Caninites A Playable Race For D&D 5E

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A New Playable Race for 5th Edition

Introducing the Dogfolk of Hundur

A Distant Land within the Forgotten Realms

Author's Notes:
• This is an additional possible race for player characters, written for D&D
5th Edition.
• While this installment is written using stats and a story of my own
creation, I have seen other dogfolk creations online.
• Any spells, weapons, armor, etc. mentioned throughout this installment
can be found in The Player's Handbook.
• All illustrations are done by me, custom made for this installment.
• This character race has been vigorously play-tested by myself and
associates of mine.

by Justin Gagliani

Drawing featured on cover art is "Bull Terrier Berserk" by Mirko Failoni

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or nefarious deceivers. For example, an evil creature
Caninite capable of shapeshifting could easily recruit some
caninites to do their bidding. And to the caninite, what
"As diverse as they are loyal, the caninites are they're doing isn't evil, it couldn't possibly be. They are
an impressive folk. They may have come from simply following the orders of their kind masters, who
Hundur, if the legends are true, but now they are would never lie to them.
scattered all over the Forgotten Realms. Years Now this is not the case for every single caninite, of
course not. There are those who have gone off to become
and years of evolution have made the caninites wise beyond their years, capable of detecting true inner
all sizes, shapes, and colors. They are dependable, intentions. Many of these caninites go off to become monks,
compassionate, and trusting to a fault. Caninites clerics, or even druids. But a select few, those who learn to
are not known for their intelligence, but their trust their own instincts over the words of man, go on to
willingness to lay down their lives for their become some of the most skilled rangers Faerun has to
companions is second to none. A fiercer friend,
you will not find." Caninite Pantheon
- Guillermo Delgado, historian and Caninites are so present-minded, preoccupied with making the most
advisor to the Lord Protector of Triboar out of their short lives, that they often don't worry about their
origins or ancestry. Over the decades, they have adopted gods from
Caninites, or dogfolk as they're commonly called, are a variety of sources, human and nonhuman ones that suit their fancy
humanoids that look like bipedal canine people. Their and make sense to them. Here are some of the human examples.
exact origin is unknown and so the rumors are as varied as Greater Deities
they themselves. Some believe that a mad wizard Chauntea. NG, Goddess of agriculture, farmers, gardeners, and
transmuted his pet dog into the first caninite, capable of
Lathandar. NG, God of spring, dawn, birth, youth, vitality, and
speech, combat, and taking complex orders. Others are
convinced that like the Tabaxi, these dogfolk originated in Selûne. CG, Goddess of the moon, stars, navigation, prophecy,
a distant land, isolated from the rest of the realm. And it questers, good and neutral lycanthropes.
was only their curious adventuring that led to their Silvanus. N, Goddess of wild nature and druids.
diversification. A smaller group of historians have tried Intermediate Deities
connecting the dogfolk to gnolls, but haven't been able to Helm. LN, God of guardians, protectors, and protection.
source the connection. Mysterious origins aside, caninites Mielikki. NG, Goddess of forests, forest creatures, rangers, dryads,
have woven themselves into many societies of the and autumn.
Forgotten Realms. Tymora. CG, Goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, and adventures.
Lesser Deities
Fierce Friends Eldath. G, Goddess of peace and pacifistic dogma.
Lurue. CG, Goddess of intelligent beasts, talking beasts
The caninites are known for their loyalty to their family
and their friends. Some historians believe this is because of
their canine ancestors. Whatever the reason, a caninite is
always a great addition to any team, whether it's an
adventuring party, a work force, or a military battalion.
Even in the face of insurmountable danger, a caninite will
throw themselves into the thick of it if it means protecting
a family member, a friend, or an ally.
Caninites also have a bottomless pit of compassion for
others. Nearly all caninites align towards Good, just for
Good's sake. They are unable to stand by as someone is
bullied or threatened with violence. Often a caninite may
bite off more than they can chew because of meddling in
affairs far outside their capability. And yet, if given the
chance to go back in time, that caninite would do it all over
again. Because some things are worth fighting for; even
worth dying for.

Too Trusting at Times

There are those who snicker at the caninites for their
less-than-average intelligence. Unfortunately, those people
are the least of the dogfolk's worries. It is the ones who
Caninite Ranger
aim to use their trusting demeanor and gullibility for their Courtesy of [email protected]
own personal advantage. It is for this reason, caninites
have been known to fight for evil leaders, corrupt bosses,
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The Pack agendas. They live in the here and now. The only exception
to this is when a family has a litter of pups. Only then will
Caninites can sometimes be found in groups or herds the adult caninites think ahead of the next meal to put on
known as "packs". These are groups of 8-15 like-minded the table, the longevity of their shelter, or their abiding
caninites who live, work, and if need be fight together. health.
Those who live in these packs make all of their decisions
for the good of the pack. For example, an elder caninite Gracious and Eager
that becomes too weak to travel or contribute to the others The caninites' demeanor leads them to enjoy making friends and
may be left behind. This is never a decision come to easily allies with any type of person regardless of race or background, so
or without much contemplation. That is why each pack long as they are kind and generous. Some caninite packs have
usually has an "alpha". encounters with goblins, orcs, and the like. So it's possible your
The alpha is typically a male caninite, although it's caninite is apprehensive when meeting a half-orc, but that's specific
entirely possible to be a female. When decisions cannot be to the backstory of your caninite, not a general rule.
decided as a group, the alpha must cast the final vote. That Humans. Caninites and humans have a special bond that predates
is to say, the alpha is the final decision maker, not a the cataclysm. Both of their societies have depended on one
dictator. Being an alpha, however, is no easy feat. Any another throughout much of the Forgotten Realms.
other caninite of the pack can challenge the alpha for the Elves. The everlasting life of elves does not meld easily with the
caninites' spontaneity or carelessness. But if given the chance, a
leadership role. But to do so is a very grave act. If the
caninite is always a great friend to an elf, no matter how brief.
challenger loses, they are banished from the pack forever,
Dwarves. Caninites enjoy fun, frivolity, and seizing the moment.
forced to find a new pack or possibly even forge their own. Dwarves do not share this sentiment, usually more worried about
One caninite can make an enormous difference in the clans, kingdoms, and honor. So while a caninite would love a
scope of work or war. But a pack? That could be all it takes dwarven companion, the feeling isn't usually mutual.
to make the difference.
Caninite Names and Breeds
Like the human race, caninites have many possibly
physical characteristics largely based on evolution and
environmental factors. They come in many sizes, shapes,
and colors. Some have long, fluffy hair, while others have
short hair. There are some with long snouts, while others
have scrunched-up noses. Caninites can have long, floppy
ears, or ears that stand up at attention upon their heads. In
the Forgotten Realms, there are about a dozen breeds that
are widely recognized, but in reality there are many, many
found throughout Faerun. As a note, the names or traits of
caninites are not based off breed.
Male Names: Axel, Bud, Champ, Duke, Fido, Guy, Hank,
Jaws, Kujo, Max, Nico, Otto, Rex, Spike, Yeller, Zues
Female Names: Abby, Baby, Cha-cha, Cali, Diamond, Ellie,
Frenchie, Georgie, Izzy, Lady, Nana, Peaches, Sassy, Val
Breed Examples: St. Bernard, Pug, Husky, Labrador,
Staffordshire Terrier (Pitbull), Yorkie, Bloodhound,
Young Caninite Adventurer German Shepherd, Corgi, Mixed breeds, etc.
Unknown Artist,

Short-lived Glory Caninite Traits

Caninites share a number of traits in common with each
The antithesis of elves or dwarves, caninites have a
remarkably short life span. The oldest recorded caninite
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
went by the name of Spike and lived to be 32 years of age.
increases by 2, and your Charisma score
This results in much of the caninite culture. They trust
increases by 1.
easily and love hard because they have little to lose.
Age. Caninites age must faster than many of the sentient
Caninites don't value legacy like humans and have been
races across the multiverse. They reach maturity around
known to be careless about their actions. This is why they
the age of 3 and usually live for 25-30 years.
don't use surnames or clan names. In spite of this or
Alignment. On average, most caninites are good and they
perhaps because of it, many caninites have gone down in
tend to be lawful, following the rules of their superiors
the history books as being the fulcrum of which wars have
or the pack. Nature versus nurture can come into play
ended and alliances created.
however. There have been caninites who are chaotic or
There are but only a handful of caninite civilizations
even downright evil, depending on their upbringing.
that remain standing today. It is only due to their
geographical isolation that they persist. The majority of
dogfolk don't preoccupy themselves with long-term
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Size. Caninites are between 4'5" to 6'5" in height and your background or your class. Like pugs may be better
weigh between 120-250 lbs. This is largely dependent suited as rogues or sorcerers where as a st. bernard would
on the breed of caninite. Your size is Medium. do well with barbarians, fighters, or clerics. But just like
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. the firbolg is frequently seen as a kind-natured race, I hope
Keen Smell. Because of your heightened sense of smell, that players and DMs can work together to push the
you have advantage on Perception checks based on boundaries. While I describe caninites as having less-than-
smell. average intelligence, I don't discount the possibility of a
Extreme Loyalty. You are immune to being frightened and caninite wizard, it would just be rare.
have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. In terms of roleplaying, I would focus on the short life
Fangs of Fury. When you use your Action to take the span, the fierce loyalty, and the optimistic attitude of
Attack option, you can forgo a spell or weapon attack caninites as a whole. Those aspects of the race can
and instead bite a nearby enemy with your sharp teeth. influence how your caninite acts from the other players.
You are considered proficient with a bite attack and also Also, consider your background and backstory. Did you
can add your Strength modifier to the attack and damage come from a pack? Why did you leave the pack? Or did you
rolls. For example, caninite with a Proficiency of +2 and always grow up around other races? What area of the
a STR modifier of +4 would have a +6 to hit, reach 5ft., Forgotten Realms are you from? Does the breed you chose
and if hit the damage is 1d6+4 piercing damage. reflect class, background, location, or what? I left most of
Puppy Dog Eyes. You have advantage on Persuasion these questions open-ended so as not to limit what players
checks. are capable of creating. The world is diverse and so is the
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and caninite race, both in appearance and personality. Just
Gnoll. You can also speak with beasts that have a canine have fun with it!
origin, such as dogs, foxes, and wolves.

Caninite Fighter
Unknown Artist,

Caninite Barbarian
Courtesy of TAN @
Thanks so much for checking out the new playable race for D&D 5e
How to Play a Caninite that I created! I hope you have fun creating and playing caninite
characters at your table. If you're a DM, make a caninite NPC or two and
I treated this caninite race similar to aarakocra or tabaxi watch your players' faces in excitement!
in terms of the lack of subraces. I know that a pug is vastly I always appreciate feedback so please comment and review any of my
published work. If you have any requests for one-shots, subclasses, or
different from a st. bernard, but I wanted to allow the playable races, please shoot me an email and I'll begin working right
player some flexibility to choose a breed they enjoy. In that away. Send all inquiries to [email protected]. And thanks again!
regard, you could choose a breed that makes sense for Special thanks to John from Finland for feedback vital to this

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