Medicine Bag
Medicine Bag
Medicine Bag
Tool Kit
First-Read Guide and
Model Annotation
NOTICE whom the story is ANNOTATE by marking
about, what happens, where vocabulary and key passages
and when it happens, and you want to revisit.
why those involved react as
they do.
Reading Literature
By the end of the year, read and
comprehend literature, including CONNECT ideas within RESPOND by completing
stories, dramas, and poems, at the the selection to what you the Comprehension Check and
high end of the grades 6–8 text
already know and what you by writing a brief summary of
complexity band independently and
proficiently. have already read. the selection.
Bag Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
The Lakota Indians are part of the Sioux Nation, an indigenous people
of the Great Plains region of North America. Today there are about
170,000 Sioux Indians living in the United States. About one-fifth of the
American Indian population live on reservations, which are designated
pieces of land ruled by tribal law.
to see fatigue in his face. I felt like crying. I couldn’t think of fatigue (fuh TEEG) n.
anything to say so I picked up Grandpa’s suitcase, took his arm, physical or mental
and guided him up the driveway to our house.
14 Mom was standing on the steps. I don’t know how long she’d
been watching, but her hand was over her mouth and she looked
as if she couldn’t believe what she saw. Then she ran to us.
15 “Grandpa,” she gasped. “How in the world did you get here?” CLOSE READ
16 She checked her move to embrace Grandpa and l remembered ANNOTATE: Mark details
that such a display of affection is unseemly to the Lakota and in paragraphs 12–13 and
18–21 that show how the
would have embarrassed him.
narrator and Cheryl each
17 “Hau, Marie,” he said as he shook Mom’s hand. She smiled and greet Grandpa.
took his other arm.
QUESTION: Why are their
18 As we supported him up the steps, the door banged open and
greetings so different?
Cheryl came bursting out of the house. She was all smiles and was
so obviously glad to see Grandpa that l was ashamed of how I felt. CONCLUDE: What can you
“Grandpa!” she yelled happily. “You came to see us!” conclude about Martin
and his sister by the way
20 Grandpa smiled, and Mom and I let go of him as he stretched
they greet Grandpa?
out his arms to my ten-year-old sister, who was still young
enough to be hugged.
21 “Wicincila, little girl,” he greeted her and then collapsed.
22 He had fainted. Mom and I carried him into her sewing room,
where we had a spare bed.
23 After we had Grandpa on the bed, Mom stood there patting his
shoulder. “You make Grandpa comfortable, Martin,” she decided,
“while I call the doctor.”
24 I reluctantly moved to the bed. I knew Grandpa wouldn’t want
to have Mom undress him, but I didn’t want to either. He was so
skinny and frail that his coat slipped off easily. When I loosened frail (frayl) adj. delicate;
his tie and opened his shirt collar, I felt a small leather pouch that weak
hung from a thong around his neck. I left it alone and moved to
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remove his boots. The scuffed old cowboy boots were tight, and
he moaned as I put pressure on his legs to jerk them off.
25 I put the boots on the floor and saw why they fit so tight. Each
one was stuffed with money. I looked at the bills that lined the
boots and started to ask about them, but Grandpa’s eyes were
closed again.
26 Mom came back with a basin of water. “The doctor thinks
Grandpa may be suffering from heat exhaustion,” she explained
as she bathed Grandpa’s face. Mom gave a big sigh, “Oh hinh,
Martin. How do you suppose he got here?”
27 We found out after the doctor’s visit. Grandpa was angrily
sitting up in bed while Mom tried to feed him some soup.
28 “Tonight you let Marie feed you, Grandpa,” said my dad, who
had gotten home from work. “You’re not really sick,” he said as
hard and took a step toward the bed. I knew I would have to
take it.
43 But Grandpa was tired. “Not now, Martin,” he said waving his
hand in dismissal. “It is not time. Now I will sleep.”
44 So that’s how Grandpa came to be with us for two months. My
friends kept asking to come see the old man, but I put them off. I
told myself that I didn’t want them laughing at Grandpa. But even
as I made excuses, I knew it wasn’t Grandpa I was afraid they’d
laugh at.
45 Nothing bothered Cheryl about bringing her friends to see
Grandpa. Every day after school started, there’d be a crew of
giggling little girls or round-eyed little boys crowded around the
from the butte to cleanse himself at the stream below, he found the
remains of a campfire and broken shell of an iron kettle. This was
a sign that reinforced his dream. He took a piece of the iron for
his medicine bag, which he had made of elk skin years before, to
prepare for his quest.
65 “He returned to his village, where he told his dream to the wise
old men of the tribe. They gave him the name Iron Shell, but they
did not understand the meaning of the dream either. At first Iron
Shell kept the piece of iron with him at all times and believed it
gave him protection from the evils of those unhappy days.
4. vision quest n. in Native American cultures, a difficult search for spiritual guidance.
5. Wakantanka (WAH kuhn tank uh) Lakota religion’s most important spirit—the creator of
the world.
6. butte (byoot) n. isolated mountaintop with steep sides.
79 That night Mom and Dad took Grandpa to the hospital. Two
weeks later I stood alone on the lonely prairie of the reservation
and put the sacred sage in my medicine bag. ❧
Comprehension Check
Complete the following items after you finish your first read.
4. What is in the medicine bag, and what does Martin add to it at the end of the
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Research to Clarify Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from the text. Briefly research
that detail. In what way does the information you learned shed light on an aspect of the
Research to Explore Choose something that interested you from the text and formulate
a research question.