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Elementary - Progress Exam-2

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Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2

Grammar and Vocabulary (20 min)

Complete the conversations with yes, no, do, don’t, does, or doesn’t.
Use information from the chart.

Kinds of movies they like Kinds of TV shows they like

Samantha comedies game shows

Howard science fiction, comedies talk shows, game shows

1. A: Does Samantha like comedies?

B: Yes , she does . She loves to laugh.
2. A: _________ Howard like comedies?
B: Yes, he _________.
3. A: _________ Samantha and Howard like game shows?
B: _________, they _________. They like them a lot.
4. A: _________ they like soap operas?
B: _________, they _________.
5. A: _________ Samantha like talk shows?
B: _________, she _________. She can’t stand them.
Unscramble the questions. Then answer the questions.

1. tennis do ever you play

A: Do you ever play tennis?__________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
2. to do gym how you go often the
A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
3. how walks do take often you long
A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
4. you day every do watch TV
A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________________________

Read the postcard. Then answer the questions using complete sentences.
Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2

1. A: Where did Richard go on his vacation?

B: He went to Los Angeles.
2. A: When did he arrive?
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
3. A: Did he get up late this morning?
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
4. A: What time did he get up?
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
5. A: What did he have this morning?
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
6. A: Who did he see?
B: ______________________________________________________________________________

Reading (20 min)

Passage-1: Read the passage and answer the questions that

Green Homes, Dream Homes

These days, more and more people want to help the Earth. Recycling and using eco-friendly
shopping bags are small changes to our daily lives that can bring important benefits 1 to the Earth.
Many people now choose to do even bigger things for the Earth. Some people choose to
spend a little more money on their new homes in order to have a ‘green’ home. The green
movement started about 40 years ago, and it is very big now. Using solar energy—energy from

1 benefits good things

Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2
the sun—is a very popular way to have a ‘green’ home. However, Earth-friendly building now
means much more than just this.
Builders of green homes think about many different ways to make a building more eco-
friendly. Building materials are one of the biggest decisions. The United States uses 40 percent of
all its raw materials2 on new buildings. Green builders always try to use sustainable3 and recycled
materials to protect Earth’s resources.
Green builders also want to use materials that last a very long time. If people need to build a
new roof or new walls too often, it is not good for the Earth either.
Of course, location is also an important part of eco-construction. Homes need to be close to
the things people need for their daily lives, or to public transportation, so they don’t need to
drive their cars so often. Homes also need to be in a place that doesn’t hurt the environment
around them. Green homes are designed to help the people living in them to recycle things, use
less water, and minimize4 energy use easily.
Although building a green home is often more expensive than a regular home, most owners
say it’s a good idea. Most say that they are happy because their homes are more
environmentally friendly, safer, cleaner, and better homes for their families.

1. True or false? The article says C. using eco-friendly shopping

that not enough people are bags
doing good things for the D. using less water
A. True 4. Which of the following is true,
B. False according to the article?
A. All ‘green’ buildings use solar
2. True or false? The article says energy.
that there are many different B. Solar energy is not the only
ways to make homes more kind of ‘green’ building.
eco-friendly. C. ‘Green’ homes cost less than
A. True regular homes.
B. False D. ‘Green’ homes use 40 percent
of the raw materials in the
3. All of these are examples of US.
‘going green’ EXCEPT
_________. 5. In paragraph 3, the word
A. recycling ‘recycled’ is a(n) ________.
B. driving cars more often A. noun
B. verb
2 raw materials materials for building things, like wood or metal
3 sustainable can be replaced after it is used; something people can get more of
4 minimize make less
Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2
C. adjective D. manage water use
D. adverb
8. In paragraph 5, ‘location’
means _______
A. place
B. person
6. Which of the following is not C. material
part of eco-friendly D. green
A. using long-lasting building
9. In paragraph 5, the word
‘close’ is a(n) ________.
B. using materials from
A. noun
sustainable sources
B. verb
C. building in locations that are
C. adjective
close to the things people
D. adverb
D. driving far to buy the best
10. The article says most
‘green’ materials
owners of green homes think
their homes ________.
7. The article says that green
A. are better than other
homes should help people do
all of these EXCEPT ________.
B. are too expensive
A. use less energy
C. don’t cost enough
B. drive better cars
D. should be more Earth-friendly
C. recycle things

Passage-2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
That’s Close Enough!
Do you know what ‘personal space’ is? Your personal space is like an imaginary 5
box that goes around your whole body. This space shows how close you let people
stand in front of you when they talk to you. Most people feel uncomfortable 6 when
someone goes inside their personal space.
How big is your personal space? Is your ‘box’ always the same size? Does your
personal space show how you feel about other people?
In fact, each person has a different size personal space. The size of your
personal space may depend on who you are talking to and what you are talking

5 imaginary not real, made up

6 uncomfortable a little nervous or embarrassed
Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2
about. The box is larger when you talk to a stranger, and it gets smaller when you
know the person better. A boyfriend and girlfriend may have very small personal
space boxes. But a man and woman who don’t know each other may have very
large personal spaces.
To see the size of your own personal space, try paying attention 7 when you talk
to other people. Move closer to the other person as you talk, and see when you
start to feel uncomfortable. Do this with different people and when you talk about
different things, and see if your personal space changes.
Most people do not like others to come into their personal space. When two
people have an argument8, one of the people usually goes into the other’s personal
space. Many people feel angry when this happens. But if one person steps away,
the angry feeling starts to leave.
Personal space may also be different in other cultures. For example, the
personal space for people from Japan may be much larger than the personal space
for people from Italy or France, where many people hug or kiss when they greet
each other.
The next time you talk to someone, look at your personal space. It may tell you
a lot about how you feel about the other person.

1. The passage says that personal 3. If two people have very small
space is like a ‘box’ that _____. personal space boxes, they _____.

A. stands in front of you A. don’t usually talk to each other

B. goes around your head when you B. stand very close to each other
are talking when talking
C. is very large C. talk to each other every day
D. goes around your whole body D. stand far from each other when

2. If someone comes into your

personal space while talking, 4. All of these statements are true
you may start to feel _____. about the size of people’s
personal space boxes EXCEPT:
A. acceptable _____.
B. common
C. traditional A. Each person’s box is the same
D. uncomfortable size.

7 paying attention thinking and watching

8 argument a small fight
Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2
B. The size of the box changes D. close
when talking to different
C. Each person’s box is a different 8. When two people are having an
size. argument, one person usually
D. The size of the box changes gets _____ to the other.
when talking about different
A. closer
B. formal
C. firm
5. The size of your personal space D. hugging
box _____ who you are talking to.

A. is a situation 9. All of these countries are in the

B. depends on passage EXCEPT _____.
C. is the way
A. France
D. changes
B. Japan
6. A boyfriend and girlfriend may
C. India
have small personal space boxes
D. Italy
_____ they know each other well.

A. so 10. The passage says that in

B. cause
Japan, _____.
C. though
D. because A. personal space may be larger
7. Two strangers may have a _____ than in other cultures
space between them because B. personal space is the same as in
they don’t know each other well. most other cultures
C. people generally hug or kiss
A. firm when greeting each other
B. large D. people don’t usually greet each
C. casual other
Listening (20 min)
Audio-1 (no more than twice)
2. Moving the meeting
a. Lucy wants to cancel the meeting.
Circle the sentence that is correct.
b. Lucy wants to bring the meeting forward.
1. The meeting time
c. Lucy wants to postpone the meeting.
a. The meeting was first planned for 9 a.m.
b. The meeting was first planned for 11
a.m. 3. The new meeting time

c. The meeting was first planned for 1 p.m. a. The new meeting time is 9 a.m.
Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2
b. The new meeting time is 11 a.m. b. Lucy is looking forward to her
c. The new meeting time is 1 p.m.
c. Lucy isn’t ready to give her presentation.

4. The agenda
6. Telling the other people
a. Anna has already sent the agenda.
a. Lucy will tell the others about the time
b. Anna is sending the agenda now.
c. Anna will send the agenda later.
b. Sven will tell the others about the time

5. Lucy’s presentation c. Anna will tell the others about the time
a. Lucy is nervous about her presentation.

Audio-2 (no more than twice)


Listen and choose Francesco (the man) or Sachi (the woman) to

complete the sentences.
1. ………………………… runs across the street.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
2. ………………………… is going to buy tickets for the play.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
3. ………………………… can’t go to the play this Friday.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
4. ………………………… is a musician.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
5. ………………………… isn’t happy about the situation.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2
6. Two weeks ago ………………………… had tickets to the cinema.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
7. ………………………… likes dance shows.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
8. ………………………… suggests that they go out to dinner.
a. Francesco b. Sachi
Writing (20 min)
Write an essay about “The best book I ever read…”.
The minimum word amount is 120-150.

Level: Elementary Type: Progress Examination 2


Answer keys of Progress Examination 2

Listening: Reading:
Exercise-1 1
1. b 1. B
2. A
2. b
3. B
3. a 4. B
5. C
4. a 6. D
5. b 7. B
8. A
6. c 9. C
Exercise-2 10. A

1. a
2. b 2
3. a 1. D
4. a 2. D
5. b
6. b 3. B
7. b 4. A
8. a 5. B
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A

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