A Single-Stage Charger For LEV Based On Quadratic Buck-Boost AC-DC Converter Topology
A Single-Stage Charger For LEV Based On Quadratic Buck-Boost AC-DC Converter Topology
A Single-Stage Charger For LEV Based On Quadratic Buck-Boost AC-DC Converter Topology
Abstract—A single-stage AC-DC converter, which uses a combustion (IC) engines, are very limited in most countries.
quadratic buck-boost voltage gain, for LEVs’ (Light Electric Vehi- The EV industry’s barriers are the lack of proper charging
cles) battery charging is presented in this work. Unlike conventional infrastructure and the poor grid side performance pertaining
BCs (Battery Chargers), which employ transformer (low or high to most existing technologies. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs)
frequency) based approaches to charge low voltages LEVs’ bat- are the most popular ones in the EV industry due to their sole
teries, the presented charger utilizes transformerless single-stage
power architecture. In order to realize desired charging of LEVs
dependency on electricity. A dominant section of the BEVs is
and to maintain proper transformerless voltage gain, the presented led by the electric two and three-wheelers, namely, light electric
quadratic buck-boost AC-DC converter ensures high step-down vehicles (LEVs), which include, E-cart, E-rickshaws, E-bikes,
gain characteristics between AC mains and low voltage battery and E-scooters, and constitute a major part of the global EV
packs. Besides realizing desired battery charging profile, the pre- market [1]. One of the major issues, the chargers of LEVs face,
sented single-stage BC ensures high PQ (Power Quality) indices is the highly distorted and low power factor current being drawn
(low input current distortions and unity power factor operation) at from the supply side, which causes other losses and issues at
the supply side. Notably, the presented quadratic buck-boost AC- the grid side [2], [3]. Even though the EV industry has seen
DC converter exhibits an intrinsic power factor correction (PFC) considerable developments with regard to high-performance
feature at the AC input mains under discontinuous inductor cur- battery chargers, there is scarce development for the chargers
rent mode (DICM) operation, thereby, incurring minimum com-
plexities during the control implementation, which further reduces
in the LEV spectrum and needs further emphasis.
the cost of the charger. The DICM operation facilitates negligible In the literature, many power factor correction (PFC) tech-
switch turn-on and diode reverse recovery losses, and therefore, niques both active and passive techniques, have been discussed
ensures an improved conversion efficiency of the BC. Even if, the to improve the power factor and the reduction of current dis-
presented AC-DC converter employs two switching devices, the tortion at AC mains, caused due to harmonics produced as a
simultaneous switching of both switches shrinks the cost and com- result of the non-linearity in the charger configuration [4]. Active
plexity of driving circuitry even further. Finally, a comprehensive PFCs (APFCs) are more reliable with respect to the passive PFC
operational analysis, component selection criteria, and modelling of (PPFCs) techniques because of the large size, poor operational
the presented quadratic buck-boost AC-DC converter-based LEVs ranges, and the losses PPFCs have as compared to the former.
BC are carried out and its performance is validated through a Notably, based on APFCs, the battery chargers can be imple-
test bench set-up in a laboratory environment. Relevant results
are presented to validate the efficacy of the presented quadratic
mented both in single-stage and two-stage configurations. A
buck-boost AC-DC converter for LEVs charging applications. two-stage battery charger employs an APFC AC-DC converter at
the front end stage and a DC-DC converter at its back end stage.
Index Terms—Battery charger, battery packs, discontinuous Such charger configurations certainly have the advantages of
inductor current mode, electric vehicles, light electric vehicles, ripple-free charging current to the battery, lower electrical stress
power quality, quadratic buck-boost AC-DC converter. across semiconductor devices and fast dynamic performance at
the output end [3], [5], [6], [7]. The converter in [3], for exam-
I. INTRODUCTION ple, has excellent input side performance, owing to the current
HE applications of electric vehicles (EVs) even after the sharing feature due the interleaved structure at the front-end, and
T significant advantages they have over conventional internal further the control of such PFC circuits at the frontend remains
complex. Thus, these two-stage chargers have disadvantages in
Manuscript received 6 September 2022; revised 30 November 2022 and 13 terms of rigorous control, increased number of component count
February 2023; accepted 7 March 2023. Date of publication 21 March 2023; date and high implementation cost, as compared to the single-stage
of current version 19 July 2023. Paper 2022-IPCC-0849.R2, presented at the
2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies, Arad, Romania,
topologies. In an attempt to counter the aforesaid disadvantages,
May 20–22, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUS- several single-stage APFCs AC-DC converter topologies have
TRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE In- been developed [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], to provide an eco-
dustry Applications Society [DOI: 10.1109/GlobConET53749.2022.9872394]. nomic solution, especially for low-cost battery charging such
The work was supported by SERB National Science Chair Fellowship. (Corre- as LEVs charging. In a single-stage approach, both the PFC at
sponding author: Aswin Dilip Kumar.)
Aswin Dilip Kumar and Jitendra Gupta are with the Electrical Engineer- the input side as well as the charging current regulation at the
ing, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail: battery side are carried out through the APFC AC-DC converter.
[email protected]; [email protected]). Consequently, the single-stage approach helps in developing
Bhim Singh is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute cost-effective, simple, and compact battery charging circuits.
of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail: [email protected]).
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
In previous attempts, several APFC AC-DC converters
https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2023.3259944. based on buck, boost, and buck-boost derived topologies, are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2023.3259944 presented for various applications, including but not limited
0093-9994 © 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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to charging applications. However, the problem of inherent of quadratic gain converters based APFC AC-DC conversion
AC line current distortion at zero-crossover of the buck and system for the charging application of LEVs, is still disregarded
buck-emanated APFC AC-DC topologies, enforces a limit on and therefore, explored in [24], [25].
the achievable THD and power factor of these converters. Even Apart from the selection of power converter topology, the
if, the boost-derived APFC AC-DC topologies can achieve good implementation of control is also having great importance, as it
input side performance with respect to the PQ indices, such can add cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and compactness to the
converters unavoidably require a second stage to step down overall charging circuity. Among various control approaches,
the voltage for the LEVs battery charging applications, and two design and control methods, i.e., continuous inductor current
hence, result in limited applicability for LEV BCs involving mode (CICM) or discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM)
only a single-stage. Therefore, APFC AC-DC converters derived controls are frequently applied in APFC AC-DC converters.
from conventional buck-boost topologies, seem best suited for Even though, the CICM design and control ensure lower cur-
single-stage LEVs BCs applications. However, conventional rent stress through components, it significantly adds control
buck-boost based APFC topologies [13], [14], [15], demon- complexity and associated cost of implementation, and there-
strate limited gain capability and therefore, cannot be employed fore, does not justify its applicability in low to medium power
directly in a single-stage LEVs charger’s application. As their applications. Conventional converters based on a CICM boost
limited gain capability forces the converter to operate at very converter for PFC at the frontend, followed by a full-bridge
low duty ratios, especially during wide AC mains conditions. DC-DC converter at the backend, use large inductors as well as
For example, the converter in [13], has numerous advantages in complex control. The control strategy for the frontend PFC has
terms of being single-stage, having bridgeless structure, lower to maintain a regulated output voltage as well as a sinusoidal
component count, and low control complexity. However, the template at the input current. Added to this, the CICM inner
limited voltage gain of this converter, limits its applicability current controller loop for the boost stage requires a higher band-
to wide voltage range operations. Moreover, increasing the width and correspondingly an increased sampling frequency to
frequency of operation of these topologies would mean that adjust to the inductor current dynamics. This means that two
the duty ratio goes even shorter, thus derating the efficiency of digital signal processors (DSPs) or a combination of digital and
the overall charging circuitry [16]. Therefore, the single-stage analog controllers have to be used, for the control of both the
chargers based on buck-boost derived APFC AC-DC converter, frontend and backend circuits, which increases the cost and
inevitably require low/high-frequency step-down transformers complexity [26]. Moreover, the control of CICM converters
to carry out effective charging of low voltage battery packs of require phase-locked loop (PLL), which achieves the grid syn-
LEVs. The converter in [2], which is a single-stage charger, chronization. The control implementation further requires input
uses a high-frequency isolation transformer, for achieving the voltage and input current sensors, along with output voltage and
positive output voltage polarity as well as for obtaining a higher output current sensors, which increases the cost of the charger,
step-down. This means that even though this converter has the and makes it unreliable [27]. Besides, the DICM design and
advantages of single-stage, higher step-down gain and require- control not only decrease the volume of magnetic components
ment of low sensing devices, the presence of the isolation trans- but also add simplicity and cost-effectiveness during controller
former further increases the complexity of the converter. In such implementation [20], [28], [29], [30], [31].
cases, the transformers primarily maintain the desired voltage Based on the above discussion, a transformerless single-stage
gain between AC mains and low voltage battery packs and battery charger based on a quadratic buck-boost APFC AC-DC
secondly isolate battery packs from the grid [17]. Considering charger is demonstrated in this work for LEVs applications. The
the isolated single-stage charger of [18], the bridgeless design at following points describe the salient features of the presented
the input, with reduced conduction losses, and reduced overall work.
device count certainly provide great advantages. However, the r The presented battery charger based on a quadratic buck-
transformers add size, cost and complexity to the chargers, boost APFC AC-DC converter ensures considerable im-
and also impact the electrical stress across switching devices, provement in the power quality indices at the supply AC
if not designed accurately. The aforesaid disadvantages have mains and delivers the required battery charging current
motivated researchers to look for alternative methods to achieve profile while operating over an extended span of AC input
transformerless voltage gain regulation between high voltage mains voltage and battery voltage conditions.
and low voltage sources. Based on this, various transformerless r Further, the transformerless voltage gain adjustment ap-
high gain APFC AC-DC converters emanated from switched proach improves the complexity, cost and efficiency of
capacitor, coupled inductor, switched inductor, and multiplier conversion of the combined charging system.
circuits have recently been explored in the literature [19], [20], r Furthermore, the presented APFC AC-DC converter topol-
[21], [22], [23]. Out of these, some offer extended step-down ogy facilitates intrinsic power factor correction at AC
gain whereas, others offer extended step-up gain capability, how- mains while operating under DICM mode operation, which
ever, the limitations related to buck and boost-derived topologies further optimizes the cost and complexities of control
still persist in such topologies, which further limit their appli- implementation of the overall charging system.
cability in single-stage LEVs charging applications. Therefore, r Besides, the DICM operation reduces the size of magnetic
high gain converters with buck-boost capability are presented in components, and guarantees zero current switching of the
[19], [20], [21] and could be applied for developing transformer- semiconductor components.
less single-stage LEVs charging applications. Based on this, r The operational analysis, design guidelines, and controller
few authors have explored transformerless BCs in [13], [16], design through a small signal modelling method, of the
[22], [23]. However, complex control, limited battery voltage proposed APFC AC-DC converter-derived LEV charger,
range capability due to non-quadratic gain characteristics of are discussed comprehensively.
APFC AC-DC converter, and high component count, are the r Finally, the complete performance of presented charger is
major drawbacks. Here, it is mentionable that, the applicability validated through proof-of-concept test bench prototyping,
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Fig. 2. Current flow path and equivalent circuit during (a) Mode-I, (b) Mode-II and (c) Mode-III.
the voltage gain M is related to the switch and diode duty ratios
(D1 and D2 ) as,
M = D12 /D22 (30)
From (30), D2 is obtained as;
D2 = D1 / M (31)
With the obtained D1 and D2 , the Leq of the charger is
determined from (21) and found equal to 46 μH. Rearranging
(20), and solving for L2 using the previously obtained values of
D1 , D2 , L1 and Leq , Fig. 5. Digital implementation of charger controller circuitry.
D1 L1 Leq
L2 =
D2 L1 − (D1 + D2 )Leq frequency, but not less than the fline . The expression for Lf is
−6 −6 given as [32],
0.2×150×10 ×46×10
= = 40 μH
0.417×150×10−6 −(0.2+0.417)×46×10−6 Lf =
(32) (2πfCf )2 (Cf )
Finally, the L2 is selected equal to 40 μH. 1
= = 2.3 mH (38)
(2π × 5000) × 0.44 × 10−6
B. Design of C1
Finally, the Lf is selected as 2.5 mH.
In order to reduce the effect of resonance at the switching
frequency of the charger, C1 is designed considering a cut-off
frequency (fc ) lower than the switching frequency (fS ), but not V. CONTROL OF CHARGER
going below the line frequency fline [32]. Considering the above- The control strategy of the presented charger uses a dual
mentioned limits, the expression for the design of capacitance loop control, with the outer loop controlling the battery voltage
C1 is given as, and the inner loop controlling the battery current correspond-
C1 = 1 (2πfC )2 (L1 + L2 ) (33) ing to the CV-CC charging modes as required by the battery
charging profile (Fig. 5). The battery voltage (Vbatt ) is sensed
where from the output and compared with a reference voltage (V∗ batt ),
fline < fC < fS (34) and produces an error voltage (Verr ), which when fed to a PI
controller generates the reference battery current (I∗ batt ). The
Therefore, selecting fC equal to 4 kHz, the C1 is calculated
mathematical equations corresponding to the operation of the
outer loop control for the jth sampling instant are expressed as;
C1 = 1 (2π × 4000)2 (40 + 150) × 10−6 = 8.33 μF ∗
Verr (j) = Vbatt (j) − Vbatt (j) (39)
(35) ∗ ∗
Finally, the C1 is selected as 8 μF. Ibatt (j) = Ibatt (j − 1) + σpv {Verr (j) − Verr (j − 1)}
+ σiv Verr (j) (40)
C. Design of CDC
The design of CDC ensures the reduction of second harmonic Where σ pv and σ iv correspond to the proportional controller
current that flows into the battery. Considering, 5% voltage gain and integral controller gain for the outer voltage control
ripples, the CDC is designed as [32], loop, respectively. This reference current in comparison with the
Prated actual battery current, generates an error signal, which when fed
CDC = 2 to the inner PI controller, generates a signal ‘me ’, corresponding
4πfline ϕVbatt(max)
to the duty ratio D1 .
450 The comparison of me with a saw-tooth carrier waveform
= = 5.52 mF (36) produces the required gating pulses for the S1 and S2 . The
4π × 50 × 0.025 × 722
simultaneous switching of S1 and S2 is proved advantageous
Finally, the CDC is chosen as 6.6 mF. from driving circuit simplicity point of view. The equations
corresponding to the inner loop control are given by;
D. Design of Lf and Cf ∗
Ierr (j) = Ibatt (j) − Ibatt (j) (41)
The undesirable high-frequency switching harmonics are at-
tenuated by using a low-pass LC filter at the output of the DBR. me (j) = me (j − 1) + σpi {Ierr (j) − Ierr (j − 1)}
The maximum value of Cf is obtained as [32], + σii Ierr (j) (42)
Prated tan θ 450 × tan(1)
Cf = = = 0.47 μF (37) Where σ pi and σ ii correspond to the proportional controller
2πfline VS2 2π × 50 × 2302 gain and integral controller gain for the inner current control
Where θ refers to the displacement angle between the funda- loop, respectively. Further, to obtain desired gain parameters for
mental value of input voltage and current. A lower value of Cf , both inner current loop and outer voltage loop controllers, the
equal to 0.45 μF, is chosen. The filter inductor Lf , is designed small signal modelling of the presented charger is carried out
selecting a filter cut-off frequency (fcf ) lower than the switching and presented as follows.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Saranathan College of Engineering. Downloaded on January 30,2024 at 06:59:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The design and the selection of all components are done as per
Section IV. The battery voltage and charging current are sensed
using LEM’s voltage and current transducers, respectively. The
control of the charger is digitalized using TI’s TMS320F28377S
launchpad development kit. Finally, the performance of the
charger is validated under steady state and various dynamic
conditions, and the relevant test results are recorded using
Keysight’s’ 4-channel DSO and Fluke’s 1-φ PQ analyzer, and
discussed as follows.
Fig. 9. Performance of presented single-stage charger under nominal operating conditions (a) VS, IS , Vbatt , Ibatt (b) VS , VS1 , VS2 , VC1 in line frequency range
and zoomed-in waveforms in switching frequency range. (c) VDa , VDb , I1 , I2 in line frequency range and zoomed-in waveforms in switching frequency range.
Fig. 10. (a) Vcf , VC1 , VS1 and VDa waveforms and their peak values, experimental results of (a) IS1 , IDa , IDb and IS2 (b) IL1 , IL2 and IC1 obtained for 7.5 A
battery charging current.
Fig. 11. Performance of the charger, (a)–(b) under Vs dynamics (a) increased, and (b) decreased Vs fluctuations, (c)–(d) with charging current varying from
(c) 50–100% (d) 100%-50%.
Fig. 13. Efficiency v/s load power at different supply voltage levels. F. Comparative Analysis With Existing Topologies
160 V(RMS) condition. Notably, the presented system exhibits In this section, a comprehensive comparison of presented
satisfactory efficiency over wide range of operating conditions, charger with existing charger configurations is carried out, and
and thus, seems suited for LEVs BCs. presented in Table V. In [22], a single-stage configuration with
a cascaded combination of a buck-boost cell and a quadratic
buck cell, is presented. This topology has wide step-down gain,
E. Loss Breakdown of Presented Charger with reduced control complexity, with DICM operation of induc-
The power loss breakdown and efficiency of the presented tors and single switch control. However, the increased device
charging system at its peak efficiency operating conditions, i.e., count, which consists of the increased magnetic components
P = 250 W, Vs = 255 V RMS, and Vbatt = 72 V, are analyzed and and diodes, compromises the cost, size, and efficiency of the
summarized in this section. Initially, the average/RMS values overall configuration. Further, the topologies given in [35] and
of voltage/current across/through passive components of the [36], use an interleaved boost converter at the frontend for PFC,
presented charger (calculated using the expressions in Table I) at and isolated full bridge and isolated full bridge with LLC in
the defined operating condition, and given in Table III. Further, the backend, respectively. Even if, the boost PFC provides the
the values of each parameters, that contribute to the component required PQ indices at the input side, the implementation of
losses, obtained from standard datasheets and measurements, the topology in two- stage and the use of a transformer in both
are given as follows; DBR diode resistance (rT ) = 3 mΩ, DBR the topologies impact on the conversion efficiency, volume, and
Authorized licensed use limited to: Saranathan College of Engineering. Downloaded on January 30,2024 at 06:59:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
cost of the overall charging system. Moreover, the requirement the presented charger and has also reduced associated control
of a supply voltage sensing circuitry for current shaping further implementation cost. Further, zero current switching of semi-
adds to the control complexity, along with increased component conductor devices and low volume of magnetic components
count and size of magnetic components, due to the design have also been achieved through DICM design of the charger. A
of the magnetic components in CICM. The charger in [37] comprehensive theoretical analysis of presented quadratic buck-
has a lower device count, including the magnetic components, boost AC-DC converter including its operating principle, design
switches and diodes. Moreover, the operation of the charger guidelines and component selection procedure, and realization
in DICM, improves the control simplicity of the charger by of control architecture, has been carried out. Finally, the overall
incorporating inherent power factor correction, thus reducing performance of the charger topology has been validated through
the sensing circuitry, reducing the size of magnetic components. proof of concept test bench prototyping, and relevant results
However, the use of a step-down transformer increases the size. under various operating conditions have been analyzed in detail.
The leakage reactance of the windings further increases voltage The charger has shown satisfactory operation with improved
stress across the switches, and hence devices with higher ratings PQ indices at AC mains, while maintaining a desired and good
would have to be used. battery charging profile, and thus, seems best suited for low cost,
From the above-mentioned comparative analysis, it is evident simple, compact, and efficient LEV charging applications.
that the charger presented has advantages in terms of reduction
in control complexity, single-stage transformerless power
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[17] D. Endo, H. Matsumori, T. Kosaka, S. Suzuki, and K. Nagayoshi, “Isolated His research interests include electric vehicle battery
AC/DC converter used in EV/PHEV battery charger from household AC chargers, design and control of AC-DC converters and
outlet,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo., 2022, pp. 1–5. DC-DC converters, high-frequency magnetic design,
[18] J. Gupta and B. Singh, “A single-stage bridgeless isolated AC–DC conver- power quality improvement, and power electronics.
sion system for light electric vehicles charging application,” IEEE Trans.
Transp. Electrific., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1379–1389, Mar. 2023.
[19] H. M. V. D. B. Campos, J. W. M. Soares, A. A. Badin, and D. F. Cortez,
“Single-phase hybrid switched-capacitor PFC boost rectifier with low
voltage gain,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 968–976, Jitendra Gupta (Member, IEEE) received the B.E.
Jan. 2023. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from
[20] X. Zhang et al., “Novel high step-up soft-switching DC–DC converter the Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal,
based on switched capacitor and coupled inductor,” IEEE Trans. Power India, in 2015, and the M.E. degree in power electron-
Electron., vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 9471–9481, Sep. 2020. ics from SGSITS, Indore, India, in 2017. He is cur-
[21] M. Uno and A. Kukita, “PWM switched capacitor converter with switched- rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in power elec-
capacitor-inductor cell for adjustable high step-down voltage conversion,” tronics with the Department of Electrical Engineer-
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 425–437, Jan. 2019. ing, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, New
[22] M. A. Al-Saffar, E. H. Ismail, and A. J. Sabzali, “Integrated buck–boost– Delhi, India. His research interests include electric
quadratic buck PFC rectifier for universal input applications,” IEEE Trans. vehicle battery chargers, power factor correction, DC-
Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 2886–2896, Dec. 2009. DC converters, AC-DC converters, high frequency
[23] C. Wei, Y. Zhao, Y. Zheng, L. Xie, and K. M. Smedley, “Analysis and design magnetic design, power quality, and power electronics.
of a nonisolated high step-down converter with coupled inductor and ZVS
operation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 9007–9018,
Sep. 2022. Bhim Singh (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.E. degree
[24] A. D. Kumar, J. Gupta, and B. Singh, “A single-stage charger for LEV in electrical from the University of Roorkee (Now IIT
application based on quadratic buck-boost converter topology,” in Proc. Roorkee), Roorkee, India, in 1977, and the M.Tech.
IEEE IAS Glob. Conf. Emerg. Technol., 2022, pp. 321–326. degree in power apparatus and systems and the Ph.D.
[25] R. Panigrahi, S. K. Mishra, A. Joshi, and K. D. T. Ngo, “Synthesis of DC– degree from IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 1979 and
DC converters from voltage conversion ratio and prescribed requirements,” 1983, respectively. In 1983, he was a Lecturer the
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 13889–13902, Dec. 2021. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
[26] J.-Y. Lee and H.-J. Chae, “6.6-kW onboard charger design using DCM Roorkee, where he became a Reader in 1988. In 1990,
PFC converter with harmonic modulation technique and two-stage DC/DC he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering,
converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1243–1252, IIT Delhi, as an Assistant Professor, where he has be-
Mar. 2014. come an Associate Professor in 1994 and a Professor
[27] T. Konjedic, L. Korošec, M. Truntič, C. Restrepo, M. Rodič, and M. in 1997. From 2007 to 2012, he was a ABB Chair Professor. From 2014 to 2016,
Milanovič, “DCM-based zero-voltage switching control of a bidirectional he was the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. From
DC–DC converter with variable switching frequency,” IEEE Trans. Power 2016 to 2019, he was the Dean, Academics, IIT Delhi. From 2015 to 2021, he
Electron., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3273–3288, Apr. 2016. was a JC Bose Fellow of DST. Since 2021, he has been the SERB National
[28] J. Jiao, X. Guo, C. Wang, and X. You, “Time-domain analysis and optimal Science Chair Professor with IIT Delhi. Prof. Singh has guided 114 Ph.D.
design of LLC-DC transformers (LLC-DCXs) considering discontinuous dissertations, and 176 M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(R) theses. He has filed 105 patents.
conduction modes,” IEEE Trans. Transp. Electrific., 2022, early access, He has executed ninety sponsored and consultancy projects. He has co-authored
Sep. 12, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TTE.2022.3205954. a textbook on power quality: Power Quality Problems and Mitigation Techniques
[29] J. Roy, A. Gupta, and R. Ayyanar, “Discontinuous conduction mode published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2015. His research interests include solar
analysis of high gain extended-duty-ratio boost converter,” IEEE Open PV grid interface systems, microgrids, power quality mitigation, solar PV water
J. Ind. Electron. Soc., vol. 2, pp. 372–387, 2021. pumping, improved power quality AC-DC converters, and electric vehicles.
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