Temporary Tracheostomy Tubes A Practical Guide - Preview
Temporary Tracheostomy Tubes A Practical Guide - Preview
Temporary Tracheostomy Tubes A Practical Guide - Preview
Temporary tracheostomy
tubes: a practical guide
Temporary tracheostomy involves the introduction of a tracheal cannula that will
be left in place until the airways are patent, following investigation and diagnosis
of the underlying disease. They are placed in cases of upper airway obstruction
or prior to planned surgery where dental occlusion assessment is required.
Tracheostomy tubes available for veterinary patients are manufactured for human
use and are either adult size tubes or paediatric tubes. Common complications are
obstruction, dislodgement, aspiration pneumonia and stoma swelling. The surgical
site is allowed to heal by secondary intention after tube removal.
Key words: Tracheostomy tube, temporary tracheostomy, upper airway obstruction
Nicola Kulendra
BVetMed (Hons) MVetMed
CertVDI PGCert (Vet Ed) A temporary tracheostomy tube is placed Brachycephalic patients, in particular, are
DipECVS FHEA MRCVS in cases of upper airway obstruction or for likely to be hyperthermic and can be
European and RCVS Specialist planned surgeries of the upper airway such cooled using a fan, via the provision of
in Small Animal Surgery as those where dental occlusion assessment intravenous fluid therapy, or, in more
is required. They are most commonly severe cases, by placing wet towels over
Nicola graduated from The Royal placed for cases of marked trauma to the patient. Care should be taken to
Veterinary College in 2006 and worked the upper airway, severe brachycephalic ensure the patient does not become too
for 12 months in general practice. She obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), cold as cooling continues beyond the
returned to the RVC in 2007 as Junior anaphylaxis or laryngeal trauma/paralysis removal of active measures. In cases of
Clinical Training Scholar (intern). After prior to definitive surgery (tieback). severe upper airway inflammation the
another year in practice in Caterham Other indications include severe laryngeal administration of a corticosteroid may
she obtained the position of a Senior inflammation, neoplasia and foreign body. be indicated.
Clinical Training Scholar (Resident) in Tracheostomy tubes can also be placed
Small Animal Surgery in 2009. Nicola as an ancillary procedure to prevent
passed the board certifying examination postoperative dyspnoea after extensive
of the European College of Veterinary
surgical procedures on the pharynx or
Surgeons (ECVS) in 2013 and is now
larynx or to stabilise the patient facilitating
a European Specialist in Small Animal
transportation for referral. Temporary
Surgery. She has also completed a
tracheostomy includes the introduction of
clinical masters programme (MVetMed)
and obtained her certificate in Veterinary
a tracheal cannula that will be left in place
Diagnostic Imaging (CertVDI) in 2011. until the airways are patent following
diagnosis and treatment of the underlying
condition as indicated. Contraindications
to placement are tracheal obstruction or
collapse distal to the tracheostomy site,
previous tracheal stent placement and the
presence of coagulopathies.
Initial stabilisation of patients with
upper respiratory signs includes oxygen
supplementation, which can be provided
via a mask although an oxygen tent may
be more appropriate for feline patients
(Figure 1). Sedation using butorphanol
(0.1-0.2mg/kg iv or i/m), with the
addition of acepromazine (0.001-
0.002mg/kg i/v or i/m) if required,
reduces distress without significantly
Subscribe to VetCPD Journal compromising ventilation. In the patient
with upper respiratory tract signs B
Call us on 01225 445561 sedation can result in a significant clinical
Figure 1: Oxygen supplementation can be given
or visit www.vetcpd.co.uk improvement and also facilitates more via flow by (A) or via a mask (B) if tolerated.
comprehensive physical examination. Image courtesy of Kieran Borgeat.