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Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City

Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314


School Gordon Heights National High School Grade Level 9
Student Teacher Alea Lyn C. Palatones Subject English
Cooperating Teacher Chello Ann P. Asuncion Date April 3, 2024
I. Grade Level Standard
a. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
Standard other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing
world; also how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency,
modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to
enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
b. Performance The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
c. Most Essential MELC 1: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning
Learning and the effectiveness of the presentation. (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
Objectives Enabling Objectives:
At the end of a 50-minute discussion, 80% of the students should be able to
accomplish the following tasks with 75-80% proficiency

a. identify the information/ evidence from the material presented;

b. Identify the criteria or bases in judging the soundness of the author’s
reasoning; and
c. write feedback from presented material.

II. Topic
Specific Topic Judging the Relevance and Worth of the Ideas
Instructional Television, Laptop
Learning Strategies 4As, Inquiry Based
Reference/s ADM - English 9
III. Procedure Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory 2 minutes
Activity Prayer leader, please come in front
1. Greetings & and lead the prayer. Let us all stand and bow our heads.
Prayer Father, we thank you for this day and
for this life. Bless us with this day as
we are about to receive new lessons.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Good afternoon, Ma’am.
Good afternoon, class.
2. Classroom Before taking your seats, kindly pick
Management up the pieces of paper on the floor (Students will pick up the pieces of
and arrange your chairs properly. paper and arrange their chairs)

You may now take your seats.

3. Checking of Is everyone in their proper seats? Yes, ma’am.
(Teacher will check the attendance
according to the student’s proper
IV. Discussio

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Review of the Previous 3 minutes
Lesson Before we start…

1. As a grade 9 student, do you think

the ideas presented in the poem
discussed yesterday are relevant to
your generation today?

2. Have you ever come across

information online that is irrelevant (students answers may vary)
or seems suspicious or untrue?

3. Social media allows for fast-paced

information sharing, but this can
also lead to the spread of rumors.
How do we, as responsible users,
help ensure the information we share
online is accurate and helpful?
A. Motivation: 5 minutes
Before we proceed with our main
lesson. Let us first listen to Clara
and Mario’s conversation:

(students read the comic strip)

(used AI: TTS text To Speech Maker)

B. Introduction of ANALYSIS 10 minutes
the New Imagine you overheard the
Lesson conversation between the two
characters in the comic strip.

1. Which statements are more Ma'am, I think Mario's information is

convincing? Clara’s or Mario’s? more believable.

2. What are the things you Because he said he read it on

considered in making your choice? inquirer.net from a news correspondent
named Delfin T. Mallari Jr. Inquirer.net
sounds like a real news website, not
just some random post.
That is correct! Any other answer?
He also explains what the Municipal
Health Office said: “There's a possibility
of the UK variant, but no confirmation
yet. They are testing a contact of the
patient.” This statement alone provides
a clearer picture and avoids

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

unnecessary panic.

3. What do you think is the impact of Unconfirmed information spreading

unconfirmed information spreading online can cause worry and fear, like
online? what the girl in the comic strip felt for
her relatives.

It can also lead to wrong decisions

based on false information. Thatis why
it's important to check the informations
or ideas before sharing it. We don't
want to panic everyone for no reason.

4. What do you suggest to readers or Don't share information you haven't

listeners? checked.

That is right. Any other answer? Look for news from trusted sources like
newspapers or news websites with
reporters' names.
That is also correct! Great job
C. Strengthening ABSTRACTION 15 minutes
/ From the tasks we've just completed, I think we will talk about facts and false
Generalization: what do you believe is the focus of information online, ma’am.
our topic for today?

That is right. Specifically our topic is

about “Judging the Relevance and
Worth of the Ideas.”

Last quarter, we talked about how to Yes, ma’am.

determine the relevance and
truthfulness of the material, right?

So, what is relevance again? Ma’am, relevance is how appropriate

something is to what is being said at a
given time.

Very good. How about the meaning of It is something that has been proven by
the word truth? facts or sincerity, ma’am.

That is also correct.

Now, here are the tips on how to spot

factual or truthful information


How do we consider the source? We have to investigate the site we are
viewing or reading, ma’am.
>EXAMPLE: Who Wrote It?
Not Trustworthy: You find a website
called "Superstar Secrets" claiming a
celebrity is moving to your town.
Trustworthy: You read an article
about a new after-school club in the

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

official school newspaper.

2. READ BEYOND Ma'am, headlines can be misleading to

Why do we sometimes need to look get clicks. We need to investigate the
past what we first read to know if it's full article for details like statistics,
totally true? dates, and sources to confirm the truth.

>EXAMPLE: Headlines vs. Details

Details: The article talks about a
new study showing cats are
becoming more independent, not
taking over the world.

3. CHECK THE AUTHOR Ma’am, we need to do a quick search on

When spotting factual and truthful the author to find out if they are real
information, Why do we need to and credible.
check the author?

>EXAMPLE: The Author

Not Trustworthy: You find an article
about the dangers of homework
written by someone named
Trustworthy: You find a report on
the benefits of good sleep written by
a doctor affiliated with a reputable

4. VERIFY SUPPORTING To determine if the given information

SOURCES. actually supports
Why do we need to verify supporting the story, ma’am.
sources when spotting factual and
truthful information?

>EXAMPLE: Proof Needed!

Not Trustworthy: Someone tells you
the cafeteria is serving pizza every
day, but there's no lunch menu
Trustworthy: An article about a new
recycling program in school
mentions a government grant that
funded the initiative.
Because sometimes people might share
5. CHECK THE DATE. older news stories online, even if they
Why do you think the date is aren't relevant to what's happening
important? now, ma’am.

Not Trustworthy: You find a website
claiming a new video game was just
released, but the news date is from

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

last year.
Trustworthy: A news article
discusses the upcoming school play
with details about auditions
happening this week.

6. CHECK YOUR BIASES. Being aware of our biases helps us to

Why is it important to consider our be more critical of the information we
biases when searching for factual see. We can ask ourselves if our own
information? preferences might be influencing how
we judge something.
Not Trustworthy: You find a website
claiming a student got straight A's by
eating a specific brand of cereal every
Trustworthy: You read an article
about students who formed a study
group and all improved their grades.

Very well said. Good job everyone! INSTRUCTION: Do the fact check by
accomplishing the table below. Put a
Now that you know the different tips check on the corresponding box for
on how to spot factual and truthful each item if it was clearly provided
information, let us verify your by the speaker. The person who will
answers on the first activity. get the most checks is therefore the
one who stated truthful ideas.

None, ma’am.

Do you have questions or

clarifications regarding our topic? Ma’am, I think we can become internet
detectives! When we scroll through
If none, how are we going to use the social media and websites, we can use
tips for spotting factual and truthful the tips we learned to inspect the
information in our daily activities, information we see. For example, we
specially when we scroll on the can check if the source is a trusted
internet? news website or health page, or if
someone we know posted it. Then we
can see if other reliable sources
mention the same information.

That is a nice answer!

Now, think of a situation where (students answers may vary)

information online might be
intentionally misleading. How are
you going to use the tips we

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

discussed to identify that


Alright, very good, everyone! It seems

like you’ve all understood our lesson
today. INSTRUCTION: Watch and listen
carefully to the news clip, make sure
APPLICATION 10 minutes to take down notes and be ready to
For your activity, here are the answer the given questions.
copies, you may answer this in your

Guide Questions:
1. What is the news all about?
A. Economic lockdown among
provinces under the General
Community Quarantine
B. Holy Week break and essential
activities allowed to be conducted
during the holiday period
C. COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force’s
new approved resolution to slow down
the rise in COVID-19
cases or the Resolution no. 104
D. COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force
considering tourism as an essential
activity in the places under
General Community Quarantine
2. What is the purpose of the news
A. to inform
B. to entertain
C. to persuade
D. to encourage
3. What makes it truthful?
A. It provides factual information.
B. It is from a well-known news site.
C. It has a convincing broadcaster.
D. It presents prominent government
4. Which of the following makes the
news clip relevant?
A. It states issues that are prevalent
B. It provides information that the
public needs.
C. It contains pertinent answers on
D. All the above
5. Complete the table by supplying
the necessary information read from
the news:

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

D. Evaluation: 5 minutes
For your last activity, write your Directions: Analyze the following
answer on a 1/4 sheet of paper. situations and decide whether it can
help you obtain factual information
or not. Put a check (/) if yes and a
cross (X) if no.
____1. You are reading an article about
the number of new positive cases of
COVID- 19 in your place.
Then, you found out that the article is
already out of date.
____2. Amanda saw a viral Twitter post
from an unknown source who asserted
that a medicinal plant is
being used to cure COVID-19 patients.
____3. A resource speaker in the
seminar you are attending mentioned
names of credible authors while
expounding his ideas.
____4. Your friend saw a cryptic news
headline and shared it in her timeline,
but it does not present any
details about the whole story.
____5. A social media influencer
stressed, “Filipinos have no right in the
West Philippine Sea.” However, he
failed to cite any source to prove his

V. Assignment / Agreement / Homework


Prepared & submitted by: Checked by:

Alea Lyn C. Palatones Mrs. Chello Ann P. Asuncion

Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher I - English

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Head Teacher I - English OIC-School Principal
Public School District Supervisor II-B

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Live, Living to Serve

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