Gerstein 1969
Gerstein 1969
Gerstein 1969
(c) I'J c-
.- (d) Scanning Electron Microscopy
of Cells
Abstract. The scanning electron
energy-analyzing microscope uses char-
acteristic energy losses to provide pic-
ture contrast. At different levels of
I 0.5 sec energy loss particular structures are
-~0.5 sec distinguished with high contrast in an
Fig. 2. Joint PST scatter diagrams. Units in auditory cortex of unanesthetized cat
were 20-msec noise bursts, two per second, and are indicated by the dark bmars. (a)
trStimuli unstained section of a cell.
Units 1 and 3: strong vertical and horizontal bands represent the stimuluis-caused
activity of each unit individually. The different latencies, time courses, and fil ne struc- Electron microscopy of ultrathin
tures of the two responses are apparent. The narrow diagonal band represents a direct sections of biological tissue generally
excitatory interaction between the two neurons with a latency of 3 msec. TIrhe wide requires electron-opaque staining to
diagonal band of increased density in central and upper right portion is most Iplausibly obtain suitable contrast for detailed
attributed to a weak shared excitatory input. The absence of this wide diagonal
the lower left portion of scatter diagram indicates inhibition of the inferred common analysis. A heavy atom that selectively
source for some time after the stimulus. (b) Enlargement of lower left portior of (a); attaches to certain cell components
differences in vertical and horizontal structure of region of high density and variation (such as nuclei, mitochondria, and
of density along the thin diagonal band, presumably reflecting stimulus-related rreduction lysosomes) is typically used to stain the
of firing, are shown. (c) Units 2 and 3, same preparation. The wide diagoi ces. The specimen. The contrast provided by
again indicates that the stimulus inhibited shared input from nonstimulus sour such staining for examination with a
shared input reaches unit 3 after unit 2, in that the wide diagonal band lies atbove the
principal diagonal. There is no evidence for a direct synaptic connection. I(d) Two conventional electron microscope de-
-Purkinje cells in the vermis of anesthetized cat cerebellum during an auditory stimula- pends primarily on specimen density.
tion by clicks (one click per second). There are no significant vertical or h oraizontal An ideal mechanism for obtaining
features, indicating that these units did not respond to the stimulus. Multiple tdiwithal contrast would be one in which dif-
bands are visible and presumably represent shared input and time delays associi
parallel-fiber input (2). ferent structures could be shown suc-
830 SCIENCE, VOL. 164