Human Values and Environmental Studies
Human Values and Environmental Studies
Human Values and Environmental Studies
zo|3 03 01T C
Time: 1:30 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Instructions to the Examinee :
1. Do not open the booklet unless you are 1.
asked to do so.
It simplifies complex
situations (D) managing the risks and rewards of
short-term globalization
(B) Itfocuses exclusively on Which of the following is an example of an
gains environmental problem?
(C) It leads to narrow perspectives Climate change
(D) It considers the broader context "(B) Poverty
and long-term consequences (C) War
80. Which of the following is not a stage in the (D) Disease
decision-making process? 85 In amonopoly context, what is the dilemma
(A) ldentifying the problem associated with moving from a publictoa
(private organization?
(B) Implementing the decision
(A) Decreased control
(0) Ignoring the issue B) Increased competition
D) Evaluating the decision (C) Lack of customer trust
81. How does the Bhagavad Gita contribute to (D) Enhanced market share
techniques in management? 86 Which dilemma is associated with
(A) It provides recipes for cooking liberalization inthe business environment?
(A) Limited choices
" (B) It offers insights into strategic (B Increased requlation
decision making vO) Balancing opennessand
() It teaches dancing protectionism
It is a guide for
(D) (p) Ignoring global markets
(12 )
"What are the 17
Goals (SDGs)?
Sustainable Develbpment
The SDGs are 90, Which term is used to describe an economic
system that emphasizes minimizing waste
a set
goals adopted by the
of17 alobal and making the most of resources?
Nations in
and more 2015 to achieye Uni
ted (A) Linear economy
The SDGssustareainable future for all (B) Traditional economy
(B) Circular economy
poverty. protectingtoCUsed on (C)
the planet,ending (D) Capitalist economy
ensuring that all people enjoyand
peace and prosperity.
91 What is the purpose of Environmental Laws?
To protect the environment from
(C) The SDGs are a call to (A)
action for al harm caused by human activities.
countries to work together to (B) To regulate the use of natural
achieve these goals by.2030. resources.
D) AH of the above
To promote Sustainable
88. What is the role of the private sector in
achieving the SDGs? All of the above.
(A) The private sector has a critical role Which international agreement aims to
to play in achieving the SDGs by address climate change by limiting global
investing in sustainable solutions. temperature increase and enhancing the
(B) Businesses can adopt sustainable ability of countries to adapt to its impacts?
practices and develop innovative (A) Kyoto Protocol
products and serviçes that Montreal Protocol
contribute to the achievement of th
(C) Paris Agreement
(D) Basel Convention
(C) Collaboration between the public
and private sectors is essential for 93. Which of the following is not a measure o
achieving the SDGs. sustainable water management?
(A) Preventing leakage from dams and
(D) All of the above
89. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the
Reducing the rate of surface run-off
0Zone responsible for the absorption of UV (B)
(Ultra-Violet) light?
(C) Preventing loss in the municipal
(A) Stratosphere
Troposphere pipes.
Mesosphere (D) Building small reservoirs in place
None of these of a few mega projects.
(13 ) [PT.O]
phiosophy 98. According to Dr. Kalam, what is the role of
Swami teachers in shaping a student's future?
94. How does address
(A) Teachers are only responsible for
of characterbuilding
ISsues in management? leadershipand academic knowledge
responsiblebusinesspractices (B) Teachers should focus on discipline
(A) Encouragesempathy,compassion,
and punishment
(B) individuals C) Teachers play a crucial role in
for all
andrespect developmentand nurturing creativity, values, and
(C) personalresponsibility overalldevelopment
D) Teachers should leave character
(D) All of the above yalue
four levels of va building to parents
95. What are the 99.
implementation in organizations? The primary objective of Corporate Social
organizational,and Responsibility (CSR) is to:
(A) maximize shareholder's value and
ethical,and profits
(B) Personal, professional,
spiritual (B) fulfill the social obligations of
Short-term, mid-term, long-term, businesses and contribute to
and sustainable society
(D) All of the above. (C) comply with government
96. Which of the following is not a form of regulations and avoid penalties
corruption? (D) enhance the public image and
(A) Bribery reputation of companies
(B) Embezzlement 100. What is the difference between secular and
(C) Nepotism spiritual values?
Transparency Secular values are based on
97. Spiritual values in management emphasize reason and logic, while spiritual
the importance of. values are based on faith and belief.
(A) Self-knowledge and personal (B) Secular values are focused on the
development material word, while spiritual values
(B) Community and shared purpose are focused on the inner world.
among employees Secular values are concerned with
(C) (C)
Mindfulness and foCus on the the well-being of individuals, while
present moment
(D) spiritual values are concerned with
Material wealth and
SUCcess financial the well-being of all beings.
All of the above.
(14 )
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