Ms Anh Day Sat 5 Practice Tests For Digital Sat
Ms Anh Day Sat 5 Practice Tests For Digital Sat
Ms Anh Day Sat 5 Practice Tests For Digital Sat
The quest ions in Practice Tests For The Digital SAT are very close to the ac tual test.
I would recommend high school an d public libraries to consider purchasing this book for
their patrons.
Because of the breadt h, depth, and organ ization , I would recommend this book to stud ents
and teachers.
Digital SAT ®
Detailed answer
explanations with distractor
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered
The author has made every effort in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information. However.
information in this book is sold without \\'3.rranty either expressed or implied The Author or the Publisher will not be
liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by this book.
Vibrant Publishers books are available at special quantity discount for sales promotions.. or for use in corporate training
programs. For more information please ·write to [email protected] ,om
SAT is a trademark registered by the College Board, whjch is not affiliated with, and does not endorse , this produ ct.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 About the Digital SAT 1
Chapter 2 PracticeTest 1 13
Reading and Writing Module 1 14
Reading and Writing Module 2 26
Math Module 1 40
Math Module 2 48
Answer Key 56
Answers to Test #1 57
Chapter 3 PracticeTest 2 87
Reading and Writing Module 1 88
Reading and Writing Module 2 102
Math Module 1 116
Math Module 2 124
Answer Key 132
Answers to Test #2 133
Thank you for purchasing Practice Tests for the Digital SA'r. We are committed to publishing books that are
content - rich ) concise and approachable enabling more students to read and make the fullest use of th em. We hope
this book provides th e most enriching learning expe rience as you pre pare for your SAT exam . Should you have any
questions or suggestions . feel free to email us at reachu s,@vibrantpublishe . Thanks again for your purchase .
Good luck for your Digital SAT!
Books in Test Prep Series
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How To Get The Most Out Of This Book
Having no useful information about how to successfully take the Digital SAT test can make it look like a difficult
thing . However, this practice test book is specifically designed to give you a thorough practice of the new SAT. By
attempting the practice tests in this book you "'II become confident to face the real test.
This book includes 5 f11Jl-let1gtil Digital SAT tests ¾1th a total of 490 practice questions for your continuous
practice. The practice tests in this book follow the modular format for the Reading and Writing and Math sections .
Each question has the most appropriateanswer explanationand distractorexplanation.This is to ensure that you
understand the reasoning behind each correct (or incorrect) answer and train your mind to logically answer the
questions .
First, read the About The Digital SAT chapter in order to fully understand how the test is planned and administered
before diving in to give the tests. As the College Board transitions from administering paper -and-pencil SAT tests
to digital SAT Suite tests, you need to be aware of all the appropriate information that can increase your chance of
passing the test with a high score.
After reading through the information, consider taking one of the complete practice tests first In the first test, give
yourself as much time as you need rather than trying to finish within the allotted SAT time limit. However. write
down how long each section and module takes to solve, so you can determine how to budget your time. Then,
compare your answerswith the correctanswers given in the 'Answer Key' section of each test. Understandwhat went
wrong by referringto the detailed solutions given in the 'Answer& Explanations'section. Look over the categoriesof
questions that you consistently had difficulties·with or consistently made errors on. This will help you determine your
strengths and weaknesses and the areas you need to focus on.
Identify and practice the question types that you found difficult. Familiarize yourself with thei r pattern. Often refer
to the 'How to Use This Book' section for tips on how to solve the problem associated with each section and which
resources to use for getting a thorough and focused practice. You can also get ample practice of Reading and Writing
and Math questions from Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions and Digital SAT Matlr Practice
After completing your practice) try another complete practicetest. This time, have your timer at hand and take breaks
only at the intervalsgiven in the real test. This more realistic testing experience will also show you how well you can
concentratefor extended periods. After you complete the second practice test, check your answersand compare them
with the answersgiven in the 'Answer Key' section after each test and look for patterns in the questions you missed
Are they the same style as before) or do you have different weaknesses?Try revie·wing these weaknesses before taking
the next complete practicetest.
Create a study schedule and stick with it. Attempt to take a practice test every week for 6 weeks. This will help you
become well•versed ·with the format of the SAT and also increase your confidence.
Continue alternating review of specific question types with complete practice tests throughout your preparation
period . Do not worry if you miss a day on your study plan; just revise your schedule as needed so you can complete
every practice test in this book. When the day arrives for your actual SAT, you will be comfortable with the new
pattern of the test and will be ready to solve any style of question that might be on it, whether it is related to language
or mathematics. You can be confident of getting your best possible score!
More so, practice test questions and their corresponding answers will expose you to the format and structure of real
digital SAT. Do not read this book like a textbook; rather, use it as a companion to guide you in understanding every
aspect of the digital SAT suite tests.
But, there is a majo r change in how stude nts ¾ill give the SAT. The College Board has decided to transition the
famous pencil -and -paper test into a fully digital one. The College Board's decision to go digital is based on giving a
fair testing experience to students. The digital test will be easier to take, easier to administer,will be more secure, and
more relevant.
For giving the new test. you need to be aware of the format of the test, the time that ·will be given to you to answer
each question) the possible complexity of the questions, and the scoring method employed to assess your performance
in the test. In this chapter, you "111 discover important information all that including the SAT policy of inclusive
accessibility, the newly introduced Multistage Adaptive Testing feature, the modular format of the test, and much
The College Board has also streamlined the method of delivery of the digital SAT. With the latest test delivery
platform for the digital SAT Suite assessments, students can have access to all their tests and their content, as well
as enjoy the chance of practicing with the full-length , adaptive practice test offered for free on the platform so that
students can be aware of their knowledge levels before taking the real tests. More so, every question on the digital SAT
Suite is in a discrete (standalone) format. This indicates that test takers can answer each question independently. They
don't necessarily need to refer to a common stimulus such as an extended pas.sage.
If you are attempting the SAT for the first time, it could be scary not knowing exactly what to expect in the test.
This is why this book is specifically designed to expose you to everything you need to know about successfully taking
the Digital SAT Suite test.
The College Board is changing from a linear testing mode , which has been the primary mode of SAT
administration to an adaptive mode.
The main difference behveen the linear and adaptive testing modes is that for the linear testing mode, students are
given a test form that contains some questions that have already been set before the test day and do not change during
testing, irrespectiveof the student's performance.
On the other hand, the adaptive testing model makes it possible for the test delivery platform to adjust the
questions' difficulty level based on the performance of the individual test takers. Therefore, each student will be given
test questions that match their level of under standing.
The set of an administered first •stage module and its second •stage module are referred to as a pa11el.
Module 1 Module 2
A mix of easy, Mix of questions
medium ,and varying in difficulty
hard questions based on the
performance in the
first module
The digital SAT Suite also includes embedded pretesting in its design. What this means is that a small number
of pretest (unsco red) questions are incorporated among the operational (scored) questions. Even though they are
not administered for a score, students may not be able to distinguish these pretest questions from the operational
questions on which thei r scores are based. It is advisab le that students pay maximum attention and effort to these
questions , which can be used in estimating their understanding levels to the difficulty of the questions . The number of
pretest questions is few so you wilJ not be asked to focus mainly on questions that won't be used to estimate your final
SAT score. It is important to note that answers to pretest questions won't contribute to your final score. The pretest
questions are mainly used to gather students' pe rform ance information so that it can be utilized later to assess if these
questions are appropriate for operational use later.
One interesting aspect of the Digital SAT is that all their questions are in discreet format; that is they are
standalone. You can answer each question on its own, which doesn't necessarily require any reference to a common
stim ulus such as an extended passage. This is one of the striking differences between the paper -and -pencil SAT and
the Digital SAT in the sense that the former uses both disc rete and question sets. In practice ) the question sets expect
you to reference a common stimulus.
Studen ts will obtain a section score based on their final performance on the Re,iding and Writing and Math
section. For the SAT, students can get a score between 400 - 1600. Hence , for each of the tests of the Digital SAT, there
will be 3 scores reported: ( 1) A Reading and Writing section score; (2) A Math section score; (3) A total score, which
is the sum of the two section scores . It is important to note that the scales for these scores have the same ranges as for
the paper -based SAT Suite. This indicates that the digital SAT total score is on the familiar 400- 1600 scale.
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Overall Test Specifications
The Digital SAT is made up of two sections: A Reading and Writing (RW) section and a Math section. In the
linear model , the test has sepa rate sections for Reading and Writing . However, in th e Digital SAT, both the Reading
and Writing tests are combined in one section. The questions in these two sections concent rate primar ily on the skills
and knowledge that students need to use in college and/or for getting ready for their careers. The main parts of the
digital SAT tests are similar to th ose of the paper -and -pencil SAT test assessments . More so, all the testing programs
within the digital SAT Suite, whethe r it is the SAT, PSAT 10, PSAT 8/9, or PSAT/ NMSQT have simila r designs .
Although , these tests allow for differences in test takers' ages and levels of unde rstanding.
Administration Tv.'O•stage adaptive design ; this Two •stage adaptive design; this
section contains two separate ly section contains two separately
timed modules timed modules
Content domains Inform ation and Ideas, Craft and Algebra , Advanced Math , Problem -
Structure, E.~pression of Ideas, Solving and Data Analysis,
Standard English Conventions Geomet ry and Trigonometry
Test Length
There are a total of 54 questions for the Reading and Writing section . These 54 questions are divided into hvo
equal -length modules ; that is, one for each of the section's two stages. Out of th e 27 questions for each module , 25
questio ns are operatio nal- which means that test takers' performance on them is used to calculate their section
score, and 2 quest ions are pretests .
For the Math section , th e first module has 20 operational questions and 2 pretest q uestions . Then th e second
module consists of 20 operational questions and 2 pretest questions. ln total. the Math section will comprise 44
You will have 32 minutes to complete each module of the Reading and Writing section and 35 minutes
to complete each module of the Math section . Once the time for th e first module has expired, test take rs are
automatically advanced to th e second module. The second module may contain q uestions that are of higher or lower
difficulty, depending on your performance in the first module . You will not have the oppo rtuni ty to return to the first -
module questions.
The Reading and Writing section mostly utilizes four•option multiple•choice questions, and each question has
a single best answer (which is referred to as the keyed response or key). Roughly 75 percent of questions in the
Math section also adopt the same four•option multiple•choice format, while the remaining part of the test utilizes
the student -produced response (SPR) format. This means that students will be requ ired to answer the latter type of
questions by giving their own responses and putting their responses in the field next to the question. These questions
measure your ability to be able to solve math problems by yourself. It is possible for the SPR questions to have more
than one correct response; however, you are requiredto provide only one answer.
It is assumed that the complexity test takers can read is directly related to how ready they are for college and their
careers. Therefore , the idea of text complexity is strictly considered when designing and developing the digital SAT
Suite. The texts in the Reading and Writing section are given three complexity bands (grades 6- 8, grades 9 - 11, and
grades 12- 14).
Texts for grades 12-14 have the highest complexity, followed by the texts for grades 9- 11, while grades 6-8 have
texts with the lowest complexity. While it is possible to use the same texts for g rades 12- 14 and grades 9 -11, those
difficult texts cannot be used for grades 6-8 because they don't appropriately assess the literacy knowledge and skills of
students in eighth and ninth grades.
On the other hand, text complexity is not an issue in the Math section, bec.auseit is not formally measured. It is
estimated that about 70 percent of Math questions don't necessarily have a context. You are only required to use the
information/data provided to solve some questions that may be related to science, social studies, history, etc.
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What is Changing
The College Board continues to maintain fairness and high quality in its administration of SAT Suite, and some
aspects of its operations are changing . These changes include:
• Transitioning to digital testing by 2023 or 2024 latest. Once the transition is completed, students can no
longer take the paper -and -pencil SAT tests.
• The digital SAT Suite tests are particularly shorter than their paper -and -pencil predecessors - it can be taken
in 2 hours 14 minutes instead of 3 hours.
• Test takers now have more time on their hands to answer e.ach question.
• It is now possible for you to receive scores in days instead of weeks. faster than the predecessor paper •and •
pencil SAT.
• The SAT Suite now connects students to opportunities based on their scores. They can be connected to
information and resources concerning local 2•year colleges, career options, and workforce training programs .
• States, schools , and districts will be given more flexibility concerning when they could give the SAT Suite
• The digital SAT will now have a single Reading and Writing section instead of separate Reading and Writing
and Language sections . More importantly. the Reading and Writing section's passages are significantly shorter
and more diverse.
• A single (discrete) question is associated with each passage (or passage pair) instead of having several
questions associated with a small number of longer passages , as it is for the paper •and•pencil SAT Suite tests.
• The Digital SAT will still measure skills and knowledge that you are learning in school that can be used in
college and/or your future career .
• The test will be scored on the same scales as the paper •and •pencil test.
• The test ·will be administered in schools and test centers with a proctor .
• You will still be connected to scholarships and the College Board National Recognition Programs.
• Support will be given to all students who need accommodations and /or support to access the tests and their
• The Reading/Writing passages will cover a wide range of academic disciplines and text complexities.
• The test ·will still have both multiple •choice and student •produced response question formats.
4. How will the College Board address test day issues and support challenges?
The College Board has dedicated customer service resources re.ady to troubleshoot issues on test day for
students and test centers. There is a technology coordinator for each test cente r to provide additional support
and technical help when needed .
5. What kinds of tools will be availab le for students taking the d igital SAT?
You can use the following tools while using the software:
• A countdown clock to know when you are running out of time . You can decide to show or hide it at the
top of their testing screen
• A built -in g raphing calculator that you can use on the entire math section (or you can bring their own
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The Reading and Writing Section at a Glance
The tab le below summar izes the specifications of the types of questions and their distribution in the Reading and
\ Vriting sectio n.
Information and Ideas • Central Ideas and Details 12-14 questions (26%)
• Command of Evidence
• Textual and Quantitative
• Inferences
• Transitions
Sample Questions
I. The te rm "A11t/1ropoce11e"introduced by Dutch scientist Paul Crutzen in the mid -l 970s, is often used in the
context of pollution caused by human activity since the commencement of the Agricultural Revolution, but also
pertains largely to all major human bearings on the environment.
Various start dates for the Anthropocene have been offered by scientists, ranging from the beginning of the
first Agricultural Revolution) also knovm as the NeolithicRevolution, to as recently as the 1960s. However, the
____ has not been completed, and hence , a formal, conclusive date remains to be finalized.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase'
A) Ratification
B) Investigation
C) Legality
D) Approval
Key: A
Skill/Knowledge: Words in Context
Key Explanation; Choke A is the correct option bee.a.use"'ratification "' refers to the action of signing or giving
formal consent to something, making it officially valid . This word is best suited to the context because the second
Distrac .tor Explanations: Choice B is incorrect bee.a.usethere is no evidence provided that an investigation may
have been initiated into the subject. Similarly, options C and D are incorrect because the passage does not talk
about any approval process or legalities that need to be completed for a date to be finalized
2. Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest is among the most biodiverse regions in the world. But despite its spectacular
diversity) __________ . To counter this , the Society for the Conservation of Birds in Brazil advocates
for birds in Brazil, their habitats , and biodiversity in general, and works towards sustainability in the use of
natural resources. Their work focuses on educating local people on the importance of birds . biodiversity . and
developing environmentally sustainable economic alternatives , along with good governance tools to empower
local communities and improve the quality oflife of local people .
D) there are a number of steps that one can take to preserve the Atlantic Rainforest
Key: C
Skill/Knowledge: Command of Evidence (Textual)
Key Exp lana t ion: Choic<! C is the best answer because the first sentence talks about the diversity of the Atlantic
Rainforest , while the third sentence talks about what the Society for the Conservation of Birds in Brazil is
doing to counter said problem in the second sentence. They work by "'educating local people" and "'developing
environmentally sustainable economic alternatives ." Therefore . it may be inferred that the problem denoted in the
underlined portion of the text involves humans and economics . Hence . using the process of elimination. choice C
is the best answe r.
Distrac .tor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect because the text mentions "conservation of birds in Brazil;'
which means that birds may be endangered but not extinct. Choice B is incorrect bec.ause there is no information
provided that supports this statement. Choke D is incorrect because it does not fit in the context of the sentence .
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The Math Section at a Glance
The t abl e below summari zes th e specificati ons of th e types of question s and th eir d istributi on in th e Math
section .
Problem -Solving • Ratios, rates, proportional relationships. and 5-7 questions ( 15%}
and Data Analysis units
• Percentages
• One~variable data: distributions and measures
of center and spread
• Two ~variable data: models and scatterplots
• Circles
I. The dog park charges $10 for a membership and $3 per hour for th e dog to run around in their park. Mindy
brings her dog to the park and spends less th an $40. Which of the following inequalities represents Mindy's
situation. where h is the number of hours at the park and C is the total amount Mindy paid?
A) 3h+ 10<40
B) 3C - 10 <40
C) 3h + 10 =40
D) 3h+l0>40
Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA
Skill/Knowledge: Linear inequalities in one or two variables I Testing Point: Create a linear inequality
Key Explanation: Choice A is correct. To determine the inequality that represents the situation, first ere.ate the
expression that is equal to the total amount that Mindy paid (C).
The total amount C is the sum of the membership fee (S 10) and the fee for having the dog in the park in h hours.
This yields C = 10 + 3/J or C = 3h + 10.
Since Mindy spent less than S40 in the dog park, then C < 40. Substituting the value of C in terms of h in the
inequality yields 3h + 10 < 40.
Distrac.tor Explanation: Choice 8 is incorrect.This option is wrong because C is the total amount paid by Mindy
and not the rate per hour for the dog to run around the park. Choices C and Dare incorrect. Mindy spent less
than S40. Hence, the correct symbol to use is < not > or =.
A) (2x + 1)(2x + 1)
B) (x + 2)(x + 1)
C) (x - 2)(x - 1)
D) (2x + l )(x + 1)
Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
Skill/Knowledge: Equivalent Expressions I Testing Point: Factoring a quad ratic equation
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The factors of 2 whose sum is the value of b (where b =3) is 2 and I.
Hence) the equation can be written as 2xl + 2x + x + I .
Grouping the binomials in the equation yields (2x' + 2x) + (x + I).
Factoring 2x from the first group yields 2x(x +I ) + (x + I) .
Factoring x + I from the two groups yields (2x + l)(x + I).
Therefore. Choke D is the correct answer.
Distractor Explanation: A, B, and Care incorrect and may result from a conceptual or calculation
Practice Test 1
You are about to begin a full-length Practice Test. The test has four modules. The time allotted for
each module is marked at the beginning of the module. Work on one module at a time . Use a timer to
keep track of the time limits for every module.
Try to take the Practice Test under real test conditions. Find a quiet place to work, and set aside
enough time to complete the test without being disturbed. At the end of the test, check your answers by
referring to the Answer Key and fill in your raw score in the scorecard below. Also, note down the time
taken by you for completing each module.
Pay particular attention to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Read the answer
explanations and understand how to solve them.
Out ol 27 27 22 22
My Score
Time Taken
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt reading and writing skills. Each
question include s one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage(s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
\•Vhich choice completes the text with the most Which choice completes the text with the most
logical and precise word or phrase? logical and precise word or phrase?
A) bias A) charismatic
BJ prejudice B) irresistible
C) discrimination C) attractive
D) bigotry D) fascinating
Colm Sweeney, lead investigatoron the Drake
Passage study .
Which choice completes the text with the most D) To highlight the need to correct the problem
logical and precise word or phrase? of CO 2 absorption before it is too late
A) congenial
B) incalculable
C) cumbersome
D) voluminous
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 15 CONTINUE
Text 1
The views of most individuals are limited to their own happiness;
and the workmen whom I beheld so busy in the arsenal of Venice
saw nothing but what was good in the labor for which they
received ... We must have the telescope of philosophy to make us
perceive distant ills; further , we know that there are individuals of
our species to whom the immediate misery of others is nothing in
comparison with their own advantage - for we know that in every
age there have been found men very willing to perform the office
of executioner.
. .. it is by no means a utopian undertaking to unite the whole
world of nations in such a federation ... Let men but understand
themselves, and the mechanism of their emotions by which they
are brought into this 9erennial catastrophe, and they will be re.ady
enough to take gigantic measures to prevent it.
D) "in every age there have been found men very willing to
perform the office of executioner"
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 17 CONTINUE
Ill 1B
Published in 1794 by Wtlliam Blake, "The Tyger" The following text is adapted from Mother Joness
is a classic poem from a larger colJection titled speech to coal miners picketing in Charlestown,
Songs of Experience. The poem uses the imagery West Virginia, on August 15, 1912.
of fire to delve into the question of who might
have createdsuch a dangerous creature: __ They wouldn 't keep their dog where they keep
you fellows. You know that. They have a good
Which quotation from "The Tyger" most place for their dogs and a slave to take care
effectively illustratesthe claim? of them. The mine owners' ·wives will take
the dogs up, and say, "I love you, dea - h." My
A) "In what distant deeps or skies, I Burnt the friends, the day for petting dogs is gone; the
fire of thine eyes?" day for raising children to a nobler manhood
and better womanhood is here! You have
B) "In what furnace was thy brain' /What the suffered; I know you have suffered. I was with
anvil' what dread grasp / Dare its deadly you nearly three years in this State. I went to
terrorsclasp?" jail I went to the federalcourts, but I never
C) "When the stars threw down their spears, / took any back water!
And water'd heaven with their tears, / Did he
smile his work to see? In the text, Mother Jones anticipates and
addresses which counterargument about her
D) "Did he who made the Lamb make thee'" c redibility?
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Chili Peppers Exposed to Salt Stress
A) become
B) are becoming
C) have become
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 21 CONTINUE
Ill 1111
Energy access and gender are deeply entwined Attending the cinema allows for the exercise of
components of the global development agenda. personal preferencesand the human need for
The transformative effect on women of access distinction. ln a nutshell. cinema attendance can
to affordable,reliable, and sustainable modern be a personally expressive experience, good __
energy __ well established by countless therapeutic at the same time.
Which choice completes the text so that it
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) fun, and,
A) are
B) fun, and
B) were
C) fun; and
C) has been
D) fun - and
D) have been
In a 2022 paper written by Kyle Rupp and __
Many theories have been proposed for how life the researchers explore the complex mechanisms
originated on Earth) and attention has recently behind the automatic ability that most people
been directed towards hydrothermal vents, have to recognize features of the human voice,
__ occur deep undenvater where continental even to the point of distinguishing subtleties of
plates diverge. In 2019, scientists from University emotion and intention.
College London conducted an experiment
simulating the concentrated gasses and minerals Which choice completes the text so that it
and cre,ited protocells, or the building blocks for conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
living molecules.
A) associates
Which choice completes the text so that it
B) associates.
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
C) associates-
A) which D) associates:
B) they
C) that
D) these
Ill Ill
Even ·within a single musical tradition) there may Social work can take a toll, but it is deeply
be fine distinctions based on the character and rewarding when you can see a positive change
color of the voice . __ a lyric soprano has a in someone else's life. There are many different
light , refined tone and a dramatic soprano has a career paths in social work.. __ there are some
powerful ) emotional tone. administrative roles , most all social workers deal
directly with clients . So regardless of the field you
Which choice completes the text so that it choose, you are most likely to interact ·with people
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' on a regular basis .
A) For example among operatic voices vl'hich choice completes the text with the most transition?
B) For example, among operatic voices:
C) Nevertheless
D) Therefore ,
The energy industry has long met demand
by varying the rate at which it produces fuel.
Controlling the output of an oil - fired power plant
is much like changing the speed of a car- press The Paleo diet includes meat , fruit, and vegetables
the accelerator and more gas flows to the engine. in an attempt to recreate the eating patterns
__ the wind cannot be turned up or down. of prehistoric hunter - gatherers. Although it
Smart software is one solution to make wind is a popular way to lose weight in the short
farms more efficient and responsive. term , there is no long - term credible research
confirming its efficacy. __ many scientists
Which choice completes the text with the most point out that the diet is misguided because wild
logical transition? grains were consumed well before the advent of
A) Nevertheless,
vl'hich choice completes the text with the most
B) Despite this , transition?
C) Furthermore ,
D) However , A) Subsequently,
B) Nevertheless ,
C) Moreover,
D) Therefore ,
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 23 CONTINUE
The London and Northwestern Railway War
Memorial is a First World War memorial
outside Euston Station in London, England.
- In May, 1992, the Ministry of Forestry in
Vietnam and the World Wildlife Federation
jointly conducted a survey and came across an
The memorial was designed by Reginald Wynn astounding discovery: the first new large mammal
Owen and __ employees of the London and species identified in half a century . Called a saola,
Northwestern Railway (LNWR) who were killed both the males and females have horns. Almost
in the First World War. nothing is known of their behavior, though they
are classified as critically endangered.
Which word most logically completes the text'
The writer wants to change the underlined
A) commemorates portion to emphasize the rarity of the saola.
Which choke most effectively achieves that goal?
B) idolizes
C) celebrates A) The first indication of a new species was when
D) overlooks scientists discovered a skull in a hunter's
Reading Test
The questions in th is section address a number of important read ing and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage(s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
destination . Considerations need to be made for Many were the tears shed by them in their last
adieus to a place so much beloved. "'And you)
transportation, hotel s and guest accommodations.
and services that link the various components of ye well - known trees," said Marianne, "but
a trip. such as guide services in national parks or you will continue the same, unconsciou s of
city bus tours . the pleasure or the regret you occasion , and
ioseosih le of any change in those who walk
As used in the text . what does the word "'broader'' under your shade! But who ·will remain to
most nearly enjoy you?''
D) insentient
A) exhaust
vl'hich choice best states the main purpose of the
B) stench text?
C) pollution A) It presents the study by Tyler Watts to show
D) ire that most behavioral psychology experiments
are flawed
B) It argues that experiments regarding behavior
should be performed multiple times in order
to determine true correlations.
C) It explains a significant problem in the
current understanding of ·willpower in young
D) It discusses the study by Walter Mischel to
show that there may be alternate explanations
in an apparentlyobvious situation.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 27 CONTINUE
- Text 1
Depression is an illness of brain circuitry and chemistry that
causes and is caused by changes in mood , thinking , and behavior .
Behavioral activation is a type of talk therapy that helps patients
free themselves from negative mood spirals by identifying a
connection behveen actions and emotions, and gradually add
small and enjoyable actions back into their lives. The process
decreases avoidance, bolsters peer connection) and improves
engagement in activities. This non - intrusive solution takes time,
but is much healthier than covering the problem with medications.
Studies have shown that a single ketamine infusion can often
rapidly relieve depressive symptoms within hours in people
who have not responded to conventional antidepressants. which
typically take weeks or months to work. However ) widespread use
of ketarnine for tre.atment - resistant depression has raised concerns
about side effects, including feelings of floating , queasiness . visual
distortions . and numbness . These conditions occurred in at least
half of the participants of one study, but none persisted for more
than four hours . To overcome these problems, ongoing research is
necessary to develop a more practical rapid - acting antidepressant
that works in the brain similarly to ketamine.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text I most likely
vie1v the conclusion drawn by the author in the final sentence of
Text 2?
C) Confusion , because she feels that the drug does not need any
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 29 CONTINUE
Our predecessorshad a shared vision. Indian I came back to the town very late. and it had
reservationsshould be places where the struck ten as I was going towards my lodgings.
old ways are maintained) our languagesare My way lay along the canal embankment ,
spoken, and our children learn our traditions where at that hour you never meet a soul
and pass them on. They are places where there It is true that I live in a very remote part of
are fish in the stream and game in the field, the town. I walked along singing, for when
and food grows wild; places where our people I am happy I am always humming to myself
can live and be Indian. At the same time) like every happy man who has no friend or
this vision includes modern life, economic acquaintancewith whom to share his joy.
development to sustain our people; safety and Suddenly I had a most unexpected adventure.
respectful relationships with our neighbors;
and the blessings of education, health care and According to the text, what is the reason the
modern technology. This vision was shared narrator is walking along the embankment late at
by the U.S. Congress in 1934 when it passed night'
the Indian Reorganization Act. With the IRA,
Congress renewed its trust responsibilityto A) He wanted to avoid meeting other people.
protectand restore our tribal homelands and B) He was escaping the pressures of the city.
the Indian way oflife .
C) He was returning to his quarters.
What is the main idea of the text?
D) He sought more excitement in his life.
llll Ill
As for tidal devices. the environmental impacts Over the past 30 years, scientists have discovered
are considered comparably small. Wave devices many dinosaurs from the group known as
will represent a much lower collision risk Carcharodontosauridae, but a lack of complete
compared to offshore wind devices but they could fossils led to many assumptions about their
create a risk of underwater collisions for diving structure and movement. However. a recent
birds. In general, environmental impacts will find in Argentina of a species named J\,feraxe.s
very much depend on the size of installation and gigas gives new insights . Standing 11 meters
the location selected. Potential positive effects (36 feet) and weighing 4 tons, the carnivore
such as the creation of roosting sites and habitat probably appeared very much like the unrelated
enhancement for marine birds might occur as Tyrannosaurusrex. This conclusion is partly based
well. The majority of the studies recommend that on the discovery of an almost intact arm bone
commercial - scale installations of ocean energy that is extremely short like those of T. rex.
technology should be accompanied by research
studies on local environmental impacts. Which finding, if true , would most strongly
support the scientists' conclusion?
According to the text, which of the following will
most determine how much a tidal system alters A) M. gigns and T. rex were discove red to have
the environment? lived in time pe riods separated by about 20
million years.
A) The placement in the ocean
B) The skull bones from the M. gigas fossil are
B) The number of moving parts oversized in proportion to the body. as are
those of T. rex fossils.
C) The number of research studies about it
C) The average size of an adult T. rex varied
D) The total energy it generates
greatly. behveen S tons and almost 7 tons.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 31 CONTINUE
Ill Ill
Biodiversity:Trees in Southern Ontario A seller who makes a claim about how much
(percentage of total trees ) money a person can earn opening a franchise
must provide a document that says in big type:
25 ----------------::-- BY LAW This document has to include many
20 ----------------1--- statistics including the specifics of the claim; the
15 -------------=-~ ... start and end date those earnings were achieved;
the number and percentage of people who got
5 ------
those results or better, and any information
about those people that may differ from you -
red.maple birch beech ash oak
for example , the part of the country where they
I 10.000)'ears ago rearsago I live. Since the Rule gives the right to see written
proof for the seller's earnings claims. savvy buyers
exercise that right and study those materials
In 2003. a team of researchersstudied ancient carefully.
forest diversity through analyzing pollen samples
in a lakebed. "What we are seeing is huge Which statement best identifies one of the
variabilitywithin tree populations over time," authorS implicit claims about the Earnings Claim
said scientist James Clark. For example)__ He Statement Required by Law'
explained that this variability means they overlap
in ways that determine which species are going to A) Demographic factors may affect a franchise's
thrive and which are going to go extinct He also earnings.
proposed that the variability might itself represent
B) The earnings claims must be updated every
a stabilizing mechanism. Clark emphasized ,
however, that even though the role of stabilizing month.
mechanisms remains unknov.'ll. the results from C) Most sellers do not provide the statement
the studies offer cautionary lessons. willingly.
Ill Ill
A serious financial investment is needed to bring You must respect copyright laws when composing
Sub - Saharan Africa up to par with the global music. When you sample __ artist's music
marketplace . Africa has huge potential for growth without obtaining permission , you're infringing
in its tourism market , but heavy tourism traffic on the copyright to that work, no matter how big
might have a negative impact on the environment. or how small a portion of it you actually use.
cultural stereotypes could be exploited, and the
disparity between wealthy tourists and service Which choice completes the text so that it
workers earning a modest wage may lend itself to conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
divisions and social friction. Tourism demands
higher levels of security and public health at all A) another
levels. Money spent on tourism development is B) other
money not spent on schools or clinics. On the
other hand t without tourism income , there are no C) every
jobs. D) others
A) presumed
B) presumption
C) presumably
D) presumptive
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 33 CONTINUE
In 1967, Kenyan writer Ngugi wa Thiongo
worked as a lecturer in the department of English
at the University of __ ·~ Grain of Wheat in
- Rainwaterharvesting is the collection of run- off
from a structure or other impervious surface in
order to store it for later use. Rainwater collection
July" in the same year. He became instrumental in systems can be as simple __ rain in a rain
a movement that advanced African literature. barrel or as elaborate as harvesting rainwater into
large cisterns to supply your entire household
Which choice completes the text so that it demand.
conforms to the conventions of Standard English'
Which choice completes the text so that it
A) Nairobi and published conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
D) as collecting
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 35 CONTINUE
Most people have heard of search and rescue The effects of climate change are noticeable now:
dogs, which assist the police and other responders average temperatures are increasing, storms are
in finding victims of crimes or natural disasters . more severe, and droughts are more common. In
There are two work methods that the dogs follow.. order to protect our planet and life as we know
Trailing dogs follow the specific scent of one it, we __ must make changes to our daily
person along the path that the person took . __ routines as quickly as possible . If everyone works
air- scent dogs sniff the general vicinity until they together, even small alterations such as eating
find any individual in the search region. more vegetables or taking public transportation
can make a large difference in the long run.
\•Vhich choice completes the text with the most
logical transition? The writer wants to emphasize the necessity
of protecting the planet. Which choice most
A) Because of this, effectively achieves this goal?
B) By contrast . A) can
C) Therefore ,
B) will
D) Moreover. C) might
D) must
It may seem that all mosquitoes hate the human
race. but in reality, only the females require blood
to obtain a specific protein needed to produce As technology evolves apace and more of us
eggs. Males do not drink blood __ even if work part - time, the trend of skill sets becoming
they wanted to. they do not have the mouthparts obsolete is __ . For instance, Linkedln co-
to pierce skin. It turns out that mosquitoes get founder Reid Hoffman believes that careers are
most of their energy from plant nectar and fruit. now simply "tours of dutyt prompting companies
to design organizations that assume people will
Which choice completes the text with the most only stay a few years.
logical transition?
The writer wants to highlight the speed of
A) Therefore , transition. Which choice best achieves that goal?
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 37 CONTINUE
No Test Material On This Page
No Test Material On This Page
The quest ions in this section address a number of important math skills. Use of a calculator is permitted
for all questions .
Unless otherwiseindicated:• All variablesand expressionsrepresentreal numbers. • Figuresprovided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane.• The domain of a given function is the set of all real
numbers x for which f(x) is a real number .
G A= 1tr
CJ w
A= tw A=
V= f.wh
V = ,rr2h
\I : .'.!.,r,3
\I = ½,rr2h V=
t wh
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 211.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the ang les of a triang le is 180.
.com 41 CONTINUE
A) 8
- lf a is a solution to this equation below and a> 0 ,
what is the value of a?
12x-31 =11
B) 6
C) 2
D) 4
- Cocopine high school conducts annual surveys
at its school to find out the number of teachers
and students by gender. The results of the survey
Line k is a line perpendicular to line m. Given
that the equation for line mis 5y = 4x + 15, which
of the following could be the equation for line k '
A) y= - x-12
showed that there were 35 teachers and 245 5
students in the school. 5
B) y= - x +6
Students Teache.r 5
C) y=--x-2
Male 131 4
Female 16 5
D) y=-x+IO
Using the table above, if a person is chosen at
random, what is the probabilitythat the person is
a male teacher?
- What is the center of the circle, given that its
equation is x' + y'-6x+4y=36?
C) -3519 A) (- 3, 2)
B) (2, - 3)
D) C) (3, - 2)
D) (- 2, 3)
value of a? I
- 6x + 3 < y
y<x +6
A ) (- 2, - 4)
B) (4, 7)
A) y =5(0.7)'
C) (- 2, I)
B) y =5(1.3)'
D) (- 2, - 4)
C) y =3(0.7)'
D) y =3(1.3)'
- If /(x)=2(x-3)' +8 is transformed to
g(x) = 2(x-S)' + 5 , which of the following
describes the transformation?
s.rom 43 CONTINUE
If triangle PQR (not shown) is similar to triangle
DEF shown below and DE= 2PQ, what is the
value of sin R?
- A researcherstudies bacteria in a pond and
models a function that shows how the bacteria
populate in the pond. Let t be the number of days
since the bacteria began to populate the pond
Which of the following is the best interpretation
The average SAT score of 7 students in a class
is 1,320. If a student with an SAT score of 1,460
joins the class, what ¾ill be the new average SAT Ill
score (rounded off to the nearest IO)'
What is the value of p, if the equation below has
no solutions?
A) 1,390
B) 1,340 5(x+3)-3(2-x)= px +7
C) 1,300
D) 1,460
Ill 1111
How many solutions does the following system of The expression y = -2(x+ 3)1 + 6 is equivalent to
equations have? ax' +bx +c , where a <0 and b<0 . What is the
value of c?
3x-4y= 16
A) One solution
B) Two solutions
A) (7, 10.5)
Ill B) (2, 0.5)
What is the length of the minor arc AB, given C) (10,9)
that the diameter of the circle is 12 cm and the
D) (7, 11)
measure of the angle of sector AOB is 72°'
How many solutions does the equation Ix+ 3 I= 0
B) 2
A) 2.4,r
C) 0
B) 28.811
D) There is not enough information to answer
C) 12,r
the question.
D) "6
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 45 CONTINUE
What is the value of I/ (2) I where Which of the following is not a solution to the
2 inequality below?
f(x)=x -20x+9?
A) 27
AJ 2
BJ - 27
B) 0
CJ 53
C) 3
DJ 35
D) 4
A circle is inscribed in a square. If the length of
one side of the square is and the area of the
circle is pn, what is the value of p?
A) 32
BJ 16
CJ 8
DJ 64
The quest ions in this section address a number of important math skills. Use of a calculator is permitted
for all questions .
Unless otherwiseindicated:• All variablesand expressionsrepresentreal numbers. • Figuresprovided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane.• The domain of a given function is the set of all real
numbers x for which f(x) is a real number .
GA= 1tr
CJ w
A= tw A=
V= f.wh
V = ,rr2h
\I : .'.!.,r,3
\I = ½,rr2h V=
t wh
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 211.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the ang les of a triang le is 180.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 49 CONTINUE
• \
, \
-6 .4 -2 0 21 4 6 8 10 12
10 inches
• \
, \
• \
A) 120 , In \
B) 20
p '
C) 1,440 \
• I•
D) JO \
A) 3y-9x=l8
B) 3y+9x=l8
. I h e ll .
equ1va ent to t e 10 owmg equation -
. -5 - --
X >
C) 6y-l2x=36
D) Sy+20x=30
X X-4
A) - 6
vl'hat is the y - intercept for the equation below'
x' +-20
B) y-7=3 ' -5
-x 1 -5x+20
x 2 -4x
s.rom 51 CONTINUE
For what value of x does the function
h(x) ,
X -2x-15
become undefined if x < 0 '
- Amber travels from her home to the mall in
A) X
Ill B)
If f(3) = -1 and f(4) = -3 , what is the x-
inferceptfor the line represented by the function C)
D) 2x
A) 2.5
B) 5
C) - 2
D) 5
Given that the length of a rectangle is 3 meters
more than its width, what is the perimeter of the
rectangle given that the area is 28 square meters?
A) 11
B) 22
1111 Ill
If x' -6x+ 10 B ,
A study conducted by a school's medical board A+ -- • what is the value of B?
x+2 x+2
found that 23 out of the 48 students surveyed
practice sanitary routines such as washing their
hands before meals. If there are 2,280 students
in the school) approximately how many students
in the school do not practice sanitary routines
(rounded up to the nearest whole number )' Ell
If triangle ABC is a right triangle and B is 90°
and the longest side of the triangle is 61 and the
shortest side is 11, what is the length of the third
side of the triangle'
A) 40
Which of the following is the equation of
B) 60
g(x) = 2x when it's moved I unit to the left and I
unit up? C) 62
D) 59
A) y=2x-l
B) y=2x+ l
C) y=2x+5
D) y=2x+3
What is the x coordinateof the vertex for
the parabola represented by the equation
y=2x +8x+l2'
A) 6
B) - 4
C) 2
D) - 2
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 53 CONTINUE
Ill Ill
The psychology department of a school If x+3y=9 and 2x+2y=l4 ,w hatisthevalue
conducted a study on 20 random students in a of y-x?
third grade class of 58 students. 20 of the students
were then offered a supplement. The study found A) - 5
that 15 of these students did better in their
B) 5
end- term exams compared to those who did not
take the supplements. Which of the following C)
statements can best be concluded from the above D) 6
- "
:, ;i 19
" -
t: t: i: :, t:
0 0 0 0 0
u 0 u ::e V 0 u u
I. C I. D I. B I. C
2. C 2. C 2. A 2. D
3. A 3. D 3. 7 3. -1
4. B 4. D 4. C 4. A
5. C 5. D 5. C 5. A
6. A 6. A 6. 3 6. 0.551
7. B 7. B 7. B 7. D
8. A 8. A 8. A 8. C
9. B 9. C 9. D 9. B
10. B 10. A 5/13o r 10. 3
II. B II. B 0.384 II. C
12. A 12. A or 12. A
13. C 13. A 0.385 13. - 22
14. D 14. D 14. B
15. D 15. A 12. B
15. B
13. 8
16. C 16. C 16. 1188
14. D
17. C 17. D 17. D
15. A
18. C 18. D 18. D
16. - 12
19. A 19. A 19. 26
20. B 20. B 17. C 20. B
18. A
21. B 21. D 21. D
22. D 22. D 19. A 22. B
20. 3.2
23. D 23. B
24. B 24. C 21. C
25. C 25. D
22. B
26. A 26. B
27. C 27. B
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 57
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
to something that is too great to mathematically 6. Level: Easy I Domain: CRAFT AND
dete rmin e or count. It fits th e context th at the STRUCTURE
building's value is so great it cannot be replaced by Skill/Knowledge: Text Struct ure and Purpose
any money.
Key Explanation: Choic.e A is the best answer.
Distractor Exp lanations: None of th e other The underlined sentence s hows that the garden
choices adequately desc ribe the precious nature of was large and "lovely" or "appealing,• and the
the "value of the building and its contents." Choice following sentence gives various reasons that the
A refers to a place or thing that is pleasant and garden was appealing to all the senses .
agreeable) not an intangible thing such as "value:• C and D refer to something that is physi- D istractor Explanat ion: Choice B is incor rect
cally large or bulky, not something intangible. because there is no contrast with the previous
sentence ; th e garden was lovely) so that provides
a reason for th e children to want to play there.
5. Level: Hard I Doma in: CRAFT AND
Choice C is incorrect because the underlined
sentence does not refer to "characters" or "people ,"
Skill/Know ledge: Text Structure and Purpose
only to place. Choice D is incorrect because
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer there is no "ominous underc urren t" or "scary
because the main point of th e paragraph is that implication " in the description of the garden. It
"'these results contrast with previous findings" and could be that th e giant is ve ry nice and the re is no
emphasize that more studies are needed, indieat• problem with the children playing there.
ing that th e Drake Passage study did not provide
all th e answers. Therefore , the paragrap h shows 7. Level: Easy I Domain: CRAFT AND
how the results of the Drake Passage study fits into STRUCTURE
"the wider context"' or "bigger picturl ' of other
Skill/Knowledge: Text Struct ure and Purpose
Key Explanation; Choke 8 is the best answer
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incorrect
because the phrase is used to describe the
because the paragraph does not suggest that any
"fentanyl analogs" or "dru gs compa rable to
of the data gathered so far is "inaccurate" or "not
fentanyl." The fact that th ey were "commonly
correct.., Therefore) the paragraph is not being
confiscated " or "often seized " by law enforcement
used to s how how difficu lt it is to get correct data.
s hows that the drugs are ones in common use,
Choice B is incorrect because the paragraph
and therefore are likely to be illegal drugs that
does not "illustrate" or "explain" w hy it is hard to
overdose patients had access to and used . If this is
"amass• or "gather" enough data. The paragraph
true , the researc h on th e drugs is likely to "apply"
mentions that th e conditions are "challenging, "
or "be relevant" to "authentic cases " or "real
but does not give any detail abo ut why. Choice D
situations " in w hich a patient overdoses on an
is incorrect because, thoug h the paragraph says
illegal drug.
that CO? absorption is important ) it does not talk
about "correcting " or "fixing" the problem . It only
D istractor Explanat ion: Choice A is incorrect
says that there needs to be more research done to
because the method of "obtaining • or "getting •
understand the process bette r.
s.rom 59
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer used to heat metal to the melting point and form
because the passage says that "induced demand'' it into a shape. Choice B refers to "delving" or
is a phenomenon in which making more of a "asking" the question of who might have created
product will lead to more people wanting it; in this the "dangerous creature ;· which causes "deadly
case, "if more roads are provided , more people are terrors: what furnace, anvil, and grasp could create
encouraged to drive:-' However , the passage says a tiger? These questions are asking who would
that the "'common solution" is to build more roads . dare to forge and hold the tiger.
sho·wing that in the average or common case of
wanting to reduce traffic jams, the effect is not Distractor Exp lanat ion: Choice A is incorrect
considered . If it were "taken into consideration" bee.a.useit touches on the fire imagery in the
or "tho ught about." then planners would probably "fire of thine eyes: but it does not refer to the
use a different solution than just building roads. question of who cre.ated such a creature. Choice
C is incorrect bee.a.useit only refers to the creator
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incorrect and the danger or fear caused by a tiger: tigers are
because, although the passage indicates that scary enough that stars "throw dovm their spears"
congestion continues as more roads are built, it or "give up" and "water heaven with their tears"
does not say that induced demand "contradicts " or "cry." Choice C does not use any fire imagery.
or "'goes against" that concept. There is also no Choke D also does not give any support to the
hint that there is a "widespread belief" or "lots claim that the poem uses fire imagery ; it only
of people thinking " that building roads causes wonders if someone who created a lamb could
congestion; if so. the common solution would also create a tiger.
not be to build more. Choice C is incorrect
because there is no hint that city planners are now
12. Level: Hard I Doma in : INFORMATION AND
incorporating the idea into their plans ; if so, then
there would not be situations like the example
Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence
from Houston. Choice D is incorrect because
there is no discussion in the passage about how to
"mitigate " or "reduce" the effect. The effect is just Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer
defined . bee.a.usea counterargument is an attack against
the writer's main argument. The prompt is asking
11. Level: Medium I Doma in: INFORMATION AND about a counterargument related to Mother Jones's
IDEAS "credibility " or "believability.• Mother Jones
Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence "addresses " or "faces" the possible attack that
(Textual) she is not qualified to speak because she is not a
miner by saying that she has undergone similar
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer. conditions that miners live in and suffer through:
The claim is that "the poem uses the imagery of "I was with you nearly three years in this State. I
fire to delve into the question of who might have went to jail. I went to the Federal courts: ·
created such a dangerous creature. " In choke B,
the words "furnace" and "anvil" are "imagery " or Distractor Exp lanat ion: Choice B is incorrect
"symbols " that evoke heat and fire; they are tools bee.a.useMother Jones uses her experience
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer 15. Level: Easy I Domain: IN FORMATION AN D
Distractor Exp lanation: All of the othe r choices Distractor Explanation: All of the oth er choices
can be eliminated because they are phrasal verbs can be eliminated beca use th ey are plural verbs,
with meanings that do not fit the context of so cannot be used with the sing ular subject "the
saying that the Olympics were not held. Choice effect ."
A refers to visiting someone. Choice B refers to
telephoning someone. Choice D refers to asking
19. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
various people questions . often when organizing
something or trying to find information .
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure , and Sense
17. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD Key Explanation:Choke A is the best answer.
ENGLISH CONVENTIONS "Which~ is a relative pronoun used after a comma
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense to add more desc ription to the noun th at precedes
the comma. In this case, "occur deep undenvater
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer. where continental plates diverge ~ adds more
The present perfect verb form using "has /have" is information about th e "hydrothermal vents:•
used to show that somet h ing started in th e past
and contin ues now. It fits the time context of the Distractor Explanation: Choices B and D are
question that Harari poses, "from the s tone age to incorrect because "th ey" and "these~ are pronouns
the present." that are used in place of a noun at the start of a
sentence. They create independent clauses th at can
Distractor Exp lanation: A and B are stand on their own , so the resulting sentence is a
incorrect because they are present tenses ) so do comma sp lice. Choice C is incorrect because when
not include th e idea of change from the distant "that" is used as the start of a relative clause after a
past. Choice D is incorrect because it refers to noun, it is not preceded by a comma.
something which has not yet occurred in the
future) so does not describe "from the s tone age to
20. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
the present."
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
18. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
CONVEN TIO NS Key Explanation: Choice B is th e best answer.
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense \o\'hen three or more items are included in a list
joined by "and," th e items are followed by commas,
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer. but the "and" is not.
The subject of the sentence is long, "the
transfonnative effect on women of access to Distractor Explanation; Choi ce A is incorrect
affordable, reliable, and sustainab le modern because there s hould be no comma after "and.~
energy.'' Howeve r, it can be reduced to the singular Choices C and D are incorrect because both
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 63
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
Distractor Exp lanation: All of the other choices the event and by doing so, to honor it. Here.
can be eliminated because they do not make the the memorial commemorates the employees of
clause that they introduce dependent on a main LMWR killed in the First World War.
clause; the clause can still stand on its own as a
sentence. As a result , the sentence is left with two Distractor Exp lanations: Choke 8 is incorrect
main clauses joined by a comma . a type of run - on bee.a.useto idolize is to respect or admire someone
sentence called a comma splice . extensively. He re, the memorial has been built to
remember martyrs and not only to show respect.
Choice C is incorrect beca use "'celebrate " is not a
25. Level: Easy I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
word used to describe the purpose of a memorial.
Skill/Know ledge: Transitions
Choice D is incorrect because the memorial has
been built for the fallen LNWR employees and
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer .
hence. cannot overlook or ignore them.
The pas.sage is structured ·with the first sentence
defining the diet and the second sentence giving
a reason to doubt that it is effective, a reason 27. Level: Medium I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF
not to follow it. The final sentence gives another IDEAS
reason to question whether the diet should be Skill/Know ledge: Rhetorical Synthesis
used. Choice C is used to introduce an additional
argument for the same topic ) so fits the context Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer .
well. The author wants to emphasize "rarity"' or the
fact that there are very few of the saola. The idea
Distractor Exp lanation:Th e other choices can that they have been seen only four times in thirty
be eliminated because they are not used to add years indicates that they are hard to find. In other
more detail on the same topic. Choice A is used words , there are probably not many because
for a time se ries, but there is no indication that the presumably scientists have been wanting to look
lack of research was followed in time by scientists for and study them.
being concerned . Choi ce 8 is used to stress that
the previous point may be true . but that the Distractor Exp lanation:Choice A is incorrect
following. opposing argument is more reasonable . bee.a.useit does not emphasize the "rarity" or
Therefore , it does not fit the context of two "'unusual nature " of the animal. It is possible that
concordant ideas. Choice D is used to introduce many hunters have such skulls in their homes and
a logical conclusion based on what information is the scientists only recently realized some were
already given, not to bring up new ideas. unusual. Choice B is incorrect because it could
just mean saola are hard to raise in captivity. There
could be a huge number living in the mountains
26. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMATION
in that region. Choice D is incorrect because it
does not say anything about how common the
Skill/Know ledge: Inference
saola are; it only describes their name
s.rom 65
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
for a behavior such as deciding to wait to eat a the reaction of people accepting the c up; it says
marshmallow . the cup is easy to break.
s.rom 67
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
passage directly states that "environmental 12. Level: Easy I Domain: INFORMATION AND
impacts ·will very much depend on .. . the loc.ation IDEAS
selected" Skill/Knowledge: Command of Evidence
(Quantitative )
Distractor Exp lanation: None of the oth er
ch oices are supported by evidence from the
Key Exp lanation: Choice A is the best answer
passage. Choice B is incor rect because , although
because the claim is that there "is huge variability
the passage does say that moving parts can kill
within tree pop ulations ove r time." In oth er words .
wildlife , it does not say th at is the most important
C lark is stressing how much of a change there is.
factor when determining environmental change.
Choke C is incor rect because the studies revealed Choice A accurately uses info rm ation from the
how the system affects th e environment , but do grap h to explain that one species inc reased greatly,
not c hange th e effects. There is no discussion at all thus supporting the claim.
of Choice D, the tota l energy genera ted.
Distractor Explanation: Choice 8 is incorrect
because it shows stability rather than variability
11. Level: Hard I Doma in: IN FORMATIO N AND
or change . Choice C is inco rrect beca use it is
extreme ly vague and does not show change within
Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence
the species' composition . It only s hows th at
there is more of one species th an another ) and
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer. those pe rcentages could have remained constant.
The scientists' conclusion is that "the carnivore Choice D is incorrect because it incorrectly says
probab ly appeared very much like the unrelated there was a "decrease' ' rather than an "increase " in
Ty rannosaurus rex." Choice B gives a detail abo ut the number of oak t rees. There were more 5,000
the "appearance " or "how it looks" th at s how that years ago . .. which is a more recent time than
there is a similarity: both species had a head that 10,000 years ago.
was "oversized " or "very large" when compared to
the rest of the body. Therefore , they both looked
like they had big heads .
13. Level: Medium I Domain: IN FO RMAT IO N AND
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incorrect Skill/Knowledge: In ferences
bee.a.usea long separation of time could mean
that the dinosaurs had evolved in different ways Key Exp lanation: Choice A is th e best answer
and looked very different. Choice C is incor rect because the fact th at "any information about
bee.a.useit s hows a way th at the dinosaurs looked those people that may differ from you - for
different rather th an a way that they are similar. examp le, th e part of the country where they live"
Both dinosaurs were large) but T. rex would must be included implies that the information is
have ) in gene ral, been much larger. Choice D essential for interp reting the data. Since th e data
is incorrect because it only s hows a similarity in is related to earnings claims and the percentage
diet. It is possible that two carnivo res have very of people who actually reached the earnings ,
different physical characteristics or appearances then it can be reasonably inferred that differences
while still eating the same food in environment affects th e earnings . Since
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
incorrect because they are adjectives. so should 19. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
not be used to describe another adjective. They are CONVENTIONS
used when referring to nouns. Choice B is a noun, Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
so should not be used to modify another part of
speech. Key Explanation: Choice A is th e best answer. In
this text, "and"joins two verb phrases. "worked. .."
and "publis hed .. .." Two verbs should not be
17. Level: Medium I Doma in: STANDARD
divided by commas if they share the same subject;
in this case, "Kenyan ¾'Titer Ngugi wa Thiongb''
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense
does both actions. There should also not be a
comma behveen the verb "published " and its
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer.
object, "A Grain of Wheat in July."
An apostrophe and s are used to show possession
for one person; in this case, the deat h of ).R.R.
Distractor Explanation: Choices B and D are
incorrect because there should be no comma
after "Nairobi" because the "and" joins two verbs
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
with the same subject. Choices C and D are
bee.a.useit is too ambiguous; it could refer to
incorrect because there should be no comma after
either Tolkien or his son. Choice B is incorrect
"published ." A comma is needed between a verb
bee.a.useans fonns a plural noun, but does not
and a quote only when the quoted information
indkate possession. Choice C is used to show
is a complete sentence, not when the marks are
the possession of more than one pe rson, but the
indicating the title of a book .
context implies that Tolkien died and his son was
still alive to publish the manuscript.
20. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
18. Level: Medium I Doma in: STANDARD
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense
Key Explanation: Choice B is th e best answer.
When additional information is included in a
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer.
sentence using two dashes, then the main part of
"Smaller than our sun• is a modifier th at should be
the sentence sho uld remain grammatically correct.
followed by the noun it refers to, in this case, "th e
By removing the aside, it is easier to determine
red dwarf star HD2606Ss.•
that the proper sentence structure uses the idiom
Distractor Expl anation: All of the othe r choices "cite XX as YY." Choice B completes this structure.
21. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH 23. Level: Easyl Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
CONVENTIONS Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
Key Explanation: Choic.e B is the best answer
Key Exp lanat i on: Choice D is the best answer. because the passage is discussing two kinds of
The idiom "as XX as YY" should have no dogs that track people in different ways. Choice B
punctuation dividing the elements from each sets up the idea that the following information is
oth er; th ey are part of the same idea. going to be very different from what precedes. so
it effectively shows that the two dogs work under
Distractor Explanation: All of the other choices
can be eliminated because they divide the two methods that are distinct.
standard idiom "as XX as YY" with punctuation.
Distractor Explanation: Choices A and C are
Choices A and C are inco rrect because a colon
incorrect because they are used to show the result
and a single das h in a sentence should follow
of an argument. However. the fact that air- scent
a complete clause, but th e idea in front of the
dogs sniff an area is not the result of the discussion
punctuation is incomplete. Choice B is incorrect
that trailing dogs follow a specific scent. Choice
because commas are used to divide separate ideas
D is used to introduce more information on the
from the main clause.
same topic, so erroneously makes the reader think
the discussion will continue with more details
22. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH about trailing dogs.
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
24. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
Key Exp lanati on: Choke D is the best answe r. Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
"Both" refers to the two ideas "during his lifetime"
and "after his lifetime:• No punct uation sho uld Key Explanation: Choice C is th e best answer.
separate the parts of an ide,i joined by "both ;' Choice C is used to prO\rideemphasis for a
especially as the shared idea of" lifetime" is preceding claim by adding details th at support
incl uded at the end. that claim. Choice C therefore fits th e context of
adding the detail that males are physically not
Distractor Explanation: All of the other choices capable of drinking blood to th e more general
include unnecessary punctuation. Choke A preceding claim th at they do not drink blood.
makes the preposition "during" stand on its own
without a noun to clarify it; there needs to be Distractor Explanation: Choice A is used to show
something specifying "during what." Choice B a logical conclusion of an argument that is being
developed, but th e fact that males do not have a
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
special mouth is not necessarily the logical result can be eliminated as redundant.They include
of not drinking blood; it is more of a cause. It is words with the same meaning as "accelerating;·
possible for th e males to have the special mouth distracting the reader from the point of th e
but not use it. Choice 8 is used to summ arize sentence.
items in a list or conclude a section in a passage,
but in this case, there is an additional idea which
27. Level: Hard I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
follows: mosquito, get energy from plants. Choice
Skill/Knowledge: Rhetorical Synthesis
D is incorrect because it is used to add the specific
example that illustrates a claim. However) the Key Explanation: Choice B is th e best answer.
passage implies that there are more reasons for not The student emphasizes the second bullet that
drinkin g blood than th e mouth shape. Rather, th e Ch er explored different styles by highlighting th e
reason is that they don't need the protein. point that the two songs are of different styles.
25. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS Distractor Explanation: None of th e other
Skill/Know ledge: Rhetorical Synth esis choices highlights a common feature. Choice
A only says that the songs were performed at
Key Explanation: : Choice D is the best answer. different times. Choice C refers to a song and a
The w riter wants a st rong word that shows a television series, but there is no unifying theme
st rong need to do something, and Choice D about why those are notable. Choice D also refers
emphasizes the idea of obligation or necessity. to hvo unrelated facts: the reader does not know
how or why they are significant
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
bee.a.useit only shows that something is possible)
not that it is necessary to do. Choice 8 indicates
that there is no doubt that th e act will occur in
the future , as opposed to stressing the fact that
it needs to be done. Choice C is much milder
than Choice D, giving the indication that
making changes is a possibility or option, but not
The second way to solve this equation is to 3. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
subtract 16 from both sides of the equation . The Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
result is 4x+l6-l6=24-l6 which in turn variable and systems of equations in two variables
translates to 4x =8 . Dividing both sides of the Testing point: Solving absolute value equations
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 73
working with just x' -6x , with a = 1 and b = -6, two variables I Testing point: Solving systems of
7 < 10. This is true , making Choice B the correct Key Explanation: Choice D is correct. The graph
option. depicts an exponential growth equation, which
has its standard equation y =ab \ where if in
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choice A does not work
an exponential growth equation b> I , then the
as shown above. Plugging Choice C into the first
equation represents exponential growth . The
inequality yields
value of a in the equation represents the initial
- 6(- 2)+3 < 1 value of the equation when x= 0 . Using the
12 + 3 < 1 process of elimination, choices A and C can be
ruled out as their b values are less than 1 and
15 < 1, which is not true . Plugging Choice D into
thus represent exponential decay. not growth.
the first inequality yields
Choice A can also be ruled out as it gives an initial
- 6(- 2) + 3 < - 4
value of 5 whereas the graph shows a smaller
12 + 3 < - 4 initial value. Choice D is correct as it is the only
15 < - 4, which is not true . equation that shows that the graph is increasing
exponentially and has a y-inf ercept of less than 5.
8. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH Distractor Explanation: See the process of
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing elimination answer explanations above.
point; Transformations of quadratic equations
Key Exp lana tion: Choke A is correct . The vertex 10. Level: Medium I Domain : GEOMETRY AND
form of the equation of a parabola is y = (x - Ii)' + TR IGONOMETRY
k , where (Ii , k) is the vertex of the parabola. Thus, Skill/Knowledge: Right triangles and
the vertex of the j(x) equation is (3, 8) and the trigonometry I Testing point : Similar triangles
vertex of the g(x) equation is (5 , 5). Therefore, the and use ofSOHCAHTOA
x coordinate moves to the right 2 units from j(x)
to g(x). and they coordinate moves dovm 3 units.
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I MATH Answers & Explanations
y = mx +
Module 1
different y-i11tercepts,making the lines parallel. multiply out th e terms, yields x' + 3x + 3x + 9,
Parallel lines do not intersect, and therefore there or r + 6x + 9. Using the distributive property,
- 2(x' +6x+9)+6= - 2x' - 12x - 18+6,which
is no solution to the sys tem of equations .
is equiva lent to - 2x' - l 2x - 12 =ax'+ bx+ c.
Distrac .tor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect Therefore , c = - 12.
beca use to have one sol ution, the slopes of both
equations s hould not be equa l, and they are. 17. Level: Easy I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
Choice 8 is incorrect because linear systems TRIGONOMETRY
cannot have 2 sol utions . Choice C is inco rrect Skill/Knowledge: Lines, angles, and trian gles I
beca use to have infinitely many solutions the Testing point: Midpoint between two points on a
equations would need to represent the same line line
and thus be the same (th e slopes and y-i11tercepts
of th e two lines would be the same); they are not. Key Explanation: Choic,e C is correct . To find
the midpoint behveen hvo points on a line (x,.y,)
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I MATH Answers & Explanations
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asit is(;;). not- (;)- ChoiceB is incorrect 4. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
bee.a.useit is the product of the solutions to the
variable and systems of equations in hvo variables
quadratic equation and not the sum of them. The
Testing point: Discriminant and solving for linear
product of the solutions of a quadratic equation is
and quadratic equations
given by the formula (;), which is ( -: ) or - 9.
Key Explanation: Choice A is correct. Using
Choke D is incorrect as it is the negative of the the substitution method) substitute the first
product of the solutions. equation for yin the second equation yielding:
2x- 5=2 x -18x+45
2. Level: Easy I Doma in: ADVANCED MATH
Next, subtract the 2x from both sides to get
Skill/Know ledge: Equivalent expressions I -5 = 2x' -20x + 45 . Add 5 to both sides of
Testing point: Combining like terms
the equation to get 0- 2x' - l8x + 50. The
discriminant of a quadratic equation is bi - 4ac
Key Explanation: Choice D is correct. First,
, when the quadratic equation is in the form
distribute the negative to the terms in the
ax 2 +bx + c. ln the quadratic equation a= 2,
parentheses as follows:
b =- 20, and c =50. The value of the discriminant
3x' y + 5x - 3x' y' + 2x' y . Combining like terms
determines the number of solutions for a
yields 5x' y + Sx - 3x2 y' which is Choice D when quadratic equation . Therefore, plugging in the
the terms are arranged in standard fonn . values of a) b) and c into the discriminant, yields:
(-20)' -4(2)(50) which yields 400 - 400 =0
Distractor Expl anation: Chokes A and Care
Therefore) the system will have one solution as the
incorrect due to miscalculation or lack of concept
discriminant = 0.
knowledge. Choice B is incor rect. The sign
changes of the terms in the parentheses when the Distractor Explanation: Chokes A and C are
negative sign is distributed to these terms and the incorrect) most likely due to a miscalculation.
parenthesis is removed.
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I MATH Answers & Explanations
=6. Multiplying
b its y-i11tercepl. The slope of a line can be found Skill/Knowledge; Ratios, rates, proportional
relationships , and units I Testing po int:
using the slope formula 111 =(y, - Y,) . Plugging Calculating average speed with unknown variable
in the two points into the slope formula yields Key Explanation; Choke 8 is correct. Average
-3-(-1) speed is calculated by taking the total distance
m=-~~ 2.
4-3 traveled divided by the total time to travel that
Therefore the equation of the line is:, y =-2x + b. distance.
To find b, plug either point into the equation and The total distance traveled would be x + x = 2x
solve for b. Using the point (3, - 1) yields The total time taken would be 2.5 hrs+ 1.5 hrs =
4 hrs
- I= -2(3) + b , - I= -6 + b, b =5.
2x X
Therefore, the average.speed = - =-
Therefore the equation of the line is y =-2x + 4 2
5. The x- intercept of a line occurs where y =
Distractor Explanation: Ch oice A is incorrect
0. Plugging in zero for y into the equation and
as it does not account for the fact that there is a
solving for x gives the follmving x-i11tercepr.
return trip. Choice C is incorrectas it incorrectly
5 accounts for the time it took Amber to do her
0 = -2x + 5, 2x=5 ,x=2.5 or-.
2 errands. Choice D is incorrect as it may be due
Distrac.tor Explanation; Choke B is incorrectas to a conceptual error or the student incorrectly
this is they -intercept. Ch oice C is incorrect as this found the total distance traveled .
is the slope of the line. Choice D is incorrectand
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Chapter 3
Practice Test 2
You are about to begin a full-length Practice Test. The test has four modules. The time allotted for
each module is marked at the beginning of the module. Work on one module at a time . Use a timer to
keep track of the time limits for every module.
Try to take the Practice Test under real test conditions. Find a quiet place to work, and set aside
enough time to complete the test without being disturbed. At the end of the test, check your answers by
referring to the Answer Key and fill in your raw score in the scorecard below. Also, note down the time
taken by you for completing each module.
Pay particular attention to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Read the answer
explanations and understand how to solve them.
Out ol 27 27 22 22
My Score
Time Taken
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may incl ude a table or graph . Read each
passage and question carefu lly, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage(s). All q uestions in this section are multiple-<hoice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
A) annoyed
B) unfulfilled
C) dissatisfied
D) thwarted
The guards of the mining companies beat, If Sara had been older or Jess punctilious
abuse, maim, and hold up citizens without about being quite polite to people, she could
process of law; deny freedom of speech, a have explained herself in a very few words.
provision guaranteed by the Constitution; But as it was, she felt a flush risingon her
deny the citizens the right to assemble in cheeks. Miss Minchin was a very severe
a peace.ablemanner for the purpose of and imposing person) and she seemed so
discussing questions in which they are absolutely sure that Sara knew nothing
concerned. whatever of French, that she felt as if it would
be almost rude to correct her. The truth was
As used in the text, what does the word that Sara could not remember the time when
"provision"most nearly mean?
she had not seemed to know French.
C) contingency
A) It gives a description of the physical
D) requirement appearance of one of the characters.
B) It establishes why one of the characters was
not comfortable in the situation.
C) It reinforces an emotional state alluded to in
the previous sentence.
D) It introduces the interaction behveen hvo
charactersin the following sentences.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 89 CONTINUE
B) Naloxone is more expensive than other D) To show why blue waves scatter more easily
available treatment options. than red waves
C) Naloxone offers no results for overdoses of
many opiate drugs .
D) Naloxone has harmful side effects which can
injure the patient
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 91 CONTINUE
In the text, what is the main function of the words Based on information from the text, which of the
"charming" and "jaunty"? following would best illustrate a transaction that
occurs in the informal sector of the Sub- Saharan
A) They show that the girl's true age belied her economy?
outward appearance.
B) They establish that the girl was not suitably A) A farmer trades several chickens for enough
clad for the weather. wood to build a house for his newly- married
C) They identify the reason for the narrator's
interest in the girl. B) An international corporation from Denmark
invests money in erecting a new school in a
D) They highlight a contrast between the girl's rural are.a.
appearance and her actions.
C) A governor uses tax money to build a bridge ,
but hires a construction company owned by a
good friend.
D) A young man from a rural area moves to a
large city because he wants to find a better job.
The US Cities with the Greatest Percentage of Residents who Commute by Bicycle
2010 2015
Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the example'
B) Washington, DC, used to have lower ridership than any other of the top five
cities for bicycle commuters in 2010.
C) Portland, Oregon, now boasts over 6 percent of commuters who ride bikes
and Washington, DC, has increased to 4 percent.
D) Washington)DC now has more bicycle commuters than San Francisco,
California or Seattle, Washington.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 93
Ill Ill
Cumubth-enumberof b:mery•eJe< In A new species of salamander,Tylototriton
the UK (20l6 to date)
ph11khne11sis,was named in 2020. The defining
800,000 --------------- feature is a distinct head ridge, though it also
has head horns and a stripe down its back. A
molecular examination shows that it is closely
related to hvo of the four other Tylototrito11
species found in Thailand. First identified from
a 20- year- old photograph in a travel magazine ,
0 biologists speculated whether the species still
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 existed in the \\aid, but __ _
Which choice most logically completes the text'
Source-:SMMT. December2002
According to a study released by The Society of A) had to base their assessments on the
Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), the Tylototritonspecies that were more readily
number of electric cars registered in the United available to them.
Kingdom has increased dramaticallyover the B) were able to locate living specimens that could
years, showing increasing customer preference provide enough information for a positive
for battery-electric cars over traditional cars. identification.
However) this customer preference for battery •
C) spent years vainly scouring the tropical
electric cars has not increased uniformly over the
rainforests before determining that it was
years. For instance. _____ _
probably indeed extinct .
Which choice most effectively uses data from the D) finally concluded that the photograph might
graph to complete the text? have been inaccurate or was possibly even
created as a hoax.
A) between 20 I 6 to 20 I 9, less than 200,000
battery-electric cars were registered in the UK
BJ in 2020, less than 300,000 battery -electric cars
were registered in the UK
C) by 2022, almost 700,000 electric cars had been
D) while the number of registered electric cars
rose by 200,00 between the years 2020 and
2021, there was a spike of almost 300,000
additional cars registered in 2022
Menkes disease is lethal and there is no known
cure, so most patients die within the first decade
- There's nothing like homemade red Thai chili
paste to enliven a meal . Most cooks opt for store -
of their lives, most before the age of 3. Because bought substitutes, however, because traditionally
it is so rare. few pharmaceutical companies it takes over 30 minutes of grinding ingredients
are investing in research related to the disease. such as chili pepper , lemongrass . cilantro. __
Through the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases in a mortar and pestle .
program ) we evaluated a patient who presented
clinically with abnormal hair and cognitive Which choice completes the text so that it
dysfunction. The hair abnormalities observed conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
in our patient resemble those found in Menkes
syndrome, but sequence analysis of the ATP7 A A) shallots and, lime
gene and relevant biochemical testing showed BJ shallots, and lime
that ATP7 A wasn't involved in causing our
patient's clinical features . C) shallots, and lime ,
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 95 CONTINUE
The Earth's core is __ a very valuable source
of energy, but scientists have only begun to
determine how to harness its extreme heat. which
may be 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit - about the
same temperatureas the surface of the Sun.
A) potent
BJ potency
CJ potential
DJ potentially
The second smallest country by area in the world
after Vatican City. Monaco is a mere 2.1 square
kilometers . Most famous for the Monte Carlo
- Environmentalists have been trying a variety
of solutions to remove plastic waste from the
ocean. This serious problem will not be resolved
Casino , __ . In fact. Monaco is a pioneer easily, though, because the removal of waste from
in marine conservation with one of the first the ocean is a much slower process __ the
protected marine areas in the ·world. introduction of new plastic pollution.
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Those who paid attention to the music
industry started to notice the decades - long
D) down with
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 97 CONTINUE
While researchinga topic, a student has taken the "Predictive analytics' is a term that is often used
following notes: with big data. In essence, the term refers to the
use of historical data and statistical techniques
I. The African grey horn bill (Lophoceros such as machine learning to make predictions
nasutus ) is a member of the Hornbill family
about the future. An example is bow Nrtflix
of mainly tropical near•passerine birds found
knows what you want to watch before you do.
in the Old World . making suggestions based on your past viewing
2. It is a widespreadand common resident ba.b.iu.It is important to note that data doesn't
breeder in much of sub -Saharan Africa and just refer to rows and columns in a spreadsheet.
the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. but also to more complex files such as videos,
images, and sensor data.
3. The African grey horn bill has escaped or
been deliberately released into Florida , USA, The writer is considering deleting the underlined
but there is no evidence that the population sentence. Should the writer make this change?
is breeding and may only persist due to
continuing releasesor escapes. A) Yes, because it disrupts the flow of logic in the
4. At 45- 51 cm (18- 20 in) in length, the African
grey hornbill is a large bird, although it is one B) Yes, because the example would be better
of the smaller hombills. placed at the start of the paragraph .
C) No, because it provides a necessary transition
5. The African grey horn bill is widespread over
to new information.
much of sub -Saharan Africa. It prefers open
woodland and savannah . D) No, because it provides a concrete example to
help the reader better understand a concept
The student wants to emphasize that it is unlikely
that the African grey hornbill will rapidly
multiply in Florida. Which choice most effectively
uses relevant information from the notes to
accomplish this goal'
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 99 CONTINUE
Reading Test
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt reading and writing skills. Each
question include s one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage(s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
A) haul C) radiant
BJ persuasion D) absolute
C) draw
D) connection
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 102
A) Personal anecdotes
BJ Comprehensible analogies
C) Unsubstantiated theories
D) Summaries of findings
Text 1
Chromosomes were unknown in 1834 when
-Giant anteaters are neotropical mammals that t as
their name suggests. consume ants. termites , and
grubs, though they do occasionally eat fruit. Their
Gregor Mendel proposed his classic concept
of heredity. In the late 1880s, scientists finally habitat ranges from Central to South America
could stain cell structures with the clarity to see in swamps. forests. and grasslands where their
chromosomes . Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri . favored prey is common . The solitary foragers
in 1902 and 1903 respectively, independently have specialized tongues so they can consume
published papers suggesting that genes were thousands of ants in a few minutes after breaking
located in specific places on the chromosomes. open a nest, and they quickly abandon the site
which came in matched pairs except for the male when soldier ants emerge to protect the colony.
Y chromosome.
vl'hich choice best states the main ide,i of the
Text2 text?
Figure I: Deaths from Drug Overdoses in the
United States by Year
80000 --------------
70000 ----------
60000 ----------
50000 ----------
40000 -------------1
30000 ---------
20000 ------
0 - c:::...._,___ _]__ .,__ ___,__
1999 2007 2017
prescription opioids
other opioids
non•Opioids drugs
- Population change in the EU Member States during 2019 /per 1.000 ,,,;dmrs)
m,r - -
During 2019. there was an increase in population in eighteen member states. By far
the highest population increase was recorded in Malta, followed by Luxembourg,
Cyprus, Ireland, and Sweden. Conversely. __ _
Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the text'
Ill Ill
Studies have shown that a single, subanesthetic - Robert Henri (1865- 1929) was an American
dose (a lower dose than would cause anesthesia) painter and teacher who disliked the conservative
ketarnineinfusion can often rapidly relieve restrictions placed on the highly - polished art by
depressive symptoms ·within hours in people artists affiliated with the National Academy of
who have not responded to conventional Design. With several colleagues , he introduced
antidepressants.which typicallytake weeks or a new style that depicted the seedy underside
months to work. However. ·widespread off- label of urban life in a bold, realistic fashion . Critics
use of intravenous subanesthetic - dose ketamine dubbed the artists with the title of"Ashcan
for tre.atment- resistant depression has raised School" because they drew sketches in the streets
concerns about side effects. especially given its of New York and depicted dir ty snow, laundry
history as a drug of abuse. "The most common hanging out to dry, and other scenes of everyday
short - term side effect was feeling strange or life.
loop)~"' said Acevedo - Diaz, of the Section on the
Neurobiology and Treatment of Mood Disorders, Based on the text, what is most likely true about
part of the NIMH Intr amural Research Program artists affiliated with the National Academy of
(IRP) in Bethesda , Maryland . Design'
According to the text, what is the major conce rn A) They used a bold, realistic style for their
of doctors about using ketamine to control paintings.
depression for long pe riods of time?
B) They did not live or work in New York City.
A) It may not be effective when used repeatedly. C) They avoided subjects that were undignified.
B) It has serious side effects in conjunction with D) They preferred to draw scenes related to
other drugs. summertime .
Waterfallscome in many shapes. One classic
fonn is the punchbowl, such as at Eagle Falls
in Oregon. In such a __ water flows down a
- Northern New Zealand is home to some of
the oldest forests on Earth. Forests filled with
kauri, the Maori name for the Agathisaustralis
narrow chute into a wide pool at the bottom. It is tree, __ back to the Jurassic period over 135
easy to swim in the tranquil waters at the base. million years ago.
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) waterfall A) date
B) waterfall , B) dating
Scott Evans is a golf ball diver. In other words,
he dives into the water hazards placed on golf
courses to collect and recycle the balls which
- While training departments try to give us what
we need to stay ahead in the competitive market,
research __ that they are also falling behind:
accidentally landed there. His job may sound fun, employees rate their Learning & Development
but it is not __ spends hours in murky water departments lower than almost any other product
and can get trapped by unseen obstacles. in the consumer landscape.
\•Vhich choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Ill 1111
Elizabeth Catlett, __ artwork is Modernist Many organizations are turning to a policy
with African and Mexican influences. was a called "job sharing" in an effort to retain good
leading figure in portraying images related to employees. Dividing one full- time job between
race, gender, and class as it was experienced by t,.vo employees __ a company to recruit
Black Americans in the hventieth century. talented workers who do not have the time or
inclination to work 40 hours every week.
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) her
A) allow
B) who
B) allows
C) whose
C) allowing
D) which
D) to allow
The German pianist Clara Schumann (1819-
1896) is considered one of the finest performers
of the Romantic period. Her career spanned O\ler
sixty years, much of which was spent traveling
- The collection of rainwateris known by many
names throughout the world. __ from
rainwatercollection to rainwaterharvesting to
around Europe. In addition to giving concert rainwatercatchment. Rainwaterharvesting is a
performances, __ composed many works for viable technology in an urban setting, as all that
the piano. is needed to take advantage of this resource is
to capture the free water falling onto a roof and
Which choice completes the text so that it direct it to a storage tank.
conforms to the conventions of Standard English'
Which choice completes the text so that it
A) she conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
B) her
A) They ranges
C) hers
B) Their range
D) she's
C) These range
Ill Ill
Dandelions are usually considered to be useless Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was
weeds. __ they can be used in many recipes, as awarded the 20 I 9 Nobel Pe,ice Prize for his efforts
the leaves are edible and perfect for salads. Mature to end the ongoing stalemate between Ethiopia
flowers are bitter) but young buds are sweet and and Eritrea. At the beginning of his tenure, he
taste slightly like honey. was lauded for progressive decisions. __ he
was accused of restricting the freedom of the
Which choice completes the text with the most press and detaining innocent people who held
logical transition? opposing views.
C) Subsequently,
D) Consequently,
Guernica,a painting in oil on canvas, is one of
Pablo Picasso'smasterpiecesand arguablyone
of the most influential anti - war paintings of all
time. Though Picasso typically painted in private, __ there's something inherently appealing
he allowed influential visitors into his studio about entrepreneurs and the stories of why and
to observe the progress in order to promote how they do what they do. People are attracted
awareness of the Spanish Civil War. __ the to social entrepreneurslike Nobel Peace Prize
completed painting was exhibited around the laureateMuhammad Yunus for many of the same
world to raise funds for war relief efforts. reasons they find business leaders like Steve Jobs
so compelling- these people come up with ideas
Which choice completes the text with the most that dramatically improve people's lives.
logical transition?
At this point , the writer wants to show the depth
A) In addition , of appeal. Which choice most effectively achieves
the writer'sgoal?
B) By contrast.
While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes :
A) multiplying
BJ inflating
C) skyrocketing
D) getting bigger
The quest ions in this section address a number of important math skills. Use of a calculator is permitted
for all questions .
Unless otherwiseindicated:• All variablesand expressionsrepresentreal numbers. • Figuresprovided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane.• The domain of a given function is the set of all real
numbers x for which f(x) is a real number .
GA= 1tr
CJ w
A= tw A=
V= f.wh
V = ,rr2h
\I : .'.!.,r,3
\I = ½,rr2h V=
t wh
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 211.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the ang les of a triang le is 180.
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT
Mod ule
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 117
A) 9
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
- X
- Which of the following is equivalent to
2g'g' '
0 12 A) ef2g'
3 0
B) ef32g'
5 2
C) 2efl
Which of the following is a factor ofJ(.x)'
D) ~2g'
A) (x+2)
B) (x-3)
C) x
D) (x-5)
in a park . He found that the mean mass of all
cheetahs in the park is between 120 lbs and
182 /bs. What is the value of the margin of error
for the mean mass of the cheetahs in the park'
What is the value of s for the following system of
2(t-5)-3(s-3) =-19
A) 20
B) 47
How many solutions does the equation below
have? D) 11
A) 0
C) 2
D) Infinitely many
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 119 CONTINUE
What is the value of the given equation
27' + 81"' =3" ?
. I . h .
If I + -- 1s a so utlon to t e equation
A real estate company kept a track of the number
.. What is the product of the roots for the equation
of houses it sold in October . Its team came up 3x2 + 6x-24=0'
with the model /J(t) =262 - St, and I represents
the number of days. Which of the following best A) 3
represents 262?
B) - 8
A) The number of houses at the end of October C) 2
ABC is a right - angled triangle , where B is 90°
and angle C is 30°. If AC= 32, what is the area of I'
triangle ABC.
D) I6,J2
A) y=2(x+3) 2 +10
Ill B) y=-2(x-3) 2
+ 10
If (Sxy+ 3)-(6xy-2xy' + 2) =axy' + bxy +c , 2
C) y=2(x-3) + 10
what is the value of a + b?
D) y=-2(x+3) + 10
s.rom 121 CONTINUE
A) 41
B) 36
C) 81
D) 31
Find the averagerate of change when x = 2 and
x=O .
I\ y > - 2x - I
- 10 ( 10 3y<x+ 9
A) (- 2, I)
L B) ( 1,4)
C) (3, I)
D) (- 3, 3)
A) 8
B) - 8
C) 4
D) - 4
The quest ions in this section address a number of important math skills. Use of a calculator is permitted
for all questions .
Unless otherwiseindicated:• All variablesand expressionsrepresentreal numbers. • Figuresprovided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane.• The domain of a given function is the set of all real
numbers x for which f(x) is a real number .
GA= 1tr
CJ w
A= tw A=
V= f.wh
V = ,rr2h
\I : .'.!.,r,3
\I = ½,rr2h V=
t wh
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 211.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the ang les of a triang le is 180.
l3x - 11 =2 -2
A) 3
B) --2514
2 C)
CJ - 3
I D) -- 1
DJ 2
DJ (3, - 6J B) - I
D) ?_
~ 118
.5 10
It takes 4 carpenters to build a bed in 3 days, how
many carpenters will it take to build the bed in 2
A) 3y=5x - 15 days?
B) 5y=3x+ l5
A) 12
C) 5y= - 3x+l5
BJ 6
D) 3y=5x+l0
C) 8
D) 24
A) 64,r
B) Brr
C) 14.28,r
D) 16,r
Which of the following is equivalent to
- If an unfair coin is tossed 20 times . and it lands on
heads 14 times. What would be the probability of
it landing on heads the 21'1 time?
A) Sx'y-6xy
A) 0.5
BJ Sx'y+3x' +l0xy'-6xy
B) 0.20
C) Sx'y+3x' -l0xy'-6xy
C) 0.3
D) -Sx' y + 3x' - 6xy
D) 0.7
What is the value of y, if 7x - 4y = 1 and
Sx+2y=8' What is the value of x - y if3y - 2x = 16 and
Sx+ y= - 6'
A) 6
B) 4
C) - 2
D) - 6
Which of the following is NOT a solution to the
following equation'
A) - 8
BJ - 10
A student conducted research on how many fish
C) 2
there are in a pond after m months and came up
D) - 7 with the model.fix)= 1,200(1.03)• .
fix ) = 1,200(1.03)""
A) 432rr
B) 864rr
C) 216rr
C) 2x-3
D) 108rr
D) 2x+3
What is the value of the angle EOD, if the angle
DRE is 35°' lf the system of equations below has in.finite
solutions. what is the value of b?
9x - 14y= - 3
ax - by=6
A) 3
A) 70°
B) 35°
C) - 5
C) 60°
D) 7
D) 55°
Which of the following values is a solution to
3x + 2 < - S(x + 6)
A) 4
B) 3
C) - 4
D) - 5
- "
:, ;i 19
" -
t: t: i: :, t:
0 0 0 0 0
u 0 u ::e V 0 u u
I. C I. C I. A I. C
2. D 2. B 2. B 2. C
3. D 3. D 3. B 3. 2r
4. C 4. D 4. 8 4. A
5. D 5. D 5. D 5. C
6. A 6. D 6. B 6. 3
7. A 7. C 7. 31 7. C
8. B 8. B 8. A 8. D
9. D 9. D 9. A 9. 39
10. A 10. C 10. 7 10. B
12. C 12. A 12. C 3/2 or
13. D 13. C 13. 3 1.5
14. C 14. B 14. B 13. B
15. B 15. D 15. A 14. D
16. D 16. A 16. 15. D
17. D 17. D 17. B 1/30 or
18. D 18. C 18. B 0.0333
19. B 19. A 19. - 36 17. A
20. C 20. B 20. D 18. A
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 133
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
her sense of awl'lvardness and embarrassment. busy, the argument being disproved should be the
opposite, that sailors are not busy. Choice C is
Distractor Expl anation: Choke A is incorrect incorrect because the analogy of th e grasshopper
bee.a.usethe sentence only says that Sara flushed. does not show that it is necessary or not to obey
It does not explain what she looked like; she orders; the narratormerely says he does and that it
could be tall, short, dark- haired or blonde , is distas teful at first but he gets used to it.
dressed nicely, etc. Choice B is incorrect because
the underlined sentence only establishes that
6. Level: Hard I Domain: CRAFT AND
Sara blushes. It does not give a reason why; the
following sentences show she could speak French
Skill/Knowledge: Text Struct ure and Purp ose
but was reluctant to tell Miss Minchin so. Choice
D is incorrect because there is no interaction
Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer
between charactersin the following sentences.
because the phrase implies that Adam Patch still
The underlined portion is expanded upon with a
felt he was living in 1861, whereas really years had
reason for blushing, not actions.
passed the times were changing. The phrase gives
a reason for him to "weary" and become tired .. .
5. Level: Hard I Doma in: CRAFT AND he had been so wrapped up in reforms, but his
STRUCTURE causes were not current or relevant any more.
Skill/Know ledge: Text Structure and Purpose His thoughts were still focused on events such as
the Civil War rather th an on everyday life or his
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer grandson.
because the narratordescribes his actions on the
boat) "jumping from spar to spar" as similar to the Distractor Explanation: Choice B is incorrect
jumping of a grasshoppe r. This work is because because the passage implies that Adam focused on
"'they rather order me about some"; presumably things that interested him . The fact that the wife
"'they"are the officers that are not "'simple sailors." and son died in the past is not the reason that he
He says that it is true that he has to hop around thinks abo ut them infrequently ; he doesn't really
obeying orders, but says that "at first, this sort of care about them as much as he does about things
thing is unpleasant enough" but that "this wears that happened earlier, like the Civil War. Choice
off in time."' Therefore, the analogy "'anticipates" or C is incorrect because the fact that the times
"defends against" the argument that such work is changed was the reason that his campaign against
"'distasteful" or "'unpleasant" because he says he is vices started to fade. The changing times is not
used to the role. why he started to fight against vice. Choice D is
incorrect because someone can be interesting even
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect if the times change. The reason that Adam was a
bee.a.use"compensations" refers to payment, but bore was his actions during that time.
the text does not contain references to money.
Choice B is incorrect because the question is
7. Level: Easy I Domain: INFORMATION AND
asking for an argument th at the grasshoppe r
analogy is used to disprove. Since the grasshoppe r
Skill/Knowledge: Central Ideas and Details
analogy is that sailors are hopping around, or
8. Leve l: Easy I Doma in: INFORMA TION AND a closer look. Cloth es described as "charming "
IDEAS and "jau nty" are suit able for a younge r person, so
Skill/Know ledge: Cent ral Ideas and Details do not "belie" or "contradict" that s he is yo ung.
Choice B is not s upported by the passage because
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer. there is no description of the tempe rature or
Th e text is summarizing a potentially confusing that her clothing was inappropriate; for example ,
effect that involves bending light waves. The s he was not shive ring because s he was too cold.
reader has presumably seen a rainbow, however, Choice C is incorrect because the narrator noticed
so th at image might help the reader visualize light the woman's action of leaning on a railin g before
bending when it hits the atmosphere as being noting her appearance. Her clothing is described
simila r to light bending when it hi ts rain. as he takes a closer look.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 135
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
controlled) or ta.~ed."'Therefore, a situation where not know that the ridership increased afte r the
goods are bartered between people would count program started. Choice C is incorrect because it
as "informal"'because there is no money changing focuses on Portland, but there is no indication that
hands and no ta.~es paid on the exchange. Portland did anything to make cycling safer or
more accessible. Choice C also refers to DC, but
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incorrect the percentage of commuters is lower than that of
Portland, so it could appear that the program was
because the projects sponsored by a foreign
not very successful. Choice D is incorrect because
investor would most likely need to go through an
the reader does not know whethe r the program
approval process and the school would need to helped make the number of commuters in DC
pass at least a bask inspection. Choice A would greater. It is possible that all along, there have been
include regulations and controls, so would be more commuters than the other cities. It is even
considered formal. Choice C is incorrect because, possib le th at ridership in DC decreased after the
while it might not be completely honest, there program started.
would still need to be nominal proof about how
much tax money was spent and what it was used
12. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT ION AND
for. Choice D is weak because there is no evidence
in the example to elaborate on the young man's
Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence
situation . For example, he could have filed all the
correct paperwork, moved into a new apartment.
and been paying income from his new Key Explanation: Choice D is correct because
salary. it shows an example of the inconsistent growth
between the years 2020 to 2022. The previous
sentence in the text talks about how the customer
11. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT ION AND
preference for electric cars has not increased
IDEAS unifo rml y. Choice D furth er illustrates this idea.
Skill/Knowledge: Command of Evidence
(Textual) Distractor Explanation: All the othe r choices
are incorrect because the text must be completed
Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer. ·with an example that illustrates the uneven rise
The claim is that "'such programs" are successful. in customer preference for battery~electric cars.
There are two programs listed, making cycling A and B both only state the number of
safer and making bikes accessible. There are electric cars registered between 2016-2019 and
no specific examples of increasing safety. but 2020, respectively.Choice C is incorrect because it
the passage desc ribes the details making bikes does not offer a comparison that shows an uneven
accessible by adding bike share depots in DC. increase.
Choice A shows that the program in DC, which
started in 2010, probably has strong results, as
ridership increased by over a percent in the five 13. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT ION AND
years after that policy was started IDEAS
Skill/Know ledge: Inference
Distractor Explanation: Choice B is incorrect
because it only says that DC had low ridership, but Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer.
there is no indication of change. The reader does The third sentence refers to "a molecular
examination" which established genetic
s.rom 137
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
shou ld adhere to usual struc t ures. In th is case) the that the claim has a possibility but not certainty of
quotation is part of a clause subordi nated by th e being tru e. Choice D is an adverb , which can be
conjun ction "'while." Replacing the quotation with used to modify a verb.
XXt it is easier to see that the quote is the subject
and "is used " is the verb, so no punct uation shou ld Distractor Explanation: All of the oth er choices
divi de the underli n ed portion: "While XX is can be eliminated beca use th ey do not modify
frequently used.. .• a verb. Choices A and C are adjectives , which
modify nouns. Choice B is a noun.
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incor rect
beca use the portion before the period is not a
19. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
com plete sentence because there is no active verb.
Choices 8 and D are incorrect because no comma
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure , and Sense
shou ld divide the su bject from the verb in a clause;
the placement inside or outside the quote mark is Key Exp lanation: Choice B is th e best answer .
irrelevant in this context . "Most famous for the Monte Carlo Casino " is a
modifier which needs to refer to the following
17. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH noun. In this case, th e modifier describes "th e
CONVEN TIONS country " and shows what the country is most
Skill/Know ledge: Boundaries famous for.
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer . Distractor Explanation: All of the oth er choices
There are two independent clauses that can stand can be eliminated beca use th e modifier "Most
on their own as sentences on eithe r side of the famous for the Monte Carlo Casino' ' refers to
under lined portion. Therefore , they should be something other than th e count ry. In Choi ce A,
divided into two separate sentences with a period . the modifier is followed by the generic "there:·
In addition , "which is world- class'' appears to
Distractor Expl anation: Choke A is incor rect
refer to the preceding noun , "the country., rather
bee.a.useit is a comma splice between hvo
than the "oceanog raphic museum. " In Choices
independent clauses . Chokes B and C can be
C and D, the modifier refers to the museum ; the
eliminated because a single das h or colon can
placement of "world - class., does not affect the
follow an independent clause, but the following
portion needs to explain or add more detail to answer choice.
the previous sentence . In this case, the following
portion changes to a different topic , from the 53rd 20. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
year of independence to the stru ggle for freedom.
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure , and Sense
18. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
CONVEN TIONS Key Exp lanation: Choice C is the best answer.
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense "To come down on" is a phrasal verb which means
"to deal severely ·with," so fits th e context of saying
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer . that if police are severe on offende rs. there is no
The underlined portion refers to "is;' showing need to make more laws.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 139
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
not an example of cataloging stars. Choice D is remain in the text It does not dis rupt the logic
used to show that the following is done in a way and would not be better earlier in th e paragrap h,
appropriate for the circumstances , so does not fit as it comes after the abstract idea is described.
the context of making an e rror. Choke C is incor rect bee.a.usethe examp le is not
necessarily related to th e following sentence; it
elabo rates on the previo us one.
25. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
Skill/Know ledge: Rhetorical Synthesis 27. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answe r. Skill/Know ledge: Rheto rical Synthesis
The notes mention that "there is no evidence that
the population is breeding" and that the small Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answe r.
population of the African g rey horn bill in Florida "'VVhich is,. subordinates the second sentence so it
"'may only persist due to continuing releases or modifies the previous noun , "big tech companies;·
esc.apes." while at th e same time eliminating repeated
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incor rect
because it does not explain why the bird ¾ill not Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is inco rrec t
rapidly multiply in Florida. Choice C is incorrect because it changes the meaning from big tech
bee.a.usethe notes offer no comparison between companies being overly powerf ul and a danger to
the climate in sub ~Sah a.ran Africa and Florida. antitrust cases being ove rly powerf ul and a dange r.
Choke D is incorrect because the notes do not Choke C is inco rrec t beca use it retains th e
mention that th e African g rey hornbill is only unnecessary repetition of "big tech companies"
widespread in open woodland and savanna h and complicates the sentence struct ure with "he
areas . Instead) it mentions that "i t prefers open says" set aside by commas . Choice D is incorrect
woodland and savannah." bee.a.useit repeats "cases'' and adds an element of
meaning th at is not in the original sentences: "in
his opinion" makes the big tech companies ones
26. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
that he decides are big tech.
Skill/Know ledge: Rheto rical Synth esis
s.rom 141
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
have answered an advertisement or they could 6. Level: Medium I Domain: CRAFT AND
have been students in a class. Choice B is STRUCTURE
incorrect because the sentence does not say how Skill/Knowledge: Cross - Text Connections
many people the horses know; they could know
many people. Choice C is incorrect because the
Key Exp lanation: Choice D is the best answer.
entire text shows that expression is important for
The Sutton - Boveri theory is "'that genes were
interspecies communication , but the underlined
loc.ated in specific places on the chromosomes. "
sentence does not stress that point
The passage says that Morgan "'criticized the
theory' ' at first or was "'initially skeptical ," but
5. Level: Hard I Doma in: CRAFT AND "after careful documentation, " determined that
STRUCTURE certain genes are located on the X chromosome,
Skill/Know ledge: Text Structure and Purpose showing that he had changed his mind and
thought that there were indeed at least some genes
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer
in specific places on chromosomes.
bee.a.usethe author gives many scientific reasons
that life may exist) but does not describe the Distractor Explanation: Choke A is incorrect
research that went into determining the "findings " because there is no indic.ation that details needed
or "'results ." For example ) he says , "Amino acids . to be adjusted for the theory to be correct.
just like those that make up every protein in our Choice B is incorrect bee.a.useMorgan found
bodies . have been found in the tails of comets ; "definitive " or "convincing " data that supported .
giving the findings of experiments on comets but not "'contradicted' ' or "went against " the theory.
not explaining how the amino acids were found. Choice C is incorrect because Morgan derived
The same is true for his discussion of organic scientific findings that supported the theory , even
compounds in Martian soil . a giant cloud of though he originally thought it was not "plausible "
space alcohol , and the discove ry of thousands of or "realistic."
habitable planets.
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incorrect 7. Level: Medium I Doma in: INFORMATION AND
Distrac .tor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect 10. Level: Easy I Domain: IN FORMAT ION AND
because "'rami fications" are "'consequences." The IDEAS
study does not establish the consequences of the Skill/Knowledge: Command of Evidence
models ; it is t rying to explain why in reality the re (Textual)
are coexisting species, whe reas mathematical
models have not solved that q uestion . Choice C is Key Explanation: Choic,e C is th e best answe r
inco rrect because an "incident " refers to a specific because "any opiate" would include both users of
event or occurren ce, not an ongoing process. The prescription opiates and users of non- prescription
researchers are trying to find a general explanation opiates. In Figure 1, any opia te refers to the
th at holds valid for more than one specific event. combination of the bottom and middle sections of
Choice D is incorrect because the study does not the column. The right- hand column for 20 17 has
point to "flaws" or "errors " in proposed theories. It a combined amount of abo ut 48)000 deaths, since
is trying to find an answer to a question that was the second section of the bar reaches to just under
unex plainab le at th e time. the 50,000 line.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 143
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
2017. In 2017, there were 18,000 deathscaused 12. Level: Easy I Domain: IN FORMATION AND
by prescription opiates, the bottom section, IDEAS
but not all drugs combined; the latte r is over Skill/Knowledge: Inference
70.000. Choice B is incorrect because "any type
of opiate" would refer to both prescription and Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer
non - prescription , the bottom two sections of because the text says, "'widespread off- label use
the columns. However ) none of th e columns of intravenous subanesthetic - dose ketamine
have th ose two sections total 38,000. Choic.e D for treatment - resistant depression has raised
is incorrect because 75,000 is the approximate conce rn s about side effects, especially given its
total number of deaths in 2017, not the total for history as a drug of abuse ." "Especially" indicates
prescription opiates. which is jus t the bottom that the main concern is th at ketarnine is
section of the column. associated with drug abuse or addiction problems.
Key Exp lanat i on: Choice D is the best answer. Distractor Explanation: All of the other choices
There are two ideas with subjects and verbs, so can be eliminated because they do not use the
they can be divided into separate sentences. standard form for showing currently accepted
research results. Choice A is a progressive tense)
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choice A is incorrect
though "research " can be used in the plural .
because it is a comma splice between two
Choice B is a future tense. Choice C is the past
independent clauses. Choice 8 is incorrect
tense, which is only acceptable if the results have
because "'because" subordinates the following
subsequently been proven erroneous.
information . A semicolon should not be followed
by a subordinate clause) only an independent
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 145
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
18. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH Key Exp lanation: Choice B is the best answer .
CONVEN TIONS The underlined portion is the main verb of the
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Structu re, and Sense sentence. The entire preceding portion , "dividing
one full - time job between two employees," is
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer . the subject. Though it may appear plural , the
The section between the commas ," __ subject can be simplified to "dividi ng:' When a
artwork.. ..influences" is a clause that modifies the verb ending in" - ing" is used as a subject, it is
previous noun . Elizabeth Catlett . Choke C is used conside red singular, and Choice B is a singular
to show that the subject of the clause belongs to verb.
the preceding noun. Therefore , it effectively shows
that the subject "artwork " belongs to "Catlett .• Distractor Explanation; Choice A is incorrect
because it is plural . so does not agree with the
Distractor Explanation: Choke A is incorrect
sing ular "dividing .• Choices C and D can be
bee.a.use"her'' creates an independent clause
eliminated because they do not create a complete
rather than a relative clause that modifies the
sentence; the underlined portion should be an
previo us word. B and D are incorrect
active verb fonn .
bee.a.use they act as the subject of clause, adding
more information about the preceding noun ; they
cannot be followed directly with another subject, 21. Level: Medium I Doma in: STANDARD
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure, and Sense
19. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH Key Exp lanation: Choice C is the best answer.
CONVEN TIONS "They" is plural , so correctly refers to the plural
Skill/Know ledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense noun "many names" from the previous sentence.
"Range" is plural. so it agrees with the plural noun.
Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer.
The underlined portion needs to be a subject that Distractor Explanation; Choices A and D can
is followed by the verb "composed:' be eliminated because "ranges" is sing ular, so
does not agree with the plural noun. Choice B is
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice B is inco rrect
incorrect because it is a noun rather than a noun
bee.a.useit indicates possession and needs to be
and verb. As a result . the sentence is a fragment
followed by a noun. Choice C is incorrect because
with no active verb.
it is an object rather than a subject. Choice D is
incorrect because it shows possession and needs
to be followed by a noun . Alternatively , it could be 22. Level: Medium I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF
a contraction for "she is;• which does fit the past - IDEAS
tense context or the verb "composed. " Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
D is incorrect because it is used to add an example distract from the in tended meaning . In Choices B
of a previous claim , but th e following sentence and D, "'basic"and "'fundamental " are synonyms .
discusses a time sequence rathe r than giving more In Choice C, "level" and "depth" have the same
detail about th e visito rs who entered his studio. meaning in th e context.
24. Level: Medi um I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF 26. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
Skill/Knowledge: Transitions Skill/Knowledge: Rhetorical Synthesis
Key Exp lanati on: Choice C is the best answer. Key Explanation: Choice C is th e best answer.
The passage is structured with the first two The notes mention that is he most known for
sentences explaining the good that Ahmed did. being the most •streamed classical artist of all time.
s.rom 147
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incorrect
bee.a.use this is not his most significant
achievement. Choice B is also incorrect as the
notes do not mention this as being his most
significant achievement. Choice D is incorrect
bee.a.use the statement only desc ribes his music
projects and not a significant achievement.
Module 1
Key Exp lana ti on: Choice A is correct . She remainder theorem states that iffix) is divided by
x- a, the remainder would be fia). Therefore when
bums 20 calories when she walks every minute.
Therefore, she burned 20x calories after x minutes. fia) = 0, then x- a is a factor of the function fix).
She also burns 35 calories every minute she cycles In this case,fi3)= 0, therefore x- 3 is a factor of the
The equation would therefore be 20x + 35y = 340. Distractor Explanation: Choices A, C, and D are
Subtracting 20x from both sides of this equation incorrect Based on the table, dividing (x+2), x, or
yields (x- 5) from fix) will not yield a remainder of 0.
35y = 340 - 20x.
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I MATH Answers & Explanations
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Key Explanation: Choice B is correct. This is Key Explanation: Using distributive property on
because 262 is the y -interceplof the model and the left side of th e equation yields
represents the number of houses on day 0, which Sxy + 3 - 6xy +2xf - 2 =axf + bxy + c.
is the beginning of Octobe r. Combining like terms )'ields 2xf - xy + I =axf +
bxy + c. Comparing th e coefficients on both sides
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect of the equation, yields a= 2, b= - !,and c= I
because the number of houses at the end of Therefore) a+ b = l.
Octobe r is repr esented by h(x). Choic,, C is
incorrect as the number of houses sold per day
17. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
would be 8. Choi ce D is incorrect as the number
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
of houses sold on the first day of October is
variable and systems of equations in two variables
represented when x = 8.
Testing point: Finding the product of th e roots of
a quad ratic equation
15. Level: Medium I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
TRIGONOMETRY Key Explanation: Choice B is correct. ln a
Skill/Know ledge: Right triangles and quadratic equation (ax' + bx+ c =0), the product
trigonometry I Testing point: Working with
of the roots can be found by :. , Using th e given
special triangles a
equation, c = - 24 and a= 3. Thus, the product of
Key Explanation: Choice A is correct. A 90 - 60
- 30 triangle has a h)'potenuse of 2x, a shorter the roots "'II be - - or - 8.
leg of x, and a longer leg of The area of
Distractor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect
this triangle can th en be found b)' th e form ula
as this is the value of a. Choice C is incorrect
x basex heigl1t . Substituting the base and the b
2 and may result from calculating - . Choice D is
. h tyie
heig . Ids -xxxxv5
I r.3 or -- . Theg ·1ven incorrect and may result from calcu lating th e sum
2 2
side AC is the h)'potenuse of the trian gle. So, 32 of the roots whic h is ( ~ ) .
= 2x which yields x = 16. Substituting 16 to the
18. Level: Medium I Doma in: ADVANCED MATH
form ula y,elds -- or I • Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing
point: Using the vertex form of a quadratics
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice B and Choice equation
D are incorrect and may result from using Ji
instead of ..[3. Choice C is incorrect because this Key Explanation: Choice B is correc t. The general
is one of the sides of the trian gle. equation of a parabola is given b)' y =a(x - h)'
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 153
I MATH Answers & Explanations
equation yields x = - ~. Thus , q = - ~. Adding I to 90°. Therefore , 63° + C = 90°. Subtracting 63°
3 3 from both sides of the equation yields C = 27°.
and - yields ~. Therefore , p + q = ~.
3 3 3
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choice A is incorrect 4. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
and may result from multiplying the second Skill/Knowledge: Equivalent expressions I
solution (q) by - I. Choice Band Choic.e D are Testing point: Working with complex numbers
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 155
9. Level: Medium I Domain: GEOMETRY AND 11. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
TRIGONOMETRY Skill/Knowledge: Equivalent expressions I
Skill/Knowledge: Lines, angles and triangles I Testing point: Using the foiling method to
Testing point: Using the exterior angle theorem multiply expressions
Key Exp lana ti on: According to the faterior Key Explanation: Choic.e C is correct . Using
Angle Theorem, the exterior angle of a triangle is distributive property yields , Sxy (x - 2y) + 3x (x
equal to the sum of the opposite and non - adjacent - 2y). Simplifying the expression yields Sx'y + 3x'
interior angles. - IOxy' - 6xy.
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I MATH Answers & Explanations
Key Explanation: To solve for y, use the probability of the coin land ing on heads the 21"
elimination method. Multiplying 2 to the second time will be 0.7.
equation yields I Ox+ 4y = 16. Adding the first and
Distractor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect as
second equations yields 7x + !Ox - 4y + 4y = I +
this is the probability of landing on heads on a fair
16. Combining like terms yield I7x = 17. Dividing
coin. Choice B is incorrect and may result from
17 from both sides of the equation yields x = I.
a miscalculation or conceptual error. Choice C is
Substituting the value of x to the first equation
incorrect as it gives the probability of the unfair
yields 7(1) - 4y = I or 7 - 4y =I.Subtracting 7
coin landing on tails.
from both sides of the equation yields - 4y = - 6.
Dividing - 4 from both sides of the equation yields
15. Level: Medium I Domain: ALGEBRA
y= or 1.5.
2 Skill/Knowledge: Systems of two linear equations
in two variables I Testing point: Solving for x and
13. Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA yin a system of linear equations
Skill!Knowledge: Linear inequalities in one or
Key Explanation: Choice D is correct. Solve for x
two variables I Testing point: Solving for x in an
and y either by substitution or by elimination.
Using the elimination method , multiply 3 by both
sides of the second equation. This yields (5x + y
Key Explanation: Choice B is correct Adding x
= - 6) 3 or I 5x + 3y = - 18. Subtracting the second
to both sides of the equation yields - 2x + x,; 8 - x
equation from the first equation yields - I7x = 34.
+xor - x~8.
Dividing both sides of the equation by - 17 yields
Dividing both sides of the equation by - I yields
x = - 2. Substituting the value of x to the second
x - 8. Therefore) xis greaterthan or equal to - 8.
equation yields 5(- 2) + y = - 6. Simplifying the
And - 10 is the only option that is less than - 8.
equation yields y = 4. Subtrac tingy from x yields
- 2. - 4. or - 6.
Distractor Explanation: A, c. and D are
incorrect . These values will make the inequality Distractor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect
true and are considered solutions. and may result from subtracting x from y. Choice
B is incorrect because it is the value of y. Choice C
is incorrect as it is the value of x.
Key Exp lan ati on: Choke A is correct . The (2x +.J3){2x-.J3)
volume of a cylinder is given by the formula rrr 1,
This would result to { r.)
2x + v3
. Using the given data, h = 2r. Therefore , h = 2(6)
= 12. Therefore, the volume ¾ill be rr(6)2 (12) = Canceling out the binomial 2x + .J3 from both
numerator and denominator yields 2x - J3.
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choice B is incorrect
and may result from interchanging the values of r Distractor Explanation: Choice B is incorrect
and /J. Choice C is incorrect and may result from and would result if the student mistook the
calculating the surface area of the cylinder instead denominator for a minus sign . Choice C and
of volume. Choi ce D is incorrect and may result Choice D are incorrect and may result from
18. Level: Easy I Domain: GEOMETRY AND 20. Level: Hard I Domain: ALGEBRA
Skill/Knowledge: Circles I Testing point: Using in two variables I Testing point: Working with
Key Explana ti on: Choice A is correct . An angle Key Explanation: Equations that have infinite
subtended at any point of the circle is half the solutions are equations that are the same line just
angle subtended at the center. This me.ans that written differently. They have the same slope and
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I MATH Answers & Explanations
Practice Test 3
You are about to begin a full-length Practice Test. The test has four modules. The time allotted for
each module is marked at the beginning of the module. Work on one module at a time . Use a timer to
keep track of the time limits for every module.
Try to take the Practice Test under real test conditions. Find a quiet place to work, and set aside
enough time to complete the test without being disturbed. At the end of the test, check your answers by
referring to the Answer Key and fill in your raw score in the scorecard below. Also, note down the time
taken by you for completing each module.
Pay particular attention to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Read the answer
explanations and understand how to solve them.
Out ol 27 27 22 22
My Score
Time Taken
B) exception
A) authorities
C) distortion
B) restraints
D) idiosyncrasy
C) benchmarks
D) commands
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PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 164
- Text 1
A 1979 paper by father - and- son team Luis
- The following text is adapted from Mother
)ones's 1912 speech to coal miners picketing in
and William Alvarez identified their discovery Charlestown , West Virginia.
of unusual quantities of a rare element called
I want to show you here that the average
iridium in a layer of sediment about 65 million
wages you fellows get in this country is $500
years ago. They contended that the iridium was
indicative of a massive meteor impact that sent a year. Before you get a thing to eat there is
$20 taken out a month , which leaves about
clouds of dust into the atmosphere, cooling the
$24 a month. Then you go to the "pluck - me"
Earth enough to trigger the mass extinction of the
dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period. stores (operated by the mine ) and want to
get something to eat for your wife, and the
Text2 child comes back and says, "Papa, I can 't get
anything ."
Though dramatic , the idea of a meteor strike
wiping out the dinosaurs is fur- fetched , say "Why," he says, "there is $24 coming to me?"
modern paleontologists. They agree a strike
occurred but claim that there was actually no The child says, "They said there was nothing
simultaneous or instantaneous event that could coming to you." And the child goes back
be classified as a mass extinction. Instead, species crying without a mouthful of anything to eat.
slowly died out over millions of years, with the The father goes to the "pluck - me" store and
last major representatives living to approximately says to the manager , "there is $24 coming to
the end of the Cretaceous period me," and the manager says, "Oh, no, we have
kept $26 for rent."
Based on the texts, which choice would the
authors of the text most likely agree about' According to the passage , what is true about the
wages of the mine workers?
A) A massive meteorite impact occurred) though
it may not have caused a mass extinction. A) They are lower than the income of mine
B) Though the earth cooled due to a meteor workers around the country.
impact , it was not enough to kill the B) They are periodically being reduced without
dinosaurs. explanation.
C) There was actually no mass extinction of C) They are not consistent with the minimum
dinosaurs , though eventually they all died. wages of other jobs .
D) Most dinosaur species died prior to the D) They are insufficient because of the policies of
period after the Cretaceous period . the mine owners.
s.rom 165
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 166
Ill 1B
If we manage to separate out a clean signal from Percentage of Registered Nurses by Field
a planet outside our solar system and find some
Government (5%} Educational Ser.foes (3%)
features in the light spectrum that might be
indicative of life, we will need to work hard to
think of any non- biological process that might
account for them . "Life is the hypothesis of
last resort ." noted astronomer Carl Sagan . This
requires some understanding of what processes (outpatient) Hospitals (60%)
might operate on worlds that we will know care (l 8%)
relatively little about ; what we find on Earth can
serve as a guide but also has potential to lead us
Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics, June,
Which hypothetical situation is Carl Sagan most
likely warning to avoid in his quote?
Nursing is one of the fields in most demand. with
A) A rover that was sent to Mars discovers a an anticipated annual growth rate of 7 percent
bacteria - like organism when it drills deep through 2029. Although some nurses work only
into the core of the planet. in hospitals . there are actually many options.
B) An astronomer realizes that the atmosphere of especially as the population ages and nurses are
a planet is too hot to sustain life even though needed to tend to the daily needs of seniors. For
it has oxygen. example, __
C) A scientist finds a planet with a large amount \<Vhich choice most effectively uses data from the
of oxygen in its atmosphere so claims that the graph to complete the example'
oxygen is produced by living creatures.
D) A new telescope finds a new planet orbiting A) educational services employed about 3
a star that was previously believed to have no percent of the registered nurses in 2021.
planets . B) fewer registered nurses worked for the
government than in ambulatory care .
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 167
Engineering and Computer Science Stereotypes
Favoring 2
.: 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Favoring . Q. 5 Grade level
Gender -interest
Gender -ability
"Scientists ran an experiment where they found that a diverse set of students believed
gender -interest stereotypes favoring boys in computer science and engineering. Students
developed these stereotypes at a very young age. They also found that Gender -interest
stereotypes were stronger than gender -ability stereotypes. Girls who believed the
stereotypes were _____ .
Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the text'
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 168
Ill Ill
The following text is adapted from Jefferson Keel's Behavioral activation is a type of talk therapy that
2011 statement, "The Indian Reorganization helps a patient get unstuck from negative mood
Act- 75 Years Later: Renewing our Commitment spirals by noticing a connection between what
to Restore Tribal Homelands and Promote Self- they do and how they feel, and gradually adding
determination. " more small and enjoyable actions back into life.
Behavioral activation has the goal of decreasing
Two years ago, our shared vision and the avoidance) bolstering peer connection , and
Federal responsibility to Indian tribes improving engagement in rewarding activities .
were threatened by the Supreme Court's Through behavioral activation, a client works
interpretation of the IRA in Carcieri v. with a counselor to start looking at actions that
Salazar.There are at least 14 pending cases could help boost the mood. For exan1ple, it might
where tribes and the Secretary of Interior are start ·with a goal to get out of one's pajamas and to
under challenge. There are many more tribes shower every morning . Feeling a little bit better
whose land - to - trust applications have simply just by taking that step, the patient then could
been frozen while the Department of Interior reach out to get extra support catching up in
works through painstaking legal and historical poor school subjects. ln other words) rather than
analysis . We are seeing harassment litigation waiting to feel better, the patient does things that
against tribes who were on treaty reservations align with personal values and that ¾ill lead to
in 1934 with a BIA superintendent. Land feeling better.
acquisitions are delayed . Lending and credit
are drying up. Jobs are lost or never created Based on the text, why is behavioral activation
We fear that this will continue to get worse successful in treating depression?
until Congress acts. Even worse, this decision
will create two classes of Indian tribes: A) It encourages the patient to do what feels most
those who will benefit from Federal trust comfortable at the time.
responsibility and those who will not.
B) It uses incremental steps to form patterns of
According to the text, why is the Carcieri decision behavior that alter emotions.
especially problematic? C) it focuses on solving the problems that
triggered the depressed behavior .
A) It did not adhere to the exact wording of the
D) It emphasizes long - term goals that can be
original 1934 legislation.
attempted when the patient is healthy
B) It asserted that the 1934 legislation only
applies to specific Native Americans.
C) It cre,ited new methods by which the Native
Americans could regain lands .
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 169
In the Solomon Islands. co·wry shells were sewn Numerous theorists have offered minimum wage
into long pieces of cloth as a form of currency, as a mechanism for leveling economic inequality
and although __ use has declined, they have by enabling lower- paid workers to earn more
not been completely replaced by modem coinage. money. However, Professor David Neumark, in
conjunction with Dr. William Wascher of the
Which choice completes the text so that it Federal Reserve Board, __ with this view. The
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? results of their literaturesurvey covering over
JOO papers revealed that only 10 percent reported
A) its positive results and over two- thirds documented
B) their increased disparity.
A) dissent
B) dissents
A) granted but;
B) granted; but
C) granted, but
D) granted but
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 170
Wheat and rice are the most common cereal crops According to __ the variation among the
in the world and are consumed as the staple part sites would increase over time. as random chance
of diets in many countries. but there are many caused different species to go extinct in some
other cereal __ that can be eaten directly or areas but not others.
fed to meat animals.
vl'hich choice completes the text so that it
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
conforms to the conventions of Standard English'
A) Clark the neutral model would predict that:
A) crops- such as rye and sorghum-
B) Clark, the neutral model would predict that
B) crops, such as rye, and sorghum,
C) Clark, the neutral model would predict: that
C) crops- such as rye and sorghum)
D) Clark the neutral model would predict , that
D) crops, such as rye and sorghum -
Which choice completes the text so that it 'Nhich choice completes the text with the most
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' logical transition?
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 171
E-choloc.ationis a form of sonar in which an
animal emits a sound and, using the resulting
echo. can locate and identify various objects.
Echolocation is highly developed in only a few
species. such as bats. whales and dolphins. __
it is also present in a limited form among shrews
and t\vo species of cave- dwelling birds.
A) However.
BJ Consequently,
CJ Accordingly,
DJ Clearly,
AJ Although
BJ Because
CJ Despite
DJ Since
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 172
• Maya Angelou was a famous civil rights activist, poet, and author, though she held
many other roles throughout her life.
• I Know Why the Caged BirdSings ( 1969) is one of her most acclaimed books; it
publicly reveals details about her private life up to the age of 17.
• She was asked to read the poem •on the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's
inauguralceremony in 1993.
• She directed her first movie, Down the Delta, in 1996, though she had previously
participatedin acting and production of other mO\ries.
• Published in 2013 when she was 85 years old, Mom & Me & Mom recounts her
complex relationshipwith her o·wn mother.
• At her death in 2014) she was working on a new book about her experiences with
different world leaders.
A) Maya Angelou wrote a ·wide variety of works in her later years. including Down the
Delta and Mom & Me & Mom.
B) Many of Maya Angelou's works, such as / Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Mom &
J\,fe & J\,fom, are autobiographical.
C) Maya Angelou had close contact with many world leaders, as shown by reading "O n
the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's 1993 inaugural ceremony and writing
a book on the subject prior to her death .
D) While some of her books received great critical acclaim, such as/ Know Why the
Caged BirdSings, others were not popular, such as Mom & Me & Mom .
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PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 174
No Test Material On This Page
D) endemic A) arguable
B) questionable
C) improbable
D) unresolved
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 176
What is the main purpose of the underlined What is the main structure of the text?
portion in the overall structure of the text?
A) It establishes a contrast between two images .
A) It highlights the motivation for conducting B) It shows the futileness of an action.
the experiments.
C) It offers a solution to a problem.
BJ It outlines the methodology the scientists are
D) It elaborates on an extended metaphor ..
using to conduct the experiments.
C) It offers a point of comparison for the results
of the experiments.
D) It presents an example of the phenomenon
viewed in the experiments.
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 178
Which choice best summarizes the text? A) He was able to invent equipment that
performed different functions.
A) A young man reminisces about his family.
B) He was a doctor who took care of the workers'
B) A man's family's appearance is explained. medical needs.
C) An aristocrat's achievements are outlined. C) He was zealous about fulfilling duties
D) The cause of a tragic event is revealed . regarding the health of workers.
D) He surveyed the area to determine the best
way to build cities for workers .
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 180
Ill 1B
Median annual wages for urban and regional JOO
planners in selected industries in the United l 80
States, May, 20 I 9
Median Income r
,E 40
({Jf!'~ ~ -
n=IS n=3 n=4 o:Jl n=IO
; ; • 3
t J •r •l.
• .,,_
"s- ]
.,,_ ;i; <) 5
I J..ledi:uiIncome I "s- .F
The median annual wage for urban and regional "This study, authored solely by Sugiura Shinji,
planners was $73,050 in May 2018. The median an ecologist from Kobe University in Japan)
wage is the wage at which half the workers in an describes how the Japanesewater scavenger beetle
occupation earned more than that amount and (Regimbartiaattenuate) manages to extricate
half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less itself from inside several species of frog within
than $45,180, and the highest IO percent earned 6 hours of being swallowed . Active escape of the
more than $114. 170. The median rate varies aquatic beetle Regimbartia attenuata from the
depending on the field of the planning as well. For vents of five frog species via the digestive tract.
instance) the median income is __ . Although adult beetles were easily eaten by frogs ,
Which choice most effectively completes the
example using information from the graph?
Which choice most effectively uses data from the
graph to complete the text'
A) higher for state government employees than
for local government employees
A) a muimum of 65% of swallowed beetles were
B) greater for those in architectural. engineering. excreted were still alive.
and related fields than for those in any
B) on average the swallowed beetles were
government position
excreted did not survive.
C) lower for those working in the government
C) it took less than 6 hours for the swallowed
than for those who work in private industries
beetles to be extracted .
such as engineering or related services
D) an average of 90% of swallowed beetles were
D) not as high for management , scientific , and
excreted were still alive.
technical consulting service employees as it is
for local government employees.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 181
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 182
Coffee is the third most consumed beverage in
.. Marilyn Monroe , the iconic actress and fashion
the worldt a wekome statistic for the people in model from the 1950s and '60s, is attributed as
Uganda, __ is the leading cash crop. _ women rarely make history." In reality, the
credit should go to Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who
Which choice completes the text so that it was a student at the time but who later went on to
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' become a professor at Harvard University.
A classic image of colonial cooperation, __ .
Martha kept detailed records of her experiences
in the American frontier for over three dee.a.des.
Volunteers of America is a non - profit
Which choice completes the text so that it organization which helps homeless, disabled ,
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' senior, and other underserved individuals regain
a balanced life. Over the past 125 years, the __
A) the diary of an 18th- century midwife named have helped an average of 1.5 million people
Martha Ballard documents several quilting annually.
Which choice completes the text so that it
B) an 18th- century midwife named Martha
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Ballard documented several quilting bees in
her diary
A) volunteers efforts'
C) Martha Ballard, an 18th- century midwife,
B) volunteer's efforts
documented several quilting bees in her diary
C) volunteers' efforts
D) several quilting bees were documented in
the diary of an 18th- century midwife named D) volunteers's efforts'
Martha Ballard
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 183
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Archaeologists determined that a pair of sandals
made from sagebrush bark that were found in
a cave in Oregon in 1939 are actually the oldest
extant example of shoes in the __ specimens
have been dated to between 7,000 and 8,000 BCE.
C) world, the
D) world. The
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 184
Ill Ill
EdwardTingatinga'sprofessionalart career only Tropical saltwater fish are beautiful to watch, but
lasted four years. __ he is considered one of they take a lot of time and special equipment to
the most influential modern African painters and maintain properly.That equipment is not cheap,
was the founder of an art style now archetypalin either. A standard tank with fish can easily cost
Tanzania. around $2,000 to set up, and there are monthly
expenses such as food, salt. and minerals ) which
Which choice completes the text with the most can run over $35 a month for a SO- gallon tank.
logical transition? __ the upkeep alone is equivalent to over two
coffee lattes from a specialty store every week.
A) Therefore,
vl'hich choice completes the text with the most
B) Even so, transition?
C) Specifically,
A) On the other hand,
D) Moreover,
B) Even so,
C) In addition ,
D) In other words,
Dogs trained for search and rescue have the same
goal of finding humans , but there are actually
two main methods that the dogs use to reach
this goal. One is called air sc.ent, in which a dog
sniffs its surroundings and makes a straight line
for the target once the scent is detected . __
a dog sniffs the ground and follows the specific
route that the person took . even if the path is very
convoluted This method is called tracking .
A) Furthermore ,
B) Precisely.
C) However,
D) Alternatively,
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 185
• Ada Lovelace (nee Byron) was born 1815 and was very interested in science and math
from an early age, so her tutor introduced her to the mathematician Charles Babbage.
• It is possible that Lovelace wrote the first computer program in the world because she
helped design programs for the Anal}~ical Machine.
• In a 1842- 1843 Italian translation explaining how the Analytical Machine worked,
she wrote down a program in an appendix:that was not in the original materials
provided by Babbage.
• She reali2ed that the Anal}~ical Machine could be used for non - numerical purposes
if other symbols such as letters or musical notes were substituted.
A) Charles Babbage is famous for creating the Analytical Machine, but Ada Lovelace also
was interested in explaining how it worked to others, even in different languages.
B) Ada Lovelace wrote a program for the Analytical Machine in 1842- 1843, without
which Charles Babbage would not have been able to create a working computer.
C) Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace's tutor, introduced her to the Anal}~ical Machine , and
she excelled beyond his abilities at using it.
D) Although Babbage invented the Analytical Machine, Ada Lovelace was able to
explain how it worked, create effective programs, and offer additional uses beyond
mathematical calculations.
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 186
• An art movement was named after his unique style of cartoon- like animals and
• He tried his hand as a musician , and only started painting in 1968. His work was first
done using recycled materials like old boards and bicycle paint
• His work became popular among touristsso he was able to be an artist full time. He
started a gallery and studio in 1970.
• In 1972 he was accidentally killed by a policeman who mistook him for someone else.
• His students continue to paint using his style and today his gallery is the largest in
The student wants to emphasize how influential Edward Tingatinga's painting is in Africa.
Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish
this goal'
A) Edward Tingatinga painted using recycled materials , which started a trend towards
using recycled art by a wide range of artists.
B) Though his art career only lasted four years, Edward Tingatinga's art was appealing
enough to build a following that carries on the art style today.
C) Edward Tingatinga was the most popular artist of animals and landscapes for tourists
to Africa, so his original paintings are highly sought - after today.
D) Despite using recycled materials , Edward Tingatinga became so famous that other
artists copied and sold pictures of his artwork.
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 188
No Test Material On This Page
The questio ns in this sectio n add ress a number of importa nt math skills. Use of a calcu lator is permi tted
for all questio ns.
Unless otherwise indicated:•All variables and expressionsrepresent real numbers.• Figures provided
are d rawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane. • The dom ain of a give n functio n is the set of all real
numbers x for which /{x) is a real number.
CJ w b~ ~ x s~
b a x,{3 s
A= nr2 A= l w A= bh cl = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2,rr
B "
V = t wh
V E:}, @
V = ,rr 2h V = 1,rrJ
4 &
V =½1rr2h V=
t wh
A) The circle moves 1 to the right and 2 up A) The number of weeds on the farm in the
beginning was 1.995
B) The circle moves 1 to the right and 2 down
B) The number of weeds on the farm increases
C) The circle moves 1 to the left and 2 up
by 1.995 every x weeks
D) The circle moves 1 to the left and 2 down
C) The number of weeds on the farm increases
by 99.5% every x weeks
by 1300 every x weeks
(x - 1)(x + 2) = x (x - 3)
C) 2 A) x' - 8x'+l6
D) 4 B) x' - 16
C) x'+Bx+ 16
D) x' + 16
D) 20% of the grade 11 students in the math
summer class think Physics is the hardest
What is the x- intercept for the following equation
x=3 1• 1 +~ 1
3 .
B) 3
C) 2
lf - 3(x+ 3)2 + 9+x= ax'+ bx+ c, what is the
value of a+ b + c?
D) I
Ifthe maximum point for a quadratic equation
f(x) is (3, 2), and it passes through the point (2,
0), which of the following is a solution for x to the
- If (a, b) is a solution to the following system of
inequalities. which of the following represents the
minimum value of b?
quadratic equation?
y;,, 2 (x - 3)' + 5
A) - 2 ysx+3
B) 4 A) 3
B) -3
C) - 16
C) -5
D) 12 D) 5
Ill Ill
What is the value of the slope of a line that passes What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 3'
through the origin and point (3, 5)'
A) -
- If the system of equations below has no solution,
which of the following would be a possible value
3 3x - 4y= 8
px+ By+ 6 = 0'
A) - 6
B) 6
C) 2
D) - 2
Ill Ill
What is the center for the equation of the circle What are the possible solutions to the equation
given below below
x' + 6x + y' - 6y =63?
A) (3, - 3) A) 2
B) (6, - 6) B) 10
C) (- 6, 6) C) 2 and 10
D) (- 3, 3) D) - 2and - 10
Ill Ill
If one of the solutions for the quadratic equation 5 2 4 2 I .
If - = - and - - - =- - , what 1s the value of
3+ lg X y X y 5
below is - -~ , what is the value of g?
3 xy?
3x' - 6x - ll
Ill 1111
Which of the following is NOT a solution to the If 3x' + 7x+ 9 3x+l3+~. What is the value
following inequality x-2 x-2
- 2x :2: - 4 - x? of A'
A) 4 A) 19
B) 5 B) 7
C) 3 C) 35
D) 2 D) - 23
A zookeeper conducted a study on the mass of
penguins in the zoo. He found that the mean
mass of the penguins in the zoo is 67.9 kgs.
He estimated that the margin of error for the
mean mass is 4.5 kgs. Which of the following
statements can best be concluded from the study
he conducted?
How many solutions does the system below have?
3(x - 3J + 2(x + yJ =Sx + 2y - 9
A) 0
BJ Infinitely many
DJ 2
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt math skills. Use of a calcu lator is permitted
for all questions.
Unless otherwiseindicated:•All variables and expressionsrepresent real numbers.•Figures provided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane. • The domain of a given functio n is the set of all real
numbersx for which /{x) is a real number.
CJ w b~ ~x s~
b a x,{3 s
A= nr2 A= l w A= bh cl = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2,rr
B "
V = t wh
V E:}, @
V = ,rr 2h V = 1,rrJ
4 &
V =½1rr2h V=
t wh
For mu lti pl e-choice questi on s, solve each prob lem, choose the correct
answer from the choices provided , and then circle your answer in this
book . Circle only one answer for each question . If you change your mind,
comp letely erase the circle. You will not get credit for questions with more
than one answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.
For stude nt-p rod uced res ponse question s, solve each problem and write
your answer next to or under the question in the test book as described
below .
Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly . You will not receive
credit for anything written outside the circle, or for any questions with
more than one circled answer.
• If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one
Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to
6 characters (including the negat ive sign) for a negative answer, but no
more .
• If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over S characters for positive, 6
characters for negative), write the decimal equiva lent.
• If your answer is a decima l that is too long (over S characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), truncate it or round at the fourth digit.
• If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3.!. 2 ), write it as an improper
fraction (7/2) or its decima l equivalent (3.5).
• Don't inclu de symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in
your circled answer .
BJ 3x' + 52x + 25
CJ x' - 2x - 25
DJ x' + 52x + 25 •
- 10 0
I 2x
-- + -- , for all values of x, where x *2 and
x-2 5-x
-+-I- I
A) y= - x+8
B) y=4x+8
2x' -Sx +5 I
A) C) y= - x-8
-x' +7x- 10 4
2x + l -1
BJ --
D) y=-x+8
CJ --
2x + l
2x +1
3(x - 2) + Sy= 2
y = - 2(x - SJ
- If angle AO B is
!.._ ;r , what is the value of the arc
- If the difference of the sum of the interior angles
in a hexagon and that of a heptagon is an, what is
the value of a?
length AB, given that the radius of the circle is 6
- Given that }{3) = 2 and }{6) = - 3, which of the
following functions best describes fix)'
A) f(x)=--x+7
A) 12ncm 2
B) f(x)=-x-6
B) 36ncm 3
7 C) f(x)=- - x
C) -ncm 5
21 3
D) - ;c cm D) f(x)= - x+2
2 5
B) 5
A) 3
C) - 4
B) - 3
D) 11
C) 9
D) - 9
An educational fair is attended by students and
parents in a state. lf2 ,000 students attended the
fair, and the ratio of students to parents in the fair
- Which of the following coordinates represent a
solution to the following system of inequalities
y > - 3x+ 5
is 5:3.5, how many people attended the fair'
y> 2x'
A) (2, 4)
B) (1, 4)
C) (4, 3)
D) (2, I)
Find the percent decrease from the actual valuey
for when x =4 and the predicted value y for when
x=4 .
What is one possible positive solution to the
equation below?
• 3lx - 4l=6
- 10 0 10
A) 22.22%
B) 33.33%
C) 50%
D) 18.18%
Ill 1111
If AB= DC and segment AD is parallel to What is the value of the slope of a line
segment BC, and AD= 12, DC= 10, and perpendicular to the line Sx - 6y + 30 =0
BC =28, find the area of the figure ABCD below
(not drawn to scale) .
B C Which of the following is equivalent to cos 72°?
A) tall 18°
A) 120
BJ sin 72°
B) 60
C) sin 18°
C) 96 D) cos 18°
D) 48
Ill The weather channel predicted that there will be a
How many solutions does the equation below 0.26 chance that it will rain this week. What is the
have probability that it will not rain this week'
BJ 0.74
A) 0
C) 0.26
C) 2
D) There isn't sufficient information to answer
the question.
s.rom 203 CONTINUE
v(t) =- 31' + 9t + 12 A) - 5
B) - 9
C) - 2
D) - 7
If the semi - circle below has a radius of 7 and
angle PQR =60°, what is the length of side PR'
A) 9
R Q B) 5
C) 4
D) 11
A) 14
B) 7
C) 7.J2
- "
:, ;i 19
" -
t: t: i: :, t:
0 0 0 0 0
u 0 u ::e V 0 u u
I. C I. D I. C I. D
2. B 2. B 2. B 2. A
3. C 3. B 3. 6 3. -2
4. A 4. A 4. C 4. A
5. B 5. C 5. A 5. C
6. D 6. B 6. 29.3 6. B
7. D 7. B 7. C 7.
8. D 8. C 8. D 8. A
9. A 9. B 9. - 38 9. D
10. A 10. D 10. B 10. 2400
12. D 12. D 12. D 12. B
13. C 13. D 13. 36rr 13. 2or6
14. B 14. C 14. A 14. A
15. B 15. B 15. D 15. C
16. B 16. D 16. 42 16. - 6/5
17. A 17. D 17. B 17. C
18. B 18. C 18. B 18. B
19. C 19. A 19. 10 3/2 or
20. A 20. D 20. C 1.5
21. A 21. B 21. D 20. D
22. B 22. B 22. B 21. B
23. C 23. D 22. A
24. A 24. D
25. A 25. D
26. B 26. B
27. A 27. C
Key Exp lanat i on: Choke C is the best answer Key Explanation: Choic.e C is the best answer
because it refers to something that is used as because C refers to the gradual amassing or
a standard of comparison. It fits the context acquisition of something. It fits the context of
of saying that 25 healthy people were used as describing what aspect of bioactive compounds -
comparisons for the 163 patients with major in this case) nutrients - in vegetables is affected
depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. by salt stress . The sentence can be paraphrased
by saying that salt changes the rate that bioactive
Distractor Explanation: None of the other compounds amass .
choices describe the 25 healthy patients . Choic.e A
refers to "'experts," but the experts on the subject Distractor Explanation: None of the other
were conducting the experiment , not taking choices fits the context of describing what aspect
placebos as part of the test. Choice B refers to of biological compounds is affected by salt. Choice
limitations rather than comparisons. Choice D A refers to how well one focuses one's thoughts,
refers to orders. so it does not apply to inanimate things. Choice
B also does not refer to inanimate things, as it
2. Level: Easy I Domain: CRAFT AND describes the emotion of being committed to a
Skill/Knowledge: Words in Context to bringing activities, not things, into one place
under one form of control or leadership.
Key Exp lanati on: Choice B is the best answer
because the text is describing a trend among 4. Level: Hard I Domain: CRAFT AND
parasites: almost none are mammals . The blank STRUCTURE
portion is a noun that describes the vampire bat) Skill/Knowledge: Text Structure and Purpose
which is a parasitic mammal. Choice B refers to
something that does not follow the general rule, so Key Explanation: Choic.e A is the best answer
perfectly describes a parasite that does not fit the because the sentence says that HEPHLI regulates
usual pattern. an enzyme that needs copper. Later, the passage
points out that copper is related to Menkes
Distrac .tor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect
disease. Therefore, the second sentence shows how
because it refers to a strange or unusual habit or HEPHLI might be related: a change in copper
characteristic that stands out, not to an object that
changes how lysy) oxidasefunctions. and that
does not fit a rule . Choice C is incorrect bec.ause
would appearas the copperabsorptionissuesin
it refers to something that is not the same shape
Menkes disease
or quality , such as sound or appearance. Choice
D is incorrect because it refers to an individual Distractor Explanation: Choice B is incorrect
preference that is unusual. because the sentence does not refer to hair
abnormalities or Menkes disease, only to
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 207
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
HEPHLI. Choi«: C is incorrect because the 6. Level: Hard I Domain: CRAFT AND
sentence refers to copper intake , but not iron STRUCTURE
intake . There is no discussion of whether an Skill/Knowledge: Text Structure and Purpose
"imbalance " or "too much of one compared to
the other" causes Menkes disease either. It is Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer
possible the syndrome can occur when they are in because the author follows the phrases about
balance but at too low or high a dose. Choice D extraterrestrial life with a question that asks
is incorrect because the second sentence does not how such life has changed from "sci- 6 fair}~ale
relate to mice . It is possible that other creatures are to a serious scientific endeavor. " The author is
better for study of Menkes disease . emphasizing the transition in how people perceive
extraterrestrial life. In the past . it was viewed as
something "impossibll' or "not real;' and the
5. Leve l: Medium I Domain: CRAFT AND
phrases highlight that image . The phrases provide
a strong contrast to the "credible" or "believable"
Skill/Know ledge: Text Structure and Purpose
nature of extraterrestrial life today, which the
author summarizes in the concept that the
Key Explanatio n : Choice B is the best answer
search for life is "modeled by macroeconomists ,
bee.a.usethe paragraph is outlining various
funded by fiscal conservatives , and discussed by
potential problems to underwater habitats . The
author indicates that there are many different
potential problems, so "deep ocean habitats may
Distractor Explanat ion: Choice A is incorrect
be negatively affected " The quotations come after
because the author never describes the appearance
this discussion and are preceded with "however:
of extraterrestrial life. The phrases may evoke
which shows that they are a contradiction to the
images, but they do not act as a contrast for the
previous idea. Therefore ) they are included to
current beliefs about what life outside Earth might
show the opposite side of the argument. They
look like. Choke 8 is incorrect because the images
indic:ate that as yet, despite the author •s concerns,
evoked by the phrases are all theatrical forms
there has been no "elevated levels of mortality " or
of aliens. They do not necessarily reflect what
"evide nce . .. of harm.' '
scientists think actual extraterrestrial life might
look like, and do not "encourage " or "suggest" that
Distractor Exp lanati on: Choice A is incorrect
the reader think about anything other than the
bee.a.usethe claims made in the quote support
stereotypes. Choice C is incorrect because, while
the same idea: very little damage occurs to ocean
the phrases may be "lighthearted ;' the purpose is
creatures. Therefore , the views are not different
not to make the reader laugh. The purpose is to
from each other . Choi ce C is incorrect because
emphasize the important point that the new view
"undermine' ' refers to weakening an argument.
of extraterrestrial life is very serious compared to
However, the quotes strengthen rather than
views of such life in the past.
weaken the idea that systems are safe. Choice
D is incorrect because the conclusions oppose
rather than strengthen the paragraph's main claim 7. Level: Medium I Domain: CRAFT AND
that there are risks from tidal energy systems to STRUCTURE
aquatic habitats and creatures. Skill/Knowledge: Cross - Text Connections
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 209
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
there have been othe r studies of the region. If th e assumes that oxygen is caused by living creatures
data set is "the densest," then there is an implied rathe r than considering and eliminating all other
comparison th at the re were othe r studies that had possible reasons that there may be oxygen present.
data that was not as dense .
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is inco rrect
bee.a.useit offers tangib le proof of an organism
10. Level: Hard I Doma in: INFORMATION AND
rathe r than just guessing that th ere is life based
on secondary signs. Choice B is incor rect because
Skill/Know l edge: Command of Evidence
it shows that the scientist does not rashly assume
th at oxygen means there is life. Sagan would
appro\fe because the scientist indicates the re are
Key Explanatio n : Choice A is the best answer.
othe r options to explain the oxygen . Choic,e D is
The claim is that Dickenson "'personifies
incor rect bee.a.useit does not show that anyone is
books," which means th at she gives books th e
jumping to the conclusion that th ere is life befo re
characteristics of living people. Choice A refers to
enough facts exist to prove th at there is life.
"meeting " a book, like meeting a person, and that
the book is "in th e dress" or "wear ing the clothes"
of his time period, jus t like a person would 12. Leve l: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT ION AND
Distractor Exp lanation: None of the oth er Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence
choices show books in a way that makes them (Textual)
seem like living creatures . Choice B only refers to
what sch olars are inte rested in, not th e way books Key Explanatio n : Choice D is the best answer.
are. Choice C refers to time pe riods. Choice D is The examp le sho uld be one that shows th at
a weak choke because books are not mentioned ; if there are options for nurses othe r than working
"he" refers to a book, it could show that the book in hospitals; partic ularly, th e exan1ple sho uld
is familiar ·with facts from long ago. However, relate to th e aging population . Choice D focuses
Choice A definitely refers to books having human on a group of registered nurses who have such
qualities . so is a much better example of the claim. an occ upation: they ·work in nursing homes or
residential care facilities where seniors often live
when th eir health declines.
11. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT ION AND
IDEAS Distractor Explanation: Choice A is inco rrect
Skill/Know l edge: Command of Evidence bee.a.useit refers to employment othe r than
(Textual) working in a hospital, but it does not address
the q uestion of an aging population. Nurses
Key Explanatio n: Choice C is the best answer in ed ucation most likely work with younge r
bee.a.useSagan's quote is a warning that before people starting out in their careers. Choice B
assuming that there is life, "we will need to work is incorrect because it is too vague. It lists two
hard to think of any non - biological process" that different careers. but does not say what percentage
could explain "some features in the light spectrum of nurses work in them or how they relate to
that might be indicative of life.• Choice C is a an aging population . Choic,e D is inco rrec t
c.ase that Sagan would warn against bee.a.useit bee.a.useit does not convey the information from
s.rom 213
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
22. Level: Easy I Doma in: STANDARD ENGLISH 24. Level: Easy I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
CONVEN TIONS Skill/Know ledge: Transitions
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer.
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer The previous sentence explains that echolocation
bee.a.use"According to Clark" is a modifier that
is highly developed in some species. The following
refers to the main clause, "'the neutral model. . . sentence says that other species have echolocation)
over time." A modifier should be separated but it is in a "limited form"' or "not developed
from the main clause with a comma. No other much at all." Choice A is used to qualify an
punctuation is needed in the underlined portion. earlier claim, so it fits the context of qualifying
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice s A and C the idea that only a few animals have developed
are incorrect because a colon should follow a echolocation by saying that in reality, others also
have it) albeit in a modified form.
complete idea, but the portion preceding the colon
cannot stand on its own as a sentence. A
Distractor Explanation : Choices 8 and Care
and D are incorrect bee.a.use"according to Clark"
used to show the logical result of an argument, so
needs to be followed by a comma to separate it
they do not effectively estab lish the relationship
from the main clause. Choice D is also incorrect
between ideas . A few species having limited
because there should not be a comma separating
echolocation is not necessarily a logical result
"'predict" from its object, "that the variation would
of some species having echolocation. Choice
D is used to introduce an idea that the re.ader
might assume; in other words, the author feels it
23. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS is ob\rious. However, it is probably not common
Skill/Know ledge: Transitions know ledge that sh rews and two bird species have
modified echo location.
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer .
The first sentence explains that some scientific
fields overlap, and the following sentence gives 25. Leve l: Easy I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
a specific example of two fields that have points Skill/Know ledge: Transitions
in common . Choice C is used to introduce an
example or specific case of a general idea, so fits Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer
the context well. bec.auseit is used to establish a contrast between
clauses in a sentence. In this case, it contrasts what
Distractor Exp lanation: None of the other "'seems"' or "appears~to be a large percentage ·with
choices effectively shows that the following the much larger worldwide population . In other
information is a particularcase that is used to words, Choice A establishes that the percentage of
clarify the previous sentence. Choice A introduces bilingual speakers in the US is relatively small, as
an alternate possibility, not the same thing. it is half that of the global average.
Choic.e B shows that something happens despite
something else, so provides an exception rather Distractor Explanation : None of the other
than a classic example. Choice D is used to choices effectively show the relationship behveen
introduce a summary or preference regarding the the first and second halves of the sentence.
previous idea.
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I READINGAND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
Choices B and D are used to show a reason, 27. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
but there is no reason given for why different IDEAS
populations are biling ual or not. Choice C is Skill/Knowledge: Rhetorical Synthesis
grammatically incor rect. Its meaning of"even
tho ugh• fits the context , but "despite" should be Key Explanation: Choic.e A is the best answer .
followed by a noun or noun phrase rather than a The final bullet point refers to the fact th at
clause starting with "that." nimbo - form clouds "are the type that bring rain."
Therefore , they prod uce rain , but the othe rs do
26. Level: Medium I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF
IDEAS Distractor Explanation: Choice B is incorrect
Skill/Knowledge: Rhe torical Synthesis because there is no indication th at nimbo - forms
are larger th an th e othe r types . W hile they
Key Exp lanat i on: Choi«: B is the best answer.
combine sha pes, they could do so on a small scale.
The question asks for an "underlying theme' ' in
Choice C is incorrect because the notes state that
some of Maya Angelo u's books . In othe r words ,
nimbo - form combines th e shapes of othe r clouds;
it is asking for something that is simila r to books
therefore ) they must have recognizable shapes
that she wrote. The desc ription of/ Know Why the
that can be matched to oth er forms . Choice D
Caged Bird Sings says that it "reveals details abo ut
is incorrect because the location of nimbo - form
her private life up to th e age of 17;• or "tells about
clouds is not given. In additio n) cirro- forms are
her youth;' and the notes say th at Mom & Me &
described as high .
Mom is abo ut her relationship with her mother. In
oth er words , both books tell about her personal
life, which makes them "autobiog raphies ~
s.rom 215
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
I. Level: Medium I Doma in: CRAFT AND 3. Level: Easy I Domain: CRAFT AND
Skill/Know ledge: Words in Context Skill/ Knowledge: Words in Con text
Key Explanatio n : Choice D is the best answer Key Exp lanation: Choice B is th e best answer
bee.a.usethe blank shows the cane toad's because "recognize " is what "we;· the Union ,could
relationship to Sout h America. Choice D means do to the new government of Louisiana that
"native to'' a specific place) so fits th e context of would make true the "converse" or "opposite "
saying that the toad came from South America but of the previous discussion of "discouraging and
was "transported' ' or "moved " to Australia . paralyzing " all the people. The previous discussion
is about what happens if the Union does not
Distractor Exp lanatio ns: None of th e other supp ort Louisiana . Choice B refers to welcoming
choices establishes the toad's relationship to Sout h or integrating something , in this case, Louisiana )
America. Choices A and 8 refer to an inborn so it fits the context of showing th e opposite of
or natural trait or characteristic. , not a species. rejecting Louisiana .
Choice C refers to an epidemic or wide - spread
disease . Distracto r Explanation: None of th e other
choices show th e opposite of rejection. Choice A
refers to indicating what something is or naming
2. Leve l: Medium I Doma in: CRAFT AND
it. Choice C refers to eithe r fully unde rstanding
something or achieving a goal. Choke D refers to
Skill/Know ledge: Words in Context
knowing the value of something.
happens on Earth) not in the experiments on the her death is not "revealed" or "shown."
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer . 10. Level: Hard I Domain: IN FORMAT ION AN D
The next- to- the - last sentence explains that IDEAS
Gorgas "'tirelessly" or "did not stop," in other Skill/Knowledge: Command of Evidence
v.'Ords. was zealous abo ut his "duties" or "tasks," (Textu al)
which involved overseeing "the efforts to keep the
work crews healthy." Key Exp lanation: Choice D is th e best answe r
because the text is discussing th e extreme
Distractor Exp lanation: Choice A is incor rect temperatures on Mercury. The transition "'in fact"
bee.a.useStevens, not Gorgas, invented new is used to emphasize a point ) and in this case, the
equipment. Choice B is incorrect because there blank portion needs to emp hasize the previous
is no indication that Gorgas was a docto r, only a idea of nights being cold. Choice D effectively
sanitation enginee r. Choice D is incorrect because does that by s howing that despite the hot days,
the passage does not say the details of building there may still be ice on the planet
cities for th e workers ; someone else might have
done any necessary surveying . Distractor Explanations: All of th e other choices
can be eliminated beca use th ey offer a point th at
is off the topic of tempe rature and cold. Choice
9. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMATION AND
A refers to th e orbit , Choice B to th e speed , and
Choice C to the size and appearance
Skill/Know ledge: Cent ral Ideas and Details
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer 11. Level: Easy I Domain: IN FORMATION AND
because the pas.sage says he was "fortunate in IDEAS
that respect ," meaning that he was lucky in Skill/Knowledge: Command of Evidence
becoming "a house hold name" or "really famous " (Textu al)
because "fans celeb rated his triumphs against the
backg round of news from World War I and the Key Exp lanation: Choice A is th e best answer
1918 influenza pandemic ." In other words, fans because the graph s hows that the median income
liked his "'triump hs" or "successes" as a contrast to for state government employees is slightly under
the "grim' ' or "'bad" times of a war and pandemic. the $80,000 mark, at abo ut $75,000. The median
income for local government employees is closer
Distractor Exp lanations: Choke A is incorrect to S70,000, which is halfway between the $60,000
because the passage says that he started as a and $80,000 lines. Therefore ) the median income
pitc her, but became famous when he was "an for state government employees is "higher" or
outfielder and powerful batte r:· Therefo re, his "larger " than that for local government employees.
fame was not beca use of his pitching. Choices
C and D are inco rrect beca use th e passage only Distractor Explanation: All of the oth er choices
refers to the se events as the "background " of can be eliminated beca use th ey are not s upp orted
Ruth's "tri umphs" or "successes ." There is no by the data from the grap h. Choices B and Care
disc ussion whethe r he participated in them or not. incorrect because "architectural ) enginee ring, and
related fields" at just under SS0,000 is lower, not
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
discussed in the passage ; it could be possible to is Marth a Ballard, who is an individ ual person
locate Merc ury easily. The passage only says th at rath er than an image of cooperation.
Venus is brighter.
Key Exp lanat i on: Choice A is the best answer. 2 I. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
"Sacrificed XX for YY" is a standard idiom that ENGLISH CONVENTIONS
refers to doing something at the expense of Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
something else. No punctuation is needed.
Key Explanation: Choic.e B is the best answer .
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choices 8 and D are The portions before and after th e punctuation
inco rrec t beca use "accuracy " is the object of are both independent clauses, meaning th at they
"'sacrificed ;"' "for eloquencl' is the reason that could both stand on their own as sentences.
accuracy was given up. However, dashes and Therefore , they should be joined by a semicolon or
parentheses are used to indicate additional a period ) which is not a given choice.
info rm ation that is not part of the main clause, so
they erroneously divide the object from its verb. Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
Choice C is incorrect because a colon should not because it c reates a comma splice. Choice C is
divide essential parts of the sentence from the incorrect because a colon is used to add more
main clause. In this case) the portion after the information clarifying the clause before the
colon is necessary for correct understanding of colon. ln this case, the preceding portion is
what Longfellow did about low levels of inflation, but the following
portion introduces a different topic ) high levels
of inflation. Choice D is incorrect because it is a
20. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
run - on.
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
22. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
Key Exp lanat i on: Choke D is the best answe r. Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
The ideas in th e preceding and following portions
are complete clauses that can stand on their own Key Explanation: Choic.e B is the best answer .
as sentences, so should be divided by a period and The first sentence explains that Tingatinga 's
a capital letter "'t~ career was very short. The second sentence offers
a contrast : he was one of the most important
Distrac .tor Explanation: Choke A is incorrect painters in modern Africa. Choke 8 is used to
beca use a semicolon should be preceded and show th at despite one thing happening, anothe r
followed by a complete clause th at can stand on is true. It therefore fits the context of saying that
despite the short career) Tingatinga made a great
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
Distractor Exp lanati on: None of the other an idea in different words. so effectively shows that
choices establishes a contrast between the the following is a different way of looking at the
preceding and following ideas . Choice A is used figures in the previous sentence.
to introduce a logical result of the previous claim,
but it is more logical to expect little impact from Distractor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect
a short career. C and Dare both used to because it is used to show a contrasting or
add more detail to clarify the same topic rather opposite idea) not rephrase the same point.
than change tone to something unexpected . Choice B is used to show that something happens
in spite of something else, which does not fit the
discussion of equivalent concepts . Choice C is
23. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
used to add more to the same argument , so in
Skill/Know ledge: Transitions
the context , would be used to add a new type of
expense in caring for tropical fish.
Key Explanatio n : Choice D is the best answer .
The passage desc ribes two types of search and
rescue dog, and the blank is the point at which 25. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
the topic changes from one type to the other, from IDEAS
air scent to tracking . Choke D is used to show Skill/ Kno wledge: Rhetorical Synthesis
that the following method is an "alternate " or
Key Exp lanati on: Choice D is the best answer. It
"different" case, so it fits the context of introducing
gives three valuable contributions that Lovelace
a second method
made to the field of mathematics: she explained
Distractor Exp lanati on: None of the other the computer , created programs , and devised
choices shows that the following information uses for it. Therefore , she added to the field in
is the second of two possible methods. Choice specific and important ways. Creating programs
A is used to add another point to continue an and devising uses. in particular ) show the need to
argument. Choice B is used to add specific detail manipulate math in order to accomplish ce rtain
clarifying a general statement. Choice C is used goals.
s.rom 223
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
I. Level: Medium I Domain: GEOMETRY AND 2. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
TRIGONOMETRY Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
Skill/Knowledge: Circles I Testing point : variable and systems of equations in two variables
Working with transformations and the equation of Testing point: How many solutions does an
a circle equation have
Key Explana ti on: Choice C is correct The Key Explanation: Choice 8 is correct. To solve
equation of a circle is given by (x - h)' + (y - k)' this equation , first, use the foiling method to
= 1', where (h, k) is the center of the circle. In the expand the left side of the equation and use the
initial equation, the center of the circle is distributive property to expand the right side of
(3, - 6) and in the transformed equation, the center the equation. Then combine like terms and solve
of the circle is (2, - 4). To compare the equations, the resulting equation as follows:
the equation of the second circle must be put into (x - 1) (x + 2) = x(x - 3)
standa rd form by completing the square as shown x' - x+2x - 2=x' - 3x
below. x - 2= - 3x
(x - 2)' + y' + 8y = 33 4x= 2
(x - 2)' + y' + 8y + 16 = 33 + 16 1
x= - or0.5
(x - 2)' + (y + 4) 2
= 33 + 16 2
(x - 2)' + (y + 4)' = 49, This shows that the equation has only one
This yields(2, - 4) as the center of the transformed solution.
Therefore , the transformation will be 1 to the left Distractor Explanatio n : Choices A and Care
as the x coordinate moves from 3 to 2 and 2 up as incorrect. These answers may be arrived at due to
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 225
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
x - 22 =px - 5x - 22 (x' - 4)'.
Adding 5x to both sides yields: Using the identity (a - b)' =a' - 2nb + b' the
6x - 22 =px - 22p problem cm be simplified to (x' - 4) 1 =x' - 8x' +
Therefo re p is equal to 6. 16, making Choice A the right option .
Skill/Know ledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing This answer choice may be arrived at due to a
point : Determining the meaning in context with common exponent conceptual error. Choice C
Distract.or Explanation: Choice A is incorrect. Key Exp lanation: To calculate the median of the
The number of weeds on the farm) at the 27 foods, look for the middle number freq uency
beginning, known as the initial value, was wise of the data. If there are 27 items then the
1,300. Choice Bis incorrect. This choice implies middle number is the 14th food which, based on
that the model is linear. However) the model is the freq uency table, has 180 calories. To find the
exponential. Choice D is incorrect bee.a.useit mean number of calories, use the formula
implies that the model is linear and that 1,300 is which can be found by taking the total number
the increase in weeds every x weeks, however) it is of calories divided by the number of food items.
the initial number of weeds on the farm. To find the total number of calories multiply
each calorie content number in the table by its follows:
5. Level: Easy I Domain : ADVANCED MATH
( 100 X 6) + ( 180 x 9) + (280 x 11) + (350 x I)=
Skill/Knowledge: Equivalent expressions I
5,650 / 27 =209.3.
Testing point: Binomial expressions
Therefore the difference of the mean and median
Key Explanation: Choice A is correct To solve of the calorie content of the 27 foods would be
this problem, first, use the exponent rules to 209.3 - 180 =29.3.
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
vertex form equation is the fastest method . Choke Key Explanat ion: Choice D is correct. To solve
B is the only answer that works. 0 =- 2(4 - 3)2 + 2 this problem , graph the system.
and thus O=0 results.
Distractor Exp lanati on: Choice A is incorrect.
This is the value of a in the vertex fonn of a ,
parabola equation . However, this option can also
be a miscalculation. Choice C is incorrect. This -
is the y-i11terceptof the equation. Choice D is
incorrect . This can be the result of a conceptual or
miscalculation error.
- -
I" 20- -
, I
11. Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA
Skill/Know ledge: Linear functions I Testing
The solution for the system will be the region that
point: Finding the slope of a line given two points
is shaded . The minimum value of b can then be
Key Explanation: Choice C is correct. To find the found by finding the vertex of the parabola
y =2(x - 3)' + 5. The vertex form of a parabola is
slope of a line, the formula Y, - Y, is used. given by y =a(x - Ii)' + k. Therefore , the vertex of
x , -x,
the parabola is (3, 5). The minimum y value of a
Plugging in the x and y coordinates of the two
concave up parabola can be found at the vertex.
given points (0, 0) and(3 , 5) into the slope
Therefore ) the minimum value ofb is 5.
5-0 5
equation yields _0=
3 3 Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
Distractor Exp lanati on: Choice A is incorrect It is the minimum value of the system of
and was determined by finding the change in inequalities. Choices 8 and Care incorrect. These
x over the change in y instead of the change answers would be the value of a and b if the vertex
in y over the change in x. Choices B and D was incorrectly found to be (- 3, - 5).
are incorrect and were the result of either
miscalculation or conceptual errors. 13. Level: Easy I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
12. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH Skill/Knowledge: Area and volume I Testing
Skill/Know ledge.: Nonlinear equations in one point; Volume of a sphere
variable and systems of equations in two variables
Testing point: System of linear and quadratic Key Exp lanat ion: The volume of a sphere is found
. 4
usmg the formula ,rr3 = 4 (3)3 ;r = 36,r
3 3
Key Exp lan ati on: Choke A is correct . For a Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect .
system of equations to have no solution , the This is the negative of the center of the equation of
system represents parallel lines with the same the circle.
slope but different y - infercepts. B and Care incorrect They can be
3x - 4y= 8 determined by incorrectly picking the coefficients
px+8y= - 6 of x and y without writing the equation in
To easily compare the slopes, the equations should standard form .
be put into the slope - intercept form of a line y
= mx + b where m is the slope. By mathematical
16. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
manipulation, doing this yields the equations:
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
3 variable and systems of equations in two variables
y= - x-2
4 Testing point: Solving quadratic equations using
p 3
y=-x-- the quadratic formula
8 4
Since parallel lines have the same slope, the Key Explanation: This quadratic equation can be
solved using the quadratic formula
equation -p = ! can be solved by p. Multiplying
8 4 -b ±Jb2 -4ac
x = ----- ,where a= 3 and b = - 6 and
both sides of the equation by - 8 yields p = - 6, 2a
Choice A. c= - 11.
I 5. Level: Easy I Domain: GEOMETRY AND 6
Skill/Knowledge: Circles I Testing point: 6
Equation of a circle
Key Exp lana ti on: Choice D is correct. To find the
center of the circle. we have to ·write the equation 3
of the circle in its standard form (x - h)' + (y - k)' Therefore g = 42.
= r. This is done by completing the square for the
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
17. Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA Distractor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect
Skill!Know ledge: Linear inequalities in one mathematically as shovm above . Choi ce C is
or two variables I Testing point: Solving linear incorrect as it incorrectly states that 2 is one of the
inequalities solutions. Choice D is incorrect It can be due to a
miscalculation error .
Key Explanation: Choice B is correct. To
solve the inequality, add x to both sides of the
19. Level: Hard I Domain: ALGEBRA
inequality .
Skill/Knowledge: Systems of two linear equations
- 2X + X -4- X +X
-x - 4, Next. divide both sides of the equation
in two variables I Testing poiot: Solving
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
I. Level: Medium I Domain: ADVANCED MATH Using the foiling and distrib utive operations to
Skill/Know ledge: Equivalent expressions I Testing multiply out and combine like terms, the final
point: Foiling out binomials and combining like 1
2x - 5x+S
answer is: 1 .
terms -x + 7 x- 10
Distractor Exp lanation: A and Care needed to get the common multiple for the
incorrect . These answers can be arrived at if the denominator.
foiling expansion is done incorrectly. Choice B
is incorrect This answer can be arrived at if a 3. Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA
math miscalculation is done after the foiling out Skill/Knowledge: Systems of two linear equations
expansion is completed. in two variables I Testing point: Solving
simultaneous equations
2. Level: Medium I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
Key Exp lanation: Solve for y by using the
Skill/Knowledge: Equivalent expressions I
distributing property and the substitution method
Testing point: Finding the least common
as follows:
denominator with binomial terms and combining
3x - 6 + 5(- 2(x - 5)) = 2
Key Explanation: Choice A is correct To solve 3x - 6 - 1O(x - 5) = 2
this problem , the fractions need a common 3x - 6 - 10x+50=2
denominator to be added The least common - 7x+44=2
denominator is (x - 2) (5 - x), which multiplies - 7x= - 42
out to a denominator of - x' + 7x - 10. To get x=6
both terms of this expression over the same Substit ute x =6 into the second equation to find y.
denominator, the numerator and denominator of y= - 2(6 - 5)
the first term each must be multiplied by (5 - x) y= - 2
and the numerator and denominator of th e second
term each must be multiplied by (x - 2). Since the 4. Level: Easy I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLVING
two terms are now over the same denominator, AND DATA ANALYSIS
the numerators can be added as follows: Skill/Knowledge: Two - variable data: models and
5-x+ 2x(x-2) scatte rplots I Testing point: Line of best fit
(x-2)(5- x) '
Key Exp lanation: Choice A is correc t. This
question can be solved in several ways. The
th e circle and theta is the degree in radians of th e This gives the value of or the negative of the
central angle that subtends the arc length desired . a
sum of the roots . Choice C is incorrect. This is the
Therefo re th e arc length wo uld be
product of the roots given by =.a .
12 2
,r The arc lengt h can also be found
Choice D is incorrect as this is th e negative of th e
by converting radians to degrees using the product of the roots and can be arrived at by using
formula 2,r r . This wo uld still give the answe r
360 a
as - n cm.
2 7. Level: Medium I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
Distrac .tor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect.
Skill/Knowledge: Lines, angles , and trian gles
This is the circ umference of the whole circle.
Testing point: Finding th e s um of angles in a
Choice 8 is incorrect. This is th e area of the whole
polygon and converting degrees to radians
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
Key Explanation: The sum of the interior angles Key Explanation: Choice D is correct. To
in a polygon is 180 x (n - 2 ), where n is the solve this problem, first divide both sides of th e
number of sides in the polygon. A heptagon has 7 equation by 2 to get:
sides, so the sum of its interior angles will be 18
(x+4) = -
180 X (7 - 2) =900°. 2
A hexagon has 6 sides, so the sum of its interior (x+4) =9
angles will be 180 x (6 - 2) =720°. The difference x =S
between the total number of degrees of the Therefore (x + 6) =5 + 6 = 11
interior angles of the two shapes is 180°. This
number in radians would be n and a = l. Distractor Explanation: Choke A is incorrect.
This is the value of (x + 4). Choi ce B is incorrect
This is the value of x only. Choice C is incorrect. It
8. Level: Medium I Domain: ALGEBRA
can be the result of a miscalculation.
Skill/Know ledge: Linear functions I Testing
point: Finding equations of functions
10. Level: Medi um I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLV ING
Key Explanation: Choice A is correct The AND DATA ANALYSIS
prob lem gives two points and asks what th e Skill/Knowledge: Ratios, rates, proportional
function j(x) is that best describes the points. relationships, and units I Testing point: Ratios
Using points (3, 2) and (6, - 3), the slope of the
function, which is the change in they coordinates Key Explanation: To solve this problem) let x
(y' - y') equal th e total number of people at the fair. Every
over the change in the x coordinates, , ) , can
(x· -x group of 5 students and 3.5 parents has a total of
be found as follows: 8.5 total people in it. Set up a proportion of ratio
students to ratio total people and set it equal to the
2- (- 3) 5
3- 6
- -- 3 ratio of the total number of students to the tota l
The answer choices are in slope - intercept form, number of peop le as follows:
y = mx + b whe re m represents the slope. The only 2... =2,000
8.5 X
answer choice that has a slope of -: is Choice A.
Cross multiplying gives the equation
5x =2,000 x 8.5. Dividing both sides of the
Distractor Explanation: Choice B is incorrect
equation by 5 gives x = 3)400 students
most likely due to a conce ptual error. Choice C is
incorrect and incorrectly states the slope formula
as th e c hange in x over th e change in y. Choice D 11. Level: Medi um I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLV ING
is incorrect as this is the equation of the line that is AND DATA ANALYSIS
pe rpendic ular to j(x) . Skill/Knowledge: Percentages I Testing point:
s.rom 235
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
Using the pythagorean theo rem a'+ 82 = 10' or Key Exp lanation: The slope is found by putting
a' = 36, yielding a = 6. Thus the height of the the equation of the line into slope - intercept form
trapezoid is 6. Plugging in the values for a, b, and of y = mx + b as follows:
1, into the area of a trapezoid form ula, yields Sx - 6y+ 30 = 0
6 - 6y= - Sx - 30
-(12+28 )= 120
2 5 5
y = x +S . The slope is then , a line
Therefore the area of the trapezoid would be 120. 6 6
perpendicular to this will have the negative
Distractor Explanation: Choke B is incorrect. -{)
This answer is the perimeter of the trapezoid .
inverse of this slope which is 5.
Choice C is incor rect. This answer can be
determined if the shape is divided into a rectangle 17. Level: Easy I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
and two triangles . This answer is the area of the TRIGONOME TRY
rectang le plus one triangle. Choice D is incorrect . Skill/Knowledge: Right triangles and
It is the value of the area of the two trian gles alone . trigonometry
Testing point: Trigonometric identities
15. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH Key Exp lanation: Choice C is correct
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one sin x =cos (90° - x) and vice versa) therefore
variable and systems of equations in two variab les cos 72°= sin (90° - 72°) This equates to sin 18°.
Testing point: Absolute values
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect.
This choice may be selected due to a conceptual
Key Explanation: Choice C is correct The first
e rror. Choice B is incorrect as sin 72° is equal to
step is to combine the t\vo absolute value tenns
cos 18°. Choice Dis incorrect. cos 18° is equal to
into Ix+ 31 = - 2. The next step is to divide both
sin 72°.
sides by - I to get Ix+ 31 = 2, The absolute value is
equal to a positive number and therefore it has 2
18. Level: Easy I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLVING
sol utions .
To have O sol utions in an abso lute value equation , probability I Testing point: Probability
the absol ute equation value has to be equal to a Comp lemen t
negative number. Choice B is inco rrec t. For an Key Exp lanation: Choice B is correct. The sum of
absolute value equation to have 1 solution it has the probabilities of an event and its complement
to be equal to 0. Choice D is incorrect. There is must add up to I. Therefore , if the probability that
sufficient information to answe r the question. it will rain is 0.26, the probability of no rain is
I - 0.26 = 0.74.
16. Level: Medium I Domain: ALGEBRA
Distractor Explanation: Choices A and Care
Skill/Know ledge: Linear equations in two incorrect and can be d ue to a miscalculation
variables I Testing point: Perpendicular lines or conceptual error. Choice D is incorrect as a
probability of I means that it is certain that it will
not rain.
PracticeTestsfor the DigitalSAT 236
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
19. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect.
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing This is the diameter of the circle and the value of
point; Vertex form of a quadratic and minimum / the length of RQ.
maximum point Choice B is incorrect as it is the length of PR.
Choice C is incorrect. This answer is due to a
Key Exp lanati on: The ma.~imum I value of a conceptual error confusing the ratios in sides of
concave down parabolafor the quadratic equation the 30 - 60 - 90 triangle with the 45 - 45 - 90
ax' + bx+ c can be found using the formula I= special triangle.
l=L:3) )= =: =~
linear inequalities
triangle. Since the radius of the circle is 7cm) in two variables I Testing point: Systems of
this makes the diameter 14cm. The hypotenuse equations
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Chapter 5
Practice Test 4
You are about to begin a full-length Practice Test. The test has four modules. The time allotted for
each module is marked at the beginning of the module. Work on one module at a time . Use a timer to
keep track of the time limits for every module.
Try to take the Practice Test under real test conditions. Find a quiet place to work, and set aside
enough time to complete the test without being disturbed. At the end of the test, check your answers by
referring to the Answer Key and fill in your raw score in the scorecard below. Also, note down the time
taken by you for completing each module.
Pay particular attention to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Read the answer
explanations and understand how to solve them.
Out ol 27 27 22 22
My Score
Time Taken
C) impose
D) assault
scientists evaluated confiscated artefacts, but The house was flat, dark, and silent Jae.ob
many were skeptical of the find because it did not was at home engaged upon a chess problemt
have an archaeological context and may contain the board being on a stool between his knees.
forgeries.However.the site of Konar Sandal in One hand was fingering the hair at the back
Iran is now being exc.avated,and archaeologists of his head. He slowly brought it forward and
have discovered hvo mounds, a citadel, and raised the white queen from her square; then
tablets with an unknown script that might prove put her down again on the same spot He
a vital link to understanding whether the Jiroft filled his pipe; ruminated; moved t\vo pawns;
culture actually existed. advanced the white knight ; then ruminated
with one finger upon the bishop . Now Fanny
What is the main purpose of the text? Elmer passed beneath the window.
A) It casts doubt on the existence of an ancient Which choice best states the main purpose of the
culture. text?
- Text 1
It is stated that Abraham.. Lincoln, "had an, almost morbid dislike- to an, escort , or guard,
and daily exposed himself to the--deadly ainL of aJL assassin..." . .. On.. more--than. one--
occasion, he-the- President had gone- through the- streets of Washington, at a, late- hour
of the-- night , without escort , or even.. the--company of a. servant , walking all the-wa y,
going and returning.
Bancroft 's eulogy on Lincoln never pleased the latter's lifelong friends ... February 16,
1866, David Davis, who had heard it, wrote me: "His analysis of Mr. Lincoln 's character is
superficial ." On the 22nd he again wrote: "Mr. Bancroft totally misconceived Mr. Lincoln's
character in applying 'unsteadiness ' and confusion to it. Mr. Lincoln grew more steady
and resolute , and his ideas were never confused . I thought him always master of his
subject. He was a much more self-possessed man than I thought
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to Lincoln's
behaviour as illustrated in Text l?
B) By concurring that Lincoln rarely deviated from his personal convictions and
exhibited stability and equanimity .
C) By acknowledging that Lincoln had a morbid dislike of any form of secu rity.
properties and economic value. In Benin) chili is Now, when I say that I am in the habit of
the second cash gardening crop after the tomato. going to sea. I do not mean that I ever go to
Its annual production is about 47.162 tons. Pepper sea as a passenger. For to go as a passenger
plants produce the compound capsaicin, possibly you must needs have a purse. and a purse
to deter mammalian herbivores. In Benin) chili is but a rag unless you have something in
pepper is grown only for food partially in the it Besides, passengers get sea•skk- grow
cultivable lands of the coastal areas, where soil quarrelsome- don't sleep-- no. I never go as
salinity and water irrigation can negativelyaffect a passenger; nor. though I am something of a
the quantity and quality of the crop, and may also salt, do I ever go to sea as a Commodo re, or a
have a strong influence on the concentration of Captain, or a Cook. I abandon the glory and
bioactive compounds of vegetables. distinction of such offices to those who like
them. I always go to sea as a sailor. because
According to the text. what is the reason that the they make a point of paying me for my
chili plant evolved to contain capsaicin in the trouble. they never pay passengers a
fruit? single penny that I ever heard of.
A) It adds flavor to human food dishes. Based on the text, why does Ishmael avoid
traveling aboard ship as a passenger?
B) It is a part of herbal medicine remedies.
C) It increases the plant's absorption of nutrients. A) He does not want excessive responsibilities.
D) It protects the plant from predation. B) He desires reimbursement for his efforts.
llll Ill
The following text is adapted from F. Scott According to scientist James Clark, explaining
Fitzgerald's novel , 'Tl,e Beautiful and the Damned. the coexistence of species is critical to truly
understand forest biodiversity and the forces
Early in his career, Adam Patch had married that sustain or reduce it. According to Clark,
an anemic lady of thirty, Alicia Withers, who "A 'neutral model' hypothesizes that species are
brought him one hundred thousand dollars so similar it jus t takes a long time for ·winners
and an impeccable entre into the banking and losers to be sorted out by competition ,
circles of New York. Immediately and rather but eventually the better competitor would
spunkily, she had borne him a son and, as if drive the other to extinction." The neutral
completely devitalized by the magnificence of model predicts that the variation among the
this performanc .e, she had thenceforth effaced sites increases over time , as random chance
herself within the shadowy dimensions caused different species to go extinct in some
of the nursery. The boy, Adam Ulysses areas but not others. Some sites, just by chance,
Patch ) became an inveterate joiner of dubs, should come to be dominated by one species.
connoisseur of good form, and driver of while others would come to be dominated by
tandems - at the astonishing age of twenty- six another species. However, the researchers found
he began his memoirs under the title "New that variance among the sites did not increase
York Society as I Have Seen It." On the rumor over the millennia , leading them to conclude
of its conception , this work was e.agerly bid that stabilizing forces were maintaining forest
for among publishers , but as it proved after diversity.
his death to be immoderately verbose and
overpoweringly dull ) it never obtained even a Which hypothetical data, if true , would most
private printing . weaken Clark's claim that stabilizing forces
control biodiversity in a given region?
Based on the text) which choice best characterizes
Adam). Patch's wife' A) Scientists determine that there is now
significantly greater variation between species
A) powerful in three nearby sites than there was 7,000
B) captivating years ago.
Nutrients Found Primarily in Animal Tissues
The vegan diet is one that is chosen by individuals for various reasons) including
health and/or ethical reasons . In fact, it is evident that the vegan diet is much more
than a diet itself, but has developed into a lifestyle, often associated with animal rights
and environmental advocacy as well as a greater concern for physical activity and
mindfulness. While many health benefits exist. it is essential for those who are vegan or
are planning to become vegan to be educ:ated about potential nutritional deficiencies to
prevent adverse outcomes. For example) a vegan who is adverse to taking man - made
supplements in any form __
Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to complete the claim'
Based on the text, what is most likely true about A) occurred because there was a tie in the House
the West Texas Intermediate? of Representatives.
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
B) had designed
A) its
C) designed
B) it's
D) is designed
C) their
D) they're
The largest known fish species, the whale shark, is
actually a slow - moving filter feeder that primarily
subsists on plankton. Therefore, despite its __
- When Austrian painter Gustav Klimt completed
Tl,e __ it was initially reviled as excessive due
to its gold leaf, silver, and platinum. However) it is
is not a threat to humans. now considered one of the finest examples of the
Art Nouveau style.
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) size. It
A) Kiss (Der Kuss in German)
B) size it
B) Kiss, (Der Kuss in German)
C) size- it
C) Kiss (Der Kuss in German),
D) size) it
D) Kiss, (Der Kuss in German) ,
Judy Blume is the author of many beloved
children's __ Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. American author and inspirational __ has
Her frank discussions of childhood anxieties and shared his optimistic outlook with audiences
family issues have made her a target of censors, so around the world. His unusual approach to
along with her writing) she has spent considerable leadership is founded in cultural anthropology
time fighting to protect the freedom of speech. rather than business.
Which choice completes the text so that it vl'hich choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Which choice completes the text with the most Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition? logical transition?
A) Although A) Meanwhile,
B) Since B) Nevertheless,
C) Hence C) Instead ,
D) Because D) Today,
Water is by fur the most common drink in the
world The next most popular is coffee, but that
beverage is consumed in a variety of different
ways. __ , it may be served hot, cold) or with
additions such as milk or spices.
A) Regardless,
B) Nevertheless,
C) Indeed,
D) Additionally,
• Geothermal energy is derived by tapping the heat within the Earth , which does not
require fuel and does not vary based on atmospheric conditions .
• The energy does not generate carbon dioxide, greenhouse gasses. or particulate
matter that contributes to climate change .
• Geothermal power plants have an 80- to 100- year lifespan and require very little
maintenance .
• Not all locations are suitable for geothermal power generation because it would be
too labor - intensive to reach underground pockets of sufficient heat
• Although geothermal plants are often associated with a foul smell, modem filtration
systems can reduce that effect.
The student wants to address a common concern for an audience familiar with
geothermal energy. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the
notes to accomplish this goal'
A) Though not all areas are suitable for geothermal plants , it is possible to select ones that
are less labor - intensive for erecting facilities.
B) Geothermal energy is good because it comes from the heat from within the earth
rather than fuel.
C) Geothermal power plants have longer life spans than other power sources because
they can operate up to 100 years.
D) If the proper filtration systems are in place, then geothermal plants will not emit
odor - causing gasses or particles that lead to climate change.
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefu lly, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage{s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
As used in the text, what does the word Which choice completes the text with the most
"'obtrusive.. most nearly mean? logical and precise word or phrase?
A) obvious A) vigorous
B) conspicuous B) sturdy
C) deplorable C) robust
D) inevitable D) tough
The donkey was in a state of profound If I can stop one heart from breaking,
abstraction:wondering, probably,whether he I shall not live in vain;
was destined to be regaled with a cabbage-
If I can ease one life the aching,
stalk or two when he had disposed of the
two sacks of soot with which the little cart Or cool one pain,
was laden; so, without noticing the word of
Or help one fainting robin
command, he jogged onward.
Unto his nest again,
As used in the text, what does the word
I shall not live in vain.
"abstraction"most nearly mean?
What is the main purpose of repeating the line •1
A) generalization shall not live in vain"?
B) hypothesis
A) It stresses how strongly the author feels about
C) intention
the subject.
D) preoccupation
B) It indicates that the author is close to her
death .
C) It highlights the futile nature of certain tasks.
Text 1
The Kuiper Belt is a region of space, shaped roughly like a donut , at the far reaches of our
solar system. It is located outside the orbit of Neptune and contains over 2,000 identified
objects) though scientists speculate that there may be millions more that have not been
found yet due to its extreme distance from the sun . In 1930, the dwarf planet Pluto was
the first object to be found in the Kuiper Belt, but it took many decades for the second,
Pluto's moon , Charon, to be located in 1978.
Objects in the Kuiper Belt are rocky bodies made from elements such as iron, and most
of the ones found to date also are covered with ice that is composed of water or methane.
In fact. some scientists speculate whether Earth's oceans were formed from water ice from
comets in the Kuiper Belt. The quantity of ice greatly increases an object's reflectivity,
making it easier to isolate objects made of such materials in telescopes that are trained on
the distant reaches of our solar system.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 react to the claim in Text 1 that "there
may be millions more that have not been found yet,.?
A) The author of Text 2 would say that many of the objects will be hard to find because
they are not covered with reflective ice.
B) The author of Text 2 would claim that it is easier to find large objects such as dwarf
planets , so the remaining objects must all be small.
C) The author of Text 2 would point out that the objects that have been found are
probably closer to the sun than the objects that have not yet been found.
D) The author of Text 2 would argue that the number is greatly elevated over the actual
number of objects which are in the Kuiper Belt.
- Text 1
Prisons in the 1820s were unregulated and unhygienic , ... Dorothea Dix visited every
public and private facilityshe could access. documenting the conditions she found . She
then presented her findings to the legislature of Massachusetts , demanding that officials
take action toward reform. Her reports - filled with dramatic accounts of prisoners
flogged, starved, chained, and abused by their keepers, and left undressed and without
heat or sanitation - shocked her audience and galvanized a movement that succeeded in
improving conditions for the imprisoned and insane .
Settlement house founder and peace activist Jane Addams ( 1860- 1935) .. .• along with
a college friend) Ellen Starr, moved in 1889 into an old mansion in an immigrant
neighborhood of Chicago. Hull-House, which remained Addamss home for the rest of
her life and became the center of an experiment in philanthropy ) political action , and
social science research , was a model for settlement work among the poor.
Based on the texts, how would Jane Addams in Text 2 most likely respond to Dix's actions
to improve the conditions for the imprisoned and insane as illustrated in Text l?
A) By disputing the idea that Dix could impose reform through documentation and
reports instead of physically experiencing the conditions.
BJ By assenting the importance of political action in achieving reform but asserting the
g reater significance of a personal lifetime commitment to a social cause.
C) By corroborating that thorough and honest research combined with political action
are necessities when attempting social reform.
According to the text, what is one of the According to the text, what is one of the main
controversies regarding Louisiana? goals of launching the saildrone during the
A) Relativel y few voters reside within the state
B) The state is much larger than many others in A) To prove that the Southern Ocean was
the Union. absorbing as much CO 2 as previously
C) The proportion of freed slaves is higher than
in other states. B) To test the limitations of new technology
designed to survive harsh conditions
D) The state has not agreed to policies accepted
elsewhere. C) To collect data during a time period in which
very little research had previously been done
D) To establish whether the Southern Ocean
played a vital role in CO, absorption
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a nostalgic
childhood staple. However . research shows that
- Shark attacks by Year (Global)
Ill Ill
Togo The following text is adapted from Jane Austin's
1811 novel, Sense and Sensibility.
Sierra Leone
Mrs. Dashwood waited only for the disposal
I ' I I
of her effects at Norland before she set
off to her new home ; and this, as she was
exceedingly rapid in the performance of
everything that interested her. was soon done.
Number of Tourists(20 16) The horses which were left her by her husband
had been sold soo n after his death , and an
opportunity now offering of disposing of her
Safari tourism in Africa highlights exotic carriage) she agreed to sell that likewise at the
creatures including elephants, lions , rhinos . earnest advice of her eldest daughter . For the
hippos. and big game. However. the region is also comfort of her children , had she consulted
replete with naturalfe.aturesor attractions that only her own wishes, she would have kept it;
tourists gravitate toward. particularlythose in but the discretion of Elinor had prevailed
search of outstanding scenic sites or who desire Her wisdom too limited the number of their
an environmental adventure.There are dozens of se rvants to three; two maids and a man,
awe- inspiring national parks throughout Afric:a with whom they were speedily provided
like Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Zuma Rock from amongst those who had formed their
in Nigeria . However, local conditions make it establish ment at Norland .
hard to travel in some places. For example, due
to the infrastructure for accommodating visitors, Based on the text, what can be inferred about the
travel in Togo in 2016 was: __ relationship between Mrs. Dashwood and her
oldest daughter'
Which choice most effectively uses data from the
graph to illustrate the claim' A) Mrs. Dashwood defers to her daughters
decisions .
A) the highest of the selected countries B) Mrs. Dashwood usually tells her daughter
represented in the figure. what to do.
B) greater than that of either Burundi or Nigeria. C) Both would prefer living apart from each
C) lower than that of Nigeria but higher than that other.
of Eritrea. D) Both feel that the other is acting in error.
D) higher than it had been in the previous year.
What can you do to add an extra layer of
protection when entering into a business
opportunity? Before you buy a franchise. insist
- The American author Ernest Hemingway , __
received the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature , was
famous for a very minimalist writing style that is
on seeing proof in writing for earnings claims . best exemplified in his short novel , 17,e Old Man
including statements like "Earn up to $10,000 and the Sea about a sailor struggling against a
a month! " Phrases like "up to" aren 't a way out blue marlin.
for the seller. It's an earnings claim and it's
your right to demand proof. You should also Which choice completes the text so that it
interview current owners of the seller's business conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
opportunity . Ask the tough questions - like if the
information in the disclosure document matches A) he
their experience with the company . Listen to sales B) who
presentations with a critical ear. They are- of
course-trying to sell you something . Finally, if a C) that
seller doesn 't give you the information you know D) whom
they have to provide, walk away.
Ill Ill
Carbon emission credit programs are designed to Federko Garcia L.orca was one of Spain's
reduce the overall amount of pollution released foremost poets and was known for ___ classic
into the environment by limiting greenhouse gas Spanish forms, but with modern symbolism and
emissions, encouraging technological innovation, individualistic humor. Unfortunately, his career
and was abruptly cut short by the Spanish Civil War,
but his legacy lives on.
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) it increases competition bet\veen enterprises
for the credit rights. A) revive
Most people want to incorporate more exercise
into their daily routine . but is there an optimum
time for it? According to sports scientists. exercise
performance is closely correlated with body
temperature, __ typically peaks in the early
evening .
A) it
B) when
C) which
D) that
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Modern dance is a contemporary fonn of Billy Joel is a singer and songwriter who is best
expression that evolved from the rigid structure of known for the song "Piano Man ; He started his
ballet to become naturalistic , with free and fluid music career in earnest when he found he did
movements that represent __ feelings. not have enough credits to graduate high school
and claimed he did not care about finishing
Which choice completes the text so that it his education. __ twenty - five years later he
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? contacted his former school and wrote essays that
allowed him to belatedly receive a degree.
A) ideas emotions and
Which choice completes the text with the most
B) ideas, emotions, and
logical transition?
C) ideas, emotions and,
B) Simultaneously,
C) Consequently,
D) Nonetheless,
Ill Ill
The largest boat to date to sail the Great Lakes, the While researching a topic , a student has taken the
Edmund Fitzgerald , sank on November 10, 1975, following notes :
northwest of Whitefish Point in Lake Superior.
__ its fame . the exact cause of the shipwreck • Freshwater tropical fish can tolerate
has yet to be determined temperatures from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius,
so may require a heater in the ·winter.
Which choice completes the text with the most
logical transition? • Freshwater tropical fish are often kept in
tanks with water plants, but since most eat
A) Because of vegetables as well as meat ) they may consume
the plants.
B) Despite
• Mayo's theory is based on the idea that repetition of tasks is boring and reduces
innovation .
• The teamwork aspects of Mayo's theory can le,id to high productivity and
• Some workers feel greater stress and pressure because individual responsibilities are
increased in environments where Mayo's theory is applied.
The student wants to introduce Mayo's theory to an audience who wants to increase
innovation in the workplace. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information
from the notes to accomplish this goal'
A) George Elton Mayo cre,ited a theory based on the idea that repetition of tasks is
boring , so many companies see little innovation.
BJ The theorist George Elton Mayo pointed out that workers given signific,int freedom
complete their tasks and form good teams . but may feel great stress as a result
D) George Elton Mayo's humanistic theory can c:ause some workers stress , though it is
ouhveighed by the many positive points related to innovation.
• The North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean and temperaturesare routinely above
freezing in the summer.
• Due to the Earth'saxis. there is only one sunset and one sunrise at the poles per year.
• The South Pole is on Antarctica, and researchat the Amundsen- Scott South Pole
Station has provided compelling evidence about continental drift.
• Ground at the South Pole is about 100 meters above sea level, but there is 2,700
meters of ice, so the high altitude contributes to the arid desert environment.
• The highest temperature recorded at the South Pole was - I 2.3C, whereas, the lowest
was - 82.8C.
The student wants to emphasize a way in which the North Pole and South Pole differ from
each other. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to
accomplish this goal'
A) The South Pole has extreme temperatures ranging from - 82.8 to - 12.3 degrees
Celsius, but the North Pole does not.
B) Both the North Pole and the South Pole have only one sunrise and one sunset in a
I 2- month period.
C) Scientists have studied continental drift at the South Pole, but the North Pole is in the
D) The temperatures at the South Pole are much colder than at the North Pole, with
highs never over - 12.3 Celsius at the former and well above freezing at the latter.
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt math skills. Use of a calcu lator is permitted
for all questions.
Unless otherwiseindicated:•All variables and expressionsrepresent real numbers.•Figures provided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane. • The domain of a given functio n is the set of all real
numbersx for which /{x) is a real number.
CJ w b~ ~x s~
b a x,{3 s
A= nr2 A= l w A= bh cl = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2,rr
B "
V = t wh
V E:}, @
V = ,rr 2h V = 1,rrJ
4 &
V =½1rr2h V=
t wh
5 13
A) 52
B) 12
- 10 .5 0 5 10
C) 12
\ 5
'Q D) 39
A) y=3x' - 6x - 3
BJ y= - 3x' + 6x -
C) y=3x'+6x - 3
3 - Which expression is equivalent to
6xy(y + 3x) - 2x(3xy + y') ?
D) y= - 3x' - 6x - 3
A) 12xy' + 12x'y
B) 4xy' + 12.x'y
C) 4xy'- 12 x'y
3x' - 12x + 15 =0
2x+ y= 2
inc rease and the median remains the same
A) - 12
B) - 2
C) 6 1111
D) - 3
A circle is inscribed in a square. If the square
has a side length of 14cm, what is the area of the
B) 49rr
C) 141T
D) 98rr
What is the new y-i11terceptof the function f(x)
below if the line is moved 2 units to the left and I
unit up?
- Iffix)
A) 7
=x + 2 and g(x) =2x + 3, find ..t{g(2)).
B) 4
f(x) =3x + 5
C) 9
D) 11
Which of the following coordinates is a solution Ill
to the following system of inequalities?
What is the y -i11terceptof the function below'
- 2y > - 4
3x - y>3 y=300'+5
A) (1,2)
B) (I, 3)
C) (2, 4)
D) (3, I)
A circle has endpoints of a diameter with the
coordinates of(- 6, 10) and (2, 10). Which of the
following is an equation for the circle?
A) (x - 2)2 + (y - JO)'= 16
D) (x - 2)'+(y+ 10)2 = 16
If the shaded region repr esents the solutions to an
.. Which of the following expressions is represented
ineq uality, which of the following ineq ualities is by the gra ph below'
represented by the graph below'
-4 __
-- /
\ ·2 -----
- 10 -5 0 5 10
' \
\ •l
0 20 40 60 80 100
10 \
' ' ' '
A) 400( 1.03)'·"'
If 3x + 2(x + 4y) =ax+ by, what is the value of a?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
Using interval notation, what is the value of yin If 4x + 8 = 24, what is the value of x?
the inequality below'
A) 8
- 3y> - 15
B) 4
C) 3
D) 6
If sin(3x) = cos(x + JO), what is the value of x in
A) 5°
B) 20°
C) 30°
D) 60°
Amanda is planning a trip and decides to save
for it. She saves SJO dollars during the first week
and doubles the amount she saves every week
thereafter . Which type of function below best
represents the amount that she will save in a given
A) Exponential growth
B) Linear growth
C) Exponential decay
D) Linear decay
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt math skills. Use of a calcu lator is permitted
for all questions.
Unless otherwiseindicated:•All variables and expressionsrepresent real numbers.•Figures provided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane. • The domain of a given functio n is the set of all real
numbersx for which /{x) is a real number.
CJ w b~ ~x s~
b a x,{3 s
A= nr2 A= l w A= bh cl = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2,rr
B "
V = t wh
V E:}, @
V = ,rr 2h V = 1,rrJ
4 &
V =½1rr2h V=
t wh
For mu lti pl e-choice questi on s, solve each prob lem, choose the correct
answer from the choices provided , and then circle your answer in this
book . Circle only one answer for each question . If you change your mind,
comp letely erase the circle. You will not get credit for questions with more
than one answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.
For stude nt-p rod uced res ponse question s, solve each problem and write
your answer next to or under the question in the test book as described
below .
Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly . You will not receive
credit for anything written outside the circle, or for any questions with
more than one circled answer.
• If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one
Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to
6 characters (including the negat ive sign) for a negative answer, but no
more .
• If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over S characters for positive, 6
characters for negative), write the decimal equiva lent.
• If your answer is a decima l that is too long (over S characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), truncate it or round at the fourth digit.
• If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3.!. 2 ), write it as an improper
fraction (7/2) or its decima l equivalent (3.5).
• Don't inclu de symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in
your circled answer .
r=x ' - 10x+30
A) - 6
B) 3
C) 6
D) - 3
3 3
-x+ S= px + - AJ 3
2 2
B) - 5
C) 2
D) - 8
CJ p(x)= l. 23(1.32)u
DJ p(x J = 1.23( l.32 J•
- lf -2x'+Sx+IO
A+ --
h" h O fth e
A) 0
3(x + 6J + x =4x + 5
A) - 2x - l C) 2
BJ 2x + 3 D) Infinite
CJ - 2x - 3
DJ - 2x' + 4x + 13
Ill Ill
Which of the following is equivalent to the What is the area of a circle whose circum ference
expression below? is 12n'
-- + --
x-2 x+2
x -4
2x 1111
B) X
Which of the following expressions is equivalent
2x to the expression below?
C) 1
X -4 I
1 3p' ,Ji,
D) X +4
A) 3/Jp
B) ~3p'
ID C) 3!,/p
p D) 3Vf'
½'hat is the volume of a cylinder with a radius of
9 cm and a height of 6 cm'
PQ and PR are tangents and points P and R lie on
the circle. If L PSR =80° and L PQR =an, what A) 270,r
is the value of a?
B) 486,r
5 C) 81,r
18 D) 108,r
B) 13
lflines 3x +Sy= 6 and - 6x + py = 18 are parallel,
what is the value of p'
- If xy =5 and x' + y'
(x + y)' '
=45, what is the value of
A) - 10 AJ 9
BJ 5 B) 55
CJ 10 C) 110
DJ 3 D) 35
AJ 62,500
B) 49,480
How many solutions does the absolute value
equation below have? C) 13,020
- 21x+ 41 =- 8 D) 61,550
A) 0
CJ 2
DJ Infinite
- "
:, ;i 19
" -
t: t: i: :, t:
0 0 0 0 0
u 0 u ::e V 0 u u
I. A I. C I. C I. B
2. A 2. C 2. 5 2. 270
3. A 3. D 3. C 3. A
4. B 4. A 4. B 4. D
5. C 5. C 5. 161 5. 64
6. A 6. A 6. A 6. C
7. B 7. C 7. A 3/2 or
8. D 8. A 8. 2 1.5
9. B 9. C 9. B 8. C
10. C 10. A 10. B 9. A
II. A II. C 11. 12 10. B
12. B 12. C 12. D II. 8
13. B 13. A 13. B 12. A
14. C 14. B 14. C 13. A
15. C 15. B 15. 6 14. C
16. A 16. B 16. B 15. 36n
17. C 17. C 17. C 16. D
18. A 18. D 18. D 17. B
19. D 19. A 19. (- oo, 5) 18. A
20. C 20. B 20. B 19. 12
21. C 21. A 21. A 20. C
22. A 22. D 22. B 21. B
23. A 23. B 22. C
24. C 24. A
25. D 25. C
26. D 26. C
27. B 27. D
Key Exp lanat i on: Choic" A is the best answer 4. Level: Medium I Doma in: CRAFT AND
because "'charge" is what the next generation will STRUCTURE
do to the miners. Choice A means "blame," so Skill/Know ledge.: Text Structure and Purpose
6ts the context of saying that the next generation
will not blame the miners for what they have Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answe r
done. They will only blame the miners for what because despite promising trips, "none of them
is "'undone ;· meaning that they will blame the ever materialized." This shows that Ulysses was
miners if the working conditions are still terrible . more interested in talking than in following
www.vibrantp11blishers.rom 287
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
throug h with his word. That is the action of a that the 2001 artefacts are not strong proof that
"sup erficial" or "shallow" personality: saying one it existed. Choice D is incorrect because there
thing but not caring enough to do it. are no "incompatib le" or "'conflicting " findings .
only recent evidence that s upplemen ts less strong
Distractor Explanat ion: Choice A is incorrect earlie r evidence.
because "foreshadowing' involves giving a clue
of something that will hap pen in the future .
6. Level: Hard I Domain: CRAFT AND
However ) the promised trips never happened, so
they do not give any hint that Ulysses would take
Skill/Knowledge: Text St ructure and Purpose
his son on a trip or that Ulysses would die. Choke
C is incorrect because , if Ulysses really took an
Key Exp lanation: Choice A is th e best answer.
interest in his son, he would follow through on
Jacob was looking at the chess board , but
promises and spend time with the boy rather than
uncertain abo ut his moves , finge ring his hair and
getting the boy's hopes up and breaking them .
lifting and replacing the same piece before making
Choice D is incorrect because the trips would cost
a few othe r moves which may or may not have
a lot of money if the father and son really took
been effective. The end sentence s hows what he
them all, but the trips never happened. Therefore ,
was actually waiting or hoping for: the sound of
it is possible that the father had very little money
Fanny walking by.
and was just talking about places he could only
dream of visiting. Distractor Explanation: Choice 8 is incorrect
because there is no indkation of a desire to get
5. Domain: CRA FT AND STRUCTURE better at c hess, only to use time waiting. Though
Skill/Knowledge: Text Struct ure and Purpose Jacob thinks about his moves , it is unclear whet h er
they are effective or not. Choice C is incor rect
Key Explanation: Choice C is th e best answe r because Jacob is not "intense" or "'concentrating
because the text describes when the )iroft culture very hard." Instead, he is vacillating ove r moves
was first proposed and what evidence was and noticing things outside the room . Choice D
availab le at th e time . The text th en desc ribes a is incor rect beca use it is clear that Jacob is waiting
later finding - the excavations at Komar Sandal - for Fanny, but not why. There is no due that there
which might strengthen the evidence for su ch a was a "'quarrel" or "'argument. "
culture, but the link has not yet been decisively
drawn , as th e text says "might prove a vital link."
7. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMATION AND
Distractor Explanat ions: Choice A is incor rect
Skill/Knowledge: Cross - Text Connections
because the text starts by s howing that there was
doubt about the culture because the artefacts
Key Exp lanation: Choice B is th e best answer
were not studied where th ey we re found, but the
because it desc ribes the most likely way th at the
information from Komar Sandal implies th at auth or of Text 2 most likely respond to Lincoln's
the culture may really have existed . Choi ce B is
behaviour as illustrated in Text 1. According to
also incorrect because no "'flaws" or "errors" are
Text 1, Lincoln was someone who stayed true
discussed about the theory; the text only says
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choice A is incorrect Distractor Explanation: A and B are
beca use nothing in Text 2 suggests that author incorrect because th ey are uses that chilis have
believed that protection was important. Text 2 is been adapted for by human s but are not why chili
focused on how Lincoln was someone who "'grew plants evolved with c.apsaicin in thei r fruit Choice
more steady and resolute, and his ideas were never C is not mentioned anyw here in the text.
Lincoln regularly vent ured out witho ut protection , much' ' responsibility for passenge rs; th e narrator
Text 2 says only th at the auth or believes that does not mention the amount of work. Choice
Lincoln's characte r was that of a self•possessed, C is incorrect because it only describes what
steady and resolute man. Text 2 doesn't imply th at happens to passengers . not to Ishmael. Choice D
th e author doubts that Linco ln consistently put is incor rect bee.a.usethe narrator does not want
himself at risk of being assassinated "recognition " or "fume." He indicates that he is
happy to leave those "to th ose who like them."
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 289
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
as "anemic "' and "'devitalized ; which refers to the forces , but Choice B shows that at least one
someone who lacks vitality or spirit She spent exists, Choice C does not grea tly affect Clark's
her time raising her son out of sight of the general data in any way. Even if early humans ate nuts. or
public: "she had thenceforth effaced herself within one species went extinct , the overall biodiversity
the shadowy dimensions of the nursery, " rather can remain the same. ClarkS theory accounts for
than take an active interest in society or her contingencies suc h as extinction as it only shows
hus band's activities . Choice C means "·withdrawn" that stabilizing forces ensure that biodiversity in
or "not confident; · so it desc ribes Alicia well. the region remains approximately rather than
exactly the same . Choice D does not disprove
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect Clark's theo ry. If one species is susceptible to heat)
because while Alicia had some valuable it could decrease in number or go extinct , but
connections . the passage does not indicate that she overall ) the plants in a region will still rema in in
used them to her advantage. Therefore, s he was the same balance.
not "influential " or "dominant " in manipulating
her connections for her own good Choice B
refers to being able to attract and hold attention
12, Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT ION AND
and Choice D refers to being very lively, neither
Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence
of which are consistent with the description of an
"anemic " lady who does not leave the nursery.
index change is only mentioned as changes in Skill/Knowledge; Form . Structure, and Sense
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 291
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
16. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH by a logical noun. Since "gro·wing " indicates an
CONVENTIONS animate object , it does not refer to the "large tank"
Skill/Knowledge; Form ) Structure , and Sense in Cboic" A. Cboic" B starts with the placeholder
"it." and Choice D illogically makes the modifier
Key Explanation: Choic.e A is the best answer . refer to "the requirements ."
"Had" is used to show that something happened in
the past before another action in the sentence ; in
18. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
this case , it shows that the design was made before
the opening of the new section . "Been" makes
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure , and Sense
the verb passive , showing that the design of the
section was made by someone not mentioned in
Key Exp lanati on: Choic" A is the best answer.
the passage; the section did not do the designing
The subject is the singular "earthenware ," as
itself .
indicated by the singular verb "is." Choice A is
the singular possessive form showing that the
Distractor Explanat ion: Choices B and Care
durability and water - holding capacity belongs to
incorrect because they are active verbs which
the earthenware.
erroneously show that the section did the act of
designing. Choice C is also incorrect bee.a.use it is
Distractor Explanation: Choice 8 is incorrect
the simple past, so does not show that one action
because it is a contraction for "it is"' rather than a
occurred before another. Choice D is a present -
word showing possession. Choice C is incorrect
tense verb , so does not fit the context of an action
because it is a plural possessive fonn , but "'is"
which occurred in the past.
shows that "earthenware " is singular . Choice D is
incorrect because it is a contraction for "they are."'
17. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
19. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
Skill/Knowledge: Form . Structure , and Sense
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
Key Explanation: Choic.e C is the best answer.
The beginning of the sentence , "growing to about
Key Exp lanati on: Choic" D is the best answer.
one inch long ," refers to the size of the crab. A
The underlined portion connects the modifier
modifier like this phrase needs to be followed
"despite its size,. with the main clause ) "it is not a
directly by the noun it modifies. Since Choice
threat. . ." A comma needs to follow a modifier at
C starts with "these crabs ;- it offers the correct
the beginning of the sentence.
order for the modifier and words that follow. In
addition , "the y" in the second half ("but they . ..
Distractor Explanation: Choke A is incorrect
predatory fish") properly refers to the subject of because "despite its size,. is not a complete
the sentence , "these crabs ." sentence; there is no active verb. Choice B is
incorrect because there should be punctuation
Distractor Explanat ion: All of the other choices
separating the main clause "it is not a threat. . ."
can be eliminated because the preceding modifier .
from the phrases that modify it. Otherwise , the
"growing to about one inch long.• is not followed
reader is unsure where one part of the sentence
children 's stories." A comma correctly separates "Simon Sinek" is necessary in the sentence to
know which "American author and inspirational
th e noun from extra info rm ation that desc ribes it
but which is not essentia l for unde rstanding the speake r" the sentence is writing about Therefore ,
main part of the sentence. there should be no punc tuation dividing the name
from the rest of th e main clause.
Distrac .tor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect
beca use a colon should only follow a complete Distractor Explanation: Choice 8 is incorrect
clause, but "such as" leaves the preceding idea because "'Simon Sinek" is not an aside but
unfinis hed. Choice C is incorrect beca use th ere an essential part clarifying the subject of the
should be no comma dividing "'su ch as" from sentence. Therefore , it should not be set aside
its object, the title of the book. Choice D is from the main clause . Choice C is incorrect
because "'American auth or and inspirational
inco rrect beca use th e portion after the period is
not a comp lete ide.a because there is no verb, so it speake r" is a subject. not a modifier . If it began
with "'an" or "the," then it is possible that th e
cannot stand on its own as a sentence .
description could be used in that way at the start
of the sentence. Choice D is incorrect because it
21. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH divides the subject from its verb "has shared. "
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
23. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
Key Exp lanat i on: Choke C is the best answer. Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
Parenthetical information should be treated as if
it is part of the noun it desc ribes, so in this case, Key Exp lanation: Choice A is th e best answer.
"Der Kuss in German" sho uld follow the same The sentence has two parts . one which says that
punctuation as "'TI,e Kiss." "When .. .Kiss" is a long Blacks were g ranted various rights, but th e second
modifier explaining the time of th e main clause. part says that conditions grew worse for Blacks
"'it was .. . platinum. " A comma should come at the and othe r peop le of color. Choice A is used to
end of a modifier at the start of a sentence. Since show that the main clause occurs in spite of the
clause modified by "although. " Therefore, it fits th e
th e parenthetical information is included as part
of th e clause, th e comma comes after it. context of sho·wing th at conditions were bad in
spite of slave ry being abolis hed.
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
Distractor Exp lanati on: Choices B and D can Distractor Explanation; Choice A is incorrect
be eliminated because they are used to offer a because it is used to show two things that
logical reason for the main clause of the sentence. happen at the same time, but the preceding and
They do not establish the relationship between following sentences are in the past and present
the parts of the sentence, because it is not logical tense, respectively. Therefore) they do not occur
that people who are given rights have those rights simultaneously. Choice B is used to show that
taken away again. Choice C is grammatically something happens despite something else. It does
incorrect because it is not used to subordinate a not fit the context because it is logical rather than
clause. unexpected that a very unusual piece of writing
was the beginning of a genre. Choice C is used to
show an alternative)so is not used to introduce
24. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
two things that are both true .
Skill/Know ledge: Transitions
Key Explanatio n: Choice C is the best answer. 26. Level: Hard I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
It is used to add information that emphasizes a Skill/Knowledge: Rhetorical Synthesis
previous daim t so fits the context of expanding
on the claim that coffee is served many ways by Key Explanati on: Choice D is the best answer.
giving examples of different ways it is served A "common concern" is a worry that people who
know about geothermal energy might have. In this
Distractor Explanati on: Choices A and B are case) the worry is the "foul" or "bad" smell, and
both used to show that something happens despite Choice D shows that the smell can be reduced
something else, so do not fit the context of adding with filters. In addition , Choice D highlights
examples to a claim. Choice D is used to add more another benefit that might be a concern: the plants
information on a topic, but it does not fit this will also not emit carbon dioxide or other gasses
context because the information should be a new and particles that lead to climate c.hange.
point that is related rather than more details like
examples that expand on the original point. Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
because the notes do not say how easy it is to
select the proper location; the notes only say
25. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF
that some locations are not suitable. Choice B
is incorrect because the audience already knows
Skill/Know ledge: Transitions
what geothermal energy is, so presumably, the
Key Explanatio n: Choice D is the best answer. information is not new. Furthermore) Choice
B does not "address'' or "answer" a concern or
The previous sentence describes how a story was
viewed in 1841. The present tense in the following worry; it just explains how the power is generated.
sentence shows that the sentence refers to the Choice C is incorrect because the notes do not
current time. Choice D correctly warns the reader say how long other power plants last; it is possible
that the time c.hanges from the past to the present that the life cycles of geothermal plants are average
"nov/ ' or even shorter than other types of energy-
producing plants.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 295
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
I. Level: Hard I Doma in: CRAFT AND to something that is strict or uncompromising. It
STRUCTURE refers to things such as rules rather than the way
Skill/Know ledge: Words in Context something is understood.
able to withstand roug h tre,itment. When used to or seriously that she should do something useful
desc ribe something intangible , Choic,e D refers before she dies, such as helping prevent a person
incorrect because, while concern for animals to improve the conditions for the imprisoned
and environmental advoc.acy are often aspects and insane presented in Text I. According to Text
of veganism, on their own, they are not the only It Dix visited every public and private mental
reason for including a remark about becoming a illness and prison facility she could to research
vegan. Choice D is incorrect because the quote and document in graphic detail the inhumane
conditions, she then took political action and
is not comparing vegans and non •vegans. It is
broadening the scope of veganism to include presented the information to legislature of
aspects that cre,ite a lifestyle, not just the food a Massachusetts which led to reform . Text 2
Distrac .tor Explanations: None of the other convinces Mrs. Dashwood to sell the carriage
choices offer a good example to show that "it despite the fact th at Mrs. Dashwood herself
wanted to keep it. In addition, Elinor su ggests that
is incorrect to judge the number of dangerous
Mrs. Dashwood limit their household to three
encounters just by looking at deaths." Choice A
servants. Mrs. Dashwood "defers"' or "agrees"'
is very vague and the reader does not know if
to the opinions of her daughter despite some
th e number of non - fatal attacks is high or not. It
could be almost identical to the number of deat hs.
Choices B and D only offer more detail abo ut
Distractor Explanation: Choice B is opposite of
deat hs, so they do not emphasize how looking at
the relationship portrayed in the passage. Choices
deaths gives an inaccurate idea of the number of
C and Dare not supp orted by any evidence in the
dangerous encounters.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 299
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
14. Level: Mediu m I Domain: IN FORMAT ION AND objects, not people. In addition, "that" is not used
IDEAS follo·wing a comma. Choice D is incorrect because
Skill/Knowledge: Inference s it is a pronoun used to show the object of a verb,
but the following clause needs a s ubject That
Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answer relationship can be dearly s hown by substituting
bee.a.use the au thor war ns the buyer to do research the proper noun into the blank: "Hemin gway
and be cautious abo ut any purch ase, sin ce sales received the prize."
pitc hes are by definition. "trying to se ll you
something." For examp le, the sales claims may be
16. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDAR D ENGLISH
higher than what an average person is able to ear n.
Therefo re, the selle rs are trying to "highlight•
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure, and Sense
or "emphasize" the best possible as pects of the
franchise so that yo u buy into the scheme .
Key Explanation: Choice B is th e best answer .
The under lined portion is part of a list joined by
Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incor rect
"and• Each part of such a list needs to have th e
bee.a.use the author only warns th at some claims
same g ramm atical structure. In this c.ase, the first
may be elevated; th ere is no evidence th at "most,.
t\vo items are - ing verbs that show the method
are not realistic or tell the truth. Choice C is
of the reduction following "by": "limi ting . ..
impossib le to dete rmin e from the text beca use
emissions: and "encouraging .. . innovation. "
there is no disc ussion abo ut laws th at protect
Choice B is another - ing verb, so fits the same
the seller. Choice D is incorrect because the
author does not delve into th e success or failure
of a franchise. The author only indicates that an
Distractor Explanation: All of the oth er choices
investor needs to do prope r research.
can be eliminated beca use th ey do not maintain
the same struc t ure as the other two items in the
15. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH list joined by "and ." Choice A is a complete clause,
CONVEN TIONS "i t is . ..." Chokes C and D are noun phrases, "the
Skill/Knowledge: Form, Struct ure, and Sense right .. .'' and "inc reased competition . ..."'
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 303
This page is intentionally left blank
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
I. Level: Medium I Doma in: ADVANCED MATH 3. Level: Medium I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLVING
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing AND DATA ANALYSIS
point; Determining the equation of a parabola Skill/Knowledge: Probability and conditional
from its graph probability I Testing point : Calculating
probability of simple events
Key Exp lana ti on: Choi«, C is correct The general
equation of a parabola is given by y = a(x - Ii)' + k Key Explanation: Choice C is correct . The
where (Ii, k) is the vertex. Based on the graph, the probability of a simple event occurring
vertex of the parabola is at (- 1, - 6). Substituting can be calculated using the formula
the coordinate of the vertex to the general no. of favorable outcomes
p = ---'--'-------- . Since a heart
equation yields y =a(x + 1)2 - 6. Since the graph total no. of possible outcomes
opens upward, the leading coefficient is greater is picked at first and is not put back in the deck,
than zero. This means that a is positive and based there are only 12 hearts left in a deck of now 5 1
on the choices, a is equal to 3. Substituting 3 to the cards. The probability of picking a heart card for
equation of the parabola yields y = 3(x + 1)' - 6.
Expanding the right side of the equation yields the second time would then, therefore, be ,
y = 3x' + 6x - 3.
which is 12 heart cards out of the 51 cards on the
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 305
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
5. Leve l: Easy I Doma in: PROB LEM-SO LVING Key Explanation: Choice A is correct. Solve
AND DATA ANALYSIS for the value of x and y by using the elimination
Skill/Know ledge: Percentages I Testing point: method.
Using discounts and percentage increase Multiplying to th e first equation yields
3(2x + y = 2) or 6x + 3y = 6.
Key Explanatio n : Sinc e the price of the dress first Subtracting the second equation from the
increases by 15%, then it becomes 115% x 200 = first equation yields 6x + 3y - 3y + x = 6 - 20.
230. Therefore, the price after 15" May is $230. Combini n g like terms yields 7x = - 14. Dividing
both sides of the equation by 7 yields x = - 2. To
However, she bought it at a discounted price.
find y, replace x with the value - 2 in the first
Applying the disco unt, the amount that she p aid
for the dress is 70% x 230 = $161.
Thisyields6 (- 2) + 3y= 6or - 12 + 3y= 6.
Adding 12 to both sides of the equation yields 3y
6. Leve l: Easy I Doma in: ADVANCED MATH = 18.
Skill!Know ledge: Nonlinear equations in one Dividing both sides of the equation by 3 yields
variable and systems of equations in two variables y= 6.
Test ing poin t: Using th e difference of two sq uares The value of xy = (- 2)(6) = - 12.
Key Explanati on: Choice B is correct. Since the Distractor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect.
circle is inscribed in a square) the side length of Plugging in (1, 2) to both inequalities yjelds - 4 >
the square is equivalent to the diameter of the - 4 and I > 3 which are both false statements.
circle. Therefore, if the diameter is 14cm) the Choice Bis incorrect. Plugging in (I, 3) to both
radius would be half, which is 7cm. The area inequalities yjelds - 6 > - 4 and O> 3 which are
would therefore be 7'rr or 49rr. both false statements.
Choice C is incorrect . Plugging in (2, 4) to both
Distrac.tor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect It inequalities yjelds - 8 > - 4 and 2 > 3 which are
is the area of a circle if the radius is 14cm. Choice both false statements.
C is incorrect because this is the circumference
of the circle. Choice D is incorrect because this is
13. Level: Medium I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
twice the value of the circle'sarea.
Skill/Knowledge: Circles I Testing point: Using
11. Level: Hard I Domain: ALGEBRA the midpoint formula and the equation of a circle
Skill/Knowledge: Linear functions I Testing
point; Using linear transformations Key Explanation: Choice 8 is correct.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 307
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
The standard equation of a circle is given by 15. Level: Medium I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
(x - h)' + (y - k)' =r' where (11, k) is the center Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing
and r is the radius. The endpoints of the circle are point; Solving for they - intercept in a nonlinear
(- 6, 10) and (2, 10). The midpoint of th ese two function
. ( --6 -,-
+ 2 10+10)
pomtswouldbe - =(-2, 10) Key Explanation: The y-i11terceptis when x =0.
2 2
Substit uting 0 for x in th e given equation yields
• which is also the coordinates of the center
of the circle. The radius of the circle can be
y= 300° + 5.
Any number raised to the powe r of 0 is equal to I .
solved by calculating the distance between
the center and one of the endpoints of the The equation becomes, y = I + 5 or y =6.
diameter. Substituting (2, 10) and (- 2, 10) to Therefore) they - intercept is 6.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 309
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
22. Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA
Skill!Know ledge: Linear equations in one variable
Testing point: Solving for x in a linear equation
2. Level: Medium I Doma in: GEOMETRY AND this is the negative value of k.
Skill/Knowledge: Area and volume I Testing 4. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
point; Using ratiossimilar figures Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
variable and systems of equations in two variables
Key Exp lana ti on: The ratio of the radius of the Testing point: Using exponent rules
ball to that of the prototype is 3 : I. Since the
volume of a sphere is directly proportional to Key Explanation; Choice D is correct.
the cube of its radius (V «: r'), the ratio of their To solve for this, equate the exponents by making
volumes should be 3' : I ' or 27: I. And given that the bases the same . Since 9, 27 and 81 are
the volume of the prototype is l0cm 3, the volume multiples of 3) then every base will be converted to
of the ball ..,11 be 27 x 10 =270cm' . 3. This yields 9 = 32, 27 = 33, and 81 = 34. Hence
3 )(..:- 1)
the equation will now become ----.,-- = J1 or
3. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH 3
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one 3).r:- )
-- =3'.
variableand systems of equations in t\vo variables 3•r
Testing point: Using the discriminant to find the Since the tenns on the left side of the equation are
number of solutions of a quadratic equation being divided, the exponents will be subtracted.
This yields 3"-'"''=32. Equating the exponents
Key Exp lana ti on: Choice A is correct . A yields 3x - 3 - 4y =2. Adding 3 to both sides of
quadratic with one solution has a discriminant the equation yields 3x - 4y = 5. To find the value
equal to O which means Ir - 4nc =0. of 6x - By, multiply both sides of the equation by
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 311
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
2 which yields 2(3x - 4y) = 2(5). equation. This yields O = - 3x + 2. Adding 3x to
Using the distributive p roperty yields 6x - By= 10. both sides of the equation yields 3x = 2. Dividing 3
from both sides of the equation yields x = ¾. Since
Distractor Expl anations: Choke A is incorrect choice C is the only g raph that has a y - intercept
6x-8y of 2) an x- intercept of¾., and a negative s lope, it is
and may result from solving the value of
5 the correct answer.
Choke 8 is incorrect and may result from solving
the value of3x - 4y. Choice C is incorrect and Distractor Explanations: Choices A and 8 are
a y - intercepl of 2. Since the slope is negative , the incorrect and may result from a conceptual e rror.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 313
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
Distractor Exp lanati ons: Choke B is incorrect. Substituting the value of the central angle L PSR
For a linear equation to have one solution, the yields 80° + L PQR = 180°.
value of the variable can be solved. Subtracting 80° from both sides of the equation
Choice C is incorrect. Linear systems do not have yields L PQR = l00°.
2 solutions. Converting the value of L PQR to radians yields
Choice D is incorrect. For a linear system to have ;r 5 5
l00 °x -- = - ,r. Since L PQR =an, then a=-.
infinite solutions) the simplified equation must be 180° 9 9
a true statement.
Distractor Explanations: Choices A, B. and D
are incorrect and may result from a conceptual or
13. Level: Hard I Domain: ADVANCED MATH calculation error.
Skill/Know ledge: Equivalent expressions
Testing point: Adding rational expressions with
15. Level: Easy I Domain: GEOMETRY AND
Skill/ Knowledge: Circles I Testing point: Finding
Key Explanatio n: Choice A is correct
the area of a circle given its circumference
Simplify the denominator first.
1 1 x+2 + x-2 2x Key Explanation: The circumference of a circle is
This yields -- + -- =----
x-2 x+2 x -4 x 2 -4 found by the formula rrD where D is the diameter
Simplifying the whole fraction yields of the circle. Since the circumference is 1211 then
-4 D = 12. The radius is therefore 6, and the are,i of
the circle is ,rr =,r(6)' = 36,r.
Distractor Exp lanati ons: Choice B is incorrect 16. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
and may result from an error in adding the Skill/ Knowledge: Equivalent expressions
contents in the denominator x. Choice C Testing point: Converting from exponents to
is incorrect because it is only the simplified radicals
denominator, not the whole fraction. Choice D is
incorrect and may result from miscalculation or Key Explanati on: Choice D is correct. Expressing
conceptual errors.
the radic"1 as exponent yields 3pi pi. Since
the same variablesare being multiplied, their
14. Level: Hard I Domain: GEOMETRY AND exponents will be added .
Hence - + - = - .
Skill/Know ledge: Circles ' 3 2 6
Testing point: Using circle theorems and
The expression now becomes 3p'. Converting the
converting degrees to radians
exponent back to radical yields 3ifj1.
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
Key Explanation: Choice B is correct Expanding
the expression (x + y)' yields x' + 2xy + y'.
Since x1 + y2 = 45. the expression becomes
45 + 2xy.
Since xy =5, the expression becomes 45 +2(5) or
Therefo re, (x + y)' =55.
Practice Test 5
You are about to begin a full-length Practice Test. The test has four modu les. The time allotted for
each module is marked at the beginning of the module. Work on one module at a time. Use a timer to
keep track of the time limits for every module.
Try to take the Practice Test under real test conditions. Find a quiet place to work, and set aside
enough time to complete the test without being disturbed. At the end of the test, check your answers by
referring to the Answer Key and fill in your raw score in the scorecard below. Also, note down the time
taken by you for completing each module.
Pay particular attention to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Read the answer
explanations and understand how to solve them.
Out of 27 27 22 22
My Score
Time Taken
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each
question includes one or more passages, which may include a tab le or graph . Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage(s). All questions in this section are multiple-<hoice with four answer choices.
Each question has a sing le best answer .
limited purposes alter that, but the first modern Mr. John Dashwood told his mother again
credit card with revolving payment s was __ in and again how exceedingly sorry he was that
1958 by Bank of America in Fresno, California. she had taken a house at such a distance from
Norland as to prevent his being of any service
Which choice completes the text with the most to her in removing her furniture. He really
logical and precise word or phrase? felt conscie ntiou sly vexed on the occasion; for
the very exertion to which he had limited the
A) dispatched performance of his promi se to his father was
by this arrangement rendered impractical.
B) issued
Instead , the furniture was all se nt around by
C) consigned water.
D) allocated
As used in the text, what does the word
"'removing " most nearly mean?
A) transferring
B) detaching
C) dismissing
D) separating
It was, then, into the midst of this tumult and Levin had meant to tell his brother of his
disorder that our young man advanced with determination to get married, and to ask his
a beating heart , ranging his long rapier up advice; he had indeed firmly resolved to do
his lanky leg, and keeping one hand on the so. But after seeing his brother , listening to
edge of his cap, with that half- smile of the his conversation with the professor. hearing
embarrassedprovincialwho wishes to put on afterwards the unconsciously patronizing tone
a good face. When he had passed one group io which bis brotherquestionedhim about
he began to breathe more freely: but he could agricultural matters . Levin felt that he could
not heh;, observing that thev turned round to not for some reason begin to talk to him of his
look at him, and for the first time in his life intention of marrying. He felt that his brother
D~tagnan, who had till that day entertained would not look at it as he would have wished
a very good opinion of himself, felt ridiculous. him to.
What is the main purpose of the underlined Which choice best states the function of the
portion in the overall structure of the text? underlined sentence in the text as a whole?
A) It warns the reader of a coming conflict A) It explains the purpose of the conversation
with the professor.
B) It indicates a temporal change in the passage.
B) It adds to the sense of inferiority which causes
C) It describes the appearance of a scene .
Levin to change his mind
D) It stresses the emotional state of a character.
C) It elaborates on an obstacle preventing Levin
from getting married
D) It introduces a problem that Levin and his
brother frequently disagreed about.
- Text 1
On August 5, 2013, a live television broadcast
- Text 1
Prior to 1972, polar bear populations were
from London showed two food critics tasting severely reduced by hunters and trappers. causing
a hamburger patty cooked by chef Richard concern about the survival of the majestic apex
Geown. The importance of this event was that the species . However, an international agreement
hamburger was the first public tasting of cultured regulating commercial hunting enacted in 1973
meat, meaning meat that was raised from cells in changed odds against the hearty animals . Now,
a laboratory. This sample took two years and cost the total number of polar bears has rebounded to
5300,000 to produce. but its creator, Mark Post, healthy levels that demonstrate that the species is
is sure there is potential for such foods in the no longer in imminent danger of extinction .
Text2 Sea ice is essential for all parts of the polar
Cultured meat is regarded with skepticism in bear lifecycle- and it is melting at a faster rate
many circles . Will people readily consume animal than ever before due to climate change. It is
meat raised in a laboratory? No animals are important to note that as of 2019, although two
slaughtered, but the concept is still repulsive to of the nineteen known populations increased in
many. Even so, many companies are jumping on numbers , four had declined and there was not
the bandwagon to produce different meats , and enough data on eight.
the first sales occurred in December 2020, when
a Singapore restaurant included cultured meat in Based on the texts, after his experiments, how
its offerings. would the author of Text 2 most likely describe
the view of the author of Text 1?
Which choice best describes the relationship
between the texts? A) Limited . because it only addresses one aspect
of the threats against polar bears .
A) Text 1 describes the introduction of a product ,
B) Inspiring. because it provides evidence that
and Text 2 explains later developments.
polar bear populations are increasing.
B) Text 1 describes the positive reception of a
C) Erroneous , because it inaccurately reported
product , and Text 2 brings up reservations.
the total number of polar bears.
C) Both texts refer to the difficulty in creating a
D) Worrisome, because it hints that efforts
new product .
to protect polar bears are only partially
D) Both texts discuss the public's reaction to a successful
new product .
The mechanics are basically the same as those Saladin's wife, Electra, was a capable helpmeet,
which cause thunderstorms, but the results are although - like himself- a dre,imer of dreams and
lightning and thunder with falling snow or hail a private dabbler in romance . The first thing she
instead of rain. Thundersnow clouds tend to be did after her marriagewas buy an acre of ground
lower than thunderstorm clouds, and the effect is on the edge of the town, and pay cash for it-
most common over large bodies of water like the twenty - five dollars , all her fortune. 5"1adin had
Great Lakes in the Northwestern United States less, by fifteen. She instituted a vegetable garden
and Utah's Gre,it Salt Lake, though they can occur there) and got it farmed on shares by the nearest
elsewhere. Often the sounds of the thunder are neighbor . Out of Saladin's first year's wage she
muted due to the presence of snow. put thirty dollars in the savings - bank , sixty out
of his second, a hundred out of his third . By the
What is the main purpose of the text? time two children had arrived , she banked two
hundred a year from the salary. When she had
A) It explains an unusual phenomenon. been married seven years, she built a pretty and
comfortable house in the midst of her garden -
B) It identifies locations to see a phenomenon.
acre and moved her family in.
C) It describes why a phenomenon occurs.
What is the main idea ofthe text?
D) It outlines a scientific dilemma.
Ill 1B
John Milton is one of the most famous poets Training working dogs is a complicated process.
from the 1600s. Though his writing is sometimes Typical pets need to follow commands given
archaic to modern readers , the sentiments still by the owners. However , working dogs are also
ring close to the heart. For instance , he claims at expected to use selectivedisobediem:e. This term
the preface of his 1637 poem •~• that "the refers to a situation when the dog is given a direct
Author bewails a learned Friend'': command by the owner which may to injury
to either the owner or the dog. In such a case,
Which quotation from "Lycidas" most effectively the dog must use its own judgment and disobey
illustrates the claim? rather than blindly following the command that
the owner gave it
A) "YET once more , 0 ye Laurels , and once more
I Ye Myrtles brown ) with Ivy never - sear,/ I \<Vhichsituation is the best ex.ample of selective
com to pluck your Berries harsh and crude," disobedience as defined in the text?
Employment of urban and regional planners is projected to grow 11 percent from 2018 to
2028, much faster than the average for all occupations . Demographic , transportation) and
environmental changes will drive employment growth for planners. Within cities, urban
planners ·will be needed to develop revitalization projects and address issues associated
with population growth, environmental degradation, the movement of people and goods)
and resource scarcity . Planners wilJ also be needed as new and existing communities
require extensive development and improved infrastructure , including housing, roads ,
sewer systems, parks, and schools. However. federal, state, and local government budgets
may affect the employment of planners in government. because development projects are
contingent on available funds.
Based on the text , what can be reasonably inferred about the percentage of urban and
regional planners employed by the federal government in the table'
A) The percentage is extremely low because there is very little demand for urban
planning outside of large cities.
BJ The percentage does not reflect the actual number of planners employed by the
federal government compared to those employed in other sectors .
C) The percentage will remain approximately the same level bee.a.usefederal government
positions are very stable .
D) The percentage has the potential to decrease if the federal government receives fewer
tax dollars and revises its spending plans .
The following text is adapted from Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley's 1818 novel, Fra11ke11stei11;
-Clark and Mclachlan examined existing data
on pollen from red maple , birch , beech , ash ,
oak, hemlock and elm trees isolated from cores
Or. the Modern Prometheus.
of lake sediments in southern Ontario . "This
Y.le sat late. We could not tear ourselves away record covers about 10,000 years, so if we look at
from each other nor persuade ourselves to the relative abundance of different species over
say the word "Farewell! " It was said , and we that time , we can estimate long •tenn growth
retired under the pretence of seeking repose ) rates," said Clark. "What found is huge variability
each fancying that the other was deceived ; within populations . and this variability me.ans
but when at morning's dawn I descended to they overlap in ways that determine who's
the carriage which was to convey me away, going to win and who's going to lose. And that
they were all there - my father again to bless variability might itself represent a stabilizing
me, Clerval to press my hand once more , my mechanism ." Clark emphasized that the results
Elizabeth to renew her entreaties that I would from the studies offer cautionary lessons. "Our
write often and to bestow the last feminine findings suggest that forest biodiversity has been
attentions on her playmate and friend stabilized in some important ways, so extinction
of species should cause us gre.ater concern than if
Based on the text , what is most likely true about we believed that biodiversity was maintained in
the narrator? the past by continual replenishment of random
extinction by generation of new species."
A) The narrator is a woman who grew up with
Elizabeth . Based on the text, what is one implication of
Clark's study regarding the result of biodiversity
B) The narrator is leaving home for the first time .
C) The narrator was trying to avoid the end of
the journey. A) There is a smaller chance of ecosystems
D) The narrator will be absent for a long period. collapsing than previously theorized.
B) Extinction is a random event that is
compensated for by evolution of new species.
s.rom 325 CONTINUE
Kinkaku - ji, also known as the Golden Pavilion, First performed in England in 1984, __ It is
is one of the most popular tourist sites in Kyoto most notable because all the cast sing and act
despite having been completely destroyed in a their parts on roller skates.
fire set by an arsonist in 1950; a replica was later
Which choice completes the text so that it
rebuilt on the same pattern as the original.
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? A) Richard Stilgoe and Andrew Lloyd Webber
wrote the lyrics and music, respectively, for
A) completely destroying the musical Stnrligl1tExpress.
B) it was destroyed completely B) Richard Stilgoe wrote the lyrics for Stnrligl1t
Expressand Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the
C) to have been completely destroyed
D) having been completely destroyed
C) Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the music
and Richard Stilgoe wrote the lyrics for the
musical Starlight Express.
D) Stnrligl1tExpress is a musical with lyrics by
Richard Stilgoe and music by Andrew Lloyd
Which choice completes the text so that it A survey is a process of collecting a small but
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? representativesampling of responses on a given
topic and extrapolating that information to what
A) extreme a larger group might think about it, since many
__ fall into basic patterns when looked at as a
B) extremity
C) extremely
Which choice completes the text so that it
D) extremist
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) peoples' opinions
B) people's opinions
C) people's opinions'
D) peoples' opinions•
The sousaphone - invented in 1893 by J.W Pepper In 1961, Jenny Johnson wrote the beloved poem
at the request of band leader John Philip __ "Warning ." which is now best known by its first
a brass instrument related to the tuba and often __ I am an old woman, I shall wear purple.
used in marching bands because it is easier to
carry and directs sound over the head of other vl'hich choice completes the text so that it
band members . conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
C) Sousa, is
D) Sousa- is
Many researchers have identified a correlation
between the consumption of nuts and longevity.
__ it has yet to be established whether the
There has been scholarly debate about the nuts actually impact lifespan or whether people
exact definition of Aztec, but it loosely refers who already have healthier lifestyles tend to
to a culture that flourished in Mexico between include nuts in their diets.
approximately 1300 and 1521. The Aztec Empire
was formed in 1427 of three separate __ vl'hich choice completes the text with the most
Tlacopan. logical transition?
The Egyptian leader known as King Tut died
around 1323 B.C. when he was only 18 or 19
years old. Archaeologists debate over the cause
of his de.ath, saying it could have been caused
by malaria, a hippopotamus attack.a chariot
race injury, or murder. __ the death was
unexpected: he was buried in a tomb that was
designed for another person.
A) Therefore,
B) As a result ,
C) Alternatively,
D) In any event,
A) Nevertheless,
B) In other words,
C) Likewise,
D) Therefore,
• B.F. Keith lived from 1846 to 1914 and owned and operated hundreds of vaudeville
the,iters around the United States.
• Keith did not approve of the common theatrical trend of vulgarity and insisted that
his performers offered decent acts ·with no swear words .
• The theaters were lavish and entertained spectators with their palace - like) elegant
ornamentation, as opposed to simple structures of older theaters.
• Ushers had authority to remove audience members who heckled the performers.
• Edwin Albee was Keith's invaluable partner and assumed control of the theaters after
Keith's death.
The student wants to emphasize what differentiated Keith's theaters from others at
the time. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to
accomplish this goal'
A) B.F. Keith (1846 - 1914) owned more theaters than others in the era and built ones that
were extremely ornamented .
B) Compared to other theaters in that period, B.F. Keith's theaters offered more polite
performances and the theaters themselves were very elaborate .
C) B.F. Keith ran vaudeville shows rather than other performances until his death in
1914, when Edwin Albee took over his hundreds of elegant theaters .
D) B.F. Keith disapproved of acts with swear words or audiences that heckled performers ,
so prohibited those in his gorgeously ornamented theaters.
• There are about 2- 4 partial lunar eclipses a year, and they are visible from about half
ofthe Earth.
• Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon. and therefore
casts a shadow across the Moon's surface .
• A blood moon occurs only during a total lunar eclipse and may last up to two hours .
• A total lunar eclipse begins with an increasingly smaller white crescent as more and
more light from the Sun is blocked and ends with the reverse, a crescent that grows
larger .
• The blood moon occurs only when the entire moon is in shadow.
• The sunrise or sunset that is visible at the edge of the Earth gives the blood moon its
red color.
The student wants to explain what a blood moon is to an audience that knows about
lunar eclipses. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to
accomplish this goal'
A) A lunar eclipse is when the shadow of the Earth crosses the Moon, starting with a
white crescent , turning into a blood moon , and ending with another crescent.
B) A full lunar eclipse has a phase called the blood moon , which is when the entire
Moon is in shadow and the light from around the edges of the Earth color the Moon
C) Lunar eclipses happen 2- 4 times a year when the Earth passes between the Sun and
the Moon, but a total lunar eclipse is called a blood moon .
D) Blood moons occur during a total lunar eclipse when the Earth blocks all but the red
light from the Sun, which shines through to color the moon.
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt reading and writing skills. Each
question include s one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each
passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on
the passage(s). All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices.
Each question has a single best answer.
B) diligence
A) rebuil t
C) request
B) reorganized
D) execution
C) recla ssified
D) revolutionized
- Text 1 is adapted from Charles Stearnss 1849 treatise , "The Way to Abolish Slavery:•
Text 2 is adapted from Catharine Beecher's 1837 letter, "Slavery and Abolitionism, with
Reference to the Duty of American Females."
Text 1:
The Government of the United States creates no Slaves; it only recognises as lawful the
Slavery existing in the several States, or to use the words of the Constitution, "held to
service or labor, under the laws thereof. " The laws of the several slave - holding States are
made the standard for the general government's action upon this subject No quibble can
possibly evade this. for it is not necessary to prove that a runaway Slave justly owes service
to his master, but only if he does, under the laws of his master. ½'hat then is necessary to
be done to remove this prop from under the colossal statue of Slavery? Plainly. to repeal
all laws recognising its existence.
Text 2:
Now what is it that makes a man cease to be a slave and become free? It is not kind
treatment from a master ; it is not paying wages to the slave. It always signifies that legal
act) which, by the laws of the land) changes a slave to a freeman. No exception can be
made for those who live in States where the act of emancipation ) by a master , makes a
slave the property of the State, to be sold for the benefit of the State .
Which choice best describes how Steams (Text I) would most likely react to Beecher's
(Text 2) assertion that some slaves are not freed because they live in states that consider
emancipated slaves the property of the state?
A) Stearns would argue that such a case is only possible with adequate paperwork.
B) Stearns would argue that is one more reason that all slavery laws should be
C) Stearns would argue that slavery is an integral part of the U.S. Constitution .
D) Stearns would argue that if such slaves left the state, they would then be free.
llll Ill
The automobile company Volkswagen proposed Argentina's Iguazu National Park contains one
an advertising campaign called The Fun Theory of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world .
under the assumption that the best way to change \•Vater drops in multiple cascades up to 80 meters
people's behaviors was by adding an element of high . forming a crescent about 2.700 meters in
fun . To test the theory . researchers measured diameter. Named a national park in 1934 and a
the number of passengers in a Swedish subway UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984, the park
station who were willing to walk on stairs that is considered a world treasure for more than its
made piano sounds for every step as opposed beauty: __
to a regular escalator next to it. Measuring use
before and after converting the staircase . results \<Vhich quotation most effectively illustrates the
indicated a 66% increase. claim?
Which choice best states the main idea of the A) its conservation has a generous budget and is
text? conducted by rangers and other professionals.
Total Increasein Iron Content in Cells
=f 3.5
.. 3
0 1.5
.s 0.5
I --
_g 0 -
Control no HEPHLI
Figures adapted from "Biallelic HEPHLl variants impair ferroxidase activity and cause an
abnormal hair phenotype • by Prashant Sharma et al., PLOS Genetics , 2019.
HEPHLI belongs to a family of proteins known as Multi - Copper Oxidases (MCOs) that
catalyze the oxidation of iron so that it can bind to a circulating protein called transferrin
which distributes the iron throug hout the body. One unique property ofMCOs is the
presence of three copper - binding sites that can house six copper atoms . To help us
explore the physiological conseq uences of the loss ofHEP HLI activity more thoroughly,
we used a gene- targeting approach to make mice with a disrupted HephlI gene.
Interestingly, all mice that had a comp lete deletion of both copies of their Heph/1 gene
had sho rt, curled whiskers throughout their life. We found that the iron uptake increase
between the cells of the mouse with no HEPHLI and the cells of the control mouse was
significant: __ .
Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to complete the statement?
Percentage Increase in Tourism (2015-2016)
3.5 -l"'l- ------------
o ~~-
Data for figures is adapted from African Development Bank Group, 2016
Every African country, urban center, or rural village could be, in fact. its o·wn unique
tourism magnet. The tourism business, though, is broader than just the sites themselves.
Considerations need to be made for transportation. hotels and guest accommodations,
and services that link the various components of a trip, such as guide services in
national parks or city bus tours. The attractiveness and competitiveness of each tourism
destination will depend on the site's quality and accessibility.
Which of the following claims about tourism is best supported by the text and data from
the graph'
A) Almost 50% of the visitors who traveled to Africa in 2016 went to Nigeria.
B) Sierra l.rone probably invested more in the infrastructure of tourism by 2016 than
Togo did.
C) Burundi had over 40% more visitors than Eritrea or Togo in 2016.
D) Eritrea had a greater number of tourists who visited in 2016 than Madagascar did in
the same year.
The following text is adapted from Jack London's
I 903 novel, 7/,e Call of the Wild.
In a powerful 2020 book, Moroccan - American
writer Laila La.Jamiargues the case for citizens
that are __ , meaning people who the
Buck did not read the newspapers. or he government accepts as members of the society on
would have known that trouble was brewing. one hand, but refuses to grant complete rights to
not alone for himself, but for every tide- water on the other.
dog, strong of muscle and with warm) long
hair, from Puget Sound to San Diego. Because Which choice completes the text so that it
men, groping in the Arctic darkness, had conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
found a yellow metal, and because steamship
and transportation companies were booming A) conditions
the find, thousands of men were rushing into
B) conditional
the Northland These men wanted dogs, and
the dogs they wanted were heavy dogs. with C) conditionally
strong muscles by which to toil, and furry D) conditioner
coats to protect them from the frost
A) generate hydroelectricity .
B) it generates hydroelectricity.
C) hydroelectricity is also generated
D) to generate hydroelectricity.
Dinosaurs lived on Earth for about 165 years until
Ill the Cretaceous Period. so many of the familiar
Almost all of the paintings by the Italian Baroque __ were actually separated by long periods of
painter Artemisia Gentileschi feature naturalistic time.
women as the focus. Artemisia herself broke the
standard model for women at the time. earning Which choice completes the text so that it
a living as a professionalartist. Therefore, it is not conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
surprising that her subjects are also courageous,
rebellious, and __ . A) species like stegosaurs and tyrannosaurs
B) species, like stegosaurs and tyrannosaurs
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard English' C) species, like stegosaurs. and tyrannosaurs.
D) species like: stegosaurs and tyrannosaurs
A) powerful
B) they have power
C) possess power
D) are powerful
Ill Ill
Saturn's moon Europa has an extremely smooth Seeing eye dogs require the most rigorous
surface which indicates that there may be a training of all forms of working dogs . __ they
water ocean beneath such an ocean could must learn to alert their handlers to potential
theoretically exist despite the extremely cold dangers that could hurt the owner but not
temperatures due to the gravitational pull of necessarily the dog, such as walking under a low
Saturn. branch.
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text with the most
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? logical transition?
A) it A) Nevertheless,
B) it, B) Therefore,
C) it; C) Specifically,
Ill Ill
The Frank Lloyd Wright building of the "Civil disobedience" is a term popularized in the
Guggenheim Museum is an architectural United States by Henry David Thoreau's essay
masterpiece best known for its Grand Ramp, a Civil Disobedience.That publication inspired
gentle spiral walkway that leads the visitor to Mahatma Gandhi in the 1920s to actively refuse
every floor in a stately manner. \o\'hatis little to obey the laws of India in a non- violent way.
known is that as the plans evolved over the __ Martin Luther King, Jr., used similar
sixteen years of __ was eliminated from the techniques to promote the Civil Rights Movement
design. in the United States in the I 960s.
Which choice completes the text so that it Which choice completes the text with the most
conforms to the conventions of Standard English? logical transition?
A) In other words,
B) Likewise ,
C) Converse!)',
• Heat islands are urban areas that are 1- 7 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the
surrounding areas during the day.
• Heat islands are caused by synthetic materials in buildings and roads that absorb and
emit more heat than naturalareas like plants or water
• Lightening the color of surfaces such as roofs can reduce the temperature differences .
• Heat islands do not directly increase global warming but can indirectly do so through
factors such as using more air conditioners.
The student wants to offer an audience that does not know what a heat island is some
practical solutions for reducing the effect. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) Heat islands do not increase global warming and their effect can be reduced by using
air conditioners.
B) Heat islands, which are urban areas hotter than their surroundings by up to 7 degrees .
are caused by using many synthetic materials in buildings and roads.
C) Heat islands are 1- 7 degrees Fahrenheit hotter during the day and 2- 5 degrees hotter
at night, but that effect can be reduced by planting trees.
D) Heat islands, urban areas that are hotter than the surroundings, can be lessened in
intensity by steps such as planting trees or painting roofs and other surfaces a lighter
• Wildlife corridors are areas that are designed to link habitats together.
• The goal is to promote biodiversity and safe movement of species so populations can
intermingle and have a larger gene pool rather than become isolated
• Animals can use wildlife corridors to find food, water, and other resources .
• The concept is consistent with farming . forestry, and conservation efforts because
corridors can take different forms.
• Various options include "stepping stones" of native vegetation, bridges for animals to
cross roads , and removal of fences around private property .
A) We can protect the native deer using a wildlife corridor because it can link habitats for
the deer to find food and mates while still allowing farmers to do their jobs .
B) We can create a wildlife corridor for the native deer so they can thrive and contribute
to conservation efforts in the region .
C) Wildlife corridors are a good solution because they allow the native deer to move
around safely, intermingle, and find food, through a system of bridges , native
vegetation, and so on.
D) A wildlife corridor can take different forms and achieve the goal of preserving the
gene pool of the native deer species .
The questio ns in this sectio n add ress a number of importa nt math skills. Use of a calcu lator is permi tted
for all questio ns.
Unless otherwise indicated:•All variables and expressionsrepresent real numbers.• Figures provided
are d rawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane. • The dom ain of a give n functio n is the set of all real
numbers x for which /{x) is a real number.
CJ w b~ ~ x s~
b a x,{3 s
A= nr2 A= l w A= bh cl = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2,rr
B "
V = t wh
V E:}, @
V = ,rr 2h V = 1,rrJ
4 &
V =½1rr2h V=
t wh
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 3 49 CONTINUE
B) 21
A) 47,890(1.02)'
C) 6
B) 47,890 + 0.02'
D) 3
C) 47,890(0 .98)'
D) 47,890( 1.02)'
a i - bi? A) 3x + 6 = 3
B) x - 2=1
A) 3
C) x=3
B) 5
D) 7x= 7
C) - 10
D) - 2
lx+31 <7
below is I + 2-.Jk, what is the value of k'
y=3x' - 6x - 21
C) 2
'Nhich of the following is true about the two data
sets above?
D) 512
A) The mean of data set A is less than the mean
of data set B
B) Data set A has more values than data set B
A) 6x+ 5
B) x+ 5
C) x - 2
D) x - 5
In the xy plane , the graph of the quadratic
function/is a parabola with the vertex (- 2, 5).
The function g(x) is defined when the function
J(.x) is translated 3 units to the left and I unit up.
If (h, k) is the vertex of g(x), what is the value of
Ill Ill
For how many points does the line of best fit A baker has the graph below which models its
predict a lower value than the actual point? daily expenditure for the month of August. Which
of the following expressions best describes the
equation of the function?
- -200
- -! 50
- -!00
- -,;o
:= o •O ,o
A) 11
BJ 5
A) y =231 - 4.85x
CJ 6
B) y =231 + 0.85x
DJ 3
C) y = 4.85x - 231
D) y = 4.85x + 231
For all values of x > 0, which of the following is
equivalent to ( x +
A) x'+4x+4
Fi)'( - A school has 24 girls and 20 boys. If
of the
BJ x• + 4x' - 4 boys are on the track team and ! of the girls are
CJ 2x'+4 not on the track team , what percentage of the
DJ x' - 4x' + 4 students are on the track team? (round off to the
nearest whole number)
Ill Ill
If (a, b) are solutions to the system of inequalities A survey was conducted in a school on the change
below, what is the minimum value of b? of uniforms . The conclusion of the survey was
that 53 students of the 97 students surveyed are
y > 2(x - 2) 2 - 2
in favor of the proposed change. If there are 2,300
y;, - I students in the school, approximately how many
students are not in favor of the change in school
A) 2 uniform?
B) - 2
A) 1.256
C) 0
B) 1,043
D) - I
C) 2,300
D) 1,093
Which of the following equations is equivalent to
2x' + 28x = - 98?
1. 2(x + 7) 2 =0 If the system below has no solution, what is the
value of p?
II. 2(x - 7)' =0
y=3x+5- - (x+3) andy=px+4
A) 3
B) All of them
B) 3
D) Neitherofthem
C) 3
.. 3y - 2x=6
5y - 4x= 8
If the system of equations above has a solution
(x. y), what is the value of 2x + y'
A square is inscribed in a circle. If the circle has a
radius of 12cm. what is the length of one side of
the square?
AJ 24
BJ 12
DJ 12}2
X 0 2 3
y 4 4 4 4
AJ 4
BJ 2
CJ 8
The questions in this section address a number of impo rta nt math skills. Use of a calcu lator is permitted
for all questions.
Unless otherwiseindicated:•All variables and expressionsrepresent real numbers.•Figures provided
are drawn to scale. • All figures lie in a plane. • The domain of a given functio n is the set of all real
numbersx for which /{x) is a real number.
CJ w b~ ~x s~
b a x,{3 s
A= nr2 A= l w A= bh cl = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C = 2,rr
B "
V = t wh
V E:}, @
V = ,rr 2h V = 1,rrJ
4 &
V =½1rr2h V=
t wh
For mu lti pl e-choice questi on s, solve each prob lem, choose the correct
answer from the choices provided , and then circle your answer in this
book . Circle only one answer for each question . If you change your mind,
comp letely erase the circle. You will not get credit for questions with more
than one answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.
For stude nt-p rod uced res ponse question s, solve each problem and write
your answer next to or under the question in the test book as described
below .
Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly . You will not receive
credit for anything written outside the circle, or for any questions with
more than one circled answer.
• If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one
Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to
6 characters (including the negat ive sign) for a negative answer, but no
more .
• If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over S characters for positive, 6
characters for negative), write the decimal equiva lent.
• If your answer is a decima l that is too long (over S characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), truncate it or round at the fourth digit.
• If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3.!. 2 ), write it as an improper
fraction (7/2) or its decima l equivalent (3.5).
• Don't inclu de symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in
your circled answer .
sin(90- x)0
3 D) - tanx
C) -2x +y = -
3 . JO 0 JO
D) 3x- - y= l
y= 2x'+ 6x+ 5
y= - 2x' - 6x+5
D) y= - 2x'+6x+5
Ill Ill
If triangle ABO is a right triangle, what is the The volume of sphere A is 27 times that of sphere
value of sin CAD? B. If sphere B has a radius of 4cm, what is the
radius of sphere A?
D) 0.86
Which of the following expressions is equivalent
to 7wp(2w + 5)'
A) l4w'p + 35
- What is the least possible integer value of x for the
inequality below'
B) l4w'p + 35wp
-16' > 2'
C) 14w' + 35p 4'
D) 9w'p + 35pw A) 3
B) 4
C) 2
D) 0
Ill 1111
Given that 3(ax - b) + 4(bx - a)= x - 6, what is Thirty students are required to pay a total of p
the value of a? dollars for a field trip. lf28 students paid before
the day of the trip, how much was already paid in
A) 28p
Ill B)
What is the volume of a cone with a radius of
C) 30p
12cm and a height 6 more than its radius?
D) .L
A) 2,160,r 30
B) 864rr
C) 1,080,r
D) 960rr
D) 25
If the circumferenceof a circle is 20n, what is
the value of the angle that is subtended by an arc
length of 3rr?
Which of the choices below is a possible value of x
for the given linear inequality'
- 3(x + 2) < 2(x - 8)
BJ 2
C) 0
D) 3
"'0 !l
-=.. !0 !l0
; "'0 !l
.,,= 'ij
0 ..
ri .,, u >- - .,,= 'ij
0 ..
>- -
.. -t
:£ 8
u- ::... - 0
V Cl
>- -
.. -t
:£ 8
I. B I. D I. A I. C
2. A 2. D 2. C 2. B
3. A 3. B 3. 2 3. 10
4. C 4. A 4. D 4. B
5. D 5. B 5. A 5. C
6. B 6. B 6. 13 6. B
7. A 7. B 7. A 7. I
8. A 8. D 8. C 8. B
9. A 9. B 9. C 9. D
JO. D IO. B 10. -5 10. 70
11. C II. C 11. C 11. A
12. B 12. A 12. D 12. B
13. D 13. B 13. A 13. 12
14. D 14. D 14. 41 14. C
I S. D 15. A 15. D 15. B
16. D 16. A 16. A 16. 3
I 7. D I 7. C 17. JO 17. B
18. B 18. A 18. B 18. A
19. D 19. B 19. B 19. 54
20. C 20. A 20. 4 20. B
21. D 21. B 21. D 21. C
22. B 22. A 22. B 22. D
23. B 23. D
24. B 24. A
25. B 25. C
26. D 26. B
27. D 27. A
s.rom 365
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
to forcing someone to comply with laws or rules. so." Therefore, Levin felt "inferior '' or "too low" to
Choice B refers to surre ndering or yielding discuss an important topic.
something , but the charities were not surren dered
to anythi n g. Choke D is in correct beca use it Distractor Explanation; Choke A is incorrect
refers to giving power or recognition , not money. because the topic of the conversation ·with the
professor is not given ; the conversation about
agric ulture came "afterwards " or "late r," and was
5. Level: Hard I Doma in: CRAFT AND
presumab ly between Levin and his brother rather
than the professor . Choke C is incorrect because
Skill/Knowledge: Text Struc t ure and Purpose
there is no indication th at the conversation
about agriculture was an "obstacle '' or "'barrier "
Key Explanation: Choi ce D is the best answer .
that prevented Levin from getting married ; the
The fact that D'.Artagnan notices th at people turn
details could have related to anything agricultural.
around to look stresses th at he is very nervous
instead, the conversation was conducted in a tone
about appearing like an "embarrassed provincial. "
which made him feel like he shou ld bring up the
He realized that they saw through his fro nt and
topic at a different time . Choice Dis incor rect
"felt ridicu lous." By mentioning th e fact that he
because there is no indication that Levin and his
saw th em , it is clear to the reader why his "very
brother "freq uently " or "often" disagreed about
good o pin ion of himself " changed.
agric ulture. In fact, they might not have disag reed
in this case, either. The brother just talked in a
Distractor Explanat ions: Choice A is inco rrect
"patronizing " or "belittling " way.
because there is no conflict in the text. Choice 8
is incorrect because a "tem poral change " is a shift
in time , but the time sequence rema ins consistent. 7. Level: Easy I Domain: CRAFT AN D
Choice C is incorrect because the reader has STRUCTURE
no idea what th e scene really is; one knows Skill/Knowledge: Cross - Text Connections
D'Artagnan is walking by a group of people, but
there is no clue how many or where they are. Key Exp lanation: Choice A is the best answer
because Text I describes the "first public tasting
of c ultured meat" in 20 13, and Text 2 explains the
6. Level: Medium I Domain: CRAFT AN D
"later development " or "thing which occurred
afterwards " by saying th at the "first sales occurred
Skill/Knowledge: Text Struct ure and Purp ose
in December 2020."
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 367
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
to build a house for her family. "Thrift " refers to "fed the same flock," meaning that they worked
the ability to manage money well, so accurately together . The friendship is established but there is
describes Electra. no indication of mourning or sorrow. Choice D
refers to fame , not to friendship or sorrow , so is
Distractor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect
incor rect.
because the text points out that Electra had more
money than her husband to begin with, but since
she is saving increasing amo un ts after they got 12. Level: Easy I Doma in: INFORMA TION AND
married . he is at least capable of earning money. IDEAS
It is possible he is also saving more on his own, Skill/Know ledge: Command of Evidence
too. Choke B is the opposite of the correct (Textual)
answer. The text says that they were romantic, but
"practical ,. refers to making good decisions abo ut Key Explanation: Choice B is th e best answer.
"'Selective disobedience " is defined as a situation
everyday life, and the couple save enough for a
nice house. Choke C is incorrect because there is where the dog refuses to do something that the
no indication that Saladin is "taking advantagl ' or owner orders but which might hur t the dog or the
"using" Electra 's money ; s he is saving the money owner. Choice 8 gives just such a situation: if the
he earned, so he is cont ribu ting to the family dog leads the owner onto the street , then the dog,
14. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMAT IO N AND may collapse. Therefore, a total collapse is more
likely than if the system is random . Choic.e B is
Skill/Knowledge: Inferences incorrect because it refers to the situation in the
neutral theory , not the biodiversity stabilization
theory. Choke C is incorrect because the
s.rom 369
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
stabilization theory proposes that the number of 18. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
species remains about the same. It is implied that ENGLISH CONVENT IO NS
the rate of addition and extinction would therefore Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure , and Sense
be about the same.
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer.
"First performed in England in 1984" is a modifier
16. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
that desc ribes Starlight Express, so it needs to
be followed by the noun it modifies. Choice D
Skill/Knowledge: Form, Structure , and Sense
correctly puts the parts of the sentence in order
with Starlight Expressat the start of the main
Key Explanation: Choice D is th e best answer
because it is a passive past perfect form. That
form shows that something else did the act of
Distractor Explanation: All of the oth er choices
destroying to the subject; in this case, the arsonist
can be eliminated because "First performed in
destroyed th e pavilion.
England in 1984" illogically refers to a person
rath er than the musical 8 In Choice A, the
Distractor Explanat ion: Choice A is incorrect
modifier refers to both Stilgoe and Webber. In
because it is an active form, but the pavilion did
Choice B. it refers to Stilgoe. and in Choice Cit
not do the act of destroying, the arsonist did.
refers to Webber.
Choice B is incorrect because "'despite" should
not be followed by a clause with a noun and verb.
Choice C is incorrect because "despite" should not 19. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
be followed by an infinitive verb. ENGLISH CONVENT IO NS
Skill/Knowledge: Form , Structure , and Sense
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 371
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module 1
cause the longer life. Choice B therefore effectively 25. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
shows that there is doubt related to the first claim. Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
Distractor Exp lanation: None of the other Key Exp lanation: Choice D is the best answer
choices accurately s how that the tone changes because it is used to introduce the result of a
between sentences. Choice A is used to s how the series of events . In this context, Choice D aptly
result of the first claim , not to s how an exception. introduces the result of intimidating the natives
Choke C is used to emphasize the first point because Columbus was worrie d that the natives
with supporting information. Choice D is used to might harm his crew or stop providing food If
highlight a common idea between two concepts they were intimidated. they would continue giving
that are related necessary supplies without rebelling.
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 373
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
I. Level: Medium! Domain: CRAFT AND 3. Level: Hard I Domain: CRAFT AND
Skill/Knowledge: Words in Context Skill/Knowledge: Words in Context
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer Key Explanation: Choice B is the best answe r.
bee.a.usethe blank portion shows what "Donovan " "'Adroitness " means "'skill" or "talent," so shows
did to "childcare ." Choice D refers to a great th at the composition "'exemplifies " or "stands as
change or improvement , so fits the context of a model of" the artist's ability to manipulate or
saying that disposable diapers completely changed cont rol color.
the way children could be raised .
Distractor Explanation: None of the oth er
Distractor Explanations: None of the other ch oices adequately explain what th e manipulation
choices accurately show what "'Donovan" did to of subtle colors refers to. Choice A refers to th e
"child care." Choice A refers to putting something state of being easily harmed by something, but
back together, but childcare has not been damaged Whistler was not harmed by the colors. Choice C
or fallen apart from a better state. Choice B refers to an agreement to do something, such as
refers to changing the structure of an institution meet a person. Choice D refers to something that
or rearranging objects in a place, and Choice C dist racts from a serious activity.
refers to changing the name or identification of
4. Level: Medium I Domain: CRAFT AND
2. Level: Medium I Domain: CRAFT AND Skill/Knowledge: Text Structure and Purpose
Skill/Knowledge: Words in Context Key Explanation: Choice A is th e best answer
because "casting doubt" refers to showing that
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer something may not be true ; "'veracity" is "'truth."
The underlined word also has the same meaning:
bee.a.use"application " refers to the starting point
it shows that something is said but that there is
of the salt stress. Choice D refers to the carrying
doubt abo ut whether the claim is true or not The
out of a course of action, so aptly shows that claim is that Knight created the Lassie characte r,
the number of days from the action of creating but the following sentence shows there is doubt:
stress until the appearance of the first flowers was Gaskell wrote abo ut such a character almost a
recorded . centu ry earlier. In other words, the underlined
portion indicates that th e author feels that maybe
Distractor Explanation: None of the oth er Gaskell was the c reator and not Knight , as othe rs
said .
choices fits the context of indicating when the salt
process began. Choice A refers to "meaning' or
Distractor Explanations: Choice 8 is incorrect
"'importance . Choke 8 refers to putting in hard
bee.a.usethe underlined portion does not
effort over a long period. Choice C refers to asking "'question" or "'cast doubt" on the idea th at
for something. the stories have a lot in common; instead , the
underlined portion emp hasizes th at they are
simila r by hinting that maybe Knight copied
s.rom 375
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
be the state, so running away would not protect because the text does not say which country
the slave from th e laws of that state. Nabongo was born in; the fact that she is
Ugandan - American could mean she was born
in the U.S. to Ugandan parents . Choke C is
8. Level: Easy I Domain: INFORMA TION AND
incorrect because there is no indication of which
orde r Nabongo visited the locations . Choice D is
Skill/Know ledge: Cent ral Ideas and Details
incorrect because the text does not give Nabongo's
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer opinion just of the Seychelles, only of her trave ls
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 377
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
14. Level: Medium I Domain: INFORMATION AND 16. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
Skill/Know ledge: Inferences Skill/Knowledge: Form . Structure, and Sense
Key Explanation: Choice D is the best answer Key Exp lanation: Choice A is the best answer.
bee.a.usethe text refers to trouble that was "not The underlined portion is one item in a list joined
alone for himself, but for every tide - water dog." by "and," and such lists need to have the same
Therefore . Buck probably considers himself to be
grammatical structure in each item. The first two
a "'tide - water dog." It is clear he is strong, because
items are infinitive verbs that follow "to'' and show
the text calls these dogs "strong of muscle and
with warm, long hair" and ends by saying that the purpose of the dam: "control' ' and "inc rease."
the men wanted dogs that were «heavy dogs, with Choice A maintains the same struct ure ·with the
strong muscles by which to toil, and furry coats to infinitive "generate."
protect them from the frost."
Distractor Explanation: All of the other choices
Distractor Exp lanations: Choice A is not are incorrect beca use they are not parallel with the
supported by the passage because there is other items in the list joined by "and ." Choice B
reference to steams hip s as being currently in
includes the noun "it." Choice C changes the orde r
the news, but Buck does not know the news.
of the words into a clause, and Choice D repea ts
Therefore . he has yet to know about going to the
north on a ship. Choice B is incorrect because "to;' which is not repeated ·with "inc rease wate r
finding "yellow metal "- presumably gold in storage."
Alaska- is something that is in the news that
Buck does not know about. Choice C is incorrect
17. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
bee.a.usethe text appears to be written from a dogS
point of view, as Buck considers himself part of CONVENT IONS
"every tide - water dog." Skill/Knowledge: Form . Structure, and Sense
parallel list with the adjectives preceding "and• C is incorrect because "like stegosaurs and
Choice B is a complete clause. Choices C and D tyrannosaurs " could be separated from "'species "
and the main sentence with commas at both ends ,
contain verbs.
but in that case, there should be no comma after
"stegosaurs .• Two nouns joined by "and " should
19. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH not be separated with punctuation. Choice D
CONVENT IONS is incorrect because a colon needs to follow a
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
complete sentence , but the preceding portion has
no verb to go with "species."
Key Explana ti on: Choice A is the best answer
because parenthetical information should be
considered part of the word it refers to in the 21. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
sentence and the punctuation should follow the CONVENTIONS
regular punctuation of that part of speech. In this Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
case) the facts in the parentheses describe the
subject "shichimi" , so should be considered part of Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer.
the subject. No commas are needed between the The portions before and after the underlined
subject and the following verb "is.• section are both able to stand on their own as
sentences ) so can be joined with a period or
Distractor Explanation: All of the other choices semicolon.
are incorrect bee.a.usethey include unnecessary
commas. In B and D, the commas separate the Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
noun from the parenthetical information that because it creates a run- on. Choice B is incorrect
describe it. In C and D, the commas divide the because it creates a comma splice. Choice D
is incorrect because "and" turns the follo·wing
subject and its verb.
portion into a dependent clause that cannot stand
on its own as a sentence.
20. Level: Easy I Domain: STANDARD ENGLISH
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries 22. Level: Medium I Domain: STANDARD
Skill/Knowledge: Boundaries
s.rom 379
I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
Key Explanation: Choice A is the best answer. something happened despite th e previous claim.
"Wha t is little known is that as the plans evolved Choice B is used to show the resu lt of the previous
over the sixteen years of construction" is a claim. Choke D is used to point out a similarity
modifier separate from the main idea, "a ramp between two different examp les.
was eliminated ." Additional information needs to
be divided from the main clause with a comma ,
24. Level: Easy I Domain: EXPRESSION OF IDEAS
as indicated by the comma after "construction. " A
Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
comma should also folJow "smaller " because it is
part of a series of adjectives modifying the verb Key Exp lanation: Choice B is th e best answer
"ram p." because it is used to show that the follo·wing
thing comes chronologically afte r the previous
Distractor Exp lanation: None of the other
discussion. It fits the context of showing that
choices correctly divides the sentence . Chokes
Gandhi used civil disobedience in the 1920s and
B, c. and D do not have the comma afte r
King used it in the 1960s.
"construction "' that is necessary to identify where
the modifier ends and the main clause starts. Distractor Explanation: Choice A is incorrect
Choice B includes an unne cessary comma after because it is used to introduce th e results of
"ram p," separating that noun from its verb. "was an argument, but the fact th at King used civil
eliminated." The comma after "steeper" in Choice disobedience does not necessarily follow from the
C is possible if "much steeper" is used to add points that Thoreau wrote about it and Gand h i
desc ription to the word "'smaller; · but there is still practiced it. Choice C is incorrect because it is
a comma lacking after "construction. " Choice D is used to give an example. While the following
mis.sing all punctuation . portion is an examp le of civil disobedience. it is
not an examp le of th e previous sentence. Gandhi's
23. Level: Medium I Domain: EXPRESSION OF use of the techniq ue. Therefore, the transition
IDEAS is misplaced at this point. Choice D shows that
Skill/Know ledge: Transitions something happens despite something else.
However, King's use of civil disobedience did not
Key Explanation: Choice C is the best answer necessarily happen because Gandhi used it; King
because it is used to give a detail related to a might have drawn some inspiration from the
previo us claim. In the context, the general idea previous event.
of rigorous training is expanded upon with an
example of one form of such rigorous t raining: the
25. Level: Medium I Doma in: EXPRESSION OF
dog needs to learn to alert the ovmer in a special
circumstance .
Skill/Knowledge: Transitions
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I READING AND WRITING Answers & Explanations Module2
Key Exp lan ati on: Choke A is correct . The initial Key Explanation: To solve for this quadratic
value of the land is $47,890, which increases by equation, use the quadratic formula
2% every year. This suggests that the function -b ±.Jb' -4nc
is exponential growth . The exponential growth 2n
formula isftx) =n(l + r)' where a is the initial where n =3, b =- 6 and c =- 21.
value. r is the growth rate and xis the time. In Substituting the given values yields
this situation, n =47,890, r =0.02, and x =t.
-(-6) ± -4(3)(-21) 6 ± -./m
Substituting these values to the formula yields fix) X= or x=
2(3) 6
=47,890(1.02) '. Making A the correct option.
. t·fyi
Simp 1 ng th e equation
. yte
' Ids x = -- or
Distrac .tor Explanations: Choices B and D are 6
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 383
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
Distractor Exp lanati ons: Choke A is incorrect. x> - 10
This is the value of x or the width of the rectangle. Hence, - IO< x < 4. The integers between - 10 and
Choice B is incorrect and may result from a 4 are - 9, - 8) - 7, - 6, - 5, - 4, - 3, - 2, - 1, o. t. 2 and
conceptual or calculation error. 3.
Choke C is incorrect. This is the difference Therefore. there are 13 integer solutions in the
between the length and the width of the rectangle . given inequality.
Key Explanatio n: Choice A is correct. Solve for Key Explanati on: Choice A is correct.
x first in the given equation 7x + 14 =7.
Substituting .!. to the given equation yields
Subtracting 14 from both sides of the equation 3
yields 7x =7 - 14 or 7x =- 7. Dividing both sides
of the equation by 7 yields x =- 1. The equivalent p ( ½) = { ¾},! =8;=~=2
equation will also have the same value of x. Solve
the value of x in choice A by subtracting 6 from Therefore, p ( ½) =2.
both sides of the equation which yields 3x =3 - 6
or 3x = - 3. Dividing both sides of the equation by Distractor Explanations: Choice B is incorrect.
3 yields x =- 1. Therefore, 3x + 6 =3 is equal to This option may be a result of findingp(3) . Choice
7x + 14 =7. C is incorrect and may result from solving the
Key Explanati on: Choice D is correct The 12. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
median in a box and whisker plot is represented Skill/Knowledge: Equivalent expressions I
by the line in the box (interquartile range). From Testing point: Using the difference of two squared
the above, Date Set A has a median of data set B with binomial expressions
has a greater median compared to data set A.
Key Explanation; Choice D is correct. Rewriting
Distractor Explanations: Choice A and Choice
the expression (x+ (x- yields
B are incorrect The mean and number of data
or frequency cannot be found from a box and Using(a + b) (a - b) =a' - b'
whisker plot representation. Choice C is incorrect. yields
This statement is false. [<x+ Simplifying
the radicals yields (x' - 2)'. Expanding th e
expression yields x' - 4x' + 4.
JO. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear equations in one
Distractor Explanations: A, 8 , and C
variable and systems of equations in two variables
are incorrect and may result from a conceptual or
Testing point: Finding the vertex of a parabola
calculation error
through a transformation
Key Exp lanat ion: The vertex of/(x) is ( - 2, 5). 13. Level: Easy I Domain: ALGEBRA
Translating th e parabola 3 units to the left and 1 Skill/Knowledge: Linear functions I Testing
unit up would result in (- 5, 6), which is the vertex point: Finding the equation of a line from a grap h
of g(x).
Therefore, th e value of Ii is - 5. Key Explanation: Choic.e A is correct. The grap h
decreases from left to right. This means that the
line has a negative slope . Looking at the,
11. Level: Easy I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLVING
only Choice A has a negative slope of - 4.85.
Skill/Knowledge: Two- variable data: models and
The refore, y =231 - 4.85x is th e equation of the
scatte rplots I Testing point: Using the line of best
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module 1
Distractor Exp lanati ons: Chokes B, C, and D are
incorrect. These equations have positive values of
.1 I
G irls Boys
On the track 3
6 -x20= 12
team 5 • 0
Not on the 3
- x24 = 18 8
track 4 However, the second inequality states that y - l,
24 20 making - I the least value of y.
From the table, the number of students on the
track team would be 6 + 12 = 18 out of the 44 Distractor Explanations: Choices A and Care
students . In percentage form this would be incorrect. These are solutions to the system .
18 However, they are not the least value of y. Choice
- x 100= 40.909% or4I % rounded off to the
44 B is incorrect. The option is not part of the
nearest whole number. solutions of the system.
Key Explanati on: The system of equations above Key Explanation: Choic.e B is correct. A system of
can be solved either by substitution or elimination. equations with no solutions means that the lines
Using elimination method, the l" equation is are parallel. They have the same slope but different
multiplied by 2 which yields 2(3y - 2x =6) or 6y - y intercepts . Using distrib utive property yields
4x = 12. 8
3x+5---8= px+4
Subtract the two equations yields y =4. 3x
Substituting the value of y to the first equation Simplifying the left side of the equation yields
yields 3(4) - 2x =6 or 12 - 2x =6.
x - 3 =px + 4. Matching the coefficients of x yields
Adding 2x and subtracting 6 from both sides of
the equation yields 12 - 6 =2x or 6 =2x.
p= 3·
Dividing both sides of the equation by 2 yields
3 =xor x= 3. Distractor Explanations: A, C and D are
Therefore , 2x + y is 2(3) + 4 =6 + 4 = IO. incorrect These options would result in having a
system of equations with one solution.
Key Explanati on: Choice B is correct. From the Key Explanation: A system of equations with
53 infinite solutions are equations of the same line
survey, of the students surveyed are in favorof
97 and have both the same slope and y- intercept.
changing the school un iform. This means that 97 Using distributive property yields 5x - 10 + x + 3
- 53 =44 or 44 of97 students are not in favor of =kx - 2k+2x+ I.
changing the school un iform. To approximate the Combining and grouping like terms yields 6x - 7
number of students in school that are not in favor =(kx + 2x) + (- 2k + I).
44 Matching the constants yields - 7 =- 2k + I.
ofthe change would be - x2,300= 1,043.
97 Adding 7 and 2k to both sides of the equation
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 389
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
Key Explanation: Choice B is correct. Converting Key Explanation: Choice B is correct. A system of
the tangent function to sine and cosine functions equations with no solution are systems that have
. sin(90-x) 0 • parallel lines and therefore have the san,e slope
)'lelds tan(90- x )0 = --'-----'-- 0 .Smee the
c.os(90- x ) and different y - infercepts. To find the slope and y -
sine of an angle is equal to the cosine of its intercept of the given equation) the equation has to
complementary angle and vice versa, be in the slope- intercept fonn y = mx + c.
sin x =cos (90 - x) and cos x =sin (90 - x). Subtracting - 6x from the equation yields
Substituting the equivalent identities yields - 3y = -6x + 2. Dividing - 3 from both sides of the
tan(90- x) =-- . Therefore, the correct answer equation yields y =2x - ! . The slope is 2 and the
sinx 3
is Choice B. . . 2
y - mtercept 1s - - .
Distractor Exp lanations: Choices A and C
Rewriting Choice C in slope intercept form
are incorrect and may result from solving the
yields y =2x + 4. Since it has the same slope and
equivalent identity of tan x and - - respectively. different y - intercept with the given line, both lines
are parallel and will have no solutions.
Choice D is incorrect and may result from solving
the equivalent identity of tan (- x) .
Distractor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect.
5. Level: Easy I Doma in: ALGEBRA The line has a different slope of ! , which makes
Skill/Know ledge: Linear functions I Testing 3
point: Meaning in context in linear equation the system have one solution. Choices C and D
are incor rect. Both lines have a slope of 2 and y-
Key Explanation: Choice C is correct. Alina earns
an interest monthly based on her deposit. This intercept is - which is the same as the given line.
makes the model equation for her savings account
Hence, both lines are collinear which makes the
linear. 7.684 in this context, is the amount of
system have infinite solutions.
interest she earns monthly which can be obtained
by multiplying the interest rate with the principal
an1ount. This yields ( 6.8% x 113) =7.6&4. Thus 7. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH
making option C correct. Skill/Knowledge: Nonlinear functions I Testing
point: Solving for p(x) given x in a quadratic
Distractor Explanations: Choice A is incorrect.
The amount of interest earned after t months
would be represented by 7.6&4f. Choice B is
Key Explanation: To find p(2), substitute 2 in
incorrect. The total amount in the account after
place of x. This yields p(2) =2(2)' - 6(2) + 5.
I months would be represented by the function
Simplifying the equation yields p(2) =8 - 12 + 5
A(I). Choic.e D is inco rrect. The interest earned
or p(2) = I.
pe r year is S92.208.
9. Level: Easy I Domain: ADVANCED MATH Subtracting 80 from both sides of the equation
point; Determining a quadratic equation from its Dividing both si des of the equation by 4 yields
graph X= 70°.
choice D yields 1 i.
; ) or Therefore , Choice D
BD is th e hypotenuse for t riang le ABD which
can be calc ulated using Pythago rean Theorem
a' + b' =c' , where a and b are the legs and c is
is the correct answer.
the hypoten use of th e right triangle. Applying
www.vibrantpublishers.rom 391
I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
this to triangle ABD yields AB' + AD'= BD' . 14. Level: Hard I Domain: PROBLEM-SOLVING
Substituti n g th e values of AB and AD yields AND DATA ANALYSIS
10' + 24' = BD'. Simplifying the left side of th e Skill/Knowledge: Probability and conditional
equation yields 676 = BD'. Getting th e square root probability I Testing point: Calculating
of both sides of the equation yields ./676 = BD probabilities
or 26 = BD. Substituting the value of AD and BD
Key Exp lanation: Choice C is correct
AD 24
to sin CAD= - yieldssin CAD= - or sin Rain No rain
BD 26
Monday 43% 57%
CAD=- . Thursday 86% 14%
Probability is equal to one or 100% ( if in
Distractor Exp lanations: Choke B is incorrect. percentage form) , therefore the chance that it
This option is the value of tan CAD. Choi«: C is won't rain on Monday will be 100% - 43% = 57%.
incorrect. This option is the value of cos CAD. Since it is twice as likely to rain on Thursday
Choice D is incorrect. This option is the value of than on Monday, the chance that it will rain on
tan CDA. Thursday will be 2(43 %) = 86%. Hence , the chance
that it would not rain on Thursday is 100% - 86%
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I MATH Answers & Explanations Module2
20. Level: Easy I Domain: PROBLEM SOLVING 22. Level: Medium I Domain: ALGEBRA
AND DATA ANALYSIS Skill/Knowledge: Linear inequalities in one or
Skill/Know ledge: Ratios, rates, proportional two variables I Testing point: Solving for a linear
relationships , and units I Testing point: Using inequality
inverse proportions
Key Explanation : Choice D is correct. Using
Key Explanation: Choice B is correct The distributive prope rty yields - 3x - 6 < 2x - 16.
Adding 6 and subtracting 2x from both sides of
price per student would be "iij.If 28 students the inequality yields - 3x - 6 - 2x + 6 < 2x - 16
paid before the day of the trip, then this can be + 6 - 2x - Sx < - 10. Dividing both sides of the
p 28p 14 inequality by - 5 yields x > 2. Since 3 is greater
repr esented by - x 28 = - or - .
30 30 !Sp than 2, it is the correct answer.
Distractor Explanations: Choices A and Care Distractor Explanations: Choices A, B and Care
incorrect and may result from assuming that p is incorrect. These values are less than or equal to 2.
the price per student. Choice D is incorrect and
may result from solving the price per student.