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Kushyar - S Arithmetics

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Decimal Arithmetic
 In 773, an Indian scholar visited the court of Al Ma’mun in
Baghdad, bringing with him a copy of an Indian astronomical text,
possibly a text of Brahmagupta.
 The caliph ordered the translation of this work into Arabic.
 Among other topics, the text was containing the Indian astronomical
system and the Hindu number system.
 The Moslems, however, already had number systems in use. The
merchants in the market place generally used a form of finger
reckoning, which had been handed down for generations. In this
system, calculations were generally carried out mentally.
 Numbers were expressed in words, and fractions were expressed in
the Babylonian scale of sixty. Arabic alphabet was used to denote

 Writings of al Khwarizmi on astronomy show that he was influenced

by Hindu methods, and from his study of Hindu astronomy he
learned the Hindu numerals.
 Al Khwarizmi wrote an important treatise on Hindu-Arabic
numerals, whose Latin translation survived under the title,
“Algoritmi de numero Indorum” (Al Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of
Reckoning), which gave rise to the word algorithm.

 His book “Kitab Al Jam’ wal Tafriq fi hisab al Hind” (Book on

Addition and subtraction after the method of the Indians) helped
spread Hindu numeration both in the Islamic world and in the Latin
 Although this work has not survived in the Arabic original, we
possess a Latin translation, made in the 12th century A.D.
 In his text, al-Khwarizmi introduced nine characters to designate the
first nine numbers and, as the Latin versions tell us, a circle to
designate zero.
 He demonstrated how to write any number using these characters in
our familiar place value notation.
 He then described the algorithms of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, halving, doubling, and determining square
roots, and gave examples of their use.
 The algorithms, however, were usually setup to be performed on the
dust board

 Over the next centuries other arithmetic works were written in Arabic
explaining the Indian methods, both on their own and in connection
with the older systems already mentioned.
 The earliest extant Arabic arithmetic, the Kitab al-fusul fil-hisab al-
hindi, (The Book of Chapters on Hindu Arithmetic) of Abu l-Hasan al-
Uqlidisi, was written in 952 in Damascus.

 Al-Uqlidisi’s text, like that of al-Khwarizmi, dealt with the various

algorithms of arithmetic.
 For example, al-Uqlidisi gave the following procedure for multiplying
3249 by 2735.
 He wrote the first number above the second, multiplied each digit of
the first by the entire second number, then added the resulting terms
6 21 9 15
4 14 6 10
8 28 12 20
18 63 27 45

 The result, 8 886 015, is found by adding the columns, keeping track
of the various places. Thus, the second digit from the right in the
answer comes from adding the 0 and 7 of 20 and 27 to the 4 in 45.
 The third digit from the right comes from adding the “carry” (1) from
the previous addition to the 2 in 20, the 2 in 27, the 0 in 10, the 2 in
12, and the 3 in 63. In any case, all the numbers are written down and
preserved so one can check them.
 The two major innovations in this book are:
 The author showed how to perform arithmetic calculations on paper.
 Second, al-Uqlidisi treated decimal fractions, the earliest recorded
instance of these fractions outside of China.

 Another important work on Hindu numeration in Arabic was written

by the astronomer Kushyar ibn Labban, who was born in the region
south of the Caspian Sea some 150 years after Al Khawarizmi.
 We know very little about his life but his treatise on arithmetic, Kitāb
fī usūl hisāb al-hindi (Principles of Hindu Reckoning) written around
1000 AD, became one of the main arithmetic textbooks in the Islamic
 Kushyar's book refers to the decimal numeral system and the
arithmetical operations that can be made by using it.
 NOTE: These numerals were called "Indian numerals" by the
Islamic-period mathematicians, while Europeans who learned them
from the Arabs called them "Arabic numerals".
 Kushyar's book is divided into two parts:
 The first part contains 9 chapters as follows:
 1. Introduction to the nine numerals; 2. Addition; 3. Subtraction; 4.
Multiplication; 5. Order of a product; 6. Division; 7. Order of a
quotient; 8. Extracting square roots; 9. Checking the operations.
 The second section has 16 chapters and contains an explanation of
the arithmetic of a base-60 system, important concept for
astronomers since angles were measured, and trigonometric functions
were tabulated, according to this system.
 Kushyar's Principles of Hindu reckoning was considered as the oldest
extant Arabic text on Hindu reckoning until 1966 when Prof. A. S.
Saidan made known Al-fusul fi hisab al-hind ("Chapters on Hindu
Reckoning") written by Abu'I-Hasan Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Uqlidisi
around 952.
Kushyar's Method
for addition, subtraction, multiplication and Division

 As we follow Kushyar's explanation it is good to keep in mind that

he was explaining arithmetic to people who would be computing not
with pen or paper but with a stick (or a finger) on a shallow tray
covered with fine sand, which we refer to as a "dust board".
 As Kushyar explains this, the numbers to be added are written in two
rows, one above the other, so that places of the same value are in the
same column.
 He gives the example of adding 839 to 5625 and begins his addition
by adding from the highest place common to both numbers, in this
case the hundreds' place.
 He illustrates his steps, beginning with 56 + 8 = 64, and an arrow
shows that one display on the right replaces, on the dust board, that
on the left.
 At any time, there are only two numbers on the dustboard, arranged
in columns, and, at the end, the answer has replaced the number on
the top.
 Again Kushyar explains the method by the same numbers,
subtracting 839 from 5625, and again he works from left to right.
 He explains that since 8 cannot be subtracted from 6 it must be
subtracted from 56 to produce 48, so the 56 of 5625 is erased and
replaced by 48.
 We subtract 3 from 82 we get 79 which will replace 82 and 4795 will
replace 4825.
 In the last step, since we cannot subtract 9 from 5 we must subtract it
from 95 (There is no "borrowing" in Kushyar's procedure).

 Just as with addition Kushyar works from the higher places to the
lower, and at each stage the partial answer appears as part of the
number on top.
 The algorithm for multiplication shows a thorough understanding of
the rule for multiplying powers of 10.

 For to multiply 243 by 325 Kushyar requires his reader to arrange the
numerals so the 3 of 325 is directly above the 3 of 243. On the dust
board Kushyar’s place the numbers as below and start his

Step 1:
Since 3 . 2 = 6, he places the 6 directly above the 2, i.e. in the ten
thousands' place

Then he considers 4 · 3 = 12, the tens' digit of the product would be

placed in the column to the left of the 2.

This is illustrated at the next step where, since 3 · 4 = 12, he places the
2 of the 12 directly above the 4 and adds the 1 to the 6 to get 72.

Finally, the top 3 is replaced by the 9 = 3 · 3, since he no longer needs to

multiply by it. We then get
Step 2:
Now we will be multiplying 243 by the upper 2, and since this counts
"tens" and not "hundreds" we must shift 243 one place to the right, since
the powers of 10 represented by the answers will be one less.

Then we begin in the second row and as before, the last digit of the lower
number (3) stands under the current multiplier (2).
We multiply 2 by 2, 2 . 2 = 4, we add 4 to 72 and 72 is replaced by 76
2 × 4 = 8 we add 8 to 69 and 69 is replaced by 77.
Finally the top 2 is replaced by the 6 = 2· 3, since he no longer needs to
multiply by it.

Step 3:
Again, a shift to the right automatically lines up the figures so that the
answers are put in the correct place, we get row three.
This operation offers Kūshyār no more trouble than multiplication.
Let’s find the division of 5625 by 243 shows.
Step 1:
As he did for the multiplication, Kushyar start by placing the numbers as

The first digit of the quotient is obtained by an estimation, in this case 2

that he writes in the column above the last digit of the divisor, 243.
The next boxes will be given by subtraction 2 × 243 = 486 from 562:

Step 2:
Kūshyār moves the divisor one column to the right, so that the next digit
of the quotient will be correctly aligned and the second digit 3 of the
quotient is again found by estimation.

The next boxes will be given by subtraction 3 243 = 729 from 765:

The answer is 23 + 36/243

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