPACES on for one

Step 1: Your teacher will place some cards with names to the bank. b. The celebrations start on and finish on the Lantern Festival.
New Year’s Eve

block and turn right on
of diff
GOerent places around the classroom. May Street. Turn right on Read the biographies on. beforeThere is one auditorium. • 41
c. The preparations startand complete with in or days New Year’s Eve.
8 is your math class? It’s on Tuesdays and
Step 2: AAHEAD
classmate will choose a place to go and June Street. The bank is
class will give him/her directions. next to the pet shop.
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 41
d. On Chinese New Year’s Day, people set off firecrackers and fireworks Unit
7. . When 27/02/18 14:01

Rewind 1 2. Theree.are lockers/restrooms

From in the classrooms.
Day 2 to Day 7, people visit and Thursdays/Mondays
. and Fridays.
friends relatives
Units 1 - 2

1f. Read
114 • Unit 7 On Day 8, most people go back toThis is Andrew Garfield. Hework
was born in Los Angeles, California, the U.S. He was born
the recipe for mac and cheese, a classic American dish.
in 1983. His birthday is August 20 . He is an actor. His first role was on

- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 114
GO 27/02/18 14:17
Match the questions with the answers. Ahead
2 a TV series 2005. His first Spiderman movie was released in Brazil
a. When is your birthday, Juliana? c Sure. I’d love to! July 6th, 2012. When is your birthday? • 25

b. Isn’t your birthday on May 21st? d I’d like to watch that new movie on Channel 501. Ingredients
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 25 27/02/18 13:59
• 1 (8-oz) box macaroni
c. Would you like to come to my birthday party next Friday? f Not now, dear. It’s time to go to bed. 3. There isn’t a• 1computer
cup of shredded lab/lockers, but there is 8. I don’t like/like drama class, but I like music.
Reading Hub
d. What
GO would you like to do tonight?GO b No, it’s on May 31GO
. st
an auditorium/a gym.
• ¼ cup butter

Ahead back
e. back
• ¼ cup flour
What time is the wake-up call? 1
e It’s at 7:15. 3
Ariana Grande is an actress and singer. She was born
½ teaspoon salt
1993 in Boca Raton,
Extra reading activities with
f. SPACES a 2 cups milk Florida, the U.S. Her birthday is
Can I use your tablet, Mom? It’s on October 13th. • June 26th. 2008, at the age of 15, she

Revision of grammatical and lexical

• Ground black pepper (to taste)

was in a Broadway play. Ariana is a singer, too. She had her first single 2011.
Complete the dialogues below. Use the sentences given. revision of grammatical and lexical

She won an award as Artist of the Year November 20 , 2016.

structures every two units.

structures in a fun Ready way.

Match holidays to the months they are celebrated. Prep 10 min Cook 20 min in 30 min
I’d like to go to a hamburger place with some friends. 9. A: Do you like history?
Christmas I like going to the movies. December
I’d like to go to the movies. 7 are/aren’t
4. ThereNow your fi
1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook the macaroni in the boiling water,
ve classrooms.
occasionally for 8 minutes. Drain.
2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Then stir in flour, salt, and pepper for about
B: Yes, I like/do .
Halloween May 5 minutes until smooth. Slowly pour the milk into butter-flour mixture while continuously
a. A: What would you like to do tonight?
stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbling (about 5 minutes). Add the cheese to the milk
B: Labor
I’d like to go to the movies. mixture and stir until the cheese melts (2 to 4 minutes).

Day June
3. Mix the macaroni into the cheese sauce until coated.
A: Great! Let’s see what’s on.
Valentine’s Day October
b. A: What do you like doing in your free time? Adapted from: Accessed on August 17, 2017.

B: I like going to the movies.

5. Are there tablets in your computer lab? 10.sepoe wMr.
p-up Stewart is an awesome teacher.
or d

26 • Unit 1A: Cool! Let’s go to the movies together some time. 1 oz (ounce) = 28.34 g (grams)
Yes, there is/are . page
I really like him/her .
Workbook When is your birthday?
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 26
c. A: So, what would you like to do for your birthday?
unit 1
27/02/18 14:00 2iCan
Number the pictures according to the instructions.

B: I’d like to go to a hamburger place with some friends. Check ( ) the box that best describes your performance in this unit.

Would you LIKE us? LIKE
like to joinvs. PERMISSION : CAN / CAN’T
1. I can talk about dates and times. Yes, I can. Not sure.

A: That sounds like fun.

Grammar Reference

2. I can talk about things I like/don’t like. Yes, I can. Not sure.

A: Would you like to

Reference 3. I can talk about things I would/wouldn’t like to do. iCan
Yes, I can. Not sure.
see my new video?
Underline the correct alternatives
B: Yes,inI would!
the dialogues below. 3
4. I can use can and can’t to ask and give permission. 1
Yes, I can. Not sure. 2

What your score means…

a. A: How many / How classrooms are there?
B: There is / are twenty. B: Yes, sure!
Self-study guide
d. A: How many restroom / restrooms are there?
A: Can I help, Dad? You can’t use your cell
B: Yes, therephone beforeare
is. / There yousix.
Self-assessment of
forlab?each unit. Congratulations! You can understand and useperformance in inthethisunit.
Reading Hub | Unit 8 • 143
your homework. When is your birthday? • 151
b. A: Is there / Are there any lockers
A: I’dinlike
read e. A: Is / Are there a computer
Já vimos que can é usado para indicar habilidades. Usamos esse verbo 8-10 the language learned unit. Write
B: No, there are / aren’t.
your text. também para pedir permissão.
B: No, there isn’t / isn’t two.
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 143 27/02/18 14:22
your app
B: OK, here it is! Lembre-se:
• na afirmativa, can assume sempre a mesma forma; 5-7 Good job! How about looking back over pages 28 to 37? Then answer the score here:
c. A: Is there / Are there a gym? • nunca usamos to antes do verbo que vem depois de can;

B: Yes, there is / are two.

• a forma de can na negativa é cannot (ou a contração can’t);
• na interrogativa, basta inverter a ordem entre can e o sujeito. questions again.

Usamos would like para manifestar uma intenção ou fazer um pedido,
Oops... I’m sure you can do better! Let’s try again! Go back to pages 28 to 37
Agora faça a atividade 3.
uma oferta ou um convite de forma educada. Ela é seguida de um

App - Activities for extended Website - Exclusive teacher and student

verbo no infinitivo com to.
As formas de would são:
• afirmativa: would ou ‘d (pouco usada com o pronome it); PREPOSITIONS OF TIME and answer the questions. Ask your teacher for help.
42 • New iLearn
• negativa: English
would 2
not ou wouldn’t.
Na interrogativa, basta inverter a ordem entre would e o sujeito.
When is his birthday?

practice with gamified areas for extra resources,

Em short answers, usamos apenas would ou wouldn’t.

seguir, as formas assumidas por would like:
Veja, a42 DECEMBER
It’s in December.
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 27/02/18 14:01

25 It’s on December 25th.

It’s at Christmas.

I would like to eat now. = I’d like to eat now.
Quando falamos de datas, usamos as seguintes preposições:
• on para indicar o dia de um evento;
• in para indicar somente o mês ou ano de um evento;
including tests, audio, AnimatedThere is one auditorium
Readers, and Active Teach.
• at quando nos referimos a uma celebração específica.
They would like to eat now. = They’d like to
eat now.
A: What time is it?
Negative B: It’s 7:15 p.m.
- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 41
She would not like to eat now. = She wouldn’t
like to eat now.
Quando dizemos que horas são, não usamos at. Essa preposição é
We would not like to eat now. = We wouldn’t utilizada somente para indicar o horário de um evento.
like to eat now. Lembre-se:
• seven fifteen = a quarter after seven;
Interrogative • seven thirty = half past seven;
• seven forty-five = a quarter to eight.
Would I / you / he / they like to eat now?
Agora faça as atividades 4, 5 e 6.
They like playing soccer.
She likes listening to music.
Word pop-up

Presentation • 7
A: Does he like watching TV?
B: No, he doesn’t.
scavenger hunt – caça frases com sete personagens
ao tesouro chineses cada, escritas em preto
Utilizamos like seguido de verbo com -ing para dizer que gostamos de algo. track and field – atletismo no papel vermelho
• para usar essa estrutura é preciso conjugar o verbo like; firecrackers – bombinhas to stay up late – ficar
• na negativa, utilizamos does not (ou doesn’t) para a terceira pessoa acordado até tarde
fireworks – fogos de artifício
e do not (ou don’t) para as demais; sweet dumplings – típicos
• na interrogativa, invertemos a posição entre do ou does e o sujeito. spring couplets – pares de
bolinhos doces chineses
A02_ILEARN_2_SB_CONTENTS.indd 71 e 2.
Agora faça as atividades 25/04/18 19:13
Welcome Unit


8 • New iLearn English 2

- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 8 23/04/18 08:57

• use the verb to be
• talk about positive and negative
• use the Present Continuous to talk
about ongoing activities
• talk about actions


Let’s plug in! Which activities do you prefer? Why?

Welcome Unit • 9

- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 9 23/04/18 08:58


1 Some iLearn Middle School students are giving their opinion about the Hunger Games trilogy.
Read what they are saying.

I’m reading "Hunger

Games 2". I think it’s
awful, but "Hunger
Games 1" is excellent.

Katniss and Peeta are very intelligent and
cool, but Peeta is my favorite character.
“Hunger Games 2” and
“Hunger Games 3” are
very silly and boring.

“Hunger Games 2” is Study this

excellent, but it isn’t
my favorite book. Affirmative Negative
I am = I’m I am not = I’m not
It is = It’s It is not = It isn’t
They are = They’re They are not = They aren’t

10 • New iLearn English 2

- ILEARN_2_SB_BOOK -.indb 10 23/04/18 08:58


2 Work in pairs and read the chart. Then write these characteristics in the correct columns: excellent,
horrible, fantastic, terrible, awesome, cool, boring, silly. Can you think of any others to complete the chart?

Positive characteristics Negative characteristics

great awful
fun bad

3 Unscramble the words to find more opinions about books.
a. books / great / Ziraldo's / are / !

b. is / but / excellent / “Me before You” / an / silly / Jojo Moyes /is / author, / .

c. an / book / is / "Around the World in Eighty Days" / awesome / !


4 Write your opinion about 2 or 3 books. Use some of the

adjectives from Activity 2.
Your turn!

Now share your opinions

with a partner. Follow the

I like Julio Verne's books, Around

the World in Eighty Days is

Welcome Unit • 11

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1 02
Listen and order the pictures a-e.


2 03
Now listen again and complete the sentences.

a. My sister drama class at school now.

b. Can you hear that? My brothers in their bedroom.

c. Alejandro can play some musical instruments. He the piano in the living room.

d. In this picture, my mom and dad dinner in a Chinese restaurant.

e. Maya can’t come. She for a test.

12 • New iLearn English 2

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3 Match the verbs with their complements.

a. to make c. to set e. to listen to

b. to brush d. to watch f. to surf

music a a cake the Internet

the table TV her teeth


4 Use the combinations from Activity 3 and write complete sentences. Follow the example.
Then match the sentences with the pictures.
a. My brother is making a cake .

b. Mel .

c. I .
d. My friends .

e. Jessica and I . a

5 Look at Activity 4 and answer the questions. Follow the example.

a. Is your brother making soup? No, he isn’t. He is making a cake. .

b. Is Mel brushing her hair? .

c. Are you setting the table? .

d. Are your friends watching TV? .

e. Are you and Jessica listening to a podcast? .

Welcome Unit • 13

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When is
your birthday?


14 • Unit 1

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• talk about birthdays and dates
• ask and tell the time
• talk about things you want using
would like
• talk about permissions using can
• learn about prepositions of time in,
on, and at


Let’s plug in! What do all of
the pictures have in common?

When is your birthday? • 15

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1 04
Carla and Michelle are talking about their birthdays. Listen and read.
Carla: When’s your birthday, Michelle?
Michelle: It’s on June 3rd.
Carla: Really? My sister’s birthday is in June, too.
Michelle: When’s her birthday?
Carla: It’s on June 13th.
Michelle: And when’s your birthday?
Carla: It’s on December 25th.
Michelle: At Christmas? That’s so cool!
Carla: Yeah, I love it!

2 Read the dialogue again and complete the sentences.


a. Michelle’s birthday is on c. Carla’s birthday is on
Prepositions of Time
June 3rd . . Carla’s sister’s birthday is in June.

b. Carla’s sister’s birthday is on

PL d. Carla’s birthday is at
Carla was born in 2005.
in + month or year

. . Carla’s birthday is on December 25th.

on + month + day

Listen and repeat the dialogue. Carla’s birthday is at Christmas.
05 at + holiday


Circle the month of your birthday. Then listen and repeat. Study this
06 January April July October
February May August November In English, the months of the year
are all capitalized: June.
March June September December

5 07
Look at the calendar. Circle the day of your birthday. Then listen and repeat.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 st
first second
3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth
10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th
tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth
17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd
seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third
24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th
twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth

16 • Unit 1

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Listen to the dialogues and check ( ) the people’s birthdays.

a. July 1st July 11th c. May 17th May 7th

b. November 5th November 15th d. September 3rd September 30th

7 Complete the sentences with in or on.

a. Valentine’s Day is celebrated c. The Star Festival is a Japanese festival. It starts
February 14th in many countries.
PL July 7th.

b. Thanksgiving is celebrated d. Father’s Day is celebrated in September

November in the United States. Australia.


8 Work in groups of three. Ask your classmates about their birthdays. Complete the chart.

A: When’s your birthday?

B: It’s on (month) (day) .

Name Month Day

’s birthday

’s birthday

’s birthday

When is your birthday? • 17

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1 09
Read and listen to the dialogues. What’s happening in each situation?

Hey, Mark! Would you

like to play basketball? Oh, sorry, Carlos, I can’t.
I've got a history exam
tomorrow. I have to study.

I see. Maybe you

can come next time.

Sounds like a plan.

Hi, Jenny! I’m throwing a
party next Friday. Would
you like to come?
Hi, Jessica! Oh,
yeah! I’d love to.

Great! I’ll text you

my address later.
Thanks. See you
on Friday!

2 Circle T (true) or F (false).

a. Mark can’t play basketball today. T F

b. Carlos needs to study for a math exam. T F

c. Jessica is throwing a party next Friday. T F

18 • Unit 1

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3 Read the dialogues. Write (1) next to the dialogue that is about what you like in general,
and (2) next to the dialogue that is about what you want to do today.

a. b.
A: What would you like to do A: What do you like doing in your
tonight? free time?
B: I’d like to go to the movies. B: I like going to the movies. Like vs. Would like
I like going to the movies.
A: Great! Let’s go and get the A: Cool! Let’s go to the movies
I’d like to go to the movies tonight.
tickets then. together some time.

Listen to the dialogues. What would the girls like to do for their birthdays? Complete the chart.

PL b. c.

...would like to go to a ...would like her friend

...would like to go dancing.
hamburger place with friends. to come to a birthday party.

Listen to the dialogues again and complete the sentences. Use would or wouldn’t.
a. Marie like to go to a hamburger place with Anne.

b. Brian like to go to Rosanna’s birthday party.

c. Roberta like to go to a disco with Jade.

6 Why wouldn’t Roberta like to go to a disco with Jade? Complete the answer.
She wouldn’t like to go to a disco because .


7 Work with a classmate. Make invitations. Then switch roles.

A: Would you like to ?

B: Yes, .

Sorry, I can’t.

When is your birthday? • 19

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1 Look at the schedule for iLearn Camp and match the activities with the pictures.

Camp Hours
1. wake-up call 7:15 a.m.
2. breakfast 7:45 a.m.

3. morning snack 10:30 a.m.
4. lunch 12:30 p.m.
5. dinner
6:30 p.m.
6. bedtime call 10:00 p.m.

2 12
Look at the clock. Then listen and say the times.

A: What time is it?

B: It’s…
(9:00) nine o’clock (9:20) nine twenty (9:40) nine forty

(9:05) nine oh five (9:25) nine twenty-five (9:45) nine forty-five

(9:10) nine ten (9:30) nine thirty (9:50) nine fifty

(9:15) nine fifteen (9:35) nine thirty-five (9:55) nine fifty-five

Study this

It’s nine fifteen. = It’s a quarter after nine.

It’s nine thirty.
It’s nine forty-five. = It’s a quarter to ten.
A: What time is it? LEARNING
B: It’s 9:15.
A: What time is the wake-up call?
B: It’s at 7:15.

20 • Unit 1

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3 Match the times to the clocks.

a. It’s nine o’clock.

Study this
b. It’s nine oh five.
c. It’s nine fifteen. It’s twelve o’clock.
It’s 12 a.m. = It’s midnight.
d. It’s nine twenty.
e. It’s nine thirty.
f. It’s nine forty-five.
g. It’s nine fifty. It’s 12 p.m. = It's midday/noon.

h. It’s nine fifty-five.

Write the times.
a. c.
It’s seven fifteen.
b. d.


5 Complete the schedule with the times of the activities at your camp.

MY CAMP Your turn!

Camp Schedule
Now work with a classmate.
a. wake-up call d. lunch Ask and answer questions
about the camp schedule.
b. breakfast e. dinner A: What time is wake-up call?
c. morning snack f. bedtime call B: It’s at .

When is your birthday? • 21

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1 13
Read and listen to the dialogues. Then circle true (T) or false (F).

Can I use your

tablet, Mom?
Can I open the
window, please?

Sure! Go ahead.
Not now, honey. It’s

time to go to bed!
a. The girl would like to use the tablet. T F
Grammar feed
b. The girl is using the tablet now. T F
Permission: Can
c. The girl can’t use the tablet because T F A: I’m hungry! Can I eat something?
it is time to go to bed.
B: Yes, sure.

d. The student would like to open the window. T F

A: Can we sit here?
e. The teacher gives the student permission T F B: I’m sorry, but the seats are taken.
to open the window.


2 Unscramble the words and make questions.

Then match the sentences to the pictures.
a. please? / your / use / I / Can / phone charger,

b. borrow / tonight, / car / your / Can / I / Dad?

c. come in? / I / Can

22 • Unit 1

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3 What do these signs tell you? Write sentences with the words and expressions from the box.

to feed the animals to drive to ride bikes (2x) to take photos to use cell phones

a. d.

You can’t feed the animals.

b. e.

c. f.


4 Create two signs.

Your turn!

Work with a classmate. Exchange

books and guess his/her signs.
Write sentences.

When is your birthday? • 23

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1 14
Marina is asking her friends about their birthdays. Listen to the dialogues and write the dates.
a. b. c. d.

Luciana Melissa Will André


Read the text below. What kind of text is it? What kind of information can you find in it?

Rapid River Middle School Camp

PL Snack
5:30 p.m.
DAY 1 Shower
Free morning activity
11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
Wake-up call Lunch Dinner
8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Breakfast Track and field Scavenger hunt
9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m.

Free afternoon activity Bedtime call

10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m.

iWrite ord
see w-up
p o

Create a schedule for Day 2 at Rapid River Middle School Camp.

Rapid River Middle School Camp


24 • Unit 1

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English for • Culture

Read the infographic and complete the sentences.
Chinese New Year Celebration
Chinese New Year is Preceding Days (23rd-29th New Year’s Eve (30th of
celebrated for sixteen days (from of the 12th lunar month) the 12th lunar month)
New Year’s Eve to the Lantern Festival).
The preparations start seven days before
New Year’s Eve. Many activities for this
period are traditional customs, but
some are quite new.

Cleaning New Year shopping Putting up Enjoying a

the house spring couplets family dinner

Chinese New Year’s Day Day 2 to Day 7

Giving red envelopes Staying up late Setting off firecrackers Offering sacrifices Visiting friends
(lucky money) to kids and fireworks to ancestors and relatives

Day 8 Day 15 (Lantern Festival – Chinese New Year period ends)

see w-up
Most people go Lighting and Eating sweet dumplings More fireworks p op
back to work watching lanterns 148
Adapted from:
Accessed on June 11, 2017.

a. The Chinese New Year celebrations last days. k


b. The celebrations start on and finish on the Lantern Festival.

c. The preparations start days before New Year’s Eve.
d. On Chinese New Year’s Day, people set off firecrackers and .
e. From Day 2 to Day 7, people visit and .
f. On Day 8, most people go back to .

When is your birthday? • 25

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1 What time is it?

How to play:
1. Work with a classmate. You will need a die and two counters.
START 2. Place your counters on the “START” position.
3. Take turns rolling the die and moving around the board.
4. Follow the instructions in the spaces. If you make a mistake, go back to “START”.
5. The first player to reach the “END” position is the winner!



GO Ahead back
back 1

2 Match the holidays to the months they are celebrated.

Christmas December

Halloween May

Labor Day June

Valentine’s Day October

26 • Unit 1

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Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Michelle’s birthday is in/on June 3rd.
2. Carla’s sister’s birthday is in/on June, too.
3. Would you like to play/playing basketball?
4. I’d like/like to try that new app.
5. Would you like/Do you like to go to a hamburger place on Friday?
6. The bedtime call is at ten o’clock/ten o’clock.

7. A: What time is it?

B: It’s eight thirty/a quarter to eight.

8. A: What time is it?
B: It’s a quarter to three/a quarter after three.

9. You can’t take photos/use cell phones here.


10. Can I come in/use my phone?

What your score means…

8-10 Congratulations! You can understand and use the language learned in this unit. Write
your app
5-7 Good job! How about looking back over pages 14 to 23? Then answer the score here:
questions again.
0-4 Oops... I’m sure you can do better! Let’s try again! Go back to pages 14 to
23 and answer the questions. Ask your teacher for help.

When is your birthday? • 27

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Unit 1
Reading Hub
Read the birthday invitation below. Then write a new message. Rewrite the part in italics.

You are invited to a
Rock ‘N’ Roll Party.
Drop in to dance
and celebrate his
sixteenth birthday!

July 15 307 Pine St.

136 • New iLearn English 2

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Unit 2

1 Read an extract from the book The Prince and the Pauper. What are the names of the babies?

Chapter 1 Two Babies

One fall day in 1537, somewhere in the city of
London, a boy was born. His family’s name was Canty.
They were poor and they did not want him.
On the same day, another boy was born. His
family’s name was Tudor. They were rich and they
wanted him.
The first baby’s name was Tom – Tom Canty. Only
Tom’s mother and sisters talked about him. To them,
he was a fine boy.
The second baby’s name was Edward – Edward

Tudor, Prince of Wales. Everybody talked about
Edward. They went out into the streets. They danced
and sang. The king had a son!
PL Adapted from: TWAIN, Mark. The Prince and the Pauper.
London: Pearson, 2008.

What do you understand from chapter 1? Share your ideas with the whole group.
see w-up

3 In small groups, read chapter 1 again and discuss what the story is about. Write down 152

your ideas and present them to the group.

Reading Hub | Units 1 - 2 • 137

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Welcome Unit

Grammar Reference

I am
You are + verb -ing
He/She/It is
We/You/They are + verb -ing

I’m not
You aren’t + verb -ing
He/She/It isn’t

A: Is Joey’s mother eating soup?
B: No, she isn’t. She’s eating sushi. Plural
We/You/They aren’t + verb -ing
PL Interrogative
(What) Am I
(What) Is he/she/It + verb -ing?
(What) Are we/you/they
Usamos o Present Continuous para expressar ações que estão
em progresso no presente.
Formar esse tempo verbal é muito fácil: basta usar o verbo to
be conjugado no presente e o verbo principal seguido de -ing.

• em verbos terminados em e, tiramos o e e adicionamos -ing;
dance - dancing, have - having

• em verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante,

dobramos a última letra;
A: What are Anya and her family doing? stop - stopping, swim - swimming
B: They’re having lunch.
• a verbos terminados em vogal + y, adicionamos -ing.
enjoy - enjoying, play - playing

• para verbos terminados em consoante + y, mantemos o y

e adicionamos -ing.
study - studying, cry - crying

Na interrogativa, invertemos a posição entre o sujeito

e o verbo conjugado. Para usarmos as question words,
basta começarmos com question word (what, where etc.),
e o restante da pergunta fica com a mesma estrutura das
yes/no questions.
• na fala e em contextos informais, é mais comum usarmos
as formas contraídas do verbo to be;
• em respostas negativas a yes/no questions, é mais
comum usarmos as formas contraídas de to be, embora as
formas longas também possam ser usadas;
Agora faça as atividades 1, 2 e 3.
Kevin is surfing now.

146 • New iLearn English 2

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1 Look at the pictures. Then use the verbs in the box to write sentences.

to listen to make to read to dance

a. Samira and Paula are listening to music. c. Pedro hip-hop.

b. Caio an adventure book. d. We a cake for our mother.

Look at the pictures in Activity 1 again. Then answer the questions.
a. Is Pedro talking on the phone?

No, he isn’t. He is dancing hip-hop.

b. Are we making a pizza?

c. Are Samira and Paula listening to music?

d. Is Caio doing homework?


Check ( ) the box that best describes your performance in this unit.

1. I can talk about free-time activities and chores. Yes, I can. Not sure.

2. I can talk about events happening at this moment. Yes, I can. Not sure.

Welcome Unit • 147

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Workbook When is your birthday?
unit 1


Grammar Reference

A: Would you like to

see my new video?
B: Yes, I would!

A: Can I help, Dad? You can’t use your cell

B: Yes, sure! phone before you finish
your homework.
A: I’d like to read Já vimos que can é usado para indicar habilidades. Usamos esse verbo
your text. também para pedir permissão.
B: OK, here it is! • na afirmativa, can assume sempre a mesma forma;
• nunca usamos to antes do verbo que vem depois de can;
• a forma de can na negativa é cannot (ou a contração can’t);
• na interrogativa, basta inverter a ordem entre can e o sujeito.

Usamos would like para manifestar uma intenção ou fazer um pedido, Agora faça a atividade 3.
uma oferta ou um convite de forma educada. Ela é seguida de um
verbo no infinitivo com to.

As formas de would são:
• afirmativa: would ou ‘d (pouco usada com o pronome it);
• negativa: would not ou wouldn’t.
Na interrogativa, basta inverter a ordem entre would e o sujeito.
Em short answers, usamos apenas would ou wouldn’t. When is his birthday?
Veja, a seguir, as formas assumidas por would like: DECEMBER
It’s in December.

25 It’s on December 25th.

It’s at Christmas.
Quando falamos de datas, usamos as seguintes preposições:
I would like to eat now. = I’d like to eat now. • on para indicar o dia de um evento;
• in para indicar somente o mês ou ano de um evento;
They would like to eat now. = They’d like to • at quando nos referimos a uma celebração específica.
eat now.

Negative A: What time is it?

She would not like to eat now. = She wouldn’t B: It’s 7:15 p.m.
like to eat now.
We would not like to eat now. = We wouldn’t
Quando dizemos que horas são, não usamos at. Essa preposição é
like to eat now. utilizada somente para indicar o horário de um evento.
Interrogative • seven fifteen = a quarter after seven;
• seven thirty
Would I / you / he / they like to eat now? • seven forty-five = a quarter to eight.
Agora faça as atividades 4, 5 e 6.
They like playing soccer.
She likes listening to music.
A: Does he like watching TV? Word pop-up
B: No, he doesn’t.
scavenger hunt – caça frases com sete caracteres
Utilizamos like seguido de verbo com -ing ou no infinitivo com to para ao tesouro chineses cada, escritas em preto
dizer que gostamos de algo. track and field – atletismo no papel vermelho
• para usar essa estrutura é preciso conjugar o verbo like; firecrackers – bombinhas to stay up late – ficar
• na negativa, utilizamos does not (ou doesn’t) para a terceira pessoa acordado até tarde
e do not (ou don’t) para as demais;
fireworks – fogos de artifício
sweet dumplings – típicos
• na interrogativa, invertemos a posição entre do ou does e o sujeito. spring couplets – pares de
bolinhos doces chineses
Agora faça as atividades 1 e 2.

148 • New iLearn English 2

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1 Complete the sentences with like or would like.

a. Mirela and Julia like swimming at the club.

b. Karen to go to the movies on Saturday.

c. My brothers to play in a band.

d. Mike and Bruno playing basketball.

e. Suzanne and I listening to music after school.

f. We to go to a hamburger place.

2 Look at the pictures. Then complete the sentences with would or wouldn’t.

a. d.
Aaron wouldn’t like to go to a The students like to play
hamburger place today. basketball.

b. e.

Simon like to go the movies I like to go to Maria’s

on Sunday. birthday party.

c. f.

Karina and Lisa like He like to go to

to go to a disco. the library.

When is your birthday? • 149

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Workbook - Unit 1

3 Put the conversations in the correct order.

a. Come on, Mom! Why can’t I go? c. Cool. Can I go with you?

1 Mom, can I go to the movies tonight? Yes, you can.

Because you have to study for your Amanda, I think I’d like to go
history test. to Liana’s birthday party.
No, you can’t.

d. Can I take pictures here?

b. You’re welcome.
Oh, what a shame!
No, I’m sorry. You can’t take pictures
Sure. Here it is.
in the museum.
Hey, Dani. Can I use your phone charger?

Complete the sentences with in, on, or at.

a. My sister’s birthday is in d. The movie starts
June 14 .


b. The game starts 4:00 p.m. e. There’s no school Christmas.

c. My birthday is September 21st. f. The parade is April 11th

10:00 a.m.

5 Look at the clocks. Then write the times.


a. c.

It’s one thirty. / It’s half past one.

b. d.

150 • New iLearn English 2

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6 Read the biographies and complete with in or on.

This is Andrew Garfield. He was born in the U.S. He was born in 1983. His
birthday is August 20th. He is an actor. His first role was on a TV series
2005. His first Spiderman movie was released in Brazil July 6th, 2012.

Ariana Grande is an actress and singer. She was born 1993 in the U.S.
Her birthday is June 26th. 2008, at the age of 15, she was in a
Broadway play. Ariana is a singer, too. She had her first single 2011. She won
an award for Artist of the Year November 20th, 2016.

Now write about your birthday and the things you would like to do.

Check ( ) the box that best describes your performance in this unit.
1. I can talk about dates and times. Yes, I can. Not sure.

2. I can talk about things I like/don’t like. Yes, I can. Not sure.

3. I can talk about things I would/wouldn’t like to do. Yes, I can. Not sure.

4. I can use can and can’t to ask and give permission. Yes, I can. Not sure.

When is your birthday? • 151

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