The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
(Section 3.)
- (0 "officer in default", for the purpose of any provision in this
Aci, means any officer wlio is knowingly guiliy of any
contravention, failure or refusal or who '[knowingly and willingly
authorizes] or permits such contravention, failure or refusal;
(g) "President" means (he President, the Chairman or ihc formal head
by whatever name called, of a society and includes a person who
for the lime being acts as the Formal head:
(h) "registered office" means the registered ofTicc mentiond in the
(i) "Registrar" means a person appointed as Registrar under section 3
and includes, in relation to the exercise of any powers or
functions under this Act, any person referred to in that section on
whom such powers or functions have been conferred under that
(j) "regulations" mean the regulations made by a society and,
in relation to a society deemed lo have been registered under sub-
section (2) of section 36 of this Act, include its rules and
■ (k) "rules" mean rules made by the Slate Government under section
(1) "Secretary" means [be Secretary or the principal executive officer
by whatever name called, of a society, and includes a person who
for the time being acts as Secretary;
(in) "society" means a society registered or deemed to have been
registered under this Act;
-(n) "votes of ihrcc-fourths of the members" mean the votes given by
at least three-fourths of lite members of a society present at a
general meeting oC the society convened according to its
regulations and the members voting at such meeting by proxy,
where voting by proxy is allowed under the regulations.
Appoimmcm 3. The Slate Government may appoint a person to be the Registrar or Registrar.
gocjcljcs for gta[e 0f ^res[ Bengal and such Additional, Joint,
Deputy or Assistant Registrars as it thinks nceessary to assist the Registrar and
may by general or spccial order confer on such person or persons assisting the
Registrar any of the powers and functions of ihe Registrar under this Act.
'Subsui ute d for I he wj rds "k no wi ng]y aui hari 2c s" by s. 2( 1) o f (he Wcs l Bengal
Societies Registration (Amendmfini)Aei, 1954 (Wcsl Ben. Ac IX of) 964). .
The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. 379
XXVI of 196LJ
(Sections 4-6.)
4. (1) Any seven or more individuals associated for any of ihc objects
mentioned in sub-see lion (2), may subscribe their names to a memorandum of Socieiics 10
association and file it along with a copy of the regulations with the Registrar be formed by
for registration of llie association as a society under this Act. of association
(2) The objects referred lo in sub-section (1) may relate to the promotion and
of literature, arts, science or religion; any charitable purpose including ihe care
or relief of orphans, or of aged, sick, helpless or indigent persons; ihc
alleviation of the sufferings of animals; the diffusion of knowledge; the
dissemination of social, political or economic education; the establishment and
maintenance of libraries or reading rooms for the members or for the public;
the collection and preservation of manuscripts, paintings, sculptures, works of
art, antiquities, natural history specimens, mechanical and scientific
instruments and designs; any other object as may be notified by the Stale
Government as being beneficial to the public or to o section of the public.
(Sections 7-9.)
(ej the procedure for holding meetings of the society, quorum, the
method of voting, the period of notice for meetings and ihc
manner of voting by proxy, where such voting is allowed;
(f) the maintenance and audit of accounts;
(g) the inspection of accounts, and of the proceedings of meetings, by
the members of the society;
(h) any other matter relating to the objects or affairs of the society.
Registration. 7. (1) The Registrar upon being satisfied that the memorandum and the regulations
accompanying it comply with the requirements of this Act and the rules and
upon payment of the fee referred to in sub- secLion (2), shall certify under his
hand and seal that the society is registered under this Act.
(2) There shall be paid to the Registrar, for the registration of a society
under this Act, '[such fee not exceeding one hundred and fifty rupees] as the
State Government may from lime to lime direct.
(3) An appeal shall lie to the State Government against an order of the
Registrar refusing to certify the registration of an association as a society under
this Act and the decision on such appeal shall be final.
Alteration of 8. (1) A society shall not alter its memorandum except with the previous
und regulations,
permission of the Registrar in writing, and the votes of 2[three- founhs] of its
[2) Before granting permission under sub-section (1), the Registrar shall
satisfy himself that the alteration docs not make the society ineligible for
registration under this Act.
(3) Subject lo the provisions of this Act, the rules and the provisions of
the memorandum a society may, by the votes of:[ three-fourths J of the
members, alter its regulations.
Alienations to 9, ([) A copy of every alteration of the memorandum and of the regulations shall be filed
be tiled.
with the Registrar within thirty days of such alteration. .
(2) The Registrar shall, except for special reasons to be recorded by him in
writing within thirty days from the date of such receipt, record the alteration
and send an intimation of the facL to the society or communicate to the socieiy
his objections to such alteration.
'The words within liic square brackets were substituted forlhe words "a Tee of fifty rupees, or
such smaller fee" by s. 2 of the Wes i Bengal Societies Registration (Second A mend men!) Act.
1(Wesi Ben. Act XXXI of 1984).
-Substiluie J for the word "three-fifths" by s. 3 of the West Bengal Societies Registration
(Amendment) Act, I9&4 (West Ben. Act X of 1964)
The West Bengal Societies Registration Act. !96l. 381
XXVI of 1961.]
(Sections JO-J2.)
(3) An appeal shall lie lo the Stale Government against any objection
made by the Registrar and the decision of the State Government on such
appeal shall be filial.
(4) An alteration shall have effcct From the date on which the intimation
referred lo in sub-section (2) is received by the society or in the event of any
objection being raised by ihe Registrar, from ihedateon which the Slate
Government allows ihc alteration on appeal.
10. No society shall be registered under a name which is identical with, or Name of
too nearly resembles, the name of any other society or any body corporate
which has been previously registered or incorporated under ihis Act or any
other law for the time being in force, as the case may be, or is deemed to have
been registered under this Act.
]]. (I) If a society is registered under a name or alters its name lo another Slale
Govern mem
numc which, in the opinion of the Slate Government, is identical wilh, or too may direel
nearly resembles, the name of any other society or body corporate which changc of
having been previously registered or incorporated under this Act or any other
law for the time being in forcc, or being deemed to have been registered under
this Act, continues lo exist the State Government may by order made in this
behalf direct such society to change its name and alter its memorandum within
three months from the date of the order or such longer period as the State
Government may think lit lo allow.
(2) No change of name shall affect the rights and liabilities of a society or
any legal proceedings by or against the socicty.
(3) In case of non-compliance wilh an order under sub-seclion (1), every
officer in default shall be punishable wilh fine which may extend lo twenty
rupees for every day until ihe order is complied wilh.
12. (1) Whenever two or more societies desire to amalgamate, the Sociclics
Governing Body of each such society shall submit the proposal in writing to lo have
power lo
the members thereof and such proposal shall be considered in a general amalga
meeting of the society convened for the purpose. mate
(2) No such proposal shall have any effcct unless— society.
(Sections 13-15.)
16. (1) Every society shall hold an annual general meeting at least once in Annual
every year and not more than fifteen months shall elapse between two meeting.
successive annual general meetings.
(2) The balance sheet and the auditor's report referred lo in subsection (2)
of section 15 shall be placed at the annual general meeting of the society.
(3) For any contravention of the provisions of sub-seclion (1) or sub-
section (2), every officer in default shall be punishable with fine which may.
extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
17. (1) Within thirty days after the holding of every annual general Annus] and
other returns
meeting, Ihere shall be filed with the Registrar— To be Jbr-
(a) a list or the names, addresses and occupations of the members of wanJeJ lo
Regis inir.
ihe Governing Body, the President, the Secretary and of other
office-bearers or the society;
(b) an annual report by the Governing Body on (he working of the
society for the previous year;
(c) a copy each of the balance sheet and (he auditor's report certified
by the auditor under sub-section (2) of section 15.
(2) The list and the annual report referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-
seclion (!) shall be certified by the President and the Secretary,
(3) If any change occurs in ihe composition of the Governing Body or in
the hotdcr of the office of the President or ihe Secretary at any lime for any
reason whatsoever, such change shall, within (hirly days, be notified to the
(4) For any contravention of ihe provisions of sub-section (1), subsection
(2) or sub-section (3), every officer in default shall be punishable
W-:-v'-,VVVVVVTVIAI ^kkk'.-^iio.w lit iuL y^Mvy-^wvv S^y>vagMg»^v.wW-WW.-.1 ,'.' j.wafflww^
(Sections 18-22.)
Properly of
18* All property belonging lo a society, if nol vested in trustees, shall be
society how deemed id be vested in the Governing Body of the society but shall be referred
to be vesled.
to as ihe property of the society.
19 (1) Every society may sue or may be sued in the name of ihe President,
SuiLs and
proceedin ihe Secretary, or any office-bearer authorised by the Governing Body in ihis
gs hy and behalf.
socicty- (2) No suit or proceeding shall abate by reason of any vacancy or change
in the holder of the office of the President, the Secretary or any office-bearer
authorised under sub-section (1).
(3) Every decree or order against a society in any suit or proceeding shall
be executable against the property of the society and not against the person or
the property of ihe President, ihe Secretary or any officebearer.
(4) Nothing in sub-section (3) shall exempt the President, the Secretary or
office-bearcr of a society from any criminal liability under this Act or entitle
him to claim any contributionfrom the property of the socicty in respect of any
fine paid by him on conviction by a criminal court.
21. Every member of a society may be sued or prosecuted by ihe society for
Members any loss or damage caused to the society or its properly or for anything done by
liable lo be
sued or him detrimental to the interests of the socicty.
prosecuted as
s (range m.
22. (1) The Registrar may, by written order, call on a society to furnish in
Power of writing such information or explanation within such time, not being less than
Registrar ro two weeks from the date of receipt of the order by the society, as he may
call for
information spccify in the order in connection wilh the affairs of the sociciy or any
or documents filed by Ihc society under this Act.
(2) On receipt by the sociciy of an order under sub-section (1), il shall be
the duly of the officer concerned lo furnish such information or explanation.
(3) For failure lo comply with an order under sub-section (1), the officer
in default shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
The Ifef Bengal Societies Registration Ac!, 1961. 385
XXVI of 1961.]
(Section 23.)
23. (1) Where on information received, the Stale Government is of opinion I
that iherc are circumstances suggesting that the business of a society is being of affairs of a
conducted with intent ot defraud its creditors, members or any other person, or sociciy.
thai ihe society is guilty of mismanaging its affairs or of any fraudulent or
unlawful act, the Slate Government may appointment a competent person as '[Commissioner
for Enquiry] to investigate into the affairs of ihe society or inspect any institution managed by
the society and report on such manors as ihe State Government may dircci.
(2) Jl shall be ihe duty of every officer of ihe society when so required by
the Inspector lo produce any books and papers of or relating to the society
which are in his custody, and otherwise to give to the -[Commissioner for
Enquiry] all assistance in connection with the investigation or inspection which
he is reasonably able to give.
(3) J[A Commissioner for Enquiry] may call upon and examine on oath
any officer of the society in relation lo the affairs of the socicty and it shall be
the duly or every officcr when so called upon to appear before ihe
[Commissioner for Enquiry] for such examination.
(4) On the conclusion of the investigation or inspection, as the ease may
be, the J[Commissioner for Enquiry] shall make a report to the "[Stale
Government] on the mailers on which he was directed by the State
Government to report. "
(5) For refusal to comply with the provisions of sub-section (2) or sub-
section (3), the officer in default shall be punishable wilh fine which may
extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
(6) '[On perusal of ihe rcpon made by the Commissioner for Enquiry]
the Slate Government may give such directions as it may think fit lo the
socicty for Ihe removal of any defects or irregularities within such lime as may
be specified and on the sociciy making any default in taking action according
lo such directions the State Government may direct the Registrar lo move the
Court for dissolution of ihe society.
'The words within the square brackets were substituted Tor the won) "Inspector'' by s. 2(a) of (he
West Bengal Societies Registration (Amendment) Act. 1984 (West Ben, Act XXVII of 1984).
The words within the square brackets were substituted for the ward "Inspector" by s, 2(b), ibid.
The words within the square brackets wen: substituted Tor the words "An Inspector" hy s,
2(c)(i), ibid.
'The words within the square bmckels were substituted Tor the word "Inspector" by
The words within the square brackets were substituted for the word "Inspector" by s. 2(d){i),
The words within ihe square brackets wen: substituted for the word "Registrar" by s. 2(d)(ii),
The words within the square brackets were subsliluled Tor the words "The Registrar shall send
the recorl with hi* comment* (hereon lo the Slate Government. On perusal
sk v v Ls
W7 im VV:. W^AWW^^W^W^'-^ ^^^"'-^ -'-%^':VV*- :^^-*^"^V''''*---; ' -'''
i Section 24.)
'" (7) If on a perusal of [he report '[made by the Commissioner Tor
Enquiry,] it appears to the Slate Government that any person has, in relation to
the formation, promotion, management or conduct of the business of Ihc
society, been guilty of any offencc for which he is criminally liable, the State
Government may direct the prosecution of such person for the offencc.
(8) The expenses of, and incidental to, an investigation by 3[a
Commissioner for Enquiry] appointed by the State Government shall be
defrayed by the State Government.
Dissolution 24. (!) Asocieiymay be dissolved if by the votes of 3 [three-fourths]
by resolution ^ ^ members it passes a resolution for such dissolution at a general meeting
convened for the purpose.
(2) Where a resolution for dissolution of a society is passed under sub-
section (1), the Governing Body shall take such steps for the disposal and
settlement of the property of the society and its claims and liabilities as it may
think fit subject to the regulations of the society, if any.
(3) After all necessary steps have been taken under sub-section (2), the
Governing Body shall send a report to ihc Registrar mentioning if there are any
surplus assets.
(4) The Registrar shall thereupon issue a notice in the Official Gazette to
the effect that if no objection is received from any claimant,
or creditor or any member of the society within three months from the dale of
the notice, the sociciy shall, subjcct to the provisions of section 27, be
(5) IF no objection is received within three months as aforesaid, and after
the surplus assets, if any, have been disposed or as provided in section 27, the
Registrar shall make an order confirming the dissolution of the society and
thereupon Ihc society shall stand dissolved. The Registrar shall record ihe
order of dissolution in the register maintained in his office.
(6) If any objection is received from any claimant or creditor within ihe
period of three months as aforesaid the Registrar shall not make an order
confirming the dissolution of ihe sociciy unless he is satisfied that the relevant
claim or liability has been duly settled and the surplus assets, if any, have been
disposed of as provided in section 27. If however any objection is received
from any member ihe Registrar shall not make an order confirming ihe
dissolution of the society but shall make an application to the Court under
section 25,
'The words within ihc square brackets were subsiituled for the words "and ihc comments
ofihcKcgisi nr." by s, 2{f)ofibc West Bengal Sociciics Registration (Amend men I) Act, 19SJ (West
Ben. Acl XXVII of 19S4).
The words wilhin ihc square brackets wore substituted for (he words "an Inspector"
by s, 2(a). ibid.
iiffrt friT fi fi nf ilif Wi-OP
The lifejf Bengal Societies Registration Act. 196}.
XXVI of 1961.]
(Sections 25-28.)
(7) Where any Government has made in any manner any contribution lo
the funds or bibcr assets ofa society, such society shall not be dissolved, unless
the Slate Government has given its assent lo the dissolution.
25. (1) The Court may, on the application of ihe Registrar or on the
application of not less lhan one-tenth of the members, make an order for ihe
dissolution of a society in the following cases:— ■ Dissolution
by Court.
(a) if there is any contravention by the society of the provisions of
litis Act;
(b) if the number of members is less than seven;
(c) if the society has ceascd to function for more lhan three years;
(d) jfihc society is unable to pay its debts or meet its liabilities;
(e) if it is proper that ihe society should he dissolved.
(2) When an order for the dissolution of a socicty is made by the Couri,
dissolution shall lake place in such manner as the Courl may direct.
26. (I] Where in the opinion of the Registrar there arc reasonable grounds
to believe that a society is not managing its affairs properly or is not
functioning, he shall send lo the society at its registered office a notice by
registered post calling upon it to show cause within such lime as may be by Registrar.
specified in ihe notice why the society shall not be dissolved.
(2) If no cause is shown or if ihe cause shown be considered by the
Registrar lo be unsatisfactory ihe Registrar may move the Courl under section
25 for making an order for ihe dissolution of the society,
27. If after the disposal and settlement of ihe properly of a society and its
claims and liabilities, there arc any surplus assets, such assets shall not he paid
to or distributed amongst the members of ihe society or any of them but shall
be given to some other sociciy lo be determined— Members 10
(a) in the case or a dissolution under section 24, by ihe votes of ' receive no
profit up an
'[three-fourths] of the members, or in default thereof, by the dissolution
Registrar, wilh ihe approval of ihe Slate Government;
(b) in ihe case of a dissolution under section 25, by the Courl.
"28 A peson shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a Disqualifi-
cations for
member of the Governing Body or the President, Secretary or any other office- boing
bearer of a society, if— member of
(a) he is an undischarged insolvent; or Governing
Body, etc.,
of a socicty.
'Substiiuied fori he word "thrce-fi fihs" by s. 7 of (ho West Bengal Societies Registration
(Amend mem )Act, 1964 (West Ben. Act X of 1964),
^SW ^.i.xv\v^v\vSS^S^V>^^S'-^'-T S*''''-'-'-'-
yL ...
(Sections 29-33.)
Inspection of 29. Any person may inspect any document filed with [he Registrar under
due mucins
and grant of this Acl '[on payment of a fee of two rupees for ihe first year, and one rupee for
certified each additional year, for every inspection of cach document relating to one
copies thereof.
sociciy;] and any person may obtain a copy or extract of any document or any
pan of any document, certified by the Registrar, on payment of such fee as may
be prescribed. Such certified copy shall be admissible as evidence of the
matters therein contained in all legal proceedings.
Terms of gift 30 (I) Where a socicty acccpts a gift of any kind from any person Tor a
lo be observed. specific purpose il shall not use the giFt or any part thereof for any other
purpose without (he written consent of the donor or if ihe donor be dead,
without the written consent of the Registrar. The Registrar shall not give such
consent unless he is satisfied that the purpose for which the gift was made is
incapable of execution by the socicty.
(2) For any contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1), every officcr
in default shall be punishable with fine which extend lo two hundred and fifty
XXVI of 1961.]
(Sections 34-36.)
34. (1) An appeal under this Act may be filed within thirty days of Limitation, [he date of
the objection or order appealed against.
(2) The provisions of sections 5 and 12 of [he Indian Limitation ix of 190$, Act, (90S,
shall apply to any appeal under this Act.
35, (1) The State Government may make 'rules fur carrying out ihe Powcno - . . A make nil,
purposes of (his Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice lo the generality of ihe foregoing
power, such rutes may provide for all or any of the following matters,
(a) the procedure for any appeal under this Act to the State
Government and the fee for such appeal, if any;
(b) ihe fee, if any, lo be paid for filing any document, other than Ihe
memorandum and the regulations under sub-seclioti (1)
of section 4;
(c) the maintenance of the register of societies and other books,
if any, by the Registrar; "
(d) the fee to be paid for obtaining any copy or cxtract of any
document certified by the Registrar.
(3) Afl fees paid under this Act shall be credited to the Consolidated
Fund of the State. ,
-I of i860. 36 (l) Xhc Societies Registration Act, 1860, in its application lo Repeal and West Bengal, is hereby
repealed. savings.
(2) Any society registered in any place within West Bengal under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860, shall be deemed to have been registered
under this Act, and its principal office shall be deemed to be the registered
office of the society:
Provided that—
(a) the memorandum of association and the regulations of any such
society shall, if they are repugnant to any of the provisions of this
Act and ihe rules, be brought in conformity therewith within six
months from the commencement of (his Act or within such
further period as the Registrar may allow, and thereafter shall to
the extent of such repugnancy be deemed to be viod and of no
'For rules made under section 35 of the Act, see noiificaiion No. 1077 Com., dated ihe 23rd March,
1963. published in ihe Calcutta Gazelle, £riraonHmiry. dated 28.3.63. Pan I,
390 The Wej/ Bengal Societies Registration Act, J 961.
(Section 36.)
;. (b) any officer elected or appointed lo an offlcc before the
commencement of this Act and holding such office immediately
before such commencement shall continue to hold such office
until ihe expiry of his term of office or until such office is lawfully
term mated1,
(c) nothing in this section shall affect—
(i) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired,
accrued or incurred under the Societies Registration 21 or i860, Act, I860;
(ii) any penalty or punishment incurred in respcet of any offence
committed under the said Acl;
(iii) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of
any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty or
punishment as aforesaid;
(iv) any proceedings in dissolution commenced before the
coming into force or this Acl;
and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted,
continued or enforced and any such penalty or punishment may be imposed and
any such proceedings in dissolution may be continued as if this Act had nol
been passed.