the ruler of
Kalinga and his hereditary enemies, the Rashtrakutas.
I (892-922
Rashtrakuta ruler
AD)succeeded Vijayaditya II. He constantly
Krishna II, was defeated several times but,
strength Kirti Varman could not pay attention to his governors sapped thet
of againstthe
Fught succeeded in turning the Rashtrakutas out of his territories. But, the
provinces Among them, one Rashtrakuta governor
Dantidurga, assenorrtehdernhu,
independence, occupied large portionssof the kingdom of Kirti
ofthe Chalukyas weaknedthem very much and their empire
the foundation of the empire of the Rashtrakutas. Kirti Varman Varman and laig towards disintegration. Chalukya Bhima I was saceeded by Vijayaditya
the lost part of his kingdom after the death of Dantidurga buttried to nOved Amma I (922-929 AD), and Vijayaditya V, respectively.
Knshna 1. the successor of Dantidurga, snatched away even the recapt Insteuadre
failed. V(922 A.D.),
for fifteen days and was deposed from the throne by
rest of Vijaraditya ruled only Vardhana V. Fromthat time onwards, the rival princes
kingdom from him and, thus, destroyed the empire of the Chalukyas of Badamh, grandsonof Vishnu throne. Tala was
forever Tala,
Chalukyas fought against each other to capture theVwho himself ruled
ofthe just after a month by Vikramaditya throne, could rule
2 The Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi deposeddfrom thethrone lI, who deposed him from the
Pulakesin Ihad appointed his brother, Vishnu Vardhana, the r ontyabout 10 months. Bhima out of power by Yuddhamalla II who ruled
was sent
Pishtapura There he declared his independence, established the empire governorof thof for only eight months andthis time, the Rashtrakutas had become very powerful
castern Chalukyas and ruled between By
during 930-935 A.D.Yuddhamalla who ruled for
615-633 A.D. The first capital of the Pradesh. II was deposed by Bhima II,Badapa Tala II,
Eastern Chalukyas was Pishtapura. Then, it was transferred to the ancient cit in Andhra
followed Amma II (946-956
of Vengi and lastly to
Rajamahendri. Vishnu nearly twelve years. Then Choda-Bhima, respectively. Sakti
Jayasinha I (633-663 AD.), Indra Varman (663 Vardhana was succeeded hy
A.D.), Vishnu Vardhana I Amma II once more, Danarnava and
Choda-Bhima and captured VengiChalukyas
999 A.D. with the
Sarvalokasraya (672-696 A.D.), son of Danarnava, killed
after, the lost
(709 AD.), Vishnuvardhana IIIJayasinha II (696-709 A.D.), Kokuli Vikramadita Rajaraja I. Soon conflict
help of the Chola king the feudatory chiefs of the Cholas. Thus, the brought
AD) respectively. By this time, the(709-746 A.D.), and Vijayaditya I (746-764 independence and became princes
fratricidal wars among the royalthe tenth century
the Chalukyas of Badami. Rashtrakutas had destroyed the kingdom of against the Rashtrakutas and the
by the end of
During the reign of Vijayditya I, the the eastern Chalukyas
about the destruction of
destroy the kingdom of the Rashtrakutas
eastern Chalukyas started their attempts to
as well. It led to constant A.D.
between the Rashtrakutas and the fighting
Vijayaditya Iwas succeeded by hisEastern
son, Chalukyas.
Vishnu Vardhana IV who ruled during 3. The Later Chalukyas of Kalyan feudatories ofthe Rashtrakutas. During the
were the revolted, defeated
764-799 AD. In 769 A.D., the Kalyan
The Chalukyasof Karkka I,his Chalukya noble, Taila II,ofthe descendants
nowledge their suzerainty. In 799 Rashtrakutas defeated and
A.D., there ensued a struggleforced him to ack one
reign of Rashtrakuta kingdom ofthe Rashtrakutas. Indra,ancestors
I and his younger with the help
brother, for the throne of the between Govinda occupied the throne of his
Chalukyas supported the causeDhruva, Nim andRashtrakutas.attempted to
recover the Chalukaya
Gangas, but failed. Thus,remnants of
of Govinda II but The of the ruler of the
Dhruva When Dhruva captured his Govinda was defeated by Singh, the
of his uncle Mara the rule ofthe later Chalukyas of
Kalyan on the
brother, including the Chalukyas. throne, he decided to punish the allies of his Taila IIestablished
the Chedis
suzerainty of Dhruva. Vijyaditya IIVishnu Vardhana IV was forced to accept e the Rashtrakuta empire. commander. He defeated
and continued to rule up to 847 succeeded Vishnu Vardhana IV in 799 A.D. A.D) was a capable Parmara of Malwa
Taila II(993-997 and Orissa, the Chalukyas of Gujarat,Panchal Pradesh. He
kingdom was snatched away byA.D.hisexcept for a few years in between when ns the rulers of
Cholas. He conquered Lata
Rashtrakuta kingas Govinda I. Vijayaditya brother, Bhima, with the help of tne and king Uttam of the claimed to be the descendant of the Chalukyas
Rashtrakutas well for continuously JI fought against the Gangas and extended his
more revVIved
their glory.
A.D.) who, too, fought
succeeded too, but, in the end., the twelve years. In the he Badami, and onceof Taila Il was Satyasraya (997-1008
to accept his
suzerainty. Rashtrakuta ruler
I forced hin The
Parmara Sindhuraja attacked
his kingdom and recovered the
for Vijayaditya
II was succecded byhis The
son manybattles.
18 to 20 months and
died about 848 A.D.Vishnu Vardhana Vbut he only
Then Vijayaditya IIl, son ruled
of Vishnu
History of Ancient lndio ofSouth
territories which were wrested by Taila II from Munja. The first under the Chalukyas of Badami for nearly two hundred
theirlamily, nearlythe same period of time, under the Chalukyas of
IIalso defeated him. But, he defeated the Silaharas of northernKalachuri
Kokal a
andthen, for
probably, Chalukya Chammundaraja of Gujarat. However, his Konkan and AS,
Thus.the dynasty
ruled over an extensive area of south India for quite
was against Chola Rajaraja who attacked his kingdom. He was able Kahan
time. It produced many capable rulers both as military commanders and
Rajaraja and forced him to return to his country. Satyasraya was defcaby s administrators
long Many rulers ofthissdynasty fought against the mighty rulers
Vikramaditya V(1008-1014 A.D) and Ayyana Il (1014-1015, succecded
Nothing important could be achieved during their reigns. Then,
southand north India and succeeded many times.
They assumed high
Paramabhattaraka, etc., and governed their empire
Chalukyas atJayasi nha l|
ascended the throne in 1015 A.D. The Cholas and the like
uidles played animportant part in the politics of south
this dynasty
conquer the kingdom of the Chalukyas uring his time. Kalachuri tempted to uell.Thus,
Paramara Bhoja and Rajendra Chola formed a confederacy
simultaneous attacks on the Chalukya kingdom. But Jayasinha IIandsuccessfl
launchedGangayadeva, The
a long
forquiteChalukyas also helped
Chalukyas was
in the progress of south
Indian culture. The
economically prosperous andit had several
repulsed their attackS and kept intact the territories of his kingdom. kingdom of the external trade even with
the centres of internal and
Javasinha was succeeded by his son SomesvaraIwho ruled during 1043 ies and ports which were Chalukyasutilised this prosperity for
1068 AD. Somesvara Iconquered Konkan and
attacked Gujarat, south Kosala ountries outside India. Thefine arts.
and Kerala He also fought against the
Kalachuri development of literature and Hinduism. The Chalukyas performed
enemy was Chola Rajadhiraj. Rajadhiraj once ruler Karna. But his greatest
The Chalukyas were the followers of
texts were written or
rites and many religious in honour of Siva
capital, KaByan, but, ultimately, succeeded in conquering even his according to Vedic
temples also
many yajnas
the Cholas repulsed the attacks ofSomesvara killed Rajadhiraj in a battle. But. They constructed many They showed respect to other
Somesvara under the leadership of their new compiled during their rule. rulers.
Chalukyas were tolerant Maharashtra and Lerefore, the
king Rajendra II and finally,
succeeded in giving a crushing defeat to Somesvara and Vishnu. But the
Iin 1063 AD. Somesvara Iwas popular faith in south was given
religions. Jainism was a respect. The famous Jain scholar Ravikirti
and Vikramaditya VI (1076-1125succeeded Somesvara II (1068-1076 A.D)
by with Vikramaditya
Chalukyas treated it Vijayaditya and
Cholas continued during their time as well.respectively. The struggle with the in the court of
Pulakesin II.
was certainly on the
acapable commander, fought However, Vikramaditya VI proved ie highest honour villages to Jain scholars. Buddhism tolerance. The Chinese
many battles against his foes and also donated many the Chalukvas treated it with monasteries
kingdom. His empire extended from the extended his
river Narmada in the north ucCline in India but well established
iharas and
in the south He was
succeeded by Somesvara II (1126-1138to Mysore traveller, Hiuen Tsangkingdomfound many
of the Chalukvas. Even the Parsces
interference by others, in the
Jagadekamalla (1138-1151 AD.) and Taila II (1151-1156 A.D.) A.D.), uing his visit to the faith, without any
The kingdom of the Chalukyas was respectively. to settle down and practise this that flourished
primarily ue to internal revolts. Tailadestroved
during the reign of Taila ll Thana district of Bombay. painting and architecturecaves of Ajanta
the Chalukya Kumarapala and the succeeded in repelling the attacks O1 Among fine arts, primarily,
it was frescoes of thefresco-paintings
Chola Kulottunga IIbut failed tosuppress Some of the these
revolt of the KaB uyas of the under the patronage of
Chalukyas. One of court of
Telingana. Taila !!I was imprisoned by the
though, afterwa ts. released reign ofthe ambassador of Persia at the
from the prison. But the Kakatiyas, Were prepared during the
to the during the
temples constructed werebuilt under
prestige of the Chal kyas and
In 1156 A.D. the fev tatory encouraged other feudatory incident
destroyed he
to rise in revOt
exhibits the scene of welcome architecture. the temples
Pulakesin II. In the field ofthe progress oftheart. Manyofthistemple architecture
chief, Bijala of the Kalachuri dynasty
capturing the kingiom of the Chalukyas feature
after the death of Taila II.succeeded of the Chalukyas helped in
Chalukyas. One
important Many cave-temples
successors ruled over the He and hS the patronage ofthealltemples werecarvedout of mountains. found at
have been Badami
of the Chalukyas wer. Deccan for nearly a quater of a century till the practically
duringtheir constructed at
the success of Somesvara again revived by Somesvara IV. son of Taila IlI. bu
fortune was that were
constructed was
and Chaitya halls, which of Vishnu Prasasti of king
of his kingdom by the lV(1181-1189 A.D) was cave-templein honourMeguti, which has the
He was driven out temple of Vishnu
the last ruler of the Yadava Bhillamain or before temporary.
1189 A.D.
different places. TheThetemple of Siva at
builtin 634 A.D. The II, has been
his feudatory chicfs,Chalukyas, then, passed his life under the Somesvara l king Mangalesh. by Ravikirti, was
byPulakesin inscription of
king Vikramaditya
the Chalukyas.
the Kadamba shclter of one o Il prepared has an temple-architecture of the age of
Jayakesin I||of Goa,. also
at Aihole, which Specimen of in the di_trict of
of Vijayeswara A sister of king
4. The regarded as a fineconstructed the Siva templeSangameswara.
Importance of the Chalukyas King V÷ayaditya the temple of
The Chalukyas now is called
established an extensive empirc in the Deccan. They broug Bijapur which
300 History of Ancient India
Vyzyaditaconstruted a Jaina tenple at Laksharneswara, while the wife of king
Vikramaditya comstruced another ternple in honour of Siva in the Bijapur district
calledthe Lokeswara temple. Now this termple iscalled the ternple of Virapaksya.
Mr Hzvell has praised the ar of this termple very much. Another wife of king
Vikramaditya built the temple of Trilokeswaranear this temple. Al these ternples
hzve been regardet as fine specimens of south Indian architecture.
Tus,the Chalukyas contributednot only to the politics of the DeCcan but also
10 the eonomic and cultural progress of south India.