Episodic Mindware Template 1

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AGE One political experience

18 which contributed for me to

become a critical citizen is
One political experience is that when I register
AGE One economic experience
to become a voter in our country. It contributed
17 which contributed for me to
for me to become a critical citizen in being a
Filipino voter who have goal of electing become a critical citizen
politicians who can help Filipinos and is
Philippines to be successful. One economic experience is the inflation. When
the inflation happened especially in the midst of
pandemic where half of the Filipino people lost
their job and way of income. It contributed on how AGE One educational experience
a Filipino teenager like me can help in preserving 16 which contributed for me
our food and how we can help to earn money to to become a critical citizen
help our parents. is
AGE One social experience Talking with others about the politics and
history of the Philippines was one educational
18 which contributed for me to
experience that really helped me grow as a
become a critical citizen is
critical citizen. It made me more aware of the
One social experience is when I get to need to guard against injustice, corruption, and
participate in a rally of one of the presidential power abuse.
candidates on 2022. It contributed on how I
socialize with community and how we should
be communicating with youth. It made me
realize how social life could affect yourself as
AGE One cultural experience
a Filipino.
12 which contributed for me to
become a critical citizen
AGE One religious experience
One cultural experience that significantly
contributed to my development as a critical 10 which contributed for me to
citizen is the tradition of "bayanihan" in become a critical citizen is
Filipino culture. It taught me to question the Attending a school-organized retreat was one
status quo, advocate for justice, and actively religious experience that made a big difference in
engage in efforts to create positive change. my growth as a critical citizen. Retreats, which
offer students chances for spiritual introspection
and personal development, are frequently firmly
anchored in religious traditions in the Philippines.

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