SOTEU 2022 - Brochure - EN - Compressed - Compressed

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Every year in September, the President of the European Commission delivers a State of the Union
Address before the European Parliament, taking stock of achievements of the past year and
presenting priorities for the year ahead. The President also sets out how the European Commission
will address the most pressing challenges the European Union is facing. The speech is followed by
a plenary debate. This kick-starts the dialogue with the European Parliament and the Council to
prepare the Commission Work Programme for the following year.

Anchored in the Treaty of Lisbon, the State of the Union Address is set out in the 2010 Framework
Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission, which
also requires the President to send a Letter of Intent to the President of the European Parliament
and the Presidency of the Council detailing the actions the European Commission intends to take by
means of legislation and other initiatives until the end of the following year.

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, delivered her third State of the
Union Address on 14 September 2022.

All material is available at



ADDRESS ..................................................................................................................................... 4

PRIME MINISTER PETR FIALA 30 ......................................................

ACHIEVEMENTS . . ........................................................................................................ 35


PEACE.......................................................................................................................................... 38
SCIENCE.................................................................................................................................... 50
4. THE PILLARS OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY.......................................... 69

TIMELINE .................................................................................................................................. 79






Madam President,
Honourable Members,
My fellow Europeans,

Never before has this Parliament debated the State of our Union with
war raging on European soil.

We all remember that fateful morning in late February.

Europeans from across our Union woke up dismayed by what they saw. Shaken by the resurgent and
ruthless face of evil. Haunted by the sounds of sirens and the sheer brutality of war.

But from that very moment, a whole continent has risen in solidarity.

At the border crossings where refugees found shelter. In our streets, filled with Ukrainian flags. In the
classrooms, where Ukrainian children made new friends.

From that very moment, Europeans neither hid nor hesitated.

They found the courage to do the right thing.

And from that very moment, our Union as a whole has risen to the occasion.

Fifteen years ago, during the financial crisis, it took us years to

As soon as Russian find lasting solutions.

troops crossed the A decade later, when the global pandemic hit, it took us only weeks.
border into Ukraine,
But this year, as soon as Russian troops crossed the border into
our response was Ukraine, our response was united, determined and immediate.
united, determined
And we should be proud of that.
and immediate.


We have brought Europe’s inner strength back to the


And we will need all of this strength. The months ahead of us will
not be easy. Be it for families who are struggling to make ends
meet, or businesses, who are facing tough choices about their

Let us be very clear: much is at stake here. Not just for Ukraine – but for
all of Europe and the world at large.

And we will be tested. Tested by those who want to exploit any kind of divisions between us.

This is not only a war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine.

This is a war on our energy, a war on our economy, a war on

our values and a war on our future.
Today - courage
This is about autocracy against democracy.
has a name, and
And I stand here with the conviction that with courage and that name is
solidarity, Putin will fail and Europe will prevail.

Honourable Members,

Today - courage has a name, and that name is Ukraine.

Courage has a face, the face of Ukrainian men and women who are standing up to Russian aggression.

I remember a moment in the early weeks of the invasion. When the

First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, gathered the parents of
Ukrainian children killed by the invader.

Hundreds of families for whom the war will never end, and for whom
life will never go back to what it was before.

We saw the first Lady leading a silent crowd of heartbroken mothers

and fathers, and hang small bells in the trees, one for every fallen


And now the bells will ring forever in the wind, and forever, the innocent
victims of this war will live in our memory.

And she is here with us today!

Dear Olena, it took immense courage to

resist Putin’s cruelty.

But you found that courage. Europe’s

And a nation of heroes has risen.
with Ukraine
Today, Ukraine stands strong because an entire country has fought
street by street, home by home. will remain
Ukraine stands strong because people like your husband, President
Zelenskyy, have stayed in Kyiv to lead the resistance – together with
you and your children, dear First Lady.

You have given courage to the whole nation. And we have seen in the last days the bravery
of Ukrainians paying off.

You have given voice to your people on the global stage.

And you have given hope to all of us.

So today we want to thank you and all Ukrainians.

Glory to a country of European heroes. Slava Ukraini!

Europe’s solidarity with Ukraine will remain unshakeable.

From day one, Europe has stood at Ukraine’s side. With weapons.
With funds. With hospitality for refugees. And with the toughest
sanctions the world has ever seen.

Russia’s financial sector is on life-support. We have cut off three

quarters of Russia’s banking sector from international markets.

Nearly one thousand international companies have left the country.

The production of cars fell by three-quarters compared to last year.

Aeroflot is grounding planes because there are no more spare parts.


The Russian military is taking chips from dishwashers and

refrigerators to fix their military hardware, because they ran
out of semiconductors. Russia’s industry is in tatters.

It is the Kremlin that has put Russia’s economy on the path

to oblivion.

This is the price for Putin’s trail of death and destruction.

And I want to make it very clear, the sanctions are here

to stay.

This is the time for us to show resolve, not appeasement.

We will not only The same is true for our financial support to Ukraine.
support with
So far Team Europe have provided more than 19 billion euros
finance – but in financial assistance.

also empower And this is without counting our military support.

Ukraine to
And we are in it for the long haul.
make the most
of its potential. Ukraine’s reconstruction will require massive resources. For instance,
Russian strikes have damaged or destroyed more than 70 schools.

Half a million Ukrainian children have started their school year in the European Union. But many others
inside Ukraine simply don’t have a classroom to go to.

So today I am announcing that we will work with the First Lady to support the rehabilitation
of damaged Ukrainian schools. And that is why we will provide 100 million euros. Because
the future of Ukraine begins in its schools.

We will not only support with finance – but also empower Ukraine to
make the most of its potential.

Ukraine is already a rising tech hub and home to many innovative

young companies.

So I want us to mobilise the full power of our Single Market to help

accelerate growth and create opportunities.


In March, we connected successfully Ukraine to our electricity grid. It was

initially planned for 2024. But we did it within two weeks. And today,
Ukraine is exporting electricity to us. I want to significantly expand this
mutually beneficial trade.

We have already suspended import duties on Ukrainian exports to the EU.

We will bring Ukraine into our European free roaming area.

Our solidarity lanes are a big success.

We will bring And building on all that, the Commission will work with Ukraine
to ensure seamless access to the Single Market. And vice-versa.
Ukraine into
our European Our Single Market is one of Europe’s greatest success stories. Now it’s
time to make it a success story for our Ukrainian friends, too.
free roaming
area. And this is why I am going to Kyiv today, to discuss this in detail
with President Zelenskyy.

Honourable Members,

One lesson from this war is we should have listened to those who know Putin.

To Anna Politkovskaya and all the Russian journalists who exposed the crimes, and paid the ultimate

To our friends in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and to the opposition in Belarus.

We should have listened to the voices inside our Union – in Poland, in the Baltics, and all across Central
and Eastern Europe.

They have been telling us for years that Putin would not stop.

And they acted accordingly.

Our friends in the Baltics have worked hard to end their dependency
on Russia. They have invested in renewable energy, in LNG terminals,
and in interconnectors.


This costs a lot. But dependency on Russian fossil fuels comes

at a much higher price.

We have to get rid of this dependency all over Europe.

Therefore we agreed on joint storage. We are at 84%

now: we are overshooting our target.

But unfortunately that will not be enough.

We have diversified away from Russia to reliable suppliers.

US, Norway, Algeria and others.

Last year, Russian gas accounted for 40% of our gas imports. Today it’s down to 9% pipeline gas.

But Russia keeps on actively manipulating our energy market. They

prefer to flare the gas than to deliver it. This market is not functioning
Last year,
In addition the climate crisis is heavily weighing on our bills. Heat
waves have boosted electricity demand. Droughts shut down hydro
Russian gas
and nuclear plants. accounted for
As a result, gas prices have risen by more than 10 times compared 40% of our gas
to before the pandemic.
imports. Today
Making ends meet is becoming a source of anxiety for millions of it’s down to 9%
businesses and households.
pipeline gas.
But Europeans are also coping courageously
with this.

Workers in ceramics factories in central Italy, have

decided to move their shifts to early morning, to
benefit from lower energy prices.

Just imagine the parents among them, having to

leave home early, when the kids are still sleeping,
because of a war they haven’t chosen.

This is one example in a million of Europeans

adapting to this new reality.


I want our Union to take example from its people. Reducing demand
during peak hours will make supply last longer, and it will bring
prices down.

This is why we are putting forward measures for Member

States to reduce their overall electricity consumption.

But more targeted supported is needed.

For industries, like glass makers who have to turn off their ovens. Or for single parents facing one
daunting bill after another.

Millions of Europeans need support.

EU Member States have already invested billions of euros to assist vulnerable households.

But we know this will not be enough.

This is why we are proposing a cap on the revenues of

companies that produce electricity at a low cost.
We are putting
These companies are making revenues they never accounted
forward measures for, they never even dreamt of.
for Member States In our social market economy, profits are good.
to reduce their
overall electricity But in these times it is wrong to receive extraordinary record
profits benefitting from war and on the back of consumers.
In these times, profits must be shared and channelled to those
who need it the most.

Our proposal will raise more than 140 billion euros

for Member States to cushion the blow directly.

And because we are in a fossil fuel crisis, the fossil fuel

industry has a special duty, too.

Major oil, gas and coal companies are also making huge

So they have to pay a fair share – they have to give a

crisis contribution.

These are all emergency and temporary measures we

are working on, including our discussions on price caps.


We need to keep working to lower gas prices.

We have to ensure our security of supply and, at the same

time, ensure our global competitiveness.

So we will develop with the Member States a set of

measures that take into account the specific nature
of our relationship with suppliers – ranging from
unreliable suppliers such as Russia to reliable friends such
as Norway.

I have agreed with Prime Minister Store to set up a task force. Teams
have started their work.
We have to
decouple the Another important topic is on the agenda. Today our gas market has
changed dramatically: from pipeline mainly to increasing amounts
dominant of LNG.

influence of gas But the benchmark used in the gas market – the TTF – has not
on the price of adapted.

electricity. This is why the Commission will work on establishing a more

representative benchmark.

At the same time we also know that energy companies are facing severe problems with liquidity in
electricity futures markets, risking the functioning of our energy system.

We will work with market regulators to ease these problems by amending the rules on collateral - and
by taking measures to limit intra-day price volatility.

And we will amend the temporary state aid framework in October to allow for the provision
of state guarantees, while preserving a level playing field.

These are all first steps. But as we deal with this immediate crisis, we must also look forward.

The current electricity market design – based on merit order – is not doing justice to consumers

They should reap the benefits of low-cost renewables.

So, we have to decouple the dominant influence of gas on the price of electricity. This is
why we will do a deep and comprehensive reform of the electricity market.

Now - here is an important point. Half a century ago, in the 1970s, the world faced another fossil fuel


Some of us remember the car-free weekends to save energy. Yet we

kept driving on the same road.

We did not get rid of our dependency on oil. And worse, fossil fuels
were even massively subsidised.

This was wrong, not just for the climate, but also for our public finances,
and our independence. And we are still paying for this today.

Only a few visionaries understood that the real problem was fossil fuels themselves, not just their

Among them were our Danish friends.

Hydrogen When the oil crisis hit, Denmark started to invest heavily into harnessing
the power of the wind.
can be a
game changer They laid the foundations for its global leadership in the sector
and created tens of thousands of new jobs.
for Europe.
This is the way to go!

Not just a quick fix, but a change of paradigm, a leap into the future.


Honourable Members,

The good news is: this necessary transformation has started.

It is happening in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, where our Member
States agreed to invest massively into off-shore wind generation.

It is happening in Sicily, where Europe’s largest solar factory will

soon manufacture the newest generation of panels.

And it is happening in Northern Germany, where local trains now run

on green hydrogen.

And hydrogen can be a game changer for Europe.


We need to move our hydrogen economy from niche to scale.

With REPowerEU, we have doubled our 2030 target to produce ten

million tons of renewable hydrogen in the EU, each year.

To achieve this, we must create a market maker for hydrogen, in

order to bridge the investment gap and connect future supply and

That is why I can today announce that we will create a new

European Hydrogen Bank.

It will help guarantee the purchase of hydrogen, notably by using resources from the Innovation Fund.

It will be able to invest 3 billion euros to help building the future

market for hydrogen.
We will
create a new This is how we power the economy of the future.

European This is the European Green Deal.

Hydrogen And we have all seen in the last months just how important the European
Bank. Green Deal is.

The summer of 2022 will be remembered as a turning point.

We all saw the dry rivers, the burning forests, the impact of the extreme heat.

And under the surface, the situation is far starker.

So far the glaciers in the Alps helped as an emergency reserve for rivers like the Rhine or Rhone.

But with Europe’s glaciers melting faster than ever, future droughts will be felt far more acutely.

We must work relentlessly to adapt to our climate – making nature our

first ally.

This is why our Union will push for an ambitious global deal for
nature at the UN Biodiversity conference in Montreal later this

And we will do the same at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh.


But in the short term, we also need to be better equipped to

handle our changing climate.

The destructive power of extreme weather is too big for any

country to fight on its own.

This summer, we sent planes from Greece, Sweden and Italy to

fight fires in France and Germany.

But as disasters become more frequent and

more intense, Europe will need more capacity.
We will
This is why I can today announce that we will double our
double our firefighting capacity over the next year.

firefighting The EU will buy another 10 light amphibious aircrafts and three
capacity over helicopters to add to the fleet.

the next year. This is European solidarity in action.

Honourable Members,

The last years have shown how much Europe can achieve when it is united.

After an unprecedented pandemic, our economic output overtook pre-crisis levels in record time.

We went from having no vaccine to securing over 4 billion doses for Europeans and for the world.

And in record time, we came up with SURE – so that people

could stay in their jobs even if their companies had run out
of work.

We were in the deepest recession since World War 2.

We achieved the fastest recovery since the post-war


And that was possible because we all rallied behind a

common recovery plan.

NextGenerationEU has been a boost of confidence for our



And its journey has only just begun.

So far, 100 billion euros have been disbursed to Member

States. This means: 700 billion euros still haven’t flown
into our economy.

NextGenerationEU will guarantee a constant stream of investment

to sustain jobs and growth.

It means relief for our economy. But most importantly, it

means renewal.

NextGenerationEU It is financing new wind turbines and solar parks, high-

speed trains and energy-saving renovations.
will guarantee a
constant stream of We conceived NextGenerationEU almost two years ago,
and yet it is exactly what Europe needs today.
investment to sustain
So let’s stick to the plan.
jobs and growth.
Let’s get the money on the ground.

Honourable Members,

The future of our children needs both that we invest in sustainability and that we invest sustainably.

We must finance the transition to a digital and net-zero economy.

And yet we also have to acknowledge a new reality of higher public debt.

We need fiscal rules that allow for strategic investment, while safeguarding fiscal sustainability.

Rules that are fit for the challenges of this decade.

In October, we will come forward with new ideas for our

economic governance.

But let me share a few basic principles with you.

Member States should have more flexibility on their debt

reduction paths.


But there should be more accountability on the delivery of

what we have agreed on.

There should be simpler rules that all can follow.

To open the space for strategic investment and to give financial

markets the confidence they need.

Let us chart once again a joint way forward.

With more freedom to invest. And more scrutiny on progress.

More ownership by Member States. And better results for citizens.

Let us rediscover the Maastricht spirit – stability and growth

can only go hand in hand.

Honourable Members,

As we embark on this transition in our economy, we must rely on

the enduring values of our social market economy.

It’s the simple idea that Europe’s greatest strength lies in each and
every one of us.

Our social market economy encourages everyone to excel, but it also takes care of our fragility as
human beings.

It rewards performance and guarantees protection. It opens opportunities but also set limits.

We need this even more today.

The strength of Because the strength of our social market economy will drive
our social market the green and digital transition.

economy will drive We need an enabling business environment, a workforce

with the right skills and access to raw materials our
the green and digital industry needs.
Our future competitiveness depends on it.


We must remove the obstacles that still hold our small companies

They must be at the centre of this transformation – because they are

the backbone of Europe’s long history of industrial prowess.

And they have always put their employees first – even and especially
in times of crisis.

But inflation and uncertainty are weighing especially hard on them.

This is why we will put forward an SME Relief Package.

It will include a proposal for a single set of tax rules for doing
business in Europe – we call it BEFIT. We must
remove the
This will make it easier to do business in our Union. Less red tape means
better access to the dynamism of a continental market. obstacles
And we will revise the Late Payment Directive – because it is
that still hold
simply not fair that 1 in 4 bankruptcies are due to invoices not being our small
paid on time.
For millions of family businesses, this will be a lifeline in troubled
But European companies are also grappling with a shortage of staff.

Unemployment is at a record low, and this is great.

At the same time, job vacancies are at a record high.

Europe lacks truck drivers, waiters and airport workers,

as well as nurses, engineers and IT technicians.

Both low-end and high-end. We need everyone on


We need much more focus in our investment on

professional education and upskilling.


We need better cooperation with the companies, because they know

I am proposing best what they need.

to make 2023 And we need to match these needs with people’s aspirations.
the European
But we also have to attract the right skills to our continent, skills that
Year of help companies and strengthen Europe’s growth.
Skills. As a first important step, we need to speed up and facilitate the
recognition of qualifications also of third country nationals.

This will make Europe more attractive for skilled workers.

This is why I am proposing to make 2023 the European

Year of Skills.

Honourable Members,

My third point for our SMEs and our industry.

Whether we talk about chips for virtual reality or cells for solar
panels, the twin transitions will be fuelled by raw materials.

Lithium and rare earths are already replacing gas and oil at the
heart of our economy.

By 2030, our demand for those rare earth metals will increase fivefold.

And this is a good sign, because it shows that our European Green Deal is moving

The not so good news is – one country dominates the market.

So we have to avoid falling into the same dependency as with oil and gas.

This is where our trade policy comes into play.

New partnerships will advance not only our vital interests – but also our values.

Trade that embraces workers’ rights and the highest environmental standards is possible with like-
minded partners.


We need to update our links to reliable countries and key growth regions.

And for this reason, I intend to put forward for ratification the agreements with Chile,
Mexico and New Zealand.

And advance negotiations with key partners like Australia and India.

But securing supplies is only a first step.

The processing of these metals is just as critical.

Today, China controls the global processing industry. Almost 90 % of rare earths and 60 % of lithium
are processed in China.

We will identify strategic projects all along the supply chain, from
extraction to refining, from processing to recycling. And we will build up
strategic reserves where supply is at risk. Let’s make
sure that
This is why today I am announcing a European Critical Raw
Materials Act. the future
We know this approach can work.
of industry
is made in
Five years ago, Europe launched the Battery Alliance. And soon, two third
of the batteries we need will be produced in Europe.
Last year I announced the European Chips Act. And the first chips
gigafactory will break ground in the coming months.

We now need to replicate this success.

This is also why we will increase our financial

participation to Important Projects of Common
European Interest.

And for the future, I will push to create a new European

Sovereignty Fund.

Let’s make sure that the future of industry is made in Europe.



Honourable Members,

As we look around at the state of the world today, it can

often feel like there is a fading away of what once seemed
so permanent.

And in some way, the passing of Queen Elizabeth II last

week reminded us of this.

She is a legend!

She was a constant throughout the turbulent and transforming

Queen Elizabeth II events in the last 70 years.

always reminded Stoic and steadfast in her service.

us that our future But more than anything, she always found the right words for
is built on new every moment in time.

ideas and founded From the calls she made to war evacuees in 1940 to her historic
in our oldest address during the pandemic.

values. She spoke not only to the heart of her nation but to the soul of
the world.

And when I think of the situation we are in today, her words at the height of the pandemic still resonate
with me.

She said: “We will succeed – and that success will belong to every one of us”.

She always reminded us that our future is built on new ideas and founded in our oldest values.

Since the end of World War 2, we have pursued the promise of democracy
and the rule of law.

And the nations of the world have built together an international system
promoting peace and security, justice and economic progress.


Today this is the very target of Russian missiles.

What we saw in the streets of Bucha, in the scorched fields of grain, and now at the gates of Ukraine’s
largest nuclear plant – is not only a violation of international rules.

It’s a deliberate attempt to discard them.

This watershed moment in global politics calls for a rethink of our foreign policy agenda.

This is the time to invest in the power of democracies.

This is the This work begins with the core group of our like-minded partners: our
friends in every single democratic nation on this globe.
time to
invest in the We see the world with the same eyes. And we should mobilise our
collective power to shape global goods.
power of
democracies. We should strive to expand this core of democracies. The most immediate
way to do so is to deepen our ties and strengthen democracies on our

This starts with those countries that are already on the path to our Union.

We must be at their side every step of the way.

Because the path towards strong democracies and the path towards our Union are one and
the same.

So I want the people of the Western Balkans, of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to know:

You are part of our family, your future is in

our Union, and our Union is not complete
without you!

We have also seen that there is a need to reach out

to the countries of Europe – beyond the accession

This is why I support the call for a European

Political Community – and we will set out our
ideas to the European Council.


But our future also depends on our ability to engage beyond

the core of our democratic partners.

Countries near and far, share an interest in working with us

on the great challenges of this century, such as climate
change and digitalisation.

This is the main idea behind Global Gateway, the investment

plan I announced right here one year ago.

It is already delivering on the ground.

Together with our African partners we are building two

factories in Rwanda and Senegal to manufacture mRNA vaccines.

They will be made in Africa, for Africa, with world-class technology.

And we are now replicating this approach across Latin America

as part of a larger engagement strategy.
Our future also
depends on our
This requires investment on a global scale.
ability to engage
So we will team up with our friends in the US and with other G7 beyond the
partners to make this happen.
core of our
In this spirit, President Biden and I will convene a leaders’
meeting to review and announce implementation projects.

Honourable Members,

This is part of our work of strengthening our democracies.

But we should not lose sight of the way foreign autocrats are targeting
our own countries.

Foreign entities are funding institutes that undermine our values.

Their disinformation is spreading from the internet to the halls of our


Earlier this year, a university in Amsterdam shut down an allegedly

independent research centre, which was actually funded by Chinese


entities. This centre was publishing so-called research on human

rights, dismissing the evidence of forced labour camps for
Uyghurs as “rumours”.

These lies are toxic for our democracies.

Think about this: We introduced legislation to screen foreign

direct investment in our companies for security concerns.

If we do that for our economy, shouldn’t we do the same

for our values?

We need to better shield ourselves from malign


This is why we will present a Defence of Democracy


It will bring covert foreign influence and shady funding to light.

We will not allow any autocracy’s Trojan horses to attack our democracies from within.

For more than 70 years, our continent has marched towards democracy. But the gains of our long
journey are not assured.

Many of us have taken democracy for granted for too long. Especially those, like me, who have never
experienced what it means to live under the fist of an authoritarian regime.

Today we all see that we must fight for our democracies. Every single day.

We must protect them both from the external threats they face, and from the vices that corrode them
from within.

It is my Commission’s duty and most noble role to protect

the rule of law.

We must fight for our So let me assure you: we will keep insisting on judicial
democracies. Every independence.

single day. And we will also protect our budget through the
conditionality mechanism.


And today I would like to focus on corruption, with all its faces. The face of foreign agents trying to
influence our political system. The face of shady companies or foundations abusing public money.

If we want to be credible when we ask candidate countries to

strengthen their democracies, we must also eradicate corruption
at home.
Corruption erodes
That is why in the coming year the Commission will
present measures to update our legislative framework
trust in our
for fighting corruption. institutions. So we
We will raise standards on offences such as illicit enrichment, must fight back with
trafficking in influence and abuse of power, beyond the more
classic offences such as bribery.
the full force of
the law.
And we will also propose to include corruption in our
human rights sanction regime, our new tool to protect
our values abroad.

Corruption erodes trust in our institutions. So we must fight back with the full force of the law.

Honourable Members,

Our founders only meant to lay the first stone of this democracy.

They always thought that future generations would complete their work.

“Democracy has not gone out of fashion, but it must update

itself in order to keep improving people’s lives.”

These are the words of David Sassoli – a great European,

who we all pay tribute to today.

David Sassoli thought that Europe should always look for new

And through the adversities of these times, we have started

to see what our new horizon might be.

A braver Union.
Closer to its people in times of need.
Bolder in responding to historic challenges and daily concerns
of Europeans. And to walk at their side when they deal with
the big trials of life.


This is why the Conference on the Future of Europe was so


The Citizens’ It was a sneak peek of a different kind of citizens’ engagement,

Panels that were well beyond election day.

central to the And after Europe listened to its citizens’ voice, we now need to
Conference will deliver.

now become a The Citizens’ Panels that were central to the Conference
will now become a regular feature of our democratic life.
regular feature of
our democratic life. And in the Letter of Intent that I have sent today to President
Metsola and Prime Minister Fiala, I have outlined a number of
proposals for the year ahead that stem from the Conference

They include for example a new initiative on mental health.

We should take better care of each other. And for many who feel anxious and lost, appropriate, accessible
and affordable support can make all the difference.

Honourable Members,

Democratic institutions must constantly gain and

regain the citizens’ trust.

We must live up to the new challenges that

history always puts before us.

Just like Europeans did when millions of

Ukrainians came knocking on their door.

This is Europe at its best.

A Union of determination and solidarity.

But this determination and drive for solidarity is

still missing in our migration debate.

Our actions towards Ukrainian refugees must not

be an exception. They can be our blueprint for
going forward.


We need fair and quick procedures, a system that is crisis

proof and quick to deploy, and a permanent and legally binding
mechanism that ensures solidarity.

And at the same time, we need effective control of our external

borders, in line with the respect of fundamental rights.

I want a Europe that manages migration with dignity and


I want a Europe where all Member States take responsibility

for challenges we all share.

And I want a Europe that shows solidarity to all Member States.

I want a
We have progress on the Pact, we now have the Roadmap. And Europe
we now need the political will to match.
that shows
solidarity to
Honourable Members, all Member
Three weeks ago, I had the incredible opportunity of joining 1,500 young
people from all over Europe and the world, who gathered in Taizé.

They have different views, they come from different countries, they have different backgrounds, they
speak different languages.

And yet, there is something that connects them.

They share a set of values and ideals.

They believe in these values.
They are all passionate about something larger than themselves.

This generation is a generation of dreamers but also of makers.

In my last State of the Union address, I told you that I

would like Europe to look more like these young people.

We should put their aspirations at the heart of everything

we do.


And the place for this is in our founding Treaties.

Every action that our Union takes should be inspired

by a simple principle.

That we should do no harm to our children’s future.

That we should leave the world a better place for the

next generation.

And therefore, Honourable Members, I believe

that it is time to enshrine solidarity between
generations in our Treaties.

It is time to renew the European promise.

And we also need to improve the way we do things and the

As this Parliament way we decide things.

has called for, Some might say this is not the right time. But if we are serious
about preparing for the world of tomorrow we must be able to
I believe the act on the things that matter the most to people.
moment has arrived
And as we are serious about a larger union, we also have to
for a European be serious about reform.

Convention. So as this Parliament has called for, I believe the moment

has arrived for a European Convention.


Honourable Members,

They say that light shines brightest in the dark.

And that was certainly true for the women and the children fleeing Russia’s bombs.

They fled a country at war, filled with sadness for what they had left behind, and fear for what may
lie ahead.


But they were received with open arms. By many

citizens like Magdalena and Agnieszka. Two selfless
young women from Poland.

As soon as they heard about trains full of refugees, they

rushed to the Warsaw Central Station.

They started to organise.

They set up a tent to assist as many people as possible.

They reached out to supermarket chains for food, and to

local authorities to organise buses to hospitality centres.

In a matter of days, they gathered 3000 volunteers, to welcome refugees 24/7.

Honourable Members,

Magdalena and Agnieszka are here with us today.

Please join me in applauding them and each and every European who opened their hearts and their

Their story is about everything our Union stands and strives for.

It is a story of heart, character and solidarity.

They showed everyone what Europeans can achieve

when we rally around a common mission.

This is Europe’s spirit.

A Union that stands strong together.

A Union that prevails together.

Long live Europe.



30 2022

Brussels, 14 September 2022

Dear President Metsola,
Dear Prime Minister Fiala,
It is just over 200 days since Russia’s brutal and cruel war of aggression against Ukraine started. 200
days in which the people of Ukraine have suffered so much – yet shown so much courage and resolve.
200 days of united, unstinting and unwavering support from the people, nations and institutions that
make up our European Union.
What is at stake here is about Ukraine. But it is also about what the European Union
stands for: freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and all the values that
constitute our foundations.
So as we gather for this year’s State of the Union debate, we jointly reaffirm our commitment to
supporting Ukraine in every way possible. And we double down on our support to all Europeans
who are facing difficulties as people and companies look to make ends meet as the cost of living
becomes more expensive, having so recently faced the impact of the pandemic and the lockdowns.
This is why supporting Europeans through these testing times will be the Commission’s first priority in
the year ahead. In this spirit, the Commission is putting forward a series of proposals to alleviate the
impact of the energy crisis on those households and businesses most in need and help them to adapt.
This is the latest in a number of measures to reinforce our resilience since the start of the war, in
particular in ridding ourselves of our energy dependencies. Through REPowerEU, we accelerated the
work for diversifying supply away from Russian fossil fuels, accelerating the roll-out of renewables,
promoting energy savings and increasing our storage capacities.
Since the onset of Russia’s aggression, the European Union has shown how swiftly and how strongly
it can respond when it acts together. We adopted rapid and hard-hitting sanctions with many of our
global partners, which are now biting hard for Russia’s economy and industry. As Team Europe we
have provided more than 19 billion euros in financial assistance to Ukraine, without counting military
support. We activated the Temporary Protection Directive granting Ukrainian refugees’ access to jobs,
housing, education and healthcare across the EU. We took action to facilitate trade and established
Solidarity Lanes to help Ukrainian exports and safeguard global food security. And, historically, we
also granted candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova to open up their path to our Union. Europe has
shown in the last year that is a geopolitical Union – and we must continue to show leadership, working
with our partners across the world. This also includes strengthening our resilience and security by
strengthening our cybersecurity and stepping up our work on defence.
In the year ahead the best way to deal with these pressing challenges is also to stay the course
on the plan we commonly set out for this mandate. The major digital and green transformations we
embarked on together have only taken on additional importance as we have grappled with pandemics,
lockdowns and now a war on our border. This is about building a better future for the next generation
and making ourselves more resilient and more prepared for challenges to come.
This starts with implementing what has already been agreed. This includes implementing the
landmark agreements on the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act which saw the EU take
global leadership in regulating the digital space to make it safer and more open. We will continue
looking at new digital opportunities and trends, such as the metaverse. It also means continuing the
work on investment and reforms through NextGenerationEU, of which 700bn EUR remains to be
invested in the years ahead. Similarly, we must continue to use the power of the EU budget to ensure
it best supports people and the economy. Looking ahead, we must also assess how COVID, the war


and their spill-over effects is affecting our long-term budget. To this end, we will put forward a mid-
term review of the long-term budget in the year ahead.
It is essential we continue our work to find agreement on legislative proposals the Commission
has already presented. We want to thank the European Parliament and Council for their cooperation
and efforts to agree so many urgent proposals with such speed – whether on COVID-19 certificate,
digital rules or the minimum wage. We must speed up this approach, notably on files key to the
European Green Deal and to reaching our climate neutrality goals.
We will also put forward a number of targeted new proposals that are essential to responding to
short term challenges or our long-term objectives. Given the need for the co-legislators to prioritise
the adoption of proposals in the year ahead, the list focuses on action where it is most needed.
The list below highlights key initiatives for 2023. It is based on our discussions with the European
Parliament and Council and will be complemented by the upcoming Commission Work Programme
and continued interinstitutional dialogue.
The 2023 Commission Work Programme will be also largely inspired by the outcome of the Conference
on the Future of Europe. This reflects not only our shared commitment to better listening to the
expectations of citizens but also the resounding success of the Conference, both as an exercise in
participative democracy, and as a way to improve our policy making. The list below includes proposals
stemming directly from the citizens’ recommendations, such as an initiative on mental health – one of
the new areas which the Conference asked us to work on. We will include Citizens’ Panels in our policy
making toolbox so that they can make recommendations before certain key policy proposals, starting
with the upcoming work on food waste. Building on the success of the European Year of Youth, one
third of participants will be young people.
For Europe – now more than ever - solidarity is destiny. The more we stand together, the more
unity we show, the more we can emerge from the year ahead as a stronger Union and the better we
can prepare the world of tomorrow. This will be our collective mission in the year and you can count
on the Commission to work with you every step of the way.

Ursula von der Leyen Maroš Šefčovič



FOR 2023

Initiatives that directly follow up or indirectly contribute to a proposal of the Conference of the Future
of Europe are marked with an asterisk (*).


• Revision of EU’s internal electricity market rules

• Proposal to create EU Hydrogen Bank
• Revision of waste framework to reduce waste, including food waste, and the environmental
impact of waste management *
• Legislative proposal on plants produced by certain new genomic techniques *
• Revision of animal welfare EU legislation *


• European critical raw materials act *

• SME Relief Package, including Late Payment Directive
• Initiative on virtual worlds, such as metaverse
• Patent Licensing package
• Legislative proposal on the screening and registration of asbestos in buildings *
• Proposal for European Year of Skills


• Mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 *

• Economic Governance Review
• Legislative proposal on a second set of new own resources *
• Legislative proposal on Business in Europe: a framework for income taxation ‘BEFIT’ *
• Data Access in financial services *
• Legislative proposals on establishing the digital euro *



• EU space strategy for security and defence *

• New Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean
• Update of the EU maritime security strategy
• Updating the human rights sanctions regime


• A comprehensive approach to mental health *

• Recognition of qualifications of third country nationals
• Legislative proposal on the digitalisation of travel documents and the facilitation of travel
• Revision of the combating child sexual abuse Directive
• Initiative on Cybersecurity Skills Academy


• Defence of democracy package, including an initiative on the protection of the EU democratic

sphere from covert foreign influence
• Anti-corruption package
• Legislative proposal on a European disability card *



In December 2019, the von der Leyen Commission severe sanctions on Vladimir Putin’s war machine.
set a new and ambitious course towards a Supported by partners from across the world, the
greener, more digital and fairer European sanctions are taking a heavy toll on Russia’s
Union. Through two historic world events – the economy and are damaging the Kremlin’s
coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s cruel war ability to wage the war. We have cut Russia’s
against Ukraine – Europe has stood united both access to the international financial system by
in its fight against the virus and beside Ukraine’s expelling it from SWIFT, we are freezing and
people. While doing so, we have not only held but seizing the assets of Kremlin-linked oligarchs and
also accelerated our bold course forward. we are crippling Russia’s military–industrial
Together, we are shaping the future. complex by cutting its access to advanced
Europe’s response to the two epoch-making
crises of our times may have surprised the world.
First came COVID-19. The pandemic has taken a
heavy toll, but together we have saved countless
lives and helped our economy recover in record The European Union’s answer
time. Thanks to the European Commission’s
vaccine strategy, 83.4 % of the adult to the great challenges
population in the EU has received primary we face is guided by
vaccination (one or two doses) against the
disease. The EU is the world’s biggest provider of democratic values
vaccines against COVID-19. And the EU Digital
COVID Certificate has protected the fundamental
and the Sustainable
right to free movement, becoming a global Development Goals,
and based on an economy
For the first time in its history, the Commission
has raised massive resources from capital that works for people.
markets to support economic recovery and
reforms in the Member States. Our recovery plan,
NextGenerationEU, has given new confidence
in the future to families, businesses and investors
in the EU. Our pandemic response has not only
made us more resilient to COVID-19 and future
health threats, but also strengthened the
resilience of democracy and the economy in
Then came Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified
aggression against Ukraine. An entire continent
has mobilised to support Ukrainians. With
unprecedented speed and unity, the EU imposed


In parallel, the Commission has put forward The Conference on the Future of Europe,
REPowerEU, Europe’s ground-breaking plan which concluded on 9 May 2022, tapped into this
to cut its dependency on Russian fossil deep reserve of creativity and energy, to empower
fuels. We are diversifying our energy supplies, citizens to shape the future of our European
increasing energy efficiency and accelerating the Union. The Commission has listened, and now it
roll-out of renewable energy. The green transition is time to deliver.
is not only good for the health of people and the
There is an arc in Europe’s history that
planet, but also strengthens Europe’s energy
bends towards democracy and unity. From
security. If Putin was seeking to divide Europe, he
the defeat of fascism in 1945 to the end of the
has achieved the exact opposite. The EU is more
dictatorships in Greece and the Iberian Peninsula
united than ever, and we are standing together
in the 1970s, and from the fall of the Berlin Wall
in this war.
in 1989 and the reconciliation of East and West
The European Union’s answer to the great to Ukraine’s fight for freedom and democracy
challenges we face is guided by democratic against Russian aggression, there is a consistent
values and the Sustainable Development Goals, long-term drive towards more democracy in
and based on an economy that works for people. Europe. And in each instance of change, it is
The EU has the strongest labour market in people – their voices, courage and demands
decades because the Commission helped for justice – who bring about this change.
Member States support workers and businesses This is the story of the European Union. It is what
during the lockdowns. And with NextGenerationEU, makes us Europeans strong and confident about
we are investing in European industry, the future.
infrastructure and jobs. The European chips act
proposal, for example, is building on Europe’s
world-class semiconductor research base to drive
cutting-edge production. The Global Gateway,
Europe’s new global investment strategy, is
helping to accelerate fair green and digital
transitions around the world.
The last two and a half years have confirmed
that Europe’s strength is its unity, and this
unity is based on our shared democratic values:
our commitment to fundamental human rights;
the protection of a free and independent press;
upholding the rule of law; and equality between
women and men, rural and urban, young and old.
No matter how you choose to identify, in Europe
you are free to be yourself. Democracies must
be worked at and renewed every single day, and
this requires that citizens be empowered to speak




Since the beginning

WITH UKRAINE attack on Ukraine
on 24 February
Millions of Ukrainians have sought shelter in the 2022, more than
European Union, torn from their families and 8.2 million
country by Putin’s bombs. The scenes of war are entries by
devastating. But the bravery of the Ukrainian Ukrainians
resistance, and the images of EU citizens nationals were
welcoming refugees, show another picture – they recorded in the EU,
tell us a story of hope. Ukraine and the mainly women, children
European Union have never been closer. Until and older persons. The
Ukrainians can safely return home and rebuild overwhelming solidarity shown by
their independent and democratic country in EU citizens towards Ukrainian refugees – in
peace, we will welcome and support them. particular in the Member States bordering Ukraine
Because they are part of our European family. (Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia), but
everywhere across the Union – has shown the
The first priority of the European Union’s response very best of European values and openness. The
is to protect Ukrainian civilians. Working with our majority of Ukrainian refugees – more than
partners on the ground, the Commission is 5.24 million – have crossed the border into
ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid and Poland, and Polish citizens have opened their
the openness of humanitarian corridors hearts, homes and cities to shelter them.
guaranteeing free and safe evacuation. As of
June 2022, the EU had provided over
EUR 348 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine,
for example to provide food, water, shelter and
healthcare to the most vulnerable people.

A group of citizens in Warsaw launched the

“Pulawska 20” shop to collect and deliver free
food, cosmetics and clothing to Ukrainian refugees
and those internally displaced.


More than 4 million

have registered for temporary
protection in the EU.

In a historical first for our European Union, on

2 March 2022 the European Commission proposed Kiril Slavov, a deaf young Bulgarian
to activate the Temporary Protection Directive. who grew up in Stockholm, helps
This means that Ukrainian refugees have deaf Ukrainians flee the war and
immediate full protection in the EU:
restart their lives in Sofia. He
assists them by translating into
international sign language, and
helps them find work.

The Commission acted with speed and solidarity adopted the FAST‑CARE proposal, which would
to support EU Member States on the ground. With provide an additional EUR 3.5 billion in pre-
CARE (cohesion’s action for refugees in Europe), financing payments to Member States and
Member States can use EU cohesion funds to ensuring that at least 30 % of the related resources
provide emergency support to refugees. should be granted to operations managed by local
EUR 3.5 billion from the pandemic crisis instrument authorities and civil-society organisations
REACT-EU was also made immediately available addressing migratory challenges.
to Member States. In June 2022, the Commission


Answering the call of Ukraine’s President

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the European Commission
and Canada rallied world leaders, in partnership
with the advocacy group Global Citizen, and
launched the pledging campaign Stand Up for
Ukraine on 26 March 2022. The campaign
quickly raised EUR 9.1 billion for people
Via the largest ever mobilisation of the EU fleeing the Russian invasion, including
Civil Protection Mechanism, the 27 Member EUR 1 billion from the Commission and another
States, along with North Macedonia, Norway and EUR 1 billion from the European Bank for
Turkey, have provided over 66 000 tonnes of Reconstruction and Development. The momentous
aid to Ukraine, including food, first aid kits and solidarity on the part of the EU and its citizens
protective clothing, but also strategic equipment will continue for as long as Ukrainians need our
such as mobile hospitals, energy supplies and support. This is because Ukrainians are not only
fire engines, with a financial value of the EU’s standing up for their own freedom, they are also
support under the Civil Protection Mechanism of standing up for our European and democratic
over EUR 425 million. Medical stockpiles in the values.
EU under rescEU have also been sent to Ukraine,
including ventilators, infusion pumps, patient
monitors, masks and gowns, ultrasound devices, SANCTIONS: A UNITED
oxygen concentrators, and much more. Given the DEMOCRATIC FRONT VERSUS
scale of this operation, the EU has established
logistics hubs in neighbouring Poland, Romania AUTOCRACY
and Slovakia to coordinate the deliveries. Two
EU-funded humanitarian warehouses and In immediate response to Russia’s recognition of
logistics operations have also been set up in the separatist territories of the so called ‘Donetsk
Ukraine. and Luhansk People’s Republics’ on 21 February
2022, and its military attack on Ukraine on
On 11 March 2022, the first Medevac operation
24 February, the EU imposed hard-hitting
was launched. Since then, more than 1 000
sanctions against the Russian economy and
patients from Ukraine in need of continued
those entities and individuals complicit in the war.
treatment or urgent medical assistance have
With swiftness and force, the European Union,
been transferred to hospitals in the EU with the
and its partners and businesses around the world
help of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. A new
have acted to isolate Russia economically and
medical evacuation plane has been added to
bring Putin’s war machine to a halt. We stand on
the EU’s rescEU fleet to help transport Ukrainian
the side of Ukraine and of democracy over
patients in need of urgent healthcare.
autocracy; on the side of the rule of law over the
At the same time, the Commission stepped up right of might; on the side of a fair and peaceful
its efforts to reach out to both the Ukrainian- and international order over aggression and chaos.
Russian-speaking communities, with a particular
Russia’s actions are a breach of universal values
focus on informing refugees about EU support.
and international law, which the international
The Commission quickly launched a dedicated
community cannot allow. On 2 March 2022, the
website about solidarity with Ukraine,
United Nations voted overwhelmingly to
available for the first time ever in both Ukrainian
condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: 141 of the
and Russian. To directly reach people in Ukraine
193 member states voted for the resolution, with
and Russian-speaking audiences, the Commission
35 abstentions and just 5 countries siding with
also joined Telegram. The Europe Direct contact
centre has replied to around 10 000 questions
in relation to the Ukraine crisis and the plight of
refugees and internally displaced people.


Since the start of the war, the EU has adopted actions in undermining Ukraine’s territorial
six unprecedented packages of sanctions integrity, sovereignty and independence. To
with the aim of crippling the Kremlin’s ability to enforce these sanctions, the Commission swiftly
finance the war and putting pressure on the brought together EU Member States, Europol and
Russian regime. These sanctions cover the Eurojust, and set up a Freeze and Seize Task
financial, energy and transport sectors, along Force. The task force exchanges information and
with exports of dual-use goods, visa policy, experience across Member States and provides
disinformation outlets spreading the Kremlin’s guidance on enforcing the sanctions. It works
war propaganda, and Russian and Belarusian closely with the international Russian Elites,
individuals and entities linked to Putin’s war. In Proxies and Oligarchs Task Force, under which
accordance with international humanitarian law, the EU operates together with the G7 countries
the EU includes humanitarian exceptions in its (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the
sanction regimes. United Kingdom and the United States) and
Australia. The Commission has also proposed to
make the violation of EU restrictive measures an
We stand on the side of EU crime and to strengthen the rules on asset
recovery and confiscation.
Ukraine and democracy
Existing export controls on dual-use goods have
over autocracy. also been sharpened significantly to target
sensitive sectors in Russia’s military–industrial
The EU’s sanctions are so effective because they complex, thereby limiting Russia’s access to
are implemented in concert with like-minded advanced technologies crucial to its security
partners across the world. More than 40 and defence, such as drones and their software,
countries, representing almost half of global software for encryption devices, and
gross domestic product, are applying sanctions semiconductors and advanced electronics. The
against Russia, including Canada, Japan, sanctions are downgrading Russia’s technological
Liechtenstein, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, capabilities and the ability of its economy to
Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United modernise.
States, along with neighbouring and candidate
In accordance with the World Trade Organization
countries, particularly in the Western Balkans.
framework, the sanctions have imposed export
The sanctions are cutting off Russia’s access to bans on products destined for Russia, such
President of the European Commission
Ursula von der Leyen attends the G7
Summit in Schloss Elmau, Germany.
money on global capital markets, and are as steel, jet fuel, semiconductors, chemicals and
gradually eroding Russia’s industrial base, in other essential products for Russia’s industrial
particular its military–industrial complex. They base. At the same time, we have introduced
have cut key Russian banks out of the SWIFT import bans to cut revenue streams for Russia
system – the world’s dominant financial and its oligarchs, on products ranging from wood
messaging system – including Sberbank, Russia’s to cement and from seafood (caviar) to liquor
largest bank, essentially isolating Russia from (vodka), which cover more than half of what we
global financial markets. The EU has also blocked imported from Russia before the war.
Russia’s EU-held foreign exchange reserves.
Within the first 3 months of the war alone, EU
Member States froze assets worth
EUR 12.5 billion, such as financial transactions,
real estate, works of art, cars and yachts. This is
in addition to blocking the reserves of the Central
Bank of Russia in Europe. In total, 1 212
individuals and 108 entities have been subject
to asset freezes and travel bans because of their


For the sanctions to be effective, it was necessary • Prohibiting the export to Russia of goods and
for the EU to close down transportation technologies in the oil-refining sector. As
routes to and from Russia. Two key areas in this such, the EU is making it impossible for
regard were the closure of EU airspace to all Russia to upgrade its oil refineries.
Russian-owned, -registered or -controlled aircraft,
• Prohibiting EU companies from offering
and the export ban on goods, services and
insurance and other financial services to any
technology for aviation and the space
ship transporting Russian oil products. This
industry. Three quarters of Russia’s current
will cripple Russia’s ability to export oil
commercial air fleet was built in the EU, Canada
products worldwide.
or the United States. Sanctions also include a full
ban on Russian and Belarusian freight road • Stopping new investment in the Russian
operators working in the EU and an entry ban on energy sector.
Russia’s entire merchant fleet. However, certain
exemptions apply that cover essential goods, • Banning all forms of Russian coal
such as agriculture and humanitarian aid. imports. This affects one quarter of all
Russian coal exports, amounting to a revenue
Belarus is supporting the invasion of Ukraine by loss of around EUR 8 billion per year for
allowing the Russian military to operate from Russia.
within its territory. This is why the EU has also
stepped up its sanctions against Belarus. In addition, the Commission is setting the
Since October 2020, the EU has progressively direction and providing momentum for the EU to
imposed restrictive measures against Belarus in entirely remove its dependence on Russian fossil
response to the Belarusian authorities’ fuels, including Russian gas, and to accelerate
unacceptable violence against peaceful protestors Europe’s green transition.
and the instrumentalisation of migrants at the
EU’s border in 2021. The economic sanctions on
Belarus, which now cover almost 70 % of all
Belarusian exports to the EU, also exclude three GREEN TRANSITION
Belarusian banks from the SWIFT system. At the
same time, the EU has continued to support the On 18 May 2022, the European Commission
people of Belarus, with close to EUR 65 million presented REPowerEU, the EU’s ground-
in aid provided since summer 2020. This includes breaking plan to phase out its dependency
emergency support for civil society and the on Russian fossil fuels through the accelerated
victims of state oppression. roll-out of renewable energy, energy savings and
Revenues from energy exports constitute a
significant proportion of the Russian war chest.
To stem the cash flows to Russia, the EU
sanctioned the Russian energy sector in the
following ways.
• An import ban on Russian seaborne crude oil
and petroleum products. The ban covers
90 % of Europe’s current oil imports
from Russia.


the diversification of energy supplies. REPowerEU A massive scale-up and speed-up of

is a comprehensive and detailed plan to achieve renewable energy is under way in power
affordable energy for people living in the EU, generation, industry, buildings and transport. The
energy security for Europe and sustainability for Commission has proposed to increase the
the planet. REPowerEU is fully supported by the headline 2030 target for renewables from 40 %
Versailles Declaration, signed by all Member to 45 % under the European Green Deal.
State leaders on 11 March. Some 85 % of EU REPowerEU is paving the way for new and
citizens believe that the European Union should ambitious initiatives:
reduce its dependency on Russian fossil fuels as
soon as possible. REPowerEU is the EU’s


REPowerEU is supporting the development of one INCREASE FROM 9 % to 13 % in the

of the largest offshore wind farms in the 2030 binding energy efficiency target
world in the North Sea. It will soon cover the under the EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL
annual energy consumption of more than 50 FROM
million homes, or roughly one quarter of all EU 9%
households. The Commission’s legislative
proposal for accelerating the permitting for
renewable energy projects and their grid TO
infrastructure will pave the way for a much faster 13 %
deployment of renewable energy across the EU.
Every kilowatt-hour of electricity we generate
from wind, solar, hydropower or biomass reduces
our dependency on fossil fuels from Russia and
brings the EU one step closer to its net-zero
future. appliances and products. To ensure that the EU
is ready and resilient for the next winter, the
Commission has introduced minimum gas
The Commission is helping storage obligations on Member States, which
need to ensure an 80 % filling level by 1 November
Member States stem 2022.
electricity prices and To answer to the weaponisation of gas by Russia,
protect consumers. the Commission also proposed a new legislative
tool and the ‘Save gas for a safe winter’ plan.
This tool, which was adopted by the Council on
5 August 2022, would help the EU withstand a
Renewables are the best answer to rising complete disruption of Russian gas supply by
energy prices. The old carbon-heavy energies decreasing its gas consumption by 15 % until
– coal, oil and gas – are getting more and more next spring. The plan also provides guidance for
expensive, whereas renewable-energy costs have a coordinated gas reduction, in order to limit the
been falling steadily for many years. Global impact for citizens and the economy.
energy prices have been rising since summer
2021 and have been significantly exacerbated The EU is engaging with international partners to
by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In diversify energy supplies, and has secured record
the immediate term, the Commission is also levels of liquefied natural gas imports and higher
helping Member States stem electricity prices pipeline gas deliveries. The Commission is working
and protect consumers. As part of the Fit for 55 with Norway, the United Kingdom and United
climate and energy package, the Commission has States, and also with Angola, Azerbaijan, Egypt,
also put forward a proposal for a Social Climate Israel, Nigeria and South Korea. The agreement
Fund aimed at supporting vulnerable households, President von der Leyen reached with US
small and medium-sized enterprises and President Joe Biden will be replacing around
transport users. one third of the 155 billion cubic meters of
Russian gas the EU imported last year. The new
The Commission has also proposed steps to liquefied natural gas infrastructure that the EU
enhance long-term energy efficiency, including is building, to ensure security of supply and
an increase in the 2030 binding energy efficiency solidarity for all Member States, will form the
target under the European Green Deal from 9 % core of the green hydrogen corridors of the
to 13 %. Member States are encouraged to use future.
fiscal measures to encourage energy savings,
such as reduced VAT rates on energy-efficient
heating systems, building insulation, and


The newly created EU Energy Platform,

supported by regional task forces, will enable
voluntary common purchases of gas, liquefied
natural gas and hydrogen by pooling demand,
optimising infrastructure use and coordinating

and President of the European Commission

to enhance Europe’s security through the

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

outreach to suppliers. Replicating the success of Versailles Declaration: stepping up investment,
the common vaccine purchasing programme, the harnessing innovative and critical technologies
Commission is developing a joint purchasing and building a more integrated and competitive
mechanism to contract gas purchases on behalf European defence market. On 21 March 2022,

Ursula von der Leyen.

of participating Member States. The EU will the European Council formally approved the
continue to engage with likeminded partners strategic compass, which gives the EU an
around the world through our bilateral trade ambitious plan of action towards 2030. This is
agenda, to help secure the crucial supplies of all the more important at a time when war has
energy and raw materials which will underpin our returned to Europe.
energy and economic security going forward.
In response to the Versailles Summit, in May
REPowerEU comes with nearly EUR 300 2022 the Commission and the High Representative
billion in financial support, including of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
EUR 225 billion in loans available to Member Policy, Josep Borrell, presented an analysis of
States from NextGenerationEU, Europe’s historic defence investment gaps. In the immediate
recovery fund. The Commission has also proposed term, a Defence Joint Procurement Task Force
that Member States add a REPowerEU chapter has been established to work with Member
to their recovery and resilience plans, so they can States. Based on the work of the task force, a
better target the pandemic recovery funds to the short-term EU instrument to reinforce defence
objective of cutting the EU’s dependence on industrial capabilities through joint procurement
Russian fossil fuels once and for all. REPowerEU has been proposed for fast-track adoption, to
is a comprehensive and detailed plan to achieve support Member States in filling the most urgent
affordable energy for people living in the EU, and critical gaps in a collaborative way. Also in
energy security for Europe and sustainability for May 2022, the EU defence innovation scheme
the planet. was announced aiming to see a total investment
of EUR 2 billion into defence innovation.
EUROPEAN DEFENCE AND The European Union is doing everything in its
NATO power to protect the people of Ukraine in their
resistance against the Russian aggressor and to
help them realise their dream of a democratic,
The European Union is becoming a stronger independent and peaceful Ukraine. That is why,
security provider to protect EU citizens and for the first time in its history, the EU is
contribute to international peace and security in providing military equipment and security
our neighbourhood and beyond. On 11 March infrastructure to a non-EU country under attack.
2022, EU leaders gave a clear direction on how

Nadia Dobrianska moved from Kyiv to Cork after

an Irish family offered to host her and her family.
Nadia is documenting human rights violations and
war crimes by the Russian military. She also plays
the Irish flute and sings Irish traditional songs.


Upon the initiative of the High Representative, on

28 March 2022 the Council of the European
Union adopted assistance measures under the
European Peace Facility to provide equipment
and supplies to the Ukrainian armed forces. The

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and EU

total amount of support provided to the Ukrainian

Borrell pay tribute to the victims of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.

High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep
armed forces via the European Peace Facility COUNTERING WAR CRIMES,
since then amounts to EUR 2.5 billion.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the long-lasting
effects it will have on the European and global
security order, has brought the EU and NATO
(North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) closer than Together with the Ukrainian government, the EU
ever. NATO is the world’s most powerful military is investigating allegations of war crimes
alliance, and it is a strictly defensive alliance. committed by Russian military. Justice is the
EU–NATO cooperation constitutes an integral basis of reconciliation, and those responsible for
pillar of European stability and security. The EU crimes will be prosecuted. As the Russian troops
and NATO have shown strong transatlantic unity withdrew from the area surrounding Kyiv, reports
in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, of atrocities began surfacing. The Ukrainian
on 18 May 2022, two further EU Member States, General Prosecution Office, 13 EU Member
Finland and Sweden, applied to join NATO, States, and the Office of the Prosecutor of the
abandoning their long-standing military non- International Criminal Court have opened
alignment in the face of Russia’s unprovoked war investigations into possible war crimes and
on Ukraine. crimes against humanity committed by the
Russian military in Ukraine.
The Joint Investigation Team set up on
25 March 2022, with the support of Eurojust,
NATO is the world’s aims to facilitate the coordination of cross-border
President of the European Commission Ursula von

investigations of core international crimes, as

most powerful military
der Leyen and President of Ukraine Volodymyr

well as prosecutions in the participating states,

alliance, and it is a strictly and before the International Criminal Court. The
team consists of investigators and prosecutors
defensive alliance. from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia
and Ukraine. On 25 April, the International
Criminal Court decided to join the joint
investigation team.
The war in Ukraine is also having global

repercussions, especially on the most vulnerable.

Putin’s war has put global food security
under serious threat. Exports, especially of
grains and oilseeds, have been drastically
constrained due to the block of Black Sea ports
by the Russian navy. The EU is helping Ukraine
export its agricultural goods currently stored in
the country, as well as forthcoming harvests, via
road, rail and inland waterways and import the
agricultural inputs it needs, from seeds to
fertilisers and animal feed, via the solidarity
lanes it announced on 12 May 2022. By August
2022, the EU solidarity lanes helped export


over ten million tons of Ukrainian grain,

nearly half the grain stuck in Ukrainian ports, due
to Russia’s blockade. None of the EU’s sanctions
target Russia’s agricultural sector, to specifically
ensure the food security of some of the most
vulnerable countries across the world.
Together, the EU and its Member States are the
world’s leading provider of humanitarian To counter the Kremlin’s disinformation and
and development assistance, including on information manipulation campaigns, on
food security. Team Europe has initiated a 2 March 2022 the EU decided to suspend the
comprehensive response to global food insecurity, broadcasting activities of the state-owned media
comprising both short-term emergency food and outlets Sputnik and Russia Today in the EU until
livelihood assistance as well as medium-term the aggression against Ukraine is brought to an
support for resilient and sustainable food systems end. On 3 June 2022, the broadcasting activities
in partner countries. of another three Russian state outlets – Rossiya
As part of this response, the EU has mobilised RTR/RTR Planeta, Rossiya 24/Russia 24 and TV
EUR 600 million in additional funding for the Centre International – were suspended. They are
most affected African, Caribbean, and Pacific among the most significant pro-Kremlin
countries. The EU has also initiated a disinformation outlets targeting audiences in
EUR 225 million Food and Resilience facility for Ukraine and the EU, and disseminating
North Africa and the Middle East. This brings the disinformation and propaganda in support of
total EU support for food security to EUR 7.7 billion Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
until 2024 in countries around the world. The EU’s The Commission is also working with industry
support leaves no one behind, working together and social media worldwide to fight disinformation
with humanitarian, development and peace and the Kremlin’s propaganda. In June 2022, 34
actors to ensure a just and inclusive transition in signatories – including platforms and tech
line with the European Green Deal. companies, such as Facebook, Google, Twitter,
Microsoft, Mozilla and TikTok, as well as civil-
society organisations – signed a new and
strengthened C o d e o f P r a c t i c e o n
Disinformation, a voluntary and self-regulatory
framework based on guidance by the Commission
in line with the digital services act. Widely
acknowledged as a pioneering framework, the
code sets out extensive and precise commitments
to fight disinformation and marks another
important step towards a more transparent, safe
and trustworthy online environment.

Mykola Kharytonov, who heads the FUTURE
Dnipro Centre for Organic Agriculture
A touching moment of Ukraine’s journey towards
and Environmental Protection, the European Union took place on 8 April 2022.
is continuing his research into President von der Leyen presented President
fertilisers from Catalonia in Spain, Zelenskyy a questionnaire, aiming at gathering
because he wants to help rebuild information about Ukraine’s preparedness to


become EU candidate. Ten days later, Ukrainian In an extraordinary act of solidarity and ingenuity
authorities formally submitted the completed during the early days of the war, on 16 March
questionnaire. Through its Association Agreement, 2022 the electricity grids of Moldova and
Ukraine is already closely aligned with the EU, Ukraine were successfully synchronised with the
and the process of regulatory and political continental European electricity grid. This helped
approximation is being accelerated as much as Ukraine keep its electricity system stable, warm
possible while ensuring that all merit-based homes and keep lights on during these dark
conditions are respected. On 17 June 2022, the times. It is also a milestone for the EU–Ukraine
European Commission provided its positive relationship, and now provides a literal connection
opinion on granting Ukraine, along with Moldova, between Ukraine and the EU.
EU candidate status, which was unanimously
But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has also had an
confirmed by the European Council on 23 June
economic impact in the EU itself. In this context,
2022. The European Council also recognised the
in March 2022, the Commission adopted a State
European perspective of Georgia. It expressed
Aid Temporary Crisis Framework to enable
readiness to grant Georgia candidate status once
Member States to use the flexibility provided for
the priorities specified in the Commission’s
under State-aid rules to support the economy
opinion on its membership application have been
in the context of the Russian invasion, while
protecting the level playing field in the single
The EU’s direct support for the Ukrainian market. As of today, the Commission has adopted
government is long-standing, with the EU, 89 decisions on support for the economy in the
Member States and European financial institutions current geopolitical crisis, for an estimated total
working together hand in hand. Since the start of approved amount of nearly EUR 430 billion. On
the war, the EU has significantly stepped up its 20 July 2022, the Commission adopted an
support, mobilising EUR 9.5 billion to support amendment to the Temporary Crisis Framework.
Ukraine’s overall economic, social and The amendments include new categories of aid
financial resilience in the form of macro- to support Member States’ efforts to become
financial assistance, budget support, emergency independent of fossil fuels.
assistance, crisis response, humanitarian aid and
military assistance under the European Peace
Facility. A total EUR 2.2 billion in macro-financial
assistance has already been fully disbursed
between March and the beginning of August, as
well as EUR 120 million in Budget Support.
Moreover, on 27 April, the Commission proposed
to suspend all remaining import duties on all
Ukrainian exports to the EU for at least
1 year.

On 17 June 2022, the

Commission provided In Estonia, Johanna-Maria Lehtme
founded “Slava Ukraini”, which has
its positive opinion on delivered over 60 ambulances to
granting Ukraine EU Ukraine, filled with medical supplies
candidate status. and other assistance needed to save


Hand in hand with the Ukrainian government, the Looking at the medium-term future of the
Commission is already looking towards the country, the Ukrainian government and the
future, towards rebuilding a free and Commission have proposed to set up the Ukraine
prosperous Ukraine anchored in European Reconstruction Platform, which would organise
values. In this spirit of solidarity, on 18 May and coordinate international partners and
2022 the Commission put forward an ambitious financial institutions in the implementation of the
vision for both the short-term relief and the long- ‘RebuildUkraine’ reconstruction plan. The
term reconstruction of Ukraine, in the knowledge plan sets out a clear European path for Ukraine,
that a major global financial effort will be linking the EU’s support for reconstruction to the
required to rebuild the country after the war. In implementation of wide-ranging reforms and
order to address Ukraine’s immediate needs, the anti-corruption measures.
Commission proposed on 7 September a further
EUR 5 billion macro-financial assistance
operation. This is the second part of the
exceptional package of up to EUR 9 billion
proposed by the Commission on 18 May.




A PIONEER IN SAFE AND 83.4 % of the adult

EU population has
received primary vaccination
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the lives (one or two doses) against
of millions in Europe and around the world. The
scale of the crisis was such that only as a Union COVID-19.
we could provide the response our citizens
needed. It was Europe’s moment to step in,
and it was a make-or-break moment for the
European Union.
Since the early days of the pandemic, the
European Commission has engaged on three
fronts. First, we have worked to contain the
spread of the coronavirus and to protect as many
people as possible with vaccines. Second, we
have responded to the economic shock with an
unprecedented recovery plan, with investments
8 3. 4

40 %
25 A

and reforms. Third, we have stayed on course 1

ly 2

with our green and digital transition – because 1 Ju


70 50 %
st 2

the pandemic has only accelerated the need for 60


% % 1 5 J u ly 2 1
change. Today we can safely say that the EU has

Au 2A
gu ug u
st st 2 1
responded with competence, care and unity to 21
the challenge of COVID-19.


In October 2021, the Commission established a

portfolio of 10 potential COVID-19 therapeutics,
after screening 82 therapeutic candidates in late-
Thanks to the EU vaccines strategy, more than stage clinical development, taking into account
1.7 billion doses of vaccines against COVID-19 that different types of products are needed for
COVID-19 arrives in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

have been delivered to all corners of Europe. A

The first shipment of vaccines against

different patient populations and at different

colossal 83.4 % of the adult population in the stages and severities of the disease. By May
EU has received primary vaccination (one or two 2022, eight treatments for COVID-19 were
doses) against the disease while 62 % have had authorised. Several joint procurement contracts
an additional booster, and thousands of lives for COVID-19 medicines have also been concluded
have been saved. with manufacturers to facilitate Member States’
Early in the coronavirus pandemic, the access to COVID-19 treatments.
Commission entered into advance purchase
agreements with individual vaccine producers
on behalf of the Member States. In return for the GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN
right to buy a specified number of vaccine doses VACCINE SOLIDARITY
within a given period and at a given price, the
Commission financed part of the upfront costs
From day one of the coronavirus pandemic, the
faced by vaccine producers from the
Commission has been committed to international
EUR 2.7 billion Emergency Support Instrument.
cooperation in fighting the pandemic. We made
By doing so, the Commission contributed to
the choice of solidarity not only within Europe,
developing and manufacturing safe and effective
but also with the rest of the world. The EU is the
vaccines in record time. It is thanks to this
single biggest supplier of vaccines against
foresight that Europe has now tamed the worst
COVID-19 in the world, and one of the lead
pandemic in a century.
COVAX (the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access
Since 2020, six vaccines against COVID-19 have Facility) donors to developing countries. Between
been authorised, after passing the most rigorous November 2020 and July 2022, the EU exported
clinical trials and regulatory approval over 2.4 billion doses of vaccines against
processes in the world. In the past year, the COVID-19 to a total of 168 countries, of
European Commission has continued to build the which 478 million doses were donated to
world’s largest, safest and most effective vaccine countries in need, in particular across Africa,
portfolios for people living in the EU. Contracts mostly through COVAX.
for 4.2 billion vaccine doses have been
The EU–African Union Summit in February
concluded with eight vaccine developers and
2022 saw the launch of the Global Gateway
manufacturers. In the case of new variants, if an
Investment Package for Africa. The health
adapted vaccine is authorised by autumn 2022,
component of the package includes at least
the EU will have access to deliveries in the form
EUR 425 million to ramp up the pace of
of adapted vaccines from BioNTech-Pfizer and
vaccination on the continent. During May 2022’s
Moderna. Should a new pandemic wave reach
Second Global COVID Summit, and in view of
our continent, Europe will be ready for it.
the changed supply–demand situation for
Protecting the health of citizens requires more vaccines, President von der Leyen announced the
than vaccines – it requires treatments. COVID-19 adaptation of the EU’s efforts towards supporting
patients need safe and effective treatments to the most efficient use of available doses. This
fight the infection, improve their prospect of a includes a EUR 450 million pledge to the Global
swift recovery, reduce hospitalisations and, most Pandemic Preparedness Fund, subject to
importantly, prevent loss of life. The EU strategy agreement on the Fund’s governance. This
on COVID-19 therapeutics is supporting the illustrates the strength of the EU–US agenda
development and availability of medicines, for beating the global pandemic: vaccinating
including for patients recovering from COVID-19. the world, saving lives now and building back
better global health security.


In the medium term, over EUR 1 billion from the RE-OPENING EUROPE, AND
EU budget and from Member States will be used
to boost manufacturing capacity in Africa THE WORLD
and access to vaccines, medicines and
health technologies in support to African The coronavirus pandemic is the first pandemic
Union’s goal of manufacturing locally 60 % of to be fought in the digital age. The EU Digital
the vaccines used on the continent by 2040, while COVID Certificate has been a crucial innovation
strengthening local pharmaceutical systems. in Europe’s response, and has rapidly become a
global standard. Adopted on 14 June 2021, the
In September 2021, with EU support, the global
system set out a common framework for issuing,
World Health Organization mRNA Technology
verifying and accepting vaccinations against
Transfer Hub was established in South Africa.
COVID-19, test and recovery certificates to
At the regional level, the EU is supporting the
facilitate free movement. Since the regulation
launch of the African Medicines Agency with
started to apply, more than 2 billion certificates
know-how and funding. At the national level, the
have been issued across the EU.
focus is on increasing production capacity and
creating the right ecosystem for investment in
frontrunner countries, including Ghana, Rwanda,
Senegal and South Africa.
In June 2022, the EU and Member States, led by
Spain, also launched a partnership with Latin
America and the Caribbean to support local
manufacturing of vaccines, medicines and other
health technologies, and to strengthen the
resilience of health systems there.
Finally, the EU has been at the forefront of the
work on a global trade response to the
coronavirus pandemic. During the World Trade
Organization’s 12th Ministerial Conference in June
2022, members agreed to waive certain In 2020, the 6-year-old Adam King
intellectual property obligations concerning
vaccines against COVID-19 based on a text from Ireland, who suffers from a
successfully negotiated by the EU with India, brittle bone condition, decided he
South Africa and the United States. wanted to send a virtual hug around
the world as a symbol of hope
during the coronavirus pandemic.
His idea travelled far and wide and
helped us to collectively heal.

With this system, the EU developed a global

standard: 48 non-EU countries and territories
across five continents have joined the system,
on top of the 27 Member States. As such, the EU
Digital COVID Certificate has not only been key
to upholding the fundamental right to free
movement within the EU in the context of the
restrictions put in place to slow down the spread


of COVID-19, but also contributed to the to the EU’s economic and geopolitical ambitions.
resumption of safe international travel. As of Open, rules-based trade supports jobs and growth
August 2022, more than 1.6 billion people in the EU, while helping to build resilient and
worldwide can use EU Digital COVID Certificates diversified supply chains, and securing access to
for their international travel. the goods and raw materials that we need to
avoid harmful dependencies. And in line with our
Due to the ongoing uncertainty relating to the
new assertive approach in defending and
evolution of the pandemic it was agreed to
promoting the interests of our businesses and
extend the application of the EU Digital COVID
consumers, we have put in place autonomous
Certificate Regulation until 30 June 2023, as
tools such as the International Procurement
proposed by the Commission.
Instrument and the Foreign Subsidies
The use of the EU Digital COVID Certificate has Regulation which is a new instrument to address
gone hand in hand with Re-open EU – a web and potential distortive effects of foreign subsidies
mobile application that helps Europeans find up- in the single market.
to-date information on travel and health
measures in European countries in 24 languages.
Re-open EU has become the most widely used BUILDING A STRONG
mobile application ever produced by the EU EUROPEAN HEALTH UNION
institutions, with almost 4 million downloads
and almost 43 million visitors.
This is the first pandemic to have taken such a
To ensure that national contact-tracing apps heavy toll in Europe since the birth of the
could talk to each other across borders, the European Union. But we could face similar
Commission launched a European interoperability outbreaks in the future. Because of the loss of
gateway service. By autumn 2021, 19 Member biodiversity and climate change, other zoonotic
States were exchanging risk contact viruses could leap from animals to humans. In
information through the European gateway, the event of another pandemic, we must be sure
with their national apps having been downloaded that all European countries are equally prepared
over 70 million times. These downloads and responsive. This is a clear lesson that the
correspond to 23 % of the population in the pandemic has taught us, and it is one of the main
connected Member States. These national apps reasons why the von der Leyen Commission has
and the European gateway were designed as laid the foundations of a European Health
temporary tools to be discontinued once the Union.
pandemic is over. So far, nine Member States
have discontinued their mobile apps.
In addition to reopening Europe to internal and
external travel, and building on the early
experience of the green lanes approach meant
to keep goods being transported and delivered
to consumers across borders throughout the
pandemic, in May 2022 the Commission
presented the EU transport contingency plan.
It aims to strengthen the resilience of the
European transport sector in times of crisis.
Finally, we have also strengthened our trade
policy with our communication – an open,
sustainable and assertive trade policy -
adopted in February 2021. The openness pillar
of our trade policy remains of critical importance


The European Health Union is the next step on The most immediate focus of the European
the path towards a better EU. It is designed to Health Union is crisis preparedness and response.
better protect the physical and mental health of The regulation on serious cross-border
EU citizens, equip the EU and its Member States threats to health, which will provide a legal
to prevent and address future pandemics, and framework within which the EU can react rapidly
strengthen the resilience of Europe’s healthcare to cross-border health threats, is being finalised
systems. by the European co-legislators.
The new Health Emergency Preparedness
and Response Authority (HERA), established
in September 2021 on the occasion of that year’s
State of the Union address, is contributing to the
development, production and stockpiling of
medicines, vaccines and other medical
countermeasures – such as personal protective
equipment – that were often lacking during the
first phase of the coronavirus response. HERA will
contribute to better prevention of, detection
of and rapid response to health emergencies
at the EU level and globally. In its first year of
activation, HERA has established an expert group
on COVID-19 variants to monitor mutations,
made vaccine purchases against monkeypox, set
up the EU FAB – a network of ‘ever-warm’
production capacities for vaccine and medicine
manufacturing that can be activated in case of
future crises – and begun stockpiling equipment
and drugs against chemical and nuclear threats.

With the new European

Health Data Space,
the Commission is taking a
historic step towards digital
healthcare in the EU.

Rapid response to variants is possible because,

early in the pandemic, the Commission called on
Member States to increase genome sequencing
and monitor the presence of variants to at least
5 %, and preferably 10 %, of positive test results,
and provided EUR 110 million in support through
the European Centre for Disease Prevention
and Control. With an additional EUR 123 million
from the EU’s research and innovation programme


– Horizon Europe – the EU has significant capacity networks in every EU Member State, for cross-
for monitoring the emergence of new variants. border cooperation. On World Cancer Day in
February 2022, the Commission launched a new
The pandemic has had and continues to have a
Cancer Registry, which tracks Member States’
major impact on patients, medical and healthcare
progress in fighting cancer and sets priorities for
staff and health systems in Europe. The
EU4Health programme goes beyond crisis
response to address healthcare systems’ With the new European Health Data Space,
resilience. Learning from the successes of the the Commission is taking a historic step
pandemic response, EU4Health is investing EUR towards digital healthcare in the EU. With this
5.3 billion in measures with EU added value and proposal, the Commission is empowering citizens
helping Member State health systems build extra in giving them full control over their health data
capacity and recover from the pandemic. and enabling better healthcare across the EU. It
will also foster a genuine European single market
The pharmaceutical strategy for Europe,
for digital health services and products. It will do
adopted in November 2020, presents concrete
so by offering a consistent, trustworthy and
initiatives to ensure access to safe, high-quality,
efficient framework to use health data for
affordable medicines for patients, and addressing
research, innovation, policymaking and regulatory
unmet medical needs, while facilitating scientific
activities, while ensuring full compliance with the
and technological innovation. It also aims to
EU’s high data protection standards. This will
enhance security of supply, address shortages
be invaluable for scientists, researchers,
and promote the strategic autonomy of the EU
innovators and policymakers working on
so that we can provide medicines, including in
innovative life-saving treatments.
times of crisis. In March 2022, the mandate of
the European Medicines Agency was strengthened Thanks to safe and effective vaccines, high
to provide for better monitoring and mitigation vaccination rates, effective treatment options,
of shortages of critical medicines. digital innovations like the EU Digital COVID
Certificate, a stronger European Centre for
A flagship initiative of the health union is
Disease Prevention and Control supported by the
Europe’s beating cancer plan. With
new HERA, emergency stockpiles of medical
EUR 4 billion in funding, including EUR 1.25 billion
supplies and a comprehensive testing capacity,
from the EU4Health programme, the plan is
the EU has built world-class resilience to the
already strengthening cancer prevention, research
coronavirus pandemic and future health
and patient care. The Commission has begun
establishing European cancer centres and




So far, more than EUR 100
billion has been disbursed
At the start of the von der Leyen Commission, to Member States under the
we set a new and ambitious course for the
European Union: to build a greener, digital and Recovery and Resilience
socially just Europe. COVID-19 and Russia’s
aggression against Ukraine have confirmed
that our course of action was right. The
lockdowns sped up our economies’ digital
transition, and we saw years’ worth of digital approved nearly all Member States’ recovery and
innovation and transformation in the space of a resilience plans. Nearly 40 % of investment is
few weeks. The pandemic has also shown the committed to climate measures, and more than
need to mend our relationship with our planet, 26 % to the digital transition. The recovery and
and many Europeans rediscovered the importance resilience plans also include a wealth of
of nature in their life. Moreover, the Kremlin’s structural reforms that will have a long-lasting
energy blackmail has added yet another reason impact and accelerate the green and digital
to break free from our dependency on Russian transitions. So far, more than EUR 100 billion has
fossil fuels. United in solidarity, the EU is not just been disbursed to Member States under the
beating the virus, restarting its economies and Recovery and Resilience Facility. The Commission
supporting Ukraine, it is also confidently investing estimates that the stimulus from
in a strong and sustainable future for the next NextGenerationEU investment could boost the
generation of Europeans. EU’s economic growth by 1.5 % by 2027 and
help create 2 million new jobs.
This is the promise of NextGenerationEU,
Europe’s historic recovery plan. It is worth
over EUR 800 billion, and combined with the EU’s
long-term budget towards 2027, the European
stimulus package totals over EUR 2 trillion. By
the spring of 2022, the Commission’s had

EUR 800 billion 40 % 26 %

NextGenerationEU of investment of investment
recovery plan committed to committed to the
climate measures digital transition


NextGenerationEU is investing in renewable market for capital, not just to channel private
energy to speed up the green transition and, investments into the green and digital transitions,
in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, make the but to benefit consumers, investors and
EU independent from Russian fossil fuels well companies with deep, efficient and reliable
before 2030, thanks to the REPowerEU plan. We sources of funding, regardless of where they are
are investing in greener cities with restored located in the EU.
nature, and a connected countryside, with high-
speed internet. We are investing in Europe’s high-
tech industrial base, from green steel to THE FIRST CLIMATE-NEUTRAL
renewable batteries and microchips. And we are CONTINENT, BY 2050
investing in equal and high-quality educational
and professional opportunities for young people
across the European Union. The European Green Deal is Europe’s roadmap
to become the first climate-neutral continent, by
To finance NextGenerationEU, the Commission is 2050 and to implement the 2030 Agenda for
on track to become the largest issuer of green Sustainable Development. From the pandemic to
bonds in the world to finance green policies. Up Russia’s war against Ukraine, the European
to EUR 250 billion of the funding will be raised Commission has stayed on track and even
via NextGenerationEU green bonds, or 30 % of doubled down on the green transition, as we are
NextGenerationEU. The disbursement of funds doing again with REPowerEU. Not only does the
by the Commission under the Recovery and health of people living in the EU depend on the
Resilience Facility is also on track, and depends health of our planet, but the EU’s energy security
on Member States implementing the agreed also depends on the massive shift towards
commitments, including structural reforms, such renewable energy. The green transition is a
as encouraging innovation or defending the rule generational opportunity to improve the well-
of law. Civil-society organisations, local and being and resilience of our citizens, wildlife and
regional stakeholders, and social and the planet.
economic partners are helping to steer
investment to where it is most needed. Since the von der Leyen Commission presented
the European Green Deal, only 10 days into its
Sustainable finance is at the heart of the green mandate, the EU has accelerated action to cut
and digital transitions. Since the Commission greenhouse gas emissions, invest in green
adopted its ambitious and comprehensive technologies and protect the natural environment.
sustainable finance package in April 2021, Thanks to the Climate Law, we have cast our
the EU is the global leader in setting environmental, 2050 ambition into binding EU law.
social and governance standards in financial The Climate Law also sets an intermediate target
markets. The EU Taxonomy is creating a first- of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at
of-a-kind classification system for sustainable least 55 % by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.
activities. To combat greenwashing, the
Reducing net greenhouse gas emissions
Commission is also updating EU law on corporate
sustainability reporting, which requires large by AT LEAST 55 % by 2030
companies to disclose information on their
operations. Combined with reforms to capital
markets, the Commission is building a single


The Fit for 55 package, presented by the The Commission published in March 2021 an
Commission in summer 2021, includes the action plan for the development of the
concrete steps needed to achieve our ambition. organic sector to support the EU farmers in
The European Green Deal is the most reaching the target of 25 % of agricultural land
comprehensive transformation plan in the world. under organic farming and a significant increase
Europe has the vision and targets, with of organic aquaculture by 2030. The action plan
NextGenerationEU we have the investment and puts forward concrete actions to boost both
now is the time to accelerate implementation, consumption and production of organic products,
through the following instruments: combined with further increasing the sustainability
of the sector.

Fit for 55 package, Carbon Border Uptake of

including emissions Adjustment alternative fuels
trading, regulations Mechanism and infrastructure
and targets in transport

EU taxonomy for Renovation wave Forest strategy


Farm-to-fork Zero-pollution Sustainable and

strategy action plan smart mobility

Circular economy Biodiversity

package strategy

In January 2022, the Commission adopted the Also in March 2022, the Commission presented
new Guidelines on State aid for climate, a package of proposals to make sustainable
environmental protection and energy products the norm on the EU market. New rules
(‘CEEAG’), which create a flexible, fit-for-purpose make products more durable, reusable,
enabling framework to help Member States upgradable, reparable, recyclable, and energy and
provide the necessary support to reach the resource efficient. The proposals build on existing
European Green Deal objectives in a targeted and eco-design requirements, which in 2021 alone
cost-effective manner. led to a 10 % lower annual energy consumption
for consumer products, like household appliances,


and saved EU consumers EUR 120 billion. As part citizens and businesses across the European
of the new package, the Commission also Union. The European Green Deal therefore
presented plans to make textiles more durable, includes a European climate pact, bringing
repairable and recyclable, along with new rules together citizens across the EU to act together
to empower consumers in the green transition, for climate and sustainability as volunteer
ensuring that they are better informed about the ambassadors.
environmental sustainability of products and
The need for bottom-up, co-creative solutions to
better protected against greenwashing.
climate change is also why President von der
In June 2022, the Commission presented two Leyen, in her 2020 State of the Union address,
new laws to bring nature back across the EU. launched the New European Bauhaus, a
The proposed nature restoration law is a key step movement to make the green transition a
in preventing the worst impacts of climate change sustainable, beautiful and inclusive experience
and biodiversity loss by focusing on restoring for citizens in their everyday lives. In September
EU wetlands, rivers, forests, grasslands, 2021, the Commission announced the 20 winners
marine ecosystems and urban environments, of the New European Bauhaus Awards and the
and the species they host. Newly proposed rules New European Bauhaus Rising Stars. To provide
on chemical pesticides will reduce pesticide use a public space for the growing community, the
by 50 % by 2030, reduce the environmental Commission launched the New European
footprint of the EU’s food system, protect the Bauhaus Lab in spring 2022 and the Festival of
health and well-being of citizens and agricultural the New European Bauhaus in the summer. The
workers and help mitigate economic losses lab supports the community in testing the tools,
caused by declining soil health and pesticide- solutions and policy measures that will facilitate
induced pollinator loss. This is part of the EU’s the transformation on the ground. The
objective to legally protect a minimum 30 % of Commission’s new research centre in Seville is
its land areas and 30 % of its sea areas by 2030, also putting these ideas into practice: the building
as set out in the EU’s biodiversity strategy for will not only be fully carbon neutral, but also
2030. The Commission has also made a proposal energy positive. The New European Bauhaus
to ban goods and commodities that drive shows that the European Green Deal is about
deforestation in other parts of the world from more than finding inspiring effective solutions to
entering the EU single market. climate change; it is about improving people’s
lives in the way we design and build our
For Europe’s green transition to be a success, we
homes, towns and cities.
need the support and active engagement of

REDUCE pesticide use

by 50 % by 2030 The New European
Bauhaus is a movement
to make the green transition
a sustainable and inclusive
experience for citizens in their
everyday lives.


In June 2022, the Commission anchored

sustainability criteria firmly into its
bilateral trade deals. This matters because the
EU is the number-one trading power in the world.
Following a review of the sustainable development
aspects of our trade agreements, the EU will work
more closely with its trade partners to enforce
On the global stage, at the United Nations Climate and implement core sustainability criteria, notably
Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in the Paris Agreement and labour conventions of
November 2021, the European Union pushed for the International Labour Organization. The EU-
significant progress on the implementation of New Zealand Trade Agreement, concluded on 1
the Paris Agreement, ensuring that the global July 2022, is early proof of our new ambition.
ambition of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C The agreement includes state of the art provisions
remains within reach. As a highly innovative and on trade and sustainability, including sanctions
industrialised region, the EU’s leadership is linked to respect of the Paris Agreement.
inspiring others around it to follow. In
Glasgow, the Commission pledged EUR 1 billion Also in June, at the World Trade Organization’s
to protect the world’s forests, which are essential 12th Ministerial Conference, the EU helped secure
for mitigating climate change and protecting a landmark agreement to tackle harmful
biodiversity. Our pioneering Just Energy Transition fishing subsidies worldwide. The agreement will
Partnership with South Africa is helping it exit ban subsidies for illegal, unreported and
from coal, and will serve as a model for climate unregulated fishing and overfished stocks, two
and technology cooperation with other partners, scourges emptying our oceans. To enforce this,
including Vietnam. The EU and its Member States and lead a collective global approach to protect
remain the biggest contributor of public climate and restore the high seas, the Commission
finance to developing economies. And our Green unveiled its new International Ocean Governance
Alliance with Japan reaffirms our close agenda. We are preserving our oceans for future
cooperation with democracies to become climate- generations.
neutral by 2050.
The EU is a global pioneer in the path towards a
safe and trusted digital world. The coronavirus
pandemic has proved the benefits of digitalisation
in our everyday lives, and why Europe’s human-
centred digital transition is the right way
forward. The freedom to connect with friends and
family across borders must be a right, not a
privilege. The freedom to work or study remotely
is fast becoming a reality for many Europeans,
opening up new possibilities for young families,
Maria Teresa Ferres, stemming businesses and rural communities. The growth
of our personal and professional lives online
from five generations of Catalan should be accompanied by increased protection
fishermen, founded the cooperative online of our fundamental rights and data.
“Sea of Women”, which promotes In January 2022, the Commission proposed a
ethical engagement with the sea and draft European declaration on digital rights
the visibility of the role of women in and principles. The European Parliament and
the fisheries sector.

the Council have joined the Commission to

negotiate the final text, to be adopted by all three
institutions. This proposal follows a number of
major pieces of EU legislation that are building
a safer and freer digital space, in Europe and
The Commission released its highly anticipated

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

draft artificial intelligence (AI) act in April markets act, the Commission will be the world’s

visits the Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography

2021. It represents the world’s most forward- first enforcer of big tech market regulation
looking attempt to regulate AI technologies, covering numerous practices and digital services.

(ASML) company in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

setting out a risk-based cross-sectoral regulatory
Another milestone agreement was reached in
approach to the use of AI systems in the EU and
April this year on the digital services act, a
its single market. The Commission wants to make
world-first in the field of digital regulation. This
AI rules consistent across the EU and thereby
act follows the principle that what is illegal offline
ensure legal certainty, encourage investment and
must also be illegal online: very large online
innovation in AI and build public trust that AI
platforms and search engines will be subject to
systems are used in ways that respect European
more stringent requirements to protect their
values and fundamental rights.
users from illegal content, goods and services.
The Commission’s Data Governance Act, Moreover, online platforms and search engines
agreed with the European Parliament and Council will be required to assess and mitigate the
in autumn 2021, increases trust in data sharing. broader harms that their activities and algorithms
It was complemented in February 2022 by a may pose to fundamental rights, children’s well-
proposal for a data act, setting out new rules being and civic discourse. Both the digital markets
on who can use and access data generated in the act and the digital services act were adopted by
EU across all economic sectors. The Commission the European Parliament plenary in early July,
is also establishing common European data will enter into force this year, and be applicable
spaces in strategic domains, involving private and during 2023.
public actors.
A human-centred digital transition is the
In a milestone in March 2022, the EU’s co- foundation on which the four pillars of Europe’s
legislators reached an agreement on the digital Digital Decade stand: empowering citizens with
markets act, which regulates the activities of digital skills; digitalising businesses; digitalising
large digital platforms, or ‘gatekeepers’, to ensure public services; and strengthening digital
that the European digital single market is open infrastructure. Agreed with the European
and fair. These gatekeepers will be subject to a Parliament and the Council in July 2022, the
number of clearly defined obligations and Path to the Digital Decade Policy Programme
prohibitions that prevent large digital companies set concrete targets along this four pillars and
from abusing their market power and allow new established a robust implementation mechanism.
players to enter the market. With the digital Within the EUR 250 billion boost to digitalisation
from NextGenerationEU, Europe is advancing on

Digital skills Digital transformation Digitalisation of Secure and sustainable

of business public services digital infrastructures


all four pillars. For example, this year the would offer greater choice to consumers and
Commission will adopt its proposal for a businesses. Taking into account digitalisation,
connectivity infrastructure act to promote rapid changes in the payments landscape and
more efficient and faster deployment of very- the emergence of crypto-assets, the digital euro
high-capacity electronic communications could complement cash and respond to new
networks, including fibre and 5G, across the EU. payment needs.
The European chips act proposal, adopted by To preserve financial stability, while allowing
the Commission in February 2022, is a flagship innovation and fostering the attractiveness of the
project for the EU’s transformation. There is no crypto-asset sector, the EU is the first regulator
digital future without chips. They are in our in the world to protect its citizens against some
phones, computers, cars, medical devices and all of the risks associated with crypto-asset
connected appliances. The ongoing supply-chain investments. In June 2022, EU co-legislators
disruptions caused by the pandemic have reached a landmark agreement on the
reinforced the need to invest, building on Europe’s Commission’s proposed crypto-assets
world-class semiconductor research base to regulation.
return to the cutting edge of design and
The EU’s space programme already provides
production. The EU and Member States are
prized data and services for a wide array of daily
mobilising EUR 43 billion in public investment,
applications, for example to support commercial
and this has already attracted the largest chip
transportation and personal navigation, precision
manufacturer in the United States to invest EUR
agriculture and solutions to climate change. In
19 billion in the EU.
February 2022, the European Commission
proposed two new flagship initiatives to boost
The European chips act satellite-based secure connectivity and
space traffic management.
proposal is a flagship project
The EU–US Trade and Technology Council,
of Europe’s transformation. established in June 2021, offers an effective
platform for the European Union and the United
States to coordinate their approaches and deepen
In parallel, the Commission adopted a revised
cooperation on key digital, technological,
communication on State-aid rules for important
economic and trade issues. It held its first meeting
projects of common European interest to
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 29 September
support major cross-border infrastructure
2021, and the second in Paris-Saclay, France, on
investment in breakthrough innovations, for
16 May 2022. The EU and US co-chairs built on
example for the battery value chain.
strong foundations and announced new initiatives
Two emerging frontiers of the digital transition on supply chains, food security, emerging
are finance and space, and here too the EU is a technology, digital infrastructure and trade. These
pioneer. In January 2021, the Commission and initiatives will reinforce our shared democratic
the European Central Bank agreed to work values and bolster transatlantic global
together to analyse various design options and competitiveness, benefit workers and families on
the related regulatory implications of the digital both sides of the Atlantic and shape the global
euro. A digital form of central bank money, it digital and technological transition.
In addition, in April 2022 President von der Leyen
and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed
to establish an EU–India Trade and Technology
Council to tackle key trade, economic and
technology challenges and advance cooperation
in these areas. The European Union is working


with like-minded partners across the world to Another 99 start-ups were selected in December
shape global rules in the digital sphere. We are 2021 to receive up to EUR 627 million. In June
upgrading digital relationships with key partners, 2022, the Commission launched a EUR 20 million
to set the rules for digital trade, linking this to European Innovation Council support action for
the projection of our internal reforms. A digital at least 200 deep-tech start-ups from Ukraine,
partnership has been concluded with Japan at and selected another batch of 74 innovative
the EU-Japan summit in May 2022, and similar start-ups and SMEs. They are set to receive EUR
negotiations are ongoing with Singapore and 382 million.
South Korea.
The new European innovation agenda was
adopted in July 2022, and included five major
WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH flagship programmes to make the EU the global
leader in deep-tech innovation. It has the potential
AND INNOVATION to mobilise around EUR 45 billion from private
institutional investors to support scale-ups. In
With EUR 95.5 billion in funding for the period up addition, the agenda will establish a programme
to 2027, Horizon Europe is the largest to train 1 million individuals in deep-tech skills,
transnational research and innovation programme in particular deep tech fields ranging from new
in the world. Both the green and the digital materials and synthetic biology to cleantech.
transitions in Europe depend on world-class
The Commission is also strengthening efforts to
research and innovation. The Commission
pioneer green technology projects with the launch
launched five EU research and innovation
of the EU–Catalyst, a new partnership aimed
missions in September 2021, to come up with
at boosting and scaling-up investments in high-
concrete solutions to some of our greatest
impact EU-based projects in critical climate
technologies expected to enable the future net-
On 14 October 2021, the European Innovation zero economy (green hydrogen, sustainable
Council, a flagship initiative of Horizon Europe, aviation fuels, direct air capture and long-duration
selected 65 innovative start-ups and small and energy storage). The partnership was launched
medium-sized enterprises to receive at COP26, with the potential to mobilise up to
EUR 363 million in funding for breakthrough EUR 840 million by 2026 and to help deliver
innovations in healthcare, digital technologies, European Green Deal ambitions and the EU’s
energy, biotechnology, space and other areas. 2030 climate targets.


Soil health and food Adaptation to climate Fighting cancer

change, including
societal transformation

Climate-neutral and Healthy oceans, seas,

smart cities coastal and inland

Scientists backed by the European Research dedicated scheme worth EUR 25 million to
Council won top international prizes in medical support Ukrainian researchers through the Marie
research, astrophysics, mathematics as well as Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The MSCA4Ukraine
two Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and in Physics over scheme will provide fellowships for doctoral
the past year. Recent surveys showed that the candidates and post-doctoral researchers to
European Research Council funded hundreds of continue their work at academic and non-
research projects key to EU climate action, health academic organisations in the EU and Horizon
policies, and digital transformation, while more Europe Associated countries.
than one in ten grantees launched start-ups or
transferred the results of their research to other
Additionally, with support from Horizon Europe, BEHIND
the EU will more than double the number of
hydrogen valleys from the current 21 to 50 by Social justice must be at the heart of the green
2025, leveraging more investment from industry and digital transitions, reflecting the values of
and Member States. The EU will also extend the the European social market economy. That
existing hydrogen valleys network to other parts is why the von der Leyen Commission created
of the world by developing 100 hydrogen valleys the Just Transition Mechanism, which will
world-wide with Mission Innovation (the global mobilise up to EUR 55 billion by 2027 for the
initiative to accelerate clean energy innovation most affected regions of the EU. It has also
through action-oriented cooperation). proposed a Social Climate Fund, to be financed
Furthermore, the Commission has granted directly by the revenues generated from the
approximately EUR 4 million under the Erasmus+ European emissions trading system, to help the
programme to support a long-term partnership most vulnerable households in our society
between industry and education to develop the manage their energy and transport bills.
necessary skills for the hydrogen economy
and make them available to all education
In June 2022, the Parliament
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU
terminated the ongoing participation of Russian and the Council reached a
public entities and related bodies in the EU historic agreement on the
research and innovation programmes, excluded
future cooperation with all Russian legal entities, directive on adequate
and launched support measures for the research
community of Ukraine. Ukraine is already
minimum wages.
eligible for EU funding under Horizon Europe.
The Commission has already launched a
The EU’s response to the pandemic, and now to
Russia’s war on Ukraine, is working thanks to a
combination of short-term flexibility and long-
term vision. This flexible approach, based on
European social market values, is embodied by
the Commission’s programme of support to
mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency
(SURE). SURE helped employers keep employees
at work by paying their salaries during the
lockdowns. EUR 92 billion of financial assistance
was disbursed to 19 Member States for the direct
benefit of the recipients. In 2020 alone, SURE


SURE supported almost 30 % of total with the first payment made as early as June
employment and one quarter of total firms 2021. This quick action softened the impact of
in the 19 BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES the pandemic crisis and provided a bridge to the
long-term recovery plan. REACT-EU supports
EUR 92 BILLION enterprises and business development,
of financial strengthens healthcare systems, finances training
assistance programmes, employment schemes, and provides
school equipment and material assistance for
those most in need.
State aid was also an important part of the
Commission’s economic response to the
pandemic. Since the start of the crisis, the
was disbursed to
Commission has adopted more than 1 430 State-
Member States aid decisions, approving nearly 1 010 national
measures for an estimated total amount
approved of around EUR 3.2 trillion. The State Aid
COVID Temporary Framework was phased out on
supported around 31 million people in the EU and 30 June 2022.
2.5 million firms. SURE supported almost 30 %
In November 2021, the Commission adopted a
of total employment and one quarter of total
communication on a competition policy fit for
firms in the 19 beneficiary countries. In 2021,
new challenges, which highlights the important
SURE continued to protect jobs while laying the
role of competition policy in Europe’s journey
groundwork for a robust economic recovery.
towards recovery, the green and digital transitions
Today, the EU has its strongest labour market in and a resilient single market. The communication
decades. Between the beginning of 2021 and the highlights the inbuilt ability of competition policy
beginning of 2022, almost 6 million jobs were to adapt to new market circumstances, policy
created in the EU. As the economy recovered, priorities and customer needs. Furthermore, the
Member States gradually moved from emergency Commission is currently pursuing a review of
short-term work schemes to forward-looking competition policy tools to make sure all
measures in labour markets, in line with the competition instruments (merger, antitrust and
Commission’s recommendation on effective State-aid control) remain fit for purpose and
active support to employment (EASE). Despite complement its existing toolbox.
the serious economic impact of Russia’s war
As the pandemic has proved, a strong social
against Ukraine on certain sectors, so far,
market economy that puts people’s well-being
employment figures in the EU have remained
first is the most resilient model for a
largely unaffected, and unemployment has
technologically driven post-pandemic world. The
reached record-low levels (at 6.0 % in June
European Pillar of Social Rights action plan,
2022). While increased economic uncertainty
adopted in March 2021, proposed three ambitious
prevails, current projections show that
EU headline targets for 2030 in the areas of
employment should continue to grow in 2023.
employment, skills and poverty reduction,
Another tool to bring about a shared recovery welcomed by EU leaders at the Porto Summit.
across the EU, especially to boost growth in With a total budget of EUR 99 billion, the
less-developed regions, was the recovery European Social Fund is a key financial
assistance for cohesion and the territories of instrument for implementing the European Pillar
Europe (REACT-EU) initiative. Cohesion policy of Social Rights. In June 2022, all Member States
funds received a significant top-up worth over submitted their national targets, demonstrating
EUR 50 billion. REACT-EU was the very first their commitment to delivering on the promises
instrument to be used under NextGenerationEU, made at the Porto Summit.


the pact and 12 large scale partnerships in

2030 headline targets set in the strategic sectors have been set up, with pledges
European Pillar of Social Rights to help upskill up to 6 million people.
Action Plan The Council adopted recommendations on
individual learning accounts and micro-
at least credentials in June 2022. And to ensure that
Europe continues to be world class in education,
78 % the Commission has launched a European
strategy for universities that will greatly
of the population aged 20
improve the competitiveness of our higher
to 64 should be in employment
education systems through larger and deeper
by 2030 transnational cooperation. This will create better
conditions for talent to flourish in the knowledge-
at least based society.

60 % In June 2022, the Parliament and the Council

reached a historic agreement on the directive
of all adults should be on adequate minimum wages, proposed by
participating in training every the Commission in October 2020. This law has
year by 2030 been a priority for the von der Leyen Commission
from the start, and will help improve the adequacy
a reduction of at least of minimum wages and increase the access of
workers to minimum wage protection across
15 million the EU.
in the number of people at risk To protect workers against new challenges linked
of poverty or social exclusion to the digitalisation of the world of work, the
Commission proposed a directive on improving
the working conditions in platform work in
December 2021. The proposal aims to ensure
The European skills agenda, presented in July that people working through digital labour
2020, is a 5-year plan to help individuals and platforms are granted the legal employment
businesses develop more and better skills, fill in status that corresponds to their actual work
job gaps and thrive in the greener, more digital arrangements and can enjoy the labour rights
economy. The pact for skills, launched in and social benefits they are entitled to. It also
November 2020, brings together companies, tackles the complex issue of algorithmic
workers, local authorities, social partners, training management on platforms to ensure there is
providers and employment services to identify human oversight and transparency.
what skills will be needed in different sectors and
to make commitments to reskill workers. So far, Also in December, the Commission presented an
more than 700 organisations have signed up to action plan for the social economy. Enhanced
support for the social economy not only creates
jobs, but also allows organisations to increase
their social impact across the EU. The action plan
smooths the way for social-economy
organisations to prosper and grow by increasing

When Russia attacked Ukraine, the Romanian

business community came together to launch, a platform to help Ukrainian
refugees find employment across the EU.

their visibility, putting in place the right policy and in of private investment. It is about giving
legal frameworks and helping them start up and countries a better, value-based choice. The EU
scale. will work closely with like-minded partners in
rolling out this initiative.
Globally, the EU and its Member States are front
runners in corporate tax reform. In 2021, following Thanks to the Global Gateway, the EU is helping
the signature of an international agreement by to build two factories in Rwanda and Senegal
137 countries on a 15 % effective tax rate, the to manufacture state-of-the-art mRNA
Commission proposed a directive ensuring a vaccines. Starting next year, these vaccines will
minimum effective tax rate for the global be sold to African countries at not-for-profit
activities of large multinational groups. The prices. Similar work is also ongoing with Ghana
proposal delivers on the EU’s pledge to move and South Africa. The Global Gateway is also
extremely swiftly and to be among the first to already supporting the Great Green Wall, to
implement the historic global tax reform boost food production from Niger and Senegal
agreement, which aims to bring fairness, to Ethiopia as a bulwark against food insecurity
transparency and stability to the international and climate change.
corporate tax framework.
The EU invests heavily in establishing security,
stability and prosperity in our European
EUROPE’S GLOBAL GATEWAY neighbourhood. For the Western Balkans, the
EU has an economic and investment package of
TO THE WORLD almost EUR 30 billion – one third of the region’s
global gross domestic product – ten flagship
In autumn 2021, President von der Leyen investments in the areas of sustainable transport,
announced the Global Gateway, Europe’s offer clean energy, environment and climate, digital
to a world that needs massive investment: future, the private sector and human capital. EU
investment in clean energy, in roads and bridges investment is also rapidly supporting the green
that are flood-proof and in buildings that can energy transition in the Western Balkans and the
withstand extreme heatwaves; investment to phasing out of coal as the primary energy source.
prepare health systems for the pandemics of the In 2022, the EU has also taken a key step to start
future and to adapt farming to drier conditions; accession negotiations with Albania and North
investment to equip our workers with skills that Macedonia.
match the jobs of tomorrow; or investment in
digital infrastructure, because the fuel of the new
economy is data.
The Global Gateway will help make such
investments possible – be they public or private.
This will boost smart, clean and secure links in
digital, energy and transport sectors and
strengthen health, education and research
systems across the world. The EU is therefore
stepping up its offer to its partners to support
major infrastructure projects around the
world, with a focus on advancing the green and
digital transitions. Team Europe aims to mobilise
up to EUR 300 billion of investments by 2027,
half of which in Africa.
The Global Gateway is based on five principles:
sustainability; the expansion of human and social
rights; good governance; security and crowding-


For the Eastern Partnership, the EU is mobilising The Global Gateway’s investments are sustainable
investment of up to EUR 17 billion across all both for the environment and for our partners’
sectors. This includes digital connectivity projects, finances. Our investments will always put people
such as deploying a fibre-optic cable under first. And in relation to this, we will always co-
the Black Sea and developing high-speed design projects with our partners, to make
broadband infrastructure. We also want to sure they deliver lasting benefits for local
establish transport lines facilitating the transport communities. Europe has a clear strategic interest
of people and goods between the Caucasus and in this. We have an interest in working together
the EU. Another EUR 30 billion is being invested for our planet, making our neighbours and
in the Southern Neighbourhood, largely in partners more resilient to all sorts of shocks and
renewable energy infrastructure. replacing unsustainable dependencies with more
balanced interdependencies.



The EU will AND ENERGY The EU will
support open The EU will support all
and secure support modes of green,
internet investments and smart and safe
rules paving the transport
way to the clean
energy transition

The EU will help
strengthen The EU will invest in
supply chains high quality
and local education, with a
vaccines special focus on girls
production and women and
vulnerable groups




and foundations, and those concerning EU ‘mobile

THE COMMISSION UPHOLDS citizens’ (living in an EU country other than their
DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE nationality). While there are around 13.5 million
OF LAW such citizens, few exercise their right to vote in
European and municipal elections. The new
proposals will make it easier for mobile citizens
Democracy on the European continent is under to vote.
attack. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is a
war against democracy itself. It is a war against The Commission is the guardian of the
the idea that the people of Ukraine should be the treaties. It is the Commission’s duty to protect
only ones to take sovereign decisions about their the rights of EU citizens, wherever they live in our
own future. Our support for Ukraine stems directly Union. The rule of law is the glue that binds the
from our democratic values. When the people European Union together. It is essential for the
of Ukraine look at our Union, they see democracy, protection of the values on which the EU is
human rights, the rule of law and individual and founded: democracy, freedom, equality and
economic freedom. This is what the European respect for human rights. And this is what all 27
Union stands for today. Yet our democracy cannot Member States have signed up to as part of the
be taken for granted. It must be nurtured and EU, as sovereign countries and free people.
taken care of every day. This is what the von der
The von der Leyen Commission has put in place
Leyen Commission has strived for since the start
historic measures to strengthen the EU’s capacity
of its mandate.
to promote and protect the rule of law. The
Representative democracy also needs constant Commission has established a comprehensive
rejuvenation. In November 2021, the Commission Rule of Law Mechanism that provides for a
presented a proposal on the transparency process of an annual dialogue with the European
and targeting of political advertising, as part Parliament, the Council and the Commission,
of measures aimed at protecting election integrity together with the Member States, alongside
and open democratic debate announced under national parliaments, civil society and other
the European democracy action plan. The stakeholders in the rule-of-law field.
proposed rules would require any political advert
To facilitate this dialogue, the Commission has
to be clearly labelled as such and to include
been issuing annual EU rule-of-law reports,
information such as who paid for it and how
focusing on four key areas: justice systems, anti-
much. The Commission also proposed to update
corruption frameworks, media pluralism and
the current EU rules on European political parties
other institutional issues relating to checks and
balances. Each report assesses the situation in
the EU as a whole and includes 27 country
chapters looking at developments in Member
States. Three annual rule-of-law reports have
been published so far, with the latest in July
2022. As of this year, the reports include specific
recommendations for the Member States.


The Commission has a responsibility to protect Today the European Union is investing more
the EU budget against breaches of the rule of money than ever before to advance our collective
law. As of 2021, the Union budget has an recovery and to break free from our dependency
additional layer of protection against breaches on Russian fossil fuels. So we must take special
of the rule of law principles. This is thanks to a care that this money is used properly and
general regime of conditionality for the protection effectively. This is not only a vital ingredient of
of the EU budget – also known as the our democracies: it also creates trust for investors
“conditionality regulation” – that is in force and business at this crucial moment.
since January 2021. This mechanism is at the
Democracy and the rule of law are also at the
very heart of NextGenerationEU and the European
core of the EU accession process. This is what
budget. Measures must be taken if it is established
the citizens of the Western Balkans, Ukraine,
that breaches of the rule of law in any Member
Moldova, and Georgia expect for their countries
States affect or seriously risk affecting the sound
and those values form the core of the
financial management of the EU budget or the
‘fundamentals first’ approach of the
financial interests of the EU.
enlargement methodology.
On 27 April 2022, the Commission sent a written
notification to the Hungarian authorities
under the budget conditionality regulation. The JOURNALISM AND FREE
Commission considered that a number of rule of SPEECH
law issues in Hungary affect or seriously risk
affecting the sound financial management of the
Union budget or the protection of the financial A fundamental principle of democracy is that
interests of the Union. This notification opened a government serves the people. Democracies
procedure during which the Commission discussed empower their citizens to make decisions and
with national authorities how the issues raised hold their elected officials to account. This
could be constructively addressed. On 22 August, requires free and high-quality access to
Hungary provided observations and remedial information. That is why media freedom and
measures. The Commission is now analysing this pluralism are essential to a properly functioning
reply, before deciding whether to propose democratic system, and represent a priority area
measures for adoption by the Council. in the European democracy action plan.







In December 2021, President von der Leyen One week later, their Keep Ukraine’s Media
chaired a leaders’ session at the Summit for Going campaign had raised over EUR 1.5 million,
Democracy hosted by US President Biden, saying mostly in small donations from thousands of
that ‘we must every single day nurture and work people around the world. These donations are
on improving democracy, because we know how going directly to Ukrainian journalists to cover
quickly and how devastatingly history can the operational costs of reporting on the war,
change’. The Commission announced a new provide urgent equipment, relocate or set up new
global Europe human rights and democracy offices in Ukraine’s safe cities or in the EU.
programme, worth EUR 1.5 billion, to step up EU
But journalists also face increasing
support for the promotion and protection of
challenges within the EU. Given the technological
human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy,
and digital changes to the media environment,
the rule of law and the work of civil-society
which have been accelerated by the coronavirus
organisations and human-rights defenders
pandemic, and the increasing threats and attacks
around the world until 2027.
against journalists, many journalists are facing
increasing impediments to doing their essential
work for democracy. Three measures to reverse
these trends have thus far been implemented or
are under preparation by the Commission.
First, the Commission presented recommendations
on how to improve the safety of journalists
– offline and online – to Member States in
September 2021. Key initiatives include the
creation of independent national support services,
including helplines, legal advice, psychological
support, increased protection of journalists during
demonstrations and shelters for journalists and
media professionals facing threats.
Brave journalists are risking their
Second, in April 2022, the Commission proposed
lives covering the human impact of robust legislation to protect journalists and
the war in Ukraine. Frederic Leclerc- human-rights defenders against abusive
Imhoff, from France, was just 32 lawsuits. The new measures will enable judges
to swiftly dismiss the so-called SLAPPs (strategic
when he lost his life in a Russian litigation against public participations) and
attack on a humanitarian convoy in empower journalists and human-rights defenders
Ukraine. in their efforts to speak up in the public interest.

The Commission is actively supporting And third, the Commission is now presenting a
Ukraine’s independent media and civil media freedom act. The act will enshrine, for
society, as part of the EUR 335 million in the first time in EU law, common safeguards to
humanitarian aid delivered to Ukraine. European protect media pluralism and the editorial
civil society is also stepping up to support independence of the media. Media freedom,
Ukrainian journalists. pluralism and the safety of journalists are also
monitored in the annual rule-of-law reports.
A day after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, on
25 February, a group of small-scale pan-European
media partners, including the Are We Europe A UNION OF EQUALITY
Foundation, rallied around a goal: raising
EUR 150 000 as an emergency fund for Ukrainian In politics, business and society as a whole, we
media organisations and individual journalists. can only reach our full potential if we use all of


our talent and diversity. Innovation happens when

people from different backgrounds and
perspectives blend together. With the demographic
challenges that we face, we cannot afford not to
empower and use the potential of all members
of diverse societies. There must be the same

welcomes the political agreement reached between the co-legislators

to end gender-based violence against
opportunities for all who share the same
women and domestic violence. The proposed

on the Directive on improving the gender balance among non-

aspirations, and this has been one of the main

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

directive will criminalise both rape based on lack
priorities of the von der Leyen Commission since
of consent and female genital mutilation. It will
the start of the mandate. Building a gender equal
also criminalise cyber violence based on sex and
world is a key objective integrated into the EU’s
gender, which includes non-consensual sharing
external actions.
of intimate images, cyber stalking, cyber

executive directors of listed companies.

Equality and the fight against discrimination are harassment and incitement to violence or hatred
core values of any democracy. Equality between online. The new rules strengthen victims’ access
women and men is a fundamental value of the to justice and encourage Member States to make
EU, set out in Article 2 of the Treaty on European it easier to get support.
Union. Inclusion and diversity also drive innovation
Outside the EU, the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative
and economic productivity. Ten years after the
to fight all forms of violence against women and
Commission first proposed a directive to improve
girls has achieved remarkable results. It has
the gender balance on company boards, the
reached 130 million people globally through
co-legislators reached an agreement thanks to a
behaviour change campaigns. It has doubled
renewed effort by the von der Leyen Commission.
convictions for gender-based violence in
Pay discrimination at work remains a problem. participating countries, and endowed a thousand
The Commission therefore presented, in March local and grassroots women’s rights organizations
2021, a proposal for a directive to strengthen the with greater agency and influence. Active even
application of the principle of equal pay for and especially during the COVID-19 pandemic,
equal work through pay transparency and the Spotlight Initiative has helped provide more
enforcement mechanisms. Additionally, the than 1.6 million women and girls with local
Commission’s Horizon Europe programme gender-based violence services.
launched the women TechEU pilot project to put
women at the forefront of deep tech. Women
TechEU addresses the innovation gender gap by
supporting 130 women-led tech start-ups every The Commission is working
year. with Member States to
Gender-based violence remains a terrifying
reality for too many women in the EU. In March
develop, adopt and implement
2022, the Commission proposed EU-wide rules national LGBTIQ+ and
anti-racism action

The European Commission is committed to a

pluralistic, gender-equal and inclusive society,
where LGBTIQ+ people, minorities or people with
disabilities are treated equally. A dedicated Task
Force on Equality works to mainstream equality
in all policy areas.


Discrimination should have no place in the EU. European Jews and Jewish communities have
The Commission is working with Member States been contributing to the development of Europe
to develop, adopt and implement national for over two millennia and are an inextricable
LGBTIQ+ and anti-racism action plans, and part of Europe’s identity. Antisemitism is
it issued related guidelines in April and March incompatible with Europe’s core values, but sadly
2022, respectively. In December 2021, the still exists in Europe today. The EU strategy on
Commission took the first steps towards combating antisemitism and fostering
extending the list of EU crimes to include hate Jewish life, adopted in October 2021, sets out
speech and hate crime. Once agreed with the a series of measures to step up the fight against
Council, the initiative will ensure minimum all forms of antisemitism – but also, for the first
common rules on how to define criminal offences time ever, to promote Jewish heritage and culture
and sanctions applicable in all EU Member States. and to fight antisemitism beyond the EU. The
As the guardian of the treaties, the Commission Member States are now developing national
does not hesitate to initiate infringement action plans, which will be developed by the end
procedures against violations of of 2022.
fundamental rights, as has been the case, for
There is no place for violence of any kind in our
instance, in relation to violations against the
societies, especially not violence against children.
LGBTIQ+ community in Hungary and Poland.
On 11 May 2022, the Commission proposed new
EU legislation to prevent and combat child
sexual abuse online. The proposed EU rules will
oblige service providers to detect, report and
remove child sexual abuse material. A new
independent EU Centre on Child Sexual Abuse will
work closely with national law enforcement
authorities, the European Union Agency for Law
Enforcement Cooperation and support groups to
rescue and empower survivors and bring the
perpetrators to justice.
On the same day, the Commission adopted a new
European strategy for a better internet for
kids. Beyond more investment in child digital
Anna Ohnweiler is one of the education, the Commission and stakeholders are
founders of “Omas gegen rechts” developing rules for the age-appropriate design
of online services, with the active participation
(grannies against extremism) of children. Rules on removing terrorist content
fighting against antisemitism, online also entered into force. These standards
racism and misogyny. will be in line with our flagship digital services
act. Children around the world, not just those in
Europe, will be safer and more empowered.
To generate changes on the ground, action at the
local level is essential. In this spirit, the European Disadvantage and exclusion at an early age have
Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award an impact on children’s ability to succeed later.
was presented for the first time in April 2022, to The European child guarantee aims to break
recognise the work done by towns, cities and this cycle. It provides guidance and the means
regions in Europe to promote inclusion and create for Member States to support children in need by
societies free of discrimination and hate. The guaranteeing their access to education,
Disability Platform provides another setting extracurricular activities, healthy school meals
that enables relevant stakeholders to share and healthcare. In 2022, the Commission helped
experiences and good practices, learn from each 10 Member States to make their education
other and collaborate.


systems more inclusive by supporting the DEMOGRAPHY, RURAL AREAS

inclusion of children with disabilities or children
from migrant or vulnerable backgrounds. AND DIVERSITY
Since the war in Ukraine started, more than
Europe has undergone and continues to face
2 million Ukrainian children have sought
profound demographic change. In the EU, life
shelter in the European Union. These children
expectancy at birth has increased by 10 years
have the same rights and protection as children
over the past five decades. This is a remarkable
who are EU citizens. It has been heart-warming
achievement, and demonstrates the strength and
to see them welcomed into schools across the
value of our social-market economy. Nonetheless,
Member States. These children deserve the best
an ageing population has an impact on the way
education and care so that, when the war ends,
we live, and our social model and policies need
they can return home to rebuild Ukraine and
to be adapted to the pace of this new reality.
guide it on its European path.
This is why the Commission adopted the Green
Paper on Ageing early in its mandate, and
launched a broad public debate on the challenges
and opportunities that deal with the long-term
impacts of ageing, which affects all generations.
The outcome of the public consultation will
largely be reflected in the European care
strategy, which the Commission will present in
September 2022.

Europe’s rural areas –

home to almost 30 % of the
EU’s population and covering
Anastasiia Konovalova fled from Odesa 80 % of its territory – are
to Bucharest, where she now teaches
primary school classes to Ukrainian
active shapers of the EU’s
children. She is 30 years old. green and digital transitions.



Empowered communities Deeper digital Environmental Diversification of

connectivity resilience economic activities
Better access to services Climate action
Transport links and new Improving the value
Social innovation forms of mobility added of farming and
Social cohesion agri-food activities


The future of Europe also depends on rural areas,

which are home to almost 30 % of the EU’s
population (137 million people) and cover 80 %
of its territory. Rural areas are active shapers
in the EU’s green and digital transitions.
The freedom to work or study remotely is fast humane rules on asylum and migration. On
becoming a reality for many people living in the 2 June 2021, the Commission presented a new
EU, opening up new possibilities for young strategy to strengthen the Schengen area to
families, businesses and rural communities. ensure the effective management of the EU’s
Innovations in sustainable agriculture are not external borders, increase police and judicial
only good for people’s health and the climate, but cooperation, improve preparedness and
also for Europe’s food security. governance and complete the enlargement of the
Schengen area. The European Union Asylum
The long-term vision for rural areas, launched Agency began operations in January 2022 and
in June 2021, sets out the path towards strong, stepped up the amount of assistance provided to
connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas. Member States. The activation of the Crisis
A rural pact was launched in December 2021 Management Blueprint Network, with the
engaging the voices and views of rural objective of improving situational awareness and
communities, while a co-created rural action plan early warning in the area of migration, showed
will help transform the long-term vision into a the key role played by information sharing.
reality. In this spirit, NextGenerationEU puts
special emphasis on our rural areas’ prosperity:
the 25 national recovery and resilience plans EUROPE’S YOUTH
adopted by the Council as of 30 June 2022
support rural and remote areas with funding of
around EUR 14.6 billion, including investment and POLICYMAKING
reforms in a wide range of areas, such as nature
restoration, high-speed internet connections and In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, young
local railways. people have sacrificed much of their freedom for
An ambitious and sustainable EU legal migration the health and safety of others. They have truly
policy is needed to help attract the talent that led by example. In the 2021 State of the Union
our businesses in cities and rural areas need. In address, President von der Leyen proposed to
April 2022, the Commission presented the skills make 2022 the European Year of Youth. It is
and talent package. It includes legislative an opportunity for the European Union to engage
proposals to improve the rights of migrant more with young people, to hear what they
workers and facilitate intra-EU mobility for long- demand and dream for Europe.
term residents. The Commission will launch an The European Year, halfway through, is bearing
EU talent pool to facilitate labour matching with impressive results:
non-EU nationals. A pilot scheme is currently
being launched, focusing on Ukrainian refugees. • Involvement of 27 Member States, 6 non-EU
To strengthen operational cooperation with non- countries, 30 European Commission DGs and
EU countries on matching labour market and services, 120 stakeholder organisations;
skill needs, the Commission is launching talent • Around 90 Commission flagship initiatives
partnerships with key partners. dedicated to young people, thousands of
Since the Commission presented the new pact activities and events implemented by Member
on migration and asylum in September 2020, States across Europe and beyond;
progress has been made on addressing the larger • Social media campaign awareness-raising
question of migration. The pact combines robust posts displayed 240 million times and
and fair border management with efficient and reached 80 % of Europeans aged 18-25.


from improved working conditions in the garment

sector to the taxation of green products and more
animal rights. In this period, three initiatives have
collected more than 1 million citizens’ signatures,
that need to be verified by national authorities:
• Stop Finning – Stop the trade;

A new initiative called ALMA (aim, learn, master, • Save bees and farmers! Towards a bee-
achieve) was launched by the Commission in friendly agriculture for a healthy environment;
2022 to help the most vulnerable or disadvantaged • Save cruelty free cosmetics – Commit to a
young people access the job market. ALMA Europe without animal testing.
comprises a supervised stay in another EU
Member State for a period of 2 to 6 months, The Commission is committed to ensuring the
accompanied by coaching and counselling before, transparency and legitimacy of the EU
during and after. ALMA comes on top of the policymaking process. One of its key goals is to
reinforced Youth Guarantee, launched in 2020, promote the participation of Europeans and civil
which is a commitment by all Member States to society in policymaking. The public and
ensure that everyone under the age of 30 stakeholders can provide input online via the
receives a good-quality offer of employment, Have Your Say portal throughout the whole
continued education, an apprenticeship or a policymaking cycle, from the first ideas put
traineeship within 4 months of becoming forward by the Commission to after the adoption
unemployed or leaving education. The Youth of the initiatives by the College of Commissioners.
Guarantee, successful in many EU Member
In November 2021, to further simplify the
States, is being extended to the Western Balkans
consultation process, the Commission introduced
to ensure that no young citizen in the region is
single calls for evidence, an approach that
left behind.
combined two previous steps. This has now been
We believe Europe needs a youthful spirit to translated to all EU languages to allow maximum
overcome the pandemic and to open a new participation by the public. Consultations also
chapter. That is why the European Year of Youth became more accessible for people with
goes hand in hand with NextGenerationEU, disabilities, in line with the strategy for the
which is investing in a greener, more digital and rights of persons with disabilities, and the
fairer society and economy for the decades to scientific research community is encouraged to
come. submit relevant scientific research from the
beginning of the consultations.
To empower young people to have a voice in EU
policymaking, throughout 2022 the Commission To raise broad awareness of the possibilities to
coordinated a range of activities in close contact contribute to policymaking via social media, the
with the European Parliament, the Member Commission engages actively with the European
States, regional and local authorities, youth Economic and Social Committee, the European
organisations and young Europeans directly. One
third of the citizens’ panels of the Conference
on the Future of Europe were composed of
young people (aged 16 to 25).
The year 2022 also marked the 10th anniversary
of the European citizens’ initiative. The
Commission has, since mid September 2021,
registered ten new European citizens’
initiatives, calling for EU action in areas ranging


Committee of the Regions, the Commission’s

representations in Member States, national
authorities and other representative associations.
All in all, the Commission has published more
than 5 000 feedback opportunities and received
more than 3 million contributions. Since the 2021
State of the Union address, the Commission has
received almost 600 000 contributions from
citizens, businesses and stakeholders on
more than 800 of its policy initiatives.

CITIZENS SHAPING THE Leverne Nijman and Leah Corsmit

FUTURE OF EUROPE cycled from the north of The
Netherlands to Brussels, with a
From 9 May 2021 to 9 May 2022, the European European Solidarity Corps grant.
Union reached out to hundreds of thousands of
Europeans who never thought about getting
They gave guest lectures about the
involved in our Union’s decision-making. The EU and talked to over 800 young
Conference on the Future of Europe was a people to collect ideas about the(ir)
unique exercise in participatory democracy, of European future.
unprecedented scale and scope. The conference’s
final report, which contains 49 proposals and
326 concrete measures, was presented to the The more than 6 500 events organised within the
Presidents of the three EU institutions on 9 May framework of the conference took different
2022. These are the result of deliberations by forms, from randomly selected citizens’ panels
the conference plenary – including citizens, to grassroots events organised by civil-
elected representatives from the EU, national, society organisations, often in cooperation
regional and local levels, social partners and civil with national, regional and local authorities. One
society. such grassroots project was Untold Stories,
which aims to amplify the voices and stories from
More than 750 000 participants shared and people in countries that are not equally reported
debated close to 19 000 ideas on the multilingual on or represented on the European stage. Untold
digital platform. This deliberative democracy Stories encompasses seven interdisciplinary
platform, specifically designed for the workshops in seven European countries where
conference, was visited by more than 5 million young journalists and campaigners work together
people and is available in all 24 official EU to produce a platform for local immersive
languages. Automatic machine translation multimedia stories and their ideas about our
allowed for a direct transnational dialogue collective future.
between users, bypassing language barriers. All
of the proceedings were published to ensure full
transparency, and the platform is serving as a
repository of the process.

The Conference on the

Future of Europe gave
citizens from all walks of life
a greater say in what the EU
should do in the future.

A centrepiece of the conference was the work of The first new proposals will be announced in the
800 randomly selected citizens who participated context of President von der Leyen’s State
in the four European citizens’ panels. One third of the Union address in September 2022.
of the participants were aged 16 to 25, which These proposals will be among those to be
ensured the significant participation of young included in the 2023 Commission Work
people in the conference. They came together for Programme. In following up, the Commission will
three weekends to hold in-depth discussions ensure that new reforms and policies are not
and deliberate about solutions to challenges mutually exclusive to discussions on the need for
faced by the European Union, on the basis of the treaty change, focusing on making the most of
input from the platform. Based on the success of what is currently possible while being open to
this innovative deliberative forum, citizens’ panels treaty change where it is necessary.
will be given the time and resources to make
To keep the citizens who participated in the
recommendations before the Commission
conference informed, and to keep up the
presents key legislative proposals in the future.
momentum, a conference feedback event will
In June 2022, the Commission set out four work be organised in autumn 2022. This event will be
streams to respond to the conference’s the moment for communicating and explaining
proposals. First, existing initiatives that address how the three EU institutions are following up
the proposals (e.g. the European Climate Law); and taking stock of progress at that stage of the
second, those already proposed by the process. The European Parliament, the Council
Commission where the Parliament and the and the Commission have collectively committed
Council are called upon to adopt legislation (e.g. to following up on the conference proposals in
the new pact on migration); third, planned full transparency, each within their own sphere
initiatives that will deliver on the ideas, building of competence and in accordance with the
in new reflections from the conference (e.g. the Treaties.
media freedom act); and fourth, new initiatives
or areas of work inspired by the proposals, falling
within the remit of the Commission (e.g. issues
relating to mental health).
Šuica, Vice-President of the European Commission and Ursula von
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, Dubravka

der Leyen, President of the European Commission, at the final

event of the Conference on the Future of Europe.



15.9 16.9
The European Commission The Commission proposes a
adopts the communication path to the digital decade
on the New European to deliver the EU’s digital
Bauhaus, setting out the transformation by 2030.
framework, core principles and
key measures that will drive the
initiative forward.

The Commission adopts its first-
ever recommendation on the
safety of journalists.
The Commission launches the
European Health Emergency
preparedness and Response
Authority (HERA) to prevent,
detect, and rapidly respond
to health emergencies.

The EU proposes a strengthened
partnership with the
22.9 Indo‑Pacific region to
advance trade, investment and
The Commission adopts a
comprehensive review of
EU insurance rules, helping
insurance companies scale up
long-term investment while also
aiming to make the insurance
and reinsurance sector more

The Commission adopts the communication on
European missions, aiming to tackle significant
challenges relating to health, climate and the
environment and to achieve ambitious and
inspiring goals in these areas.



The Commission presents the
first-ever EU strategy on
combating antisemitism
12.10 and fostering Jewish life.
The Commission issues the
first green bond to finance
the sustainable recovery.

The Commission and High
Representative / Vice-President
Josep Borrell put forward an
approach on stronger EU
engagement for a peaceful,
sustainable and prosperous
Arctic. 27.10
The Commission adopts a
review of EU banking rules
to ensure that banks in the
EU become more resilient to
potential future economic
shocks while contributing to
Europe’s recovery from the
COVID-19 pandemic and the
transition to climate neutrality.

The reinforced mandate of
the European Medicines
Agency proposed by the
Commission enters into force.



The Commission announces 13.11
a EUR 1 billion pledge to
Political agreement is reached
protect the world’s forests
to strengthen the work of
at the COP26 conference on
the European Centre for
climate change.
Disease Prevention and
Control, particularly in areas
of surveillance, early warning,
preparedness and response.

The Commission adopts
new proposals to stop
deforestation, innovate
on sustainable waste 18.11
management and make soils
healthy for people, nature and The Commission adopts
the climate. a communication on a
competition policy fit for new
challenges, which frames the
important role of competition
policy for Europe’s path towards
19.11 recovery, for the green and digital
transitions and for a resilient
TAIEX (the Commission’s Technical single market.
Assistance and Information Exchange
instrument) celebrates its 25th
anniversary. Over the last two and a
half decades, it has mobilised EU public
experts over 40 000 times, helping
public administrations in EU and globally 25.11
to address digital, environmental and
health challenges. The Commission sets
out new laws on
political advertising,
electoral rights and
party funding, aimed at
protecting election integrity
and open democratic
25.11 debate.
The Commission proposes
new measures to improve
the ability of companies
to raise capital across the
EU and to ensure that people At the ASEM Summit, the EU
living in the EU get the best and Asia reaffirm their shared
deals for their savings and partnership and engagement
investments. towards a stronger recovery
from the pandemic.


The EU launches the Global
Gateway, a new European The Commission paves the way for the
strategy to improve smart, further digitalisation of EU justice
clean and secure links in the systems, making them more accessible
fields of digital, energy and and effective.
transport and to strengthen
health, education and
research systems across the
The Commission proposes a
8.12 new tool to counter the
At the Nutrition for Growth use of deliberate economic
Summit, the Commission pressure by non-EU countries.
pledges to improve nutrition
by providing EUR 2.5 billion
in funding between 2021 and
2024. 9.12
The Commission presents
an action plan to help
the European social
9.12 economy thrive, tapping
into both its economic
The Commission proposes to potential and its
extend the list of EU crimes to contribution to a fair and
include hate speech and hate inclusive recovery from
crime. the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Commission proposes
to improve the working
conditions of people working
through digital labour
platforms and publishes draft
guidelines on the application of To support the transition
competition rules to collective to cleaner, greener and
agreements by solo self- smarter mobility, the
employed people. Commission proposes
modernising the EU’s
transport system.

The Commission proposes new rules
to make the Schengen area without
internal border controls more

A new Commission digital
finance strategy paves
the way for modern and
streamlined supervisory The Commission proposes
data reporting. a new EU framework to
decarbonise gas markets,
promote hydrogen and
reduce methane emissions.
The EU and Moldova sign a
EUR 60 million grant financing
agreement to help the country face 16.12
its current severe gas crisis.
A renewed agenda on
recovery and resilience
reform is put forward at the
Eastern Partnership Summit.
A new policy is proposed to support
disarmament, demobilisation
and the reintegration of former
combatants, as part of the EU’s The Commission proposes swift
wider contribution to peacebuilding. transposition of the international
agreement on minimum taxation of

20 years of the euro in our 14.1
pockets. The European Year The Commission adopts
of Youth starts. a proposal for a Council
recommendation on learning
for environmental
18.1 sustainability.
In the higher-education field,
the Commission adopts two
new initiatives to make
universities in the EU ready 18.1
for the future through deeper The Commission publishes a toolkit to
transnational cooperation. help mitigate foreign interference in
research and innovation.

The Commission puts forward a
declaration on digital rights 27.1
and principles for everyone in
the EU. The Commission adopts new guidelines
on State aid relating to the climate,
environmental protection and energy.

The Commission proposes a
EUR 1.2 billion emergency
macro-financial assistance
package for Ukraine.
The Commission approves in principle a
complementary climate delegated
act that will help accelerate the shift
from solid or liquid fossil fuels, including
2.2 coal, towards a climate-neutral future.

The Commission proposes a

standardisation strategy, putting
forward a new approach to enable
global leadership of EU standards
promoting values and a resilient,
green and digital single market.

The Commission proposes a
comprehensive set of measures
to ensure the EU’s resilience,
technological leadership and
security of supply in the field of
15.2 semiconductor technologies
and applications.
The EU initiates a satellite-
based connectivity system
and boosts action on managing
space traffic for a more digital
and resilient Europe.

The Commission presents measures 17-18.2
to contribute to European defence, At the African Union–EU
increase innovation and address Summit in Brussels, the leaders
strategic dependencies. These new agree on a joint vision for
initiatives are concrete steps towards 2030. This will be supported by
a more integrated and competitive the Africa-Europe Investment
European defence market, particularly by Package with investments worth
enhancing cooperation within the EU. EUR 150 billion.


Following a request for assistance by
Ukraine in view of escalating threats
by Russia, the European Response
Coordination Centre activates the
23.2 EU Civil Protection Mechanism. By
end of August, over 66 000 tonnes
The Commission proposes of assistance to Ukraine from all 27
a new EU data act, containing Member States, North Macedonia,
rules on who can use and Norway and Turkey have been delivered
access data generated in the to Ukraine.
EU across all economic sectors,
to ensure fairness in the
digital environment and open
opportunities for data-driven

23.2 The EU agrees on a first package
of sanctions to respond to
The Commission proposes a Russia’s recognition of the non-
new directive on corporate government-controlled areas of
sustainability due diligence, the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts
laying down rules for companies in Ukraine as independent entities,
to respect human rights and and the decision to send Russian
the environment in global value troops into these areas.

The EU imposes further
individual and economic
sanctions to respond to
Russia’s military aggression
on Ukraine. This second The EU approves a third
package of sanctions covers the package of sanctions
finance, energy, transport and against Russia.
technology sectors, along with
visa policy.


MARCH 2022
The Commission proposes
to activate the temporary The Commission proposes the
protection directive to offer cohesion’s action for refugees in
quick and effective assistance Europe initiative, allowing Member
to people fleeing the war in States and regions to provide
Ukraine. emergency support to people fleeing
from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

9.3 The Commission proposes EU-
The Commission sets up solidarity wide rules to combat violence
mechanism for medical transfers against women and domestic
of refugees within the EU under the violence.
EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

In view of the situation in
Ukraine and in response
11.3 to Belarus’s involvement
in the aggression, the
The Freeze and Seize EU imposes further
Task Force, set up by the targeted sanctions.
Commission to ensure the
efficient implementation of
the EU’s sanctions against
listed Russian and Belarussian
oligarchs across EU territory, is
The EU imposes a fourth
package of economic
16.3 and individual
sanctions in respect
The Commission proposes changes of Russia’s military
to the central securities aggression against
depositories regulation to Ukraine.
enhance the efficiency of the
EU’s settlement markets while
safeguarding financial stability – a
key component of the 2020 capital 21.3
markets union action plan.
The EU agrees on a strategic
compass for stronger EU security
and defence in the next decade.


22.3 22.3
The Commission launches a one- The first day of application
stop shop to support Ukrainian of the pan-European personal
researchers. pension product regulation,
paving the way for a new
voluntary EU-wide scheme
to help people save for their

The Commission outlines options
to mitigate high energy
prices by means of common gas
purchases and minimum gas- 23.3
storage obligations.
The Commission presents
measures to enhance global
food security and to support
farmers and consumers in the
23.3 EU in the light of rising food
prices and input costs.
The Commission adopts
a temporary crisis
framework to enable
Member States to use the
flexibility provided for
under State-aid rules to
support the economy in the
context of Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine. 24.3
The Parliament and the Council
reach a political agreement
on the digital markets act.
25.3 The act will ensure fair, open
and contestable digital markets
The Commission and the United for digital businesses to grow
States announce that they have within the single market and
agreed in principle on a new compete globally.
trans-Atlantic data privacy
framework, which will foster
trans-Atlantic data flows.

30.3 The Commission adopts a
recommendation for Member
In the circular-economy States to take immediate
field, new rules are proposed steps on investor citizenship
to make sustainable products schemes and investor
the norm in the EU, improve residence schemes in the
circular business models and context of the Russian invasion
empower consumers for the of Ukraine.
green transition.


APRIL 2022
6.4 6.4
The EU takes action to support As a response to the impact of the
Africa’s Sahel and Lake Russia’s aggression ont Ukraine, the EU
Chad regions, with a total of announces a support package worth EUR
EUR 554 million in funding to 225 million to support food security
be used to both address acute and resilience in the Middle East and
food insecurity and enhance the North Africa.
sustainability of food systems in
the longer term.

8.4 Commission President Ursula
The EU agrees on a fifth package von der Leyen and High
of restrictive measures Representative Josep Borrell
against Russia in response to its visit Ukraine and meet with
brutal aggression against Ukraine Ukrainian President Volodymyr
and its people. Zelensky. President von der
Leyen hands over the EU

The Stand Up for Ukraine
global pledging event and
campaign raises EUR 9.1 billion
for people fleeing the Russian
invasion, within Ukraine and 20.4
abroad, including EUR 1 billion The EU marks 30 years of
from the Commission. The humanitarian aid and civil
European Bank for Reconstruction protection operations, helping
and Development pledges an people in emergencies all
additional EUR 1 billion. around the world.

The Parliament and the Council
reach a political agreement on
the digital services act. The act
sets out an unprecedented new
standard for the accountability
of online platforms, better
protecting internet users and their
fundamental rights.


President von der Leyen and
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of
India, launch the EU–India Trade The Commission proposes to
and Technology Council. strengthen the European Union
Agency for Criminal Justice
Cooperation’s mandate to collect and
preserve evidence of war crimes and
cooperate with international tribunals in
this regard.
Team Europe steps up support
to the drought-affected
countries in the Horn of
Africa, with the EU and its
Member States pledging a total
of EUR 633 million to improve 27.4
food security.
The Commission proposes an EU law
and a recommendation to tackle
abusive lawsuits against journalists
and human rights defenders.

The Commission proposes
a legal migration policy,
including initiatives that will
benefit the EU’s economy,
strengthen cooperation with
non-EU countries and improve
overall migration management
in the long term.

The EU and international
partners put forward a
Declaration for the Future of
the Internet.


MAY 2022

The Commission launches
the European Health Data 9.5
Space. It will empower people
to control and utilise their The Conference on the
health data in their home Future of Europe concludes
country or in other Member its work. Its year-long journey
States and foster a genuine of discussion, debate and
single market for digital health collaboration between citizens
services and products. and politicians culminates in
49 proposals and more than
320 measures for the EU
institutions to follow up on.

The EU hosts the 6th Brussels
Conference on ‘Supporting
the future of Syria and
the region’, mobilising
aid to Syrians and hosting
communities in neighbouring
countries through pledges Political agreement is
totalling EUR 6.4 billion for reached on the Digital
2022 and beyond. Out of this Operational Resilience
amount, the EU pledged more Act, helping to ensure our
than EUR 4.8 billion, with financial system is more
over EUR 3.1 billion from the resilient to cyberattacks
Commission. and other digital risks.

The Commission proposes new
EU legislation to prevent and
combat child sexual abuse online.

11.5 At the Second Global
COVID-19 Summit, the
The Commission proposes tax Commission pledges to
incentive for equity to help accelerate the roll-out and
companies grow, become uptake of vaccines and
stronger and more resilient. other COVID-19 measures
in Africa with a further
EUR 400 million in support.


In Tokyo, the EU and Japan hold
their 28th summit. They reaffirm 12.5
their close and comprehensive
relations and launch the digital The Commission proposes to
partnership. establish solidarity lanes to help
Ukraine export agricultural goods.

Political agreement is
reached on new rules on
cybersecurity of network
and information systems,
ensuring that citizens and The EU presents the
businesses are protected and REPowerEU plan to
can trust essential services. rapidly reduce dependence
on Russian fossil fuels and
fast-forward the green

The Commission and the High
Representative present an analysis
of defence investment gaps and
propose further measures and action
necessary to strengthen Europe’s
defence industrial and technological The EU unveils a strategic
base. partnership with the Gulf
states, aiming to broaden and
deepen its cooperation with the
Gulf Cooperation Council and its
18.5 member countries.

The Commission presents plans

for the EU’s immediate response
to address Ukraine’s financing
gap and the longer-term
The Commission adopts a
contingency plan for transport
laying out concrete measures to
25.5 protect EU transport in times of
The Commission proposes rules on
criminalising the violation of
restrictive measures and on the
freezing and confiscating of assets
of persons violating restrictive
measures and other criminals.


JUNE 2022
The EU agrees on a sixth
package of restrictive 7.6
measures against Russia, A political agreement is reached
including a ban on most on a proposal relating to gender
Russian oil imports. balance on company boards.

A New Code of Practice on
Disinformation is agreed, 22.6
based on the Commission’s The Commission adopts
guidance from May 2021. proposals to restore Europe’s
nature by 2050 and halve
pesticide use by 50 % by

EU leaders grant candidate
status to Ukraine and
Moldova. They also recognise
the European perspective for EU–Western Balkans
Georgia. Leaders Meeting ahead of
the European Council meeting
in Brussels.

The EU unveils the renewed
agenda on International The Parliament and the EU
Ocean Governance. Member States reach a political
agreement on a new regulation
to address distortions caused
by foreign subsidies in the
single market.

Commission President
von der Leyen and Prime 30.6
Minister of New Zealand
Jacinda Ardern announce the The co-legislators reach an agreement on
conclusion of negotiations European crypto-assets regulation. This new
of a comprehensive trade legal framework will protect consumers,
agreement. market integrity and financial stability,
while enabling further innovation in the
crypto-asset sector.

JULY 2022

The new roaming rules enter
into force, in time to ensure
continued ‘roam like at home’
benefits for citizens.

The Commission adopts a
New European Innovation
Agenda to position Europe at
the forefront of the new wave
of deep tech innovation and

2022 Rule of Law Report:
The Commission issues specific
recommendations to Member States.

The European Union starts
accession negotiations
with Albania and North

The Commission presents the
‘Save gas for a safe winter’
proposal, a new legislative tool
and a gas demand reduction plan
to prepare the EU for supply cuts.

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p. 29: Child with the EU flag - source: AdobeStock; p. 67: Man planting a tree - source: © EU;
p. 38: “Pulawska 20” shop in Warsaw, Poland - © Konrad Smoleński; p. 68: Windmill - source: © EU;
p. 39: Kiril Slavov from Sofia - © Vihren Georgiev; Female leather worker - source: Shutterstock;
p. 43: Solar energy panels and windmills - source: AdobeStock; p. 71: A portrait of French journalist killed in Ukraine Frederic Leclerc-Imhoff -
Engineer and young technician - source: AdobeStock; © Bertrand Guay/AFP, Getty Images;
A hydrogen pipeline - source: AdobeStock; p. 73: Anna Ohnweiler - © Christoph Ohnweiler;
Modern biogas plant - source: AdobeStock; p. 74: Anastasiia Konovalova - © Ioana Moldovan;
Workman, Rooftop solar power plant - source: AdobeStock; p. 77: Leverne Nijman and Leah Corsmit - © Christophe Licoppe;
p. 45: Nadia Dobrianska at home in Blackrock, Cork, Ireland - © John Allen; p. 80: Bosco Verticale, Milan, Italy - © Daniel Seßler, Unsplash;
p. 47: Mykola Kharytonov - © Marc Llibre Roig; p. 81: Inuit houses - source: iStock;
p. 52: Adam King at home in Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland - © John Allen; p. 85: Sentinel 1 - © ESA.
p. 59: Trees and tractor, source: AdobeStock;
p. 60: Bosco Verticale, Milan, Italy - source: Unsplash; Icons sources - Flaticon and AdobeStock
Maria Teresa Ferres - © Marc Llibre Roig;
p. 65: Man architect - © Emmanuel Ikwuegbu, Unsplash;
Sitting man - © Rayul, Unsplash;
Person in a tunnel in Zurich - © Ricardo Gomez Angel, Unsplash;
Print ISBN 978-92-76-53374-0 doi:10.2775/940894 NA-07-22-502-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-76-53334-4 doi:10.2775/95046 NA-07-22-502-EN-N

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