Microbiology LMR DR Salman General Microbiology
Microbiology LMR DR Salman General Microbiology
Microbiology LMR DR Salman General Microbiology
Tumbling motility: Listeria
Gliding motility: Mycoplasma
Swarming motility: Proteus
Darting motility: Vibrio cholera (shooting star also), Campylobacter jejuni
Stately motility: Clostridium
Cork- screw motility: Spirochetes
Falling leaf motility: Giardia
Exotoxin Endotoxin
Exotoxin are protein toxin Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
Secreted by gram ve & +ve Secreted by gram ve bacteria only
Secreted outside cell wall Structural components of OM of cell wall, released only when cell is dead or during lysis
Heat labile Heat stable
Immunogenic can be toxoided Not Immunogenic
Mechanism of toxins:
Protein synthesis : Diptheria, Pseudomonas, Shigella, EHEC
Neurotoxins: C. tetani & C. botulinum
C-AMP inducers: Cholera, Anthracis, ETEC, Pertussis
Cytotoxins: St. Aureus, C.perfringens
Superantigens: St. Aureus, Str.Pyogenes
Dry Heat (Hot air oven): Holding temp: 160C for 2 hours
Materials sterilized:
Glassware- syringes, petri dish, flask, test tubes
Surgical instruments- scapels, scissors, forceps
Chemical-liquid parrafin, gycerol etc
Sterilization control- Nontoxic C.tetani, B.subtilis
Based on morphology:
Yeast is single celled. Ex: Cryptococcus neoformans, Saccharomyces
Yeast like contains pseudohyphae. Ex: Candida albicans
Moulds have branching filaments called hyphae. Ex: Dermatophytes, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Mucor, and Penicillium
Dimorphic fungi exist in 2 forms. Yeast like in tissues [370 C] & Filamentous forms in soil & culture [250C] Ex:
Histoplasma capsulatum, Sporothrix schenckii, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidiodis immitis, Paracoccidiodis
brasiliensis, Penicillium
Direct examination: Wet mount (10% KOH/LPCB), Gram stain, India Ink preparation, PAS, H&E, GMS
Fungal infections
Pityriasis versicolor/Tinea Versicolor:
Caused by Malassezia furfur
KOH staining shows characteristic sphegetti & meat balls/ banana & grape appearance
Presents as swelling of foot, with sinuses discharging pus that contains granules
Actinomycotic/Bacterial (Actinomadurae, Nocardia)
Eumycotic/Fungal (Fusarium, Acremonium, Madurella species)
Botryomycosis mimics mycetoma caused by S.Aureus
Dx: Diagnosis is made from examination of granules
Eumycotic: black-brown (madurella), white (Fusarium, Acremonium)
Actinomycotic: white-yellow except Actinomadurae pelletri (red)
By Dematiaceae group (dark pigmented fungi) Ex: Phialophora, Cladophialophora
It causes Verrucous type lesions
Dx: On H&E: show Sclerotic/Medlar bodies that has Copper penny or Muriform appearance
C.albicans (MC), C.krusei, auris are resistant to conazoles
Predisposing factors: Diabetes, AIDS, Pregnancy, Infants & elderly, prolonged administration of antibiotics,
patients on immunosuppressive drugs
o Pse
o Chlamydospore formation on corn meal agar
o -D-glucan assay
Acquired by contaminated soil from pigeon droppings
Meningitis in AIDS patients
India ink staining (negative staining)/Nigrosin stain for the capsule
A.flavus- Aflatoxin, A.niger - Otomycosis
A.fumigatus - Allergic Broncho pulmonary aspergillosis [ABPA], Fungus ball/Aspergilloma, Otomycosis,
Dx: It shows septate hyphae with dichotomous branching (450 angle)
Mucormycosis / Zygomycosis:
Rhizopus (MC), Mucor, and Absidia are the common agents
Its angioinvasive tissue necrosis black colour
Predisposing factors: Diabetic ketoacidosis [DKA], Malignancies, Iron chelators, Steroids
It can cause ROCM (Rhino-orbital cerebral mucomycosis)
Dx: Broad aseptate ribbon like hyphae
Entamoeba histolytica:
Infective form is Quadrinucleate cyst by feco-oral route. Its causes amoebic dysentery
Classical lesion is inverted flask shaped ulcers with anchovy sauce
Giardia lamblia:
Transmission is by Quadrinucleate cysts through feco-oral route
It causes fatty foul smelling diarrhea and fat malabsorption (steatorrhea)
Trophozoite (tennis racket or tear drop shaped) or cysts in the stool for Dx, String/Entero test to demonstrate
trophozoites, Falling leaf motilityQ
Naegleria fowleri:
It causes Primary Ameobic meningoencephalitis which presents with high fever, altered smell. Often fatal
acquired while swimming in fresh water
Trichomonas vaginalis:
No cyst stage, only trophozoite which are sexually transmitted
It causes trichomoniasis with frothy vaginal discharge
Trophozoites with twitching/cork screw motility seen for Dx
Leishmania Donovani:
It causes Visceral Leishmaniasis or Kala azar which presents with Fever, Hepato-splenomegaly,
Hyperpigmentation, Pancytopenia, Hypergammaglobulinemia
Humans get infected with bite of a sandfly releasing promastigote forms that turns into amastigote forms in
human body and start replicating
Dx: Romanowosky stain, Novy-mcneal-nicolle media(NNN),
Compliment fixation test with WKK antigen, RK-39 antigen test by card method Q
Chopras antimony test/ Napiers aldehyde test for hypergammaglobulinemia
Montenegro skin test (Type IV HSN), LDQ bodies on biopsy
Trypanosoma Cruzi:
It causes Chagas diseaseQ (American trypanosomiasis) that presents with swelling around eyelid (Romana sign)
and Myocarditis, Megacolon, Megaesophagus, Chagoma (swelling at entry point)
Its transmitted by Reduviid bugQ (kissing bug) that transmits the trypomastigote forms
Dx is done with tryposmastigote forms in blood films
Trypanosoma Brucei: It causes sleeping sickness transmitted by tsetse fly (glossina species). It causes cervical
P. Vivax, P. Ovale, P. Falciparum Tertian fever
P. Malariae Quartan fever
P. Knowlesi Quotidian fever
Infective stage: Man: Sporozoite Mosquito: Gametocyte
Definitive host: Female anopheles mosquito Intermediate host: Human
Characteristics Vivax Falciparum
RBC Enlarged Not Enlarged
Accole forms Not seen Seen
Shape of gametocyte Circular/oval Banana/Crescent
Dots Maurer
Trophozoite Single large ring Multiple rings
It causes babesiosis which is hemolytic, malaria like disease
Giemsa stain shows maltese cross Q
Taenia saginata: Intermediate host - cattle, Def host- man
Transmission is by ingesting cysticercus in uncooked beef not by ingestion of eggs
Dx is by proglottids / eggs in faeces (hexacanthembryo)
Taenia solium: Intermediate host - Pig, Def host - man
Transmitted by ingesting uncooked pork containing cysticercus causing diarrhea
Cysticercosis: transmitted by ingesting eggs in contaminated food & water. It may develop to
Neurocysticercosis which is a very common cause of seizuresQ in India
Echinococcus granulosus (Dog tapeworm): Intermediate host Man, Def host - Dog
Acquired by ingestion of eggs
It causes Hydatid cyst disease. It can involve liver and lungs. Casonis test can be done for Dx
Transmission by eggs: Enterobius, Ascaris, Trichuris (Mnemonic EAT)
Transmission by penetration through foot, maturing in lungs: Strongyloides, Ancylostoma, Necator (Mnemonic SANd)
Wuchereria bancrofti:
L3 filariform larvae transmitted by Culex(mainly), Aedes, Anopheles mosquito
Filariasis: causes fever, lymphadenitis whereas Chronic causes QElephantiasis, Hydrocele
Dx Blood smear exam (collected at night d/t nocturnal periodicity). Examination of micofilarial tail tip Q (No
nuclei in Wuchereria, 2-3 terminal nuclei in Brugia malayi)
Size of viruses: Largest Pox (300 nm), Smallest Parvo (20 nm)
Viral structure: Nucleocapsid
DNA viruses- Herpes, HBV, Adeno, Papova, Parvo& Pox
RNA viruses others
All the RNA viruses are single stranded except Reoviruses
All the DNA viruses are double stranded except Parvoviruses
Non-Enveloped virus:
Alcohol resistant, heat stable
DNA Parvo, Adeno, Papova (PAP)
RNA Picorna, Astrovirus, Calcivirus, Reovirus
Properties HSV-1 HSV-2
Transmission Direct contact with mucosa/abraded skin Sexual/ Vertical mode
Latency Trigeminal ganglia Sacral ganglia
Clinical manifestations Herpes labialis (MC), Dendritic ulcer, Encephalitis (temporal lobe), Meningitis Genital lesions
Neonatal herpes
Varicella Zoster
Chicken pox Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Primary infection Reactivation of latent virus
MC site- spinal cord Trigeminal nerve (Opthalmic branch)
Generalized & bilateral Segmented & unilateral
Child > adult (severe) Old age
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Congenital: Hepatosplenomegaly, Petechiae, Microcephaly and Cerebral calcifications
Immunocompetent: Mononucleosis like syndrome
Immunocompromised: MC viral infection in organ transplant patients, In HIV it causes chorioretinitis
Molluscum contagiosum:
Presents as wart like lesions
Dx Molluscum/Henderson Paterson bodies intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions
Parvovirus B19
Smallest, naked, ss DNA virus
Diseases caused:
5th disease/ Erythema infectiosum- Slapped cheek appearance
Aplastic crisis in sickle cell anemia patients, Non-immune Hydrops fetalis
Orthomyxovirus (Influenza)
Influenza virus has ss-negative sense RNA virus (8 segments) that replicates in nucleus
It possess two glycoprotein antigens in the lipid envelope i.e HA (1-18) & NA (1-11)
Hemagglutinin It binds to mucin or sialic receptors on RBC causing clumping of RBC (Hemagglutination). It
facilitates viral entry
Neuraminidase Its sialidase enzyme that displaces HA from RBC reversing Hemagglutination k/a elution.
Facilitates viral release from infected cell surfaces
Parainfluenza virus: It s the MCC for croup (laryngotracheobronchitis)
Mumps virus: Inapparent infection>Parotitis>Orchitis is the MC presentation
MC HIV in India HIV-1 Group M, Subtype C
Env (gp 120,41), Pol (RT), Gag (P24)
Sexual transmission is the MC route and Blood transfusion is the least common route
o CD4 (500-200)
o CD4 (200) PCP, Toxoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis
o CD4 (50) MAC, CMV, Lymphoma
Recent H/O exposure or Window period P24 Ag detection (+ve by day 16)
Most sensitive test ELISA (4th gen) that can detect Antibodies against HIV-1 & HIV-2 and P24 Ag
Specific or confirmatory test Western blot
Best to determine viral load Detection of HIV RNA by NAAT(PCR)
In children HIV DNA by PCR
Rhinoviruses: It s the MCC of common cold
Dengue fever
-5), Aedes is the main vector
Pathogenesis: Primary dengue infection followed by secondary dengue infection due to Antibody dependant
enhancement (ADE)
Clinical manifestation:
Dengue (breakbone/saddleback/biphasic) fever High fever, Rash, Frontal headache, joint pains
Dengue hemorrhagic, Dengue shock syndrome
ELISA is the most recommended test with good sensitivity and specificity (IgM-5days, IgG- 14 days)
NS-1 Ag detection Advantage is early detection (1st day of fever), and high specificity
Japanese Encephalitis
Culex mosquito serves as a vector. Pigs serve as an amplifier hosts
Zika virus
Its ss RNA virus that belongs to Flaviviridae and related to other virus of same family like Dengue
Transmission: Aedes mosquito (MC), Mother to child, Sexual
Rabies virus
Structure: Has Nucleoprotein, Glycoprotein G Ag
Pathogenesis: Binds to Ach receptors and spreads to CNS via peripheral nerves
Sample: Hair follicles of nape of neck, Cornea
Test: DFAT (Nucleoprot Ag), PCR
Detect Negri bodies (Cerebellum-
Category Type of Exposure Management
I (No risk) Touching animal, Licks on intact skin No treatment needed
II (Minor risk) Minor abrasions without bleeding Local treatment
Rabies vaccine
III (Major risk) Bite with bleeding, Licks on abrasions, Bite by wild animals/bats Local treatment
Staphylococcus Epidermidis:
Normal Flora of skin. Coagulase ve, Novobiocin Sensitive. It produces a biofilm
MC pathogen causing endocarditis (prosthetic valves), infections in patients on catheters, cannula
Staphylococcus Saprophyticus:
It novobiocin resistance, Coagulase ve
It produces UTI in sexually active females
Staphylococcus Aureus:
Catalase (+), coagulase (+)
Its normal flora in the nose (MC site), Skin (MC route of spread is hands of healthcare workers)
Virulence: Prot A (Cowan-1 strain), Leucocidin (Panton-Valentine), Heat stable Nuclease or DNase
Diseases caused:
Org mediated: MCC of Acute endocarditis, Acute osteomyelitis, Pneumatocele, Skin & soft tissue infections
like Furuncles, Carbuncles, Boils, Bullous Impetigo, Surgical wound infection, Breast abcess, Mastitis and
Botryomycosis. It also causes Nosocomial pneumonia.
Toxin mediated: Food poisoning (Enterotoxin), TSS (Toxic shock syndrome toxin -TSST, Staphylococcal
scalded skin Syndrome (Exfoliative/Epidermolytic toxin)
Nutrient Agar- Golden yellow colonies, Blood Agar Beta hemolysis
Selective media Mannitol salt agar, Ludlams medium
Methicillin resistance Staph Aureus [MRSA] MRSA is d/t mutation in mec-A gene
For Dx of MRSA PCR for mec-A gene (best), Cefoxitin test >> Oxacillin test
Streptococcus Viridans:
Catalase ve, alpha hemolytic, optochin resistant, bile insoluble
Strep mutans causes dental caries(MC) & produces biofilm
Strep Virdans (sanguis) is MCC of sub acute bacterial endocarditis
Important species are E.faecalis (MC to cause infections), E.faecium (drug resitant)
It causes UTI, Endocarditis (Left sided-i.v drug abusers), Peritonitis etc
Enterococcus grows in 40% bile, grows in 6.5% Nacl, PYR +ve
Bile aesculin test+ve (hydrolyses aesculin-turns agar black)
Bacillus Anthracis:
Spore forming (non-bulging), aerobic bacillus.
Virulence factors: Capsule made of polypeptide [D-glutamate] & Toxin (made of 3 factors)
o Edema factor that acts by cyclic-AMP, Lethal factor causes cell death, Protective antigen
Anthrax types:
: Malignant Pustule: Painless black necrotic eschar
: Hemorrhagic pneumonia
Bamboo stick appearance, Medusa head colony, Christmas tree/Inverted fir tree appearance, String of pearl
Clostridum Tetani:
obligate anaerobe producing terminal spherical-drum stick appearance spores (Other Clostridiums
subterminal spores). Toxin: Tetanospasmin- inhibits the release of GABA/Glycine
Clostridium Botulinum:
Botox is coded by a prophage, acts by the release of Ach & is most potent bacterial toxin known
Clostridum Perfringens:
Gas Gangrene:
It caused by C.perfringens, C.Novyi, C.septicum
Its due to Alpha toxin (Lecithinase or Phospholipase C)
Dx: Stormy fermentation in milk media, ,
Reverse CAMP test +
Clostridium Difficile: Its responsible for antibiotic associated diarrhoea & pseudomembranous colitis
Pregnancy: leads to abortions or stillbirths
Meningitis (neonates, old age)
Differential motility: Show tumbling motility at 25° and non-motile at 37°
Anton test, CAMP and Catalase test +ve
Actinomyces Nocardia
Anaerobic Aerobic
Normal flora of Gingiva -
Cervicofacial (lumpy jaw), Brain abcess, Actinomycetoma Pneumonia, Brain abcess, Actinomycetoma
Gram+ branching filamentous, HPE: Sunray appearance Gram+ branching filamentous, Partially acid-fast
Mycobacterium Leprae ( :
Ridley & Jopling classification: TT, BT (MC in India), BB, BL, LL
Symptoms of leprosy are confined to skin & nerves. MC nerve involved is Ulnar and Cranial is Facial
Tuberculoid Leprosy (paucibacillary) Lepromatous leprosy (multibacillary)
Mild Severe
Strong CMI Weak CMI
Few lesions Multiple lesions
Lepromin test +ve Lepromin test -ve
o Smear microscopy: ZN staining show globi (cigar bundle appearance) that are present in macrophages k/a
Foamy cells
o Culture: not cultivable in artificial media, but can be inoculated into armadillos, footpad of mice
Neisseria meningitidis:
Virulence: Capsule, IgA protease, Secretes Endotoxin
Meningitis: Fever, chills, nuchal rigidity, rash*
Complication: Water-
Microscopy: lens shaped gram -ve diplococci, latex agglutination for capsule
Culture: CSF/Blood
o Blood / Chocolate agar
o Selective: Thayer-Martin or Modified New-York media
Biochemical: Oxidase +ve, Ferments maltose and glucose
Neisseria Gonorrhoea:
Virulence: Pili, IgA proteases, Outer membrane porins (OMP), Lipoligosaccharide (LOS)
Disease Caused:
Males: Urethritis (MC) Complication: Watercan Perineum
Females: Cervicitis (MC) Complication: Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome
Neonates: Opthalmia neonatorum
DGI (disseminated gonococcal infection): polyarthritis
Microscopy: kidney shaped gram -ve diplococci
o Chocolate agar, Mueller-Hinton agar
o Selective: Thayer-Martin or Modified New-York media
o Transport media Stuarts and Amies media
Biochemical: Oxidase +ve, Ferments glucose
Treponema Pallidum:
10:Chancre (Painless), 20: Condyloma latta, Rash (copper), 30: Tabes dorsalis, Aortitis, Gummas
Dx: Dark field microscopy: Corkscrew motility
Serology: detect Ab
Non-treponemal: VDRL (for Neurosyphilis), RPR
Treponemal: Sensitive - FTA-ABS, Specific TPHA, TPI
Jarish-Herxheimer reaction seen
Borellia burgdoferi -
Campylobacter Jejuni:
Transmission: Undercooked poultry. It requires low infectious dose and produces inflammatory diarrhea with
abdominal pain, fever and bloody stools
Extra-intestinal: Reactive arthritis and triggers Guillain-Barre syndrome
Dx: Gram staining: seagull wing appearance, darting motility. Transport media- Cary blair media
They are Catalase +ve, Oxidase ve, Motile (except Shigella,Yersinia, Klebsiella), Nitrate to nitrites, Ferment
Lactose fermenters Non- Lactose fermenters
Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Klebsiella Shigella, Yersinia (Non-motile, No H2S prod)
Proteus, Salmonella ( Motile, H2S prod)
Diseases caused by E.coli:
), Neonatal meningitis, Abscess, Peritonitis, Ventilator associated Pneumonia,
Scromboid fish poisoning, Diarrhea
Diarrheal strains:
EHEC (O157 H7): Verotoxin (shiga like) toxin blocks protein synthesis by binding to 60s ribosome and
require low infectious dose. Complications: Hemorrhagic colitis, Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Gram stain shows one bacilli/HPF indicative of UTI (Culture by CLED/Mac-Conkey is confirmatory)
Quantitative count by Kass criteria - 105 colonies/ml of urine is diagnosed as UTI
Klebsiella pneumonia -currant jelly sputum)
K.granulomatis (Calymmatobacterium granulomatis): Granuloma inguinale/venerum/Donovanosis which
presents with painless, beefy-red ulcer
They are gram ve, oxidase ve rods that ferment mannitol
MC Shigella worldwide is by Shigella sonnei (late lactose fermenter), in India its Shigella Flexneri
Most Severe Shigellosis is caused by Shigella Dysentery type 1.
Pathogenesis: It invades through M cells and requires low infectious dose. Shiga toxin is an exotoxin produced
by S.Dysenteriae type 1. It blocks protein synthesis by binding to 60s ribosome
Complications: HUS and HC, reactive arthritis
Dx: Transport media
Culture media (same for Shigella and Salmonella) are selective media like DCA (deoxycholate citrate agar),
XLD(Xylose lycine deoxychol), SS, HE(Hektoen Enteric) agar
Typhoidal Salmonella are is S.typhi and S.paratyphi A & B
MOT: F/O route, requires high infectious dose & invade through M cells & Vi Ag plays role in virulence. Risk
factor is gastric acid
Enteric Fever presents with Step-
1st week
2nd week- Agglutination test (Widal test)
3rd week- Stool culture
4th week- Urine culture (Wilson blair is the best media Jet black colonies seen)
Widal test (tube agglutination test):
o Ag is less immunogenic (O agglutinin titer >100) forms granular chalky clumps
o H Ag is more immunogenic (H agglutinin titer>200) forms fluffy cotton-wool clumps
Yersinia pestis:
Reservoir: Rodents. Transmission: bite of infected rat flea i.e Xenopsylla Cheopis
Bubonic Plague: MC plague characterized by regional bubos (MC inguinal LN)
Pneumonic Plague: It spreads from inhalation of bacilli from infected person/animals
Septicemic Plague:
Wayson/Methylene blue stain demonstrate bipolar staining
On blood agar forms Dark Brown colonies
On nutrient broth with Oil/Ghee shows Stalactite growth
Proteus mirablis,vulgaris:
It causes UTI with alkaline urine (Urease +ve) which precipitates to form struvite stones/staghorn calculi.
riteria for Dx of Bacterial vaginosis:
White-grey fluid discharge from the vagina
Vaginal discharge pH >4.5
Whiff Test: Fishy odor by addition of 10% KOH to vaginal sample
Clue cells- vaginal epithelial cells coated with bacilli
Vibrio Cholera:
Serogroups based on somatic O. O1 serogroup has 2 biotypes Classical and Eltor and 3 Serotypes namely
Ogawa, Inaba and Hikojima
Transmission is by f/o route and is toxin mediated, requires high infectious dose
Presents with sudden onset of painless non-inflammatory diarrhea with rice watery stools
Transport media Cary Blair or VR media
Gram staining shows comma shaped rods with darting/shooting star motility
Culture media- Alkaline bile salt agar (BSA), TCBS (best)
String test: Bile salt added to stool sample, when trying to lift with loop, string formation seen
Pseudomonas Aeroginosa:
Gram ve aerobic, oxidase +ve (change of color from white to blue), capsulated bacillus
Pseudomonas exotoxin A acts by inhibiting elongation factor EF II & inhibition of protein synthesis.
Diseases Caused:
MCC of
Ventilator associated pneumonia, Cystic fibrosis, Shanghai fever
Its catalase +ve so it causes infection in Chronic Granulomatous disease
Ecthyma Gangrenosum (black necrotic lesion seen in AIDS), MC infection in burn patients
-op patients
Green nail syndrome paronychia from prolonged submersion in water
It produces pyocyanin (blue), pyorubin(red), pyoverdine (yellow green) pigments
Selective media- Cetrimide agar