Caninites A Playable Race For D&D 5E
Caninites A Playable Race For D&D 5E
Caninites A Playable Race For D&D 5E
Author's Notes:
• This is an additional possible race for player characters, written for D&D
5th Edition.
• While this installment is written using stats and a story of my own
creation, I have seen other dogfolk creations online.
• Any spells, weapons, armor, etc. mentioned throughout this installment
can be found in The Player's Handbook.
• All illustrations are done by me, custom made for this installment.
• This character race has been vigorously play-tested by myself and
associates of mine.
by Justin Gagliani
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park,
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, U
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. J. Gagliani 1
or nefarious deceivers. For example, an evil creature
Caninite capable of shapeshifting could easily recruit some
caninites to do their bidding. And to the caninite, what
"As diverse as they are loyal, the caninites are they're doing isn't evil, it couldn't possibly be. They are
an impressive folk. They may have come from simply following the orders of their kind masters, who
Hundur, if the legends are true, but now they are would never lie to them.
scattered all over the Forgotten Realms. Years Now this is not the case for every single caninite, of
course not. There are those who have gone off to become
and years of evolution have made the caninites wise beyond their years, capable of detecting true inner
all sizes, shapes, and colors. They are dependable, intentions. Many of these caninites go off to become monks,
compassionate, and trusting to a fault. Caninites clerics, or even druids. But a select few, those who learn to
are not known for their intelligence, but their trust their own instincts over the words of man, go on to
willingness to lay down their lives for their become some of the most skilled rangers Faerun has to
companions is second to none. A fiercer friend,
you will not find." Caninite Pantheon
- Guillermo Delgado, historian and Caninites are so present-minded, preoccupied with making the most
advisor to the Lord Protector of Triboar out of their short lives, that they often don't worry about their
origins or ancestry. Over the decades, they have adopted gods from
Caninites, or dogfolk as they're commonly called, are a variety of sources, human and nonhuman ones that suit their fancy
humanoids that look like bipedal canine people. Their and make sense to them. Here are some of the human examples.
exact origin is unknown and so the rumors are as varied as Greater Deities
they themselves. Some believe that a mad wizard Chauntea. NG, Goddess of agriculture, farmers, gardeners, and
transmuted his pet dog into the first caninite, capable of
Lathandar. NG, God of spring, dawn, birth, youth, vitality, and
speech, combat, and taking complex orders. Others are
convinced that like the Tabaxi, these dogfolk originated in Selûne. CG, Goddess of the moon, stars, navigation, prophecy,
a distant land, isolated from the rest of the realm. And it questers, good and neutral lycanthropes.
was only their curious adventuring that led to their Silvanus. N, Goddess of wild nature and druids.
diversification. A smaller group of historians have tried Intermediate Deities
connecting the dogfolk to gnolls, but haven't been able to Helm. LN, God of guardians, protectors, and protection.
source the connection. Mysterious origins aside, caninites Mielikki. NG, Goddess of forests, forest creatures, rangers, dryads,
have woven themselves into many societies of the and autumn.
Forgotten Realms. Tymora. CG, Goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, and adventures.
Lesser Deities
Fierce Friends Eldath. G, Goddess of peace and pacifistic dogma.
Lurue. CG, Goddess of intelligent beasts, talking beasts
The caninites are known for their loyalty to their family
and their friends. Some historians believe this is because of
their canine ancestors. Whatever the reason, a caninite is
always a great addition to any team, whether it's an
adventuring party, a work force, or a military battalion.
Even in the face of insurmountable danger, a caninite will
throw themselves into the thick of it if it means protecting
a family member, a friend, or an ally.
Caninites also have a bottomless pit of compassion for
others. Nearly all caninites align towards Good, just for
Good's sake. They are unable to stand by as someone is
bullied or threatened with violence. Often a caninite may
bite off more than they can chew because of meddling in
affairs far outside their capability. And yet, if given the
chance to go back in time, that caninite would do it all over
again. Because some things are worth fighting for; even
worth dying for.
Caninite Fighter
Unknown Artist,
Caninite Barbarian
Courtesy of TAN @
Thanks so much for checking out the new playable race for D&D 5e
How to Play a Caninite that I created! I hope you have fun creating and playing caninite
characters at your table. If you're a DM, make a caninite NPC or two and
I treated this caninite race similar to aarakocra or tabaxi watch your players' faces in excitement!
in terms of the lack of subraces. I know that a pug is vastly I always appreciate feedback so please comment and review any of my
published work. If you have any requests for one-shots, subclasses, or
different from a st. bernard, but I wanted to allow the playable races, please shoot me an email and I'll begin working right
player some flexibility to choose a breed they enjoy. In that away. Send all inquiries to [email protected]. And thanks again!
regard, you could choose a breed that makes sense for Special thanks to John from Finland for feedback vital to this
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. J. Gagliani 4